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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1931, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATF~MAN, BOWMAI~VILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1931 LUfe la as valuable ta me as my Every man (s a Unlverslty fromI best f iend. 1 whase influence many graduate. 1 Most o! aur troubles are brewed i our own stills. The wold has certain Jobs to do and wont delay them for laggard8. Ita most valuable asset (s tume, and the people who can get the most out of their minutes may exact the moet for them. Commentig an the lack a! attrac- tive surroundings af many fanm homes, Dr. G. I. Christie, president o! the O. A. C. said at the Harti- cultural Convention, "It (s nat money that people need ta make farm home beautification possible. It's the de- sire." The same neasanig alsa ap- plies ta town fol1k. Cultivate that desire ta beautify yaun home sur- roundings. Gentlemen may prefer blondes, but they don't always remain gentle- men. The Statesman, through its col- umns, brings town and country clos- er together. Advertlslng (s; import- ant news. One af the worst competitors of the town merchant, says the St. Marys Journal-Argus, is the liquan store tnaffic a! aven a million dollars a week. 15 it any wonder thene's a business depression when aven $50,- 000,000 is spent in booze annually in Ontario? *Be Interested-Don't tny ta be In- tenestig. Be Pleasng -Don't try ta be~ The Canadian Chautauqua Festi- Iplea8ed. val (s beig presented in manyI Be Entertailng-Don't wat ta be towns and villages i Ontario dur- entertained. mng winten and early spring. A 4-. Be Lovable-Don't walt to be loved days' course a! entertaininents stants Be Hepful-Don't ask ta be helped in Orano April 4th. Althougb Bow- manville citizens signed aven 500 Isn't is remankable that many in-1 pledge cards for the 1931 summer cidents, characters. persanalities and Chautauqua it is still doubtful if the events, aIl brimming with human festival wi.llcame here owing ta, lack intenest, which have been recalled of guanantors. in "Maple Grave Reflections" ap- pearing in The Statesman the past As long as justly you keep the love four manths?. It's a most fascinat- of a man or a woman, the friendsblp ing way af binging ta mind pleas- of a comnade, the truth and !alth o! ant memonies a! bygone days. Other a cblld, you are rich even beyond communities i this district shauld your dreams. For thero la that in jfallow the example set by the old- you, abidig, unsuflled, sweet, frag-j timers a! Maple Grave by sending rant and worth whlle, that (s better in their memories. than meclal, degree, jewel, place orI wealth. And that tblng wlll make1 A paragnaph i the annual report you happy if you wiil know (t for af the Canadian National Sa! ety what it (s and value it for its real League says: "Pedestrians sbould worth ta yau. cross streets at crossigs, should nat Jay Walk non walk !ram behind cars Owen Sound Retail Mercbants' witbout looking fan cars appraaching Bureau lnaugurated a gaod idea in the opposite direction. When it some three years ago when f nom is necessary for pedestnians ta walk time ta time they featune in the on the highway tbey should face on- stores a special "week' devoted ta caming tnaffic. Parents should ed- the display and sale ai products ucate their children ta dread fine. manufactuned in that city. Oun traffic dangers and shauld discourage Busiess Mens Association might them f!rom playing on cangested1 adapt a similar idea by putting on a streets and higbways. "Goodyear Week", "Creani a! Bar- ley Week", "Slicer Week", "Rad- iant Week,'. ..Durbam Hosieny Week' "Mtt & Glove Week," etc. We beantily agree witb the Orillia Packet-Tumes when it says it is pnob- ably beginning ta dawn upan those i authority that tbe unemplayment question (s nat entinely an urban problem, and cannat be salved by spendig money on public warks in the towns. Same metbod has ta be found ai enabllng the fanmers ta dis- pose af their produce on a profitable basis. either by raising the pnice cf what tbey have ta sell, or by lowen- ing the pice ai what they have ta buy. As long as the largest industry in the country and in the world. which supports about hall the popu- latian, is being conducted at a loss, a returnuta prosperity is impossible., Aubses a! Old Age Pension Act have came ta light in vaiotus parts ai the province. The Provincial Sec- retany bas written to the Middlesex Old Age Pensions Board ta draw at- tention to the fact that the Provin- cial Board bas discovered cases in whicb property bas been transferred ta sons and daughters in order that parents might receive their Old Age Pension. He cites one case in ivbîch application was made by a widow a short time aiter her husband's death. She ovned 100 acres ai land and was entitled toalal praceeds from the sale of macbinery and other things. "And there are a number ai athers who 1 are drawing the pension wbo made their property aven ta their children' or relatives," the Provincial Depart- ment says. In the specific case ne- ferred ta the pension bas been can- oelled and arrangements bave been made ta have the money already <rmnted repaid. Merchants are in business ta make a living, but ta make that living they must first give service, so thein first objective 15 always "ta serve and please." The laborer excbanges bis labor fon bis wage. The capltalistI exchanges bis money for bis inter-j est. The manufacturer excbanges his pnoducts far bis cast ai produc- tion plus profit: the prof essional man excbanges his services fan bis fees or bis salary; the store keeper exchanges bis goads for cost plus service charge. Everybady is in business for bimself by beinî' in busi- ness fan somebady else. Like the public officiaI, the merchant is in business for sucic'ty and there ore eveny member ai that society is bis employer, bis boss. One ai the com- pensations ai business is that pub lic recognition and appreciation, name ta none sooner than ta the busiessnman who really serves. A flourlsbing trade (s synonymaus wtb public trust and confidence. Service must ever precede success in busi- neus. Keep in good humor. It (s nat great calamities that embitter exis- tence, it (s the petty vexations, the small jealousies, the little disap- paintments, the minar misenles, that make the beant heavy and the tem- per saur. Don't lét thei. ÀA.ngen is' a Pure waste a! vitality; it (s always faolish, and always unwanthy, ex- cept in very rare cases, when it (s kindled by seeing wrong done ta an- ather, or a dumb animal abused; and even that seldom mends thematr Keep in good humon. OSHAWA RATEPAYERS ' VOTE HEAVILY INjN r.UMad Oshawa Grants 50-Year Franchise toi Ben E. Tate - Brampton ,AJs > 25 YEARS AGO 50 YEARS AGO Grants Franchise (From Statesman April 4, 1906) (Frorn Statesman April 1, 1881) D. J. Gibsan. Newcastle. is moving Benjamin Brittain is a candidate By an overwhelniing majority ta his own farni. for vacant Tnusteeship in South Oshawa ratepayers an March 2lst, Aclm a eae aawie ad vated in favor of the three gas by- Aclm a eoe eawie ad laws: (1) thie sale of their gas plant; Up of the Spring Millinery Openings Dutch George made anathen ship- 42) te grntin of 50af The Misses Dmngman, Haddy & ment, of horses f ram this tawn an (2)th ganhi a a50year fran- Ca., and Miss Smith. Monday. chise; (3) and the granting of a fIxed assessment. This sale is af James Williams and Lillian Flan- Deaths af Mrs. John McMuntry the utmost importance te Bowman- ence Legge wene marrled March 31, and Mr. Wm. Knight were recarded ville as ratepayers here will prabably, 1906. inl this issue. within a short time, have the chance A Retail Merchants' Association1 James Rundle pnesided at patrons' ta vote on gnanting a 50 yean fran- was In existence as meeting was ad-1 meeting of Darlington Cheese Fac- chise ta Ben E. Tate and lus assoc- vertised for next Manday.I tory at Ebenezer. iates of the Utilities Light and Pow- "Histary of Bowmanville" by Mn. T. G. Humphrey will auctian Apnil er Corporation for the distribution J. B. Fairbairn, Postmasten. was ap- 9th, 53 sets af harness made in his of gas in this municipality. Besides pearing in serial f on each week. awn shap. H. T. Phillips, auctioneer. Osbawa, the townships of East Whit- Welligton Lodge, No. 19, S. O. E., Thos. Sherin and Thas. Kirby have by and Darllngton have granted the heîd a successful At Home, W.*H. formed a partnership in Rice's franchise wthout a vote. Whitby Thickson, Worthy President, preid- lc ad ae-agn n and Bowmanville have yet ta give ed. painting. their decisions and it is known that John P. Falley and Wm. S. Wil- Bowmanville Town Council favors John Medland, Liberty St.. (s of- liamts announce the apening of a the granting of the franchise. f erlng his five-acre fruit fanm forne bucrshpoedoeata --sale as he intends ta go te California Tre esho p.edo ato ta live wlth his sons. ri Heean Jno Smpo od a AlthughAttrne-Geena Pnce ev.Hdg Muroe St Pal'ssten at theimpnono pce fatc a togbad etre-esin tera ieas hRcv h, nd re . H. Emery. perslb. iveheight;theireiaed 7 une and although Clifford Case, Con- Methodlst Cburch, will exchange weight being 4300 lbs. They are al- senvative, North York, lt's sponser. pulpits Sunday mornung. lawed ta be the best pain of cattle agreed ta a modification i its ternis, Miss Greta Van Nest, Sonina, has ever f ed in Darlington. a bill grantig the United Suburban a' letter in the "'Cbldren's Corner" of Darlington Cauncil passed accaunts Gas Ca. a 30-year exclusive f ran- Fanmers' Advacate on "Up fnam for $60 for supplies te indigent per- chise i Brampton, was approved by Slavery" by Booker T. Washigton. sons and $8.66 for compensation for the private bills committee of the Rv .M hln rsyelnsepkle ydgwihalge legisiatune recently. e.R M.PaePebtra he ildbdoswicangs Ca. Price stated that the exclusive ministen, who was maving f nom ta prove that samne conditions exist- franchise and the 30-year period, Blackstack ta Harnmng's Mils, was ed 50 years ago as they do to-day. durig which there could be no ne- presezited with a walkig cane by Fashian notes for spning iclude: vision of rates, were bath open ta District Loyal Orange Lodge af Cart- New styles of dress uncover the question and Mn. Case agreed ta wright. thraat; none but girls in their teens gr D 0.& P.Co.Ban offcer we wear very short skints; detachable have the franchise reduced ta ten .O.&P C.Bndo1ceswre: tan aewt oea h e yeans. but the cammlttee passed the1 President-J. W. Alexander; Vice- cotaisumesthnsa o neo tnear measure i its original f ormn. President--J. B. Mitchell ; Manager' csotmandwtie. o ones r The campany guarantees a rate a!f -W. B. Tapson: Bandniaster-W.A sor. nd Ie $1 per thousand feet for the 30-yean Grant; Sec'y.-Tneas.--A. F oFllawing report shows standing ai perod W . orisnConservative, 'Sergt.-W. Kerr. F.Cx;iUniversity class of Bowmanville penid. W. Moniso. IHigh Schoal in mathematics for Hamilton East, upheld the measure. Dr. Arthur W. Morris and Dr. February and March: Tnigonometry declaring that revision of the rates Hartley are leavig this week ta -Oea. Hogarth, A. Gibbard. N. Mc- every f ew years would be undesir- spend same years in dental offices in Pherson; Algebra-A. DeLury, A. able. Europe. (Dr. Marris is son af Mrs. Gibbard, G. Hogarth. N. McPherson. when the franchise vote (s dnawing still at Vienna. Austnia.) livered a free lecture on the hanse near, but it difiers slightly from the Even 25 years ago caunty council- and gave an exhibition with bis agreement made here. The flf ty- lors wene being severely criticized for tnained panies . . R. Hutchisan year franchise asked in Bawmanville extravagance i connection with vot- bas baught Ira Livingstane's bouse makes provision fan a revisian 0f!ing $100.000 ta build a new gaal and W. H. Martin bas punchased bouse rates when a certain consumptian is'haus>e of refuge at Cobourg. Here is lie now occupies from Harrison reached. j one editonial comment: "The sting- Stewart. j Iing part of the transaction is that Officers of Rising Star Division at COBORG ITHDAWSDunham County has ta pay a big Hampton are: W. P-James Me- COBORG ITHDAWSshare of the expenditure ta pravide Lean: W. A.-Geo. Laury: R. S- SEPARATION PETITION fan the criminals and indigents who Jesse E. Cale: A. R. S.-E. Martin; came mainly fnom Northumberland.IF.S.-R. Taylor; T-S. Oke: Chap. For this yean at least the Carpor- We had hoped ta live ta see the day -J. ýîClatworthy; C.-W. Bunt: I.S. ation of the Town a! Cobourg bas when Durhami caunty would be en-, -John Oke: O. S-Jas. Williams: decided ta withdnaw its petition for tirely sepanated from Nathumber-!D. G. WP.--Capt. R. H. Bunt. separatian f nom the United Coun- land, but the action o! this counties'ý The banquet given in Mantreal on ties. but thneaten ta enter it again cauncil has dispelled farever theljTuesday evening in hanor ai Han. next yéar unless redress is given at hope we se fandly cherished." iEdward Blake was as successful as the June session a! the Caunties'I_________________ his heartiest supporters could wish. Council. Mr. Blake appears ta have won the Like most municipalities Cobourg fered ta the same extent as Cobourg 'hearts of Mantreal Liberals. and bis is faced vith bigher taxation in 1931 and ta avoid penhaps a higher tax- receptian by them shows that they and it is against this taxation that ation still the membei's ai the Coun- have an unbounded confidence in bis the town bas been flghting. which ties' Council f rom these municipali- .ibility ta lead. flght culminated In the presenting of ties will have ta hold their own A surprise and presentation took a bill ta the Legislature for separa- agait the encraachments af other 1 place at Chas. Young's when Miss tion from the counties. The subject municipalities. If Cabourg's liabil-i Young was presented with a gold of the separation was discussed at a ities are neduced some one bas tae watch for her valuable services as meeting in Toronto between repre- meet themn and unless the local organist oi the C. M. Church. and sentatives a! Cobourg and o! the reeves ani, deputy reeves watch theI Master Wesley Allin. second son of Caunties tagether with Col. W. H. proceedin& veny carefully there is Richard Allin. with a purse a! maney Price. the Attarney-Genenal. Appar- always the probability that Bawman- as a mark o! appreciation for ser- ently the main reason why Cobourg ville and athen municipalities in thel vices as argan pumper. Mn. W. B. withdnew the bill for the present was caunties wUll be shouldened with f un- Couch made the pnesentations on beas thdbeen presented ta the ther respansibilities. behaîf af the congregation. Rev. D. house since the last meeting o! theC.MDwl apstr Counties' Council and that the town A good thlng ta remember. had not given the council a chance And a betten thing te do, BAY 0F QUINTE LODGE oe make any redress if any redress .wrkwhtecosrcingg TO AYF TE AIVSI was coming. Iwr ihtecntuto ag T A RTRA II Bowmanville and Darlingtan suf- And net the wrecking crew. TO JERUSALEM LODGEI Lodge Recently Heid Past Masters' Nigbt at Toronto Masonic Temple Bay of Quite Ladge, No. 620, A. F. & A. M., Toronto, campased a! meni- bers ai tbe ena! t from Belleville, Trenton. Napane. Kingston, Pictan. Peterbara, and other places, will pay a fraternal visit to Bowmanvhlle on *Wednesday, April 8th, as the guests oai Jerusalem Ladge, No. 31. * Erastus W. Grant. a former -'esi- dent oi Tweed. is Worshîpful Ma.s- ter of Bay of Quinte Lodge. which h eld its annual Pa. t Ma,ters' Niglit in the Masunie Temple. Toronto. an IMarch 2ti. The folbowing Past iMasters. all former' residiexts of the Bay oi Quinte district. abýy cccupied the chairs in conferring the Feiiow- iship degree: V. W. Bro. G. A. King- stan, I.P.M.: W. Bro. W. Carl Rouis. W.M.: R. W. Bra. M. E. McKenizie. S.W.; V. W. Bra. W. S. Morden, J.W.; W. Bî'o. F. L. DeLong. Chaplain: R. Wl. Bro. J. A. Slade, treasurer: V. W. Bra. A. E. Jewett. secretary; V. W. Bro. F. G. Ketcheson, D. af C.: V. W. Bru. A. M. Tharne, S.D.: W. Bro. C. R. Parliament, J.D.: W. Bia. T. M. Piîie,..;. W. Bra. G. T. Everitt. J.S.; W. Bro. F. W. Maady, . . George B. VanBlaricom, editon af the 'Canada Lumbenman," Taronto, and a former Belleville boy, was the I speaker at the social baur, bis sub- ject being "Human Nature as Seen by an Editon." Mr. VanBlaricom's remanks, cavering an experlence ai Imany years as a newspaper man and bhis contacts witb the public, wene interesting and instructive. The strang and weak points in tbe characten and conduct ai those en- countened an the great bighway ai lii e were nevlewed and the opinion expressed that buman nature was mucb the saine In eveny spbere ai activity. In bis reIistians witb bis bretbren. the average mran gat out of bis career expctly whnt be pit in- ta ItL The people, wbo cantributed ta the' warld the best t1','t thnv bad. invariably r( a.pd a larger measune af happines:- an'1 sati'-fiqtion than thase wbo bel )Ioof frai:; Le:r iel- bows or tried t-) go it ai 'nc,. The spe(aker adIed tbat meagr,. iridýed, wene the rptunns from a nv ci iv. ne- stricted and unsyvmpathetie -'ýxl:t"ncP w.'en compared witb the revaî'ds ai a 111e Pmarked by thoughtfulness, I enerosity and work in tbe %vide s:en- vice af hum anity. GOING HOME BY PROXY Wben plans for a tripborne went w rang. John felt dlstressed about i breaking the news. He telenbaned bis folks. wba were disappointed., o! course, but suggested a substitute. Longz Distance! Sa John called tbem 'every evenlng and they exchanged the day's news. It was alniost as good as belng therel You and the church are interdependent. Without the church, your cornrunity would degenerate into a materialistie group of selfish individuals. It is the church that provides a background of ideals, and unity of purpose. The church is at the source of countIess benefits that you take for granted and enjoy daily. Without your support, in turn, the church would cease to exist. Your duty to the church, therefone, and to your fellowxs, yourself anid your God, is to give your support by regulaîr at- tendance. Corne to chiîch next Sunday and at least once every Suind(ay. Ail Bowmanville Churches WilI Gladly Welcome You at Every Service. This space contributed by The Canadian Statesman. 1* Business Directory* LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan on Fanm and Town1 property. Royal Bank Building, wewmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal -..1ney ta Loan. Phone 911 Bowmanville. Ontario. W. F. WAED, B. A. Barnisten, Solicitor, Notany Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale.] Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Loans - Investments Bowmanvllle - Next to Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; House 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toron- ta University. Graduate ot the Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40; bouse phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Craduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East, Bowmanvllle. Office haurs 9 a. m.1 ta 6 P. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phane 283. X-Ray Equlpment in Office. MEDICAL J. CLARK BELL M. 0-, Ch- B-, F. R. C. S. (Edin.), O. P. H. (Saccessor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) Hans. Graduate i Medicine, Aber- ieen University; Fellaw of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edlnburgh. Office and residence: Queen Street, l3ownianville. Phione 89 'bmffce Hours: 2 ta 4 p. m.. 6 ta 8.30 p. m. FUNERAL DIRECTOR F. F. MORRIS CO. w v Complete Matar an Hanse Equipment. Ail calls promptly attended ta. Private Ambulance. Bawmanville phone: 10 and 34. Brancb Stores: Orona & Newcastle. AUCTIONEER THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Fanm and House Sales a Speclalty. Ternisnioderate. Ennisklllen P. O. Phone 383r3. 1-tf CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Hanar graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractics wll be in the Baw- manville office Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings. Phone 141J. Residential cails made durlng fore- naon. DANCING LESSONS Phone 215 Private lessons bx- appointment. ACCOUNTANT R. M. COTTON Audlting - Accountlng Books wrltten up daily, weekly or monthly. Monthly and annual statement and Incarne Tax Returns prepared. Pm 0. Drawer E. Phones 611 & 32. AUTO PAINT SHOP Automobile Painting J. H. NEEDHAM Scales and.Slicers RefInlshed. Delivery wagons palnted. Duco Work - Sign Painting General Enamelllng. Phone 441 - Rear of Hydro Shop GARAGES Garage andi Service Station Batteries Charged - Towlng and General Repairs on ail makes of cars. Acetylene Weldlng Supertest (as and OUls - Accessorlea BROOKHAM and McMULLEN Phone 285 King St. W. BowmanvSle INSURANCE Fire C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability PLUMBER Sanltary Plumbing andi Heatlng Country Work our SpecWaty BILL CLARKE When in Need of a Plumber CALL 665 Estimates Gladly Given Without Obligation. H. COULDERY S ign s Tin - Wood - Brick - Cotton Window Signs - Price Tickets - Sale Bills - Trucks Lettered and Strlped Landscape and Seascape Decanations Lessons given in 011 and Water Palntings Phone 135 Queen St. Bowmanvlle CARTING AND TRUCRINO Ail Monde of Carting, Tructina ad moving; local and long distance. H. BOMBARDI Phonp 030 QuienlSt., Uowma.vI*,. HERE COMES YOUR COAL Our truck la awaitlnt your cail to deliver to your basement the kiad of coal that hundreds or famiffies throughout this town have fouati se satlsiactory. You can depenti upon this olti-establisheti coal yard ta furnish stnlctly hlgh quaUty coal at a]] limes. Order now for prompt deUvery. -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite SI'nve Coal Egg -. Chestnut Pea Buckwheat Nut Coke 316.50 16.00 16.00 13.50 11.50 13.00 A Iscount of $1.00 per ton for cash wilU be allowed frein above prie«. McCIellan & C. iie Phone15 ______ Bowmanville The Church hlas ~ I 'I You Have Something Something for IO For the CIiurch Have Your Eyes Examlneti Consult aur Registered Optometrlst R. NI. 11TCIIELL - Lzitert 3Metbods - - Modern Instruments - ~. M~.~itchell & Co. Dnuggists - Optomnetnists Phone 921 PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATIMMAN, BOÇý ý, THURSDAY, APRM 2nd, 1931 Life

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