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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1931, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIE, THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1931 Cas on StomachI Is Dangerous Gas, pain, bloatmng and sournes aiter eatimg almost always mean "too mnuch acid" in the stomach. The condition is dangerous. Acid irritates the stornach lining and rnay lead to Ulcers. Gas forrns and presses against the heart. The stomach needs an alkaline. Bisurated Magnesia-pow- der or tablets-is the ideal method of getting safe. quick, lasting relief. It neutralizes the excess acid, sweetensE the stomacli, breaks up the gas, stopsE the pain and sourness. Food digestse naturaily. It rnust give prompt re- 1 lief or money back say druggists ev-1 erywbere who sell it on this iron clad1 guarantee. 2-tf One Thin Woman Gaind Il Pouncis in 30 Days W itIi MecOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets If you need more solid flesh to, make you physically attractive, ac- tive and energetic just say to any druggist anywhere. "I want a box of McCoy's"-you'll know in a few days why millions take Mcçoy's to gain weigt-60 tablets, 60 cents--Gain 5 pounds in 28 days or money back. Bladder Weakness TroublesomneN ights Swiftly Relieved If you are troubled with a burn- Ing sensation, Bladder Weakness, frequent daily annoyance, getting- up-nigbts, duil pains in back, lower abdomen and down tbrough groins -you should try the amazlng value of Dr. Southworth's "Uratabs" and see what a wonderful difference they miake I If this grand old formula of a well known Physician brings you the swIf t comort it bas brought te others, you surely wîll be thankful and very well pleased. If it does not satlMfY the drugglst that supplied you Is authorized to, return your MoneY on first box purchased. , Q ulek ReI I f rF f Or Women Wenen need not endure peiodic pains and headaches. They can spare themnselves this suffering by taking ZUTOO TABLETS. Mrs. Allen Wright, of Fulford, who was relieved in 30 minutes of severe pain and headache, wrote saying: "Every emar in the land should know about ZUTOO TABLETS and what they wil do." Just try the tablets and lmow for yourself how quickly Mtiey stop the pain. d j DI Iirregular, often sick at her shrIachand had to, tayinI bcd two or three days at a ine. One of your bookiets was sent to usby mail solIgot ber a botde of Vegetable Com- pound. Catherine has been taklng It regularly and uhe is gaining in welght and every way. 1 rold the neighbors and four other girls are takin& it NEWS AND INl FOR THEBi Free Nitro Culture The departrnt of bacteriology at Ottawa is again supplying free nitro culture for various legurnes. One bottie 15 given free ta each farmer. Cultures are supplied for al! alla, sweet clover, red clover, alsike ciov- er, peas aad beans. One bottie is sufficient for one bushel. Wbere a farmer is sowing these legurne crops, it is very advisable that he use tbese nitro cultures, especially if the field bas not had this crop on it bef ore. The seed is treated very easily and ia very short tirne. Extra culture can be secured from the O. A. C. at Guelpb througb your local agricul- turai office for 50c per bottle. If you bave neyer used it before send for a bottie this year. Free Trees For Farmers The Ontario Department of Fores- try is again distributing f ree trees to farmers of the province as fol- lows: First-up to 3,500 white pne, red pine, jack pine, scotch pine, larcb, white spruce, wbite cedar, carolina poplar, white willow, walnut, but- ternut, elai, white ash, soft maple, bard maple. or red oak, may be ob- tamned f ree of charge for reforesta- tion eithcr in a present bush or for a new plantation on waste or poor land. Second-up ta 500 wite spruce, Norway spruce or white cedar for windbreak planting. The only expense to the farmer is the express on the trees. This is not a large sum as the trees are snail. Application forms, directions for pianting, etc., can be obtained by writing ta your local Department of Agriculture. Minerai for Swine MineraI mixtures for swine recarn- rnended by the Committee on Ra- tions for Ontario are as follaws: a) 4 bus. Charcoal, 10 lbs. Sait, 10 lbs. Bonemeal, 2 lbs. Suiphur, 1 lb. Iran Sulphate. (b> 2 bus. Charcoal, 2 bus. Hardwood ashes, 10 lbs. Sait, 5 Ibs. flnely-ground limestane or alr-slaked lime, 5 lbs. Bonerneal, 2 ibs. Suiphur, 1 lb. Iran Suiphate. N. B. To pre- vent bairless pigs: dissolve 1 oz. of potassium iodide la 1 gallon of water and feed at the rate of 1 tabiespoon- fui every day during period of preg- nancy. (c) 50 lbs. Bone Flaur, .30 lbs. Slaked Lime or pulverized lime- stone, 10 lbs. Sait, 5 lbs. Sulphate of Iran, 3 ozs. Potassium of odide. Feed at the rate of 2 lbs. to every 100 lbs. meal. Collective Fertilizer Buying In connection witb the recom- mendation of collective purchase 0f fertilizers as contained la the Somner- set report, steps have already been taken by tbis Departrnent towardsi ibis end. Mr. George Patterson who bas bad considerabie experience wtb one of the f ertilizer companies, bas1 been appointed to go inita this work. According ta an estimate by Mr. J. A. Carroll of the Craps and Markets Brancb, at least 25 per cent can be saved by larmers la the purchase of fertilizer where they can get te- geiber, buy by the carload and pay cash. Mr. Fatterson's duties wil consist in arranglng wtb growers for this service. How They Do It Tb.e followlng observations were made regardlng the prize-winners in a recent milk-per-acre competitian conducted by Western Ontario dalry- men: Tbey ail market the milk at the factory the year around; al raise and feed a large number of hogs te utilize the wbey; ail have fine fiacks of poultry; ail four farms are beaviiy stocked, but the land produces ail the hay, straw and sil- age used; ail four dairymen grain tbe cows the year around and plan on silage for summer feeding as wel as winter; ail have water before the cows; ail top dress their rneadaws; ail use aifalfa, red ciover, alsike and timotby when seeding down; three out of four have pure-bred herds; two out of four use milklng ma- chines; and the results bear testi- mony to the f act that ail are good f armers. Heavy Losses Recorded Ia bis campalga ta flnd some way la wich lasses te sheep breeders tbrough the activities 0f dags might be curtailed, the Honourable T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, bas unearthed sorne interesting tacts regarding the money pald to farmers by municipalities ast year as a dir- ect resuit of sheep-kiiling. With the repart 75 per cent compiete, it was sbown that Ontario municipalities have paid $110.000 to farmers wbo have lost sheep. Simcoe county led with an expenditure of $6.902 and Kent was second with $4,435. Other counties beard f rom are as foilows: Bruce $3.408; Dufferin $4.067; Dur- ham $2,141; Elgin $1.745; Essex $4.253; Glengarry $2.169; Norfolk $1.838; Northumberland $1.945; Renfrew $2.018; Stormont $2.725; Welland $2.392; Grey $3.127; Hast- ings $3.286; Lambton $2.598; Leeds $2.079; Wellington $3.518; York $4,- 259; Middlesex $4.311. WHEAT IN LIEU 0F CASH Plan Sponsored by Wrigley's May Be Adopted by Others Many concerns interested in busi- ness from the prairie provinces are considering the adoption of the Wrigley plan. states Allan Ross, president of Wriley's. H-is statement that Wrlgley's have been successful in holding and ln- creasing their business by taklng the amount of current sales la wheat bas not only shown a good will and friendly interesita the west but bas encouraged manufacturers and bankers ta, a more liberal vlew of the credit strengtb of the distributors (jobbers and retailers) and consurn- ers la the prairie provinces. Mr. Rosm regards wheat as a stapie wbose depressed value is nat likely te long continue and whlcb offers gaod aecurlty la excbange for the merchandise of the east. When Economy is < a Prime Consideration N ATURALLY, economy is an important thing te consider in deciding what car the family should buy. And from this stand- point, the Chevrolet Six is a very practical and satis- fying choice. New low prices make Chevrolet's oix-cylinder smootbness and 50-horsepower per- formance available te new thousands of mater car buyers. And due ta its Iow cost for gasoline and eil, its long life and freedom from repairs - thse Chev- rolet Six will serve you economically for tens of thousands of miles. geie NEW CHEVII9LET SIX A G E N E R A L MOTORS VALUE PRICED PROM 1$610 at Factory, Oshawa Taxe.',x- - cOevrotues oilu' e @lau béon me.oC rvie the Iow@tfinning chages avalebII.. an d the Gentra etor wnrServi s Po. Iadu lada ndace. c..,' ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Ltd. 1B0WMANVILE - OSHAWA - WIIITB SAFE For N E URALG IA Prompt relief from MEADACHES, LUMBAGO, COLDS, SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, ACHES and PAINS DOES NOT HARM THE HEART ASPlIRI Ný TMADe-MARIC REG. ua..whleh costuima roves diectio&Tn.Had tpirla~~~àl tIi. Ubot"l of 2d sud 100-AU i rgga Maein Canada" D-AME 1 mIrnAr FAUX 1 ORONOANNUAL MEETING 0F CLARKE FORMATION ~~~~(Fromn The News Feb. 26th.) ARCLUA OIT Mrs. John Sandercock is very fil at OooFi ae et 93 [15S Y FARM ER ber borne, Clarke Union. At the adJourned annual meeting L.O. L. March meeting is post- of Clarke Township Agricultural poned to Monday, March 9th. Society beld in Orono, Saturday, THE FARMER Mrs. F. J. Hall was taken serlously Feb. 2lst, the attendance was the (A rplyto te pem n ths ppril and is still conflned to ber roorn. largest in many years. While the (A rplyte te pem n ths pper Mrs. Manson Cornstock, Bowman- society paid out more prize rnoney in last week which told of bis trials.) ville, spent a f ew days with Mrs. 1930 than ever before, with the most Who bas the land and ail its wealth, Stanton. successful fair, the debt of the soc- And children brunrning with good Mr. Herman Davis bas arrived iety was not increased. Dates set heaith, frorn Keistern, Sask., and expects to for the 1931 Fair were Tuesclay and Nor any cause to beg by stealth? rernain for a f ew weeks. Wednesday, Sept. 29th and 30th. The Farmner. MradMr.CA.edanifa- The standing field crop competitions Mr. nd Ms. C A.Seedand am-are in oats and corn. Who touls f rom dawn to setting sun ily of Prescott are visiting at her Foilowing officers were elected: Like city laborers every one, sister's, Mrs. Hector Bowen. President-A. J. Bigelow; lst Vice But la not flred when day is dorie? Distemper responds quickly to President-W. F. Rickard; 2nd Vice The Farmer. Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. Keep President-W. S. Moffat; Directors- Wbo takes bis produce to the rnart,' a bottle bandy in the stable. Geo. Cain, H. Souch, O. Cowan, R. Gets cash before witb goods he'll Dr. Kersiake attended the meet- Bal. H. Gibson. Jno. Tamblyn, Prof. part ings of the Ontario Veterinary Medi- C. B. Sissons, Jas. Brown, F. Love- At prices fair? Wby bless your heart, cal Association held in Toronto. kmn, C. Powers, C. A. Chapmaa, M. The Farmer. Rev. F. B. Alînut, B. D., occupied Blackburn,F. Coucb, C. Billings. W. the pulpit at Park Street Church on J. Stutt. G. M. Linton, H. MacDon- Who buys f rom M. 0. catalogue Sunday in the interest of the Bible ald, F. Brimacombe, T. W. Jackson, While country stores strive bard to Society. R. Mercer, S. Cbapman, M. Sherwmn; jog Mrs. Harry Bellamy is bere f romn Sec.-Treas.-Adolph Henry; Lady Aong witbout tbat business cog? Carievale, Sask., owing to the critical Directors-Mrs. S. Cutteil, Mrs. J. R. Tbe Farmer. illness of ber brother, Mr. Aibert Cooper, Mrs. A. Henry, Mrs. 0. Wbose sons and daughters burn up Chapînan. Rolph, Mrs. R. Brown, Mrs. A. A. gas- Capt. J. C. Gamey, who recently Rolpli, Mrs. C. Billings, Mrs. C. Pow- To city movies, dancing class, sold bis farmn on the Sixtb Line, will ers, lirs. J. Armnstrong, Mrs. M. Leaving the folks long.nigbts to occupy the residence on the Camp- Tamblyn. Mrs. M. H. Staples, Mrs. pass? bell Farms. formnerly George Glan- F. Backburn, Mrs. J. Bigelow; Hon- Tbe Farmer's. ville hornestead. orary Directors-F. W. Bowen. M. P., Congratulations to Miss Helen W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., G. H. Linton, Wben prices soared i days gone by, Scott of Clarke Union, pupil of Mrs. C. J. Thornton, W. L. Smith, T. Pat- And butter sold for seventy-fiVe Colville, Orono, who passed ber Jun- terson, Rev. Sterling. I. T. Cbapman; A pound, Lord bless you wbo sur- ior Piano exams wtb bonors at Tor- Auditors-A. J. Tamblyn and C. L. vived? onto Conservatory. Powers. The Farmer. Mrs. Henry Junker, wbo bas been Wbile hungry men may tramnp the in poor bealth for some weeks, enter- street ed St. Jobn's Hospital, Toronto, ORIGIN 0F NAMES 0F PLACES Witb weary heart and aching f eet, where she expects to remain for IN DURHAM C01UNTY Who bas warrnth, borne and lots to treati'nent. eat? As a vermifuge an effective pre- Early Settiers from Maine Named The Farmer. paration is Mother Graves' Worm Orono Aiter Their Home Town 1Exterminator, and it can be given ta oLD BILL of East York. tbe rnost delicate cbild witbout fear Frorn a complirnentary copy of of ijury te, the constitution. "Origin and Meaning of Place Namnes TEACHING DAYS IN 1931 Two cars, one driven by Rev. in Canada" by tbe author, G. H. Frank H. Mason, who was accornp- Armstrong, Mr. A. Odeil, Cobourg, NOW UNDER 200 MARK anied by Councillor Fred Coucb, and sen<is us tbe followig extracts re- tbe other by Mr. Clarence Allun, met lating to Durharn County: Total teaching days for 1931 are in a headon collision at C. P. R. DRA otOtro a fewr tan ve, acorln tea cr-subway on the Orono bighway Mon- narned i 1792 ater Durham County cular sent out by the department of day.inngadThrisasatonf eduatin fr Otaro t ahOntiio The desire of Richard W. Martin Durham in Bruce County, Ontario. schools. to once more visit bis home towin, The name is derived f rom tbe Saxon Two bundred days of actual tuition Orono, expressed in a recent letter dur water and bolme, meadow, des-J used te, be the rule, but this year to Mr. Wm. Armstrong, was not to, criptive of the situation of the Eng- there are only 197 days. This ap- be gratifled. Word cornes frorn Hes- lisb city. plies, says the departrnent, te higb, peler, where be bad been making bis continuation, public and separate borne at bis sister's. Mrs. John CLARKE Township, in Durhamn schools. In the January to Jufle per- Moore, that be died foilowing a short County, Ontario, was organized in iod there are 118 days and i the iilness on Feb. l5tb. Dick, wbo was 1792. It was narned Biter Major- f ail term 79 days. a son of the late John Martin of this General Alvrid Clarke, Lieutenant Eatrhoiaswill be from April tewn, was hi bis 73rd year. Governor of Lower Canada of this 2 te 13. Tbe scbools are to, close for pro.Tenm a obls sunnrvacation on June 29 and re- suggested by bis friend Simcoe who super nSp.1 ctal nms OBITUARY was then iAeut. Governor of Upper places these dates wWl not be ob- Canada. Clarke achieved distinction served. June 29 falls on a Monday, James L. Powers, Orono both as an Administrator and a and of course most school boards, at soldier. He held the rank of Field least in cities and towns, will close A busy idustrious if e, then a f ew Marsbal in the army wben he died the schoois on Friday, the 26th. This years oficreasing weakness and la 1832. year Sept. 1 f ails on a Tuesday and prolonged suffering and there enter- ORONO: A village la Durbam Labor Day on tbe 7tb. It is tbe ed into rest on January 2lst, at bis County, Ontario. There is a tewn by custorn f or the scboois ta open on home in Kirby, in bis 83rd year, the name of Orono in the State of the day after Labor Day. Wiil the James L. Powers, an honored and Maine, U. S. A. Many of the first wboie of the first week of September respected citizen. settlers la Durbam were U. E. Loyal- be added to tbe holidays? That! Witb the exception of five years. ists f rom the New England States. would take a total of five days off wben he lived la Mariposa, Mr. Pow- They brought the narne of their Ithte 197., ers had reslded ail bis life on the f ormer borne with them. -The î The department circular points out, farmn on whlcb bis father, Henry L. Maine town was named f rom a dis- that neither Arbor day nor Empire Powers, settqA3i untbe year 1832, and tinguished Chie! of the Tarratine day 15 a holiday, tbough tbe latter was res pecd'ly ail. Tribe of Indians," says the Maine is usually a bal holiday if not a He was an bonored memnber of tbe Register. whole one la most scbools. Kirby churcb and at the time of bis NEWCASTLE: Port of entry on det an Eider beloved. Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Tbe Memorial Service, whicb was and Village in Durham County, On- Miller's Worm Powders destroy beidi the church. was conducted tario. They were named after the worms wthout any iaconvenlence ta by bis pastor, Rev. Wm. Sterling, City of Newcastle, England, by pion- the child, and sa effectuaily that wbo paid a warmn tribute to tbe ster- eers lanrnemory of their former borne. tbey pass from the body unpercelv- lig character of one of "God's gaod MANVERS: Townshipi Durharn ed. They are not eJected in their men." County, Ontario, organlzed in 1816. entirety, but are gruond up and pass His removalis1 mourned by bis It was named Bter Charles Pierre- away tbrougb the boweis wtb the wldow; one son Cecil, on the borne pont, 1737-1816, Earl of Manvers. excreta. They thorougbly cleanse ;place; one daugbter, Mrs. A. Robblas This British titie bas been borne by the stemacb and bowels and leave o! Leskard; and three sisters, Mrs. the Pierrepont famlly since 1806. ther n l a condition flot favorable ta iJohn Rlckard and Mrs. Bertie Bell1 Their borne seat 15 la Nottighamn- worms, and there wll be na revival of Newcastle, and Mrs. John Miller sbire. Members o! the family are Iof the pests. o! Orono. prominent still i affaira a! State. 50 quickly?" "«Why, I'm serving Shredded Wbeat, of course. I just take the biscuits from the package and serve tbem witb cream or milk; sometimes I add fresh or stewed fruits. If you'd like a bot breakfast I can prepare it in a jiffy: Shredded Wheat crisped in tbe oven while 1 heat some milk to pour over it. Oh, I'm a friend of Shredded Wheat! It's ready cooked, ready te serve; and it's jusi .-s delicious and nourishing for lunch as for breakfast." WEDM fth A" 9~' - GOOD ~A~"238 2cm%4ct.~E1 COMPANY LMf I J~~ SHREDDED WIHALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT ___ COLDS ~LOVELYAs UIAmuII j) and inhalait. Oufl Busy Lanci-at Lard taskt, led relf.qdckly day in and day out. Persian Bain keepe the skia soft and____________ pliable. Removes redness and relieves intation. 'PERfIAN 8~ ie~ - ieýý r -LBkm.r

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