p&Gu'rm<TE CAADIAN TATEMU, BOWMANVILFlETHURSDAY, MARCH tli, 1931 PMTNEWCASTLE RECIEVES the gravel and sand and drive out h T»]RE BURIALS AT BOND HEAD1 lateM.ad Mrs. John Law, and the EIF UDI My1 srM.H..1 faitrfu a=dconscientous mail car-, FUND1 iaynted eenwta h Ti an f et hsbenbsYrer nR. RL No. ee*sneit' The Newcastle inde pendent \$$,000 nunit andBond Head inauguration in 1914, <ied on Mon- ev .F ikr nascn iteUepomn n this com u n y a d o h ee d y f lo i g a week's illnessfro m rp t T r n oint e te e t f th Ba rdis act Rly i e ei . F f $1.000 cemetery bas been the scene .of ""'4 ReeveW. F. Rekard a secod fr0 m te nemfor fleiit Relief buralsdurngthe firt haf of the pneumofia andai t trouble. Rev. t oot ntemeet fteBad htReeW .Rcad' burg whose funeralwaa hed on sevice at St Geoge's Ch rch1onocal unemp oyed in, art ul r d hs ppiaton f r. w sP e. wek m .Cak h idl a F. H . Mason conducted the funeralsupote and W .H Clr ,w odedi oG oges C uc nthe village in general was successful Baliy su P .,rt d byMr . CF. bu and a eft n l from he do e rvW edesd a ftet rnoon in the presence im securing from Chairman J. A . B oow M.P., ain . Js. heu on bi snMn Tumn lakwih ey of menay mourerbohsstesNWASL SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ini which you are held by the teachen Ellis an additional $2,0 f rom the bt fwo copie h ev R grmnCar ofthe vce.an o er ltvs, bndaalargecircl W .P s M. 1 h r r l t v s n a g i e eH O N O R S P R O S P E C T IV E 1 W e also w ish y ou happiness ad ede al ai.d P rovincial G ove rm ents' to r .Tornto n bis it np to al y was thecefiand weeandw slass.ofanedpToeyentrelgefvenntounder- W..Rgr ncag fof fiends including the maiority of Mr. Ray Brown spent the we-IBIEA D tROffM 1posperity in your new sphere of uneployineflt relef funds, maki Ga t e r ge watid n th o-hler n ReR.3, coveflng iendtotal forends lvilamieton.$g,00stanj tha the y u dswere r by Wilgeliam lifd ithf:e. May sorrow and affliction fiee a1 otanfr tisvilageuf$1,00 Sudyevening and was buried at the lake shore road and Base Line e Mrs. A. T. Curle, while lierfoiyu ahCucli rediac- inetmtd hs aeshv Bond ad fonom your pnh and ma God'Cblese consequece of which theMunicipal latebthatithesfindswere nearly ex ~~~~~~inBond Head on Tedy atron ocln e p Itery.n asm d A.hr ut Er. 1el, M r Clarence Turner and iss sing be with you where ever you niay building of a third water storage. unerL.. ode usies Rv.W.cale o ietonsnMr-een lGrehamontothe imnriiige e hp ht mdtth ae f, tank designed as a fire protection1 listed Newcastle as one of fouee P. Rogers trict ~~~~~~~~~~~Mellow, North St. eeigpeiu otermrîý,W oeta m neet ftees M a o , Bow mtanville, condu d h uite a nu mberM Chashe Cow an o n' e ts S Sdla s as d h h f l tn f s s m t hli e a e tter end of the village. The tank is be that w ere too slate din maksn 0p li a service at the United Church in the attended the funeral of the late 1oeyan aeYstf eIwere, the honored guests of the' bride- ornwhmeyuw akd etertomeasure in the neet o h atvillages, towfl nd iislinal preenc o a arg bdy of relatives saac Chaproan, at Onono, on Mon- veîoped a case of bood poisoalig function held in the Comnunty Hall. stilil e at the class as often as You in ul o h at ieo eavertion andeud.thfore ve W g arn emb of thear range Order day. from being scratched by a rooster. Each young lady of the class had can.jS , ut n rh o M .E.C H a's R k rd B we adC ul ne- Anne m e fthu rO rA Te se ro s ly liW ith c k e as b e i v d a b o y frie n d s th a t th e to ta l S g n ed : M rs. J . R . F ish e , t a h r g a ra g e , th e ro o f o f w h ich in tim e s R icka d , B w en w th e an d uso n e i d e t and TEA f ipne and neig boassice num ber pre sent w as about thirty. D oroth y on thnR teS a cheM r - of ram w ill supply the w ater for the fly h 5and a ith 2t0e m o d sre d John Atu Law, eldest son o the eiul l ihpumnabromnudrte W.A. GROUP CUNING AT-. ast Wednesday but late reports ia- The earlier part of the evening was garet TosBona, ShMar- ettank. A numbe f e ner te fir $500 anle$50foref the spent Toms, Lorn at, agrtforeman, Mr. Jos. Coulson are no a ce.f 150aple o n h is MRS. JOHN CUNN A'S dicate that she is now convalscent in vaious interesting glnsBnthm ai enning, Gladys wokecvta h rund for this pae Mrs ElzabthJons atenedthe whchmade for miuch inth and Pollard, Ruth Cobbedick, Mary Clem- T e e e t f th w e k in U nited w edding of her nephew , M n. C larence appetiziMrnga l n K t e Cl r i a k wh e r. C u so n or s u ChnhW..cices was the Thurs-Tunr oMis iee naa pantaken o in the Hl kitchen Evelyn Rickard, Bessie Blackburn, will berh vn fte 20-t isAlenGaa ermet naptzn feet long by 10 feet wide THE NEWCASTLE urch W.A. circl - TurnerthClarnce nd ilee 1ete ve aatftMarytes Vanrs D.HsenudaRubyrnonCowanhor byofé10thfeetnceadeep en ithqMaa VcapacitYub Coaof1 Rev0.ee W.epP.thaRogers, f RvMn. P aners Mrsan THE NEWCASTLE~~~. rapfenoitab Ms .H audyatenontthe hnd'.o 12,000 cbc eton 12,500 gallons of W. J. S. Rickard, and Mn. and ra HALL COMMITTEE Cooke's group at the home of Mr.s. .the bride"'s parents, Mn. thanabl.d Mrs. ChdraplnKaieC atnehr hM.Colo ifns H. C. Allia attended the La:mn hae nîngdwîh he secaly ntnstn~fetrewa Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa, visited Befoe leaving the table the class Mesdames C. T. Batty, W .B h aka St. George's Church is banquet at Park St. UnitedChr, have arrnged wit the s c oal nsiresting fa uru s her ut rs. Coulten last Satunday presented Aleen with a beautiful Chaplain and A. Pollard very kindly1 now fînished except the levelling ofOrono, odyenigMr sketc "TheNew ralistically adthoen w on to, Port Hope t set o hand painted dishes acconi- aitd i the preparation and seix -;the ground over the top, whileM.Alisagn the men' andis neaningrcomeletion.MMn. -eo. Mofthers. Rickaondweaekgutstseof Mn.nand /4 ad leery enerd yP's Clan-sea hermainder of the week-end pained by an address in part as fol- ing ofspe.eontaktthCo uit Hall choir on Sunday evening. Mnad aAudcaetnaaic h tit M.ad r.Abet Brown and WthunesgdtkehioP- Miss MunilBkr Solina, spntfatt is in change of all the concrete Mrs. M. H. Staples, while Mnad nucne ia n Ms.Ain JoesaIe irth ho.n Wbnother-ia-laW and sisten,01e lows: ladies present panticipated. The ladies1 family.. smallyofpotnity of presenting to you this the week-end with hed cousin, Mîsý vork and is utilizing the Shaws Syn- Mrs. Allin spent thedywths of the winning table in this were Mn. Hermian Davis, forerllo token as a proof of the esteem'Helen Rickard, Shaws. dct rcinegn o taiha ahr r .T li Mrs. J. A. Butler, Mrs. E. C. Fisher, IOnono, is dowa fnom Saskatchewan Mrs. Waterman, of Rochester, N. Y. visiting his brother-in-law, Mn. T. W. of these Mrs. Cunninghamn pnesented Current with his son-in-la1 n Members of a pnetty bon-bon dish as a souvenir daughter, Mn. and Mns. George Choir of the occasion andi as a mements of Stewart.GV A x 6 Coot edls hoir hequartette's combined sili r nd s atrCrowther,L E 4 DNV AU menu xas much more vanied and con and Mr. Tom Brown went over te, Goo CncrMishesuiel n ecsadly at Jwasnvlr. as lvSunar wfteron T ur A& --0 d Sh and delicately concocted offering o ob present at the baptism of Mr. Shi on the conventional afternoon tes. land Mrs. Robt. Crowther's babe at Beginning with salads this menu ' St. John's Anglican Church. A etQ aIY ra ~ggrsdce m t was not only attractive and delicious, Mn. and Mrs. Alden Gibson andý loh1aS ~~Çed. 14lar ~ terms applicable to probably aIl famiiy have mnoved into the village W e ,M r 1 afternoon teas, but also poal a from Mn. W. H Gibsons home on the SALSE- fulv stisyin evening meal. former Jacobi Cobbledck farm.he j l psntsponoucd h eet ave taken a leaae f M. Jos. Telu1859 UINY IE 14b. peint3 4 withîn the reachouofeevehyoneent5a OUa OWMN in onden to place this concert jmost successful and enjoyable one. bles house on Edwand St., recently UIU the pnice has been put at the NEWCASTLE PUBLIC fUitey rh e. .P ogr, low figure of ~~~SCHOOL REPORT B.A., Pastor, Sunday, March 8th- 11.KMRO ram il A.M. Morniag Worship; 2.30 PM. 25c ~~~For Month of Februany I Sunday School;7PM velgSr Sr RomExmild n omos-vice. The Church choir will meet foi p.me l Doo concert commences at8P.. ni. n itr, plig 6th at the home of Mr. and Mr. Sr.S ion, Histony, Apllin; GadsHoward Allia.F.H q _________________________ S. I.-EvlynAlla 85 Gldys St. George's Chuch-RevF.H Mathet 7; Hrod Dlin 7; VraMason, M.A., Rector, Suaday ad Brown 75; Gladys Pollard 73; Ralph y r udy aLn.8AM Ho28ly t6 117 ibso 72 Maroni Lyctt 0; MnieCommunion; il A.M. Moning Frayer A vvrong Hennlng and Gertrude Bonathan M, and s;ermon; 2 P.M. Sunday School;,CNj.2S """1,3 Chanlie Breneton 69; David Nonden 7 P.M. Evening. Preachier, Rev A. J. R A Fs BA------- Impe.irsia 68; Jack Toms 57. Jackson, M.A., Cobourg. Duing BREKVAS BACN UICROlb. 50 IILED b Im rsi nJr. IV. - John Van Dusen 71; Lent there will lie a short service NO.l Af. _4» THINLY * .495 Muiel Shaw 67; Norton Cowan 64 conducted by the RcoenYAŽ ON COHOE 2 4N 5,0 ~ 58 LIc AJae Rihe H~ockin 62; Dorothy Aldnead 59; Wednesday at 8 of NapaneO lb. RING l Ma e R g t LoieHancock 5;IenClark 5; Mns.Athr .IflUof aaneTOILE T B L Gc. 9 Katlen Sener 54: Robent Duck an rs.J. Clarke, wife of Reevo e7iO Je . P 4 a U C5gIa Samne of my customers are sur-~ 50; Margaret Burley 54; Katie Clark J . . Cak of North Fnedericks- 0iU.1 prlsed at the quality of the work *36; Ruth Honey 62 (a2). bung wene guests last week of their whih Ian abe dofo thin Sr. III.-Jimmie Coyne 74; Clan- uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. P. buestfldhatabenot Loy ancock 63; Archie Martin 62; sixth year as reeve of bis township S f At3- 1 9 Mfed mechanic. Hazel McManus 56; Dorothy Hon- Roads Convention. Mrs. Clarke latei îa t I tke bisopprtuhtyto ak ning 44; Frances Broreton 43; Mîke joined honr husband at the Royal 22 1ow ta the opoubllcth at hie 1Arych 65; (a2). Ruth Powell *31 York Hotel, Toronto i.2 , haenvravrie yefas1(a) While Mns. Pannaby Martin and an epr ehai ernd m lo a2-abserit for 1 or 2 ex- daughton Lois were vîsitig lber son 1 2 a 402.5 trade aven 20 yeans ago when t mnions; *denotes failune alto- and daughter-in-iaw, Mn. and Mrs. S e l e was a trade and an, fully qual- gethen. Laure Martin and hien daughter Miss 0 fied Wo do any knd of Tnsmth- Thomas A. Roger, Teache. Aresta Martin, in Toronto, Miss Lois 11kl b lng. Pluning and Heaiing whlch Intermediate Room fon January was taken suddenîy iii la consequencepo t h U * *w.'Le TR yo a eur.adFebruany. Eaie nalsub- o h e ohrsad ironP r e h u e ' -28-0O you ay equre.jects. ,tay la the City hma been considerablý 1 have a fully equlpped tinshop. Jr. III.-Patricia Pearce 89, Tom pnolonged. Finends are pleased to l l b. I16e P A trial wlll convince you thai I Breriton 83, Margaret Peanco 82, learn that Miss Lois is aow much un- Short ~ know how ta do the work. Samn Cowan 81, Helen Robinson 79, proved and are looking forvjand to Harold Hockias 73, Ethyl Spencer Mrs. Martin's and bier retura toSA aIL Corne and Ses. NI unvple erly hio.eek <70 Lillian Buley 63. Ne trvi.eeaCythre nce Gran83 i.ta Cone 0, Ross Allia Turner, youngen son of the late Mr. T2@.1MDIRE RM ELUD3 4)lb 79,Gna 83, 77 Jhn A!reo ong ramuel T urs n. er n e Ro RE . L OGAN'.~.JL Genald Heaniag 62, Bruce Van Dusen bride, Miss Aileen Grahamn, yourigest * rl ini - 2 Plrbn61 Lloyd Aldnead 60, Stanley Couch daughtor o! Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Gra- -MI91 ruGwfm PlmiHoan andT4W s ith5 oaMreih01.hani, on their maniage at the latter's AhP FANa! QUUMLT, un&X- Phone264WJr. II.-Dick Anderson 71, Char- home on Saturady afiernoon, Poli. Bowmanvillie, Ontario 1 lotte Gray 63, Harry Brown '53. 28. Rev. Thos. Wallace, NewioIlville, M O K ________________________ Sr. .-Carl Fisher 84, Grace will take bis bride to his home on ______________Powell 8,Jimmnie ,c 8, aml tefre arsfarn nwhich . S ffâieo iat b 2 0S WR.R Beu M.l Brown 78, Eugene Wright 75, Harold hie purchased last fal and which hoe Hoar 75, Alfred Aldresd 67. bas since been occupying in single :1n2 is.2 Pomoted frorn Junior I to Senior lole3soIWOfOss. 1.2 0IP R R M .-Jean Bonatha, Roger Medows, M. Frank Woodhouse returned on F L E S Rm Nad De, os a Dsn Saturday f rom a tiree months' visit l.2 Jnioa r .- Nogie MaDows, nal on ndjunte er yralNe akOnl 200 LOIsnr ROASTlb22 Promoted froin Senior Primer te <ni England, having ianded. at e LOINS FakO Juor.Reita Ad ed oothyWaîton, dan well believo him when lhosays13NLS InvJos!e. picl Rnau e inev Couch. othythat as compared to England and the BU T R o! viinwhoftpiels a ure he ir Pimn b Cvnohn AmAreican metropolis, ibis part of fL E SAND ROLLEO b 5 U iT IC S b 6 ofvsowyntafr tteTurner, Mabel Gray, Mytie Floston. Ontaro at least, knows nothing about - Jf-an Roinson, Douglas Van Dii son. bard times. Frank is now ready to .. mU u protection wich it dosenves? The Bill Aldnead, Anihur Clake, Betty again adjust himself to, Canadian life E UMi z b besi ye insurance imaginable is a Van Duse.1 and conditionLs and in the meantime i* 'rEM. reah TexaSs curb' lIbs.2 5 N or s F. O chard, Te ah er is calling on some of is fo mer em -M M M ~M pce loy ns, M o wad liaen.J hn 3M M suitable Pair o! glassos f or the Alia andMr. oard,Mr Jh pensn wo neda hen Glases THE HURHESNewcastle High School Junior Toroto o Fniay ad Saurdfor' OUR HORSES ARE NOW ALL HOME MetMaae:c.i.-y ru;r IN OUR OWN BARNS AT LINDSAY AUCTION SALE We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. $3 FOR QUICK SALE. I have boon lnstructod iby E. C. KING STREET -isOWMANVILLE Hoan, Newcastle, to soul by publice________________ auction ai bis garage, Newcastle. ai C2e .e6r~. p. tin. Satunday, March 7tb, 1931. IFAFAl.N14*&PC CTA CO number46752 Coulson, Auctioneer. L ) b . A '4 J ,kIb.% k mm -iý ýý