I DarLîngton Township School' Reports PUOVIIDENCE tVera Gibson 55. tlaze1 Roberts 54 Sammy VanCamp (abs. through ili Report of S. S. No. 5, Darlington, ness). Baster Examlnations: Sr. fl-Eddie Forsythe 71, Arthu Sr. IV-ALIoe Luxton 73, Myrtle Forsythe 70. Ruiter 71, Aleen Wight 70. *-Honaurs; t-Failure an total. Jr. IV-Ronald Crago 65, Edward lb LBag ece Shemilt 58, Wesley Luxton (absent).j uyM rgtah Sr. fi-Joan Hall 87, Marion Crago 71, Gordon Barrie 69, Jack SOLINA Crago 65. Derek Barnett (absent. Jr. Ill-Douglas Wight 66, Henry Report of S. S. 20, Daringtow 13heml 58. standing to date; namnes i rder cl Sr. II--Cotulson Woolner 74, Violet menit; (h) indicates honors: Crago 63, Viola Ruiter 61, Ewart Sr. V-fleen Balson (h), Mae Bragg (absent).1 Westlake (h), equal. Jr. I-Catherine Wight 87, Helen Jr. V-Hazel McEwen and Tam Luxton 85, Pearl Shemilt 83. Baker equal, Roscoe Baker, Ruby I--Grace Hall 91, Helen Ruiter 58. Parker, Percy Westlake (absent Sr. Pr.-Madeline Crago 90, Helen tram examiflatlons> . Wight 85, Irene Wght 84, Murray Sr. IV-Russel Balson. Cain 60, Esther Barnett (absent), Jr. IV A-Eva Johns (h), Bille Rose Bragg (absent). Parker, Wesley Werry. Jr. Pr.-Howard Qulnney, Mary Jr. IV B-Harold Bal5on, Ralpi Wight. Taylor. Figures denote per cent. Jr. III A-Alan WibUr. Downer Elisen DL Soach, teacher. Parker. Bob) Scott, Harold Potter. _________Jr. fII B-Kathleen Baker h). Sr. fl-Jean Johns. Promoted ta Sr. fl-Frances Wot- DARLINGTON ten h), Bruce Patter and Margaret Perklns equal, Mike E-lizuk, phaebe March report of S S 3 Darlington: Shortricige (absent:'. Sr. IV-*Aloyslus Kush 78, *Afnlie I-John Baker, Carnie Parker, Mueli 77, Harold Farsyth 74. Louise Baker. Jr. rV-Grace Trull 72. Promoted ta Jr. I-Marlon Johns. Sr. IfI-Elsie Flint 67, tHe.zelM..HObtcer Flint 59.M.J ostahr Jr. If-Hazel Truil 74, Louise Foley 70, Helen Rundie 67, tBernieceHA TN Roberts 56, tMaurice Morphy 51,HAPO tVera Gibson 44,.t~Hazel Roberts 42, BammY VanCamp (abs. thraugh ill Report af Hampton School for M s). Easter term; naines In order of Sr. fl-Eddie Forsythe 62, Arthur menit: Forsythe 60. V-Jean Hogarth (h), Jessie Ha- Jr. fl1-0Jean MetcaUf 78, pegg garth h). Pinnigan 63. IV-Hanny Wlnterburn h), John Jr. I-Eveline Gibson 69. Viola Virtue h), Olga Cawllng, Nelson Roberts 64, Marie Roberts 60,:f Gar- Rabbins, Harold Martyn, Annie dom Truil 59. Staintan. Sn. Pr--Madeline Meteaif, *Gien Sr. III-Betty Knox Ch), Jimmie lietcal!, *Gordon Metealf, *Louise Adamsan h), Bruce Hogarth, Mur- Forsythe. *Mike Bonk. iel Scott, Bruce Clarke, Vera Mar- *-Honaurs; t-Failure. tyn. Thelma Rabbins, Doris Cryder- man, Lena Novlck, Katie Jones. £aster Examinations Jr. III--Walter HolweU C(h), Ruth Or. IV-*Harold Forsythe 78, An-. Calwll(h), Ruby Calwill (h), Gladys ie Kush 74, Aloyslus Kush 69. Chapman (h), Jack Cowling h), Jr. IV-Grace Truil 66. Dora Cowllng, Bernice Rogers, Dor- Sr. If-Elsie Flint 61, tHazel een Perrett, Norma Cawling, Jack Flint 53. Nlddery, Jerold Black, Ruby Jess. Jr. M-*Hazel Truil 80, LouiseI Sr. 11-Gertrude Pettit h), Glad-1 Foley 74, Helen Rundie 69, BernecelYs Trul (h). Isabelle Rogers Ch),1 Roberts 68, Maurice Marphy 61. Wanda Clarke (h), Gladys Pettit, "i- tir. ILarge Flufty iBath Towel 49c Se. These-You'il Want Several ! An attractive Blue Cham- bray Outing ShIrt thet vlll ep- peal ta tic boys tar everyde>', school, and sport vear. WeU made tirougliout, stnongly sevn. Wil vasl wefl. lI sizes 12 ta 14, tram 7 ta 16 years of age. A negular 95e value. DURINO 3 BIG DAYS, cach 59C MADE IN IRELA Large sized Damask Cloth of ext ~70 inches; 3/4 bleached; woven wi strip calored borders; gold-blue anc [reland. A reg-ular $2.00 value. DE illHIREE BIG DAYS, each 'Smart New Tweeds Up to the Minute ln Style sud ut a loy price Boys' and Youtis' good' 4iuallty Ceps, i a nev as- satinent o! mediumn and. YES'You Can$AÀVE The "AlwaYs Re"lble" ITHUR. APRILI Bloomer E Soap - 5c. P I & -- w - 6 Yards for 1lOc. New Curtain Net, Yd. 23C. Wi- -ty Large quaaity buYllrng akea ibis valuePosible A nappy V inhiWbite Artsllk Bloomer Elastlc. Vcny fine cord viti briit311>'fiish lasplent>' o! A Spnln g equlremet at a Very Loy Pnice tretcl. Usully sold t about tvce Our pice. Put up hi handy six yard Attractive Curtain Net masuring 36 iches vde. ends Not Ou Prie. DRMOSquare mesi viti delnty lace edge; several attractive endG Noaurpic URN THRE floral and flgured designs tram vbicli yau me>' ciao. SIX DAYS iOC An Out..of-the-ordinary value for you.23 SIXIN TIADBIC)DAYS, pernad 3 Utility MatsI This splendid assortinent af Pant>' Dresses lias many attractive LNDstyles tramwvilci ta choose. Good qualit>' fast-dyed Pninte viti 18 x 30 inch Mets, embosseci alaoven design. tra ieev qulit>; 50damMade o! beavy pliable Black Rubben. Useiul ttiahv combitn 50 v ide ty timmings f ongendie, disslty, pockets, buttons, etc. In or betircoin, kitchen, on automobile. About Stock up at this s tpi ce URN .9ren f nom tbree ta, six years af age. Sec these DresesL'-:i egul>DYar cî 39RNGc l6-lnci Pure Linen Crash Tovelling, Irish 'R'N $ 1 2 7 cl IG D YSeac 3 9 meke. A firi, absorbent qualty, viti calareci 0 T H M B I D A S . e c h . . .b o r d e r s . G n e n , n o s , b l u e , g a l d , e t c . D U R f l N o THEIMBIG DAYS,13 * ,Ses these Tovels- A liuukaback Tnvel Per yard ..... 8.Yrs.fr1.Ü.....13 'You'U note the values Foi Ireland ta You8yad fo .0 16 x 27 hidi Pure 20 x 36 Inch Pure Linen Crash Hend Linen Hevy Hucke- T eea eW o it r d Tovel, iemnied. viti eack Tovel. Ultra-fine combiation colored uelity, ver>' absorbentan an red o b- voven stripes and ban- emmed ends voven .. -, ders. Beveral attract- Ith cord bars in rose, S Ovar.lnp p I ve colon cambinetions reen, blue. gold and xetoapuc m tram vhlch ta choose. avender. An IihMn p olxure Usuel>' sold as a spec- anufacturen'e cr- ocMe n pvolaixturea lai et 19c. DURINO ce. Usually 65c. .. Bcs npi oa siades, with contnastlng DAYB, eci 13C DUING 3 3 colored trlm et toes and 8 for 1.00 IG DAYB, eci4ches odmdu PAY CASH AND BUY FORt LESS youR FAVORITE SHOPPING CEWMNILE PHONE 164 BOWMANVILLE -I s'e'ght fmonr Inssediete ven Aslendid eock for vonkaxen. Tics. vould be 900d value et SOC. Note aur Price. DURN Tf BIG DAYS. pen r 19C -M I.- demonmtration of our ability te. uv. btter value, [I Nellie Armour, Donald Adcock, Jack VETERAN WINNIPEGGEBI h ar htedd nIayb Book I-Bertha Armour Ch), Ver- TLBAESm Ohe gahgreateln charge o IaCwig() c on o e-EGI T MHA Lostwithiel liad been a gmet travel-1 ---- b rixJa nag wln , orn, JeeBer- mGIiIE lBRTHan he 8cboolastd&Inha sue o ______________ Sr. Prixer-Eileen Wray h), El- The Winnipeg Free Press contains a love for travel. Two of Mn. Coles 54 inCwln h ),K eid Billett Ch), the folawing about a veteran Of class went ta New Zealand. three to, " A N A D A O N P A RA DE" il-BetY taito (h, PedPayeCh). Winnipeg wliose flrst wf was s Australla, tret United Sae and Jr. Primer-Teddy Kersey Ch>, AI-1 Addie Clemens, daughtcr af the late two ta Canada. Ur lie Martyn (h), Morley Chapinan1 Mr. and Mrs. William Clemens, Ty-luLnnGvsAr USI h), Everett Allun Ch), Betty Rogers. rone, and sister of Mrs. L. A. Tale Loats nLodo GAtadTreUmmVci Robert Arvay. and Mrs. John Perey. BowmanvîHe. Leavlng college Ur. Cale went ta M . OUS uy 9-40 P... r. Class A--Ceclle Pettit, Raymond The article says: Looe, England, wliere hie was ap- MILCOEr Pti.Hlan ery Ue thpa-prentlced ithe clath business fon CJCU.SydaS CNCM F. J. Groat, Miss M.Wlar, teachers. tical optlmlsm, and wtli wri spren e .T h e ndon an bi fee t Ks D. &i "adCFND-Fr.dercoe love far Winnipeg and the C ria ecolent an Loadenbisdvis i ta teGMr. Cqnm uCFN-S. Jici west, Nathanlel N. Cale, 388 Har- rcletosaehsvst OteG LCDuCO-t o TyOEgrave Street, who lias teen a resi- Parliament buildings, when the coin- mte« (d DanSOe (>âam CHRC-Q,.b.c dent of Winnipeg snce 1882, arrived mons wa.e i session. He beard Dis- mde Luigi RomangEi CIAC-MOITUN1 te Rester repart of S. S. No. 18 Dar- Mardi 22 at bis 8th blrthday. Mr raeli, Gladstone, John Briglit, and T L-ETm= Lv NO-tw ligtn:Cole belng a etrong churchman a Cl Poster debate. In London lie in "Te Bachelor Richd» CCR-Otawa Sr.]I-LIm Annie 76. warker i Grace Church since 1886 as wIth Thomsas Wallace and cern- ALCZI MMCG -oo Jr. IV-Bobbîe Cemenon 72, Vel- states lie could thinlc of no 88tt, pany, 1870-71-72, at the tisse the Dr. -Cady Smomms CICGW-TooCh* It ma Bradley 62, Donald Thompson day ta observe suci an event beten reat vautwsbigbitb h n arn a«CC-Hmk 60, Florence Camspbell 54. the Sabbatli. ta oundil of London. Tliey ordered tieTME BYTOwN;TEouBADO, cCjLOOdofl building of Wallace and company GA;;_F-xAm CFCHi-N" S, ay Sr. Ifi-Suele Thompson 76, Mil- Howeven, observarces af the anni- tarai down ta ssake way for the nev Orchestraid od"CIPR-Ft. Y/ID. ýe dred Bradley 75, Howard McRoberts vereary, taking the farine of recep- enep9e nCh eunbltti b nes io. gKR,. tions and dinners, were 'ftarked Comspany a new f actory and paid CJCEd-mnOub Jr. IIP-Jean Trumpour 71, Gren- Tliursday and Fnlday evening at tie them a sum equal ta threc yeare' KLC- .1gu te Tupour 59, Bille Brooks 56, home, Suite 4 Parkvlev Apartinente prots o!theitbusiess." w 'eps a CNRY-fanou.,m hl HRarry ampbel 55, Bille Savage 51. Carlton Street, and vil clou se ofts of. Caer bentvss.d icplnteRY-'Caadanorest4bg ww 9Bn., fl-Ivy Tabb 83, Doreen Byam evenlng vien Dr. Olive Cole, adau- and o! the 800 bande mpoec t be ""afrisposeiytGiradetr CFCT-Vltude 79 oy rTuxnpou 78. Norman uliter, vil ententain i hon or o! lier'tli e tise lhe vas there, only ane le Of Caaada, Umifed, >avs tibute to %e. Forwrd Thompson 78, £va Yonke 71, Rose tather et lier suite. Roslyn apart- sti ltl it thera. Canada" Movmait wfib "Canada on Parade", aàriao CK-Wmm t Jr. II-Murray Tabb 87, tiian mneQboeStetnr. Cale came ta Canada i 1872, o a.yFtdyeaiq ypi44og t4s spirit of IXrdo McRoberts 74, Iva Campbell 72, How- Born ln Cornwall eettllng I Cobourg, Jolnlng iid Canada's prs CJRW-Flasul. ard Bradley 66. jBrothers' staff, wltli vlim lic ne- W Jo«CndonPre"M#cïydgau .. I--Jean Davey 82, Gladys Brad- Mn. Cale Came ai Cornwal stock. ssalned for five years. Tien for tic song of tise serel. Bvy #bcsea e ms- 1, go0--IImusi. ley 81, Artie Thompson 71. He vas bora March 22nd, 1851, hi five succeedlng years e e as i busi- dtore, or mrfte go ,ow févort rad o Cs for an Figures denote pernt. Cornalal, EngIgnd. near tic port aof1ness for bhisc!. isroduaory free copy. '«.'" CFQC-4aLm&o Grace. C, cKay, teacer. Plymouth. In 1865 lie began attend- AIaTu l .18 ng a college i Lostw til, near is I Jrw are) ,êm Ga o<' . . . (~ U liase, and during tic ycars hie spent In May, 1882, Mn. Cale came ta quaintance o! 40 students, seven of Peel and Wasbington, located wlierc Oh, I vould like to kowmy ou whom, despite tic 60-odd interven- the McLaren hotel, Main Street, rnow MY soul I'd 1k. toam*, ing years, lic stil corresponds viti stands. He rcPlaced grocerles vithilng hi Victoria, B. C., vas aiea a Pas- icalti et 80 ycars? I tbink muai of Knov vbat it le and liow it lves and from tlmc ta tisse secs itic clotliing and msen's furnishings. He scngcr- It le duc ta my ic outdoors. 1 al- And vliy It dvells i me. flesh. One o! tic number le Lynn R. also establlshed a talloring business Ur. Cole bas been a member af thc veys valk ta ssy varions customers' Sossetimes t leaves my body here Truscatt, o! Pbiladelphia, nepresen- in Brandon, Man., itue years 18W Masonic olrder for Uic past 55 years, places af business. Kccp ln the ,open To soar avay on wigs tatîve of tic Camdcn Pire Insunence 1888; itic latter year lic soved thc hi tic bluc lodge, and fan 45 yeers as muci as possible, est abstemionus- But always it returns agajn Ca. of New Jersey, vhose vealthisl business froin Brandon ta Wnnpeg I he chcapter. ly. and be cicenful, le mn> suggestoe Wlth tales a! vandrous thrm estlmated at aven $12,000,000. Mr. and opcned up a tailoring lndustny In 1924. bis son, Aflan Cole, essoc- ta tics. via vii hta enjoy gSod Truscott recentl>' askcd Mn. Cale fan where the Royal bank stands, cm- laed viti hlm lu business, died, and healtihi their later years Il conclud.. I ould flot like ta live vitiaut the addresses lic had af former stu- lalg 410 hands. aMong bis survlvig asslly are a son cd Mn. Cale, wth i crt good-bye Tic soul that dvells in me, dents o! Lostvlthiel, whlch lie fur n83 lic sold bis retail business and tva deugiters, tvao! the tlirce ta tic newspaperma. Far vien et tusses t leaves me liere nished, and during a. visit ta Corn- land vent inta Uicevliolesalc trade, bclng dentiste, Dr. Lynn R. Cole of Grae.Utnited Cliurch Board lai l'ai restless as caenie. val Mn. Tnuscatt called an e num- and lias been ln It even sixice unden Los Angeles, CaliM.. and Dr. Olive Uic veekl>' Caiendar sys: "Olir Matenlel things mn>' ande can do, ber and spent meny a Pleasant day tic fIrm, nasse af N. N. Cale and Son. Cale Of thus City. The youngest heertlest congratulations are extend- Tic vorldly tbings I se. axnong thein and their familles. Helic as been across tic Atlantic 20 daugiter, Mns. P. B. Groif, lives viti cd ta aur esteemed elder, Mn. N. N9. Are flot tic.blesscd lovcly tliingS Outstanding events remembenecu 1 tinies on buylng tripe and vas anc lien f amlly li West Feravood. St. Cale, on tic occasion af bis cgi! MY soul Inspires li me. by Mn. Cale vlile lic vas attending of tic 40 pessengers wlio made the Vital, On 10 acres o! land. Mn. Colc's eti iltiday."1 Laura e eli.. thscolege vere tic visit of Gari- trip on tic flrst Canadien Pcftfrst vile dled hi 1912, and lie mer- beliti great Italien patniot, and. rellvy train from Winnipeg tacitie ried for Uic second time i 1914. the Prince of Weles, laten King Ed-* Peciflitoast, i 1886, tic terminusMr.Claeitdicfnlyhmk- Aefcaouiosildrcd As a vermicide an excellent pre- yard, ta tic tovn, and tic festivuties a t tic tisse belng Port Moody, B. C. lng Uic messonles af tic 8th mile- Douglas' Egytian Liniment. Bringa Paration le Motier Graves' Worm vwilci sankcd tic events. Garibaldi Goad Ford, later general supmi tenene pîcasant and happy. Imuxedlate relef ta lasse back -andi fl uejtn muscular rlieumatusm. AIea relleves Extermninetan. It lies saved tic lives vent ta cee anc of is former offcers. dent o! tic Dominion and Canadian EtHOBitfernflammation, buirne sorca, corn af countlese cildren. Colonel Peard, via senved undenui Paciflc Express companles, nov liv- "To viat do I ettnibute ssy gaod anga va. ALKER TO.RF,,SfIMIT.EL) M" aastic TTRURBmAN PPRIL fUfi 1931 PAGE lm CANAIDEM 8TAirsillitffl- iminritAleviT.T-lp MIý- .- . -- -.- - - 1