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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1931, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1931 PAGE EIGTfW BUTE SILVERBROOK 2 CREAMIERY 2 OF THE REALLY BETTER SORT AT TIIIS A SUNNYPIELD PA&SlTEURIZED i SA0,W9 NES oiss 2 C~IEES~KraftCanadiau Lou& '.MOKED R E 7 A S T m6dw EALF OU O N W"OLE SION C O N BLICED, LB., ne ]FüRK Tenderloins PuK- ERHOUSE Roaà P imeRiobRoast BONELESS A"D ROLLE», LB. M5c SHMOULDER Roast IiLADE Roast SHORT RIB Roast MEATED ]JOYCE Là &'bdCANADIAN BEETS New Texas 2 Dui CELERY cmri rw ORANG S NAVELS SMALLER SIZE, 2 DOZ. 41 BALADA DIlaolk Tea BEL COLUMIA M«ATCHREuS FAMILT SIZE 3 ISpaghetti or LUX Tollet Soap d4c E VELVEETA .nI,.... CHEESiSIHRANDA2. 3e RANDAu2 PROM OUR OWN NECTAR BRAND TPLANTATIONS TO YOU BLENDED IND01 FRESU HADDIE FILLETS lM. 18e FRESII Halibut steaks lb. 28e FANCY RESTIGOICIiE SALMON PIECE 23 N nv TU E il'" '2 2 -- A& P Rais TEA on Fgs Cceptcd at aii nerchandiscp or cash, Wareho,îse, 135 L?ughtoi Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manage; We Delver-Extra Charge 10c. Phoi KING STREET - aOWMANVILLý TunE GltRAT ATlANTIC & PAg-Ou1 "I1 Was So Skinny-Now Sow Cdean Seed Feel Like New W'oman" A '.rerint siirve(y ;howýs that weeds - ~~v. (-e Àpniî'for, a total bs 0of Lu% a (n150 îinc 200 millioni dollars MCYinc rop ai tuallo i . lor kil led !t hoWpe(]O 'a. o'.or oas iiiîidre(d Cod Liver Extract Tablects ', hi1li1 reinainl(r vas 111)l U of [i:g i iarpe!ý for car- After the flu and nervous break- rife . edîd ., Lciii' ait h grain'. do'wn-I was skinny-only weig h 'h lod i andh o therc eops. le of rnais- 90 pounds--McCoy's helped me-I i tirdepr riat joli of tfi Ii al<be <hie now weight 120 and feel like a niwov e" an i :îd th i < eii womnan." This fram a letter-mil- ' iia iss r.s, îv 'aIl si lions of rundowfl, scrawny vomen robb'r, were isn - o gt need McCoy's-rich in health andithii losse thle lanîd mi h rern welght building elements - 60 tab- 1 P. Catri-fi e ff<in. rjtivittion jets 60 cents at any drugglst ans'-Iwîl] dlean ut' ordinary fieîd,:;, whjbe where--J.ust ask for McCay's. 42-tf partial suimm-ei fallov and thie soxv- 5 or milk N hrn,; ssta the stamach. Know What You Sow-"'For what-; inexr(nn-iv'e ta ake and is the mast !oever a man ;ov'eth that shalh he ('flient farin of magnesia for stom- ils ris."Saw enly largepmI ,adli purpuosP.s. It Is ue ytos br-ight seed. Poor secd is dear at any 1 nds of people who en.ioy their meals price.1 with no more fear of indigestion, t f CADMUS TUNE IN CFCA TUESDAY AND FRID AY. Il KA.M. TO 12 NOON ERNEST MORGAN GUFST APTIST News For Thec I Busy Farmer ai In view of the Somerset report, a, advocating wider use of pre-cooling G facilities and central packing of y( fruit, it lis interesting ta note that SI itS. 6gM r. George Wilson, secretary of the Li t Norfolk Fruit Growers, places the lH Wvalue of their new cold storage pi: oci STONISHING LOW PRICE in marketing the 1930 crop at $35.- Ci 7150. H Ibm.6 9 .Valuable Snowfal ag nS. 6 9 ,@The recent heavy snowf ail, which SI was general throughout Ontario, ni served the dual purpose of replen- ishing the water supply in places where the shortage liad been keenly Pi~...felt during the past few months and of providing a valuable cavering for faîl wheat and other early craps. It i is not often that the farming dis- F i.tricts receive such a blessing in mld- s: 3le March and this may prove a happy si augury for a prasperous season. d di Urges Distinctive Mark n "Ontario grawers, co-operating i a with the Ontario Government in t lbpacking their apples for expart, have c( made a wonderful impression uponw 20tbthe export market this season,' I s wrtsAndrew Fulton, special oe-SI seas fruit representative. He con- V tinues: "The adoption of a uniform h standard of color and quality which M 'b- 45ebas been malntained throughout the el ii 4 eseason has been recognized by theT growers, before another season ar- ai st lb. 5o rives, carefuily consider the advisa- p city of brands that now exist and to hi adapt one outstanding mark b re which Ontario apples may be recag- U t 119 A Farming Journal C An example which mîght weil be Si foilowed in other counties is that of B the Norfol1k Chamber of Commerce U, in issulng an annuai Agricultural tl lb.~ __Journal. The third annual issue has a 11) _I_0 just been dlstributed free of charge M ta 5,000 farmers in the caunty. It is w an eight-page publication and con- el lb. 1L 4e tains a wealth of information relat- ai ing tai the farming industry. Almost el every phase of agriculture as car- t( rîed on in this county is discussed, T1 iii~ 5esuch as poultry-breeding. reforesta- h IL 5etion, tobacca-raising, f ertilizers, fruit d and vegetable-grawlflg. It alsa car- p ries several informative articles by ri 0. A. C. authorities. Numcerous pic- tres of local interest are used ta brighten the pages. The local agri-a u ZS2c cultural representative. F. C. Pater-a son. who is also secretary of the t Chamber of Commerce, bas been S largely responsible for the success ofa this valuable publication. Mr. Pat- erson was a former agricultural re- IL 17epresentative for Durham County. Should Check Fertilizer stam Lk £ This is the season for buying fer- tilizers and it is important that far- t mers should know how ta protect themnselves in making sure that they are delivered the kind and analysis ___of fertilizer which they purchase. 0, D os. The Federal f ertilizers act requires r ______that every fertilizer delivered ta a a d4 farmer must be labelled with the f 4l guaranteed analysis in ternis of ni- Ig trogen. phasphoric acid and potash. g Therefare the farmer should checkv the guaranteed analysis of the fertil- a PIKG 017eizer when it arrives. If short one t per cent nitrogen, it is worth about u $2.50 a ton less than the purchaseN Boxs ~~.price and phosphoric acld and pot- t Boxez2 IL IDash are worth about $1 for each pera cent. Purchasers are advised tai re- s fuse acceptance of fertilizer whlch la î not labelled precisely the same guar-(i anteed analysis as that purchased. 9 j Shauld any farmer have reason tai > jbo doubt the value of a fertilizer deliv- £ered to him. heis advised ta om inspector or the district representa- tive of agiculture. caku 25e importance of 0. A. C. I The increasingly valuable parti played by 0. A. C. and allied institu- ~tions in the agricultural if e of On- Pkes.3 ILtario was revealed in figures recent- ly furnished by Dr. G. I. Christie. He pointed out that there was a combined enrolment of 725 students at this educatiorlal centre, and that O students were in attendance f rom 'IA Bermuda, Cuba, the British Isles, Holland, Japan, Mexico, Newfound- 3 9 land, South Africa, Switzerland, Tri- nidad, the United States, the British West Indies, British Guiana and Australia. One thousand students iim L.oax Se attended short courses in home cn omics and agriculture, whlle the summer school for teachers had an aWuN$10 attendance of over 300. Dr. Christie LE", 1.00also stated that 15,000 persans had visited the college during the past r:_ P.- -11,-m Cause In igest. ion (Delayed in mail) No service here on Sunday on ac- rount of the terrible storm . Colds are prevalent.. Wood cutting is the rder of the day -. Mrs. Charles Gibson is spending a few days at her son's. Mr. Gilbert Gibson, Osh- wa. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson on the arrivai of a oung son Mr. J. N. Sanderson spent Sunday in Janetville ,.At League Thursday night Miss Susie [yland took charge in the absence :f Mr. W. D. Ferguson. Miss Enid Capstick spent a few days with Miss [elen Fowler --.G1ad ta know that Nr. Cecil Ferguson is able ta be out gain . . Mr. and Mrs. Everard Sanderson spent Monday in Bow- manville. BLACKSTOCK (Delayed in mail) Victorian Wamen's Institute meet- Ig was held at the home of Mrs. ames Henry, president, who pre- sded. Following program. was given: Reading, Mrs. Fia. Crawford; ad- dress, Mrs. Frank Stinsan; reading, Miss Esther Strang. After the meeting lunch was served and a soc- ial haif-hour spent .... Those wha Lhaught Spring was just around the corner gat a Joît Sunday when Cart- wright was visited by a genuine snw storm. Spring is behind the snow banlis just now.. Mr. Norton VanCamp, Elmnira, is vlsiting at the aome af his parents, Mr. and Mrs. WT. A. VanCamp... Mrs. F. W. New- ll and littie son visited frlends ini roronto recently .. Miss K. Phoenix spent the weekend wlth her parents t Greenbank.. Miss Mabel Argue, Peterbara, spent the weekend at homne.. Mrs. Clarence Marlow and her brother, Mr. Weir Swamn, have returned f ram visiting their sister, Mrs. Milton Sandersan, Torontoa Mrs. Alex Jabnston and Mrs. Whit- ield Sr., are Mi... Miss Susie Van- Camp, Messrs. Leslie Graham, T. Smith, W. W. VanCamp, and Arthur~ Bailey visited in Toronto. . .. Mr. and' Mrs. Osmond Wright entertalned their friends at euchre on Manday and Tuesday evening. Mrs. Wllber Werry and Mr. Luther Mauntjoy were the prize winners on Monday evening, and Mrs. Gertrude Marlow and Mr. Leslie Grahamn on Tuesday evening... Mrs. Percy VanCamp en- tertained the VanCamp famlly on Tuesday evening, March lOth, in honor of Mrs. A. L. Bailey's blrth- day .. . Mrs. C. Devltt vislted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mahaod, recently. Cow testing is very important. Nat all caws that give mlk are profit- able. The only way to make sure of these unprofltable cows is by the systematic use of the milk scales and the Babcack test. Warns Ail Past 40 Lo Heed These Signs if you are troubled with burning irritations, Kidney or Bladder Weak- nesses, scanty elimination, frecjuent ,.nnoyance day and night; swollen feet or anliles and pains in the back, lower abdomen or down thraugh grains-yau should try the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's "ýUratabs" and see what a wonderful difference they make! If this grand aid form- ula of a wefl known physician brings you the swif t comfort it has brought to, others, you surely will be thankful and very weil pleased. If it does not satisf y the drugglst that supplied yau is authorized to return your maney on the flrst box purchased. At ail good drug stores. The spnI.i S"d More Powerful and alwags smooth ~ U KE its etrong, durable chassie, the new Chevro- let'@ valve-in-head, Bix-cylinder motor is excep- tiuonally rugged and powerful. You can depend on ita sure, teady flow of power to carry you eaufly through sand and mud, or up the teepeet grade. And nothing lees than a Chevrolet Six is eo emooth, quiet and restful at ail driving apeede. It takes six cylindere to give the comfort anti freedom from vibration you will b. quick to appreciate in this new Six. i5erice otrs P Olicy. oradieintenwCevoe. K wtepwr Servie Poicy. comfort and handling ease that may now be enjoyed at low;er cost thait ever. ge iw CHEVR6LE T SIX A GENEIIAL MOTORS VALUE _____, ._____ C1 1-24 s~_ ~ ~ ~ ~sJ~ ~ RrJ~RosETEA GOOD Xm4" LC~O~Ct L~RQ~L~e1 ~Ot~t1Woe PRICED FROM 0610 et factory, Oshawa Taxes extra Ask about the GMAC plan of deferred pay- muentB and the .11, ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Ltd. BOWMANVILLE - OSHAWA - WHITBY "How do 1 keep my figure?" "I est Shredded Wheat but instead of cream I use whole mik-just as it cornes from the bottie. That kind of meal gives me pep and strength. It's delicious and nourishing and easiiy digested. Sometimes for variety I add sliced bananas or other fruits, but I like it eny way at ail." 1ME CANADIAN SWIEDDED WHBfT COMPANY. UL SHRED-DED AS PLEASANT TO TAKE THOROUGH IN ASSUGAR f MEIR WORK RS pu ]Elt.9 bf-3 CONTAIN EFFICIENT NO NARGOTICS AND PROMPT TO ACT

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