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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1931, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATFSMAN, BOWM.ANVILLE. THURSUAY, MARCH 9th, 1931 B. H. S. NOTES OU, COMPANIES MERGE on Mach 1th teakesraOvpro-P Tolu . m a gvn by Junior Commerc- DTake utrockmG od H a h D m gam ihglopened wth the school Ditiuor tc uigig "0 Canada." The school Accordig ta information recentl THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1931 pearance when they played two sel- and 011lCompafly has purchased the r~r h ections, "Bye Bye Blues" and "Your Petroleum Distributors Companflo, E CASTLE _ _ _ r UATETEST AN CURHE Drivig M e Crazy." A short sketch H mlon htransaction is of in-N AN C UANEWEMI ISER S AND HURCHE wasgivn, The Town Musicians,"! iltT h iease tefatta Jack Mille rerese g a roosedsrbuto !Sicargsoil n Gle ul iso Bn l rtalfl in Person in ComnitY 0Oshawa PreSbYtal of the W.M.S. vdienat, adWlrdBoTiaiBwaVeediastric tefor thpsalat 23 hrhOw a aTursdYa.HatEn o r 0clSl soitdta tbhoo Jaklter r eetn oset ts odnRl iso advUHall, Asse >Ms enDves will meet in King Street United 1adfo r tdta W alte Short a og, M rwin rY- i rib tion f Siclairgasolne a on S turda in he U.C. S.S. A sistarey M ssfJanwDaf Cthehhshgwaqon litsd ypra .dH t, wee c ffry Shrtadg MrilC l ubricating oil has been carried on ini meet anStra iteToe~ o attended the concert 26th. Three sessions comm at , oily cos h et od banbe v ie r a n d a W illia m d W il e r w B w a n i l d srthf reh p s H l t . 0e nmT o e hi e e o y to c h o s e th e b e t y o dt lO se d h r dorakey. Orland pluniner, Alex Col- lyear bY the X-S-Power CompanYl Mrs. Wm. Banathan went ta Tor- in the Cornunity Hall last Wed- 9 a. .arniewo hehg villbeand Forltheirig t o rman they undeir the capable direction of Mr. onto on Saturday ta, spend a week neday .vnig, given by the Adanac. St. Paul's Church - Rev. D. W. sang "On the Road ta MandalaY." 1 Ar oleîum ith her daughter, Mrs. James Mixed Quartette, memiberseo! dthe in Best, D. D., Minister. il a. m.- LIPTON'S RED LABEL TEA, Y2-lb. Distributtroeum ors Coin- Haugh.ternationally f amous MndlssohnlMrigWrhp VcrasSie-LPO' RNEPKETA /.b 8 A play "The Ghost StorY" was giv- ywa affiiated with an Aneri'Zaf St ïJohn's R. C. Church-SuXday, Choir of Toranto, have every reason ing"; 7 Wohp. m.É'VeninguWorshipLF eRthe cost jFrncdiClrceMuelh i cmny in Pennsylvania and, March 22nd: Haly Mass at 10.30 a. ta congratulate themnselves that they "Paradise Lost": 2.30 p. m.-Sunday utPrdFacsCdistributed Penn Drake gasolinie o Rv teaes MeGulle, seized the opportunity o! ern col akg GOCk i ArchieW ood, laren e Okea larg territo ' estern Ontaro. Cob e ge fteded and ppopularrisarti ndtsSt anhns Aoh lcan Anglican. 1Cckerpan f eVe d ibs r1 r H B oser it tearroaefulthee a a ring i-I SiRaSienLeAMMaichctord lf bell, Aci od lrneOe The mposition o! the 21/2c duty o .N.R.estatiorherandng th Quartette'5Serie ee h omno .m MrigPae Ruth Purd.y gave the epiogue. had some bearing on the transaction, Mr. Chris Law, shipped part o!aca itte o therentesrpieis er- he ndammuio nt, .'.:Mrh 2nd:ay Y' hsf rom the C...sainhr-btn _h il'itrf orir basketball it is understood.ofQrttewsaitdonhsoc gam es, Fourth Farm takes flrst place i The acquisition of Petroleu i Dis- l scrd y h rc p i a u re aasio y M ss iteda n D his, o -en il a 2. 30 .m.: ;nday School ad B e atu and Flfth Formn second.trbts Company bas retly $7.50 a cwt ., voicethd soprano. and gold medalist af I btr re oc p .11. o ac Cooae X-S-Power. The former company ship of Mrs. W. P. Ragers, is halding AfMter hearing these artists, assist- i1-lb. boxUniney ChurhRv .T.Wt h uc aseoteS 2 8 hadaproimtey 00ouleS noheittMthetad ainherBatuten d y is Dvie, hoalo roeaRoin, asoraSndy srvce: eaBanqpahetietenfine mplished panist andil500-Easet Thanssifering o iwdistricts in which they were operat- the U. C. S. S. Hall on Friday even- wh ropoe ois atr uda evcs n lcwl rdcs ing ncluigGelh, itchener, ing o this week. hersel an accomlse intad11.m-EtrThkOfeigofBn rSphtigvi J. H ERM OI1IJN rd g jncmltonU , Brntfrdaccon'patiist, ane could easily under- Woman's Missionary Society; ad- Î -f ~* IALA~I'AStratfatGî, aitn BatOd Mrs. Gea. Honey is in Toronto with stand why these entertainers are S s s will be given by MisseEffie and hert.teCathariRevneTsM.Camp- 1popular and are cnstantly being Jamieson, General SecretarY W. M. Spemberhee oses, e laot 5 wnsThe X-PWe Gasaline and 01 ll b si rknbat n not boaked f oi fgeens S. Board, recently returned from Af- i a yhas distribliting rlghts for recovering as fast as was hoped fram The m em bers f the quartette ar : ri a All m embers of the W . M . S.pecalloned M .... .. POULTRY and APPLES I l arge territor3T for Sinclair gasolitie the efects o! baving fracttired her Miss Julia Bell, soprano and reader; and its branches are expected ta at- Supuprl I. .. at and lubricating ails, preiasthigb in an accident at borne last Mrs. . D. Goîdring contraltoad edinaboy ull-O-Pep Chlck Starter andi Fine ChiékGan Dheacui-tonChristmas îns etKntpradpa- Trinity Young People held their tribtrr Comanyeithad n Sct- . Gearge's Churcb - Rev. F. il. ist; Horace Clark, baritone. The regular meeting on' Manday, Match1 ities for distribution in western On- Masn, M.A., rector. Sunday, March quartette's rendition o! "The Singifg 1,6th. wich was in charge o![ Mr. Bob esSotrnVgabs Phons- trio.22nd. 5th Sunday in Lent: 8 a. m.-1 Lesson," "We'll Have ta Martgage Corbett. Miss Helen Argue read the ho ncsi __________ Holy Communion; 11 a. m.-MOrn'- the F arm." "Old King Caîr'" and scrpture lessan, after whîch the fol- Trntao-Triflity 949J iyMrs. W. A. QuibelI, o! Tronto, ing Prayer and Sermon; 2 p. m.1-! The Gaad Evening Sang" all made lowing pragramn was given: Vocal H1 II 4 Adres:24 ugsa ve, ersan, Oshawa. Preacher, Rev. P. W. A. Robets, Col- the several encore numbers so liber-j ville Osbrne; piano solo-MISS Hel-' Toroto. 6-tf A truck owned by Joseph Walfamn borne. allv contributed. en Smale; reading-Mr. Clare Allin; P O E16B o! Toronto was totally destroyed by Reeve W. F. Rickard was in Tr- i 'bat the whole program was well' Mr. Chas. H. Masan gave an addresS vau o 30.was alsa lst when fie wt h ntdCute'its int tse ! hs eresene in the Trinity Y. W. A. held the regular veonfur $a30s. B wxanile lxe-h eUin ithe a d n i vorc, 0 t fth i d iio o te qur ais CasR o , r.EtnWe-boeau ntetuc erC urie Ç bug' p lctin frsprain uiec a eaprcac b h etng o usay eeigiitn________________the________________ men were called ta the scene but whatever it is when a county towfl tette's selections were such menitor-Lais lsRomMr.EtnW- thee was little a! ither the truck does not want ta bc a county towri ious nuinbers as "Galloping" and j y, president. in the chair, and Miss or te contents le! t wben they ar- any longer. "Lassie ' Mine". tenor solos by Bert Florence Werry acting secretary for rived. Congratulations ta Mrs. MattbewI King: "The Two Grenadiers" and Mrs. 1. R. Bragg wvho was absent Dýouglas' Egyptian Liniment is anBrflowingth Chester D.' SaihGl, o ogtig"h througb illness in ber home. Wor- excellent leg wasb for stock. A150 j Grand Challenge Cup, for tbe DrikingSang" by Horsace sppeidapneritkuitui remoes crnsiorses and quickly third consecuýtive year for bav^ing re- artnete el nwnad x e Mscd at the piano by Mrs. Smith Fer-ase relieves bruises, sprains, swellings ceivd the higbest number o! points lently delhvered readings and the guson. Mrs. W. C. Ives read the de- and Joint stiffness. inei the Newcastle Horticultural Soc- solo. "Lass witb the Delice.te Air" by votianal leaflet. Program was in, ____________ Have Your Eyos Examine8 iety's annual Spring Flower Shov's Miss Julia Bell; and the superblyj charge a! Mrs. Dippll's and Mrs. ConultourMOHERSAVS TE AY eldonSt. Patrick' DaY. rendered selection by Miss Jean Day- Hefkey's graup. Piano duets were Registeedlt oristE sVSTH United Church-Rev. W. P. Rag- ies whose repertoire mnldte given by Misses Helen Argue andIWa ofldyi il eI o'Otogtu Registered Optometrist le~~~rs, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Mach Italian. Ciro-Mio-Beno, The Lass Doroty Edger and by Ms. SmithWaa ofldyiwl bIfour1 ý1 'F M s e ms a rtletts a vlie ag u plen do! RM.ITCHELL "I feel 50 blue," complalfled Mat- 122nd: il a. m.-Morning Worship; with the Delicate Air, Invitation, andFersan and Misst PauCanien, Wagat - - LtostMthods- - garet ta ber raom-mate, 11 shaîl 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool; 7 p. m.- Ive Donc My Work. In sh ecit a rts. Mr. f gave ao ccouplrease tdig To aofs r Modern instruments- neyer get my eas"dtre Evening Service. Altbough this will We. understand thequretan were tears in ber eycs. Thon tbe be especially a men's service, eveXy- Miss Davies sere engaged through a reading an Tbank Ofering. Mis silmdrtinpe R. M ichel & C. thegil gladly. "What a wonderful wiîî îead in the singing and render son the new member o! the Com- Book Chapter vcry interestingly. M.~cnetfrihdasca AlhoTIodrary DmuglsS Opomtnîts surprise!" And itwsdette suitable anthems. muriity Hall ManagifgCmite ctmeing urcl e n Drgit Poerss frequent Long Distance caîls f nom Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Rogers were - chargeto!nMr. Wnigtson Weaih'n__________ Phnassu ohr htMrgrtws e Tredo s Tedyad e-cgeo Ap. ri lst.Wgh' asrdand passed with flying colons. nesday attending the meetings of the' CARD 0F TIIANKS -opo pi 1t Ontario Prohibition Union and oniM, .Cakadfml Nw o m n il a e congregation an interesting eotcslws otakterfins Mtescnesl nwwe metIoterchildren are tnoubled __ith o! the Tuesday evcning pulc -i r t er s m ah an a tf l worms, and they lose no time in Sp- C.W.ONE 91ro rito Tehe____________ pmeingnatreliableircmdyd-nMathernopsisofthe________________________a_________________-_______ autsandig adrescs.Graves' Worm Exterminator. The estdresed in he ninding a synpss.o 1 he iw&. ______ ______________________________ E AS T E R P AR A D E j MAPLE__________________________________________ OBITUARY 1sajoitN.1 wil b warngMrs. Mary A. Stanley, BowmanVille j The remains o! the late Mrs. Mary WIi-i many o! the fanners and 4.1.~.riunhOUtAnn Shuter, widow o! tbe late Rab- Iseveral laborers in the neighbonhoad In many cities - ergou ot Stanley, who passod away in Ot-'lost ail their savingsintecaho itawa, on Sunday, March 8ib. agod Cods Batnk? It was a by-ward for Canada the Easter Parade has 96"' e a rswr brought here for in- j rany years after 111 give >'ou a become an institution. And t uerentakBin pl c etychqe f MooS Hn Cbarn rank."recns MEN'S SPRING WEIGHT COMBINATIONS, reg. $.25 for 6 c in .every Easter Prd ay-Ca. Funeral Panlors on Wednosday ercd more f un tban a picnic? They... men-the best dressed men- î afternoon. The service was conduct- werc quite numeraus in those days. Tinity United Church. Bearers were usuallY the toamn captains, and Clte-ntesiedsic-werc Messrs. F. C. Pethick, F. R. how they could "Yaw, beave", run Regular $5.00 to clear at iveothyes, the same dclsi-e Kenslake, C. A. Johnstan, D. R. Mor- thc perline plates. naise the danger- ivestyes th sme xclsie " Irisan, A. L. Nichalîs and Fred Dw- ous rafiens and lead their teams in woolens, tesain-me Thos etherac.hile the ladies watched. new Neptune Shades that laeM.adMs Salywt nerct, the asscmnbling o h i ived for many years near the Can- Umer and had a great spread wcewelknWlan igl rset WHrsen Jtm .g.spn.t..EN..IE you'll find right here in our adian National Railway station and ready whon he job was donc. cd. They had no children o! their gMErpatoNn sme igmgMNS TIES awn, but two nieces, Misses Ethel up an ýE artdifcancd thresb ingft Uneaabevaue n oc-and Dorotby Sanderson, reslded wth bako isatCraw!ad'5 hn be tAl the new shades Regular 75c to $1.0,tocera cane.he tied i vat butsi inud natI 5p ety Brand and other makes. them and grcw ta yaung womanbaad ihought cverytbing was in ship shape SU1TSShortly a! ten the death of Mm. thrcsb. lHe wonked same marc on it, 25e 5C Stanley in Apnil, 1920. Mrs. Stanley thennid i again. but still it went to Ottawa to reside wih ber wudttrs.Atratidu $ 18.0 O to $35.0O n~~~~iece, Mrs. Rupert Hamln (th successful efort. a1oor t ad Jimmy sa< E'tIKADW O Orglr5c ocera whreheSS~f ~ ~dawn and ciedd said: 35c. de TOPCOATS Mrs' (Capt.) Farid ngadoth) e 'on, if 'er won't dresh, usîll dnaw 'er E'SIKA DW O SXrgl 5ctole a TOP OA S s at Carlisle, Egad out the barn an' zet vire ta 'or and $15 00 to 30.OOAmong those who attended the burn 'or, if 'on won't dresb." Sa hi $1 .0t 3 .0fneral were Mn. and Mrs. Rupert drew ber out the barn and set fine BY'OIT HLRNSA NTY Fryugmnad enwoMn. Jeans of Toronto. Edito's Note-An error crept Sies2to 6;reuar$14 frDRENSSES stay youflg. last wock's neflectiails nc!cnring taSzs2t ;reua 14 o Mr. Fred Chatterly Napp Roller Boat as belng 3 fit. in DRSE diametor whlch should have read ' I The death is announced a! Mr. 30 fi. 99C T.B G L HFS red Chattenly, formei'ly o! Bow Be sure ta road Rov. H. W. P"t' 's $1.25 Dlroctly Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61, Bowvil anville, wbich toak place in Lon- letton on page 2.Foc' T. B. GILCHRIST - i o, Engand, on March 13th._____This_____ a pary ~fboys rom n. Fean'sCHILDREN'S REEFERCO T As aî, ( 1t hte ubie malZa i ro, modies como and go ut i ffc ver Flood's Store - I ovoy oanth qao. '~ th' niçinDr. J. D). Kellagg's Astbma Rcmedy Port HopeI ________________________ gnow groatonr and gr'atr'r. NO fir- O fc l u s JVortcutt& Smlith thon evidnce could ho a'kod o! itS WEESA each weekJ. NLR rmankable m enu. n nliovos. ' i, OffeSD it9.0uPr m.s: Fu eri îrctrs - Home Furnîshers aîwaYs o th sam, unvanying quai-K930ga 930 p ni i . Suuer l icsors t ln W ila sity wbich the , su ffpner fram Rstbma Toronto Office: K n te t E h n 7 o m n il O ffic 58 Oii S 23 o r 58. BWilliaimselear s ta know . D o n oi sufer an -2143 D &fOrth Ave. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phonuso53sr 8.' ainvll ohen aitak, but get ibis splendid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phons: ffic 58 H rrneY today

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