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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1931, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR5DAY, MARCH lGth, 1931 PAGE NYN PARSONS GOLDEN WEDDING (Continued f rom page 1> teresting story and it is always in- teresting ta, review these individual tonies. The flrst chapter of eachj lif e is that of childhood days filledi with their childish joys and sorrows, amnusements and perpiexities. The flrst ideas of God are instilled into the hearts and minds of the young at this ime. The second chapter is es- pecially interesting, and to the bride and groom o!fiilty years corne mem- ories of courtig days, moonlight nights, promises given and received. The third chapter, coming toward the middle of the book as iL does, reveals even more interestirig things. The tricks of the littie ones runnmng arounci the house won't be soon for- gotten. In this home there were sev- en. and iL is remarkable tliat there are flot more gray hairs showing an the heads of the bride and groom. IL was durlng this chapter of 111e that the speaker looked i upon the famlly of Mr. and Mrs. Parsons when thirty years ago they met in Almands Church on the hlghway West of Whltby where Mr. Parsons was a Sunday School teacher. ManY men pass by homely boys, but Mr. Pars- ons always faund time to speak ere he passed an. 0f ten was the speak- er entertained in the home and heie 1 sure Mr. Parsons, influence bad a great deal to do with his belng in the ministry today, and it was like com- ing home to be present to-niglit. Religlous principles have been In- stilled into the farnily members and they are stlll there owng to the family altar which rnany homes lacli. The fourth chapter provides a won- derful setting ta the story. Ftfty years of marnied lite have gone and it lias been a glorlous privilege to have lived ail that time in this beau- tiful universe. The other mansions above must be very wonderful since this is, and we are tLd tliat "Eye hath flot seen, nor ear heard, nar bath it entered lnto the heart of man, the things which the Lord bath prepared for them that love Hhn." The bride and groom are naw writ- lng this Iast chpater. May It be wefl llghted by the Grace of Qod. "And thaugh fram out our boumne of time and place The flood may bear me far; 1 hope ta meet nY Pflat face to f ace Wben I have crossed the bar.» Mr. Stainton then proPosed a toast to the bride and groom, and ail rase and drank ta their health. Mr. Pansons, In bis repiy, stated that he was more than pleased ta meet those wha bad gatliered in their home and was certain that it spoke of respect and esteem, or there would have been no such gathering. He thanked bath the chairman and the speaker for their kind and eulogstic rernarks and hoped ail would f eel quite welcome there. Short speeches followed f rom Mr. Jas. Hoskin, Mr. W. N. Hoskmn, Mr. A. Gully, and thexi Mrs. Staintan favored witb a bumorous recitation. Later In the evening the bride and groom were escorted to seats o! bon- aur in the living-room when the fol- lowing address was read by Miss Ruby Bragg: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parsons, South Darlington. Dear Frlends :-We have gathered i your home this evening ta pay tri- bute ta yau wha have been spared ta reacli your Fiftleth Wedding Anni- versary Day. Not ta ail is this honour given, and thus we feel led ta acknowledge it on your behaif, by coming ta- gether at this time and offerlng aur sicere congratulations and best wlshes. The sacred union into whlch you entered fi! ty years ago ta-day bas been frauglit wlth many and varied experiences, but ta you God bas been very graclaus ini that He has given you a large and respected f amily, praspenxty li life, and health ta en- jay these later years. We are glad that you are stiil able ta take an ac- tive and lnterested part li the home, the church and the community, and we trust that you may be spared many more years together and with As;s the days corne and go, may the memory of this gatberlng ta-niglit be ever f resh, and a source of pleasure ta realîze that the frlends who gath- ered on that memarable da, flty years aga, are stili yours and that' there are now new ones, who wth them, wish you continued Joy, health and prosperity. At this time we wouid ask you toi accept these gits as sliglit takens of' the esteem i whlch you are held. As you use them. may they remid you af this evenlng's pleasant assoc- iations. Slgned: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ander- son, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoakin. At the praper time, llttle Miss Florence Anderson presented Mrs. Parsons with a beautiful pendant. and Master Eddie Rivett presented a gold piece. Mr. Ray Hoskin present- ed Mr. Parsons with a fine chair. A table was then brouglit in and set spent ln social chat and singing, with Mns. Stainton at the argan. At a late hour the sleighs wereI again made ready and the gathering broke Up wlLh good-byes and good wisbes. COME EARLY - COME OFTN. YOU WILL FIND HUNDREDS 0F BARQAINS WE ARE UNABLE TO LIST - ON SALE. NELSON 1S WE BRINO BACK THE PRE-WAR PURCHASINO POWER 0F THE DOLLAR.. OUR PRICES ARE IN LINE WITH THE TIM. STARTS FRIDAY MARCH 2Oth »- AND WILL CONTINUE FOR 10 DAYS We have just campleted aur third year in business in Bowmanville and we feel proud of tke success we have attained. - Ta aur many customers ancd Çriends we wisli to thank yau for your patronage. We trust we have merited tIiis patronage - for it has ever been our aim ta give the utmost in value - consistent with quality. We are out to make 1931 a banner year - and the following items are priced to give us a royal start. This is a cash sale and continues until March 28th. SEE THE WJND O WS FOR S OME THING DIFFEREN T DAIL Y TABLE OILCLOTHS AT SAVING PRICES We guarantee you values here that you can't duplicate elsewhere. Plain White, 45 inches wide ...........29c Plain White, 54 inches wide ...........39c Best quality Marble Tile, in new designs and colors: 45 inches wide ...........39c yd. 54 inches wide ...........49c yd. WINDOW SHADES 15 doz. fine quality standard size Window Shades, white, cream or green, our regular59 79e quality for, each .....................59 50c KAPOK 25c 40 bags only at haîf price; seli regularly 2 at 50e bag; while they last, per bag .......25 STAMPED GOODS - HALF PRICE We are throwing out ail uines of Stamped Goods at just haîf reg. prices, so come and get your share. 59c - PONGEE SILK - 29c A real good heavy quality; an ideal fabric for lingerie, dresses, men s shirts, curtains, f etc.; a real buy, 33 in. wide, per yard ...... 29e 5 DOZ. CHILDREN'S ROMPERS High grade Broadcloth Rompers, sizes 1 59 an'd 2 years, regular 79e for .............. BROADCLOTH SLIPS 59c A fine quality Slip with hemstitched top, in white, pink, peach and green,59 regular 79e for ...............................59 TUB-FAST DRESSES 59c EACH Just imagine! a made-up dress, guaranteed fast color, in ail the new spring designs and colors, at less than you can buy the print; small, 59 medium or large sizes; each ..............59 HERE'S A SNAP Peter Pan Tub and Sun-Fast Waists $1.98 Value for 98c Waists are going to be very popular this season. These are made from guaranteed high grade Peter Pan fabries; in check, spot and l figure effeets, and fancy ruffle effeets, e a....98 SERGE PLEATED SKIRTS Ail wool fine quality pleated serge skirts, in sizes 6 to 14, at a big saving, .8 each..........................................98 TUBFAST DRESSES $1.00 12 doz. Tubfast Dresses in 15 styles (t lf that you can't duplicate anywhere at, %VA *( FLANNELETTE BLANKETS At the lowest price ever offered in this town. 50 pr. full double bed size, only one 1 n pair to a customer, per pair ......... .. 1.5.9 25 pr. Grey, only extra big size, reg. $2,29 pr., while they last ...............$ .7 25 doz. Ladies Vests, less than i15C haif price, each....................... 15 doz. Ladies' Vests, better grade,25 values to 59c, for each ...................25 35 doz. Ladies' Bloomers, values up- to 59e pair for ...................................25c 10 doz. Children's Balbriggan Bloomers, i5 tiegular 29e pair foi'............................ 5 SAN TAN SILKS AT BIG REDUCTIONS We carr only the best grade and we are offering it for this sale at iess than the import price; plain in ail colors, also white or black,29 per yard.........................................29 Fancy Irocades, in, all colors, per yard......................................... 9cý L Congoleum Rugs at what we believe the lowest prices ever off ered in Canada for lst quality GoId Seal Rugs. A very special purchase in the fol- lowing sizes that should be quickly clearied: 35 only 36" x 54" Mats, reg. $1.50 for ........98c 28 only 4' 6" x 7' 6" Rugs, reg. $3.50 for ....$2.29 15 only 9' x 9' Rugs, reg. $9.50 for .........$5.95 6 only 9' x 101/2' Rugs, reg. $11.25 for ....$695 12 oniy 9' x 12' Rugs, reg. $12.75 for ........$7.95 3 oniy 9' x 131/2' Rugs, reg. $14.15 for ....$8.95 This is a real opportunity to brighten the home at littie cost. FLOOR COVERINGS AT BIG SAVINGS Hundreds of yards - in ail the new designs; two yards wide; a mili clearance of short ends vary- ing from 4 square yards to 15 square yards; a regular 50e line; to be cleared at33 per yard........................................3 c OILCLOTH MATS 15c 10 dozen new Spiring ýdesigns, to ben......... sold at this sale only size 18 x 36 i...... MEN'S SOX AT 19c PR, You can choose from ail wool cashmere, silk & wool, or siik lisie; values to i9 50e pair, for....................................19 PURE BOTANY SOX 5doz. pure Botany $1.00 Sox, in dice 47 patterns, to be cleared, per pair .......... 7 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Two big values offered here: Values to $ 1.00, only ...........69c Values to $1.39, only ...........98c MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 79c EACH Ail guaranteed fast colors, and new Spring pat- terns; we bought big quantities to get in on this; sold as high as $1.39 each;79 sizes 14 to 17, each ............................ 9 WORK PANTS Values that defy ail competition: No. 1 Quality, ail sizes ..............95c No. 2 Quality, ail sizes .............$1.39 No. 3 Quaiity, ail sizes .............$1.79 WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS 1 ENGLISH CRETONNES, 14c YARD A good firm quality and new SQring de- 1 signs at the ridiculously low price, yard.....4 $15.00 - BED SET - $895 Made from fancy Rayon Silk i old rose color; includes Bedspread, Boîster, Runners O and Trinket Pieces, 7 pieces in ail for ...I.Um 25c - CURTAIN MARQUISETTE - 14c YD. White overcheck designe, also in contiasting col- ored overchecks; a real saving at j115t i the wanted time; per yard ................14 THREE BIG CURTAIN NET VALUES Specially purchased and reserved for this sale: No. 1-36 inches wide, reg. 39e for ...27c yd. No. 2-36 inches wide, reg. 49e for ...37c yd. No. 3-40 inches wide, reg. 59e foin ...47c yd. WHITE FLANNELETTE SPECIALS 27 inches wide, per yard .............12e 36 inches wide, per yard .............15c 36-INCH FACTOIgY COTTON SPECIAL 1a pieces nice even weave, special for 98 this sale-lO YARDS FOR ...........98... $1.98 - KRINKLE BEDSPREADS - $1.59 Real good value; only a limited quan- g tity, so come early, each ..............% 5 SILK BEDSPREADS $2.95 Only 7 left; values to $4.95; out they go at, each ......................$29 36-INCH ECSTASY PRINTS 25e YD. Everybody is raving about our tub-fast, sunsfast Ecstasy Prints. We sold our first shipment pretty well out the first few days. We will have new patterns for this sale - a lovely fine texture - remember last year the price was 39e yd. 25 Buy yours now at, per yard ............ 5 CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 39c PR. Here are values to 79e a pair; we will clear the lot, ail colors and sizes, at, pair .... 39~c SAMPLE HAND-BAGS Here are values to $3.98 for eaeh .............................................9 C SILK & WOOL HOSE 3e PR.L This is one of the tit-bits of the sale. Included ini this offering you will find hose that have sold ai; high as $1.19 a pair. Penman's full-fashioned and London Lady grades are ineluded. Don't mins this big snap-buy this year's requirements and next year's too. Better than puttingZ your money in the bank. AIl colors and sizes in tme assortment; values to $1.19, ail at per pr...39 LADIES' SMOCKS 98e Here are Smocks that were priced up to $1.98; come and take your choice;98 ail new designs ................................98 PURE WOOL SAN-TOY Regular 98c for 59c Yard Not many colors left, but we are clearing 59 at less than cost, 40" wide, yard ..........59 CHILDREN'S HOSE 19c PR. Hundreds of pairs in the assortment; ......19C values as high as 50c pair, ail at ........ MEN'S HEAVY WORK SOX 15 doz.-a special buy for this sale, our reg. 2,9c line - to be eleared at 19c per pair, f or 3 PAIR FOR................................. 50FC 79c - BOYS' GOLF HOSE - 59c Fine English Golf Hose, a real value, ail sizes, pjer pair ....................59C THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, MARR 1M, 1931 PAGE Fm

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