PAGE TIffiK THE CANADIAN STATESBAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1931 SaFe Driving wiII save money on your A utomobile Insurance A new plan of Automobile Insurance lntroduced bY two Canadian companies, and now effered te Inuividual motorsts i Ontario and Quebec for the tinet Urne. % REDUCTION for two years' driving 10 without accident % REDUCTION for three years' driv- 15 ing without accident % REDUCTION for four years' driv- 20 ing without accident 2v Discount applicable te Pube Laiiy Automobile Insurance is necessary to protect you from financial loss. If you can qualif y, you sliould take advantage of the savings effected by this new policy. For further particulars apply te Mrs. Editk V. Scobeli, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY - CONVEYANCER - L ~BOWVMANVILLE, ONTARIO 2.C,%Q&Ç sflS- A à%e KINDNESS COU RTESY SERVICEr Funeral Directors & Home Furnishers Northcutt & Smith Successors te Alan Wlliams Phone 58; Nlght 58 or 523 Sedan Ambulance DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED MR. P. L. BECKETT HAS WONDERFUL LIBRARY 0F BOOKS' Headmaster of B. T. S. bas eldest volume te date - bas over 50 books over 75 years of age Two weeks ago wlien it was an- nounced i The Statesman that a 361-year old book baad been found i the possession of a Bowmanville citi- zen we just said te, ourselves "tliat'Ul liold them" and sat back in the of - fice chair thinking that we liad reached the limit. Apparently there is no limit for we are able to an- nounce this week that Mn P. L. Beck- ett, headmaster of the Boys' Train- ig Scliool, lias in bis possession a Lati history printed i the year 1535 or 396 years old. Mr. Beckett is flot satlsfled with liavmng this won- derful old volume, whicli is easily readable if you are one o! tliose wlio can read Latin fluently. but lielias a wliole library o! old volumes. lI fact lie is what mgt be called a collector de luxe or a book connois- seur. His pretty little den at is home on Scugog Street lias a feeling of dgnity as soon as one enters it. Perhaps it is the great age of the volumes which rest on bis book shelves or penliaps It is Just the f un- niture, whicli is new, Mr. Beckett only bemng marnied a short tume, whicli gives one this sense of awe, but liowever it exists. First we went over tlie oldest vol- umes lielias, it beig found not con- venient to look over every volume i is possession owing to the turne needed for sudh a great undertaking. Arnong the other very old volumes he lias are a common prayer and Bible, 214 years old; a book of Virgil, 327 years old; an essay and a history botli over 300 years old; a Lif e and Reign of King David, 185 years old; a copy of The Spectator, 193 years old; a declaration of the Mystery of the Person of Christ, 174 years old;1 Taylor's discourse on tlie Eplstle te! the Romans, 186 years old. In ad- dition to these invaluable books lie lias 45 others ail over 75 years old and many between 100 and 200 years. A truly wonderful collection and one we will venture to say wîll take a lot of beating. Another Fine Book Another book whidli las come te our notice this week, altliough it is just a baby when compared to some 0f Mr. Beckett's books, it being only 103 years o! age, is a scliool copy book once owned and used by dm15s- toplier Bounsail, father of the late E. R. Bounsaîl and Major F. H. Bounsaîl. The writig is li a class by itself and the best one can say of it is that seldoni is writing as good seen today. Tlie book was used wlien tlie late Mr. Bounsaîl went te Harwell's Sdhool i England and it is dated 1828 when lie was but il years of age. Mr. Bounsail came to Canada later and lived in Bowmanville for many years, dylng liere. He wrote the address of welcome whicli was presented te the Prince of Wales' later King Edward, at Whitby M 1860. lI addition te the writig the book contains many probleis i aritlimetic tlirough wh±cli Mr. Boun- sal must have wrangled for hours during bis boyliood. Tlie figures are wonderfully written as also are the heads written over each article in old English style. No doubt if the scliool whicli le attended still exists it would be more than proud te own this book wlicli represents the type of wntlng tauglit there a century ago. WEDDING ANNIVRSARY Mr. and Mrs. Mark Crawforth, Whltby Celebrate 53rd Weddlng Day On Fniday, Mardi 27tli, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Crawfonth, o! the Base Line, Whltby, celebnated the 53nd anniversary of their married life. It was on bis 2lst blrtliday, the 27tli of Mardi, 1878, that young Mark Craw- forth, full of hope. enengy and a dauntless ambition that still seenis charactenlatlc o! lim, went Up the Base Line two miles west ofis fatlier's house ta, Port Whltby te, dlaim as lis bride Miss Lydia Axn Cribb, eldest daugliter o! Mrs. Ama French, of that then-fiourlsliing set- tlement. Tliey have lived on their present fanm for 52 years. Mr. and Mrs. Crawforth are 74 and 73 ne- spectively, and both maitai an ac- tive enjoyment of the affairs of the day. There are now nine children liv- ing, one daugliter Olive.,liaving died in 1918. They are: Wilfred. Joshua. and Matt. of Whitby; Arthur of Strathroy; and Mark of Hamilton; Mrs. A. W. Ricliardson o! Whitby; Mrs. A. R. Jolinston of Teeterville; Mrs. C. S. Buck o! Landon; and Mrs. H. M. Gully of Toronto. There are 21 grandchlldren. Three years ago the whole family was re-united to celebrate the golden wedding anni- versary, and since that time there lias been an annual and joyful ne- union at the Crawl orth home. Thougli the responsibillty o! the fanm rests on the sons Joshua and Matt. Mr. Crawforth keeps up keen lnterest In farm life, is up early eveny mornig and declares lie would "rather wear eut than rust out." New Training Scbool for Girls Boys' Training Scliool at Bowman- ville was the subject o! a speech by Hon. W. G. Martin, Minister of Pub- lic Welfare, duning the second nead- ig o! lis bill respectig traiing schools In the Ontario Legislature last week, He stated that the setj pnovlded for the creation of a sim- Ilan school to the one at Bowman- ville at Gaît for use o! girls, botl iIn- stitutions beig called tnaining tschools. The scliool for girls, as for boys, would be speclally deslgned for those between tht ages o! 9 and 16 years wlio presented problema o! be- liaviour and wlio needed guidance and direction. He explained that the present Advlsony Board for the Bow- manville Scliool would be enlarged te fiteen membens and serve in an ad- l vlsery capacity for beth schools. Two' sub-cemmltteea wl]!serve each schoel. Boy Quallty Seed "As neyer before in the history of famig sliould cane be exercised in tlie punchase o! seeds for planting this spring," is tlie advice of one well-known autlinty, who adds that it is doubly important to make sure tliat punchases have been govern- ment-tested as a result of last yea's drouglit and the reduced supply of higli quallty stock. He warns agaist buying bargai seeds where price alone la tlie only description given. because rellable seedsmen do not ap- prove of advetlsements wliere seeds are offened at stlpulated pnices witli- eut any idication las te their quality or origln. It would actually be cheapen te buy the best the market afi ords than to take the poorest as a gllt, lie concludes. Barley vs. Cern Recent declines in the prices of farm products have been f ar more serious in grains than in live stock and this decline lias been greater proportionately in barley than i wheat. This situation presents an opportunity for farmers, feeders and poultrynien who have been accus- tomed to depend upon imported cern. Barley for general feeding purposes is equal to corn li value. lI spîte of this fact, there was im- ported ito Canada during tliree montlis last fail 3,250,000 busiiels of P.,FIS O Freshness nd quallty bave made A & P the Iargest iretaffers off fla Camai.o Ail fish prepared for your table upc. ie- quest, at no extra charge. FRES]¶ATLANTIC P 0» PIECE ObIL3 ,ýEAKS, 14c. WINTER CAUGHT Whîtefish M. L . CIOKEN SILVE1RBRIGHT Salmon y 13 ILESH .eounders lb. 1510 oysiER8 ri"498 TEA oJeN 3b.$0 corn whlle there was available ln storage elevators 30,000,000 busliels of high-quality Canadian barley seil- ing at less than half the price of the imported f eed. Scores of experiments in Canada have demonstrated the value of bar- ley as a carbohydrate f eed. Barley is particularly suitable for producirig an excellent quallty of ba- kcon and may f ormn the bulk of the ration for hogs. In addition, At can be profitably fed to dairy cattie, 1beef cattie and poultry. It is polnted out by an authority that the extensive use of barley.forl feeding purposes wlll flot 0ny - prove the economlc positionn o! the 1Dominion but wlll also result lni low- BROOMS ag- e -lmff TOMATOES -3 PINEAPL SALMON meer jýP EItpNavy'rouet ,UT LP E' pISfL5'L Or0 ' & P Wl )1EST0N bYMISEL C OR*BISCUITS PORK& BEANS LUX savez Hande and Clotes Fregh Fruits and Vegetobles -ALIFORNIA SFCDLESi DRANGE - GOOD Dom. 290 NEW "'IA 13 ETS 2 Rnhs17e LETTUCE BLAI SP2 for le DANAAS GLEN.,E 3 lb.. 230 PMXCAN TOMATOES lb. 21e SHALLOTS BUNCRES 3 for 150 CALIPORaIlA CELERY TESPNDStalk 191 TEXAS CARDAGE lb. 5o I 6 <j ered production cests te farmer and peultryman. A Remedy for Earache.-To have the earache la te endure torture. The ear is a delicate organ and fev care te, deal wlth i t, considering it work for a docter. Dr. Thomas' Bc- lectric Oul offers a simple remedy. A f ew drops upon a plece of lint or medicated cotton and placed lni the ear will do muchln x rellevlng paIn. Industry, economy, honesty and kidness forn a quartette of virtues that will neyer be lmpreved upc». -James Oliver. ---il FANfCY BREAKAST BIDE BACON IW20» Vetyr LowA & P eggs are GOOD eggs. Every one carefuliy selected and guanan- PriesU On G W W te ed. j~Men"i are quality M>f--e gamTSecmll satisfaction or mouey u11l be iày refunded. Serve A & p Ments for Easter.. and know you have the best. VE4LCHIOICE CUTS TENDER A&P QUALIT!. Sw 250. HALF OR WIIOLE 522 LOINT b.0 LEGSIb.20e POrtevh0uueRo's . 280 RAK ST lb. RlUMiP loast lb. 8 IROAST lb. PriIt ROI STS lb. 19 SUICE» CENTRE CUT DWNE88 AND ROLLEB, M MeU 11moked Hani M. 35Se PEAMEAL COTTAGE FIEST QUALITY MACHINEBSLICE» ROLLSb. IL 9 D>iled Rani M. 35a SWFlS PBEMIIUM MOKM RacorniB e"L. b. 35)e HAMS 'WoX'b. 32e n25* 'w25i ~25o ;Lt25e Iaàos25e M.e25e 3US 25e 3 MAL25 c, Corn Flakes 3 Pikgs. 25,- PRUNES 425, PURE GOLD Pw es 5Rt~ ASORTED . AVOaS FINISH OFF YOUR EASTER BREAKFAST WITH A CU- THE COFFEE SUPREM DOKAR NOW lM.4 8 O CeLOCK Now Per lb. 31~C The World'a Largeat Seiling Package Ceffee A & P CHERRY CAKE.............. lb 31c * & r HOT CROSS BUNS ........ Doz. 29c ~~gs ace t a U A & P Stoesualn lieu of merchidse or cash, and e" a the a webouse, 1US Laughtou Avenue, Toronto. r Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Wiliaums. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 Tuw GCninAT ATLANTiri & PAciFpic TiRà C. ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___LIMITED 0F CANADA ZGROCERIESOMLook Oper Thiff Uit of 250 peI g »' W. P.CORBETT »AKF ANDCONFECTIONER b a