TE CANADIAI<13TATMUNI BOWMIANVILJlE, TUSAMRESt.13 CAM TOU ANSWIM THESE? 14 pga left ta a1. What la the Young Plan? ters,1 2. Who la Tagore?anCh -~ wahablecolla-s attheirbasi 3. What is the Internationale? tBi-ee 4. Why do sailons wean large m awMas r washale cllar at teir ackThe l 5.* Who is William Hale ("Blg Mr.. jenie Fleming, Bowmanvile the best JBill") Thompsonl beingk 6. Why is the crocodile vei-y Aftei- a long period of weakness, fàrming b e t e r riendly towards certain species o! suffered with much patience, follow- stock. b E ~bu-de? by a strolce o! paralysis, there passed yaso greaest f Grmanaces onSaturday, Mai-ch l4th, Mrs. Jane a Conse ae . Wa rts ooypoue Ann Fleming, lilier 83rd year. that tin over half the world's cocoa? hi-s. Fleming was a daugliten a! religion the late Richard Jennlngs and Mai-- Methodi MATCHLESS PLAVOR by the 9. What floteWoithY SPOrtlD.g tha Taylor and was bai-n in Ml- Owen Si bawlfuil That's what event took place last Saturday be- brook, Cavan township, later mov- Kýellogg's PEP Bran Flakes tween Oxford and Cambridge? ing to Soliia li Dai-lixigton town- Mr give you. Agwrsto Above Queo s l sip where she maried W. J. Flems- These crisp, crunchy flakes ~"' ing. She Uived li Darlington and Mrs. tempt you-tease you ta 1. The schedule o! Oei-many's re- Bowxnanvllle the greater part o!flier Street,C taste their goadness. parattons payments. It was drawn 111e. For the past 32 years she bas pital on And te moe of hernup li 1928 by Owen D. Young, an made lier home with lier sieter-In- iflness o An te or a temyou ~ ronbne.Gimn lawlire. A. B. McCi-eady, where they death w eat -the more you'll agi-e Aeca nkr Grm ys pay- hv that Kellogg's PEP Bran mente ai-e ta continue aver a perioave slared eacli otlier's .ioys anid none tht Flakes are better bran flakes. of slxty years, most af the money sorrows anid 11e lias been very pleas- lier f am going ta, France, Great Britain and ant tagether. lire. Flemixig's pleas- Borni Made by. Kellogg in Lon- Itaîy. ant and cheerful spirit made for her spent ri don, Ontario. 2. The greateet living Asiatic In - many friends who will miss lier country, dian poe. cleery word and smile. had i-esf The funeral took place Tuesday E. Wlil 3. Thle Soviet "national antliem.' a! ternoon, Mai-ch l7tli. fi-a rn is.atn 4. This customin s a relic o! olden McCi-eady's residence, Silver Sti-eet,!Cuh days wlien salai-s wore "«pigtails'" service being in charge of Rev. C. R. wlio ki whicl used to get f ull o! grease and Spencer, rector o! St. Johin's Angli-1 Survi' tai-. The big collai- was detacliable can Churcli, o! whtch decease a r.E and was washed oftener than the a faithful member. Rev. J. . b-Ms,. E P Eblouse. ins o! Trinity, and Rev. Dr. Best a! Mi-5. GA 5. Mayor af Chicago. Hle is very St. Pauls, assisted in the service.f hi-s. Gi B RA N FLIA K ES anti-Britisli, and lias sought to i-e- The pail bearers were Dr. J. C. Dev- benglanc ______________Chicago___________ text itt, Messrs. F. C. VanstoneT. W.bet books which have anything kind ta, Cawkei-, Frank Williams, Frank M. one brot say about Britain. Cryderman and J. T. Hooper. The old land. 6. Because they act as tooth- flower beai-ers were: Messrs. Lawry Tliefi Cryderman, Chas. H. Mason S. Chas. Thui-sdai pids. earesly nteingth retll'sAllin, J. E. Ellott, R. E. Osborne, fi-om thE * mouth and cleaning out the unde-MarM.JElitG.Weksne-fe srable remains o! past meals. The and J. H. Bateman. Cemeterx * crocodile's tangue is so sinail that it Surviving ai-e one brother, Mr-. a! Holy cannot perforin tis act for itself. Thos. Jennings a! Thornhill, and lier tlie serv The spur-winged ployer is equipped sse-nlw is .E cray -witli a sharp spike an eacli winged, besides several nepliews and nieces. Mns.1 shoulder whicl iIt uses ta advantagel The floral offerings were vei-y C sliould the crocodile forget itself and1 beautifuîlncluding wieaths frian The di close its iaws witli the small bene- The McCready Family, the Cawker Bonisteel factor inside. Failyiû, and Mi-. and hi-s. J. H. H. tinct shc 7. Roy Brown, a Canadian, is us- Jury; sprays fi-arn Messrs. William Belleville ~ )~ l>a'- ually credited wth tins exploit, but and Herbert and Miss Minnie Jen- trict. M gan Australian airman dlaims the nings. Miss Margaret Climie, hi-s. L. the 'Beli 5i lionour, toC>. A. Tale, hi-. and hi-s. Adoîpli Henry, lowing ai D TELICIOUS fia. 8. The Gold Coast, in west cen- Mi-. W. H. Peai-n, Dr. and hi-s. Jas. She was vosfehn tral Africa. iMoore and family,.Dr. and huis. J. isteel, ai O n the mouth and 9. The annual boat race on thie C. DeXvitt, hi-s. W. E. Tilley, Mi-. and on sweeten the breatb. Thames. This is the most strictly i-s. F. C. Vanstone, Mi-. and hi-s. li Te very act of amateur o! the major sporting A.W. Pickai-d, hi-. and Mrs. W. C. ch wing relieves events in the world, for the winners Ferguson, hi-s. Murdoif and Mr-. Laervousnesa receive no trophy, medal or prise o! Chas. Heal, Mri. and lire. LPrank Wil- WPFs 'En ( oothes the ______ is. Arnott and Miss Bertie Arnott, flCilfd mi ad anyTonrntam , adMSt.dMs.Td e eaunrn avn .rouhL WIFE, GAS, SCARE MAN Page., Torofitend (J r n enftl NDEDO IH I Toronth andaMive and is. ed Le I N* 'y vrcm y tmchgsinteattendi tef unem ral out o! 19V C d«ald o niht.I sare myhusandtawn e:Mr T. H. Jennings, Toi-- W R I R 4 bdl. H gt dlria ad t nddanto; r ndMs M .Annis, the as.-Mr. M Owe. Lndsy; rs. aneArntt.Newton- ________________________ Aderika relieves starnach ga i ville, Miss Jennie Thompson and CHEWinues!MGtsonUMTH ire s.C. Robinson, Clar-ke, Dr. and TEN inuts! Ata o his. Jas. Moore, Misses Evelyn and and lower bowel, removlng ald pois- Doris Moore, Mi-. Geo. Brown, onous waste you neyer knew was Brooklin; Col. P. H. Jobb and son I P VL m tlere. Don't f001 with medicine Ai-nott. Oshawa: hi-s. N. Aflin, New- E, whicl cleans only PART o! bowels, castle; hMr. and hi-s. Adoîpli Henr-y, P modedeoqui qjBod bowels a REAL cleanlig and get rid Cale, Bethesda. I'?lya mveybdyla autonlubd àA ifa! al gas! Jury & Loveil, Drugglsts.____ e~ ie aie.Oa o. 41-t! 80dro U«J. a..- Elias Plain, formerly of Onono __________________________________________Ater an iflness a! only two days the deatl occuri-ed in Strat!ard Gen- enal Hospital on Suxiday, Februai-y 22nd, of Bilas Plain. Deceased was bai-n ini Clarke township, Durham County, an Feb. l4th, 1876, and as a Test the New yugmnwn etadhdbe Lower Priceci lirses and trough a aoniec leai-ned that lits brother Fred wliom lieliad not seen for saine years, was a resident a! St. Marys. Since that time lie has been living in Stratford. gage intraiingrernounts for the For tie over a year ago while engaged i laading grain near Moasornin, Sask, lie met witb a serlous accident, hic skull being badly fractured. As a V A L U E jured and is believed ta have con- tribted o hs sudendeath. William Wander, Wianton William Warder, foi- many yearc a resident o! Eastnor Township and for the past three years a Wiarton district citizen, passed away on Sun- day morning, Mai-ch 15th, in a Lon- don laspital, wlere le liad been a patient for the past six weeks. Hie death followed a stroke whicli le suffered on Saturday. The late hi-. Warder was attacked by a bull 161 years ago and neyer fully recvu e lnsrectOldsobie throuklyfi-rm the injuries he received atîthat 1 InpctOdsoil hoo *hy time. Three years ago lie lad a ser- 1 Compare it witli any other car In its ious illness and suffered a strake, pric clss. henconsderhow uchbut, altlougli doctors gave him up,1 pric clas. hen onsier ow mch e recovei-ed. Five montîs ago lie more your motor rat dollar buys . ..in was again takeAn tl, the illness this Imaurn bis passting tosns .B Warden o! Wnnipeg, and CclWr ROE*. O B T der o! Wlarton; and foui daughters, * Atol SreetOshaa lis. John Campbell o! Edenhurst. Atho Su-« OsawaOnt., lira. George Walker o! Roches- ,ter, N. Y., Mrs. James Warren o! _____________________________________ ildden, Ma.. and Mur. TR. W. Ab- botta o! Owen Sound; In addition ta mdcblldren. Thorae a lo mouin his paaalng two bro- Robert H., of Bowmanviflo. barles of Rochester, N. Y., and sisters, Mrs. C. Saunders of invllle, Mrs. M. Warder and *awford, bath of Detroit. late Mr-. Warder was one o! st farmers of bis time, always keenly lnterested in better ig and the breeding of better He served f or a number of on the Eastnor Council. Be- ie U. F. O. movement he was servative li politlcs but since ie had been a Liberal. lI alie was a member of the ist, now United Church.- Sound Tlimes. [n. An» Watson, Oshawa Axin Watson, of 68 Barrie Oshawa, dled at Oshawa Has- )n Mardi l7th, following an1 of nine mantlis. Although lier vas flot unexpected, it is feit he less keenly by members o! mily and fiends. li England, the deceased had nost o!flier 111e lin the aid y% but for the past f ew years lded wlth lier daugliter, Mrs. tng, 68 Barrie Street. She ýd Haly Trlility Anglican àand was well llked by ail ew her. and Mm. James Knlght, Bowmmn- ville, where she was bai-n and lved until her mariage fiteen years ago when she went ta Uive lni Belleville. She leaves lier husband and son Gerald, at home; three sisters, Mrs. S. Stanley, Bowmanvllle, Mrs. Fred Allun, Bowmanvllle, and Miss Jessie Knight, Toronto; and one brother, H. J. Knight, Bowmanville. Mrs. Bonisteel was a member a! Bridge Street United Cliurch and took a keen literest li ail churcli work. The f uneral tcok Place SaturdaY afterncon conducted by Rev. R. H. Bell and was lai-gely attended. Amang the relatives present were Mi-. anid Mrs. H. J. Knight, Mi-. anid IMrs. Fred Alun, Mr. J. F. Osborne, Mi-. and Mrs. Russel Osborne, Mi-. and Mrs. Qi-ville Osborne, Mn. HU- bei-t Osborne, Mi-. W. W. Down, Messrs. J. W. and T. H. K.night, Bawmanville; lirs. Carl Selby, New- castle; hi-s. W. R. Knlght, Mr-. Ezzie Knlght, Mr-. and lins. Hobart Knight, Ottawa. W. C. T. U. W. C. T. U. met in St. Paul's school raom on Mai-ch 19. Mrs. C. W. Slem- an presided for the opening exercises and read a part of the 5th cliapter of Matthew's Gospel and then mn a few impressive remarks she emplis- sized the need of a helpful and friendlly spirlt, cancluding by quot- ing a f ew lines written by George El- llot which expi-essed lier meaximg very adequately. Short prayers were offered by a number of the members.J Owing ta the pi-esident's (lira. L. 1 A. Tale) absence, Mrs. J. E. Elllatt 1 took charge of the business meeting.,I The seci-etary's* and treasurer's i-e- è ports were given. A number of short articles were read showixig the arnount spent on liquor and the mode of purchasing saine in the dif - ferent provinces in Canada. It was sliown that Ontario's consumxption per capita was much greater than the other provinces and that the total spent on imtoxicating drinks in 1929 in Canada was $192,500,000 and that the lnterest on this would pay the national debt in 18 years. Sorne of the evil effects fi-rnm thls1 large expenditure were then pointed1 out.4 Meeting closed with the Mizpah1 benediction.j 44Why Can't We Save?" H Woften do you say this as you find that your expenses cat u l your salary? Other people, with no larger in- cornes than yours, buy rnany things you cannot afford. Is it because you have no definite plan of allotting your money? The Royal Bank Budget Book W11l help you to plan your expenses with something to spare. Ask for a oopy, The RylBank 3of Canada Bowmanville Branch - L G. Hefkey, Manaer 1 a4 Persian Bam Imparts a rare able to every dainty woman. As a charm and distinction ta the woman powder base for olly-textured aldn wlio uses it. Fragrant as a flower, or as a beautl!ying lotion, It le um- dellciously cool ta the skia, It ai- rivalled. Tones and stlnxulates the ways results li complexions delight- skin. Recommended aiso to uottM fully yaung and lovely. Indispens- and make the bands flawlessly white. NOII Rtogers Tubes hthe A NOTIIER important advantage for Majestic Radio buyers! Rogers A-C Radio Tubes will hereafter be standard equipment on the new Superheterodyne models of the Majestic Radio. This means further economy for Majestic Radio owners, it means comparative freedom from radio troubles, finer performance. No A-C radio tubes produoed have as long life as Rogers. They outperform ail others. Decide now that your radio will be a Majestic, "Mighty Monarch of the Air." There is no extra charge for the Rogers tubes with which it is equipped!1 HEAR Luigi RomaneLli and his musicians Sunday 9.30 p.m. E.S.T. Rogers-Majestie broadcast over a chain of 20 Canadian station&. TIS NEW Superheterodyne Majestic Radio, priced complete with $ O Rogers A-C Tubes, only 18 New Majestic ModOI 23 iluaesd Au .L. DARCH Ztnvll PA .- TEIUPMAT. MARR 2M. 1031