THE CANADIA2N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUPBDAY. MARCH 2Mt, 1931 PAGE uVMu m ens NEW STYLE1 From $2.9 Directly Opposite' Bank of Monteal' T -iLOCAL and OTHERWISE LOCAL and OTHERWISÉ Articles For Sale 1 Lost or Found Wanted AI Howrd W1ly and FOR tSALE - Pure bred Jersey bull, 000 FOUND-Black and tnhud FURS WANTED-Ilighest cash pricas, Dr. G. E. Reaman was in Dundas IL O C A L________NE W S_______Mr.______and___________ __ Howard_______________________ _________and__________________'0_______fo____ Mr. and Mr. rsî g t a er. Appy ta Edgar E ey, strayed onto premises, Lot 24, C on * f or, al furs. W rite for quotatofl. Phone on Friday addresslng the Women's family, Toronto, spent Sunday with 1 CLark,. Phone 1621. 13-4* Darlington. Owner may have same bylWhltby 81. 1 Stein, Whitby. 11-4 Institute. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. SprY. 1 - paying damage.. Phono 211r22. 12-8 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tiers, Bobcay- 1 M. JmesW. Devitt, Toronto, was Mr. F. B. Cowle, representative Of' FOR SAL.E-Quant.lty of Spring Rye,__ __________ FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED and p»- geon, are spending a few days with home for the weekend. the House of Hobberlln, Toronto, will 60ec per busti. Apply to Elias Strutt, covered; cîased car tops and Inuid. trim- friends in town.Mr.AE.areWtbwsn be at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- Tyron e. Ph~one 320r3l. 13 -12 Fr ing. J. A. Fry, Seugog St., Bowman- Miss Vera Werry, Ebenezer, is vis- Mr. . . ay viilg r, Witb<1ws imans Store on fldaY, Mardi Tth, SEDOAS-mroedAFor Bn- VHatching ville. Phone 636. 10-tf-1o iting Mr. and Mrs. Elton A. Werry, to take orders for custom-tailoredI ner, grown frum reglstered seed; 65e per i Hatching eggs from S. C. White Leg- weîlnto sret.Miss MarJoxie Collacott spent the spring suits for mlen. bushel. Jas. Moorey, Hampton. Phone (horn hens; birds ail bred tram pdlro WANTED>-Robort Pawson la prepafed WetDra sfo ofa eldweekend with f rlends in Toronto. Miss Janie %'ason and Jimn Pick- 197r3. 1- toc ram 225 to 260 regisbered egg horpi oots, ihoes and rnbbrs neat the amr of etenOntario. M. M. Jc iore, Trno n-ard were tFOR SALEin tehennds; Sc per egg or $4.00 per hundred. Jb oeaopio. Leâvo et idwy farers WesernMr. Mr ackMin TorntoUni d he innrs n te RundRichard Sanderson, Tyran. R. R. 1, Ont. Marris', Wellington Street, ]Bowmaavile. Leslie Cowling, town Uine, con 3,ar verslty, was home for the weekend. Robin tournament at the Badminton FOOndtSALE - Auta-Knitter, In o ne omnilo802 Phone 424. 12-4 lin~~~~Cu started plowingd fon Monday, n a awater pawer waahlng _______1________ ligosatdpoigo ody r.Bert Reid, Clarke, spent thte Cu atStud adfrwhich 16 machine. Phane 427 or apply ta Box WANTED-A lad about 16 or 16 yearu Marci 3rd. eeken witi ier ftherlir. ohn couples entered. Stuart James and go, Bawmanville. BayCîksFrSl trcunr a reerd Apypr Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Graham, Mrs. C. EliBott. Miss Winnlfred Oke took second Bb hcsFrSl am onr a rfre.Apypr W.H.Ruhefod ndM. arlad Ms J B E Sapes T-honors. FOR SALE-Quantlty of White Blos.. soally ta Jacob Branch, R. R. 5, Eow- Wu.kHnRPterforod snt the week- d r nvsd relative B.staheread, e adtonltryIsbig d-som Sweet Claver Seed for sale. Apply Baby Chlcks and Eggs for Hatching -navillo, Ont. 13-2' Junkn, eteroro spnt te wek- ont, vsite reativs hre nd i Atoddte onsai Monmeintal Phane A-D. Langmald, lHampton ILR. R. L rambred-to-lay Barred Rocks and S. C. end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Flett, Orono onl SufdaY. eW o ath i e usaMorumntalone Oshawa 1648r13. 12-4' White Leghorns. W. H. Carruthors, WORK WANTrED - Marriod nm»g Work andwil be sedaccrdin toScugog Rd., Bowmanville. Phone 38. lltf (Scotch), wants work an farm; 1f. ex- George Street. Mrs. M. A. Neal and son Junior au Mr. A. H. Bounsaj.I, as a storage base FOR SAL.E--SO( Oats, granary filler, perienco (4 years Canadian); prefer lob Geo. Pritchard reports such satis- leaving Saturday to visit relatives at for militia, supplies. The Armories tncluding a amall percontage of harle; Baby Chlcks hatched in one of Cail by yoar. Apply G. Patersan, alo A. fatr ut s r is advt last Long Beach, Calif. which were formerlY In the store and wheat. Green Bros., R. R. 3, Bow- ada's mont up-to-date Govornment &p MilUson, EnniakUlien R. R. IL 28-1* acory e s cults from , . fermanvflîe. Phono 133r14. 1.2-S proved-hatcheries. Write for catalogue. wee h Iscotluin secal ffrtMr. Gea. Weekes, Toronto, recent- next to the Glove & Mltt Factory on CaIl and osoeun. Locatod for your honeftt TEACM ER WANTED-P'or S. S. No. 5, of $7 per room for wall paper and ly visited Mr. Alin Osborne and King Street wlll be moved to thils HORSE FOR SALE - Young Genoral at Bowmanvl1eý ont. E V. Lumbers Darlington, protestant, duties to com- hanging to end o! month. BS ookYur other f riends here. new location. Although the building Purpose Horse for sale, 1300 Ibs., sound <>ara LOdge Hatchory, BOWManvill, mence atter Baater holidays. Apply order today. Editor and Mrs. Smi Wilson, is not yet completed it has already and quiet. Apply ta John Wonnacott,On 11-4 statlng oxporlonco and salary cxpfftod Enniakillen. Phane 238r21. il-tf ta C. A. Wight, Socretary, R.L R. 4 ____________________Weston, spent Sunday wthM1r. and been leased by Dept. of National De-_______________ Bowmanville.13 Mrs. o. W. ames. fense at Ottawva. SEED OATS FOR SALE-A few bush- Building Contractor Mis Mrln ickrd Aslyspent Trinity Young People held their els of Alaaka Oats tram reglstiered seod, thes Meeien with hrparent, regular meeting in the school room highly recommendod. Arthur BelUman, I am prepared to do aIl klnd of masan To Let the eeknd ithher aretsMr.on, Monday evenlng, In charge O! Bawmanvlle. Phono 474r12. 12-tf work, bricklaying, plastering, cernent A Vo al ecial nd rsA. . Pckad. Mss ele Arue.ThemeeingOp-and stone mason. Work guaranteed. ROOMS TO LET-B3y April lot Ap- V c lR c al :dMsrs. A.I James and MTo- e:d wlth quiet int pae by Miss FOR SALE-Mlxed seed grain and two- J . Arvay, Hampton, Ont. Phonea375r23. ply Mrs. R. Hohh:. Phone 541. ort ui ledrowed barley, 40c Per busbel (aat ____3____________________ will be held in tihe Mary Northway, Toronto, spent Sun- Dorothy Plummer. Rev. J. U. Rob- weîght); alsa gaod Durham eaw, due to ROM tRN-urnished opi H v riat un-b da ihMrs. N. S. B. Jamles. Ims led in priyer. The scrlpture les- freshen. APPlY ta J. L. Metealf, Lot 20, unse AplM.EritSth Trinity Sunclay School Mr. and Mrs. FrankStJonT-sn a the 23rd Psalm. The f oi- B. P. Darlington. Phone l83r6. if Seed Cleaning Queen Street, Bowmanville. 13-1' onA W t Jh ve h weed. Vcl oo, r.T.W awe rs FRSAE- îýlje 1lso w HOUSE TO RIENT - Frarne hanse on on ~ lowig praram TloveR Seed, fresh 1930 home grown sed, 'Tle Seed Cleanlng plant at the Boys' garden., App rney a.rahlg, Creaaise Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haddy and G. E. Pritchard and Mr. O. Nichas seed deli1ered, bagi; free; also Victor and Training School lu prepared la dlean ail iBarley CapA. ooV. Dl18-tCean f FRIDAY, APRIL 1Oth. Jack, and Miss Agnes Haddy, Tor- Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rector o! St. 0. A. C. 144 Seed Qats. W. J. Leaak, kinds of grain, grass and Ciover Seed. _______Camp._Phone __5_.______ at 8 P. M. onto, vislted their parents on Satur- John's Church, gave a very interest- ano .O hoo saa113. Grain 1cepr buhel. Cavers ane Grass FOR RIENT - Brick 8-room Demil- day. t~ng talk on ",Some o! the Hyxnns and 1b'Se 6 e uhe.Samr r re ungalaw; modemn convenienoos; good day. -ta bring In their seed early in Orderta garden; possession April let. J. R. By the pLipils of Four named Perennial Phlox you Songs o! Canada." RADIOS FOR SALE-Philco al elec- avoid delays In the spring. 3-Il1 Philp, Scugog St., Bowmanvlllo. 10-tf Francis Suttan,é Mus.Bac. F.O.C.O. etc. selection, or six aur selection, cata- Radiola 33 aIl eleotric radio receiver, lou rc 15,ensa usre complete, for $75.00. Termes may ho ar- Asaste bythe ~ lgueprie $.50 Kigswy NrseleaBIR HSranged. F. J. Mitchell, Bowmnvlle. Asse yteThtChrl price 75c. BR H Phono 106. 12-tf Class and membera of the Dr. and Mms. James L. Hughes, INGHAM-In Bowmanville Hospital, on POTATOES FOR SALE--Comet var- Instrumental Clama Toronto, visited his brother, Gen. Thursday. Mareh lOth. 1931, ta Mr. and iety; goad cockers; 75c per bag deliverod. John Hughes, on Monday, who Is in Mrs. B. E. Ingthani, a son (George Her- Baldwin apples 75c per bushel; one Al l nterested are invited. very poor health. man). horse Wagon, best of condition. Alan p. a t r Ti ng Silver collection to go to the Mr. Robt. Harper, Edmonton, MeXrs. 32HmponR R . Phonei?' - isonr Maintenance Pu________ Wlad, who i stflr.ind prving $7r.In Mlsionry& MinenaceFun. la, w guesti M r n inm MARRIAGES FOR SALE-Dry hardwood lahs, dry . What a joyful day it wili be health.-Port Perry Star. McMUdRY- and-ApitesBibop ndngWo;prico $13 MeMUTRYPALLS-A theBINOP pr crd r $3.25npr 1-cord, sawed snd Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hathway Strachan Sehool Chapel, Toronto, an d50vedh.H. . rlett o rd ner ucl if you're thoughtful enouigh to ___and son George, Toronto, vlsited is Saturday, March 21st, 1931, by Rey. Can - 5e- sHudBatetcre Ceu sisters, Miss Lily Hathway and Mrs.on Froughall, Kathlepn Marie Fallis, only and Liberty St., Bawmnanvillo. Phono Bertha Bailey on Sunday. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Failleia,--______ 12-3' let our Easter Candies nd Miss ffleJamisonwho ddres-Io Bruce McMurtry, son of Mr. and Mrs. FRSL-n eeodcw ik oete MisEfi aieowh dres . .MMuty Ig neHltencw,4Y aIod, due cnvyyu ed Trinity Churcli congregations on EVANS-WILKINS - In Toronto, o 5o RSLneyrHreforea w, e pi 1;eliscnvyyurEse Sunday, was guest of m . J. UFriday, Mareh 20th, 1931, by Bev. Mr. one Jersey heiter, 2 years aid; one Hol-Tin's oniy daugfiter of Mr. and Mrs. Blake ewe..ADIY Elgin Mountjoy, R. R. 6, Waabuthlieith rt Wilkins, Bowmanville. Bowmanvllle. Phone 320r22. 13-2E. TR LLL S CaU p Hogates at153 nd oderSTrORES FOR -SALE-I trame storesE Pluto Cannel Coal--God's glft froin an K ating e s oreys the underworld - doesn't spît nor DEATHS Theatre. Muet be sold. To ho taken Those most beautiful flowers sputter.down and remaved. Lot Of gaad sagb sstr.Dai rean ae HILAPotHpHoi and doors: go0d lumber; glass and Win- that mean so much at Easter Messs. Dvid reerand abez i.iiL-AtPortHopeHosptal, March daw trames. Tom Pere ilso n Vanstone, and Miss Agnes VanStone, 22bnd of1, WlleilJaes ilbeov teresijed parties throghthe buildings. aoealocsos Alc TIle.APPlY to Mrs. A. IM. Williamu Qusen St..on TorntotJnverlt, wre t te hme WILLIAMS-At Prince Albert, March Bowmanville. Phare 159. lf o! Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone for 15th, 1931, Mary E. Shearer. widow otf___________ the weekend. thîe late David L. Williams, ft, ber 99tb N F O RE Asters, Pansies, Coleus, Tomatoes S YE-a Chatham, Mardi lIrîl. 191,TleNtc an dzeso!otes n oesatVra Marguerite C. DIppeil, beloved wifp H-ot Cross Buns at 201c dS. Kingsway Nurseries. Stock o! some «f Ceeil Sime. ag'ed 38 years. Sîster of AnYOne letting Elgin Hehbs have any -________ unusual varleties is l.mited so get Mr. L. W. DIppel, Bowmaiiville. tbing under the name of Brummell will your order in now. McMILLAN-Suddenly at Nice. France, 13_1peunlhbe on Mareh 22nd, 1931, Harry T. MeMillan, Mrs. E. Brummell. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johns, Oshawa, late manager bond cornes braneh, Stand -_________________ attended Trinity United ChUrCi ard Bank of Canada. Brother of Mr. A. . Sunday morning and were prlvileged N. MeMillan, Bowmanville. ANR NTP turned missionary from Mfrlca. tli, Toranto, March 17tb, 1931, Msrtba Ail kinds at laundry work done prompt- Williams. widow of the late Bey. T. M.IY, satitactorily anld at reasonable pricea. BAKEB AN<D CONFECTIONER B01VDIALNVILLE Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Mr. W. J. C'amtpbeli, In her 841h year. Mother of Write Faut Office Box 12, or caîl Mr@. BrgMPPad r rdC or Mrs. Gea. Haney, Newcastle. W. MarJaratn. King Street East, Bow- I ebr ofM.P.Pad mr. Fre C. Ho.r, CARSCADDEN-In Coli Mffd town- manvillo. Phone 478.i_____________________________ membrs f Jrus.le LogeA. . .hîp, Grey County, 3M 9 '01, Isabella &A. M., were in Port Hope on l- Shaw, beioved wife of the late Thomas daY evening for the 55th anniver- D. Carscadden, la ber 72nd year. Mo-, sary in Masonry of R. W. Bro. Capt. ther of Mrs. W. Elliott, Orono. Dr. Bonnycastie respondedto H -ospital. Thursday. Mardh 19th, 1931, ed o, he oitseMaude Knîgbt, heloved wite of rtoast to "Our Past Deputy Grand Colonel A. Conisteel. Daughter of the, Masters." late Mr. and Mns. James KaIglit, Bow- AiogthS hoatnddtemanville. Nwf Amongthosewho atende the FRANK-At bis late resîdence. lIOA r nF ah * IQV Taylor Statten Camp Re-Union at Grenadier Road, Toronta, on Monday,. the Grange Art Galleries in Toronto March 23md. 1931, Frederick Charles' on Thursday evenlng from Frwank, dearly beloved husbaad of Olive' Bwa-AgeIn hie 45th year. Son of the s T rf y a h y a e L v l ville were: Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Mrm. late Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Frank, flowman-A s T r f y a h re L v l J. H. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. vile. Interment at Lakeview Cernetery. Wlghtman, Miss Marlon Siemon, Midland. Miss Yvonne Tigie, Messrs. Byron Vanstone. Morley VanStone, Harold Slemon and John M. James. IN MEMORIAM I New Spring Dresses Dr. Baldwin paid $100.00 for is1 fIrat Alice Aleen Iris. Klngsway ar-e REYNOLDS-In ever iovlng memomy ofth now selllnoe them for the fIrst turne, o pse wa ac 2t,12 mother, Elizab>eth Hogarth Reynolds, a hre are sor0 sartonsfo' micoie Te many smart ones for your cnoî having accuinulated a fine stock. We tbink of ber as ans wha uleejis,1 are ail exquisitely fashioned and unquestionably charyn- _______________________________________________________________ Ail free tram grief and pain.1 Ellis ad Maet They include printed crepes, georgettes, cantons, REVNOLDSIn ever loIgmareh cefnese and fiat crepes, ranging in price fromn nolds. Who passed na Mrh26, 1927. Sadly miased by hem daughters, Lulu! Eastr Ap arelFloral Designa Ladies' Spring Coats have Arrived . Pres tst clanwork for alocsos Also a shipment of Children's Coats in sizes from 6 to 14 eatc. SpayPlso ws rds o years of age. Newest materials - Latest styles. the cemetery la beautîtul floral effect. NEW STYLE Ladies' Coats from ..........$14.95 up NEW VALUE ~ ~~~~~~~~On Hîghway 2 &traets at of Liberty St.W ba OL flrne aucos,2c d.U NE Vosraiv p A Lîg UrE lte elEsaeFrSl Peter Pan Prints, best quality, fromn............ 5 d.U FOR SALE-New -roomed solid brick Ladies' Neckwear- collars, cuifs and vestees values are the best in 10 yas Better he n We Apl tAlbet Hircodk, LibN t in Ladies' Hat are o being shown in our %ear. .rty St., Bowmanville. 4tf ee t o styl, btte quaty xts eaierto e CTTAG FO SAE-6-oamd bickMillinery Department. i wtvel dessed nlthis Ea se 11-3w h PERMANENT WAVE ' B. * -JI~YU Phono 61 uWlth Mar-0-0OlIShampoo, I ~ ontnC ~I~INIBowmanville Price $4.50 I,<.Ch, hstn& rd ma 1 Phone your appointment-339 r e r a Knock-c IN VACUUM CLEANERS For this week only we are off ering re-condi- tioned Vacuum Clean- ers at knock-out prices $1 3.95 and $19.85 These cleaners are fully guaranteed. Six differ- ent makes to choose from. At these low prices we expeet they wifl ast only a fexw days. Make your selec- tion early. DU STAN'S Cash Hardware