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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1931, p. 8

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Tkrý 'MfTNSAEMN OMNTLE HRDY ERAY2,13 PAGE EMORT WALLPAPER If you intend doing same decor- ating in your homes this spring it wil be ta your advantage to sec my off ermngs as soon as pas- sible. Wc are showing the latcst and best li ail Unes of Wallpaper, ini- cludig Plastics, Panel and Down Grawth designs, as well as Sani- tiles, Buriaps, Varnish Papers, etc. Prices are better than usual. Paint, Varnish, etc.. supplied. Aiso some real bargains li older stock of Papers. Don't f orget there is a special rate on work for this month. J.. H. Abernetky Paixter anid Decorator Phone 431 Coxicessioni St. BOWMANVILLE Bladder Trouble BotherManyPast 40 Seven Out of Ten Are Vicitims But Writer Tels How "'Uratabs"l Bring Swift, Amazing Relief With Renewed Vital Force "No one knaws better than I. the horror of .loyiess days and sieepiess nights. There have been turnes when I frit hopeless and heiplss-axid when my weakncss caused me the Most intense humiliation. Only those who have gone through such tort- uires can possibiy realize my great satisfaction when Dr. Southworth's URATABS brought me quick relief. URATABS are truly wonderful, and I give them f ull praise." Such amaz- lng evidence serves as canvincing Proof of the power of URATABS ta relieve those distressing ailmnts so often a handicap ta thase i middle 11e. Overwarked, sluggish Kidneys, and Bladder Weakness, bring on so many distressing aliments which sa ofien lead ta serious diseases that every su.ffercr from Lameness, Pains li back and down through groins, scan- ty but frequent urinatian, "Getting- up-Nights," Nervaus Irrltability and Lack of Force-should try the amaz- ing value of Dr. Southwarth's URA- TABS at once! Any gaod druggist Wfli suPPly you on a guarantee of satisfaction or maney back. t'f Neuritis- Lumbago Sciatica You can ezpect and get instant relief when you rub li Joint-Ease One man wrote a letter and in it he stated: "Joint-Ease knocked eut mny lumbago over night.1" Ves! Joint-Ease is like that-it has knocked out thousands of Iumbagoes over night-it has brought speedy reief to tens of thousands of fine people who have suffered w'th Sciatica and Neuritis. Joint-Ease is semnething splenrid ta always have in the house-Great for backache, strained or sore muscles, lame- ness, stiff neck, sore, inflamed fect, chest colds and swoien knuckies. And of course everybodv knows that for joint troubles such as'sif, swolien, painful, creaky joints its influence for good is marvelous. But rub it in good-joint-Ease is made in Canada and sald by ail stores that seil good Medicine- generous tube 60 cent&. [A Friend to VWomen -e Lydia E. Pinkliai's Vegotable omlpounld LYDIA E. PINXHAM MEDICINE CO. LynnMass,tU.SA. and cobourg, Ont.. Canada Fruit axid Vegetable Industry Establishmnent of a fruit and veg-, etable growers' market council for the province and drastlc changes i gencral marketing conditions are re- cammended i the report of Com- missioner W. B. Somerset ta Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, followlng extensive inqulry into mar- keting probiems of the fruit anid veg- etable industries. It is suggested that this market council should have a permanent paid secrtary with a local secretary for each district and an executive committee, with pawer ta appoint committees ta study and deâl with prabienis. Registration of aIl commercial fruit and vegetable growers is suggested so that they must place their registered number on ail packages they market. Lie-1 ensing and bonding af ail shippers, truckers and commission mcen is re- commended, as well as the estish ment of sales promotion offices i Western Canada and in Quebec and the Maritimes during the selllng sea- son. A. FULTON MAKES FURTHER COMMENT ON LOCAL FRUIT Says Tume for a Standard Brandj ta be Started Now 'The time has arrived for the es- tablishment of a provincial mark for Government supervised packed ap- ples" is the opinion of A. Fulton, commercial representative for the Fruit Growers' Association in Eng- land and is urged in. the overseas mnarket letter of îeceîat date. The prices for good apples, uni- form in size, are advancing in the oid country Mn. Fulton states andý wbîle the packs from Durharn are among the best on the market it is urged that a provincial mark be adopted rather than a number of li- dîividual brands. lI bis letter Mr. Fulton advises growers ta adopt this uniform brand and says in part: Ontario Growers, co-operating 1 with the Ontario Government in the packing of thein appies for exportI have made a wonderful impression under the expant market tis season. The adoption af a uniform standard f colour and quality which has been maintained throughout the season, has been recognized by the buyers, as I have been approached by anc large EnglisU finm as to whethcr it wvouid be possible another season tol purchase aur pack and have it grad- cd under their own registered brand. This is the best advertisement we could have and a strong talking point for the adoption of more Gov- 'rnment supervised central packing houses. As ta the advisability of adopting someone esc's brand, I do not think il woulcl be a sound policy in sl)ltp of many argument s in its faoer. The ouitstanding weakness li usinff someone cise's brand is that You are making a name for them1 and not for yoursclf, and should yen break rlationship you are no fur- thler ahead than when you started. On the other hand, a Provincial mark which can be uscd by grawers utilizing Government supervised packing bouses will allow them ta buiid up their awn reputation on the markets and secure prenium prices. I would urge that Goes before another season, carefully con- Isider the advisability of eliminating the multipllcity af brands that now exist and ta adopt anc autstanding mark. deaier. The canf enence was direct- ed by Mr. Bruce Shawler, Agricult- ural specialist of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. The neccssity of reducing labor costs i the present highly competi- tive agricultural market was stressed by Mr. Showler during the course of a talk on the fixanclal benefits to be derlvcd f nom power farming. He showed that ah aother casts of oper- ating a f arm are flxcd, labor charges bing the only item i which sav- ings are passible. Motion pictures illustratin h proper preparatian of a seed bed, the cultivation and harvesting of craps, the International Piowing1 Match and an acrial trip thraugh thWaire grain country by Mr. Wlae R Campbell, President of the Ford Motor Company of Canada Lisnited. were shown at the Roya Theatre. Displays of improvd Fordson Tractons were exhibited a -Kemp Bras. garage. NE WS AND INFORMATION I FOR THE BLIS Y FARMERII Clean Seed Pays THE FARMERj in stressjng the importance af us-1' ing good seed,Prof. W. J. Squirrell of (From The Toronto Star) 0. A. C. in a recent address quoted1 Who is the nation's cornerstone, resuits obtained f rom extensive ex- That has ta do his wark alane, periments which showcd invariably While others laugh and hear hira an amazing increase i yield per acre groa.n? from cean, plump, tested seed of a The Farmer. gaod variety aver the ather krnd. lIWhoa touls ta, grow what others eat, makmng purchases, the buyer is The laaves of bread, the juicy meat, strongly advised ta demand tested And in retuxu hs termned a cheat? sced. Much of the gamble can be iThFamr eliniinated from farming where the1Th amr field is thoroughly cleaned of weeds Who takes his produce from his doar, and put into a fine state for sowing 'And drags it ta the general store, by cultivatioli and good seed used. Gets what they'll give and nothing more? Successful Dairying The Farmer. dairying" was the subject discussedWh uswaote avtcsl, by M. C. McPhail, of this Depart- At prices which he knows funl wel ment before a recent convention of Should send the askers straight-aoh cheese-niakers. His analysis of the well? situation rcsolved itself into fourThe Farmer. divisions, as follaws: (1) Diversifica- Whose day's not bound by the sun, tioxi of f arm entreprises: tao many Nor statutes formed by men who dairy f armers are so intensely inter-e i.n csted in their caws that they forget But by the work that's neyer done? ta look around for money making The Farmer. sidelines that can be operated with- aut any great additianal outlay. (2) Whase sans and daughters won't stay High yielding craps are important. home, AU feeds must be grown an some- But on the city's streets do roam, body's farma and on most fanms they For dad can't dress them off the can be produced more cheaply than loani? they can be purchased. (3) Efficien- The Farmer's. 1cy af live stock. The efficiency of the individual animnaIs ta utilize feed Whexi prices rose in time of war, is a big factor in determning pro- Whose werc the last ta, skyward soar, fit. (4) Operating costs. Keeping But flrst ta fail when it was o'er? expenses at the lowest point consist- The Farmer's. ent witU efficiency. Who has no share of millions spent, Agriultre Pomient Ta give the cîties swect content, Agriultue Pomixent Except ta hclp repay what's lent'? Plans for improving agriculture The Farmer. throughaut the Province occupied a .praminent place i the speech f rom Who neyer i the "bread line" stands the Throne at the Ontario Legisla- Nar seeks help from his neighbar's turc opening last week. Legisiation hands, 1was farecast to implement many of But wrests a living fram his lands? the recommendations, including cre- The Farmer. atiaxi of a Provincial Marketing h Baard, which appear in the Somer- Wh fnd but one bright giowng set inquiry report. Notice af plans ray :for the improvement of herds in re- To cheen hlm n n s weary way- gard ta milk protection was given. He has no incarne tax ta pay. There was the suggestion of carly TaheaebungmOnt 1introduction of remedies ta proteet Eva Ewart Jamieson livestack against the ravages of par -____________ son asites, and flnally the intimation rthat Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of POWER FARMING GREATLY LAgriculture, will sponsor this comingRE CSLA RCOT .summer an exhaustive inspection of R ______BO CST i Ontario's agricultural pursuits by ail CxMtrSlsPtO neetn Ithe institutional heads within his CiMtrSlsPtO neetn . jurisdictian. Special attention wiil Defioiistratiofl »be paid to farming possibilities i Northern Ontario and a scheme de- The advantages of power farming, 1steads which have stood idle for costs, were emphasized at the Pawer .several years in goad f arn country Farming Conference heid Feb. 2th of the North. at Bowmanville under the auspices . _f n+11-XÉ'_ OC O.S . 11 uru Fiat goid buttons, cngraved i de- signs 0f birds and grasses, are ele- gant. The princesse dress will hold its place as prime favorite this winter. Woven skirts will take the place of flannel skirts and balmorals this season. The trainied skirt will be aimost entirely abaxidaned for the street this autunin. The Anierican ladies stili dling ta the higU coiffure, with but few ex- ceptians. Silk hase in delicate shade, with alternate thick and thin stripes, are styllsh. The Andalusian mantie of Spanish lace is very elegant for the head and shoulders. Breakf ast caps made af delicately tintcd silk handkerchief s are "per- f ectly iovely." Shaded brown autun leaves of chenille are an effective timming f or a paie blue sllk. The tight-cllnging Polonaise will be the most fashionable thing for early flU materlals. The mast fashionable walking boots have cloth tops, ither black or the color af the dress. Close-clinglng wnaps. such as dol- mans and long sacques, will prevail for carly autunin. Long narrow sceve-buttons li checks formcd of square bits of tur- quoise and dianionds are a novelty. Sidc-combs are used now with good effcct in holding back crimps, or holding puifs and braids in place. The broad fiat trimmings, sa much used at present, will continue the even tenon of their ways stili later.i Jewelry assumes the form 0of rep - tiles and inseets now, colled snakes, becties and dragons bcing the favor-1 ite designs. Japanese bracelets, composed of small fiat squares of silver lnlaid with gold figures and linked together, are new. "Beauty Spots" of black court plaster, cut in fancy figures, are worn again. They are lmported cut ready for use. Scarfs for the neck, of Angora goats' hair in soft calors, tuf ts of the hair ornamenting the surface, are something new. A dress made entireiy of blue and white sill handkerchlcfs is spoken of as attracting universal admiration at an English garden Party. Is a Pennsyl- vania h ar d coal produced 'eby the Phila- deiphia& Reading Coal Iran Company and ls soldj in ail sizes. We also handie Solvay Coke Where ta buy these cal Henry Lathropei Phone 520 Bowmanvilie Winning Canada to Six Cylinders! F O R mare thaxi two ycars it has been Chevrolet'8 dis- tinction ta huilci the langest- seiiing six-cylinde 'r car in Canada, and in the world. Ta- day, Chevrolet offers niatarists -a bigger ani mare beautif'uI ca-t prices loiwer than ever. When you inspect the new Chevrolet Six yau will find that it ie a smarter car... on with new bodies l)y Fisher, a langer whcclbase and deluxe LI wire whcels. It is a mare cam- frable car, wiî h roomier inte- riors and wider seats. And it The Standard Roadster - - $610 The Sport Roadster - - - 640* The Phaeton.......... 655 The Coach-------- 695 Ie Standard Coupe - 695 The Standard Five- Window Coupe ---720 The Sport Cou (ih e b; et - - 5 The Super Sport Roadster- 760 Thse Standard Sela] - . 820 Ie Special Sedan 8 40 *Sisvire wherts, Jender seetlisand trunk rack indu4ded on theje models ai standard equipmeni at ulight extra colt. Ail Prices ai facs ory. Ohawea. Taxes bumpers ald spore tire extra.Ï complete line of Commercial Cars and Trucks Irons $470 up. Famous READING Fyrewel is a speciaily prepared large size Pea Coal which is iow in price and high in heat value. is a hetter-performning car.. smootber, with ample power, andI even casier ta handie. Give the Chevroiet Six a chance ta win you! We will bc giad ta dernonstrate. Once yau try tliie biggen andl finer Six, we are sure you will neyer be satisfied with less. Chevrolei's policy has alwoays been one of service ta the public ... The G M A C plan of de! erred payments off crs the lowest financing charges avoulable . . . and the Generai Motors Owner Service Policy pledges Iasting satis faction. THE COACH 9Zre-NEWCHEVRIOLET SIX ADEQUATE PROTECTI ON With times as they have been one is apt to neglect their insurance. You cannot afford to sacrifice the protection of your home, store, build- ings or contents when the premiums are so reas- enable. Check up ight now and see exactly what your position would be should your premises be gutted by a lire. Delays are dangerous-do it to-day. Corne in and talk over your insurance problems with us. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50' King St. E. Bowmanville HURT ? W ORK wn't wait for a headache ta wear off. Don't look for sympathy at such times, but get some Aspirin. It neyer fails. Don't be a chronic sufferer from headaches, or axiy other pain. Sec a doctor and get at the cause. Meantime, don't play martyr. Thene's always quick comfort in Aspirin. It neyer does any banni. Isn't it foolish ta suifer any needless pain? It may be only a simple headache, or it may be xieu- ralgia or neuritis. Rhcumatism. Lumbago. Aspirin is stili the sensible thing ta take. There is hardly any ache or pain these tablets can't relieve; they are a great conifort ta womcn who suifer periodically; they are always to be nelied on for breaking up colds. Buy the box that says Aspinin and has Genuine printed in ned. Genuine Aspinin tablets do flot depress the heart. Ail druggists. RASPI RIN TRAOE-MARK REG. "Made in Canada" H O.ea .gfhPrqrt ..iook's Regulatint Compound Tories andd îr,"gor3tes the whoh l.rsib.,eudm pervoul syster., a rnS Ww ~modins. 8old iiinbred. in oid Vetns. L'n.d for Nervoi > .gesof treigth-No. 1, $11 ÏE Lebility, Mental art.llBr ÇnWiryNo 2 83; No. 3. 5 per boa _i~odny, losof Energy. Palpitatlion * Sod aldugt.orsr Me He-t', failine Memory. Price $2 pe. box, . %rpa ' nreocipt of pries. foi S ' old b, ail druguits. or mailed 'n plain 'e aplet. Address: iq plcg.on receipi cf rc NOw P.iaPhitt maite. TH4E COK MEDICINE=C., 'Ir. - -- - eCIE OOUUT.mi 1I NTO.ON9T.( oa/tJli"idmw J b . a A -.',, J '-I.,. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Ltd. BOWMANVILLE .- OSHAWA - WHITBY HOW THE STYLES FORMER ORONO RESIDENT, HAVE CHANGED! R. C. COWAN, PASSES The followmng paragraphs made up INSAKACHWA the "Fashionable Chit-Chat" in The Canadian Statesman of the date of Kindersley Clarion, Feb. 6th, says: September 30, 1878. We could make The town of Kindersley has lost a lot of witty comments on the styles one of its most vaiued and highly indicated in many of these items, but respected pioncer citizens, in the we leave our readers to make their persan of Robert Charles Cowan, own f un out of themn. But we cannot wha passed away an Tuesday, Feb- resist the impulse ta ref er ta, this ruary 3rd, in his 79th year. He had one: "Round hats are no longer ap- enjoyed good health untîl about propriate for church ware." Did that three and a hall years ago when he mean that the use of hats in taking suffered a slight stroke, since which up the collection had just been sup- time he has gradually dedllned in erceded by plates, bags or a pouch on health. the end of a stick? Mr. Cowan was born in Kendal. FasionbleChI-Cht t 188 lI 1910 he maved ta Kindersley ac- Fashonale hit-hatin 878 companied by Mrs. Cowan, their son, Overdressing at hops is considered Dr. E. B. Cowan, and their daughter vuigar. Vilda, a very bright and lavable girl The ulpicewait ofoldn tmeswha was calied by death a f ew years he sueiple wit fole tmsafter they arrived. has tin reived. na asina Mr. Cowan purchased property on emnimtti forisadaieafahsnaleFirst Avenue where he erected a emp oymntre ldes . g siv r ac r home. Butonsreresntng ilvr corls He was a mani of high quallties in gold cups are new. and dearly loved by ail wha knew There will be a rival af the Breton h in. He was a staunch Presbytertan basque this f ail. 1 having ably fllled the office of Eider Clusters of narrow crimped ruffies for a number of years. He was a are pretty on silk dresses. member of the Loyal Orange Lodge. The plaited walking d.ress is too Mr. Cowan leaves ta mourn his common ta be elegant now. loss his worthy lifemate, Grace Eliz- Round hats are no longer approp- abeth Cowan; aiso one son, Dr. E. B. riate for church ware. Cowan, af Saskatoon, Sask.; two Larg sqaregilt-edged carcls are brothers, W. G. Cowan. Newcastle; the correct things for notes.anJonPleTrt. Bunting travelling dresses have Mr. Cawan, before going west, re- been li great favor tis season. sided for several years li Orono. lI 1898 at the building of the Town Necklaces and bracelets of agate Hall Mr. Cowan had the contract for beads are julte fashionable. the woodwork. The many friends of Dark-coloredriding habits are pre- Orono and Kendal district will ex- ferred ta the black by some. tend sympathy with the bereaved Fancy buttons wili play a conspic- family. uous prt inthe-tlmniin af-desses bd T e firit imh mmil vain. Piles zone.,, C. Arley. End vain gulck. AU drü-uistl6 - F., ý THURSDAY, FEBRIUARY 26,1931 THE! CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, No premnlum but quallty bas ever been given with Balada TEA 9nm"Rshf oumte gowdeuV WE SELL Hamilton Pr!ZtCoke An absolutely Canadian product made for Canadians by Canadian workmen. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. WE ASO SILLAsk the Maxn Who Burns It. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE ne. Coal That Satiaffea Burnt by millions of consumers. The use of this Coal in your home will demonstrate ta you its superiority. These prices are now effective: Stove Coal ............................. $16.50 Egg ........... ........................$16.0 Chestnut......... .............. ........$16.00 Pea ................................... ý$13.50 Buckwheat................... ..........$11.50 Coke.............................. .... $13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed f rom above prîces. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders'Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowxnanville .24

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