With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, L.931 .$2.00 a Year in AdVance 5c a Copy N.1 Large Class O F MranGLDEN arso Southd. HWu l VINS BIG CHOCOLATEheB3 c Rotary Club Sees LEGION BAND O e 9 el .Darlington, Celebrate 50th winner in the mammoth chocolate Proposed New Band Will Use Instra- Candidates A re We--- - -mverar Chapter A t Home bar guessing contest at W. J. Bag- ments of 235th Battalion -" 1881- 191 -Parsns Hosin:nell's Store last week. The bar which M otion Picture ayOfrSvies Provided H r o 1881 - 1931 Parsons - oskin; was n display in the window weigh-MayOerSvis- ConFirmed Here enth r and rsJoh okn W as Big Success gwaesssed hew:ihas 9 Ib, 3 z of Summer Camp From the report of the canvass for int Beheda n arh t, 181, Arthur S. Baker, who came second, members of a Legion Band it appear s RgtR J LSMary Ann (Polly) to John Lewis guessed the same as the winner, but there is no lack of either instrumentsCM U t ev. as. . weeney, 0PM yr e Cir uit offi atKenner Balmoral Hotel was scene of as his entry came in after the other Rotarian C. E. Rehder dis- o uiin ntetw.AcrigCm uiy W laeC m Bishop ~of TorontoCcn-cu- brillant eent o Fri contestant he was relegated to sec- to the report the following are avail-. Bishp ofToroto, on- A jolly company of relatives as- bilate n o Fridy ond place. Robert Hayes took the plays movies of K.awartha able and have signified their willing- mIttee has& on vlubl firmed 31 candidates at sembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. evening When large num- ts d rw .The hug r thas e ®- oy'Cmpcnuce y n"is t: °win thand on isforma- cart leWr red - imrsiv eeOn. :Vonday evening, March 9th, to join ber attended annual event prize winner with a 2-pound box of Peterboro Rotary Club. Bennett and Jack Miller Jr., snare ing Winter. with them in the celebration of their chocolates, and the third prize win- drum; Frank Tuerk, Max Tuerk, A. Before a congregation which pack- 50th Wedding Anniversary Day. The second annual "At Home" of lates.wta1-onbxofcc- A motion picture sowing of scenes inet; arold All1n Almon Fetcher, More than 490meshaebn ed St. John's Anglican Church to The wonderful downfall of snow Palestine Chapter, Royal Arch Mas-_ at Kawartha Boys' Camp, a camp Albert Darch, Kenneth Morris, trom- distributed through h oieOfc latcity o Sundiayesmoring te over the weekend previous to the Bnsoheld on Fridasa vn atthe nnear Peterboro at Clear Lake and bone; Jack Tait, Gilbert Jones, to hungry transients asn hog yargst cass of candidateforJsme celebration hindered many of those Balmorsald Hoews aottndingh SPEAKS ON ILLITERACY operated under the auspices of Pet.. Bruce Berry, Charlie Cawker, Percy Bowmanvile since Dcme t.i ears ws confrmed b Rev. ames fom attnding ho hadplanne to suess an thosewho atendedoadrerbrouRotry Clu, hwas he feaure JeningsJ.JM.M ennedyanddWaterdisstatedby Mr.D. R. orrisorPres L. Sweeney, D. D., Lord Bishop of the dromso t ti hremery lehlo a toroughly enjoyable evening. The of Friday's meeting of the Rotary Woolley, cornet; Louis Rowe, David of the CommunityWefrCom- Dicee f orntinanimresieparties enjoyed the outing both toengfetrwaaspnddb- Club at the Balmoral Hotel. Rotar- Morrison, Wilfred Carruthers, Robt. tee. In addition toehswrkavr ceremonyatShotarge vas he congre ad ro te omstad srved by Host AnJ.B edham ian Ernie Rehder operated the pro- Townes, bass horn; Albert Pickard, worthy work among h edyo h be tilized an ohde asalso o e Eal mte nigthebrdes idath the headale Mr. Gaeo re.ector who showed scenes of every- Jas. Abernethy and Wm. Shotter. town has been carridoi hc beutliedan sat hd l t t al wastredy and peethe rde' a Ch 1th - tbl. r Goreday life at the camp where for a baritone horn; Jack Humphrey, Sam a great many citizeshv c-pr plassconethe centre aisle e taeptngapearyan esth itsa-Citase ld the con 1icommn nominal sum a boy may spend as Leggett. alto horn; J. C. Knight,1 ated in a whole heareman. Boys' Training School, and seven propriate decorations and tempting dinner with the music provided byl qlog a t mountyinamosthn. eupoknium Sa Gn ille, Bert When the ticket pa o edn members of the church, three men viands, chief of which was the beau- Reynold's Orchestra which also pro..eu-e elhu1outyarwt icc, eo on ikWdi transients was firstinrdcdtwa and four ladies, the latter adding tiful wedding cake which adorned vided music during the dinner. Thel every facility to make life for that combe, saxaphone. decided to give mintesadci- colour to the service with their whit the centre of the table and brightly Toast to the King and Craft was perio one long happy holiday. The instruments which are owned ens these tickets tistiue u dresses and veils. st luminated the darkened room when duly honored, and Mr. L. W. Dippell The camp is situated on Clear by the trustees of the 235th Battalion, this plan was found ob h as The Lord Bishop remarked very ited Etyiny golden candles were proposed the toast to the Grand Lake about 20 miles north of Peter-t and which will be available for use of much overlappings h iti feeligly urin his ermo of h h . veryone didjustice to the Chapter of the Grand Lodge of On- bore and is accessible both by road; by the Legion Band are as follows: bution of the tickets a hntas fego d r of hse ronopr epanguncheon served and ten te chair- tario. Mr. Fred C. Hoar, Superin- and lake steamer. The camp is open 2 E-fiat horns, 2 slide trombones, 1fre oeyt h oieOfc.I so large a class and also congratulat- man ofte evening, Rev. H. C. Wol- tendent of District No. 10, responded; for two months, July and August, valve trombone, 2 alto horns, 2 mel- this way transients wr o bet ed the congregation on their turnout faim pastor of te Ebenezer circuit, to this toast. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle and a boy is allowed to stay for any ophones, 3 cornets, 1 euphoniumn, 1, get meals from any ohrsuc n for the Bible instituted service of ae e-oe proposed the toast to the ladies, period of this time from one week tenor or baritone horn, 1 snare drum agere om e h enen ainodvn "Laying on of Hands." remars, Mr. Wolfraim expressed his while Mrs. A. L. Nicholls responded to the full two months. The camp and 1 bass drum. Not such a bad taeothgnrstyfciznsb The Bishop took for the subject of h easure ath eing present in the on behalf of the wives of the mem- is operated by a committee of Peter- list of instruments for a start, but getting three and formalJ a ,his sermon "Home Religion" and home on tis mportant occasion- bers who were guests. bore business men appointed by the twice as many will be needed to sup- they were now kept dw ooe n stressed the great need of a better Anrcbihng te advice given by the Rotary Club and they are assisted by ply the number of players available, hundred meals werehadebymn understanding of this subject and its Ahbsop of Canterbury at the A splendid program was rendered a committee of older boys who have but likely these will be forthcoming isters and citizensbeoeheol great effect on lif e. He spoke of the wedding of Princess Mary to Vis- durmng the evening and included previously attended the camp. Cap- from various sources. Several haV! oto a addoe otepl nee o main Cris te hadofcouni Lascelles, he said that the, vocal solos by W. Ross Strike and tain D. A. Loomis, M. C., one of the their own instruments.' ice. In addition toe zel ie each home, the unseen guest at ev- Archbishop had stated that to assure Mrs. ohn Baker, with Mrs. Harold frms os or uevsr nawaybtcksMrMoiontae ery meal and the silent listener to happiness in the home, there must Cl.eens at the piano. Specialt inaii am uevsradh At the next meeting of the Iegion . that several citizensndfern-c every congregation. The effect of pro be two pillars established, the first1 dancing by Marian Slemon, Yvonne is assisted by other qualified super..Bac-oehn oedfnt a ain aevr eeosysn per home religion, he stated, was Love, and the second Religion. Mr. Tighe, Elsie Carruthers, MadelineviosCatnLomshsbefr be announced. As summer gradually various kinds of foosth el cariedfro th hoe itothe Wolfraim was sure the bride and Veale and Hilda Brown, accompanied many years physical director at the draws near citizens will welcome any by which a large nme aebe school or college, into the office and groom of fifty years had both, and by Phyllis Challis, all of the High Peterboro Y. M. C. A.nw fabn ofl htvcn bet e hlsm n or fatoyan ada are efet nthat their children could rise up and School, was one of the most apprec- L. W. Dippell, B. A. .1 spot in the community life which has ishing meal. fate lifeaofhosea prtisingit o call themn blessed. He congratulated iated features of the evening's enter- The activities of the camp are1 been so noticeable in the past five Inadtoteh Fligthe cieoftoe remosny ofcon both Mr. and Mrs. Parsons and said tainment. Another feature was the Principal of -Bowmanville High many and varied and while the dir-1 years, or since the citizens' band was tra In dtontoth5malssevekt firmation the newly confirmed at- that his sincere and fervent prayer distribution of f avors to the ladies: School, who gave a fine address on ectors encourage participation in a disbanded. rasen2 t 35 bsts eedsrb tened her frstcomunon ndwas that Christ would continue to be with Miss A. Hoskin winning the Illiteracy to the Home and School great many of these activities it is uted, 25 at CistMasadters the the membrs omtheiongrea-d the unseen guest in the home and prize by finding the lucky lodge Club at Its meeting at Central not at all compulsory. Four main sinced rthtme. d itteasoa. witio me atota of 10the ogtook His mnfluence be continued. He then number in her package. rules conistitute the by-laws of the BIRD HOUSE CONTIEST WINNERS ragdfrtedstiuino1fu the sacrament. The Bishop was as- called upon Rev. Harold Stainton, TSchool on Wednesday last. wascamp and these are based on safety. akPultruEli tee sa- be ck oas f re rie n vg sisted in the service by Mr. A. H. former pastor of Ebenezer Circuit, Tentrem aningder of he eveing was The whole of the time is not spent Jak Polto of Eti teti p be hic erecntrbtdb h Cuttell, Finance Commissioner of te and long-time friend of the family, seti acn n adwt r at the camp as hikes are taken to parently the bird house king ofpuiso th PblcadHg Diocese of Toronto. and the rector, for an address. n r.Hrl lnadM. other points of interest, besides Bowandlefoai the Pubi Shol.T i otyefr a Rev C.R. pener.' M. Sainon xprsse th plas-Alex. Edmondstone and Miss Elsie canoe trips up the lakes lasting three School Bird House Contest he carried md ttePbi cola h At heevein srvie he eronure that both Mrs. Stainton and Carruthers winning the lucky dance or four days with camping at shel- away the fIrst, second and thirdsgston of PinchipaJ. oh Adheenn service stae hb ev.er.mB. himself found at being present on prizes. The prize winners in the caLrd tered spots each night where the prizes in an Impartial judging by to n h hlrnbogtvln Patterson of Christ Church, Oshawa, this eventful day. in his address he games were Mrs. E. H. Brown, Messrs boys cook their own meals and gen- well known local men last week. grari wofoa ds f egtblsn whleth rctr oo te eric referred to the Psalmist who said J. W. Bowdler, John Baker and A. E. V lm w e erally taste a little of temporary The Prime were donated by C. . Hgocehor itiuo.A the Chisethu rch. h erieI that we spend our lives as a tale that BÏiett. camp life. Fine buildings, are a Rice, chairman of the Public School gh olthere t worucelodsier ChitCuc.Is told. Every life makes a very in- Among the guests for the eveningi feature of the camp. During the Board, and the prize winning houses gathere, the inetgatin fHe T. E FLAMAN S AWRDEDwere Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chgpman In DowmanviY e seven years the camp has been in op- together with others exhibited are on Mis he cardent ake o heshol BT. E. GREEjNHOUSWEDNRC (Continued on page 5) and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Northeott of eration there has never been a ser- display In Rice & Co's window.Th The studgaenyt ale o h as •.T.S • ENHUE O-RC Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowd- ious accident which indicates un- other prize wInners are: 4th-. Col- sver gamely wthte esl ta W t Dc edUp B RAIOBUINSSGOD elr, former esidentofBowanvile, Rev. W. A. Bunner is min aing viglance on the part of thosevle;: th-A AlJTme: 6th se I nol eaefmle.eeitdi Oftfl Dcieals the occasion. possession of old book of was received with enthusiasm by the Clothing also has be itiue OfficiaisIt is generally recognized that thethocain Bishop Latimer's sermionst The showing of the motion pic- pupils of the school and It has done by the committee, oene n T EFlxmn ellkn loalradio is almost an indispensible part tures was much appreciated by the a great amount of good in teaching purchased by thecomte an coTr .acmasbeln wr ldcthe-,f every home and Mr. W. J. Bag- COUNCIL FAVORS FRANCHISE printed in the year 1570. IClub and President Hermie Brown the pupils the care and housing of some donated by citiesInadtn generalctr, a en a th et nell, local dealer for the popular expressed the thanks of the club to our domestic birds which are such a approximately $75.00ias a goneof thaes n g reehe e rec tZoger's Batteryless Radios, is de- Councillor W. Ross Strike, chair.. Rotarian lirnie Rehder at its cn pleasure to see and hear each suim- been donatedt to thecomtewhh Bonos'trainn grho Pr the 'Pite the depression that is supposed man of the Finance Committee of After being flooded for some weeks clusion. Several members have stt mer time. lhas helped considerby nthi B'Tra niShbor110 ice of con- to exist doing a roaring business. Council speaking at Oshawa Rotary by a score or more of ancient literary ed their intentions of sending boys workl Meal tickets ctthenm- tatis in neigh rhod of $4000. This week he is advertising an extra Club on Monday stated that Bow- Works and examples of early printers' to the camp this summer and it is tee 25e each and th1 on oni Dhepa ontrat ws P ubl lfrf o pecial value in Roger's Radio. On manville town counicil was well satis- art we managed to fInd a book in expected that Bowmanville will be the presentation of two sait and has agreed to pay hafo1ti u week amn Mr.fPulxm la excts toage 3 is shown a model which has fled with the proposal of the Utilities the possession of a Newcastle lady well represented. pepper shakers In the form of black The Society is beliee o ei stearond the jobxas soon as teit een a great seller, a small model, at Power and Light Corporation regard- which had attained the great age of Guests at the club on Friday in- cats to Rotarian Tom Holgate on the Position to carry Onfothrman sdefiniteJb setled asthe ie -remarkably low price and equipped ing the gas franchise pnd had unan- 308 years. When we reached that cluded President Frank Johnston, occasion of his birthday which was der of the winter. s eitey etd upon. Te sep- with the famous "Miracle" chassis. imously favored suhr Atting a fran- figure we felt reasonably sure we had Rotarians Cecil Cannon and M. Lib- celebrated that day The lc a r orsno arate contract for the glass super- Mr. Bagnell cordially invites you to chise bylaw to the éýectors. He was reached the oldest in the district, but by of Oshawa Club, and J. W. Fair idea was evidentlya, caeete ba cat Mr.Morisonone haf f h structure has been let to Lord & visit his store and view this model quite confident, too, that the electors during the past week a book has of Listowel. sunerstitio that Fria ascae 1t sw tt nity tWefr omte Burnham Co., Toronto. The plans and others he has on display. would carry this bylaw.' been brought to the office older by A happy item on the program was unlucky.o a h 1t sshes t an k lthestdnsfth call for the excavation work to be 52 years than the Newcastle volume. schorol ad all ther h aes done by day labor under the direct- Rev. W. A. Bunner of Bowmanville is geercously aded thnedtrog ion of the school officials, but Mr. the owner of this wonderful volume ither co mtteenth motryn t"e u"udnagenfthda t nr nd wil High School Principal Delivers Fine ltonan aiyaa be. -t s Bowmanville High School Nearing'"""""" employ his own men. The plans Ileather bound book of the sermons met"staf c °;s n teycalA ddress on Dangers of Illiteracy cn B d adoprne iOtbr olgate Sta dgS ays nsp tPEEN P . EWL wihforabincete fundtion and get,570, during the reign of Edward 6th, Pride of Clarke LdeLI.A.A srtrumcture.Te aJo o M.L . ipl ie sm aln actscocenig raer B okad itsoragn.Te frst Inspector's latest report reveals Bowmanville High f * r g th th srctionempoo es and it e 1 i illiteracy in Canada and the United States - Urges theinasnuretioni the North of Eng- School an Up 20 date educational force in the com- Bowmanville presiding h cr SuRereAprilfth fosrete astr Te eua mnhy etn o ih.Oerasnfrlh ranserdacheds enser preacihe b Tetahngcriiaeso h termmes he r ob1cm es ticnieinnS. on'sChrc. ar.te Uoe-ndScoo Cubwa eld number-1-of illtraeswa te.ac-fr_ ad_ CthrieDuhes.f u-stff -f-te BwmaviL Igh1 enedforthsrvce heae en- eral, i cludn tesr ctDpy ÎÏý.-nj jÀ ~tween parents and teachers and pu- 1 do not know thie purposeorfntn of this sale- is hi ,4.4ng is iesoi c s or ~ ~ hi offering of the one pupils are taking commercial Governiment Grant 2,222.91 viable reuatna sepl a vefstchn, asa n Ham, who is organist of St. James, pils. This mterest was manif est in1 of the government they are voting f amous Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs work. One commercial room has ad- County grant .......1392730 shi repuinan xiitro Cathedral Toronto.the interest shown mn the recent dis- Ifor? at prices lower, he believes, than ever joining it a typewriter room in which Miscellaneous receipts 35.2t.epnmn.o h ratfiso A a eTnteoTeMmm.n lypt nb h uil n hc I h ntdSttsteRdbefore offered in Canada. Mr. Nelson has been placed the twelve typewrit- Mr.co men . wh Peopl w ps byrebenezer oung T e graes pobl an f 50 ien o Crok a fthe t me f the arn rnas buine s ts tanBow anvile and wor of the cl o 1pr cedf n d sti To al this report it can b 3 5 M1 etri romh tiwhvweo Sundayl Scoll e Room odn TMonday centre their minds on was the free, in lliter adstrictsadmnstthionstates that no small part of this suc- factorily. The work observed in the seen that the county pupil, by this p ng from activceorke a Mnach 30h, atRo8rp.om. Adissiopublic school system and the found- forIltsert wititesuccssdrthes fcess Is due to his advertising in The class rooms was, on the whole, very we mean pupils living outsidle of thetopu nrch sa ieo lAnda an 25c Prcees i ai ofth Yong ng f etenio an unveritycol popls et althughtey sed orto c Statesman which carries his welcome good; the gymnasium and equip- town of Bowmanville, are paid for wn Crne fom lbetHlin 25.Peoe's M. & iM.fFund. Y12-2 leges, in furtherance of educating the oeaewr nbet os.Te news of "Bigger and Better values" ment being put to excellent use; the through the county grant and that euroectawnwbiligaosgrg On riay veingApil 0t atmas o te pope. ou opr t eeunetndothiso.tuct-throughout entire Bowmanville, Dar- assembly hall Is utilized daily for this Item in 1930 amounted to ap- tracrs ands 11 asercngCs 8.15, there will be a vocal recital by When the world war came the Ions sent them. Mr.Nlsandisasurro dng bd cts min ofShakesperefor oralcmatition 1proximaesftely 2.3% o h otal ex- Aparentlyie he e tia eo the pupils of Francis Sutton, mus, amazing fact was revealed that in In peace time these difficulties newspaper advertising as a means of for orchestral work, and forpos on, 1 tenditure of the school, includig faswhchh ave beo hglldvl Bac., F.C.C.O., assisted by Trinity Canada alone thousands of people still confront us in infant mortality, drawing the attention of the buying tion at recess and at the noon hour. the pwamentiof. The debnures ooedan te al of this farm, one Chorl Clss nd mmber ofthe could neither read a newspaper nor communicable and other diseases oc- public to the heavy stock of mgr- Agood prito. enwadtn.Tencasda ofhebtinheisrtspoo Instrumental class, in the Trinity write their own name. To-day the curring chiefly through lack of nu- chandise he carries. His sale satsschoo sem.prvdethatndnceuat the schnecestaffted ta st farminsenticllUadit Sunday School. All interested are problemn of Illiteracy is the greatest trition and the absence of sanitation. Priday morning and contimum Mr I had the pleasure of meeting the nneeinn thy uafe tahn Mt e upoewl a t iied Invited. problem that Canada has to contend (Continued on page 3) 10 days. chairman of the board and four .shown in the t's prt. anne mkngth