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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1931, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1931 TYRONE Miss Edlth Joint, Bowmanville, re- oentlY visited Mrs. Herbert Burgess Mr -- f. and Mrfs. C. D. Hodgson and Glenn, Oshawa, spent a couple of days with friends...Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner spent a f ew days with their daughter, Mrs. Fred Moore, Providence.. Mrs. Viola Smith vis- ited her daughter, Mrs. C. Mutton, Town.... .Mr. Levi-Annis, Toronto, spent the weekend at home...Mr. George Harvey is in a very serious condition in Bowmanviile Hospital. .Mr.R. Barrabel, Miss F. Wood, Mr. [Baiyis Comfort At our store you can purchase ail your Baby Needs to keep him or her healthy and happy. Perhaps you are alone in the house and have just run out of Baby Food Nipples Bottles Soothers Powder Soap Cod Liver OUi Rubber Pants Bottie Brush or any of Johnson & Johnson Products Phone 78 and we wll give the rame prompt, courteous attention as if you came in person. WORTH WIFLE SPECIALS 50e Crib Sheet, 25e Talcum Both for 50e 3 Cakes Tiny Tot Soap and Wash Cloth for 29c Jury & Loveli Phone 78 When we test eyes Il ls done Properly. DRESS SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY For two days only we are picking out a vâry special offering of Dresses to seli quickly at $9.95 You must see these Dress- es to appreciate the real values. Exclusive Agents for Grecian Health Corsets THE SMART SHOP COWAN BLOCK GEO. R. MASON, Manager. .1 RED AND WIIITE STOREI Offer the Following Specials for March 5 - 6 - 7 COHOE RED SALMON ...........................21c CROWN BROO THE ECONOMY TEA B SRING Per Pound 391 .5 ms 27 HILLSIDE CREAMERY 2 LB BUTTER - BS 65c PLUM JAM 31 c ICUOILT25 c lb. 40 OZ. JAR 1 SEEDLESS RAISINS 2Ibs. 21 c F~N laINELE S I I pONE 599 WE DELIVER BOWMANVILLEI ENNISKILLEN About sixty Young people gatiered at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton on Saturday, Fcb. 28th, ini lionor o! thein son, Mr. Chanlie Stainton and bride (nec Miss Mar- jonce Martin). Aftcr congratulating tic bride and groom tic evcning was spent in progressive host heir. A sumptuous lunch was served, a!ter which Rev. J. M. Whytc movcd a vote o! thanhes, scconded by Mrs. R. Ormiston, to host and liostcss, also many good wisics to tic bride and groom. Thc groom thankcd ahI. . A good congregation was out Sunday evenmng when oun pastor, Rev. J. M, Whytc, preached a splendid sermon on "Be Yc Ready". Service next Sunday at 7 p. m. Everybody wch- come ,,Mn. and Mrs. Hugi Annis visited her fatier, Mr. J. Shemon, on Sunday ,Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Wcn- ry movcd into thein new home on Saturday, .Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Smith. Whitby, Mn. Ray Smith, Osh- awa, visitcd tic formen's mother, Mrs. A. Smith, on Saturday ...Dr. and Mns. Harding, Oshawa, wcre guests o! Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson on Monday cvening .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Franke Spry on tic arrival o! a baby boy... Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Staples spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Percy Berry, Orono.. Misses Gertie and Winnltned Oke, Bowmanville, spent tic weeend with their parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Oke ,Mn. James Stainton, Sr., Mr. and Mns. W. H. Moore, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Virtue spent Sunday at Mr. E. C. Ashton's... Sorry to report Mrs. A. Tamblyn is scniously ihl at her daughten's, Mrs. H. J. Wcr- ry, and lier grand-daughter, Miss Marion Brown, R. N., Oshawa, is waiting on lier. Miss Amelia Nici- ols, Port Hope, visitcd at Mr. Ernest Werry's Rcv. Mr. Wiytc and Mr. Wm. Stainton attendcd thc funenal o! tic late Albert Chapmani, andalo tic father and son banquet at Orono on Monday ,Mn. and Mrs. M. J. Tambhyn and son Glen, Mn. John Tambhyn and Miss Ela Tamblyn. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. Jim. Tamblyn, Orono, Mrs. S. Aung- er, Haydon, visited Mrs. A. Tarnihyn at Mrs. H. J. Werry's Miss La- verne Ochard, Town, spent thc wcekend with lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Orchard. Enniskillen Continuation School The annual "At Home' 'o! tic Continuation Sciool was hcld on~ Friday cvening, February 27ti. at tic school. This year's first and sec- ond fonms cntertained the eleven cx- pupihs and tic entrance class f rom tic junior nooni, with thie teachers. Misses Reva McGill and Margaret Dalton, as ciaperones. Tic program began withî ight tables of progres- sive cuchre and lost heir. Tic win- ners werc Frefia Bradley, Bruce Asih- ton and Gordon Stev'ens. After two hours of cards tic program continu- cd with a little physical actîvity when everyone danced to tic music provided by tic phonograpi and our harmonica artists, Gordon Stevens, Earl Luke anti Roland Thomlion. A suimpttîoiis lunch was served aitich Jclose. IVOOD SALE Saturday, Marci 7th. - Mn. Roy McGill wihh seli on Lot 14, Con. 8, Darington, one mile north o! Hay- don, on Hydro right-of-way, about 3 acres o! mixed wood in piles; mostlyj cedan suitable for fencing and posts. Sec bills. Sale at 2 P. m. Terms cash. Theo. M. Slemon, auctioneer. H. Hancock and Miss M. Barrabel,i SALEM Orono, recently visited Mrs. Viola 1 Smith.. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis Mr~. and Mis. C. Tixk who have entertained a number o! friends on, resicied at Beechdale for the past dSaturday. . Churcli service next 'year have moved to Maple Grove... ýf Sunday at 7 p. m. . Mrs. Theodone I Master Donald Branch, Oshawa, h nc Dwn Ohaa, Mi ass called Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Branch . Mn. on Miss Florence Gardiner who is and Mrs. L. Savery and family, New- convalescing at Mn. G. W. McLaugh- tonville, spent the wcekcnd with lier lin's a! ter lher recent operation pret, n ad i. .We1 3Our Young People visited Hampton Mrs. W. J. Cann enjoyed a wcekend rLeague on Friday evening where they visîl? with lier cousins, Mr. and Mis. [.were royally entertainied. Glad. to D. Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. C. report Mr. A. H. Brent recovering Awde, Orono Sorry to learn that nicely since hls recent accident ,- Mr. S. J. Honey, Bowmanville, who -Our community was saddened to has been in poor lieaith f or some jhear o! the passing Of one o! Oui tune past, is not so weUl. The sym- -former residents, Mrs. A. E. Clemens pathy of the community is extended o! Bowmanviile.. On Wednesday, LOM s A. Welsh in tne death of lier Mardi l8th, Our young people are brother, Mi. Albert Chapman, Orono. putting on a 1-act Irish play "That The f uneral took place on Monday. Rascal Pat" and other Irish progrn.., Mrs. F. L. Squair attended the Watch for particulans. Bowmanviile Women's Institute meeting and reports a splendid tume, sociaily and flnancialiy. Mis. Squair MAPLE GROVE was a member of the gnoup senving lunch,. Sorry to learn that Jalva Mn. and Mrs. Charlie White and Newman is home fnom school with daughter Gertrude, spent tic week- an attach o!flEu.... Deepest gloom end with his sister, Mrs. C. McBride, settled over our community wien Peterboro... Mrs. E. Burk spent word was received hast Wednesday Sunday with lier nepiew, Mr. N. I. o! the death o! Mrs. J. Plunkett o! Metcalf. Miss Kathleen Clements, Peterboro, due ta an auto accident Toronto, who has been visiting Mrs. on thc highway at Highland Creehe. Roy VanCamp, lias returned to Ton- Mrs. Plunket had been visiting her onto, We welcome Mn. and Mrs. sister, Miss Nelson, Toronto, and Clarence Tink to our community. was comixg to Oshawa to visit other liaving moved into the house f orm- friends and tien ta, return home a!- erly occupied by Mr. H. Couldery . ter spending a f ew days with friends Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meteal! and fani- around Bowmanville. Her son, Mn. ily visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Plunket, wio was spendixg a A. Trenouth. Hampton, on Sunday few days in Toronto, was motoring .Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden spent to Oshawa with his mother and aunt, l a few days with their son Ray in Miss Nelson, and a lady friend o! Toronto ,Mn. and Mrs. N. I. Met- hers, when the accident occurred, a cal! entertained a number o!f friends head on collision, which kiiled Mrs. on Friday evening wien all had a Plunket almost ixstantly, and the very enjoyable tume, League open- son and sister and friend were all cd on Wednesday evening. Feb. 25ti. badly hurt as was also the two malef with the president in the chair, occupants o! the other car. Mn. Ruby Aldsworti led in prayer; Bible Leslie Plunket was removed to his neading, Corsina Samis; devotional home in Peterboro after receivmngj topic. Eileen Hockin. Dora Eames, flîst aid and then medical attention1 4tli Vice President, then toohe charge was given hlm by his brother, Dr.E and a very interesting program was Ehiner Plunket o! Ottawa. The fun-1 given: Reading, Wmn. Laird; instru- eral o! Mrs. Plunket took place onE mental, Enid Twist; a very interest- Saturday fnomn the home at Peter-I ing topic was given by Susie Laind boro, a pivate service at the house,j on "Reading with the Understand- after whlch tic body was taken toc ing"l; duet, Misses B. E. Souci and St. James 'United Church o! whlcl i Edna Swallow; readlng, Ross Mar- Mns. Plunket was a member. and ser- tin; duet, Florence Foley and Mil- vice held. Interment took place ate dned Snowden; a short contest was Bethel Cemetery. Thc services were1 then enJoyed.,. Mrs. E. W. Foley attended by a veny large gathening o! and son Edward, Mrs. R. L. Worden, sorrowmng frlends and relatives. Mis.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vickery, town, A. Wilkins, Mn. Nelson Wilkins, Mn.î attended the funerai on Satuîday of and Mis. L. Richards motored to their cousin. Mrs. Plunkett, Peter- Peterboro Fniday morning, returningà boro. who was kllled in an accident Saturday evenlng after the funeral.i hast Thursday. Mn. and Mis. Plunheet and famihy -_____ -were residents o! Salem for a num-c ber o! years before moving ta Peter-t Mrs. Fred AIlin, Boys' Tnaining bono, and formed many warm friend- School. lias returned home f rom ships here, and deepest sympatiy is j Oshawa General Hospital where she extended f rom tic community to tic had lier tonsils removed. bereaved family In their sudden and j sad loss o! a loving and faithful wifee and motier.,i FOUR HOUR ENAMEL Interior and Exterlor Floors Woodwork - Automobile - Boats Imparts Life and Color into evcry-day surroundings. and is easiiy applied. Lithe worhe - no worry. Those chairs which have be- come so dull in appeanance. 'that table whici you have mentally condcmnied to tie dump! Bcd- steads, furniture, woodworhe and floors which have begun to wonry You because dulied by wear and tean! Try wthat FLO-GLAZE 4 Hour Enamiel wilfiU) for themn. You Iwihl I)P amaz-d at thc wonderful rc:iuls. Di-îe,ç* i 4 heurs, with a fli-çislhtint i; clossy and durable. FIo-glIaze Vaîrnish, Varnisi 'Itain, P'ints. J. W. Jewell ville the social time together. A number o! the Hampton Young people were invited to the home o! M r. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Ennis- hillen, on Saturday evenlng, to a ne- ception in honor o! Mr. and Mrs. C.i AStainton o! Oshawa who were Are recently. The gatliering I consisted of over !lfty Young folks f rom Hampton and Ennisheillen and the evening was pleasantly spent in progressive cards. The hostess senv- cd a dainty lunclicon and the party, dlspersed with best wlsies to the bride and groom. Mn. Franke Hastings, Guelph, spent a few days at is home here. Mr. and Mrs. Upton Stephens. En- nishillen. Mr. Ivan Stephens, Toron- to, visited at their home here. Miss C. Ellott. Westboro. is !'islt- ing wlth Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smart. Mrs. L. R. Cryderman is vlsitlng !riends in Toronto. Miss Nora Kensiake. Toronto, spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Jean and Mr. Jim Stainton. Toronto, visited their parents, Mn. and Mrs. Herb. Stainton. A Record 'Year At thc close o! the financlal year Mr. L. W. Nelson o! Neison's Store reports a record year's business de-I spite depressed conditions. This week lie has completcd his stock- tahelng and is off enIng aIl his odd- ments at almost unheard o! prices to dlean his sheives and tables for Spring merchandise. Mr. Nelson is looking ahc-ad to another year o! good business eanned througi his ever incneaslng desire to be o! service to the communlty by offering goods at competitive prices wlth tic large outsidc concernis. Sec his advt on page 5. AUCTION SALE Thî,rsday. ]Maruh 121 h-Mýr. James Rr'eson, Columbuis. will sjcll on Lot 4, Con. 7, East Whitby, the followlng: 1 7 DiInhgm cows, 6 horses, 20 Young cRttle. 6 pîgs five months' old, sow wltli litter o! 8. Sale at 1 o'clock, H. Pascoe, clerk: Wm. Maw, auc- tioneer. -1 0-1 Seed Cleaning The Seed fieaniner lant nt thé Boys'l ITraining Selinol lmii relrnrpd t10 dean ail Iinda; of grain, grass and Clovar iped. (Ortitn '5 per hîighpi. ('lover and Grans 8S,'Pd lSc Per hî,shel. Fartners are urged, 10) brin«In Ilipir seed erarly in order t.1 avold delays In the sprlng. 3-il Abitibi Power & Paper Co. LtcI. 5 Per Cent First Mortgage Bonds Maturing June lst, 1953 ASSETS Over $3000 for Every $1000 Bond Outâtanding SOLINA GOLDEN WEDDING IMiss Alice and Mr. Francis Thomp- 1Mr. and Mis. Chas. Axford, Maple son. Tyrone, visited at Mr. .. Grove, Married Fifty Years Yehhowlees'.1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds, Ruth1 The Statesman of March 11, 1881,1 and Arthur, spent the weekend withcontains the foilowing marriage Toronto f riends. notice:1 Mrs S E.Wery ndWeseyvist- AXF0RD-POWER-At Loeust Gro%'e, Mrs. . E.Werr andWesly viit-iethc residence of Wixn. Cryderma, bro- ed Oshawa friends on Sunday. tie-na ftebi nm ac n b Mr n r. evleGriffin, t 881 byRev.'le. E-. oward, aslsted by 1Blackstock, vlsited at Mr. Norval o.JC.WsnM.Cals.A- Wotten's. fred and M is ony B.,PCharlesdA.ghtr Mrs. L. C. Pascoe and Miss Doro- ford e ad Cester yB.Power, Es.,ail ofr thy, Enfleld, vlsited Mrs. R. J. mc- ofthltn hse.Pwr sqalo Kessock and Mrs. Mervin Hobbs. Drintn Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms and In accordance with the above this family, Toronto, vlslted at Mr. S. E. worthy couple and their daughter Werry's. Ethel celebrated their golden anni- Miss Margaret McKessock spent versary very quietly on Monday last the weekend with friends in Toronto. at the home of their daughter and Mr. W. C. Werry, Oshawa, visited son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. Snowden, Maple Grove. Their many Miss Helen Baker visited at Mr~ friends join in hearties congratula- Irwin Bragg's, Providence, recently.' tioxis. A very successful card party under BRHA EERTO the auspices of the Women's Insti- ITHA CE BAIO tute was held in the Sons' Hall last Wednesday evenlng wlth about Mr. Geo. ColflU, Toronto, surprised eighty present. A good time wO nMnayeeig Mrh2d had by ail.OnMna vnnarh2d Remember the Institute meeting the family and a f ew friends met at next Thursday afternoon, March 12, the home of Mr. and Mrs. George in the S. S. Room. Program in Colwlll, 247 Boon Avenue, Toronto, charge o! group 5. Ail ladies weî- to celebrate Mr. Colwiil's 75th corne. birthday. A goodly number were out on Sun- The gathering was a complete sur- day afternoon at our church service, prise to Mr. Colwill, and the evening At the close of the service Oui new was pleasantly spent in music and elders were lnducted. games, after which a very tastyl lunch was served, including a beaut- if uily decorated birthday cake pre- BLACKSTOCK pared and served by the daughters Sorr to epot tht MThe family originally lived in Soy o eprttht rs. Robt.- Darlington Township. Providence Spinks, Mrs. Albert Wright, Mr. Section, and consists of! six sons and John Venning and Mr. Edward Gal- two daughters who are Mrs. Luella braith are il.. Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Howard, Mrs. Olive Harts and Mes- ville Griffin spent Sunday with srs. Russell, Frank, Gordon, Edwin, friends at Solina. .Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Thomas Colwiil, ail of T. H. Stinson visited Mr. and Mrs. whom are married and domng weil Frank Stmnson on Sunday. . Mr. in the city. Congratulatory speeches and Mrs. Wallace Marlow visited the were made by the members o! the latter's brother, Mr. R. Heaslip, Tor- family and Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., onto, recently ... Miss Hazel Eng after which the gathering dispersed lish recently vislted Miss Violet Dev- alaren htams noal er Mrs. Gertrude Marlow, Miss ai aeeing that a ospet ejya Doris Marlow, Miss Frankie Mount-eenghabensnt joy, Mr. Gordon Brown and Mr. Har- old Swaln have been vislting friends MP N in Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. OsmondHA P O Wright and Miss Doris Marlow visit- ed friends ,ix Oshawa... Mr. and A musical festival, under direction Mns. A. L. Bailey and son Ross have of Miss Marlon Orchard, A.T.C.M., been visiting Mrs. Bell, Brampton...wiil be held in Hampton Church on .Mrs. H. Henders, Yelverton, is vis- Monday March 9. Sevenal schools iting Mrs. R. Pari .. Mrs. Albert will be competing. Mr. Francis Sut- Werny visited Mr. and Mis. Henry ton, Bowmanville wlll be the Judge. MountJOY Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Me- Prize wiil be given to, achool winning1 Laughlix and Mr. and Mrs. George most points. Nesbitt visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harcourt, Smith.. Mrs. S. Swain. Mrs. Mil- Port Hope, are visitlng her sister, ton Sanderson and son Roy, and Mr. Miss Reeves. Wein Swaix recently visited Mr. and Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. Mrs. Clarence Marlow ,-Mn. and Chas. Shaw on the birth o! a son.. Mrs. Arthur Bailey and son Ross and Dr. and Mrs. Davies, Oshawa, vis- Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Smith vîsit- ited her sister, Mrs. J. H. Wllcox, on ed Mr. and Mrs. C. Devitt Mrs. Sunlday. Dickeinson, Bowmanville. is visiting Messrs. Frank and Ross Trenouth. her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Devitt Oshawa, visited their parents re- Mrs. Foster Ferguson and daughters. cently. Sorry to report Mr. A. Tre- Nestleton, are moving to the home o! nouth, their father, in poor health Mrs. Ferguson's parents. Mr. and owing to a slight stroke on Sunday Mrs. George Hooey. Mr. Ferguson evenixg. lias gone to Toronto for treatment o! Bible Class "At Home" held on a wound received in the World War. Wednesday evening was largehy at- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Gal- tended. The program was o! good braith entertained the boys' choir o! variety and weil rendered. Lunch Cadmus on Friday evenlng. Music was served by the ladies and a pleas- and contests were enjoyed and a ant evening was enjoyed by ail. splendid lunch servred .League Choir members are busy preparing meeting in the United Church was special music for Thank-Offering under the leadership o! Mrs. Clar- services, March l5th. ence Marlow. Mrs. Arthur Bailey Miss Annie Smart, Toronto, visit- gave a very ixteresting account o! cd at hier home here on Sunday. her trip to British Columbia hast Mr. Wallace Horn, Kingston, spent suxnmer. The pupils o! the Con- Sunday at his home here. His fath- tinuation school enjoyed a skating er accompanied hlm on his return to Party on the rink at Port Perry Kingston returnixg home Monday Thursday evenlng. After skating they eveing. iunched at the caf e. The crokinole League meeting Friday evenixg Party held in the school room o! the was an interestixg one. We enjoyed United Church on Wednesday even- the visit f rom Tyrone League and ing, Feb. l8th. was welh attended. the prognam was one to be highly Evenyone reports an enjoyable tixue. commented upon. Each number con- ,..At the euchre party held in the tained much f ood for thought and town hall. Frlday evening, rs was inspirational ta aail. The con Percy VanCamp and Mr. Osmondi tests under the direction o! Mr.La Wright were the prize wlnners. verne. Clemens and Mr. Bert Smrý"t Lunch was served and a good time were intenesting and caused much enjoyed by ahI. fun for all. Lunch was served at the .clnoe f the mneetinEa ndi aill nioved Raising Chicicens ? This Is the month to start the incubator and get ready for an early spring hatch. MILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODERS Hlave stood the test for over half a century. INCUBATORS 85-egg size 150-egg size 250-egg size 400-egg aize $14.70 $19.80 $26.25 $38.40 BROODERS Coah Burning 42-inch Canopy 500 Chiche Capacity $12.95 52-incli Canopy 1000 Chiche Capaclty $15.55 You must admit these are mighty close prices. Tune in 12.15 daily on C K G W and hear tic Miller program. Chiche Supplies - Feeders - Founts - Staminax Chiche Starter and Scratch Fced. BIG ALUMINUM SALE Sce our window for display and good prces. DUSTAN'S Cash HARDWARE WE SERVE YOU WELL BOWMANVILLE YOUR SPRING WARDROBE Awaits You at Gilckrist's i Style Skop For Spring, this frlendly "Style Store" presents many new and totally different ldeas ln fabrie and models.I The new selection of "Society Brand" custom fabrlcs and other well known makes are now here. They corne in marveilous color variations, in unique and original designs, ail in the best of good taste. Before seiecting your Spring wardrobe, consider also the taiiorjng that goes into if. Every Society Brand suit is cut and styled ini a manner that wili even satisf y the man accustomed to going to the most exclusive tallor. Thei cost is surprisingly moderate. You obtain, too, greater value for ' our money because Society Brand wears bctter and looks smnarter over a lo)ngcr pcriod of time than ordinary makies of clothes. We shall welcome the privilege of showing you the neiw fabries and new styles in Canada", finest and znost expertly hand-tailored elothes. Te B. GILCHRIST Directly opposite Bank Montreal BOIVMANVILLE PAGE SMx Consistent Record o! EarningS SAFETY MARKETABILIT Offered at Market to Yield about 6.60%. H. R. BAIN & CO., LTD. Knight's Insurance Office IBOWMANVILLE - PHONE 13 Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Bought, Sold and Quoted. Phone 30 - King Street Big 20 Bockatore Bowmanv ÈýaLlià t' a a

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