THE ~ CANAD2IAN STATnERMÀN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCE 2M. ,1931 PAGE TEN TUT SomL BEFORU WORK!NG OLD TIMERS SWAP the garden and dig, make a simple ,LES* The Newcastle Independent* test of the sil. If it is rlght for Jus a littie talk between two old______________________________________________ worklng it will crumbie when squez- citizens overheard by a e4 lightly in the hand. It la com- THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1931 pacts into a bail, or if it reaily mud- Statesman reporter______________ ____________________________ dies one's boots it is too damp and by ail meas go fishlng or read a Wben two old citlzens get together NEWCASTLE INSPIRING MEN'S SERVICE WOLF CUBS' WORKS AND HOWLS book until it dries out a littie more. there is bound to be some good taies AT UNITED CHURCH Too early worklng will cause even swapped although they are flot al-Th ekymtigotels llght garden soil to bake later oni. ways for publication. This one was Mr. and Mrs. Hl. S. Britton andNecslOnaiB.PWofCb not intended for publication and noi son have been spendlflg a few daY5 A f ull choir of twenty-five or more inewStle ontesar B.Ha.lWonfus doubt the next time these two men in Toronto. maie voices, conducted by Mr. W. JiS. d GeoMrge's P, aso H caln e- have a story to tell they wlll fot tell Reserv'e Wedliesday, April 15th, for S. Rickard, with Mrs. E. C. Fisher a terest. A nuxnber of the boys receiv- it in the presence of a newspaper Pollyanna in the Community Hall. the organ, led in the congregatiorial dtknI onto ftepo reporter. The scene was the Town Aduits 25c; chlldren 15c. singing and rendered three splrited ess teyanrecmagnin olfe ubo Clerk's office and the veteran clerk, Miss Janle Singer, Toronto, has vc ant suat vn.I the UntdCbrhs readpcte.Rru Ege1 2 ~~~Mr. John Lyle, J. P., was seated com- been vslting Mrs. Frank Bone, Lake 1iels SWa vnig nt lr rigt cfte. ReSi eci en i fortably in bis chair. Councillor T. Shore, and other frlends in the vil- bass section, in addition to the lead tenWrht bfdte. SixerCv eis H. Lockhart entered and business lage. er, were Messrs. Frank Allin, Chas.tnepd bde ie hre Glenney, J. W. Glenney, Howard Ai- Brereton and Second Archie Martin' THE EXAhflATIONgradually swung around until people Mr. Chas. Qibson and family re- lin, E. C. Hoar and W. F. -ikad each became the proud recipient of a TEE EAMINTIONand events of long ago began to be cently moved f rom near Newnarket Rcad Collectors badge, Archie as well be-I Ithe toplc. Flrst they got to talking into the house on Mr. W. H. Gibson's Principals ini the tenor section were i resented with a Wood worker's tif Tricky' Messrs. W. H. Cooke, Harold- Allin, bageTe fuhaeteonr Do you know that the most Im- about who was i the varlous stoesfarm, balf a mile west of kYsC. T. Batty, Wm. E. Purdy, HowardbagTeefuhveteonr potn atof a pair of glasses around. Corner.CydraanA..Gion Ote of beig the first of the pack to re- CPdra ndA .Obsn te ceive these emblems of iment. Wolf is the examination through which "«Do I ou remember" asked Mr United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- menibers of the choir were Messrs u o reo pndhsscn you undergo before the glasses Lyle, "when The Statesman office ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Marcb Stanley Graham, Howard Pearce, T.CbTo Ereooendisecd are ade Yo canundubtdlY was a shoe store and Mr. St. John 29th: 11 a. m.-Morning Worship; A. Rodger, N. L. Rickard, Austin eye and became a two star, wblle ar ad.Yu ai nobtdy Hutebison had a îaw office above it? 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 P. In- Trnr Harry Couch, Edmund Sam Cowan receîved one star for op- gtacheap pair of glasses but OntetidforwsteMsncSrie hcry antRcad uryenlng one eye to things of cubbmng. Onthetid loawa teMa0ncEvening Srie hcry amtR ad uryMany more of the pack are worklnga wth them you wil probably get Hall." Mrs. G. Davidson, Oshawa, visited Butler, A. 0. Parker, Mr. Bail. stalyfrenepdbgsan a very poor examination. If the "Yes I remember that," answered her cousins, Mr. W. F. Rlckard and Following the invocation by the steas. foTenak re a ge aokng t eanaonlnotoruhad Mr. Lockhart. r.TePcar aellokn C examnatin isnotthorugh nd 'Well," continued Mr. Lyle, "when family, and attended the C. G. I. T. pastor the choir led the whole con- forward to the time when they may b the prescription not rlght, teIteMsncLdemvdars the Mother and Daughter banquet lust gregation in the singlng of that bunt i the Jungle once more. glaseswil no be toyou 1wo th sret son oge fell s steaFiday evenlng as Miss Dorothy's grand old hymn of adoration. Ail the ase i e ,tht ontains theni Be- boxhigscholup thewsad ahcompaniofi. Hail tbe Power of Jesus' Name. Be- On Saturday evenng, March 2lst, the case ~ ~ t that somereal tues. Re-alking about thereadw a Passion Week Services at 'United fore the sermon, the choir sang the toward tbe close of 1931's first spring member its the examinatiOn ta om elode.molkng acrout the Churcb are as follows: Monday. anthems, Ail Hail the Day, and day, mid and balmy, the Wolf Cubs consand it doesn't gowth a Mseto y ou emmbenrodssBthe March 30, 8 p. m.-In charge of Christ Shahl Be King, and after the were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. chappir0 gase.that used e e wher Rosne's store Young People's League; Tuesday, 8 sermon, Christ Receiveth Sinful Men. 'el Toronto St., at a birthday 'now is?" p. m.-In charge of W. M. S.; Wed- The pastor, Rev. W. P. Rogers,patin oorotergado. III certalnly do" said Mr. Lockhart nesday, 8 p. m.-In charge of Ses- made his sermon appeal directly to James Nelson Keech. Among others 'a~ u- ~ i gttig ral nteestd.sion; Thursday and Friday, 8 p. ni. the men, preaching a strong and vir- present were: Scoutmaster Rev. F. H. G. ivi * DOSflelI "Well," sald Mr. Lyle, a Uittie rue- Addresses by the Pastor. ile sermon f rom the text, «'Go now, Msn st cumse onEs fG.y," sposMourmebr h t.Gores hrc eriesnx ye that are men, and serve the ton. Mrs. F. H. Mason, Mr. and Miss OPTOMIETRIST fj t ,II cuose tsdor. Thathea aSndaorges Marcb29hPmsericsnay:Lord"-Ex. 10:11. Mr. Rogers point- Trenwith, and Miss Dorothy Tren- Office Over Flood's Store bad day for me. 1 had a butcber's Holy Communion 8 a. m.; Morning edotta h hrht uhu ithe, aMesaer.LoiseYoandJ.eR. Port Hope and grocer's busiess where Cawler's Prayer il a. m.; Evensong 7 p mi. ail ages has appealed to and drawnFshranMrLoyYone- anPaerosstrsnt rHnoPeper e. .J JcsnM . unto itself strong. heroic, intelligent, castie; M-S. Ray Keeoh and son Offceand C t a mrlngIbds ve o r e ad Pof Cbor;oung Men'asoible.CA .,ared-blooded men, mfen who do; Kenneth. Trenton. Following a very OfficDAe ach week catie oing In ad sI b ad ofay o9.45 . m.;oungday sble 2 p. m. thinga, men who see the wrongs in hearty repast the cubs rendered their 9.30 ESa.n.T e9.30 p. m. ott$280 or them.andI had t eog o ly Week a.m.;sercsa S t . Gerges'the world and apply themselves with grand howl to si7nif y their apprec- 9. 9.30ice:Money$20inorthembank hadtoh o brcbWiiee s foices:MSt Gongays Christlike energy and quaities to the iation of Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil's and forthei o nta ounnt 130 8 p. m.Dea otio s and Adresstask of serving the Lord and their iNelsona kindness, followed with 214 Daforh Ae. aymor don so Ithat acout$13sue a .TuesDay,10a. .o ly Commun- !s;ellow men and making things right. three cheers led by Rcv. F. H. Mason mor don s, tat cold ssu aTueday 10a. .-Hly ommn-The Church needs such men now, and echocd by John Elston. The _____________________________________________ ion; Wednesday,' 8 p. m.-Devotions and such men find in the church arid whole number present was about and Address; Thursday 10 a. mi- througb the church opportunities thirty and aften supper ail enjoyed - Holy Communion; Good Friday, not to be found elsewhere for Christ- theinselves at varlous interesting E N ED Rt U Ï As-I11.30 a. m-Holy Communion; 8 p. ian service and maniy sacrifice. But games. W E EED REA Y C S m.-Devotions and Address. it is dephored that there are not The supper table was adorned with Pollyanna, a laugh f or old and more men in the church and fewer the birthday cake, surmounted by ____________young. in the Community Hall, Wed- as a consequence in the gaols. Mr. ten lighted candles and with some nesday, April lStb.I Rogers quoted some statistics show- of Mrs. M. Brown's prizeý winning la order te stimulate business and rais. readY cash quleklY The residents of Lockhart's achool' ing that at a certain prayer meet- tflowers. for although she sent some we are offerlng section are to be commient]ed on ing, a religious service, there were 53J over to the achool to the great pleas- their action in organizing a Sunday wornen present and 6 men. As ure of teachers and pupils, and tookJ From To-Day until the End of the Month Our Scbool .at the school bouse. It la a against this. at another relig;ous ser- Derbapa the choicest to thc Memorial move itbe ight direction. Now vice, this one in a prison. there werc' Library,_ she had no thought of f or- Entire New Easter Stock of Women'a ad that country cisurches are being present 996 men and only 5 womlen. getting her young fniends and narne- closed one by one, pinclpally be- Wby is lt?-and the preacher point- "-ake o! the hero o! Trafalgar. The Misses' Dresses, Hosiery and Lingeries at cause o! the f act that most rural ed out the of ten apparent f act-that1 oldest guest present to honor Nelson PatclyFcoyPrices. residents now have cars. and when many men put so much enthusiasm 1 on his i0th birthday was Mr. Geo. PrctcalyFatoythey go to church thlnk they might into their lodge and its affairs and Trenwith, in his 85th year, while as well drive into town. there seems oten s0 ittie in their church? May ')onald Jose. seven, wvas probably the Watcb our Window. to be a tendency at the sanie time one reason be that there bas been s0 youngest. to overlook the religious education o! much preaching o! Christ, the ______ the rural youth and let them grow Dreamer. and not enough of Christ. Ol adta ilrsodt C A E C S.M S Nup without much bible teaching. the Man? Ol adta ilrsodt CLAR NCE S. M SONMany people will drive in five or six , Four yôung men, Fred Couch, Sid- good treatmnent should be cultivated Oe door west of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 161, Bowmanville miles to cburch but tblnk lt's too ney Brown. Chas. Parnell and Chas. at ail. There are many thousanda much to drive their littie chlldren Gilkes. collected the off ering. o! acres in Ontario that will not Llist town to Sunday Schooh. In or- produce !arm crops profltably and -- - ganizing a Sunday Scbooh in their should be reforested without further _______________________________________ section, No. 9 residents are building NEWCASTLE C. G. 1. T. BANQUET waste o! time and energy. Every - -fo heftue fariner who applies i tie can get Te sypafor o the An interestin.g event, the firat of free 3,500 trees for reforesting waste Thesymathes f he oxnhuntYits klnd to be beld i Newcastle, areas and 500 for phantlng in wind- are extended to Mrs. Geo. Honey in took place on Friday nlght wheii breaks. Application forma are avail- the death of ber mothen, Mrs. <Rev.) the C. G. 1. T. and their leader, Mrs. able at your local Agricultural 0f- Mr. and Mrs. Honey and daughter w .Rgrpto ohrac.fie Rut went up for the funeral whlcb Daughter Banquet wbicb was at- K IN DE S S as beld on Thursday. The hate tended by more than one hundred. Mrs. Campbell was well known and The tables were very prettlly dec-________ higbly esteemed in this vlcinity, hav- C. G. 1,, T. colours beig used thu ing spent some montbs bere eachou.Teoutuladpetzg umme wih br dagbtr, ra.banquet was catered to by Mrs ~~i LJ R E S ~>'Honey, on the f arm. She was often Walter Rlckard's group o! the Wo- e 14 S C O U R E S Y ccompanied by ber daugbter, Miss men's Association. Between the first dahel Campbell, teacher in the Park-an seodcuestegrs av I leCohegiate Institute, Toronto, atdheircoh nd eoressethegirlstakae w j and attended the United Church totheylade oreseerthg by 1 uite regularly, being iterested i otelde h eesrig a1h its services and activities. Hen singing Mn. Wing. latehusand as prminet Mth- The first toast o! the evening, "To S E V C diat minister and waa present at the King" was proposed by Maretta L e n Iand took part in the Methodist Cen- Law, which waa followed by the sing- uneral DirnactorslER V IiCnEhlatesix rom rsenge ing o;;1;aNational Anthem. ThisSm rn s lat nary here years ohowed by the tSpongy, Roan latNvme.ada, Our Country" by Annabele p n ,Ro See the youngest known imperson- Hendry. wblch was responded to byl Furish rs tor o! Pollyanna, Yvonne Finlay, Dunneath Dudley. 0 Canada was rendeed apianoso.Th tat1 ____________CARD 0F THANIKS T Ou Mothers' was proposed by' ____________________Rlckard, followiflg tihe ne- citation of Mary Carohyn Davies' At a recent meeting o! the Wo- beautiful tribute to her own mother. men's Memoniah Llbrary Aid, New- MX*s. Batty responded to this toast N orthcutt & Sm ith ~~castle, the nerbrs voted bearty wihMtir8be"~ N orthcutt & S m ith ~~~~~and sincere thanks to those wbo fewhh Moer aheews Successors to Alan Williams Growers' banquet a success; to those anter d asugn Mle. Thisasd Phone 58; Nlght 58 or 523 Sedan Ambulance forn ho avthn ures;hsyr apes folowed by the introduction and 1 for ecoatin pux~oea; o tosetoast to the speaker o! the evening, men who gave the less decorative Miss MacPhersofl, proposed by Helen but more use! ul apples for appleLyet Mis aceroPoncI sauc; t ah th lades ho avelai Girls' Wonk Secretary, then gave f ood and cooked it; to those who ber address. In doing so Miss Mac- gave o! their time and energy 8 hnonrcutd oeiteeti lai_____e nuLbay Adeprse Misapeo- things colned f rosa her trip tEn Iainladls yea. Aong other hn; latlo she sald that you can't divide 1f e I THE ~ SPRINGup into parts for ahh parts arei v I _____ e togeher.Ti-e--edgs -wer 1tie DE LUXE MODELS will be on display Saturday at KEMP BROS' GARAGE Bowmanville Representatives This is your invitation to view this display. Cox Motor Sales Bowmanville Matching ber footprints with G<>d's roorn was phaced a tail candlestick OWIi. with a high yellow candie in It. Al I phaced my two cohd bandai hers the lghts behig extigulshed this To wahk the f rozen way- candhe waslit and f rom this the fist But O the green was on the funse, two C. 0. I. T. girls on elther side The buds were on tbe may, lighted their candhes. They ini turn Grey tala were on the wilhow trees, lit the next girls' and so on till ail And she kept pace wlth al of these. were lit. Then with lighteçl candies the girls marched around thse tables O Lady Spring with tresses tost, slnglng ,Folhow the Oean" and lit Camne f rom the wlndblow hinls the candhes on the tables, placig To set the bnown eartb f nee o! f rost, their own at intervals as they went. Make song-burst in the nlis. The mothers then lit their candies 0 Lady Sprlng how fast you've f romn those on the table. the daugh- grown, ters lightlng theirs f rom the mothers. But stihi youn footprlnts match His And so Juat as the lgbt f nom the own. one candhe spread to ahi the other Laura Bedeil. candles and lighted the roorfl, 50 Christ, the Llght o! tbe Worhd. bas spread lght thnoughout ail the check to meet this account. The world un the ives of men. The slng- cerk very oblginghy took miy $130 Ing of the National Antheni brought and as soon as I was out o! tbe door to a chose thia unique event. the bank chosed down and ahi my money was gone. Yes air, I was the If you want to devehop Personalty, ast man to make a deposit un Codd's Bank. Later when Mn. Codd ne- go do some on. a favor. turnied f romi England a meeting was Anyofle can take time off, but Who hehd and we were tohd that eveny- among us can put It back? thing would be all ight but t neyer Over 200 varieties o! iris at Kinga- was, and I bast every cent I had put wagusne 0coc ae in the day the bank failed." nyNreis-5 hienn, 'Gee. that was tough huck, added Iris, no two alike, $10,00; 5 valeties the reporter Ia sympatby.1 $1.00. 'If LAST TWQ DAYS 0F NELSQN'S ANNIVE RSARY SALE BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER. Miss Annie Wilkins, Maple Grove, of Miss Wlnnle Riekard. The four and Misa Muriel Baker, SoJina spent girls, ail in attendance at Bowm9MS- the weekend bere and attended the ville' Hlgh Schooh, spent saturday C. G. I. T. Motber and Daughter evening wlth Miss Law at the home banquet. Miss Wilkins was guest of of ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Oeo. Miss Maretta Law, and Misa Baker Law. Weekend Specials Assorted Chocolates .........i*"*** lb. box 28c ChtauCeee............../2-1b. pkg.19 McLaren's Cream Cheese ........2 k.2c Ch ieD id ec e ...............20e lb. Ch ieD ie piot ..............2k lb. Our Own Blend Tea ..........40c and 75c lb. .on .......................2 tins f or25 Tomatoes, Red Rock Brand, produced in the best tomato growing section of Ontario, finest flavor ...............1c tin Tiger Brand Salmon ...............25c lb. tin Cream of Wheat ....................25c pkg. Whiz' Sanitary Cleanser.,,.................. 2U Fish for Lent - Fresh Eggs at lowest market prices -FuIl-O-Pep Chick Starter - Fine Grain for Baby Chicks HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BoWMALNVILLE pring COATS id Easter Chic ugh Materials Have Acquired a SNot to Be Found in the Coat of Smoother Fabric Tailoring more expert than we have seen in yeas... some fur, but not on all styles . . . a lack of collars, but many, many scarfs . .. these are the salient features of the new mode for Spring. If you're wise - and thrifty, too, - you'1l be certain to get youxi Easter coat here, where style is an as- sured element, where prices are always right. and where values are without J)arallel. Priced from $9395 LADIES' ATTENTION Representative of Can- adian Gossard Co. will be at our store ail day, Tues- day, March 3lst, with the new Spring line of Corsets featuring MisSimplicity. Ladies are invited to this special showing. THE SMART -SHOP COWAN BLOCK GEO. R. MASON, Manager.*, ________________________________________________ 'I Oshawa Z-- -- - -- - - - s.ýq ma ÉýLffl Immr 1