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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1931, p. 1

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F7 With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmarwille News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 14 B. H. S. AT HOME i ON FRIDAY WAS 'G as Franchise Agreement to Corne GREAT SUCCESS 1o ni Mna 1 BeFore Town Cuclon Mna Sehool Auditorium Galy Deccratcd When Students Entertain at Annual Frolic In a colorful setting thc annual "At Home" o! the Fourth, Fifth, and Senior Commercial Forins o! the Higi Scbool was held on Friday ev- emig in the school auditorium. Windows, walls andi ligits were bung wth red and white streamiers, wbile scores o! multi-coloureti balloons hung through the centre of the room. On the fern banked stage, "Scotty" a.nd bis nine-piece Pine Lake Or- chestra o! Toronto dispenseti the latest dance nmusic to a huge crowd o! merrymakers which thronged thc dance floor. If any shoulti wonder wio "Scatty" is, it is Robert W. Scott, the dyer and cleaner o! Bow- manville, who bas been the director of various fine orchestras in Ontario and who is at present sponsoring andi directlng the Higb School Or- chestra. Scotty's flrst public appear- ance here was well received. Previous to the dance a fine pro- gramn was put on by the students. The openlng number was a vocal duet by Bob. Corbett and Ken. Mor- ris, whose fine voices blendcd per- fectly. Misses M. Veale. Y. Tigbc. M. Slcmon, H. Brown and E. Car- ruthers excelledt lemselves in a sail- or dance, and a skit by Pf 1th Formn boys followed. Miss Bernice Bel man rendereti a vocal solo in ber usual fine style; but the "Buttan" a farclal play by four o! the students proved tie tit-bit of the program. The characters were: Professor Ru- dolpi Bingen, Alec BirIts: Garbrielle, bis wife, Marion Slemon: Dr. Karl Blatt. Donald Williams; and Bertha Maller, Yvonne Tighe. A solo by Miss Elinor Sykes; a Polly Wolly dance by the Misses W. Caverly. M. Wlgbtman. L. Pickard and L. Cole; and an orchestral selection, Kitchen Sympathy, by members o! Fourtb Form orchestra. completed the fine prograin. In a short address, Mr. G. L. Wagar, on behalf of Principal L. W. Dippeil, who was unable to be present owing to bereavement, wel- cometi the guests to tie At Home. Dancing followed the program and about eleven o'clock the guests re- paired to the gymnasiumn wherc al tasty supper o! sandwiches, cake, ice creain and coffee was serveti by a number of the students. In the sec- ond half af the dance progran, Miss Helen Franksi o! Toronto won the prise ithe Ladies' Lucky Dance, while Miss Marion Lcggtt was the wlnncr o! the prize in the Novelty Dance. The party broke up shortly after one o'clock wth the general cancensus of opinion belng that thus hati been the most succesaful school At Home te date. MEMBERSHIP IN BUSINESS MEN'S ASSN. GROWING Pald Up Membershlps Reach 116- Committees Are Appolnted by Executive Witi the paid up membership now standing at 116 the Bowmanville Business Men's Association goee f rom strength to strength. Elsewnere is a report o! wbat bas been ac- complished in a redîv'týon in iprcee oit gas tirougli the co-operative e!- forts of members o! this Association. At the executive meeting Tuesday evenlng many important matters were tilscussed and among them the question o! having local botels re- lieved o! business tax on condition that tbey become public places witi * their rest roams and lavatories open to the public. This woulti provide a great convenlence for rural citizens shopping i town. Court o! Revision will be appealed to before this ques- tion la deflnltely settled. The committees whici wlU func- tian itic Association were appoint- ced as follows, wtl irslt nained as chairman: Executive-T. A. Dustain, Harry Alln. L. C. Mason, M. S. Dale, F. R. Kerslake. C. B. Hurley, W. P. Cor- bctt. T. W. Cawker, T. B. Gilebrist. Dr. J. C. Devtt, Dr. W. H. Blrks. Membershp-W. P. Corbett, Geo. W. James, Frank Williams, Cecil Dudley, W. C. Cavcrly. T. S. Holgate. Legislatlve-L. C. Mason. Geo. W. James, W. J. Martyn, T. S. Holgate, T. A. Garton. Complants-T. C. Ross. T. Hol- gate, Dr. J. C. Devtt, L. W. Dippell. F. Williams. Publicty--C. B. Hurley, J. E. Mill- er. T. B. C*lclist, A. McGregor, M. S. Dale, J. R. Moore. Finance-M. S. Dale. P. Wlliams AJ. Whalen, 0. A. Edmnondatone, A. H. Bounsail. By-Laws-F. R. Kerslake, W. P. Corbett, A. McGregor, W. C. Caverly. J. L. Cryderman. Sports-Dr. J. C. Devitt, F. Wil- lams, A. McGregor, Cecil Osborne, G. A. Edmondstone. Program--Geo. W. James, Gea. E. Vote on Franchise expected about May lat if Council pass measure - Council and C. of C. have discusa- ed agreement and bylaws. Town Counicil on Monday evening next will make their final decision concerning the agreement between the town and the Utilities Llght and Power Corporation for the granting of a 50-year franchise for the sup- ply of fuel gas to Bowmanville. A; meeting of Town Council and the Chamber of Commerce was held on Monday niglit wben representatives from the company. including Mr Eugene Lang, assistant to the vice- president, and Mr. Miller of the en- gineers' staff, gave an outline of the1 plans of bis company for Bowman- ville. Representative Oshawa citi- zens were also present and explained some of the details as they respect the two municipalities. The altered agreement was tborougbly discussed from every angle and the bylaws which will be presented to the rate- payers for their approval were also gone through. Should the Council pass these by- laws on Monday evening they will then have to be published for three weeks before a legal vote may be taken on them. This would make it nearly May lst before such a vote coulci be taken. Mayor Elllott when asked concern- ing the agreement whlcb was pre-1 sented ta counicil at its last meeting,1 stated that some alterations. for the' protection of the town. had beeni made and included in these altera- tions was the clause providing that local labor must be employed in the installation of mains in the town. The agreement provides that under, no condition wifl the town be held liable for anythlng in the transac- tion. The Utilities Corporation agrees ta pay cost of vote submitted to the people, to instaîl their own mains without a guarantee froni the town that the gas would be taken by any ratepayers and to replace any damaged streets tbey mlght make while dolng tis work. Mayor Eliott explalned that the company would lay the mains on streets where a demand or request was made for gas installation and that the company would lay these mains when they consldered a sufflc- ient demand was mnade for them. In making the agreement the town does not have to promise to take any gas at alI and if the rates are not what citizens consider fair then they w'.ill not be obliged to take the gas. t'he whole agreement can be suns- med up by saying that the corpora- ion is liable for ail damage and that ý,itizens are not responsible for any loss or expense the Company might have in locating at Bowmanville. In view of the fact that Osbawa LARGE AUDIENCE SAW "MlUMMY AND THE MUMPS" ON MONDAY Delightf ni Play Was Presented by Ebenezer Young People at Trinity S. S. Room With every member of the cast playing their part to perfection the Young People of Ebenezer presented their play "Mummy and the Mumps" 1ta, a capacity audience in Trinity United Churcb Sunday School on Monday evening. These young people have made a name for tbemselves in the past with their amateur pro- ductions and that nani s well up- beld and perbaps surpassed in their 1931 offering. Tbis was only the second tume that the play has been presented, it having gone througb its initial performance at Ebenezer on Friday last. The plot of the play was some- wbat complicated and produced scores of laughs and comical situa- tions. Every part was exceptionally weli taken and there was not a single need for promptlng natlced. The story was set i the surround- ings of a lgh class girls' school where Miss Agatha Laidlaw beld sway. The girls were away on their vacations except three whose par- ents or relatives had the mumps. Visiting at the school was Miss Agatha's nepbew, Blile Laldlaw, who naturally and inmediately f ell in love w1th one of the girls, Miss Dulcy IDumbell. During the holidays a new teacher. or prospective new teacher, Sir Hector Fish, a prominent Englisb arcbeologist. is to arrive. Miss Laid- law, bowever bas. except for male teachers. a borror of the sterner sex, and when Blule's cbum, Brisky Bris- coe. arrives on the scene he imper- sonates Sir Hector 50 as to be able to stay at the scbool for a visit. Needless to say, one o! the two re- maining girls faîls in love witbhlhm. Sir Hlector bad landed in New York and bad been placed in quarantine owing to, bis baving a bad case of the mumps. He, bowever, contrived to escape by substltuting biniself in a coffi.n for a mummy of an Egyptian queen be had discovered and wbich he had brougbt ta, America wlth hlm. He had then shp>ed himself by ex- press ta, the scbool. The buge coffin arrives C. O. D. and the other young girl lef t unattached is tbe one whose curiosity tempts ber to open the cof- fin only ta id Sir Hector instead of the expected Mummy. Complications then set in. Police are after Sir Hector for escaplng quarantine and they arrive at the school wbere they suspect he is. This makes two Sir Hectors at the school and the trouble is to find the rigbt one. Finally the bouse is surrounded by deputies and ,the sbowdown is about to commence. Brisky's girl f riend overbears the police state that only Miss Laidlaw was allowed to leave the grounds COMPOSED CANTATA Dr. Albert Hamm Organist and Choir Directar o! St. James Catiedral, Taroiito, and the composer o! tic Sacred Cantata "Solitudes o! tic Passion" whlcb is ta be presented in TàWnty Church under tic direction o! Francis Sut- tan. Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O., an Gooti Fr1- day evening. SECOND FORM LITEE*RY SOCIIETY PROVIDES PROGRAM On Thursday. Marci 26th, Second Porm gave the prograi#m at the Lit- erary Society meeting. The f irst number was "O Canaclo4" then they gave their form song, téllowed by a piano duet by Dorothj' Etiger and Helen Argue. In -tic Mock trial, George Tardif! Albert CuIley and Harry Jackman wcrc accuseti o! stealing raisin pie from tie achool kitehen. Neti Rehder was the jutige, the lawyems were Ru- by Hobbs andi Chester Jury, tic wlt- nesses werc Doris Collacott. Jean Wight, Ada Annis, Harold Colmer. George Graham anti Bill Philps, tic clerk, Adelaide Annis, tic court- crier, Jack Roaci and the policeman Byron Vanstane. There were six other pupils on tie jury. A dance was given by Louise Cale, Wiona Caverly, Lorraine Plekard and Margaret Wlgitman. Albert Culley sang a solo.Tlp next nuni- ber was a short play. ' Couple la not a Pair." The ct includeti Florence Hewston and Albert Cullcy, wio had just been marrieti a week, Bill Bagndli. a friend o! the groom and Jean Wight, Annie Allin and Ev- elyn McKlnnon, visitars o! tic new- lyweds. Then tic wiole form sang "The King's Homses." The prograni Former Mountie Tells A Pioneer ÉIIb 01V&%Àf ci~ 0U~UII11U Ia1lICI5 Ll n oarne that lie dress as meor.Secrctary, gave a very cncouragrng the sale of their gas plant ta tuis Miss Laidlaw anti escape. Sir Hec- 5tory o W est reor. as ya-----. ee n h - orporation, the subject becomes tor himý;elf and witb the aid o! bis Young Women's Auxiliary 172 mcm-c more interesting to local people. Ev- new f ound love also dresses as Miss OIL COMPANIES BEDUCE beswyriei$1156;at 1 ittin w sel a ofte fsona- Laidlaw, anti finally Miss Laidlaw Mr. Jim Connel w8. mem- PRICE 0F GAS ONE CENT members in tic Mission Circle, rais- :ua'nt henie'o th ent facr vts cn- arrives on tic scene hersel! anti puts ber of R. N. W. M. P. for ing $439.26. There were 3 new lite ~erin te greîen b'~or v theti enemy to rout. The police tien Efforts o! Service Stations and Gar- nicmbers. ______question tic two impersonators. both 8 years when West age Owvners Rewarded Wlth Drop (Continued on page 6)r o! whom tien dlaim ta be Sir Hec- ln Gas Price ______ BAIN toadfnal ilet rtctbt a oee p ___f rom arrest, tells tic police that he Througi tic efforts o! Bowman- I"-HE SOLITUDESe Mr. and Mms. Blake Wilkins, West- Jtas etic rrtet is about torbe Last weck The Statesman contain- ville Business Men's Association co-t moun, Plasatly urprsed madie news comes that tic quaran- cd an account o! tic Pioncer 1f e o!. operating wlth tic gasaline daes FT EP SIN tine is lifted andti tat tie arrest of Mr. Fenton Stevens, one o! the firstl in tawn. tic price o! gas at practi-ATT NTYFI Y On Mnday Maci 2rdabou 50Sir Hector is not needeti. Tiiere are, settlers in Manitoba f rom this dis- Iclyalsriesain nigr relatives gathereti at tic home of scores o! other funny situations in-q trict. Mr. Stevens tolti bis stary as ages hi tuis corporation bas this Mr. anti Mrs. Blake Wilkins, it bcing cluding tic special f ood whicb Sir an early settler anti o! the harclsîips1 week been reduceti one cent a gallon. Lenten Cantata Win Be Presntedi tic 27th annlversary of their wcd- Hector, owing to bis indigestion, ýs which ie and uis party encountereti AU local dealers recently petitioneti Under Direction o! Francis a ding day. forceti to take. Tuis f oodtisl raw oats in their carly years in tic West.Tis' their respective o11 companles ask- Mr. Milford Wilkins, Oshawa, act- anti naturally the other Sir Hectors week Mr. James Conneil, a f ormer ing f or lie tiellvcry o! gas in Bow- Sutton, Mus. Bac.t cd as ciairman anti calledtihti gati- arc forcedti 1 partake o! this horu member o! thè famous Royal North manville at prices on a par withjt ering 10 ortier, anti Miss Hilda Folcy footi occasîonally. West Mounteti Police, anti now a res- Oshawa. AUl campanies but one, anti Under tic direction of Mr. Francis i E reati tic following atidreas: Thc page boy. tic sierif, the dent o! Bowmanville. tells is i- word la expectet f rom that anc any Sutan, Mus. Bac., F.C.C.O., lie Len- Bomavil. arh 3d.191newspapcr reporter, in tîcir respec- pressions o! tic wcst 57 ycars ago. tue, bave agrecdt t a reduction. ten Cantata, "The Solitudes o!lheie Mr. anti Mrs. G. B. Wilkins, tive roles. ali atiteti greaîîy ta tic Mr. Connell is a native o! Durham Whilctic reduction asketi for was Passion" wlll be presented i Trlnltyt Bowmanville story antial 100k their parts wortî- County, being boni a half a mile two cents andtihte actual reduction Uniteti Churci on Gooti Frlday ev-1 Dear Mabel anti Blake: Wc, your ily. Tic cast o! characters were: west o! Orono, anti is tic son o! tie recelvet isla nly anc cent, the result cnig, aI ciglit a'clock. i relatives anti frientis, bave galiereti Billie Laitilaw - Robert Hopkins, late Mr. anti Mm. Peter Connell, la worti while anti will prove a sav- This devotional work was wrltten aI your home tuis evcning 10 pay Brisky Briscoe-Jini Hancock;, Rack- Uniteti Empire Loyalists. wîo were ing 10 motorists. The companles by Albert Ham. Mus. Doc., F.R.C.O., tribute 10 you who are celebrating er. lie page--oortion Osborne; Per- among the first to settle in the Or- bave also matie lie stipulation tiat Torontoi 1917. anti first rentiereti your wedding anniversary da. jins. tic sierlff-Harolti Muir; sir ono district. Mr. Connell spent bis tic gas price for ail service stations at St. James Catiedral, Toronto, i Twetyseenyeas go anuin eriHector Fish-Gortion Browni; Mis early life at bis home. attendiei ietween Bowmanville anti Oshawa1 Marih 1917, anti has been repeateti 0f s peset ereto-iglt itnss-I Lailaw-Miss Susie Laird-, sciool at Orono, anti at tic age of b h aea crs itwlecd Lent sice that year. The words cd tie launcbing o! your slip upon Miss Mauti Mullen, Brlsky's lady love 11i he starteti earning bis own living the price i Oshawa la one cent 10w- 'were camplled by Rev. Canon A. E. tic sea o! matrimony. Anti so, again -Sadie Muir; Anna Hampton, i wen he hired out witi a neigib3r- ýr han here tie cheaper gas can- Welci, Vicar o! Wakefield, Englanti, Ibi eenigafer or hn aqur-love with Sir Hectr-Alice Arnolti; ing farmer. Wben only 17 ycars o!f , eotint uateo!lelnl5 formerly Rectar o! St. James Cati- tcr o! a century, we have assembleti Dulcy Dumbell. Billie's lady f rient- age he. tac, succumbedt 10theic al olj!ftiat clly. etiral, Toronto. bere ta, celebrate that memarable VeIna Gay; anti Phoebe Bebee, tic tie West anti going 10 Toronto he In tie country, nori anti cast of It la wrîîten f or solo Volces anti day. anti to offer aur sincere con- reporter o! tic Daily Deliverance- Joinedtheti Mounteti Police anti wîîî Bowmanville. tic price o! gas will chorus. Tic Passion la tiepictet inhr gratulations anti besl wisbes. Dur- Hazel Runtile. The play was pro- several otier young men matie lie remain anc cent hlgier than in flve parts: (1) Tic Upper Room; ing tiose years your home bas been duceti under lic direction af Mr'. rougi journey, partly tirougi Can- Bowmanvllle. as il bas been itic (2) Oclisemane: (3) Tic Praclar- blesseti witi much iappiness, healti Harry Stafforti o! Oshawa. ada anti partly tirougu tic United "ýast. Word lias been reccivet f ram ium; (4) Via Dlorosa: (5) Calvary. anti prosperlty. anti may lie future Misses Hazel Runtile anti Satile States ta Manitoba. Tic first o! tie Imperial Oil Co., British American In caci part anc o! more 'hymnst vears be .lust as full o! God's riciest Muir furnilsiet piano selections be- Prairie provinces was tien .lust a Oul Co., Sun 011 Co., Sil Oas Co., arc inîroduceti for choir anti con-c blessinga as tic past. twcen acta. vcry newly apeneti up country. Em- Inti McColl-Frontenac Company o! gregation. most o! whicb are well-8 At Ibis lime wc would ask you 10 erson, wbere Mr. Stevens later filed lhe reductin" anti word la exDecleti knawn. Two iymns only have spec- riccept luis lamp, not for lis value.,I bis dlaim for lanti, was Just a lîtîle %ny tlic-f,' -n:n Canatilan 011 Cos. lal tunes writtcn by tic composer.t but as a ligit token o! the cstcem THE CHURCHES village, ant i Wnnipeg, wiere tic Sinclair ('.as whicb is distributeti by An effective trealment o! lic iymnn-1 in which you arc bolli helti. As ils prysaeifra hr u.wsathc X-F9-Power GasoP'ne ant i 011tune ta "Take Up Thy Cross" for lic raya of ligit f all upon you may it village about the aize o! Newtonville. Co ny. witb Mr. Art Cole as localchoir alone, la worthy o! apeclal not- bring back many pleasant memories, St. Paul's Churci - Rev. D. W. Four brick buildings. numerous manager, bati prevlously reduceti ice. itils written ln slow marci lime o! tuis evening's associations. Beat. D. D., Minister. 1h a. M.- rougi built shacks. a botel anti a their gas andtihle reduction was flot witb an independent accompani-g Signeti: Brothers andi ýisters. Morning Worship, "A Ransomn for churcli comprisedth le buildings in askcd f rom tbem. ment. At tie suitable lime Mr. J». Dardh Many"; tic Holy Communion; 7 p. tic village. No railroati serveti tic Tic composer has usedtheti olti presentedth le couple witb a beauti- m.-Evening Worsbip, "The Power town and ti lsîoweti no prosppct o! SPECIAL HOLIDAY DINNERS Gregorlan Mode or Plain Chant 10 fui Bridge Lamp. o! an Entileas Lif e"; Baster Music: ever belng the greal metropolis o! 1 thc Paalm "I amn well pleasei" i tic Mr. Wilkins made a suitable rcpîy. 2.30 p. m.--Sunday Scbool. tic west. Balmoral Hotêl To Serve Chicken Upper Room scene, giving Ibis part ant Mm Wlkin ten ntrducti Trlnlty Uniteti Churcli-Rev. J. U. Here andti tere acro,% theboti dTurkey DinDas Go0004F"d&7 o! lie composition vîvlily approp- tbeir daugiter Nina as lhe bride o! Robins, Pastar. Sunday services: expanse o! fertile prairie cnuntry adEse udyraecluig Mr. George Evans, Toronto. il a. m. anti 7 p. m.-Special Eaaler was locateti a ranci ownecî anti op- Thc Cantata bas been sung i Tic remainder o! tic cvening was sermons by tie pastor anti special érateti by some intrepiti setlIer wio A. J. Watihamns, proprietar o!fBal England.theti Uniteti States anti spent in carda anti gamea, anti after Easter music by lie choir; reception faced privation anti iardsblp aI lie moral Hotel. wlabes t ativise tic Canada several limes Ibis scasan anti everyone hati donc Justice 10 tic service in tic morning; anti Sacra- vcry tart o! tie opening up o! tiat public liat an Gooti Frlday f rom 12 has mcl wti phenomenal public ap- scrumptuous mepaat, lie gatberlng, ment o! tie Lord's Supper boti landi o! great promise. ta 1.30 P. m. a Chlckcn Dinner will proval. Tic Musical Times o! Lon- broke un bv "'nçing "For Ticy are mornlng anti cvenlng. Sunday school be servet i wtb ailllic trimmings: don, (Eng.) says concem'nlng lt: "A Jolly Gooti Fefows.n IaI 2.30 p. m. (Continueti on page 6) anti on Easler Sunday fram 12.30 useful addition ta tic atore a! choral ISt. Join's Anglican Ciurci-Rcv. _____________-. 1 2 p. m. an extra speclal Dresseti works for use ln Lent anti Passion-. The many frientis o! Miss MaryI C. R. Spencer. Rector. Gooti Frlday: Young Turkey Dinner wlll be serveti titie la Dr. Abert Ham's Cantata, Mutan. 515er o! Mms. G. T. Ciarl- 1Holy Communion aI 10.30 a. m.; Ev- song 7 p. m. A ciiltiren's service wlll wllh a tempting anti satisfylng full "Te Solitudes o! the Passion." Tic, ton, wio lias resited Iin Cabourg for, ening service at 8 p. m. Easter Day: be helti on Easter Day at 2.30 p. m course meal. Dinner, eitier day, wom'ts arc biblical anti well selecleti. some years, wlll regret to hear she Holy Communion 8 a. m.; Holy Com- wien lie mite boxes wlll be *receiýveti. 75e caci. Reservations early wilU Thc music la devotional sud very la now ln Bowmanvllle Hospital. munion anti Sermon il a. m.; Even- Tic rector wlll pm'arh at ail services., be appreciateti. sigable. Splendid Reports Featured W. MUS. Conlerence in Oshawa Thursdayi DARLINGTON PIONEER DIEU Mrs. J. U. Robins of Bow- LAST WEEK AT RIPE OU) AGE manville, retiring presi- Casey Trul I Mourned by Wide dent, presented with a Circle of Acquaintances and bouqe of roses - Itr Relatives - Leaves Directions uutItr For Own Funeral esting gathering of Osh- The recent deticalo! John Casey awa Presbyterial held in Truil, on Marci 201h, aI bis home KigS.CucOhw -Te Grange," Darlington Town- igS.CucOhw ship, aI lie ripe olti age o! 85 years, remavedth le oltical living descendent The thirti annual meeting o! Osh- o! the Trull f aniy, and carly pic-~ awa Preabyterial o! lic Wamen's neers a! Durliam Caunty. Missionary Society o! tie United Born in 1846, he was the youiigesl Churci was belti in King Street son a!, lie late Capt. John C. Tm'il. Churci, Oshawa, on Tiursday, who had charge o! Durian Militia, Marci 261h, wllh Mrs. J. U. Robins, in tic early days o! 1837,.tiuring tic o! Bowmanvillc, presitilng. anti a troublesome limes o! lhe rebellon, goati representation f rom lie tilfer- anti wia marcied tie reginient ta ent auxillaries present. Toronto, tien calleti York. Ris Devotional e.xerclses were taken grand!allier, John Trulh. setîleti in by Mra. Crozler leading i prayer, Ibis district i 1794, anti was anc a! followcd by Mm's. Pair readilng tic tie Unitedi Empire Loyaliats falü Easter story. In a f!cw remam'kasich les, who f irst settîcti in Ibis County. showed tic devation a! wamcn itic ICascy, as ie was familiarly caileti example o! Mary aItitheamb; anti by is many frientis was a very ac- how women wcee onoreti by being tive man, stralgitfarward in busi- tic firat la be given tic commission ness, genlal ispirit, ant ill iIbe togo-andti ta ay." greatly missed by aU Who knew him, Tefloigormteswe p indludlng family anti large cirele of eflown onileswr p friends. He was boni anti livet is~ pointeti: Caurtesy cammtlee-Mrs. entire lite on lie olti farm a! hi W. P. Rogers, Mrs. T. H. Evemaon, faîîer's. anti Mra. Norman Wite; Resolu- tSurvlvig, besicles lits wîiaow, arc lions anti MemomiaLs-Mrs. Thomp- bis daugilers. Mrs. A Grordanier, De-. son, Miss M. Davey, Miss Pelers, troit, Midi., Mrs. D. Cameron, W~hit- Miss Alice Jackson anti Mrs. A. L. by, Mms. A. McKnigil, Napane, rs.I Nicholis. I. Sexamili, Deseronta, Mrs. S. A letter was reati by Mms. Robins Tremble, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Mr'. f rom Mrs. Smyti i whici greetinga Fred Truil, Toronto, Mm'. Roy Truil, were sent 10 tic Presbyterlal f rom Darlinglon anti Mrs. M. Bennoett, tie Conterence Branci. Mms. E. Prude, Mr'. Jay Truil, at home. A cordial atitresa o! welcome was One aister, Mms. William McClelhan, given by Mrs. C. E. Cragg, wiici St. Thomas, also survives. was responded 10 by Mms. H. Os- The funeral was helti !rom lie borne. f amily residence, on Suntiay after- Corresponding Secretary reporteti noan, tic service being conducteti by 111 organisations in lits Presbylerial is pastar. Rev. H. C. Wal!raim. At with a nicmbersip a! 3321; ail aux- is own requcat two o! tic favorite ilianies use tic slutiy book; some iymns o! ticetieccaseti, "Nearer My meetings arc helti at tic homes o! GodttaThee" anti "Oh for a Faiti non members; tic July anti August that willh not alink" werc sung anti meetings are the beal onea; a special lie 14tb chapter o! Job was reati at atutiy o! tic temperance work; Baby bis request. His funeral dirge, writ- Banda arc entertaineti; ail auxiliar- ten in is own bandwriting was reat iles observedtheti World Day o! Pray- by bis pastor anti one o! bis last re- cm'. questa thal a lady o! lie cliurcb sig Mrs. H. Bascom, Treasurer, re- II would not live Always" as a solo porteti iaving sent $12.160.00 ta was respecleti anti Mm. W. R Cour- Brandi Treasurer, divideti as fol- lice sang il very sweetly. Speaking Iowa: Auxiliarief, $9,298.14; Young f ro li tet selecteti by AIr. Trul W0m1n's Atideyy, $h,l55.92;' Mis- Mr. Walfraim spoke comforting sion Circles, $439.26; Mission Banda, worda ta tic sorm'owlng family. The $1,063.93; C.O.I.T., $110.40. words o! tic text wcme,'c"Let not Under present conditions, tuis la your heart be troubled: ye believe i a vem'y creditable siowlng, indeeti, Codi, believe also in me. In my Fati- anti sbawcd muci sacrifice on tic cr'a bouse arc many mansions, if! it part o! many o! the members. The were not so I woulti have talti you. I succesa o! Ibis part a! the wom'k la go ta prepare a place for yau. And if due ta a large extent ta aystcmalic I go anti prepare a place for you I giving under tic envelope syatem. will corne again and receive you Unto Prayer was off ereti by Miss M. niysclf, tiat wiere I amn liere may Davey. ye bc aLsa, anti whitber I go yau1 In presenling the Christian Stcw- know, andtihle way yc know "amdsbip work, Mms. Cbapman saiti iInterment was matie in tic famiiy the allocation for next ycar la $13,- plot in Bowmanvillc Ccmctery while 000.00. Raising it successf ully de- a great number o! bis frienada anti pends on eacb one doing iem' beat. arniisintances oaid tribute to his Miss V. Spargn. Young Pt>onns1 -' - - ~ * - r ~ f~ ~- .- - ROTARY CLUB WILL SPONSOR ERRING YOUTHS Two Lads Who Broke Into Royal Theatre Win Be Alded in Maklng New Start by Club Bowmanville Rotary Club wll un- lertake to "father" the twa boys who were responsible for the break-in at thie Royal Theatre two weeks ago, la l'as stated by Rotarjan Ross Strike at the Rotary luncheon on flday. Thle Younger boy who was placed on îuspendecl sentence for two years vas placed in charge of the Rotary Club wha wlll pay the necessary fees to keep hlm at the Boys' Training School, while the older boy wiIll be returned ta achool and will be taken care of by a comnlttee of Rotarlans who wlll help hdm along the road of l11e and sec that he la given a fair start. It was also declded ta award a cup and a cash prize for competition in the newly formed Junior Pigeon Ply- ing Association whlch la belng so ably belped by Councillor W. J. Mar- byn. The new club f ound instant favor wltb the Rotarlans because it provlded boys wlth a hobby and aiso tauglit them the care of pigeons. The prograni on Friday conslsted of communlty singlng led by Ross Strike and Tom Holgate, wlth Dais kiorrison at the piano. Announce- ment of plans for the Ladies' Niglit and Dance at the Badminton Club were announceci for Tuesday even- Lng. April 7th.* Owing ta next fldar being a legal holiday (Good Frlday) there will be no meeting of the club, nor wll there be the next week ow- ing to the function on the Tueaday evenlng. Rotarian F. O. McIlveen read a letter regarding the 27th District Conference ta be held at Hotel Stat- ler, Aprfl 27-28. Mr. C. P. Dunseith of the Canada Cement Co., Toronto, was guest of Rotarlan Tom Holgate. Presidesit Hennie Brown presided. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE RELU ST. PATRICK'S PARTY ON FIDAY Fine Program Rmduered and Hot Suppe, Served at Conclusio Friday atternoon Bowmanville Women's Institute meeting took the f orçi of a St. Patrick prty. Un. Harry Allin, President. preslded, and atter a number offrlxi hsangs the regular business was conducted. The rail cali, conducted by Mrs. F. C. EColmer, was answered by an Irish loke by nearly everyone present wh.lch made it a very interestlng feature of the prograin. A Can- adian's vlew of Irlshmen was read by Miss E. E. Haycraft. Canada lias neyer had an Iriali premier, but hma had Irish Governor Generais, Lord Moauck, Lord Dufferin. In the cliurch Irlslinen predominate in the Roman Catholic. and also in the Protestant churcli. the names of Blsliop Sulli- van, Rev. John Patta, D. D., and Rev. Wm. Brlggs were well known. lu Journalisn, «"Kit" (Mrs. Coleman) of The Mail & Empire for many years was a fine representative o! the Elmerald Isle. CÉLnada's lite bas been brighter and richer because of Ir- ish element who have corne ta love Canada, tbough not forgettlng their native land. The program was f urther enliven- ed by "A Little Bit of Ireland" sung by Mrs. H. M. Poster, and "Mother Mdachree" by Mrs. D. J. Chambers, whbose selections were much enJoyed. M4rs. Ruby Daniels was the accomp- anlst. At the close Mrs. E. R. Bounsall'a group served a hot supper of patato and meat pie, pickles. bread and but- ter, Jellies, cake. and a hot cup of tea. The tables were prettlly decor- ated wlth green streamers shani- rocks and plgs that added te the pleasure of this yearly social gather- ing. A nice sum. was added te the treasury. Next meeting, April 24th. wlll be Ln charge o! Mrs. W. B. Pollard's group, and wlll be election o! officers as a governinent delegate la expected ta visit this brandi on May i2th. COMING EVENTS Easter Services intie Salvation Army wlll be canducted by Brigadier and Mrs. Ritchie. Divisional Com- mander, at il a. m. and 7 p. m, Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. White Shield Club wlll meet on Tuesday. April 'lth, in St. Paul's Lec- ture Room. Good program, humor- ous sketches, and old f ashioned spelling bec. Admission 20c. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxllary will be hcld in the Nurses' Residence at 3.30 p. m. on Thursday, April 2nd.

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