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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1931, p. 7

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r,,. ~w. -W. *-~~r-- ~. ~. -rn ...- THE CANAIAN STATESMAI4, OWMAWJILLE, THVR8lDAY, MARCH 5th, 1931 PAGEB sVEN FLOWERS AT HALrF PRICE We must have more room and for Frlday and Saturday of this week we are selling 50c Cinerarias for 25e to clear; also some very fine Begonlas and Butterfly Plants at hall price. ,è Cail and see the greenhouses in al their beauty. Open to public at al hours. Klngsway Nurseries, on the highway, 2 block east of Liberty St. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy and son Jack, Toronto, spent Sunday with friends here. You can't afford to miss the Gen- eral Motors Maie Quartet on Tues- daY, Mardi lti. Pollyanna wiil also be there. SAT. - MON TUES. MARCH 7 -9 -10 The Wonder Picture of the Won- derful West, where men fought to live-and lived to flghtt w'ith E I HELEN TWELVETREE and WLAM FARNUM Di td byi OWAR D I4IGG N Its tic greatest tlrill of tic ycar -Don't miss it ! (Jomedy - News Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. mi. WED. - THIURS. - FRI. MARCH Il - 12 - 13 "We'll FghtIt Out Together ! Wth Kay Francis, Chas. Bickford, Kay Johnson, Lewis Stone, and Zasu Pitts. Coinedy - Cartoon Matlnee Wednesday at 4 P. nm. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Tie Women's Institute meeting on Friday afternoon in the S. 0. E. Hall took the f orm of a social gatiering with good program and good eats thrown in. Meeting opened with community singing led by Mrs. D. J. Chambers, with Mrs. Ruby Daniels at the piano. Minutes and commun- ications were read by Secretary Miss Editi Weekes, and roll eall occupied the flrst part of the meeting pre- sided over by Mrs. Harry Aluin, president. Program was in charge of Mrs. F. C. Colmer's group, the former presid- ing. Mrs. Ross Stutt sang two Scotch selections whici were greatly enjoyed, Mrs. Danlels accompanlat. Miss Leta Jackson provoked a good laugh when sic recited "Mr. Grunt and the Women's Institute" which contalned more truth than poetry. Sic also responded to the encore by reciting "The Hint." Miss Lily Hathway favored with a couple of pretty violin selection. Miss E. E. Haycraft read a Valentine Legend. Mrs. W. Adams gave a demonstra- tion in table settlng and table et- iquette that greatly pleased the aud- ience. Many good common sense suggestions were given and the hum- orous and helpful ideas brought forth responses from the audience that help give spice to the speaker's address. At the close ail joined ini singing the National Anthem led at tic piano by Mrs. J. Tickson. A dainty lunch was served by the group and a social hour spent very pleas- antly. COMING EVENTS Reserve Friday, Mardi l3ti, for the Irish concert and sketch at St. Andrew's Church. Particulars next week. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Hospital Auviliary will be ield in the Nurses' Residence on Frlday, March 6th, at 3.30 p. m. Home-made Cooklng Sale and A- ternoon Tea in St. John's Parish Hall on Saturday, March l4th, at 3 p. m. under auspices of Rebekah Lodge. 9-3w The White Siield Club regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, Marci lti, in St. Paul's Lecture room at 8 p. m. It is hoped as many members as possible will be on hand. Regular meeting o! the Home and 1 School Club will be held in Central Public Sciool Wednesday, March 11, at 8 p. m. sharp. Dr. G. E. Reaman will address the club. Mrs. M. Clark, convener. Members please remem- ber the teaspoon shower. The Women's Canadian Club isj looking forward to its open meeting on the afternoon o! Wedncsday, March 18th, when they wlil hear Prof. Chester New, winner of the King's Prize f or the best book on an Imperlal subjcct dRing 1930. POLLYANNA Four Act Comedy wUll be prcsented by Oshawa tal- ent under direction of Mrs. A. W. Bell, in the OPERA HOUSE BOW14ANVIMLE on TUESDAY, MARCH 10 under auspices of Grouis 2, Trlnlty W. A. This caste includes some very clever characters. among them being Yvonne Finlay, 9 years old, who takes the titie role. Gleneral Motors Male Quartet wll con- tribute selections btween acts. ADMISSION 25c to ail parts of the hall. LOCAL and OTHERWISE Mr. J. Borovoy, Toronto, is vlsltmg his daugiter, Mrs. J. E. Miller- Reserve Tuesday, Marci liti, for St. Patriek's night at St. Paul's. Miss Cora M. Scott, Toronto, spent Sunday with Miss Florence Wcrry. Mr. and Mrs. A. Henry, Orono. visitcd her father, Gen. John Hughes, on Sunday. Miss Frankie Jcwell has been spending a few days with Mrs. Geo. M. Grant, Toronto. Miss Mary Brimacombe spent tic weekend witi her brother, Mr. Fred Briniacombe, Toronto. Mr. Henry Lathropc spent tic wcekend with is daugiter, Mrs. C. H. Papineau, Oshawa. Mr. W. J. Williams attended tic f uneral o! tic late Mrs. Glover o! Newtonvillc on Monday. Mrs. W. B. Young and son, Tor- onto, have been vsiting Mrs. F. H. Morris and otier relatives here. Mrs. W. H. Lyons, Toronto, has been spending a week wti lier motier, Mrs. J. H. Brimacombe. Ex-Chie! Jarvis and Miss Jarvis have rcturned home aftcr spending tie winter witi relatives in Toronto. Corne and sec 'Pollyanna", tic little wondcr, in tic Opera Housc on Tuesday, Marci lth. Admission 25e. Miss Marjorle Robins and Miss Margaret Archcr, o! Toronto Univer- sity, spent Sunday witi tic foî-mer's parents at Trinity Parsonage. Pleascd to sec Mr. T. C. Jcwell able to be up town f or a short while ecd day after bing conflncd to lis home. Mr. Ralph H. Wood, 0. A.C. Guelph, spent the weekend with iàs parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wood, Brookdale Nurseries. Miss Muriel Decc, R. N., o! tic Sick Children's Hospital, Thlstle-f town, spent tic wcekend witi lier grandinother, Mrs. John Grigg. A splendid cvening's fun andt pleasure wiil be afforded if you at- tend tic Opera Housc on Tuesday1 next-Pollyanna and tic G. M. C. Male Quartet. Mr. Percy R. Lee o! Arrow Park, B. C., formerly o! Bowmanville. woio recently visited frlends icre, is at1 present a patient in.Ciristie St. 1105- pital, Toronto.1 Miss Borea Murdof, who under-.ý went a very serlous operation in tic' Patients' Pavillon o! Toronto Gener- aI Hospital on Feb. 24ti, Is now maklng satisfactory progrcss under tic personal attention o! Dr. Gra- ham. Mr. Cli!! Samis' division wcre tic winners in tic War on Waste Cam- paign recently completed at tic Goodyear plant. Tic campaign was ield in tic interests o! tic prevent-1 ion o! waste In tic !actory. The plant team besides presentlng wti cash is to tender a dinrier ta tic wlnning awards. Mr. A. H. Fletcher was in Toronto over tic weekend vlstlng ils bro- ther, Mr. C. H. G. Fletcher, wio las been serlously ill. Mr. Fletcher re- ports tiat ils brother ls siowing a great lnwrovement althougi le has been confined to is bcd for six montis. It is hopcd ic may be able to leave is bed wien tic warmi weatier comes. Messrs. C. H. Carlyle, president o! tic Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca. o! Canada, E. H. Koken, superintendent o! Canadian plants, W. Stevens, general superintendent o! Akron plant, and H. Aiman, gencral fore- man, o! tic Tire Division at New- Toronto pald a visit ta Bowmanvllle on Saturday and made a tour o! in- spection at tic local Goodyear plant. A Bowmanvllle old boy in tic per- son o! Mr. E. P. Carr. Inspector o! Sehools at Marîboro, Mass., was an interested visitor in town last week, wicn he vsted tic central publie sehool and gave a brie! address in several o! tic rooms. Mr. Carr wil be remembered as a son of Mrs. E. J. Carr and grandson a! tic late Rev. Zebina Fraser o! tuis town. His bro- ther, Eddie Carr, was kllled in tic Great War. We belleve he has two sisters living in Chicago. Trlnity Young People ield their regular meeting Monday evenlng which was in charge of Mr. Kenneti Morris. Vocal solos were sung byi Mrs. T. W. Cawker and Mr. Bob Corbett; piano solo, Miss Dorotiy Edger, cornet solo, Ciarlie Cawkcr: Rev. Dr. Best gave an lnterestlng address on "Abraham Lincon". Next meeting on Marci 9th is in chreo! Miss Helen Cryderman. Miss Mayuvina o! Oshawa, a native o! Poland, wll be tic speaker and there will also be a fine musical pro- grani. Wanted WANTED-llusinmas girl requires room and board ln lirivate home. Write par- ticulars to S. W. C. Drawem 1B., Bow- manville. 10-1 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED and ne- covermîl; losed car tope andl Inside trinu- ming. J. A. Pry, Scugog St., Ilowman- ville. Phone 636. 0t- WA NTE D-Robert Pawson le prepered ta reîxir boots, shoes and rubbers; neat IJob; inoderate prices. Leave at Sidney I Morris', Wellington Street, Bowmanville. IPhone 424. 7-4e Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-New 5-roomed solli brick bouse on Wellington Si., ail caraco- lences. Apply on Albert lircock. l,ih- erty St., Iowmanvillc. 4-tf HOUSE FOR SALE IN OSHAWA- New bouse, reeldentini Cnet end, real bargein, six rooms, funce. 3-piece bath. eun-room, French doore, garage; posses- sion March; $5000; $1000 down. For par- ticuars write R. A. E.Drewer 13. Bo%%- manvilie. 8-3' FARM TO SELL-100 or 145 acre,ad- equate b)uidings; silo and windmill; two good welis, 11180 an ever-running creek; etatel 8'h4 miles ta North Oshawa; 1%4 boums' drive ta Toronto with truck; close ta EýniIsltd sohool and church; p'owing done. Apply L. C. Pascoe. Burkeion. 10-9' FOR SALE-Brick cottage, south-weet corner of Church and Ontario Streets, lîowmanviiie. six roome, ail nmodern con- veniences, good garden and garage; newly decoreted and lu excellent con- dition; rensonably priced for Immediate sale. Apply ta Mrs. IR. W. Nichais, Courtice. or L. C. blason, Solioltor, Do0w- manville. 4-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-llest bulIt bousel on Carlisle Avenue, takes oniy four tons of coke per winter for fumnace and otove, bas done It the lest tour winters; now renting for $26 per montb; thmee rooms and three closets upeteims, six mrne and hall Including bedroom and bathroom downstairs; cllar divided with cement wall: gara ge and hen bouse. Terme easy. I pY ta C. N. Ruse. B. IR 1.,IHamnpton, iOnt, 85-tf ý1 BIRTHS GIBBON--On Sunday, Marcb fat, 1931, ta Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Gibson, Oshawa, a son (Alan Stuart). MARTIN-In Darlington, on Friday, February 27th, 1931, ta Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Martin, a son. DEATHS JENNINGS-In Bowmanville, on Wed- nesday, Mamch 4, 1931. , izabeth, widow of the late William Jennillgs, aged 87 years. Fune ral from ber late residence, Church Street, on Friday at 2 p. nm. ta BowmanvilLe Cemetery. HALL-At Millbrook, Feb. 25th, 1931, William David Hall. in bis 63rd year. SLEEP-In Kendall, Feb. 25th, 1931, Mrs. Wmn. Sieep, aged 60 years. Inter- red et Orono. COWAN-In Newcastle, on Sunday, March let, 1931, William George Cowan. In bis 9let year. CHAPMAN - In Omano, on Saturday, February 28th, 1931, Charles Albert Chapman, In his 65th year. ELLINS-In Toronto, on Feb. 25, 1931, John Wesley Ellins, beloved Jiusband of Alberta EUlins, In bis 66tb year. LAW - At Newcastle, Monday, March 2nd, 1931, John Arthur Law, aged 69 years. Interred at Bond Head Cemetery. CLEMENS-In Bowmanville. on Mon- day, Marcb 2nd, 1931, PolIy Grace Court- ice, widow of the late Albert E. Clern- ens, aged 66 years. CLARK-At Cobourg, on Friday, Feb- ruary 27th, 1931, William Henry Clark, in hie 70th year. Interred at Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle. HAYWARD-In Tyrone, on Tuesday, March 3rd, 1931, Donald Johin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hayward, Tyrone, aged 9 rnonths, 1 day. MacKAY-In New York City, Feb. 26, 1931, Francis D. MacKay, Toronto, be- loved husband of Bertha M. Sherin, for- merly of Bowrnanville. SYLVESTER-In Lindsay, Feb. 25th, 1931, Elizabeth Touchburn, widow of the late Richard Sylvester, aged 84 years, formerly of Enniskilben. GLOVER-In Clarke, on Frlday. Feb. 27th, 1931, Annie Cooper. beloved wife of John Glover, in ber 76th year. In- terment at Orono Cemetery. HiLLIARD) - At 176 Queen's Road, Liverpool, England, Alice, dearly beloved wlfe of Frederick Hillis.rd. Dearly loved mother of AMaud and Arthur Hoît, Bow- manville. PARKCER-In Bowersnont, N. Dak., on February lSth, 1931, Charles Madison Parker, aged 49 years, 9 maonths. Son of Mrs. Lottie Parker and the late Nar- man Parker. IN MEMORIAM GIBSON - In loving remeanbrance cf Robert William Gibson, who died sud- denly .Marcb Sth, 1930, dearly beloved hualland of Olga Atkinson, andi yotinger son of Mrs. Gibson and the late T. M. Gibson, Newcastle. ALOWORTH - In loving memaory cf Mrs. John Aldwortb, Wbo passed away Marcb Jth, 1929. Hler ten&er smile, ber gentle voies, Her heert so kind and true; We miss ber In suoh countiess ways, Oh, niother dear, we do. Gone from us, but leaving rnemories Death cen itever take away, Memories that wlll alwaYs linger While upon this earth we stey. Ever remembered by Husband and Family. ASH TON - In loving memory of aur dear son and brother. Carlyle H. Ashton, who was called borne Marcb 6th, 1929. March brings sad memories 0f a loved one laid to rest; He will always be remenibered By those who loved hlm best. His lavlng smlle and kindly ways Are pleasant ta recail; He always had a cheerful word .And was deerly lova4 .1» ail,. -Sadly mlssed by 'Mother, Father, Sîster and Brothers. Floral Designs Piret clans work for ail occasions. Wreatbs, Sprays, Pillowe, Brides' Bau - quets, etc. AIea permanent Wroathe for the cemetery In beautiful floral offet. KINGSWAV NURSERIES On Hlghway 2 etrestus aut of Liberty St. Phone 144 Bowmanville NOTICE TO FARMERS Seed Cieaning Plant installed at Ty- rane MiII. Am prepared ta dlean aed grain at reasonable prices. L. J. Goodman, 8-3 Tyrone Miii. LAUNDRY WAPITED Ail kinda of laundry work dane prompt- ly, satisfactorily and at reasonable prlceo. Write Post Office Box 12, ar cail Mrs. W. Marjoram, King Street East, Bow- manville. Phone 478. IlCut It Thick, fMuni Out of breath, the klddles ail make a bee-bine for the kitchen after sehool. If Yeu are one of the mnany users of Corbett's Bread you wlU flnd the klddles asklng for Corbett's Bread, and butter wth the Instructions "Cut It Thlck, Muni." No brown sugar, Jam, peanut butter or other added fiav- ors necesarry if you use Corbett's Wholesome Bread. Try It! CORBETT'S BREAD HOT CROSS RUNS Durint Lent 20e doz. Articles For Sale GOOD CLEAN SEED OATS-For Sale. Apply F. Rabbins, R. R. 1, Hampton. iPhone 163r31 Oshawa. 10-1* JFOR SALE-Ail Electrie Radios in ex- change for pianos. Mlust be late rnodels. IF. J. Mitchell, flowmanviile. Phone 105. FOR SALE - General Purpose hrt good single or double; King Cultivator iný good shape. Noble Metcalf, Maple Grave. Phone 477r3l. 9-tfI FOR SALE-White sweet clover seed; two year aid Dorset ewes; 5 horse-power Lister engine. C. Payne, Newcastle R. R. 3. Phone Clarke 2811. 10-1 FURNITURE FOR SALE-Sideboard and round walnut table, dheap for quick sale. Apply at home of Mrs. B. Furber, King St., Bowmanville. Phone 438. 10-tf HAY FOR SALE-About thirty tons In stack on farm 4%-mile east of Newcastle and 11.4 miles north. Make offer ta T. S. Jackson, 29 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 1550. 9-2w* FOR SALE-Fumed Oak upright plana, i@ good condition, cannot be told from new; willOeil cheap for cash; lnvestigate quick; aIea another In niahogany finish. If you have the cash you can buy et just about wholesale prices while the sale Is on. The Johns Piano Store, 80 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. 9-2* To Let HOUSE TO RENT - In Hampton, 5 rooms. Apply ta Mrs. Jas. Jebson, HrpOUS.TO RENT--ev,,% rournmawat-I erwarke, bath, electric llghta, iocatêd King & Ontarlo St., Bowmanville. Ap- plY A. A. Oolwill. Newcaitie. 81l-tf FOR RIENT - Brick 8-room semi- bungalow; modern conveniences; good garden; Possession April lst. . - R. Philp, Scugog St., Bowmanville. 10-tf FARM TO RENT - 97 acres splendid loaM at Oshawa Harbour; good build- ings; feul ploughing done; new seeds: possession April lat, 1931. Apply ta G. D. Canant. Oshawa. S- 6w Smart Appearance depends mucb on properly fitted eyeware (Glasses>). Comfort depends on correct lenses as well as proper adjlustmnent. You are sure of getting both when Kersiake does the flt- tlng. See the newest styles at the new lower prices. TE DEPENDASLic DRUG STORE Furniture Prices Here are so Low It is flot wise to wait longer - any change in the price of Furni- ture certainly will not lower. 5-PIECE SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE $125 Bed, Dresser, Chiffonier, Vanity Dresser, Bench Without making any commotion about it, we honestly believe y ou can g et lower prices here on Good Furitue t han most places. From favorable comments custom- ers are telling the public realizes this. Northcutt & Smith Funeral Directors - Home Furnishers Soccessors to Alan Willamn Phones: Office 58; House 523 or 58. BOWMaaVlf "GO VERNMENT APPROVED" BABY CHICKS SANITARY HATCHED The wise buyer of Baby Chlcks Who eXPecta bis poultry to be proftt-makers wlll realize how import- ant is the breeding and quality of the chicks he buys. mara Lodge "Approved" Chioks are praduced omly from govemnient approved flooks. Our Hatchery Is Government approved. Our chicks are sanitary hatched. Quality bred, they are strong, husky, liveable. Leghorns and Rocks. cal! and see CanadE's most up-to-date Hatchery when in town--oppoeite ]Bo'wman House. MARA LODGE HATCHERY, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Phone 12 A VVoman's Fancy Turns To NewApparel in Spring You'll find it hard to limit your selection to just one of these New Spring Dresses as there are so many smarlt ones for your choice. Theyi. are alI exquisitely fashioned and unquestionably charm- ing. They include printed crepes, georgettes, cantons, celenese and fiat crepes, ranging in price from $ 9395 Ladies' New Spring Coats Are Arriving. New Season's Falrics May we have the pleasure of introducing to you the seasoii's newest dress materials in plain and figux>d geor- gettes, rayons, printed silks, gloria crepes, figured chiffons.1 You will find many a suggestion for Spring costumes in our fabric section. Wabasso Cottons, splendid range, fast colors, 25c yd. up Peter Pan Prints, best quality, friom .............45c yd. up Ladies' Neckwear - collars, cuifs and vestees Spring OfFers new Economy in MEN'S WEAR Men's Worsted Suits, 2 pr. pants, at ..........$22.50 r Young Men's Suits, 2 pr. pants, at .............$17.50 Jfunior Suits, lst longs, 2 pr. pants, at ...........$15.()0 'r ~ Men's Winter Overcoats Clearing at About Half Price Cou Chf Johnston & Cryderman Malce This Your 1 Headquarters For Savings and Service Too CANNED COODS WEEK Take advantage o! tiese 10w prices . . . Stock up f or the week- end and days to come. You wlll always flnd here very choice foods at the most advantageous prices. Corne in and sce. Canned Tomatoes, chice quallty...... 10e tUn Canned Pumpkln, chice.................... 10eotUn Peas . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .2 for 15o Jumbo Sweet Peas . ...... .. . 2 for 35c Canned Asparagus ..... ..... 25c tUn Tiger Salmon ....... .- 25c tUn Cloverîcaf Salmon 1..-.... 40c tUn Good Mornlng Marmalade, large jar ...... 40e Tomato Marmalade .. .. .. 25e OTHER GOOD SPECIALS Fry's Cocue, 1/2-b 21c Peanut Butter, large, jar 39e Hawes Floor Wax ............ ................. 43e Castile Soap 1 bars 25e Fairsex Tollet Soap, world's finest........ .._6 for 31e 2 boxes Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 1 box Kellogg's Al Bi-an, 1 glass measuring cup.... .. 40e Special Mlxed Candy, per lb.. 16e 3 Makes o! Bread, price dellvered . .......7c loat HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMALNVILLE - ,., -. .,. . v - u q

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