THE CANADIAN STATESMM, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1931 PAUC TWO r~Iituî~Iioeoe rn~ i COMMODITY PRICE-WARS It lias sometiincs been stated by people not fariliar with ail the f acts that local bakers charge exorbitant pries for their bread as compared wtb cliain stores and buge bakery concerns. The reasons whY these big firms seil below the local bakers la given in a despatcl in the Finan- cial Post o! Feb. 26tli. The article states that owing ta the bread war between these concerns the Canada Bread Company is withhlidg its dlvidend until the outcomne is seen. This paragrapli is taken f rom the Post: "Bread companies have com- posed their differences, but now the contest is between cliain store com- panies wbo make bread a ieading item at prices whicb manufacturers dlaim is beiow the cost o! produc- tion." Furtlier down the article contin- ues: "It is interesting ta note that the report recently publislicd by F. A. MeGregor, registrar o! the Com- bines Invsetigation Act, giving the resuits o! bis inquiry into the price of bread in Canada shows that cliain stores bave one advantage in quot- lng a lower price o! bread: they have no deliveries ta make. Mr. McGreg- or shows total delivery and sale costs for ail bakeries in Canada ta be 1.65 cents for eacli pound o! bread sold out o! a total cost o! 6.78 cents per pound i 1929. Costs o! advertising and selling would be f et by bth the large bakerles and the chain stores but delivery forms a large part manville bad an international repu- tation tbrougb its celebrated D. O. & P. Co. Band. But in recent years, witbout a band, cîtizens bave been unable ta tell work days !rom play days, !east days f rom fast days. Many can recali in the baicyon day s o! yore bow you thought yaur- self the cynosure o! ail eyes, the envy o! the other kids, when permitted ta carry the cymbai player's music, or ta stand in rapt attention holding alof t a tarcli lest the bass drummer sound a f aise note. Ater ail we are only kids grown up. We applaud in conventionai style* the compositions o! the great masters: we were enthusiastic over the work of' the renowned virtuoso, but we open the deepest recesses o! aur hearts ta the music-be it good or bad-of the Town Band. How we deliglit ta admire the rytbmic undulations o! the leader's baton-now sof t and gentie as tbe sunimer's breeze, now vehement as the dcscending avalanche, but withal guiding the reed, the brass, the rat a tat tat and boom boom, ta unison or nearly unison. More power ta the local bandsmen wba are rallying ta the Legion cail, who wiIl take pleasure and profit in the work-give the pleasure ta athers they want and sometimes deserve, and in season and out o! season are wlling ta revive and maintain that greatcst and most beloved o! local institutionsý-The Home Town Band. OBSERVATIONS AND OPINIONS TO MY SUCCESSOR Here is a toast I want ta drink toaia fellow I'il neyer know- To the f eliaw who's going ta take my place when it's time for me ta go. I've wondered what kmnd of a chap' lie'll be and I've wished I could take bis hand, Just ta whisper, "I wish you well, old man" in a way that he'd under- stand: I'd like ta give him the cheering word that I've langed at tinies to hear; I'd like ta give him the warm liand- clasp, whenever a !riend seems near. I've learned my knowledge by sheeri bard work. and I wisli I could pass it on To the !eilow who'll corne ta take my place some day wben I arn gone. Wiil lie see all the sad mistakes 've made and note ail the batties lost? Will he ever guess o! the tears I've shed or the beartaches which they have cost? Will lie gaze tbrough the failures and fruitless toil ta the underly- ing plan And catch à glimpse o! the reai in- tent and the beart o! the van- quisbed man? I dare ta, hope lie may pause some day as lie touls as I have wrought, But I've only the task itself ta leave with the cares for bis ta face, And neyer a cheering word may speak ta the feilow who'il take my place. Then here's ta your heaitb, aId chap! I drink as a bridegroam ta bis bride- I leave an unfinished task for you, but God knows how I have tried. Vve dreamed my dreams as ail men do, but neyer a ane came true, And my prayer today is that ail the dreams may be realized by you. And we'll meet some day in the great unknown - out in the reaini o! space; You'll know my clasp as I take your hand and gaze in your tired face; Then al aur failures will be success un tbe light af thbe new faund dawn- ofis flI UIitmwLithUthe purely Odkig - --jimdrinking your health, old chapi conccrns." Tbe report further Coi. McCormick in bis address lie- who'll take my place when I'm ahowed that wlierc investigations fore the Business Men's AssociationI gone. bad been beld and bread was being said every community s divided into~ -Louis E. Thayer. sold at 9c and 10c a boal it was not tbree classes: Doubters, Debaters consldered an exorbitant prie. and Doers. Be bonest now, whlcb COL. B. J. McCORMICK The lttîe extra cst Of buflng class do you really belong ta Mr. GIVES BUSINESS locaily-rnade bread then is easily ex- Citizen? plained. Our bakers bave not been___ (Continued !rom page 1) engaged i a bread war witli out- Let's get a mental picture o! pros- J. E. Miller presented a well-devis- aide concernis and tbey have ta fig- perity and matenialize it into the ed plan o! co-operative advertising ure on more than a cent for every perfect thing. Eacb citizen damng bis between local merchants in an en- 1 pound o! bread tbey deliver work- bit as faithfully in this battle with deavaur ta offset the circulars and Ing ut t mre han cet ad abusiessdepesson a li di inthecatalogues wbicb pour into the town ingoutat oretha a entanda bsinss eprssin a li di intheand wich are responsible for many hall for every loaf they deliver. great war, wiil soon put it ta route. tbousands a! dollars bcing spent aut An instance is given concerning Eacb tinie a business gives employ- a! tawn. Mr. Miller will put his ideas this, in the samne article and reads: ment ta anc mare persan it daes its inta a cancrete f ormi and tbey will "Onemangero! astoe i Ontrlobit Eaci tme nc gveshel tabe discussed by the executive. "Onemangerof stoe i Onari bit Eah tme ne gveshel to The flrst act o! Colonel McCor- teatured a full 24-ounce loaf ini a anotber or ta a constructive organi- mick in opening bis address was ta one-day sale at 5c, paying 7c for ItL zation it brings us one stcp nearer present a code o! etbics to the secre- Be lost $2000 on the sale o! 1000 the goal o! normaicy. Lt's cacb tary ta bang in lis office and wbich boaves but regarded the loss as good take the Boy Scouts' motta for aur lic cnsired smbofdtbeawsoia tien. advertising througli bringing many awn and "do a good turn evcry day." by ceymemer i o tensciat in. customers into bis store. Sudh a Prosperity is bound ta came. a spirit o!f friendliness and neiglibor- practice undoubtedly works lnjury on___ lincss ta help along your association, the baking trade wbose only or chie! Althougb anly organized for a for it 15 my belle! that if Bowman- prodct s afectd."montb the Bowmanville Business ville is ever ta be recognized at ail un prodct s afectd."the business world, and is ever tai From past experlence in cammod- Men's Association is sbowlng a bave a place on the map, it is abso- ity price-wars it generally ends i commendable spirit i its generous lutely necessary that t bas a Busi- the survival o! the strongest, wth support and cooperation with the ness Men's Associatuon. evetualy reurnta a hlgber or vanlous institutions o! the tawn. "Wlien I was with you a short eventully a eturntinie ago at your Rotary Club I men- normal pice. Under prevaillng cir- The large membcrship the business tioned the !act that in Bawmanvilice cunistances local bakers shouid men have already taken in the Ag- there was an abundance o! untoucli- therefore be supported and not cen- ricultural Society and the Harticult- cd vitality lying dormant. I repeat surcd, belng victinis o! a bread war ural Society is a gaod amen o! the that statement in the hope that ti vitality miglit be !ound and put ta over whlcb they bave no control and influence this body gladly exerts in work for the good o! the taw. ha in whicli custamers apparently have advancing the best interests o! this vitality, in fact is starting tawo__,1 been ignorant o! the real !acts. community. fdr since that turne this association _________ _____ as been !ormed. To make your town Local ratepayers sbould soon real- wortb while, ta make t a place ta be BOWMNVILE ADL BITEN 12ethe rro o!ther wys n trn-proud o! you must have mass loyalty. BOWMNVILE BDLYBITTN ie te eror f thir ays n trn-You must have ahl working as a unit, in recent years scicntlsts, medical ing dawn the purchase last year a! or in a mass. This town is the samne men, beads o! researchi bureaus, and the local bydro distribution systcm. as any other tawn the saine sîze in naturalists have been searcliing for Every week some municipaily owned Canada. In evcry city or town the people may bc divided into 3 grades, and locatlng germs, bugs and disease hydro plant is jumping into pint whicb I cail the three 'Ds". producing Infections and providing showing a tidy profit. Naw t's Lnd- "The flrst are the daubters. These remnedies for their destruction. A sa which lias accumulated a good doubt almast everything that is new. bugknon intheOld andfordlvidend. According ta a report They thrnk there is no chance o! bug.knon hitheOld andforanything being successful. Tliey arc years but not attracting mudli atten- compiled by the Lindsay Commis- the type wha daubt evcrything and tion in Canada, bas reacbed Bowman sion, the surplus for the last threc ta whom everything new attempted ville and is affectig ail classes, years amaunted ta $53,651, an aven- s the bunk. Young and aid, men and women. Its age surpluc for ecdio! the tîreus "Then you bave the debater. There sanie hope for the man who is introduction bas caused racquets, years o! neanly $18.000. It s the i-wilung ta debate. As a rule they de- sent birdies fiying tbrougl the air, tention of the local Commission ta, bate for thc sake o! debating and my necessitated the installing a! courts, reduce the debenture dcbt and ta advice concerning these men is ta get and he recionof ets Aciviy aply o te Otaro HdroEle tc m yaung, treat tlcm rough and and the erectin o! nets. Actvity apply tathe OtnaHdoEcti by wîll came your way. heretafare unknown is everywhere Commission fan a cut in rates. "The last type is the doer. There apparent. It is the "Badminton are a fcw o! tlemn in cvery commun- Bug." Morning, noon and niglit 1Tbcre's the occasional exception ta gityatiea e wolmeyerbe o cisorne- classes meet for study o! its char- lte rule wbich proves the farm Is an gaintioing. ow you br ave ceor actenistics. Sa fan as presentlylideal place ta make money, and in ganization. my advicc is ta watcl for known it is a beneficial bug. For ther cases as a starting point fon a a spark o! genius, bowcver smali ta those who are fat it is more success- successful business cancer or a lîfe -show itself. Fan it inta an craber lui than dieting, while for those who i;a! affluence. Twa despatches in inta a fiame. That s what s want- are eanit utcasss pnk ill fo newspapers this week rcad: "Mana cd. That s wherc mass loyalty will pal peplein estrin roy ceei Township Farmer le! t $134.000" and came in with the leader fiaming and robust bodies. What the final1 the other: 'The estate o! the late' forth his gnu esol ebce JohnWalron cot, prvat banerta the limit by the lefst of yoit. consequences o! this -bug' upan the o JoWaldronScvludt ovp $50,00,atc bnkr. I wauld like ta make this anc present and future gencratians may o itwlu auda vr$4 .00. atement tonight. Before I came be propbccy reveaitl not, but it is aIl o! whicbho l as bequeatbed to down hiere I saw yaur plans and ob- sufficient ta lcnow that the stately I is family and near relatives.' Thre jectives as appeared in your local lattr prso wa onc a armboypaper. I thouglit at anc time that old soul-saving and gospel-compel latoera 1s neafambyaIl big men wero un the citues but ing Salvation Army Citadel bas been 1wba cultivated the desire for bard when 1 saw your program a! develap- convcrted into a mecca where aliwork and tbnif t on a Darlungtan ment I realized Bowmanville has big who ave aithin te upuuliTawnship faim east a! Bowmanville mon ini its midst. These men arce who ave aithin he ubuilingputting into their town o! their awn and uplifting qualities of Badminton 1 owocupe by Russell K. Bragg.'froe wll, theîr best. are daily and nightly engaged un tlîat ~Life is a cul),' he quoted, "not toI newest o! tortutres and physical past- The evils and dissatisf action of be "dr.tinc-d, buit a nicasure to be 1111- times whicb it ý hoped wl rdc buying fram maul order houses s cd. A.1l of! s get more out of!n bccoming mare apaet e'h day oper:ition and by contribitting. not that social anid spiritual regetieratianprn tc a.nveoysarily financially, ti) an ort',an - o! wbich the world stands in nced. The latest victim is no Icas a person- î.zîîcton o! thisî kiiîd. To be a good age than the Han. Frank Stanfield. citiz' no(,0 mist guvi' to bus town aif STRIK UP IIE AND! recently appointed Lieutenant-Gov- contintîouts and constant pressuire o!f UP TuE B11,1101,or o va Scitia, who ordorcd , service. "The iunpardonablo sin ]n My Citizens wui welcame the ncws Windsor couirt !rock coat from a mund,' the' speaker continued. -is ta that the local brarich of Canaclian Toronto firm. When this dugnurary have' in your town. province or city. Legion has made a survcy wth a cmeta put on lis brass-buttoned rmak' your luvung thero, get every- thung' ont o! t youi can and putà no- vlew ta starting a brass band. Tbey and gold-braidcd frock ta pcrform thung inta it. That is the unmardon- bave been greatly encouraged ini the openung ceremionies o! parlia- ableo,;in andl even today many are finding 30 expcruenced bandsmen in ment at Halifax rccently hie found committing it. tawn wbose talents in this direction the mail-order coat fitted hum like1 Eacb city or town bas induvdial- bave been lylng dormant for somo some af tiîase hand-mc-dawn suit.,,-a P uty.Ft the samne as a person bas time and are again wiling ta stnike devated father i the olden days used charnicpty isantibi the hratr a Up the bard. At least 16 band in- ta give ta lis son to wear out. Wlie mi1iipality us ne poplhingut te pr strunments are avallable belonglng ta will some people .learn that it pays y our tawn. You have an allegianr'e the 235th Battallon. ta patronize thc bame-town mer-, due ta your comnilty. Pay It in' chantservice to your comrnunlty and ta' Back i the 801s and later, Bow- chj t your f nlends. The old spirit o! every- j one for hnself Is dead and discard- LETTER FROM NEW ZEALAND ed. Thie Colonel conlnued to give' Former Darington Man Tells of some very helpful hints as to the Earthquake Conditions in Antipodes formation and work of such organ- izations. His soundest advlce for the Col. Levi Taylor, Chie! Secretary prosperity of Bowmanville was how- of Salvation Army National Head- ever contamned in the latter part of quarters at Wellington, New Zealand, his address. "Payrolls" lie said a native of Darlngton Township, "were the foundation of the prosper- writing to the editor of the recent ity in any town and the town with earthquake says: the largest payroll is the town which is best. There must be a continual Dear Mr. James: I amn sending flow of dollars coming into the town under separate caver copies of news- to pay for the goods manufactured papers describing conditions in the in the town, s0 that the securing of earthquake area which I thouglit industries is an important function. might interest you. It was a terrible My advice to you is ta get after in- ordeal for those who were in the dustries and get the new dollars. stricken tawns. The whole earth Get your projeet and get your hook seemed ta rise up several feet and into it andi fot into your feilow mer- then suddenly drop, causing collapse chant." In conclusion the speaker of buildings, ta which was added the quoted the little verse used at the horror o!flire while continued quakes opening o! this story. accompanied by terrifying rumbling W. C. Caverly moved a very hearty sounds came !rom beneath the vote o! thanks ta Coi. McCormilck for ground. The first refugees ta reacli his splendid address which was ably Wellington were nine iittle babies seconded by Alex. MeGregor and from the Army's Maternity Home in was heartiiy endorsed by the gather- 'Napier in care o! two officer nurses, ing. having made the night Journey by motor bus. None of the iminates af the Home were injured though bricks1 S. O.S. and debris f ell into the bassinettes and cots where the babie.5 were lying. She Was newly married and very The Government has the situation inexperienced in the ways o! house-'well in hand and everything possible keeping. One day she was preparlng is being done for the strlcken people. for a littIe dinner party. "If I could The completeness o! the Salvation oniy remember the recipe for that Army's organization has made it scrumptious cake Mother mnade! " possible ta rendier prompt and valu- she sighed. Then she brlghtened able service which is much apprec- suddnlyfle ta he tlepone a atd by the authorities and people caîl her Mather by Long Distance. needing assistance. This la by far she got the recipe-and a lot o! the most destructive earthqua<e in helpful advlce! the history o! the country. The NEW QLDSMOBILE Test it on the steep grades . . and prove its added power We have a new Oldsmobile at aur show- rooms waiting for you ta inspect . . . ta " drive . .. ta test! Enjoy a new motoring expenience behind the wheel of the finest Oldsmobile in the long successFul history of ibis car. Thro*t down as you reacb a steep bill. Glance at the speedometer. Then, as you top the crest, notice how Oldsmobile's speed bas increased. Here is the acid test of performance .. . and the one tbat best proves the added power of the new Oldsmobile. PRICED FROM $108 5 NEW SILENT SYNCRO- DowN.ORAFT CARIUmETom MESI4 TRANSMISSION WITH NON-FLOOD CHOKI perm its smooth 1 sent shift from gi ves i ncreased power, higher frt to second ta high ... and speed, aster acceIeration, and bdck to second. greater smoothness. AUTOMATIC MANIFOLD INSULATED FISHER BODIES HEAT CONTROL warms up engne quickly and are warmet in winter, cooler gives it improved performance in summer, and exceptiOfldlly at ail speeds. quiet. NEW EASY STARTING NEWQOUIET SECOND GEAR -starter when engaged, auto- assures smooth swift accelera- mtically opens throtle ta ion rivalling Migh gear per- ora per starting position. formance in quietness. 0.1-20 A GEN ME R AL L .5 J M OTO RS VALUEI ROGER L. CORBETT Athol Street Ohw Corne in taday. Maice ibis experiment and judge for yourself the exceptianal value of ibis riew Oldsmobile ... at its new, Iower prices. + Business Directory * LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister. Solicitor, Natary Mioney ta boan on Farm and Town praperty. Royal Bank Buildingl WV. R. STRIKE l3arrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal :.'oney ta Loan. Phone 911 Bowmanville. Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block. King Street, Bowmanville. Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Loans - Investments 13owxanville - Next ta Royal Theatre Phiones: Office 688; House 53 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honar graduate in Dentistry, Toron- to University. Graduate o! the Royal Callege o! Dental Surgeons o! On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40; bouse phone 22. X-Ray Equipment un Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson rraduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East, 13owmanville. Office hours 9ý a. m. wO 6 P. m. dally except Sunday., Phone 90. House phone 283. 1 X-Ray Equipment in Office. MEDICAL J. CLARK BELL M. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. (Edin.), D. P. H. (Successor to Dr. A. S. TiIley) Hanis. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow o! the Royal College o! Surgeons, Edlnburgh. Office and residence: Queen Street, lowmarwille. Phone 89. I'mce flours: 2 to 4 p. mi., 6 to 8.30 p. m FUNERAL DIRECTOR F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Hanse Equipment. 71 AU calis pramptly V attended ta. Pnivate Ambulance. Bowmanville phione: 10 and 34. Brandi Stores: Orona & Newcastle. AUCTIONEER THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Parm and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Ennlskillen P. O. Phone 383r3. 1-tf CHIROPRACTIC AND) DRUGLESS THEROPY DURIVIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate o! Toronto College of Chiropractics will be in the Bow- manville office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. Phone 141J. Residential cails made durlng fore- noon. IDEBENTURES FOR SALE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Bear lnterest at 5% per annumn $7500 Issue Obtaunable i odd amounts at par and accrued intercst f rom Fcbruary 14, 1931 Maturity 1 ta 20 years. Apply JOHN LYLE, Clerk and Treasurer. Town Hall, Bowmanville PLUMBER Sanitary Fluinbing and Heatlng Country Work our Specialty BILL CLARKE When in Need of a Plumber CALL 665 Estimates Gladly Gîven Wlthout Obligation. SIGN PAINTING _ H. COU-LDERY- Signs Tin - Wood - Brick - Cotton Window Signs - Price Tickets - Sale Bills - Trucks Lettered and Striped Landscape and Seascape Decorations Lessons given in Oul and Water Paintings Phone 135 Queen St. Bownianylfle ACCOUNTANT R. M. COTTON Auditing - Accounting Books written Up daily, weekiy or monthly. Monthly and annual statement and Income Tax Returns prepared. P. O. Drawer E. Phones 611 & 32. AUCTIONEER Wm. Maw, Whitby If you should be thinking of hold- ing an auction sale, of your Stock and Implements and would like to have the services of a real live auct- loneer, one who will get you good results. and a maxi who will brlng buyers with him, just cail up Wi- iam Maw. Whitby, Ont. AUTO PAINT. SHOP Automobile Painting J. H. NEEDHAM Scales and Slicers Reflnlshed. Delivery wagons painted. Duco Work - Sign Painting General Enamelllng. Phone 441 - Rear o! Hydro Sliop GARAGES Garage and Service Station Batteries Charged - Towlng and General Repairs on aIl makes of cars. Acetylene Weldlng Supertest Oas and Qils - Accessorles BROOKHAM and McMULLEN Phone 285 King St. W. Bowmanvfli INSURANCE Fire Life C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability CARTING AND TRUCKINO Ail klnd. mad Movng; local and long distance. H. DOMBARD Phonp «30 Qucnen t.. *owmanvoll. J. HERMON wants POULTRY and APPLES at Fair Prices Phones: Bonmanville...235 Toronto-Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta live., Toronto. 46-tf hlave Your Eyes Examlned Consit aur Registcred Optometnlst R. M. MITCHELL -- Latest Mcethods - Mlodern Instruments - R.M. Mitchell & Co. Drugglsts - Optometrlsts Plane 92 'ADEQUATE PROTECTI ON With times as they have been one is apt tc, neglect their. insurance. You cannot afford to sacrifice the protection of your home, store, build- ings or contents when the premiums are so reas- onable. * Check up right now and see exactly what *your position would be should youîr premises be gutted by a fire. Delays are dangerous-do it to-day. Corne ir and talk over y our insurance problerns with us. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone W0 King St. E. Bowmanville Oshawa