THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THIJRSDAY, MARCH l2th, 1931 PAGE THREm ICELLO<àci' MARES THEM BRETTER EAT the latest in bran flakes. A marvelous blend of the. nourishing elements of the wbeat with just enough bran to be mildAy laxative. And above at the famous flavor of PEP. Crisp, with niilk or cream. Sold only in tbe red.and- green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. PEP ~PEP BA FLAKES Decorating at Lowest Cost There's no need of Puttlng Off decoratlng your home any longer. Rlght now we wlU supply the wafl Paper, Paint and labor at the lowest price obtainable for years. Don't Put Off. Do It now. Phone us to call and see how littie It costi. Geo. Pritchard Painter and Decorator (Over Statesman Office) Phone 489 Bowmanvlle Tells Dyspeptics What To Eat Strict diets are often unnecessary ini stomach trouble. While some foods do produce excessive acidlty and many stomachs do generate "too much acid" causlng gas, sourness, bloatmng and after-eating pains, the trouble may be safely and quickly corrected by the use of a good aika- Uine. Bisurated Magnesa-<wder or tablets-is ideal for this purpose. Just a littie after meals neutralizes ail the excess acid, prevents souring, breaks up gas and ends indigestion. Favorite foods no longer upset stom- ach and digestion is easy and pain- less. It wlll do ail this for you or money back. Druggists everywhere seil Bisurated Magnesia with this guarantee. tf Persian Balm-the peerless aid to loveliness. Delightfully fragrant. Dainty to use. Leaves no stickmness. A littie gentie rubbing and it is swiftly absorbed by the tissues. Tonlc in effect. Soothes and dispels rough- ness and chaflng. Keeps skins sol t and velvet-textured. Unrlvalled for charra, distinction and refinement. Used by lovely women everywhere to preserve and erihance their natural beauty. Culd weather is a severe test for any gas or oll. Super Sheil Oas vaporizes instantly and our Zero Oils flow f reely at 10w temn- perature. This of course, means qulck startlng. Let us serve you. If you use Coal 011 for llghtlng your home, we have a message for you that will surely please. We are lmportlng and can supply you with a wonderful quallty Coal Ou., at the price of the ordlnary grades. Give it a trial. PIIONE 110 KING ST. EA5T.l BOWMANVI LLE WAR ON WASTE Winners of Goodyear plant cam- paign are Banquetted at Balmoral Hotel Closing the War on Waste whicfl bas been waged at the local Good- year plant for some weeks, the win- ning team, the "No Trax", captained by Clif Samis, were entertained at a banquet at the Balmoral Hotel by the Company Saturday evening when the winners were presented with cash awards. About sixty attended the function. A. H. Fletcher said grace after which the guests partook of a fine banquet. At the conclusion of the meal community singing was indulged in and was f ollowed by an address on the War on Waste by M. A. Neal under wbose department the campaign was conducted. He commented on some of the suggest- ions entered in the competition and compared those sent in by the var- ious departments. H. M. Nanson o! the Personnel department, gave a short talk on the "Safety and No Accident Campaigu" which is now being conducted by ail Goodyear plants. In the 1930 campaigu when nine factories were entered Bowman- ville plant came in fourtb place, the trophy being won by California. A. M. Hardy, superintendent a! the plant, also addressed the gatbering on Welfare, explainmng the position and responsibiity o! every employee. He stressed the point that the cus- tomers of the company, rather than the heads o! departments. were the boss of the employee and thus it fell on every single man to uphold the traditions of the flrmn by following the motto "Protect Our Good Name." While the company was doing its best ta make-their goods acceptable to the buying public and thus in- crease their business it was other- wise impossible to stimulate busi- ness. Interspersed with the speeches were music4i numbers: Selection by male quartette, A. Lobli, M. Tuerk, A. E. Tyreil and M. Crook; orchest- ral selections by Misses V. Rylott and Ruby Bain and Messrs. F. and M. Tuerk; Geo. Vine contributed a vocal solo; Miss Olive Joues a reading; and A. E. Tyreil an accordian solo. Mr. Samis acted as the chairman and at the close moved a bearty vote of thanks to the company for their generosity in providing the banquet, the motion being seconded by M. Crook, and accepted on behaif of the company by Mr. Hardy. The Recreation Club is planning a smoker f or members on Friday, March 13tb. wlien a boxing tourna- ment will lie a feature. March 2th a dance lias been arranged for the members, both functions to be held in the Wingfoot Hall. Watson's or- chestra of Oshawa wil provide the music. BOND) SELLING CAMPAIGN District of West Durham Oniy $3.00 Short of is Objective The f ollowing 15 the report of the Bond Selling Campaigu lu connect- ion with the Tcnth Ontario Older Boys' Parliameut and the Ontario Boys' Work Board for district of West Durbam. Rural Places Hampton $ 3.00 Ebenezer 7.50 Solina .12.50 Tyrane .20.00 Newcastle 32.00 Total $ 75.00 Objective .. .$ 85.00 Orono-no, report recelved. Bowmanvllle St. Paui's Church $125.00 Trinlty Churci 6.50 Total .$132.00 Objective $20 Grand Total Sales $207.00 Total Objective $210.00 Medals Awarded Bronze medals wiii lie presented te the following who sold $6 wortb o! bonds: Douglas Courtice, Ebenezer; Jim Smales and Russell Balson, S0- lina; Joe Barton and Eric Coombes, Bowmanville. Silver medals for seling $14 wortb o! bonds wll be presented ta: Don- ald Wlliams, Alan Adams and Nel- son Osborne o! Bowmanvile; Lorne Annis o! Tyrone; and Fred Cowan and Edwin Hancock of Newcastle. A gold medal for selling $50 wortb o! bonds willice prescnted te John Jury, Bowmanville, and thc scholar- shlp te the District Camp to, Swas- tika Tuxis Square of St. Paui's Churcli. On lichal! of the boys I would like ta thank ail those wio bclped us lu aur campalgu. As yau wiii sec by the report wc wcrc qulte successful this year. The Orono retumns may yet bring the county sales up ta the [objective. For mysel! I would like ta thank alI the boys who tumncd out ta sel the bonds. No matter what tic in- dividual records wcre, ecd salesman bas had a share in making this suc- ccss possible. John Jury. Member a! Older Boys' Parliament George Clements Honored by Friends On Feli. 28tb. at the home o! Mr. and Mms. P. W. Atteuborougli, 72 East Lynu Ave., Toronto, Mr. George Clements, who lias been cmployed in the Bowmanvllle lacality for the last six years, was honourcd on bis 21st liirthday by a c'nmoany o! yoiîng People. After supper had licen serv- cd, tie hast, Mm. Attenliorough. con- gratulated hlm upon reachlng man- hood's estate and wished him ros perlty and happiness in the future years. Presentations were then made by bis !riends in Toronto and let- ters of greeting were handed to hini from bis friends In Bawmanville and Orono districts. An enjoyalile even- ing wvas srent in games. piansos and duetq hlimarous and sentmna Fon gs. At the end o! the program M.Clements expressed, lr afw wcll chospn words. bis apprýeciatfion ta bis Taronto fmiends for their kindness ta hlm. Announcement 15 made Tram Ot- 1 tawa that Major Arthur V. Thomne' o! Millbrook lias licen apnointed Crnpus Comm1ýQ1oner for Durham Countv for 1931. Other officiais, somp, loral. wlll be aponted a s slst Malor Tho)rne lu the complto ,of county figures. MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES Chief Sydney Venton Axuong the police officers wbo re- ceive speciai mention in the current issue of the "Canadian Police Jour- nal" are Chief Sydney Venton of Bowmanviile, and the Chie! s of Pol- ice of Oshawa and Whitby. The pictures of ail tbree appear and un- dem that of Chie! Venton appears lis history which will prove of interest ta local people. "Born in Cornwall, England, the account states, Bowmanville's police head went te Oshawa in 1909 and, joined the police force there. He was on the reserve force o! the Cold- stream Guards, famous English regi- ment, and when war broke oti August 1914, the Oshawa constable was called to England where he join- ed bis reginient. Chie! Venton saw much of the terrible flgbting lu the flrst two months of the confiict, when the "Old Contemptibles" prov- ed themseives sucli a formidable bar- rier to the Kaiser's great conquering armies. Against overwhelming odds, the Coldstreams eudeavored to check the mardi of tic Germans to Paris. Chief Venton was captured lu Oc- teber 1914, and in one of those sharp engagements lu which the Allied armies proved their valor and mrac- ulously prevented the Teuton hordes, f rom reacblng their goal. After spending five years as a prisouer in Germany, Chie! Venton returned te Canada and again joincd Oshawa's police department. In 1928 lie was appointed ta the position of Chie! of Police in Bowmanville." MAPLE GROVE REFLECTIONS Installmeut No. 18 Can You Recal- WHEN many fram tic Grove en- joyed an occasional outing ta Tor- onto or Niagara FaUs on the steam- ers "Garden City" and "Argyle" on their regular and excursion trips from Port Bowmanville? WHIEN Arthur Phclps, a small siy son a! the parsonage, often occupied a front pew ln the churci, whlle bis father, Rev. Leonard Pielps, con- ducted tic service? Arthur became quite a famous poet and is now Bey. Arthur L. Phelps, Protessor of Exig- lisb at Wesley College, Winnipeg. WHEN the great Knapp RoUler Boat, that was expectcd to revolu- tionize water transport, on ber initial trip f romn Toronto to Montreal, roll- ed into shore at Baby Head (Henry Mann's Farrn) and was vlsîtcd by tiousands from ail parts o! the country? The iran roUler was about 175 f cet long and 3 feet in diameter. It had large compartments at eaci end tiat did not revolve, to bouse the maciinery, freiglit and passen- gers. The old roUler was abandoned and was stranded on tbe shore for several years, when it was towed back te Toronto and broken up for scrap. WHEN Mr. and Mrs. Clark Tyler movcd inte the new bouse on ticir 50 acre lot, north o! tic Grave, over 50 years ago? Clarke did bis farm- lng teamling with a f anous pair of oxen, Buck and Bright. Addie, Wal- ter. Normait, and Wil ail attcnded S. S. No. 6, until the family movcd to town, wbere Mr. Tyler secured a position in the Dominion Organ and Piano factory, whcre lie was a faitb- f ui employe of tbe Company for forty years. We understand there lias not yet been a break in thc faxnlly clrcle-possibly the only such record o!f'"the old sciool."1 SNOWED-IIN Jim Kendick. on bis way home after a long business trip, was de- layed by a snow-blockade. His wif e would be expecting hlm. Jim re- membered tbe telephone. He got ln toucl i wth her at once; be would be "about three hours late." And a PlPing-hot dinner was walting for 1hlm, when lie arrived! BADMINTON CLUB NEWS The second of a series o! Round! Robin Badminton tournamnents wasi held at the Badminton Club on Sat-] urday afternoon. Twenty couples participated this week. The prizes were donated by Mrs. H. M. Nan- son, one of last week's prize winners. The winners were Stuart James and Mrs. W. J. Dudley, who came flrst witb 80 points; and A. D. Fortier and îMiss Audrey Trimble second with 75 points. The series will be continucd each weck owlng to the great in- terest taken in tbem. The club was packed for tic games last Saturday. !The club is also, planning for an- other dance for whicli invitations are now bemng sent out ta lie beld on St. 1Patrick's Day, March l7ti. A badminton match between St. Andrew's Club o! Oshawa and Bow-1 manville Badminton Club was held' on the former's courts iast week wlti Bowmanvtile winning 5 out of 8 games. Four couples from ecd club playcd. Iu tic ladies' doubles, Helen Osborne and Marie Ames, Mrs. H. Goddard and Evelyn Goddard wcre partuers, while lu the mcn's doubles Alan Osborne and Stuart James. Cecil H. Dudley and W. Musson were partncrs. lu thc mixed doubles Helen Osborne was partnered wlth Stuart James, Marie Ames with Cecil Dudley, Mrs. H. Goddard and Alan Osborne, and Evelyn Goddard with W. Musson. The ladies doubles iost1 and the mcn's doubles won, while tie As The first three named mixed doubles one making the five sets. Following the games a delightful tea was served and an enJayable afternoon was spent. Wuil Pattern on B. T. S. A modern industrial sehool for Roman Catholic boys patterned on the Boys' Training School at Bow- manville will lie built at a cost of $200,000 at Alf red, Ontario, 40 miles f rom Ottawa, by the Christian Bro- therhood of Canada. Application for permission to erect such a school lias been made to, the Legisiature and ac- ceptance of the proposal was made by the government last week. The school wiil provide accommodation for 100 Catliolic boys wlth provision for enlargement if necessary. It wiii afford adequate facilities for agri- cultural and vocational training forI the rehabulitation of the occupants. The usual government grant wil be made to the institution. For Scalds or Burns.-Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul is a standard remedy for the prompt treatment of scalds and burus. Its healing power quick- ly soothes the pain and aids a speedy recovery from the înJury. It is also an excellent remedy for ail manner of cuts, bruises and sprains, as well as for relieving the pains arlsing from inflammation of various kinds.j A bottie in the bouse and stable saves many a doctor's and veterin- ary's fTee. rk Y ref Why A &' P Sella More Meat Than 4 Any Other Chain in Canada a Answer Is Obvious- QUALITrY! SIX REASONS FOR THIS BETTER QUAL1TY 960ub THAT EVERY HOUSEWIFE SHOULD KNOW I. et bujeuséslect oettlo la tiseir vu7 4. flW g fZ i se torkein.dunder U ~ ~ ~ e iiew h cl s mu et efine iten e odtin frf ilat. t e _re : n Mmd favol!. 5. BM pe ta A & P Stores otten oui a P 2. Bahdi carraus"accepted te immOM e w hpoIdlu a'ly ale to afo few hui bforgong A on sale, ea atey istnglsedwith the A & P nistxum protection. stamp u odert.prevent substitution M5itaiIe in pzee condition ut throb ~Ot.stores wth thse adot moat moderni ISHED3. Kifed under Goverument and mmuet- rfieaedcutr, wheh very wESTABLISHED 59Palsupervision. AhPSoeIsqxpe.1859 And because we SeU more ment tisa amy otiser cha i Cauiada, A & P PEICES Anz LOWER: PROVE IIT YOURSELP . .. Tis WEEK! IOMY RUIKES' Eue »aoepted at mil A & P Stores lunlieu of merchandIse or eua" àulo WIIERE ECM Y RULES" accepted uat the Warehouhe, 135 Laughton Ave., Toronto1 &20 D.17e WEINERS DwamAZ.l 5 BOLOGNA »Maig1e loouc- I A FmS FmE TO - 2en AM PU STEAS us25e 2 IEE ATL414TIC colb. 14. lb.e 3 'bu.s $1 e04 Bars 1Tins s9,ý TOMATOES AYLMEE N0. 329 TOUATOBSCROICE QUALI rYmTINS'-9 PEA HES AustzaiaaPick 2No ~43e resh Fruitg and Vegetable Fresh fruits and vegetables de- Iivered daily to ail our storea. A complete list of ail native and ixnported fruits and vegetables can be had at attractive prices. Finest quality fi" wegt packed lu brîght alumînunu "SALADA" TEA Horses For Sale OUR HORSES ARE NOW ALL HOME IN OUR OWN BARNS AT LINDSAY FOR QUICK SALE. The John Carew Lumber Co. LtcI. 'i Groccry Maiitrer: P. Williams. arge 1 Or. Phone No. 83 -isOWMANVILLE TIC & PACIC TEA <Cool_______ i A h P QUAITY ROASTS B EEF s:HuLDER OR cuc IL1 2 c Blade or Thîck Bib 1 BACON Lb 11. Prîme Rib Firat 4 Ribu lb. 200 SACO»CiCNTRE CUSBID, E RUMP Rouagior Squan lm. I1 70SAUSAGE C oemnaor= Ib20oI PEAMBALED 0 Cottag'e R NEW SRIPMENT JUST IN-GOVElrNMEN'i SALM FilUets lb.2 e Whteh 'a,-lme Oysten mPat 49o MIADE IN ONTARIO~S FINEST CREAMERIES MJLD lb. TC c ESNEW L 10G FINGERS 33ooRmcA's Ziba. 33e TE SOADP ~SURPRISE-A Pure,Ra-ed SoapIO SALM »ON - I 2No. 1 A W rong Impression Made Right Some of my customers are sur- prlsed at the quality of the work whlch I arn able to do for them because they have been given to understand that I amrn ot a quaI- 1lled mechanlc. I take this opportunity to make known to the public that whlle I have neyer advertised myself as an expert mechanlc I learned my trade over 20 years ago when It was a trade and arn fully qual- ified ta do any kind of Tinsrnth- Ing, Plurnbing and Heatlng whlch you may require. I have a fully equlpped tinshop. A trial will convince you that 1 know how to do the work. Corne and See. R. E. LOGAN Plumblng, Heatinir ani Tlnsitb Phione 264W Bowmanvllle, Ontario l'AVORED IN T1IOUSANDS O0l ' OU OES-MACHINE Nt>hi[-IPEV ,NCOffBE A ILOAF 6 i NEW BAKERY P."()I>UCT A 100% RLAGE WHOL WRET ~24-OZ. LOAF OLIVES VICTE#ND JAR JELLO INCLU'IG LIIr 3 Pkgs. 190 TIIE COit E up:; Ml BOKkR TIGHT TIN d47e LB. TIN, 25e The World's Largc'st Meat Managrer: G. McCov. We De;výr-FxtrR Cha, KING STREET Mm ~GaEAT ATANI MME TRE CANADIAN STAITMULN, BOWMANVUM, TEnIRSDAY, MARCI-I 12th, 1931 PAGE I HR 0 ÉIN UN V% il P-11- il