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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1931, p. 5

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PAGE »MV TM CANADIÂN 5TATESMAR, BOWMANVHLLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1931 LOCAL and OTHERWISE Mrs Sid.~ Hughes and Mrs.Jams Deman Tornto h I his father, Gen. John Hughes. Mrevs Jagms. ey Man ooths Rev. C. R. Spencer and Mrs. Spen-j bee viitig Ms. . . .anning. cer were in Barrie on Tuesday where Miss Esther Johns, Richmnond Hill, the former conducted the dedcation lu visiting at Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Van- of the new Masonic Temple in that ~stone's. town. .Miss E. E. Hayra t spent the Miss Betty Herman, Toronto, was weekend at the home of Mrs. L. R. a weekend visitor with Miss Marg- Bllkey, Toronto. aret Wigtman and attended the Miss Mabel Warren, Coborne, High School At Home on Friday ev- spent the weekend witb her cousin, ening. Miss Carrne Latbrope. Mrs. P. C. Trebllcock and Miss Miss Effe Dunhain has côme down Margaret Trebilcock are spendlng a from Toronto to assist the fLm o couple of weeks with the f ormer's Dingnian & Edniondstone in their daughter, Mrs. Norman Haxnley, Pet- rush to flU orders for Spring miflin- erboro. ery. Mr. J. Earl Lawson, M. P. and Mrs. ery. Lawson, Br., Mr. Arthur J. Trebil- -cock and Mis. H. F. Hutchison, Tor- onto, were Sunclay guests of Mns. P. C. Trebilcock. Mrs. Robt. Armstrong and three HUMOROUS AND DRAMATIC daughters, Klrkland Lakte, were in L town Sunday calling on f riends. Her mother, Mrs. Jas. Deyman, returned to Toronto with her. RECITALMiss Borea Murdof, who under- will e prsentd by General Hospital some weeks ago, Marin J.Hickngbotom brougbt home last Thursday. Marin J.Hicingbttom Mr.Luther J. Stainton and daugh- ter Effa Mary, Brooklin, Miss Amian- AND RIER PUIILS da E. Bond, Winnipeg, Man., Mrs. assised byMaude Harris, Brooklmn, visited Edi- assised bytor M. A. James on Sunday. Edith V. Slaght A card received from Miss Belle G. Allen. who has been spending the Soprano Soloist wnter at West Palm Beach, Florida. states she is starting homeward and expects to arrive here latter part o! unde aupice a!Apil. unde aupice ofMr. and Mrs. J. Lighterness enter- Durham Chater . E. S. tained at two parties over the week- end on the occasions o! bth Mr. and in Mrs. Lighterness' birthdays. Mrs. Lighterness ceebrated hers on Sat- BOWMANV1LLEÎ urday and Mr. Lighterness on Sun- Mrs. G. A. Gillespie and her sis- OPERA HOUSE ter, Mrs. Brisbln. and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fee, who have spent the »hu9 da nter at Braden. Manitee. lrd Thurday A fton Tuesday for borne. Tbey ex- lpect ta visit friends at Cbambersburg Eight o'clock sharp. and will likely arrive in Bowmanvill about April 10th. Many favorable conunents bave been heard concerning the beautiful ADMISSION 35 CENTS flower window in W. J. Bagnell's Store. Mr. A. S. Baker. landscape architect. bas arranged a very tastyj ______________________display of sprlng flowers and plants, ______________________ *against a background of white and Sgold gates which makes a most pret- 9IIIty display. The flowers an( lat THE RO A L ar splendid specimens from .J 1 1tA Jackman's Nursery. A TaIk on Birds On the evenmng of WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 Mr. W. E. Saunders Ornithologlat of London, Ontario wIi lecture on BUrds. This wlU be a very interesting talk for those who are interested in bird 1f e. Silver Collection. St. Paul's SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM Tis lecture has been arranged through the efforts of the Bow- manville Horticultural Society. ROYAL THEATIRE SAT. - MON. - TUES. WED. - THURS. - FR!. APRIL 4- 6 -7 APRIL 8 - 9-10 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 P. IV ATCH THE SKIES FOR LOCAL. and OTHERWISL Mr. Alex Flett. George St., l vis- iting friends in Fenelon FaUs. Miss Helen Frankisb, Toronto,t spent the weekend at Mrs. N. S. B.1 James', Centre Street.t Mr. and Mis. B. H. Mortlock spent1 Sunday wth Mr. and Mis. J. Bab- cock, 117 Huron Crescent, Oshiawa. Mis. J. H. Cavanagb, Toronto, vis- ited her aunt, Mis. W. H. Willams, Liberty St., on Tuesday, who contin- ues quite W1. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Cox were cail- ed to Toronto on Tuesday owing ta the illness and death o! ber sister, Mis. David Wells. Messrs. Fred and Edward Hughes, Las Angeles, Cal., are here owlng ta tbe serious illness of their fatlier, Gen. John Hughes. Mr. J. Devitt, Mr. Gregory Calmer and Mi. Jack Minore, al a! Tan- onta, spent the weekend at their re- spective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Upper a.nd fanilly, Kitchener, spent the week- end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Bickie, Lberty Street.j Mr. and Mrs. C. Garfield, Mr. Max Quick, Toronto, and Mr. Wm. F. Quick, tawn, were called ta Ottawa on Sunday owing ta the serlous 111- ness o! thein sister, Mis. Mildred Kohler. Dr. R. W. Clark, Division St., who has been in Christie Street Military Hospital, Toronto, for some time, bas returned home looklng fine and has sufficiently improved in health to resume his practice. Word has been received o! the death in a motor accident in San Francisco, Cali!., of Mr. Fred Bur- den, son o! late Samuel Burden o! this town. His wife w as also very seriously hurt and is in tbe bospital. Mrs. Chas. Tod o! Wbitby is a sister o! the deceased. Watch your step wben you pur- chase Maple Syrup from door to door salesmen. Some have been selling syrup in town in gallon cans and are intimating that the cans hold an Imperial Gallon. Be sure that they do for some are being sold as Imper- ial Gallons wben they are only Wine *Gallons. Members o! the Public School Board entertained the teachmng staff of tbe Public Schools on Thursday evening last at the Royal Theatre where they viewed the inimitable ý MreDressler and Polly Moran in "Reducing." After the show they adjourned to the Central School Iwhere refreshments were served by Ithe wives o! the trustees. Dancingi and cards were then indulged in for ja short time. the music for the danc- ing being supplied by the school Vic- trola. IThe Horticuitural Society lu plan- Ining the beautification o! the eastern entrance to the town and Mr. Gea. E. Carr o! tbe Boys' Training School bas drawn plans whlch when com- 1pleted will add materially to the beauty at this entrance. Mr. Carr and Mr. A. S. Baker are in charge o! tis work and they have requested p xermission from the department o! MARRIAGES 1 Articles For Sale. 1 Lost or Found COUCH-WALLACE-At the Parsan-1 HORS ES FOR SALE-Appiy ta o r DOG FOUND-Black and tan hound, ago, Park Street, Orono. Monday, Mardi ard Sanderson, Burketon, R. R. 1. 14-1 strayed onto promise., Lot 24, Con. 6, ,23rd. by Rtv. William Sterling, uncle o!, Darlhngton. Owner may bave same by the bride, Grace Edith, third daughterý FOR SALE-Chuice clean rnied grain payig damaffa. Phone 211r22. 12-3 o! Rev. and Mra. Thomas Waliaoe, New-i for se. F. L. Smaitht, Enniskillen. tonville, ta Harold, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Phono 197r24. 14-1w Hart-y Couch, Newcaatle. -I1FO SLE- Pue re bll DEATHS PEACOCK - in Hope township, March 27th, 1931, Ernest Oells Peacock, In hie 69th year. TRU LL-ln Darllngton, on Thursday, March 26th. 1931, Casey John Trull, In hie 85th year. BROOKS-tIn Peterboro, Maçh 28th, Jacob M. Brooks formerly or Oshawa and Port* Perry, ii hie iSth year. EAKINS - At Millbrook, Wedneeday, March 25th, Sarahn Jane Rixchardson, wldow of late Samuel Eakins, in lier 89th year. WELLS-In Toronto, Tuesday, Marci 31et, 1931, Mary, wldow of the late David Wells, formerly of Myrtle. Sister of Mrs. ChriB Cox, Bowmianville. I4ELME-Suddenly, at Smith's Falls, March 23rd, Isabella Burn, dearly belov- ed wife of James Helme and mother of Mr. Austin G. Helme, Montreal, and Prof. J. Burn Helme, State College, Penna. Intennient at Lindsay. IN MEMORIAM JAMES--m affectionate remembrance of Mary Jane Bray, beloved wife of M. A. James, who passed to her eternal rest on April 2nd, 1927, ln ber 83rd year. Lovingiy remembered by Husband and Family. BAXTE R-In loving rnemory of our dear mother. Mrs. Joseph Baxter, who wsas laid to rest April 5itl, 1930. Deep in our hearts je a picture Worth more than siIvýér or gold, Its a picture of our dear inother Whose memary will neyer grow old. In aur hearts her memory lingers, But we know 'tis vain ta eep, Tears of love can nevtr wake her Fron her peaceful, happy sleep. -Sadly missed by Hiusband and Children. BURNS-In loving rnemory of our dear mother, Mary Beckel, beloved wife of Frank Burns, who passed away April 6, 1929. 'Tis Ionely here without you, Mother. Thore is such a vacant place, Whcre we ntver hear your footsteps Or see your smiling face: As we laved you. no we mima you. In our memory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed for always. Bringing many a silent tear. -Sadly mio&ed by Husband and Children. BEECH-ln loving mernory of a dear wife and mother who dleparted this lire April 5th, 1928. Your presence ls ever near us, Your love rmains with us yet, For yon were the kind of moth cr lier children could never forgPt. When a rother breathe., her last lare- ¶weli The s3troke ls more than tangue can tell; The world seema quite another place Without the smile of inothers face. -Ever rernernbered by Huaband a.nd Children. Floral Designs Pirat clasa work for al occasions. Wreaths , Sprays. Pillowa, BPri des Bau- quets, etc. Also permanent Wreaths for the cemetery ln beautiful floral effect. KINGSWAV NUJRSERIES on H-ighway 2 streets east of LIberty St. Phone 144 BowmanvIllbe rislng two yeare. Apply ta Edgar Eley, Clarke. Phone 1621. 13-4.j FOR SALE-Two work horses. one forl $40, or $75 for bath. Dean Pickoli, ILake- aide Fan, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 14-2- SEED OATS-Improved American Ban- ner, grown froni registered seed; 66c per bualiel. Jas. Moorey, Hampton. Phone L197r3. 13-tf FOR SALE--Seoond hand il-hale com- bined Seed Drill, Massey Harr-is, good condition. Apply S. J. Henry, Bowrnan- ville. Phone 831 or 13. 14-tf 1 FOR SALE - Quantity of six-rowed Seed Barley and Yeliow Blossom Sweet Clover. Harry Collacott, R. R. 4, Bow- mianville. Phone 196rl4. 14-1 r ORSE FOR SALE - Young Generai 1Purpose Horse for sale, 1300 lbn., aound and quiet. Apply ta John Wonnacott. Enniskillen. Phone 238r21. il-tf FOR SALE-O. A. C. 21 Barley; 2-row- ed Barley, O.A.C.; and O.A.C. 144 Oats at 60e bushel. Apply te Thos. Baker, R. R. 1. Hampton. Phone 167rl4. 14-11 SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - C'olorado LSprlng Wh-eat 90c; 2-Rowed Barley 60c. J. W. MeMaster, lot 29, con. 5. Darllng-1 1ton, Hampton R. R. 1. Phono: Oshawa 164gr22. 14-t' r FOR SALE - White Blossom Sweeti Clover Seed, freah 1930 horne grown "àed seed delii-ered, bags free; aIea Victoran 0. A. C. 144 Seed Qats. W. J. Eaak, Taunton P. O. Phono: Oshawa 163r1 3. 13-2- FOR SALE-Prize-wjnning O. A. C. No. 144 Oats, scaring 97 points in field creip competitian, 55c per bushel; alsa 2-rowed Barley at 65c per bushel. S. Chas. Allin. R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 136r12. 14-tf f RADIOS FOR SALE-Phileo ail css- itrie radio recelver, complete, for $75.00; Radiola 33 aIl electric radio receiver,l complete, for $76.00. Ternis may be ar- ranged. F. J. Mitchell, Bowmanville. Phone 106. 12-tf ce dE 50 ai ln ni ot il B dý tI Ai highaysthrughthe resident en- gineer at Port Hope, Mr. W. L.Wan d Saunders, to do it. The plans call 1WANTrED TO RENT - 6 or 6 t-oin a for planting of trees and laying OUt hause. Apply in writing ta M. R. J. P a rock garden on each side o! the Drawer B., Ilownianville. 14-t! a highway Just west o! the McGill FURS WANTED-Highost cash pricea Memorial Cemetery Gates. for aIl fut-s. Write for quotations. Phone _________________________Whltby 91. 1 Stein, 'Ulgtby. 11-4 To Let BOARD AND ROOM )WANTD-Fr HOUSE TO RENT - Frame bouse oni F. H. Drawer B.. flowamanviIIe. 14-' Duke St., 6 mrnem, garage, good aize gardea. Apply A. V. Dilling, Cream o! WORK WANTED-Farm hand, mar- Barîey Camp. Phono 655. 13-tf riail, needs employment; 2 girls attonding ____________________________achool. F. Flint, R. R. 2, Bowmanvilie. FOR RENT - Brick 8-roamn serai- Phono 475r24. 14-3 bungalow; modern conveniencea; good.- gardon; possession April lot. J. R. FURNITURE UPHOLSTEREO and ne- Philp, Scugog St., Bowmanvilîe. 10-t! covered; cîosed car tops and Inaide trira- __________ming. J. A. Fry, Scugog St., Bowman- Real Estate For Sale ville. Phone 536. 10-tf-i. FOR SALE-New 5-roomned eolld brick WANTED-Girla with iiigh School ed-I hous onWelingon t.,aIlcanon-ucation for office position. Appîy in loncea. Appiy ta Albert Hircock, Lib-w..G.n." Datahger anB., ovlne. A14-1 erty St., Bowmanville. 4-tf ".M"Dae . omail. 1- WANTED-Rotlort Pawson ia prepared HOUSE FOR SALE-On Carlisle Ave.; ita ropair boots. shoesanmd rubbers: neatý ail modemn conveniences; hardwood job; moderato prîcos. Leave et Sidney, floorr andi newly decorated; wiII sell at Mort-l', Wellington Street, Bowmanville. a reasonable price. Aîpîly ta W m. Phono 424. 12-4 Prock. Queca St., flowmariville. Phone ___________________ 114. 4-4' WANTED-A lad about 15 or 16 years ¶ o! age ta work an a fruit and vegetablei FARM TO SELL-100 or 145 acres, ad- !arm. country lad rre!erred. Apply pwr- equate buildings; silo and wlndmillI; two sonalîy ta Jacob Branch, R. R. 5, Bow- good wells, also an ever-runnlng creek; manville. Ont. 1-- sitated 8%,4 miles ta North Oshawa; 1%/ __________________ hours' drive ta Toronto with truck; close TEAcH-ER WANTED-For S. S. N.5, ta Enfieid echool and clîurch; P'owing Darlingtan, protestant, dlies ta coin- lone. Aîîply L. C. Pascoe, Burketon. menco a!ter Raster holidnys. Apîl.y 10-9' stating experlence and ealary expectid ____________________________ l C. A. Wight, Secretary, R. R. 4, For Sale by Tender Bowmanville. 13-2 Sealed tenders wili ho reoeived up il First day a! May, 1911, for tihe Marns SNMLES 'N tRUCKLES property la the Village o! Newtonvilîe, containing ane-hlf aI!eri o! land amome or less. A two-hundréd foot froalage facn the Provincial l-ighway an whieh ije r 26 !t, brik a itchea-wo odsed 6dt onE a ste r1 26olid bricjli ai-rooedhe 16 ftio 36 ft. x 22 ft. Parties d(esirinir tn ineîiect itshîsae can Interview 2M. ludlev Jones icho holîle the keys. Ternie 'l'en îper cent of acpted te ll - wiîîîiiihirly dal'e or as soan as a salle-I farlors' tille cao lie furnigheil. Lnow, st or any tender nat npcess:îrily acepteil. . 1AUl caders ta lx, marked 'Tenders for 1 Malice Prop)erty" andl aflihmesedta M R. M. G. WELcH, R. R. No. 3 Port Hope, Ont. 14-4 chairman of! Trustes Board. Building Contractor 1i l olp ciimd ta dIo a l k id o! trini work '51brîekiliying, pIîl:îerinigc' cii Ie Ju' stîî oIt' nason. Work g irklit.ý.,.'i J. Arvay, Hlampton, Ont. Pliîe :7lr :i AUCTION SALES Wednesday, April 8th-The under- signed bas received instructions f rom Arthur D. Langmaid to seil on Lot 32, Con. 5, Daî'lington, ail of his farm stock, implements, household furniture, and other articles toc, numerous to mention. Terms: On hay, grain, poultry, roots, ensilage, furniture, and ail sums o! $20 and under cash; over that amount 7 months' credit on approved notes bearing Interest at 6e per annum; 3ell0 straight off for cash. Sale at 12 oclock sharp. J. W. Balson, Elmer WiIbur, Clerk. Auctioneer. tudy April 1lltb.-The under.. the executors of the estate of the late Mrs. W. Chartran, Bowmanville, to sell by public auction ail the household furnishlngs and effects at ber late reaidence at the corner o! Church and Ontario Streets. Bow- manville. Sale at 1.30 P. M. W. 3. Challis, Auctioneer. 1 14-2 Cherry Eggs and Choc- olate Bunnies Egg Cups, Beds, Chocolate sters, Baskets and Egga Egg Cups, Baskets, aud' Beds Cups and Saucers 5c Roos- lOc 20e 25c Up to 75c. Jury & Loveli Wheu we test eyes It lu doue propey. FOR SALE-Dry hardwood elabs, dry j cdar and pins kindling wood; prias $13i or cord or $3.26 pe- %-cord, sawed and leivered; kindlung wood lni bundles at 5ic each. Il. E. Bartlett, corner Cburch End Liberty St., Bowmianyille. Phone 10oW, 12-3' FOR SALE-One. Hereford cow, milk- Ig; one Holstein cow, 4 yearsaIod, due May 25; one Ayrahire cow, due ApnIl 1; one Jersey heifer, 2 years aId; one Hol- 8tein heifer, 2 years; 8 grade Oxford wes. Arply Elgin Mountloy, R. R. 6. Bowmanyllle. Phone 820r22. 13-2 STORES FOR SALE-3 framne storea on King Street juat west or Royal Theatre. Muat be sold. To bo taken down and rernoveil. Lot o! good ash and doors; good lumber; glass and win- dow franies. Tara Percy wilI show ln- terestod parties through the buildings. Apply ta Mrs. A. Mi. Williams, Queen St., Bowmanviile. Phare 159. Il-tf Baby Chicks For Sale Baby Chieka and Eggs for Hatching from, bred-to-lay Barred Rocks and S. C. White Leghona. W. H. Carruthera, ;cugog Rd., Bowmanviîle. Phone 38. lit! Baby Chieks hatched ln one o! Can- iela's mnat up-to-date Governent ap- Proved hatcherlea. Write for catalogue. Call and s00 us. Located for your benefit at Bowmanville, Ont. I. V. Lumbers, Mara Lodge Hatchery, Bownanville. Ont. 11-41 il A Vocal RecitalI 'wlI be held lnu h Trinity Sumday School FRIDAY, APRIL lOth. at 8 P. M. By the puplb. el Francla Sutton, Mus.5ao. F.C.C.0. et@.. Alsted by the. Trlnlty Choral ChOanad nemberiof i MUn tme utCm MU intereted ane invite. Silver collection ta go ta Young People's Society M. & M. Fund. Phone 186 Savings for EasterI Aylmer Tomato Juice, No. 1 tin ..............loc Red Rock, hand packed choice quality Tom- atoes, per tin....................................10ec Hand packed Yellow Bantam Corn ....2 tins 35c Fry's Cocoa, ½ý-lb ...................................21c Aylmer Fruit Salad ................................28c Special Easter Egg Cakes ................33c IL Iinperial Gallon New Maple Syrup ..........$235 Codfish for Good Friday, 1-lb. carton .........20e 6 Cakes Fairsex Soap ...............................21c Good Five-String Brooms ............40ec to $1.10 Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter - Oyster Sheli Fine Grain for Baby Chicks HARR Y ALLIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMAIIVULE New Spring Fashions As Thrifty as Tliey are Lovely New Spring Dresses as there are so many smart ones for your choice. They are ail exquisitely fashioned and unquestionably charmn- ing. They include printed crepes, georgettes, cantons, celenese and fiat crepes, ranging in price from $9095 Ladies' Spring Coats have Arrived Also a shipment of Children's Coats in sizes from 6 to 14 years of age. Newest materials - Latest styles. Ladies' Coats from ..........$14.95 up Wabasso Cottons, splendid range, fast colors, 25c yd. up Peter Pan Prints, best quality, from .............45c yd. up Ladies' Neckwear - collars, cuifs and vestees Newest in Ladies' Hats are now being shown in our Millinery Department. Ladies' Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose, specially priced at $1.00 Pair. Ail the latest shades in Ladies' Silk Hose at prices from 75c up. Spring OFfers new Economy in MEN'S WEAR Men's Worsted Suits, 2 pr. pants, at ..........$22.50 5 . Young Men's Suits, 2 pr. pants, at .............$1 7.50 S* J'unior Suits, lst longs, 2 pr. pants, at ...........$15.00 A nice assortment of Men's $pring Topcoat» priced from $12.50 Up. IMPORTANT - Mr. F. B. Cowle, representative of the House of Hobberlin, Toronto, will be at our store on Fri- day, March 27th. to take measurements for custom tailored Spxiing Suits for Easter. Couck, Joknston & Cryderman "WVHEN YOU WANT TO KNOW"P CALL UP 49. Your fac e hae I Your bauds net rowgb? "Hawaiian Toiletine relem sbtI lB flot greaay mries ln qulckly A good atter-abave. 3 oz. bottle-35c each 6 oz. bottles--50c .ach KERSLAKE'PS THE5 DEPENDABLIX DRUO STOAR FOR FOOD TEA ROOM 2 doors east of Royal Theatre BASPBERRY OR BLUEBERtY PIE WITH ICE CREAM and CUF 0F FRESH TEA 15C Ail Pies are home made. Try one of our delicious Hot Dogs 5c Royal Tea Room

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