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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1931, p. 5

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PAGE FmV TE CANADIAX STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1931 LOCAL BARRISTER SPOKE a farmer should flot be penalized TO DURHAM OLD BOYS because of necessity he Uived a con- siderable distance from bis neigh- (Continued f rom page 1) bor and that now electrlclty cost the farmer too much. A prediction was reading The Statesman for a num-i macle that in the flot distant future ber of years he was firmly convinced a readjustment of the pastoral that the only thing that has saved charges of the United Church in our country ut large was the f act Durham would have to be made to that a f ew native Durhamites have prevent overlapping and to strength- been persuaded to leave home. en other congregations. He sketched briefly the 111e in Dur- Ini closing he paid a tribute to the ham county a generation ugo before family plcnics held throughout the the motor car had corne into general county every summer and stated that use, mentioning the communlty if e as long as they continued there that clustered about the smailer vil- would be maintalned the strongest lages throughout the county and link between the people of Durham "where 11e was an even, leisurely, at home and abroad. measured existence that created At the conclusion of Mr. Strike's happlness and fairly large familles address a hearty vote of thanks was and kept the school houses comfort- tendered by the Club. ably filled."1 Among those present at the He went on to mention the diver- gatherlng were: Dr. and Mrs. Jas. L. sions and sports o! that day, re- Hughes, Charles Ruse, J. Elllott, calling many notable gatherings and Dr. and Mrs. W. Frank Cole, Edward remarked that throughout its his- Fielding, Miss Alice Fielding, Mrs. tory Durham county had a very J. K. Galbraith, Dr. J. C. Devltt, F. large proportion o!f folk who had the C. Vanstone, Mayor M. J. Ellott, saine habits of 11e, the same point Mrs. W. Arthurs, Mr. and Mrs. R. o! view and the same sort of prin- H. Heaslys, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fuir, ciples and that none better could be Geo. W. James, Mrs. Annie Osborne, found in any country. Mrs. Emily I. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Then came the motor car and the Robert Robertson, Mrs. S. Anson, transition in the habits of the people Mrs. A. V. Rowland, E. R. Foster, of both town and country and now Dr. and Mrs. Walter Wllard, Mary the smail villages were findlng it Proctor, Mrs. W. Quick, Miss Lenore harder to hold the communities Quick, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Thomson, about them. He stili maintained Mrs. John Squair, Mrs. McGil. Dr. thut most o! these villages were ideul George McGiil, Miss Kathleen Mc- places to live and pointed with pride Gill. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Washington, to the way in which the inhabitants Miss Stella Washington, Mr. and macle them attractive n te Mrs. R. W. King, Col. and Mrs. splendid community spirit that ex-SurtVctrtutD.adMs isted. He said that perhaps the R. J. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. N. greatest single fact in creating a bet- B. Cobbledick. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ter understanding between town and J. Reynolds, Thomas E. Washington, country was the party telephone line. Mrs. James McDougull, Mr. and Mrs. The change in sports wus men- Wallace Muas. and many others tioned. especially that sof t bail had whose names we did not obtain. taken the place o! hard ball, that soccer stiil survived, and described in Lucky is lie who can get his grapes detail the ravages macle upon living to market and keep the bloom upon on the farma by "horse shoe pitchin." them. who can carry some of the He mintained that a fund should freshness Find eagerness and sim- be created by Hydro te take cure of plicity o! youth into his luter years, the excessive cost of construction 1who can have a boy's heurt below a and maintenance of rural lines, that man's head.-Burrougbs. W*I SNc c CANAIDIAN -IO N. 78IN Meets lst Frlday of Eaeh Month in S. 0. E. HaMl Secure Membershlp Application Form f rom R. M.COTTON, A. J. LYLE, President. Secretary. SaFe Driving wiII save money on your NEW NURSERY WILL 7 DABLINGTON AND CLARKE BEAUTIFY PROPERTY FARMERS CHANGE HYDRO ACT FRONTING ON HIGHWAY, 1 <Continued f rom page 1) Downbam Nursery Co. Ha Ambltious1 both Hydro and clalmunts. Later Program - WiUl Employ Local arguments lasting for two days were Help held in Toronto when the evidence was reviewed and authorities quoted. With the establishmnent o! the H. Rv test cases were heard and in C. Downham Nursery Company Ldýec case the arbitrator awarded of taho in their Eastern On- much larger amounts thun offered tario Branch on the site of the l by Hydro and ordered the Hydro to f air grounds here, BowmanvilUe bids puy a portion o! the farmers' cost.s. fair to become the nursery centre of The remainder o! the dlaims were Canada, the town now boasting for settled by uslng as a basis the ar- nurseries. Last f ail the Dona bitrators awards in the test cases. Company completed the erection o! The result wiil mean that the far- a frst roofwiner torae pantmers wll not be richer in pocket for ahc frs rfiter satra e at sunderstood that expenses in- whl se ied itecacfl ity at ture volved were heavy and tbey realized sery stock lu readiness for sprmng fo.teote hywr net sbipment. The purpose of a building o! this type la to hold trees and plants dormant until such turne as they are to be planted. Al stand- ard varieties o! fruit trees, berry bushes, saul fruits, evergreens, sbrubs, roses and perennials wiilbe grown on the property here and wlll be dlstrlbuted by motor truck to aUl parts o! Ontario from Toronto east- wards. The growing will be in charge o! Mr. Frank Batholomew who has had many years o! experience in this clas o! work with the Down- SE haum Company ut Struthroy. 189 The f ull highwuy f rontage is to be plunted this spring with ornamental plants that will flot only be a decid- W!IEOM I ed iinprovement to the old Fair Grounds but wiil be something wor- thy o! Bowmanviile as a horticult- ural centre. Mr. Russell Gibson will be in charge o! the show grounds and visiters will be macle welcomne ut aUl times. Mr. W. L. Paterson is manager o! this eastern division o! the H. C. Downham Nursery Com- pany, and Mr. William Ferguson is local representative. It is interest- ing to note that ail labor hired in ' the Downham Nursery this coming suinmer WWl be local labor.léO4 PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS' lest0 ORATORICAL CONTEST (Continued from page1)_________ Rundle-"ýJohn Maynard, the Pilot"; GOOD FOR BABIES Dorothy Tapson-'Royal Canadian Mounted Police". Senior III Boys: Walter Hall- "Charles Dickens-; Donald Mason- Charlie Spencer-"'Canadians in the BYEN S ,Air". AYBNO Junior IV Girls: Florence Hooper -"The Capture o! Quebec", Arvillai O N Junior IV Boys: Fred Neal-"ýPub- Feeter-'The Capture o! Quebec".P A N Senior IV Girls: Doris Dudley- AYLMEP C_ýREEN LAI "Niagara Falls"; Evelyn Pickrd- "Farming lu Canada"; Grace Rundle -"The Young Citizen and His Flag"; Senior IV Boys: Bob Clark-.Un- J A I emplOYment"; Bob Mclveen-'"A Great Musician Who Could Not Heur LIBBY'S FAMOUS His Own Music"; Fred Wood-"ýCan- adian Railwuys". Interspersed with the program o! SA U E Ra- speeches were musical numbers wbich lucluded a chorus "Who Is CHRISTIE-BROWN Sylvia"; a duet by Murray Mitchell and Russel eaUman, both sons of o . a D singers and chips off the old block; " s Do and three choruses very !lnely rend- ered from the Opera Il Trovatore. The direction o! the musical end o! %SU N L I( the progrum was under Miss Helen Morris Who demonstrated very clearly the hlgh type o! musical tuition belng taught by ber in our Public schools. Geo. Mason, Mr. P. L. Beckett, head master o! the Boys' Training Sehool, Mrs. M. G. V. Gould, Mr. W. Pater- son, and Mr. W. R. Strike, then re- tired to consider their verdict which Junior MI Girls - Helen Cotton, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cot- ton, Wellngton Street. Junior MI Boys--Jack Honeyman, 8 O C L (l son o! Mr. und Mrs. A. A. Honeyman, Wellington Street. Senior III Girls - Joey Caverly, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Clif Cav- M erly, Concession Street; Boys-Don- ald Mason, son o! Mr. and Mrs. 'hat's 'hy the meut yot Charles H. Mason. Centre Street. Junior IV Girs-Florence Hoop- c' rry eut of every meat er, duughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Her-1 schel Hooper, Carlisle Avenue; Boys W IH4G -Fred Neal. son o! Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neul, Lowe Street. V Senior IV Girs-Grace Rundie, k3 daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle, Odeil Street; Boys-Bob Clark, son o! Dr. and Mrs. R. W. R B Clurk, Division Street. P T4F I The winners were announced by Mrs. M. G. V. Gould and Mr. P. L. Beckett, while the prizes were pre- ~ented by Mrs. Geo. Mason and Mrs. bC Gould. A1 Mrs. Blake Pollard moved a hearty vote o! thanks to the .Iudges and Mrs. Frank Juckman seconded it. CI I Cad rianciplT. .Josta on, on bea- stuntly neutralize the dangerous, i I burm!ul acid ln the stomuch whlch i I now causes your f ood to ferment and sour, maklng gas, wlnd. flatulence,! heartburn and the bloated or heavy, I1 I lumpy feeling that seems to follow __ mt vrtngoueut. You dan -T w U fii l eno yu maswlthout a fear o!fi..>- ing a task that meant opposing a big organization who would spare no ex- pense. But other resuits have f oi- lowed immediately and farmers ail over the Province should be grateful to them. Hydro have raised their schedule of prices to be paid farm- ers to the level indicated by these arbitration proceedings and having 1had a very expensive lesson in the 1costs o! proceedings under the f ormn- >er provisions o! the Power Act have had them now amended so that the whole machinery of settling laims between f armers and Hydro is much sinpler and incomparably cheaper. The farmners o! Clarke and Darling- ton concerned have certainly con- ferred a beneflt upon the farmers 1of this Province if and when they .have dealings with Hydro. Titis finest Orange Pelkoe tea co le» ntitau otiters )FOOD PRICE NEWS à &6P Food Stores Wili Koep Ton Posted a rno fc i odtood for evry one thseeade», anS-if you knov vian teookaifor lt-lt I. thoaper tat any tur ulne theGret Wur put p.laUp. =»=m.jA & P FO0D STORE. Yeu wufi ld uht yon a t tii. LATEST lew =lus A & P hau mn cutreuthat I ep ohn oga l nci eIllIt off osatu at novies. MuotherwZr".. a 9, rut as produien tot=mtufspdle.ta A h 1', A & P lovers Ita pries ta consumers. Sa aven IV for,:any raiso odo mt y tA & P FOOD STORES, usethem to kep ou poted engoad food r oTies o viigtktiliat ible ewnova at you ahouli pay. ,à aýI&3 mn46 M BEEF W 1I7.0 IT BUTTER zi 2ctzzm9e &BEL »To37.t ~f 1Y37e, KRAUT 2LM210 boue COOKIES . 270 3HT SOAP 10"»v53o Z TOMATO LABO"? [N KETCflVP2 flOTH3U7 No huit amTour Pmurcao DPECIILTHIS W WEK! !bOada of New Uueu Are Nov Buyfng à & P ENCORE FULL BREADW U;A4-OZ.- LOAF6 EXTRA WEE-END SPRCIAL BROWN BREAD WZ9"MLMNr Loaf 9 Ah&Fm OmwN Pau Biscuits D.6C OEou _lb0O 'AR îU43o - - 43o 61gga accepted et aaU A & P Store. in TEE womn's Ue of marchandi» or cash, and as'? )CKl mc'L l. 3. eepted et the W. Wouve..,13 ag SELLINO PA3AGE ton* Avenue, Toronto.b <9T, BY 1ZCRLOAD!P ou vaut a]wav'.s en'4s lais ut A & P Markets. Carload buylng and vatelasaselu ta ud an outlet guarantees tliat. RtegardJass of wiat you puy, yon aIl.ays get better menti fo sligtafnsr your mnoney at A & P Market-, lb. 25oe oROASgTS eCHUCIK lb. 1 rXj m*%lb-. ûeBLADElb. 1 lh. 200 SHORT RIB P?- I150 PORTERHOUSE lM. 29 NBRIMAKFA5 T Slieed lb. 23c 1D3rthze Pleee lb. 21( MENS MWIK-FEi 4 4 b5SIbm. Average b.3 SHOULD ERS sweet pi.Ie"lb- 15 E ETINEPECTION OUR OWN suN'Sr'r D SMIYKD Jý Cxkg. 22o SM«OKEID BIDE Pk: ILS limë&ffkreSh Fruits and Vegetablez- DAILY DELI'VERY TO ALI, A & P STORES-FRESH ALWAYS lb. y CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NOS ORANGES Oood Sime Dom. 21 INGS ~MARCII SEEDLESS f-REtSZ ýx 5 00 GRAPEFRUIT 3 or27C. PERCH FRESH CURLY TEXAS l 2-40 SPINACH 3 Ibo. 2'70 KING S TREET -50 WMAN VILLE leat Manager: G. McCoy. Gr;per Manager: P. Williams. W. Deliver-Extra Charge 1oa Phono No. 83 IIIRAT ATLAiITJrc & PAcJFJlc TuA% Ce. LIM ITED 0F CANADA -____________ -I Mrs. Editk V. Scobell i INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY q - CONVEYANCER - BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO volielkvà% rimv%"lfqmq - Z--bIRM vu & a ýý en. . -

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