PAGE IGETTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1931 The Legion Corner ,à- A Departinent of Not« of I.tret te the Wàv V.teais of Bowmanvill. d Dbbtict. There was a large attendance at President Rev. C. R. Spencer, Si. the regular meeting of the Bowman- stitutes-Alex .Lyle, Secretary, W. ville Brandi of the Canadian Legion Hoar, Tt Vice President; Auditor. Comrade A. H. Bounsail, Comrs held in the S. 0. E. Hall on Wed- Fred C. Cryderman; Sergeant-i nesday, April Tt. A great deal of Arrns-.Comradle F. Goodail; Coi business was accomplished and comn- mittee on By-Laws - Comrac mittees for the year elected. The in- Crombie, Hircock, Hunt, Smith Fo terest and cheerful acceptance of re- guson; Membershlp CommitteE sponsibility shown by ail members Comiradies Meadows, Abernet) augers weil for the future success of Crombie, H. Moses; Sports and E the Brandi. Six new members were tertainment - Comrades Hircoi accepted, four new members initiat- Fewster, J. Living, C. T. Ross; Vis ed, and four new applications for ing and Sick-Comrades Tait, Fem membership received. Comrades and ter and Hamilton; Poppy and Met officers of Oshawa Branch brought orial-Comrades F. H. Moody, G. greetings f romn Oshawa and outlined Bonnycastie, G. Meadows, J. O'Ne' the plans of the committee in charge T. Cairns, E. C. Hoar, Rev. C. of arrangements for the' Ontario Spencer; Relief and Employmenl Provincial Convention of the Can- Comrades E. C. Hoar, G. Gains, adian Legion which will be held in Venton, G. Humpage, R. Candier, Oshawa August 26th, 27th and 28th. A. Fry, D. Aldread; Branch Padre An ivittio wa extnde totheRev. C. R. Spencer. An ivittio wa exendd t th All comrades kindly take flot: Bowmanville Branch to ioin the that in future business meetings w Oshawa Branch of the Canadian be held in the Council Chamber e Legion in a Church Parade to coin- eyt I Frcaadsoilme memorate Vimiy to be held inl Osh- will be held in the S. 0. E. Hall e awa on Sunday morning, April l2th. ery first Friday in the month. The invitation was accepted and____ comrades who wish to attend are asked to give their names to the THE COUNTRY WEEKLY Secretary or the President as soon as possible so that transportation Oh, the little country paper so meq can be arranged. It is hoped that est, thin and smail; every comrade will make an effort 'Mong ail the great big dailies I le, to participate in this service of com- it best of ail, memoration. And cheerfully unfold it, and reE si- each item through; Comrades from Oshawa have sg How they f111 my heart with gladinee nifled their intention of joining with though they simple seem to yc us at our Vimy dinner which will be held in the Balmnoral Hotel on Fri- Jim Hogan's got the measles, ai day evening, April lOth, at 7 p. m. Aunt Liza's got the grip, At this dinner it is expected to have And Ben Davis and his daughte: comrades from the Branches of Co- on an automobile trip. bourg, Port Hope, Whitby, Brooklin, How many great big taters was rai and Port Perry, in addition to the ed on Hogan's farru, Oshawa comrades. A large gather- And how little Mandy Starbird ing is expected at the Vimiy Dinner singing like a charm. and ail comrades of Bowmanville Branch are asked to obtain their And 1 sec the Chester homestead hi tickets from the Secretary as soon passed to otier iands, as possible; this will matorially help And the children, ail that's le! tg the committee who are in charge of them, now live in other lands; arrangements. There was one among ticir nunbg that was once quite dear to me, Announcement was made of a And I used to think - Well, nevg Zone Rally to be held at the Armoun- mind, I found 'twas not to be. les at Oshawa, Thursday, April l6th,' at 8 p. m. Contingents fromn the, Ah, the coming from the old honr fourteen branches in the Zone will , of that littIe weekly prize, be presont. The Rally will be in - Though somotirnes it bings a sac charge of Comrade E. R. Adyc. Zone ness and a tear-drop to our cye 14 Representative. This Rally is How lovingly we read along eac part of the Provincial Command 1 item to the end, membenship drive for April. AIl An echo f rom the old home, so lUl members who wish to attend the an old-time friend. RaUly should give their naines to the Secretary or the President as soon as How useleas semas the struggle fi possible s0 that transportation can stocks and bonds and cash, be arrangcd. 0f t time they lose their luring an aIl the lot seems trash; The foilowing elections were made: How freely we would give tiem a Delegates to the Provincial Conven- to be a boy once more, tion and the Dominion Convention- And corne in again to mother,i President R. M. Cotton and 2nd Vicej through the open door. 'a "'H ow d o 1 keep youn ?&" «"Oh, 1 learned that se- cret when I discovered Shredded Wheat. It's the whole wheat, you know, and bas iron for making red blood and al the elements for building healthy tissue and bone. And by the way, it's ready-cooked and ever so easy to serve for breakfast or lunch. I juet pour milk or cream over the biscuits. On cold mornings 1 heat the milk -it makes a most deli- cious hot cereal,andwith fruit it's a treat at any tim e." M1E CANAD]AN SI4REDDED ',4qEAT COMPANY. LUI. SHREDDED WIHALL THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLE WHEAT SAVE THE BABY CHICKS Maeh ,ssurd, ?roductN... EGG-LAYING Puiks, i ýt. ýC Fod.Itco.taatrll.mor. but la CHEAPLST ln the ecnd, ijudged by reaulta. lie e extra chicke you ave and ralise, more thaui pay for &Ul the 1 Pratta Baby Chlck Food you urne. Aak cw your desr-thereso» nuar you. ~~MBaby Chldç.Food Pratt Food Co., of Canada, Ltd. Guelph, O>ntario ORONO (From The News Apnil 2nd.> Miss Evelyn Hobbs vlsited in Toi onto. Kendal L. O. L. No. 405 wiil meE April 8th. Miss Dorothy Rowe la home froi Normal School, Ottawa. Mra. Ridouf. Toronto, is visifin lier mother, Mrs. Hunter. Miss Bernice Tucker, Ottawa, re cently visited at lier father's, Dr. 1V Lb- M. Tucker. 1.J. s-Mr. Reg. Sutton sang in goos ade voice "Fîce as a Bird" at Centr -a- Street Church on Sunday morning. m1- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leishman o àes Newmarkef are spending a coupleo le-week atiter's, Mr .Geo. Mit hy, cheil. En- W. C. T. U. annual silver medi )c, conteat will be hold in the Town Hal it- Friday, May lat. Four girls ang ws- four boys in oaci clasa will conte =- for silver medals. C. Mns. George Mitchell, accompan iîî, led by Mr. and Mrs. Tirasher c: R. Hamilton, le! t yesferday for Ber. t-muda. They sail f rom New York oz Stic Duchoss of York. J. k-Mr. Charles Wood and f amil: have movcd f0 Glenolg farm, nov ice owncd by tic Armstrong family vill Charlcy was assistant tic past yeai y- on the M. H. Staples farm, souti oi ga the village. y- Mn. Luther Barrabail, who has oc- cupied the Wellington Cowan fanar for nine years, has movcd to tiE Coatham homcstcad farm. Wc un- dcrstand hoe will work a part o! th( )d- George Waddcll farm. We congratulate John Bucklcy or )v being clccted convener o! Chnistiar citizenship of tic Young People':ç ad Union o! tic Oshawa Prcsbytery, This is an honor both for John and salso for tic Young People's LeaguE u- of Orono. ad . Mn. W. J. Beattie and sister, Mise M. E. Beattie, while motoring herE r's f nom Toronto, veercd off tic higi- way west o! Whitby, striiing a post 's Mr. Beattie is now locatcd on hiç .farm, formerly W. N. Cobbledick 'Splace, Sixth Line. Mn. James Beatty, a son o! tii las late William Beatty of Rosoneati, a wcll inown horseman in his day, Of was tic victim o! a hit-and-rur motoriat at tic west end o! tic towr or of Cobourg, Sunday last. Deceased 1 was a cousin o! Mn. Howard anc or Miss Margaret Walsh. The marriagc of Misa Marjorie ne Constance, only daugiter o! Mn. anc Mns. William Colville. Orono, to Mn. ,d Charles Howard Watson of Dixie, es, Ont., son o! Mra. Watson and the ch late Mn. John Edgar Watson, took place on Saturday evening, Apnil 4, ke at Yorkminster Churci, Toronto. Its Quality Scils It.-The fact tial :or so many thousanda of intelligent people continue to use Dr. Thomas' nd Eclectric Oîl speais volumes for its hcaling cfficiency. Even since if was al firat introduccd it has gnown ateadily in public favon, owing cntirely f0 1hs i manifold usefulncss in rclicving and hcaling sicineas. As a spcciflc foi cuts, burna, calds. and vanlous in- flammetory pains its record la bc- yond reproach. Mn. Bruce Waddcll lcft lasf wcci for Montreal whorc ho is spending a week on two witi uis sister, Miss Christine Waddell, who is convalcsc- ing after hon recent operation whicli nccessitated thrce wceks' stay in the hospital tino. Miss Waddell will er- company hon brother home for a couple o! weeis. Mr. and Mrs. H. Junior and son Frcddic, motorod Sunday from Laie- field and spont tic day witi f ionds icre. Miss Hattie Williamson and Miss Margaret Fullici accompanicd them, tic latter going on to hon home et Kitchener. Mn. Junker, who recently purciased tic Laie- field Cneamery, satf d fiat prospects were bigit for a busy scason. Tic aupper and bazaar at Centre Street Church on Fniday evening was wcll attended. A hot suppen was served. followed by a short progrn taken part in by Mrs. W. S. Roy. Messrs. O. A. Gamsby. Colin Taylor and Bill Brown. Rev. F. H. Mason, pastor, pncsidcd. At tic close of tic program articles lcft oven on the bazan table wene auctioncd off by Mn. Tom Cowan. Proceeda $50.00. Miller's Worm Powders nof only maie tic infantile system untenable for worms, but by thii action on tic tomaci, liver and bowcls they correct such troubles as laci of appe- titc, biliouaneas and other internai disorders tiat tic worins create. Children tinive upon them and no ,matter what condition thoin worm- infcsted stomacha may bc in, they will show improvement as sýoon as ally crill on tic Doctor, URATABS can now be obtaincd fromn any good, local drugglrt on a positive guaran- tee o! money bark on first box pur- ciasecl if flot fully satlsfied.* So» If you nped a modicine o!ftilskind, try URATABS today. ýr- ýet ýi le )d re of id st 1 Hon. Lewis Smith A SHIPOWNER and a farmer of many years' expenience, Hon. Lewis Smith, Ministen of Agricul- ture for New Brunswick, is one of the outstanding producers of hlm Province. His intercat in the World's Grain Exhibition and Con- ference, Regina, 1932, ils demon- strated as chairman of the Provin- cial Committee o! New Brunswick. Mr. Smith was born at Lower Coverdale, Albent County, New Brunswick, flfty-one years ago. He was educated at the grammar achool of Albert County and later attended the Ontario Business College at Belleville, whene ho received a comn- mercial training. For ten years ho was a member of the County Councii of Albert County and in 1927 was elected to the New Brunswick Legisiature as representative o! bis native county. At each of the general elections since that time Mr. Smith bas received the confidence o! the electors and joined the New Brunswick Goverament as Minister of Agriculture in 1925. PURPLE HILL CAN YOU ANSWER THESE? n____ n Mossns. Fred and Wilbur Toms 1. Who la Sir Oswald Mosley? 's motored f0 Toronto reccntly. 2. What is tic commonest way 7. Miss F. McFadden la spending tic that a crocodile captures its prey? d iolldays at ion home et Flesherton. 3. Wiat dovice la tic doaliest on- O Eaater Examinations emy o! a concern luke the Genoral Foilowing is report o! Easten Ex- American Tank Car Company? ýaminations, S. S. No. 4, Cartwright: 4. What is the uigicat navigable eJr. IV-Ruby Wotten 67, Iva Fer- i laie in tic world? -guson 63, Leslie Taylor 48, Carl Fer- 5. To whom do wo owe ourpes guson 47. etclna ytm Sr. II[-Henry Demille 69, Ruby otclna yfm 's Toms 66, Tom Demille 53, Harvey .6- What great Canadian poet kMahaffy 52, Bruce Mahaffy 47. died about a year ago? Jr. mI-Rota Swain 68, Bruce Gib- 7. Who la Aleihine? eson 62. 8. Wiat single counfny in tic Sr. II-*Norman Mahaffy 76. Han- world prohibits fie importation of old Demille 61, Freddie Cowling 50. ail Russian gooda? Jr. 11-Effie Henry 66. Helen Wot- 9. Who is Signid Onegin? ten 62, Mary Mahaffy 59, Percy dSwain 55 ,Rose Sibluck 53. Cecil 10. Wih' do fie people o! Central dGibson 52. Africa dread fie tsefse fly? 'jJr. I-Ernest Swain 65. nwrto bveQsin: Sr. Pr.-,Stanley Taylor 60. sw teAoeQsio: e Jr. Pr.-Billy Mahaffy, Verna Gib- 1. Tic Young Englisi aristocrat i son. who, affen iaving weigied ahl threei *-indicafes honours. Io!is countny's polifical parties in F. McFadden, teacher. jtic balances and found tiem went- e ing, is now busily occupicd af build - k ~ing up a new party o!is own-"2to BRADLEY'S SCHOOL save Bitain fromn sinking f0 tic statua o! a tliird rate power." Until Report o! Easter Examinations Of recently Mosley was e memben o! tS. S. No. 14, Danlingfon; names in Macdonald's cabinet. tonden o! menit: Sr. V-Jessie Yellowlecs. 2. If lashes its victim witi its Jr. V-Ressle Pattenson (hon>. migity tail, drags fie stunned ani- s Sr IV-GergePattrso (hn),mal on man unden wator, and holds yMary Miilson, Byron Nesbitt, Norma hmteeutldond sYellowlees, Jim Smales. 3. Tic pipe lino. Thousands o! 1 Sr. III-Willie Patterson, Neil Ycl- miles o! these lines have been builf rIlowlees.HebrRse from fihe où fields to refinenies; and Hardy. two feet in diameten, convey fie cil lII-Grace Ycllowlees. greaf distances, tins feiing muci 1-Russel Hepburn- (hon), Donald busmness from tic tank car compan- Yellowleea (ion>, Billie Ashton. les and nailroads. Pr.-Doneen Hardy. 4. Laie Titicaca in Soufti Amen- s L. G. Dearborn, teacher. ica. If la about tic size o! Laie On- tario and la 11,800 foot above sea ENNIJSKILLEN level. 5. Julius Ceesan. This toorpîace Report o! Easter Examinations for in 54 B. C. S. S. No. 16 Dalington: 6. Bliss Carman. Ho was a na- Sr. IV-Bernice Stainton 71, Ruth tive o! New Brunswick. Stevenson 69, Gordon Stevens 67, Floyd Pethilc 63, Verna Pethici 58, 7. Tic champion ciess player o! Bruce Ashton 58. fie world. Capablanca, a Cuban, Jr. IV--Gledys Page 72, Lillian recently challenged hlm, and fie two Pnice 63. masters arc f0 play a match in New Sr. flI-Mildrcd Andrus 73, Ed- York for a purse o! $25,000. ward Pnice 63, John Oie 51, Marion 8. Runiania. Gniffin 48, Clifford Pethici 38. 9. One o!fie fineat o! living con- Jr. -înee Sarp 4, LrnetraIt os. This Swedish prima donna Bradiley 42. la noted for hon greaf range; sic Jr. II-Myrtle Page 74, Alice Stev- taies a high B witi case. enson 70, Harold Ashton 72. 1 eas tcristegrso Sr. I-Edna Bradley 73. Wilina ~Bcuei aisfegrso Ashton 75, Roy Virfue 72, Rosslepn iies Page 76. Jr. I-Helen Ashton, Olga Sander- GOLDEN RULE MISSION BAND son. Pr-Alvin Page, Ralpi Virfue. Marie Honning pneslded etthfe Figures indicafe per cent. Merci meeting o!fie Golden Rule Reva M. MeGiEl, teacher.i Mission Band in fie absence o! Eve- lyn Allin wio was III with tic flu. DIURHAM LODGE A. F. & A. M. 1 Uian Burley, Dorothy Henning and ENTERTAIN LADIES Muriel Shaw reed portions o!fie ______i_ ciptune Ibasons. Lillian Burley and An outstending social event of! Muniel Shaw also contributed read- lest weei and a moaf enjoyable one ings f0 he fier o business program, for alI who participated in if was fthe and Dorotiy Hcnning a recifation. local Masons' cntetainment o! tîcir Mrs. J. A. Butler and Mrs. C. T. ladies on Fridey cvcning In fie Betty disfnibuted tirough tic group Community Hall. If was a tîrce leaders fthe mite boxes for tic cur- f eaturcd function. begirning with an rent yeer. At fie Conclusion o!fie oysten supper, with nolîs and with meeting tie members engaged in apple pic and ice cneam for dessert; some .lolly games, suci as Tic Fan- tien games. carda, crokinole, etc., mer inis don, and Stands a Lady f ollowod laten with dancing in fie on tic Mountain, f0 piano accomp- upper hall by tie younger Masons animent by Gladys Pollard. and ticir ladies. Mn. J. L. Cryden- inan, W. Master o! Durham Lodge Plana for Newtonvilfl Church A .F. & A. M.. presldcd as chairman and toastmaster et tic suppen table. Plans for the erection o! a new Mrs. B. Moise superintended fie chunci et Ncwtonville f0 replace tic stewlng o! tic tasfy and nourisiing United Churci wiich waa dcsfnoyed bi-velves, wiile et home befone fie bY fine lasf fail are nearlng complet- event Mra. Wm. E. Purdy iad pro- ion et tic office o! C. C. Stenhouse, pancd and cooked fie dozens o! ap- Oshawa architeef, and tenders are ple pics whici with icc cream gave expected t0 be called canly in April suci an exquisite finish f0 fie meal Wori is cxpeccf d to gef under way By way o! prognam Mn. Walsh of about fie Middle o!fie monti. Tic [Oshawa led ini some rounds o! fret- churci will be o! a very attractive ernif y song and tic Newcastle Mixed dçsign and will be o! brick construc- Quartette. Messrs. W. F. Riciard and) tion with a fulIlongfi basement for Harold C. Allin, Mrs. Edna Bragg Sunday achool and tier Purposes. and Miss Hattie Mason, contribufed Tic chunci will bc 38 by 74 feet in a number o! much applaudcd select- size over ail witi an auditorium o! ions. Mn. Henry Rowc's Orchestra, 36 by 44 foot, seating about 200 Orono. played for fie dancing which people. If wlll bo trimmed in fie continued until about 2 a. m. infonlor wti fin and mastic hard- wood floors will be laid. Tic coat is expected f0 be anound $18.000. Rev. Remno.. dry skia Dab on church. :.,*d.3 tines daiy. Let it- dry on. AtRar a Wb"L Corn$ and Wartas Persian Balm la a sicen doigit to ifft .lghf off use. Cools and nelieves irritations e 2___________à___ caused by weafier conditions. lm- parts a rare ciarm and beauty f0 tie complexion. Fragrant and vel- vety amooti. Neyer leaves a vestige o! sticiness. Swl!tly absorbed by "KING 0 PAIN' th fe tissues and stimulates fie skin. &OF ~Persien Balm ie peenlosa follet noqulaite. Every woman wlll apprec- late tie subtly distinctive ciarm ac ioved by fie use o!ftis magical lotion. Spirited, Flexible, Quiek-Ilandling IT la a real pleasure to drive a car so alert and capable ini performance-o quick to respond to your fingers' toucb-as the new Chevrolet Six. When you drive it you wili discover agile accelera- tion ... sustaincd speed ... ample power ... and smooth, sulent operation under ail conditions. You will be pleased with the langer 3-spoke wheel and the newly -designed steering gear, which permit finger.tip control in turning and parking. Gear changing is exceptionaliy easy. And the big, four- wheel weatherproof brakes grip instantly and evenly, even on wet pavements. Corne for a Chevrolet ride. Know the thrill of driv- ing this Six which is unusuallv economical to own, and easier than ever fo bay. PRICED FROM $610 AT FACTORY, OSHAWA - TAXES EXTRA NAgk about the GMAC plan of de/erred paymte ts . . . and the General Motor8 Owner Service Policy. j' "Jorware) Canada z1" the rng ride of a fresh and vigorous pro- We invite.7M o li tai. The NEW CHEVRMOLET SIX A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Some Spec jalinj Candy HUMBUOS, the kiddies love them 116e Liconîce Alîsorts, a great favorite .... .25e Ciocolates, a fine assortment ..ý.. . 27c up See our window for Rowntree's Guessing Conteat. Do you want to win a big tray of deliclous chocolate? Buy a bar of York Milk or York Nut Milk and register your guess. We do not sacrifice cjuality for price. Our bread con- tains the very best ingredients. Tny a loaf to-day. Cakes and Pastry. B owmanville Bakery C. W. JACOBS, Proprietor PIIONE 9 WE SELL B- o Hamilton Product Coke An absolutely Canadian product made for Canadians by Canadian workmen. Quaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. Ask the Man Who BurnsIL. WE ALSO SEL LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE Mie Coal That Satiafle Burnt by millions of consumera. The use oi this Coal in your homo will demonstrate to you its superlority. These prices are now effective: Stove Coal.. $16.50 Egg . . .. . . . 16.00 Chestnut $16.0 Pea . .. .. . .S.. . . 13.50 Buckwheat $11.50 Coke $13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash wll be allowcd from above prices. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and Fuel ILPhone 153 or 202 Bowmanville O ntario Motor Sales LIMY'I'Fv1 BOWMANVILLE - OSHAWA - WHITBY PAGE EIGHT