PAGE NFm THE CANADIAIN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1931 One Thin Wooean Gained 91 Pounds In 20 Days With McCOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets When more weight is needed these health building tablets wWi delight You-60 tablets 60 cents at druggists everywhere. Gain 5 pounds ini 28 days or money back-Just ask for McCoy's. tf. WHO KNOWS At cburch bis foami was mlsslng XI the rows- Perhaps be neyer said a prayer, Who knaws? But be was known by other men Always to be Honest and kind, a man a! rare Integrity. Axid who shall say when he is dead Whitber he goes? Save God alane wha read bis heart And knxows. Laura Bedeil. IA Big Money Saver AND IT'S ONLY GOOD FORL ONE WEEK PRLOU DATE ROOMS PAPERED AT $7.00 PER ROOM Wlde variety o! 1931 patterns ta choose from. Price includes paper and haxiging f rom roomis Up ta 12x12x9. PHONE 489 and have us cail wth samples. Remember this exceptional offer is only gaod for one week. Geo. Pritchard Painter and Decorator IjPhone 489 Bowmanvme Announcement-- We are pleased to be able to announce to the public, that Mr. Geo. L. Hall f ormerly with the Bowmanville Foundry Company Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario, ha& joined the selling staff of our organization. Awy business intrusted to him will be appreciated by us. Thickson Mgotor Sales 9 Bond St. W. Oshawa, Ontario Durant Car & Rugby Truck Merchants o! March 5th, bas a two-page write- Up o! a former Clarke boy, George A. Stutt, brother o! Mr. W. M. Stutt O!f Orono. A good photo o! M. Stutt is also sbowxi, with views o! bis fine residence and barns. In part, It points out: "George Stutt, Master Farmer, Vandura, Sask., bas alway been a lover o! good homses. XI fact, it was horses that braugbt Mr. Stutt to Western Canada. As a yaung man back In 1893 ho came W, f rom Old Ontario wth a car load of work homses ta agi to the early set- tIers o! the prairies. He really dld not have much intention o! stopping in the West wben be came out wlth that flst shlpment of horses, but the lure o! this vast new country was too strang for hlm ta resist. He home- steaded on bis present f arm la 1896, purchased another quarter in 1897, stiU axother in 1905, and bis fifth another adjoinlng quarter in 1900, and final quarter was purcbased la 1916, binglng the total acreage, a! the present home f arm Up ta 770 acres. Few borsemen bave fared s0 well as George Stutt. Brookslde Ma- homet, one o! bis stallions, alone bas cleared hlm $10,00V.' r Great Duys 1928 ESSEX SEDAN .... $375.00 1927 WHIPPEsT COACH ....3175.00 1929 OAKLAIID SEDAN . - 825-00 1928 PONTIAC COACH... $3500 1928 CHEVROLET COACH .$295-00 1929 OLDSMOBILE COACH..$725.00 Easy CNAC T.rm.s-SfllU D.wn Payua..ts-Balm« a lew iSila» per umaMt ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Ltd, BOWMANVILL - OSHAWA - ITBY UCI -24 LADIES AUXILIARY HOILD SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE PARTY Ladies of thse Leglon Gathered at thse Home of Mr. R. M. Cottan on Saturday Evenlng The Ladies' Auxillary of the Can- adian Legion held its second success- f ul euchre party at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cotton on Saturday evening when mare than eighty citi- zens attended. The flrst prize foar ladies, a fancy shopping bag, was won by Mrs. E. Roach; the second prize, a pair of band embroidered plllow cases, by Mrs. H. King; and the consolation prize, a Turklsh bath towel. by Mrs. Johnson Thicisson. The flrst prize for gentlemen, an enamelled desk set, was won by Mr. J. Living; the second, a box of cig- arettes, by Mr. B. Klig; and the con- solation, a cigarette lighter, by Mr. H. Lathrope. At the close of the ganses daixity refreshments, donated by the ladies o! the auxlllary, were served, brlng- ing ta a close a most enjoyable even- ing. LOCAL ROYAL ARCH mASONS AT CAMPBELLFORD The Ironic Chapter, Royal Arcb Mason, Campbellford, celebrated its 22nd anniversary on Tuesday, March l7th, when it was honored by the visit of the Grand Superintendent, Rt. Ex. Comp. F. C. Hoar, of Bow- manville, and was hast at a banquet given in honor of the occasion. Ex. Comp. G. C. Bonnycastie preslded over the toast list, The King and Craf t being duly honored. Ex. Camp. L. B. Glover, in bis address, Pald a glowing tribute to the character of Lodge. He pointed out that the Jur- isdlctlon o! this body covered 16 dis- tricts with 156 chapters and a total o f 20,000 members. He stated that the leaders were men who were out- standing li the cammunity and na- tion. bad given o! their best ta f ur- ther the interests o! the fratemnlty which goes back into bistory and whose symbols have neyer changed. Rt. Ex. Comp. Hoar replied ta, this tribute, congratulatig the lodge on its work and brlefly meviewlng the Iwork of the Chapter in the district. IHe also spoke o! the splendid oppor- tuxiity o! ail Masons ta exempllfy their pinciples inlxi 1e and ta, be stepping stones lnstead of stumbllng blocks. DURHAM COUNTY BOYS Under the caption "A Master Horseman," the Nor'-West FlaMer mm Ceci Siiae, Chatham Vera Marguerite Christina Sime, wife o! Cecil Sinie, day operator at the C. P. R. station, Chatham, pass- ed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, Monday, March 23rd, !ollowlng a short lllness. Mrs. Sime was bora li Chatham 38 years aga, the daugli- ter of Mr. anid Mms. Joseph Dippeil. She is survlved by ber husband, ber parents, who reside li Walkertan. and one brother, L. W. Dippeil, prin- cipal of the hlgh school at Bawmaxi- ville. Thas. McMglUan, Toronto Thomas McMillan, o! Toronto, foar- mer manager of the head ofcei brancb of the Standard Bank before r its merger wlth the Bank of Com- É merce, dled at Nice, France. Edu- a cated at Oshawa, be commenced bisç career i the Western Bank and con- s tlnued wlth the Standard uxitil flve E years ago, when be retired. He was a member of the National, Toronto Hunit and Royal Canadian Yachti Clubs. Survlvlng are one brother, E Arthur N. McMillaxi. Bowmaxille,1 and flve sisters, Mrs. Frederlck Cow-1 an, Oshawa; Mrs. C. A. Maumy, Flor-N ence. Italy; Mrs. Eric Dart and MissE Ada McMllan, California; and Mms.t W. C. Pbillips, Oshawa.E Fred C. Frank. Toronto Many old f rlends in Bowmanville wlll regret ta learn of the death on Monday, Mamch 23rd, o! Frederick Charles Frank, aged 45 years, o! 110 Grenadier Road. Toronto, wbo con- ducted a gents' fumnlshlig business in Toronto for the past eighteen years. Prevlous ta that he was in business in Mldlaxid. He was a son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Oco. Frank o! this town and was born and ed- ucated here. Survlving are hi-, wi! e wbo was Olive Argue, daughter of Mr. and Mms. William Argue, Mid- land, where the interinent took place on Wedxiesday in Lakevlew cemetery. Three sisters, Mrs. W. J. Braund, Petemboro, Mrs. Gordon Rice, Strat- f ord, and Mms. Gea. Gibson, Cobalt, and four brothers, Oscar, North To- ronto, Sidney, Califamnia, Lorne, Australla, and Arthur o! Oshawa. also survive. Mm. James Mallett, Cedardale There passed suddenly ta rest at ber home in Cedardale on March 10, Mrs. James Mallett, farmerly Mary Jane, daughter o! the late William and Jane Cowllng, Haydon. She was bora and educated in the village a! Haydon where se spent the early part o! ber 111e. until she was united in marriage with tise late James Mallett who predeceased ber four years ago. She wlI be greatly miss- ed by ber family. She was a klnd nelghbor and good friend toalal who1 knew ber. Besides her own f ansly she beaves ta moura ber loss. twa sisters, Mms. John Tabb (Lavixila), and Mrs. Day- id Graham (Emlly Aberta); and four brathers, William, Thomas, Jas- eph and George Cawllng. The funeral took place on Thurs- day, March 12th. service being con- ducted by ber pastor, Rey. G.1 Irvixie, 'who pald tribute ta, the 1f e of the deceased. The numerous floral tributes were a wealth o! beauty, expresslng the sympathy for the bereaved and love for thse departed. Bob W. Stapleton, Clarkse In the early boums o! Marcistis, in Port Hope Hospital, a!ter tbree weeks' illlxess, Bob W. Stapleton, eld- est son o! Violette and Maxwell Stapletan af Clarke Township, quiet- ly passed ta bis eternal rest li bis 16 *th year, leaving ta mourn bis de- parture. bis parents, two sisters and a brother, grandparents, many uncles, aunts and cousins, and a very large circle of frlends. For more than three yeams he did not enjoy thse best o! health, due ta a heart condition. maklng manual exertion unwlse. He was an apt stu- dent and a lover o! reading and he showed bis stamina by applYing himself ta. school studies at home under the guidance of Mr. C. Ham o! Crooked Creek School, and be successfully acquired bis public school leavlng li June 1930. I thse fall be Jolned thse Port Hope Hlgh School wth qiatriculation la mind. He was a falthful worker and en- deared blmsel.f ta bis clasamates and teacher. xI times o! sickness he was %, rare example o! cheerfulness ani patience and bis memory wlll not soon bc forgotten. on the a! ternooxi o! Marcis lltb, a short service was held at thse rosi- dence o! bis grandparents, Mill St.,. Port Hopei the presonce o! lm- mediate relatives. The body was «Up in Evelyn's Room» AT THE REAR 0F THE STORE, UPSTAIRS, YOU WILL FIND LOCATED OUR NEW DEPARTMENT FEATURING NEW SPRING MILLINERY SPRING DRESSES and other Ready m To - We&r At Popular Prices (DREN I[NGý FRIDAY,, MARCH 27t1i OPENING* SPECIALS Miss Evelyn Nelson will have charge of this new departnient. Ne ison's Store WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT WHITE SHIUCLU St. Patrick's Nlght was celebratedl li real Irish style by the White Shleld Club members at the home of the president, Mrs. Thos. Gould, Llb- erty Street, on Tuesday evenlng, March l7th, with a good attendance. The bouse was tastefully decorated for the occasion and a good evening o! games, contests and music were' enjoyed by ail. Prizes for guessing the correct amount of potatoes in a bag were won by Rhoda McQuarre, Mrs. McMuilen and Mrs. Sulmmer- scales; for marking the pig's eye, by' Loretta Kilgannon; the Patrick word contest by Mrs. A. L. Darch, Mrs. A. E. Dudley, Mrs. C. Clapp and Mrs. Thos. McMullen; the potato race by Mrs. Thos. Brookham, Mrs. A. L, Darch, Loretta Kilgannon and Mrxs. C. Clapp. Refreshments were served, bringig a jolly evening to a close. A. Y.P. A. St. John's Young People's Assoc- iation held its regular fortnlghtly neeting in the Parlsh Hall on Mon- day evenlng when a large number attended. Several new members were enrolled who wlll be lnstalled at the next meeting. Meeting open- ed with the president, Miss Janle Ifason, in the chair, and a short de- votlanal perlod was conducted f olow ing the openlng bymn. The pro- grama was then turned over to Mr. Reg. Harding who conducted a nuxn- ber of novelty games. Refresliments were served by the social cammlttee at the close. Arrangements hav been completed for the entertlnn of the boys from. the TrainingScool on April 12th. Rev. Mr. Walton of Toronto wlll give an lllustrated talk on the Indians to wham he minister- ed for many years. A feature of the evenlig is ta be a "«hot dog" feed. Shrubs at Klngsway Nurserles- I Leave orders early and get them1 planted for bloom this year - HEun- 1 dreds of varleties. Trucks Lettered - Artistic Road Signe Price Cards, Etc. Landscape and Seascape Decorations. Lessons given in water and oil paintingjý Inspection of pictures invited. H. COULDERY men Street Phone 135 Bowmanv il d u QuC 1929 Chevrolet Coach 5 wlre wheels, perfect ln every way, nearly new tire EXTRA VALUE $425wOO 10 dozen Ladies' NEW SPRING HATS regular $5.00 values for $2m98 Fiat Crepe SILK DRESSES regular $7.95 fer $4m98 FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS Candy for Easter With the end of Lent, Candy is quite in order. We have a wonderful selection of novelties for Easter. To supply the demand we have on sale some of the most popular varieties at very attractive prices. HOT CROSS BUNS ~ Delicious - Appetizing c 1 Bowmanvillec:Baker y C. W. JACORS, Proprietor POE9 H. COU LDERY SIGNS Il