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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1931, p. 4

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h d~Ib~~ Pou 0D THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVXLLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1931 q Lum r 4th your grocer for I l I*8 snd me yous Recipe Bool, 1 enclone §Oc. to cove.naIUng coat. Naine Add..'.-- DEQUATEP PROTECTIONW With tirnes as they have been one is apt to neglect their insurance. You cannot afford to sacrifice the protection of your home, store, build- ings or contents when the premiums are so reas- enable. Check up right now and see exactly what yourgition would be should your prernises be gutte by a fire. Delays are àangerous-do it Come in and talk over your insurance iwoblems with us. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville TAKE THE WHEEL of the NEW OLDSMOBILE LETTER FROM ALBERTA Former Darlington Girl Writes of Temperance Issue in Alberta The following letter to the Senior Editor has been received from Mrs. James Gaudin (nee Katherine Ar- gue), Stettler, Alta., a former En- niskillen girl: First of aU let me congratulatel .Vou on attaining another müestoneý on life's journey. and when I think of you and your planned and well- filled days, your splendid editorials, and the influence exerted through many years through the columns of your worth-while paper for the up- Uft and betterment of your coin- munity-and still being exerted, 1 can but think of Browning's lines as t describing you, "Grow old along with me. the best is yet to be, etc." Here in Alberta we are having a marvellous winter; yesterday and to- day a little colder, but a fog two nights ago has given all out-of-doors the appearance of fairy land, every- thing coated in glistening white. GREETING IN VERSE PLEASES Coldest spell lately 10 degrees above, DR. JAMES L. HUGHES while today about 40 miles away they have a chinook. Two weeks ago Prof. D. R. Keys Ilonors 85th Mile- crocuses were discovered in bloom stone of Prominent Durham Old Boy seventeen miles from here, while an ambitious robin has already laid her One of the gifts that Dr. James L. eggs thinking spring was here, and Hughes received on the occasion of turkeys are laying also. We drove tO his 85th birthday, on Feb. 20th. was 119 Calgary, 180 miles, to spend Xmas the following poetic greeting in . and New Years and had most mar- acrostic form, from his old friend,1' velous roads and weather. Prof. D. R. Keys of Varsity: The "drys" in our province are Joy be your portion - now and engaged in a petition-circulating henceforth - joy! campaign to try and have the beer And may the years bc many God parlors (bars), club and canteen lie- shall give! enses abolished. in fact just asking So full has been your service - man for what the people thought they and boy. were voting for in 1923, when the Lives lived like yours make life a liquor intere.sts foisted clause D. or joy to live. t the beer parlors, etc. on them. Happiness springs from duties duly Sorne of the fearful results in our done, province of this Liquor (not govern- Under which rule your life has still rnentý Control are: 1924, 28 show been happy. nearly 100'; inerease in bootlegging; Great happiness by service you have an increase in interdicts froin 84 in won; 1924 to over 1600 in Oct. 1930, and 85 How well you've known to make it 1 of them women; an increase of l3l';ý still more snappy! in beer drinking in the four years. Each bliss is found in scrvic., of the in Stettler vendor store alone the Muse: figures jumped from 31,000 gal. in Such bliss be his whose name is 1924 to 88.000 gais. in 1928, in spite James L. Hughes! of the great increase in beer drink- ing. Our province was obliged last FORMER BLACKSTOCK TEACHER year, under his law. to build a jail WRITES UNCLE JOSII of 50 cells for woliien. while the one FERGUSON'S SON at Fort Sazkatchevvan where the women's is also located, was increas- W. E. Earle Who Taught at Tooley's ed by l0f) more cells than heretofore Corners Fifty Years Ago Holiday- for men. In Lethbridge they were ing in Honolulu forred last year to increase their jail 1501,ý',. ivhile in the Dominion, rinder A few weeks ago a letter came to this -Liquor Control" law. two more Bowmanville P. 0. addressed to "Mr. penitentiaries are being builded. Will Ferguson. Bowmanville, Ont., The "-,ýice" ring of Edmonton a Canada. better known as Uncle year ago, which startled and stagger- Josh's Will of Blackstock*', from W. ed the whole Dominion, was forced E. Erle of Honolulu. T. H. Sandwich to admit that the way they prosti- Isles, U.S.A. (care of Biship's Firstil tuted a large number of young girls National Bank- Those who went to was by taking them out in taxis, get- Blackstock public school to Mr. Erl, ting thern drunk, and then finishing some 45 or 50 years ago will bc their fiendish work, and the large in- pleased to know that lie is enjoying f crease of Young girls today in Rescue the winter at the above address. Homes, where they are admitted only Aniong his pupils we recall: Rev. under approaching motherhood, and J. S. Ferguson, W. B. Ferguson, Mrs. the alarming increase of illegitimacy, Win. Montgomery, Bruce Ferguson, both tell the saine tragical tale. Wni. Swain, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, -They made me drunk. and then 1 Mrs. J. D. Carscadden, Rev. 0. A. doii't know what happened," the last Beacock, Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, T. A. remarL was made by a Young wo- Beacock, Lewis Werry, Robt. Hamil- man, a university graduate of this ton, Fred and Herb. Taylor and province. Suicides are becoming all others who are readers of The too frequent today in Alta., 73 in Statesnian. this sparsely populated province in Mr. Earle deýicribes Honolulu as 1930, and 23 murders. There was an about 2500 knots from Vancouver, 6 increaýý of 1484 criminal cases over days out on the Pacifie. We are 20 1929; we had 6322 prisoners, an in- degrces froin the. Equator and it is crease in one year of 1616. In auto warm. I live on the beach and in accidents on our highways 58 were old ocean. We got here about eight kilied last year. and the reason is weeks ago and niy bathing suit has largely because therc was an increase not been dry once yet. How is that of 55'; in convictions for -drunk for December and January. It's such while driving autos and trucks." a paradise here that those once here The Moderation League said "Give never want a better heaven. So they the people beer and it %vould lead to save undertakers' fees and alsoi true temperance"; but the govern- plumbing-two very big items in the ment figures show that in the inter- annual budget. There are two hours dicts (over 1600) 671,ý of them had more sun here daily now than in' no vendor store permits, which your country. but no twilight. ' It means that they became so either drops down dark as soon as the sun through beer or "bootleg", or both. is out of sight. Sugar f rom the cane So 1 could go on for hours with a and pineapples are the two great' terrible list of indictments against staples here. The Isles are from vol- 1 this traffic which despoils and ruins canic eruptions. and I am hoping the physical, moral, mental and spir- they woli't erupt until our foin, itual natures of men, women and months' stay is over. If anyone asks 1 youth, and now the Brewers' Jour- you where I am, you miglit say in nal says they must create a taste for H, but they might interpret it wrong. beer drinking in the small boys,-so Remember nie to M. A. James if still they'll be sure of keeping their cof- living. 1 was one of his Cartwright fers full in the future. Whose boy? editors when I succeeded Dad Yours? Yes, some of yours; and in Hughes as teacher at Tooley's Cor- their fiendishly subtle way to estab- ners, as it was formerly called. Mrs. lish a partnership between the brew- Earle joins in all good wishes for cries and the children by paying 1931. them a nickle or a chocolate bar for P. S-On the envelope was a pic- each empty beer bottle. An easy ture of Royal Haý,,,aiian Hotel xhere way to earn spending moneY. the rates are just $25 per day. In our province today the Modera- tion League. whose backin., needs no questioning. is putting across one of the subtlest and most pernicious pro- pagandas ever attempted in this ori any othtr land or age, and is doing more to educate the people to disre- gard the law than any other agency. l'M. -f gnri do not. voui WE SELL Hamilton P,'Y- Coke oduct An absolutely Canadian product made for Canadians by Can dian workmen. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. WB ALSO SMIL Ask the Man Who Burns IL L u il!, G Ri ýýr fi L L E n à i "'ýA ANTHRACITE 77te Cac! nict Satisfies Burnt by millions of consumers. The use of this Coal in your home will demonstrate to you its superiority. Stove Coal These p . r - ices - a r , e no , w effective: $16-50 Egg S16.00 Chestnut S16.00 Pea ........... $13.50 Buckwheat ........... $11.50 C oke ...... ........ ........... - $13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed from above prices, A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville COUNTY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matin of Co- bourg celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary on February 23rd. 0 * 0 Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Cockburn, Warkworth, celebrated on February 19th their flftieth wedding annivers- ary. Mr. and Mrs. P. Currelley, "Maple- hurst Farm," Canton, celebrated on February 22nd their 20th wedding anniversary. Campbellford is considering the purchase of the Quinte Power Plant which has in the past supplied the town with light and power. 0 9 1 Upwards of $;0,000 has been spent by Ontario Goverriment in repairs to Ontario Hospital at Cobourg in an effort to, make it flreproof and water- proof. The funeral of Miss Isobel Riddell who died at the Western Hospital, Toronto, last week. in her ninetieth year, was buried at Cobourg on Wed- nesday last. Colborne Council appointed Fred A. Dallyn, C. E., of Toronto, as en- g-ineer to report, design and supervise Ithe construction of the waterworks system in that village. 1 . * 0 Port 1-lope Horticultural Society mid-winter bulb and plant show was la great success, there being 44 ex- hibits in the show. Interesting lec- tures were a feature of the show. Canners of Northumberland Coun- ty are offering 35e bushel for can- ning tomatoes this year. Last year as high as 50e was paid, and many farmers are refusing to grow at the new price. That the Hamilton Township Mutual Fire Insurance Company was carrying a risk in insurance of six million dollars was revealed ai the annual meeting of the Company at Welcome. E. H. Martyn of Wel- come was re-elected president. After an illness of only a few days dirration. Ernest Wilson. native of Campbellford and later of Toronto, died in the latter city last week. He was a brother of Thomas L. Wilson. managing director of the Cobourg Sentinel Star, and George Wilson of Oshawa. Upwards of 2.000 church women throughout Northumberland county joined in interdenominational obser- vance of the world day of prayer on Friday. Presence of women members of the continuing Presbyterian church at United church assembly points was noted at Campbellford, Warkworth and Baltimore. Organization of a Northumberland Cqunty potato growers' association will be attempted ai the instance of Walter H. Smith, agricultural repre- sentative for the county. Potatoes have not hitherto been considered an important cro - ) but many farmers believe that specializing in the vege- table may soon become a valuable addition to the county's agriculturaI industries. Eiehteen years' service as pianist of Trinity United Church Sunday School at Cobourg which. with more ,han 700 teachers and pupils, is the largest in Northumberland Countv. was appreciatively marked when Mrs. J. J. Kerr on retirement was presented with a tea table as a sou- venir of the school's affection. Miss Ida Clarke made the presentation and Rev. W. R. Tanton, pastor, eulogized Mrs. Kerr's long and in- spiring service. M2 37ý -1 Until you actually get behind the wheel of the newOldsmobileyou cannot appreciate the advanced performance which this fine car now brings you at lower prices. Drive it in traf'lic ... over rough roads . .. on straightaway or hill . .. and you will discover that each different motoring con dition serves but to reveai some new phase of Oldsmobile's dependability ... some new quality or power, flexibility or riding ease. Phone us and arrange to drive the new Olds- mobile today. PPICED $10 M 5 AT FACTORY FROM fj TAXES EXTRA DOWN-DRAFT CARBURETOR WITH NONJLOOD CHOKE gives incredýed power, higher speed, faster acceleration, and greater m octhness. INSULATED FISHER BODIES drý werrne.- ;n wintcr, cocier in sumrper, dnd exccptýcna/fy qu - ý NEW OUIET SECOND GEAR essurc!s ý,mnolb, ýccelera- tion ]h ý?ýr pc,,- - ýý,,tnpçç. NEW SILENT SYNCRO- MESH TqANSeAISSiON permjlý smoct, - il(nt 5hift frOm first to second to high ... and back to second. AUTOMA71C MANIFOLD HEAT CONTROL warms up cogincquicktyand givýç it impro,1ýJ performance at , " ýPC CGisý NEW EASY STARTING - ý-1jrtcr tvhe- 5, '-lie- màt;c,3ify cpens throttie b 20 Oshawa Athol Street A MILLIONAIRE and rich food value The man who disburses a million dollai-s a year in the settlement of, Q lf tC jr his accouiits is no more to be ad- mired thaii the plodding scrub- woman who pays her $8 grocery bill each pay day. We like the statement of Hainil- UAKER OATS ton Fish: Cooka in 21/2 minutes after the water boils 1538 "If you never break a promise. if you always pay the money you owe exactly on the day it is due, nobody will know but that you are worth a Dust Causes Asthma. Even a lit- Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy million. And you will be just as tle speck too small to see will lead to, brings the user to perfect rest. It good a risk as a man worth a mil- lion. for all that he could do would agonies which no words cari describe. relieves the passa7es and normal The walls of the breathing tubes breathing is firmly established again. be to pay promptly on the date due." clontract and it seeins as if the very Hundreds of testimonials received -Bagology 1 life must pass. Prom this condition annually prove its effectiveness. The sanie enterprising spirit which lias beer .4ý!1 Catia(la's rise to greitrie in the pro,, policy years has Cpt the Bi the forefront of Car 'A OF MONTRI Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $800,000,000 P,(ýý\ým;jjvjjj(, jý,-fAjjth - 1,'- ()- «NIPITVT,',T,',N- M,,inhrrpr- ýIýe1p froin hil-11--illid M- un !non- w 11 o k n v; 1 lov: id i 1 V re1i(,fý iit 11,1111 P 11) IV Dr. Thnmiv fhat thi5l iýi illi fni. jýip trentinen- cif And thev wis(- fnl' it jjýw!-- ruiider it a valuable inoclicine. PtOSPHODINqï:, h, Great 11,eparati- Ones ailé ".,Igoratc% the rliakus newI"-ý Výl n%' fý,r 1 al.A firain of éne, AlemOrY. m.x. ,Ook's Regulating Cornpound A 'afe. 1: ail , ý w, j'a r, ý rffilet TH E COOK VEDICINr CO- prop,7r s"drtinq position. form,3nce in quietness. 'ZRAL A G E N E, R , L MOTO RS VALUE ROGER L. CORBETT

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