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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1931, p. 4

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r THE CANADIAN STATicali.] THURSDAY. MARCE 10th, 1931 Goodnesi and ceuh I ored. Th< Try it wbi Von are tin and hung and s«ec CHEWING GIJMci Cold weather la a severe tes for any gas or oUl. Super Shel Clas vaporizes instantly and ou Zero OUa flow freely at 10w tern perature. This of course, mean quick starting. Let us serve you If you use Coa.l Oil for lightlri your home, we have a messai for you that wiil surely please We are lxnportlng and can suppli Fou wth a wonderful quality Coi OU,. at the price of the ordinar3 grades. Cive lit a trial. BÀRTLETTS'9b PHIONE 110 KING ST EAT .I BOwMANVI LLE Rheu matisuî Neuritis -Sciatica For Swift Relief Here's Something That Ne-er Fails Make no mistake-there is one su- premnelygoad remcedy for .iing jointr an muscles and the narre of that wond(eî worker is-JOINTI-E-ASE. AIL over thc worid people îusec t for the ofnyaiRheurnatisnm, N ri and Sciatica--anm find it good. Just ruli it in-and ruh it in g'>'!I- its a splendid pcnetrating einelituet is Joint-Ease ami when '>ou tub à î ojr> away it goes--right te the sat of pain and agony-Thun biessel relief cornes speediiy. Use it freIvy for joints that are stiff, infiamed--sweIleni or creakv uj.e it to put youthful supIle::~nvs no jeints that are grawing 01(1. Use it for r knuckis-for sîiff neck-lin:cneslumbIIago and! laine, aching back-it witl never dsajqiei:t you. j oint-Ease is miade jin Canadla and sold wherever good inedicines are sold-60 cents a generous tube. Whe wtakyIngte ee tabeYor ound trled the sample Liver Pis I found in the package. I have taken thein cvery night since and I can feel myself improving. 1 amn so thankful for the good they do me that 1 have told severai womnen about it."- JOHN WESLEY AND RIS WORK DABLINGTON COUNOR.L 'Lest We Forget" Regular meeting of Darlington Coundil was held March 7th, wlth (Written by Rev. D. Rogers of St. members ail present and Reeve. Ueo. Thomas, and a native of Durham F. Annis presiding. County) Auditors presented their report for Alittie whiie ago a writer inx one year 1930 which was accepted. ofour religious journals spoke o! Tax Collector was granted an ex- three currents or rivers, unitlng in tension of turne until April 7th ta n-one, and sweeping onward between coilect outstanding taxes. Ali un- g- ever widenmng banks toward the sea, paid taxes after that date will be ae and this he took to represent the olcebyrsait Stime (1925) in the 111e of Canadian oetdbyetrit ah Christianity when Methodjsts, Pres- F. G. Kerslake, Truant OEcer, a-byterians and Congregationalists presented his report for February. ese were coming together in the Unitedl T. H. Richards, Road Supt., pre- od, Church of Canada. sented his report and Vouchers No. in The founders of these three de- 5 and 6 which were received and or- nominations are spoken o! as the dered paid. kn three Johns-John Knox, John Wes- T. H. Richards gave a good report re ley and John Robinson. This article of the convention held in Toronto yIy wiil be an attempt ta briefly autline where he received information that ,rw some o! the events, and narrate some will no doubt be a great benefit ta of the facts in the history of John him in his afficial duties as Road Wesley. Supt. Christianity has nat been a con- Representative froin The Canada tinuous progress. It has had its Ingot Iron Ca. 0f Guelph addressed Sturnes of decay and of revival. Ail the council in regard tai metal cul- accounts agree ta represent the sad verts and boss raad graders and ask- Sreliglous state of England ere the ed for a share o! Darlington's busi- Wesleyan revival toak place, and it ness. is seemly we should cammemorate Fallowing By-Laws were passed: c the advent af one wha, doubtless, By-Law providing for the expendi-t * was raised Up by God ta 'spread ture of $2 1,000.00 on Township roads.a -scriptural holiness throughout the By-Law for appointment o! Parks land." To account, in part, for his Commission. G. F. Annis, Reeve. greatness we must go back to his F. J. Groat and Alvin Peters werev piaus parents. His father, Samuel apitd i~Wesley, was known as a devout and arontd laboriaus minister, who was spared By-Law for appointment of Fence- long enough ta rejoice in the labors viewers and Poundkeepers. The fol-f of his noble sons ere his "strang and lowing were appointed:F I gentle spirit mounted ta heaven Up- Ward No. 1: Fenceviewers-JohnJ Ion the breath o! communion prayer." Snawden, F. A. Craga, John D. Stev- gYet even more largely than ta his ens. A. Peters, C. Stonehouse, W. C. *father, was John Wesley indebted ta Colwill, T. McGill, W. J. Stainton, Ihis mother. Susannah Wesley. Un- James A. Werry; Paundkeepers-L. Icaver your heads in her presence for Hocken. John Hoît, Russell Worden, she is the :raciaus m:ther of us all. C. J. Kersiake, Albert Martin, Thos. She molded the man wha is molding Stevenson, Francis Werry. John Dor- * and will-power were the original Ward 2: Fenceviewers-Everton guiding. conserving and propelling White, Chas. Pollard, Silas Souch. C force of Methodisin. O! such par- R. K. Bragg; Poundkeepers-,Orville Mt ents was John Wesley, born on June Osborne, J. H. Gaud, Melbourne A 1128th, 1703, and in early jlfe he was Wight, George Collacutt, Walter elconsecrated ta God by his devoted Rickard.J Ur mother. The world is familiar with Ward 3: Fenceviewers - John his marvellous escape when the Ep- Nichoîls, Blake Courtice, Thos. Bic- J~ n-warth Rectory was burned down. and kle, F. W. Rundle, A. S. Tooley; N ns when he was in the sixth year of his Poundkeepers-A. E. Osborne, A. J. u. age. The mother in feeble health, Short, Gardon Trevail, W. L. Smith, 7~ driven back by the flames, escaped Fred Lane. A 2g with scorched brow and brandad Ward 4: Fenceviewers - Elgin hands. Counting the children (for Mountjoy, W. A. Wright, W. Rey- ge there were nineteen) there was one nolds, Thos. Gibbs, Luther Hlooper, e. missing. John was let down on men's J. R. R. Cale; Poundkeepers-Benj. ly shoulders and the father and mother Gardiner, N. J. Woodley, H. Cam- ,lknelt down and thanked God for a eron, S. McCoy, Joe McRoberts. Imerciful deliverance. "He has given Frank Werry. '~ meailrn chldrn.~ sid he athr. Ward 5: Fenceviewers-Fred Rab- ic "I arn rich enough." The grateful bins, J. Baker, A. Milîson, W. G. Or- i mother prayed for grace ta performa miston, D. Ferguson, J. Kivell; u her duty ta her children. At thir- Poundkeepers-A. D. Langmaid, B. al teen John was in attendance at Ox- Nesbitt, S. E. Werry, L. C. Pascoe, ci fard University and while reading W. G. Wotten, J. W. Yelhowlees. c( books an practical and experirnental Orders were drawn on the Treas-W piety he had a great desire ta 'fiee urer: fE fromn the wrath ta came." In 1720. Caunties' Treas., 50%~ maint. .ioined by his brother Charles. and o!3Wles hlrna two others who had the saine desire, I.O.D.E. Preventorium, Tor. $ 52.50 they met a few evenings every week, Bell Telephone Ca. 2.001 reading Greek and provoking each R. Kyle Squair, auditor 12.50 ather ta love and goad works. Their F J. Groat. audîtor 12.50 methodical ways and behavior led C' M. Cawker & Son, supplies bt saine o! the young men at Coilege ta *Ernest famnilies 5.10 si say, 1I think we-ve got a new set o! Mrs. A. F. Rundle, supplies t -*Methodsts' This naine given per- Ernest familles 27.52 -haps in derision, fastened itself Up- Mrs. A. F. Rundle, supplies on thein and their followers. a name Gravelle famlly.. -. 17.51 whlch they still, andi are not by a.ny Mrs. A. F. Rundle, supplies Imeans. unwilling to be:r num- m Nichollfarnuly ,Mrs. 25.00 bered fourteen. About tis ieh Savage . 1.. .. 2.80 went as a misslanary ta Georgia. R. Hatherley, cuttlng wood His labors were not fruitful-a boot- Mrs. Savage .-- 1.75 lesa .uurney. He returned ta Eng- T. H. Gibbs, wood for Mrs. land ta discover that he, who was Savage 4.00 laboring for the conversion o! the H. G. Macklin, 1 hoati hay Indians, was not himself converteti. Norwick farnlly. 5.00 About a week after his arrivaI f rom W. W. Horn, supplies Nor- Georgia, stiil strivlng ta "establish wick !amlly 1. 24.29 hiNs own righteousness" he went ta a H. R. Stinson. supplies Mrs. select meeting o! Moravians, wha Savage -... 9.88 had most favorably impressed him C. D. Hodgson, bah. sal'ry 1929 37.17 *by the cheerfuiness and simplicity J. D. Hogarth, postage, etc. 1.95 *o! their !aith, during the voyage T. H. Richards. salary, etc., 28.84 home-and here he met Peter Bah- T. H. Richards, road maint.. 21.07 1er, who was the chosen one ta be Council adjourned ta meet April the Ananias ta his later Paul. Bah- 7th. at 1 o'clock. 1er instructed hum in the way of J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. Salvation. and on the 24th day of May, 1738, the hour o! deliverance _____ came. It was on the evening a! that day, while he was îistening ta a per- CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL json read the preface ta Luther's Epistle ta the Romans. befare a soc- Clarke Council met at Orono on iety in Aldersgate Street, London, March 3rd. with Reeve Holmnan pre- that he passed through the wander.. siding, and members ail present. f ul change which he describes in the, Communications were received as following words: -I felt my heart foliows: E. L. MacNachtan in receipt strangely warmed: I feIt I did trust of audited school accounts; Hon. R. in Christ, Christ alone for salvation; J. Manion in consideration o! ap- and an assurance was given me that pointments ta Railway Board; F. W. -he had taken away my sins, evenj Boven, M. P.. in reply ta our coin- mine, and saved me f rom the law of munication a! Feb. 9th; Board o! sin and ceath: and 1 then testified Railway Commissioners re urders No. openely toalal there what I now flrst 46298 and 45988; A. E. Wilson & Ca. f eit in my heart." There it is. clear re Municipal Public Liability Insur- as the sun. It needs neitheir com- ance; D. G. M. Galbraith re ownei- ment nor interpretation. Nabody Iship of trees opposite Lot 14, Con. 8. can misunderstand it. Nobody ever Council acknawledged a letter has misunderstood it. From the be- I f om Richard Hallowell pertaining ta ginning every truc Methadist has train service on the Orano Division known for himself just what it Iof C. N. R. in which the Board thé ir-wa-y to lhï-is o o-,-(rs for-a visît.imab'tina *i-n 'Nëwto'nïillo whic'h was j But a lad stori nenoessitated their forwarriet to chairman o! committec. stopping off erîroute. "Mother will Reeve Holman was asked ta repre- ho worî'ied sick,"' said Bill discon- cePnt cotincil at a public meeting ta solately. Then Mrs. Bill iiad an in- ho held in near future. spiration . "Haw about telephoning? i Collector of Rates was authorized It will salve everything!" They did ta continue the collection o! aIl un- ...and matters were easily settled paid taxes up ta April lst, which will by Long Distance. It endeti the be the last extension for payrnent. worry.L Councillors Lovekin and Couch will> Creamed Soups! '% Creained Celery. Oniocc Toenato. Asparagus and miD*y other creamed soupe . together with over 100 other delight. fol recipes are dee ibed in our new FR1E = _ckk.The Good Provider." It des- crbshow ;favor is improved and hcw countien dishes can be mande with- ST.CHARLES MILK UN'S WEEcTENED EVAPO#RAITED Bortic C..Liitd t.C I.- 115 George St., Toronto Send me a fre copy cf ycur new ccck bock. ddre,...................... consider the removal or some Iocust brees on sideroad between Lots 10 and 11, Lake shore road, on repre- sentations from A. H. Brown. Reeve and Clerk and Treasurer were authorized to sign the adapta- tion piece on payment of $1200.00 releasing Mr. A. Feilows from any further payment of the judgment re .Randall vs Fellows. Bis were paid, viz: Hydro Power Com., light for hall $ 8.31 T. Smith, Surety Bond for Treas. .. 15.00 R. Hl. Wood. caretaker 30.75 MIrs. E. J. Randall, monthly payment R vs F 48.00 MIunicipal World, stationery 1.26 R. Walton, supplies Cotter family 4.33 )rono Coal Co., supplies Jes- sie Waddell 4.00 A. E. West, supplies Jessie Waddell 1.50 J. R. Cooper, supplies Jessie Waddell 6.00 J. Henry, sup. and convention 24.00 M. J. Hoirnan. exp. convention 10.00 Council adjourned to meet on Tuesday, April 7th. at 10 o'clock. A. J. Stapies. M. J. Hornan, Clerk. Reeve. Persian Balm-the one toilet re- Quisite for the dainty woman. De- lightful to use. Leaves no stickiness. Swiftly absorbed by the tissues. Del- iately fragrant. Imparts a velvety lveliness to the complexion. Tones .p the skin. Soothes and banishes all unpleasant roughness or chaflng aused by wind and ather weather onditions. Makes hands sa! t and white. Creates an elusive. essentially feminine charmn. Persian Balm is idispensable ta women of refine- ment. It 15 flot necessary for ail men to e great inx action. The greatest and sblirnest power ls otten simple pa- ience.-Horace Bushnell. NEWCASTLE HORTICIJLTIJEAÎ SOCIETY PREMKIUMS Newcastle HorticuItural Society of which Mrs. Wrn. Purdy bas recently been elected the new secretary lxx succession ta Mrs. C. A. Cowan, re- slgned, off ers the !oilowing list o! spring prerniums for 1931. A mein- bership ticket costs but $ 1.00 and each member is entitled ta, one o! the following groups in the spring andi in addition wiil receive an as- sortinent o! bulbs in the fail: 1. Coupon for 50c worth o! plants at Brookdale Nurseries, Bowrnanviile. 2. Plants ta value o! 50c for hanging baskets. 3. Gladioli, 6 E. J. Shayler, 2 Mrs. F. J. Peters. 4. Gladioli, 3 Majestic, 3 Ghant Nymph, 2 Evelyn Kirtlanti. 5. Rose, Hybriti Perpetuai, Mrs. John Laing, pxnk. 6. Rose, Hybrid Perpetual, Cen- eral Jacqueminot, scarlet. 7. Rase, Hybriti Perpetual, Frau Karl Druschki, white. 8. Rose, climbing, Ceneral Mc- Arthur, scarlet. scented. 9. Rose, climbing, Ernily Gray, yeilow. 10. Paeony, 1 root Felix Crousse, red. 11. Paeony, 1 root Marie Lemnoine, two tone, fragrant, and 1 Iris root. 12. Iris, 1 root Madame Chereau, white and Ilue. 1 roat Princess Vic- toria Louise, suIphur and yeilow and rich pluin. 13. Delphinium, Van Veen's Tri- umph, soft lilac rose. 14. Dahlias, 1 root Mina Burgle, dark scariet, 1 root California Beau- ty, copper shade. 15. Dahlias. 1 root Dreain, salmon shade, 1 root Frank Smith, purple. 16. Phlox, 1 root Etna, coral reti, 1 root Jules Sandeau, pink. 17. Perennials, 1 Tritoma, (red hot poker>, 1 Veronica Spicata. blue border plant. 18. 1 Canterbury Bell. double blue, 1 Lacli Flara. white and hlue. 19. Shrubs, Hydrangea, 1 Panic- ulata Grandiflora, white, 1 root or-: eopsis. yellow. 20. Shruls, 1 Buddxcia, Butterfiy Bush. Daridu. lilac shade. 21. Climber, 1 Bignonia, Trumpet J Creeper, orange scarlet. 22. Perennials, 1 Papaver Orien - tale, large scarlet, 1 Aquiegia Col-J umbine, long spurred hybriti yellow.1 Whether you live in the village or outside a! it the Society invites your membership and seeks your help andi ca-operation. Those wha have flot already taken out membership tick- ets but are desirous o! becorning members shouiti communicate with Mrs. Wm. E. Purdy, Elmhurst, sec- retary, before April lst. This is Gladiolus Year and the members are asked te specialhy con- centrate on the culture a! Gladioli. The Society will hld its annual summer flawer and vegetalle show in August. when Gladioli o!ý many types. varieties and colors will be distinctive feature o! the show Our cares are ail Today, our Joys are ail Today; Andi in one little word, aur 111e, wbat is ut but-Today? -Tupper. Better for children CHILDREN'S eyes sparkle with delight wheni they sec Kelog-'s PEP Bran Flakes. There's somnetliing in the peppy, snappy flavor of Kellogg's PEP Bran Fiakes that makes them first choice with the young folks every time. Better for grown-ups Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes are as healthful as they are good. They contain just enough bran ta be mildiy laxative. Their rich whole- wheat nourishinent makes them practically a perfect food with milk or creain. Enjoy them often. Serve thein ta the chul- dren-after school, at supper, as a bedtime snack. In the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. '0w PE P BRAN FLAKES PEP BRA FLAKES WHEAf Tou wil agree that Balada Orange Pekoe Io the finest liciA!ElffI '&Freuh fron thUe gardensP WE SELL Hamilton pBy- Coke Product An absolutely Canadian product made for Canadians by Canadian warkmen. Guaranteed to, give absolute satisfaction. Ask the Man Who Burns IL. WE ALSO SELL LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE M7~ Coal That Satisfi* Burnt by miffions of consuiners. The use of this Coal in your home wlll demonstrate to you its superiorlty. These prices are now effective: Stove Caal .. . . . . . .. .. . . . 16-50 Egg . . . . . .. . . .3... . . . . . 16.00 Chestnut ..... . ... . 16.00 Pea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13.50 Buckwheat ... ...... .. . 11.50 Coke ....... ...13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed f rom above prices. J.A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville SAFE For H EADACH ES Prompt relief from COLDS.... SORE TH-ROAT. RHEUMATISM.. LUMBAGO. . NEURITIS.... ACHES and PAINS Does flot harmn the heart AS PIRI N, TrAOEC-MARI IC * Accept oSdY "Aspir*,"42ckg which contains proven directions. Handy .Aqpuin" bo f !1 tabiet .Aiea hottles of 24 and 100-AIl druggista. "Made in Can"da" &Am POUR 's' o"i L Unskaclcle Your Ce FROM WINTER'S TOILS WITH A NEW GREASE JOB Your car needs a spring ceaning, just like everythlng else. Ahi the old worn out winter grease should be re- moved, and fresh new grease for winter and summer requirements repiaced. Proper greasing wili add years to the life of your car. See that it is done by greashng experts. Drive In-ask us to make the change-we'l give you a higb grade Job at a low cost. - Greasing and Crank Case Service - Brake Service - Battery Service CLIEMENS' West End GARA(E King St. West Open 24 Hours Bowînanvil]le - 1 3r GE lle

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