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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1931, p. 6

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PAGE 511 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1931 CO4JRTICE Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden, Misse Patty and Dora. and Mrs. (Rev.) Jaw Liddy, Toronto, spent Goad Frida: wth Mr. and Mrs .Frank Rundie, Miss Lila Osborne, Toronto, is hom, for the holidays. Mr. and Mn Eltner Rundle and f amily, Torontc were with bis father and mothe: Mr. and Mis. A. E. Rundie, on Go Friday ..Mrs. Florence Maso!i Bowmanville, recently visited at W' R. Courtice's. Rev. and Mis. C. C Washington, Joyce and Anna, Fen elon Fanls, were recent guests of Mi and Mrs. A. J. Gay., Between sixt: and seventy relatives and f riends ai tended the golden wedding of Mi and Mis. Jas. SuIIY on Friday even ing when they were presented witl a puise of gold... Messrs. Garda' and Jack Pickell, Detroit, are spend ing the holidays with thei fathez PROTECTION from maoths is absolutely sure when woolens are treated wth "LARVEX" Larvex destroys bth maths and larvae - Soils nothing Pint Bottle and Sprayer $1.50 PROTECTION from smutt is obtained by using FORMALIN on yeur seed grain One Pound - 35c (enough to treat 40 ta 50 bushels) KERSLAKEý'S THE DEPENDABLIZ ORIJOSTORE Seeds o We have our usual of ail kinds, both Flowei nip and Mangel Secds foi Onions and English Pota SPRING CLEAN Lux ................... Babbitt's Cleanser .. Javel Water ......... Castie Floor Wax. Hawes Floor Wax... GROCERY Peanut Butter, 40 oz. Ontario Carrots... Gold Seal Salmon, tai Stuffed Olives, 40 oz.1 Plain Olives, 40 oz. b( Rice Krispies ........ Libby's Pork & Bean Fancy Chocolates, 1 Il Ororuo Sausage, Rosed HARR Y AL PHONE 186 You Get Just What You Pay F( In Bread as in eve n you get just this anc Corbett's Wholesome highest grade of ingr baked under hygieni pay just a fraction rr what a difference the Wedding Cakes UV O .R.c: BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Highest SEMET SOL' PROMPT OBLI( HENRY LU Mr. Dean Pickell, and their sisters, SALEM closed with League Benedictian. ENFIELD Mrs. Kenneth Caurtice, Mrs. Cecil ___ "Pollyanna" given by the North- erLitwlan M. Founi, and Mrs. Jack Brooks, Osh Pso e.J .Tpu o- minster Churcb, Oshawa, wil be M.H.Wrisolad r eawa Mr. and Mrs. S S-. Brooks atrRvJ..Tumo on presented aM Solina Friday evenlng, Madry Hovman have been visiting arespndig fe dys n etritducted the Easter Sna service; April 24th. Watt.n loi p.tiLclCUibi. at Mr. T. Bowman's, Mr. and Mrs. t' gesseai tha eir dabter DeMroitughthe chair rendered special music________AetNdcryad avnNder Fietsmofns; r. a r. Marshall Mrs. J. Faster, who has been visiting Abr idr n avnNdey e Sausmand Da, r.anta, . aoman- bier grandsan, Mr. F. Faster, return- TYRONE Toronto, at Mr. J. Hepburns Souesan Dn, ornt, ccoipn-edto erdaghe______ A L Mr. Wallace Pascoe. Brusseiz, Miss ron,.sied at w M.R.eviuSkine, re- Brown of Chicago Glad ta learn Mr. and Mis. William Martin and Helen Pascoe. Wick. Mr. W. Alexan- r, rnvstheaste . rtrioes r that Mrs. R. Frances is gaining in daughter Gladys, Haydan, spent der and Miss Frances Alexander, )d cently TeEse evcso health since going ta her sister's in Easter Sunday at Mr. Elias Strutt's. Oshawa, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's Sunday were well attended. Oui Bowmianville, but sorry ta know that Misses Stella Strutt and Bernice Miss Vernla Ormniston s visiting ir V. pastor, Rev. H. C. WaIfraim, preach Mr. Francis is suff ering f rom flu Adams spent a few ciays with theirTont Miss Bessie Pascoe ac- .ed two excellent Easter sermonsan Mr: ad Mrs. W. J. Cann attended cousin, Gladys Martin_ Miss Elsie companied Miss Ella Tamblyn ta Or- -the choir îendered special E the spcia mnusic. In the morning Miss Vr h pca missionary service at Ty- M. Bragg, Toronto, spent Easter wth ana ta spend Easter holidays Mr. r. Werry sang "Open the Gates of the rone on Easter Sunday., Miss hier sister, Mis. Howard CouchM John Hepburn has been conflned to t' Temple" very sweetly. At the Sun- Gladys Cann s home from Toronto Mi. and Mis. Fiank Werry and farn- the bouse with a sore leg An en- da coo esonu heatr oan Easter bolidays Mr. and Mrs. ily, Betbesda, spent Sunday with his jayable evening was spent at the r. a special Easter pragram was given. W. McCartney, Toronto, spent Goad parents, Mi. and Mrs. J. H. Werry, hardtie ociapl here antWe dness 1- Mi. Clarence Penfound and members riîday with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bowmanville . Regular meeting oafdeening, Apil lst. n wthe die n; fbshasoeedtessin n Squair.. Mr. Ewart Pallard, Tor- the Women's Institute and Ladies'padeMsT.B mnwnfrs af tercas ee the lesn sr esvion, Sandesonto, is spending Easter vacation Aid will be beld at the home of Mis. prize in ladies' class, and Mr. Frank Otrnthgaesan Mr.Medilsseon"aster" with bis parents Mrs. R. Canklin Harold Skinner on Wdedy pi Gilbert won first in men's class. r, ndsan a Eate sooaccmpn-and Miss Mildred Conklin, Rings- lSth, at 2.30 p. m. Rall caU ta be an i and b n Mrs.tpersoAoradipng b ville, motored ta Toronto, spent a answered by an exehange of plants, ie Mis Louse Cotie.b eaing n as couple af days with fîiends there, seeds or bulbs. Corne and hear the HAYDON mis terande corus ebye rionmary and then Mrs. Conklin camne on ta, final chapter of "Spring Echoes". terasdin chrafss te H atte s visit her brother, Mr. G. Collacott. AUl ladies of the community welcame. Mr. Roy Thompson, Bowmanville, borne ndchae ofMiiseHThe Os for~ a few days, calllng on ather Women's Missionary Society held spent the weekend at home. miss beand Ste atie W. E.To ull-o Salem friends, and on returning the annual tbank-offeîing service on Helen Westbuiy and Mr. Stanley Mriofda t sher a rg.Ely atten, home took her niece, Miss Mariary Suinday morn'ng when Miss Louisa Woolings, Toronto, spent the week- Monaywa vrylagey tindwhic Collacott. ta spend bier Easter vaca- Mayowna 0f Lhe Oshawa Mission end at Mr. H. Ashton's MisVr shoeing hedhiM.h este s tion in Kingsville. Glad ta wel- gave a very lnteresting on na Tiewin ,Oshawa, spent the week- he as el. M. ouiic wa acorne Mr. W. Symons and family her splendid work wbicb she bas en.d at ber home, Mrs. W. Ridge, phys ghids ad nle was rmietand toaur neighbarhood. Mr. done bath in Ukianla and since con-1MiSs Margaret Ridge and Mr. W. 1phsicll diabld anda roin eer and Mis. E. J. Doidge visited Mr. ing ta Canada. She was accompan- Dobson, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. H. warker in the cbuîch adi veyadMis. C. Billings and Mrs. C. ied by Miss Katie Makarchuk wba Campbell, Oshawa, visited at Mr. J. gaad cause. For some years hie was Staples, Orano. on Sunday, and sang a duet with Miss Louisa May- Wiight's Misas Beatrice Waolings, ai Dambrgont onsip.l and bis efaund Mrs. Staples îecoveîing slawlY owna. Miss MaYowna alsa sang a Toronto, is spending the Easteî bol- i ooDainuene wnsbeipetafrdyeis after ber recent llness . Mr. F. solo. Bath selections were sung in idays at Mr. H. Ashtari's.. Miss 1 god nflenc wil b ethr es Groambridge, who was an employee the native tangue. Splendid music Ruth McNeui us visiting at Mr. A. ta corne. The family have th i Mr. F. Honey last summer, and was furnished by the C. G. I. T. and Grant's, Toronto Mrs. A. McNeil cer smpthYofthN orm ucnityand went ta England ta spend the members of the Mission Band, as- was visiting at ber sisters. Mrs. A. iMr. and Mrs.NomnMlrad winter, bas returned ta aur land and sisted by Miss Lola Richards and Grant, Torontoa Miss Mabel miss Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Bell and1 bas secured a positian near Taronto. Mis. Theodore Down.. Rev. j. R. Brown, Mr. and Mis. Davidsan, Mrs. siMro adnrs HamiaFlintoif . dMi. L. Squair and Mrs. .L. Trumpaur preacbed an excellent Westlake, Mrs. A. Grant, Mr. and 'ofs Mr. nity etenwadslit eees Squair maotored ta Orono on -Friday Eastei sermon Sunday evening. Eas- Mrs. Stowe and son Billy, Toronto, Tsmtby t Ms.ElendsHancock and evening and Mi. L. Squair attended1 ter music was fuînisbed by the visited at Mr. A. McNeil's Miss sM.h and Ms. oraen Hancock indh the concert at Orano in campany choir. . Chrc service is wth-,i Helen McDonald and Mr. Jackman. deatbai M. HreitHancock 0 itnM. ndMr.W.Moea nd dalnnext Sunday Regular meet- Bowmanville, visited at Mi. W. deat of r. erbet Hncoc oftheir lady visitor Mrs. W. Fitze, ing af the Wornen-s Missionary Soc- Tbampson's Mis. Rutledge, Sal- Winnipeg, the news oi which caimp Janetville, spent a f ew Easter holi- iety was beld in the vestry on April em, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Challis and sa suddenly ta the bereaved anes, days witb ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. 2nd, with Mis. A. W. Clemens pie- Phyllis, Bowmanville, Mis. W. Giff- bere. Herbert was a Caurtice boy, Gardon Newsome, Osbawa, visited siding and a good attendance pies- er, Starkvulle. visited at Mr. T. S. heand w uhled s he h omele iWi-.'aîn Mis. Cornish on Sunday and ent. Af ter the devotional periad, Mauntjay's Miss Mabel Beecb hereandwhie bs hme as n Wn- ate inthe day matared ta Janet- Mis. H. Skinneî's group gave the spent a f ew days with her sister, Mis. nipeg hie was taken sick in Calgary ville, taking Mis. Fitze home, and following piogram: A chapter af the Austin Larmer. Buiketon,. League wtb pneumonia and passed away Mi. and Mis. Cornisb went alang study book "Social Lif e and Social held a short Easter service aiter bei are bis brother in Winnipeg also Mis. F. Cator spîained ber Pioblems in Japan" was veîy ably Sunday School last Sunday. Miss reacbed bim. He leaves a widaw and ankîe last week and s0 was prevented given by Mis. Luther Goodmnan; Laina Tbampson îead the Bible twa daughteîs. and twa brothers. rom attending service Sunday after- Mis. A. W. Annis and Mis. J. Dud- 1îeading; alsa a short paem by Mis. Wesley and Frank in Winnipeg. noan, but belped ta bring the spirit ley, delegates ta the W. M. S. Pies- T. Cowling. Mi. Thas. McGill, En- ai Easter ta the service by sending a byterial at- Oshawa, gave two veîy niskîllen, gave us a splendidEte 'beautuful Easteî liy ta shed its frag- interesting reports; a vocal duet was message which was very mun n rance aîaund. The lily had been ber nicely sung by Misses Lola Richards jayed Basket Social on Monday own Easter git irom bher son Jack and Alice Tbampson, 'Was that evening was a decided success. The ai Maple Grave Glad ta know Samebady You?" The temperance pîogram consisted af vocal salas byl that Mis, W. E. Pollard bas recaver- progiam was taken by Mis. H. Skin- Mis. Lloyd Ashtan. Elsie Moore and ed sufflciently ta go for a short car ner, Mis. R. Hodgson, Mis. J. R. Ada Beech; vocal duet by Miss Alice ride on Easter Sunday. Trumpour and Mis. L. Hooper .... and Bruce Ashton; chorus by girls; A U K ind sLeague pragiam Tbursday evening violin sala. Mi. Arthur Beech; or- dnMiss Ruby Viitue. Rcadings Misses Bernice Stainton, Viola Brad- weegiven by Miss Edna Cameron ley and Velma Gibeit. After the Mess odoGaa adA-adMi. Francis Thampson; piano progiam Mi. Theo Slemon took full stock of Bulk Seeds la n Miss Grace Willan, Toronto, duet. Misses Annie Gardiner and charge and auctioned off a gaodly ýrs and Vegetables; Turn- vMi. dadMisr. WilJlianls'.ar Fr Laura Davey; instrumental. Mis. number of baskets. Lunches were Mr.andMrs A.Wiliam, Prt er-Tom Barr; vocal sala, Mis. Luther also seived. Praceeds $36.20. the farmers: Dutch Set iy, visited Mi. and Mis. Chas. How- Goodman; tapic, "Pentecast and sain Mi. and Mis. Mervin Hobbs Death" was aoly dealt with by Rev. to Onions. spent the weekend with Lindsay J. R. Trumpaur. Miss Lola RichardsEN SKL N ING SPECIALS his mother at Dunbarton Misses weegveMssEn Cmrn n I Elie ad Mi Ja. Smles isie ored a B, ib edntae rizesnd Mr. and Mis. R. Price and family Esand is. Hoar aucbToandtaMr.Mr Clarence Hatberly being the visited iiiends at Uxbrîdge on Sun- ............3 for 25c 1iluy, Bethesda, visited at Mi. John wnes Msî. ulyadFad dy Mi. and Mis. Hugbi Annis ]3akis M. ad Mi. Wil S rBadd, Oshawa, are holidaying witb visited hier father, Mi. J. Slemon, on ............3 for 25c 1 Bkrs Mi. and Mis. Wille Col- their gîandparents, Mi. and Mis. Sunday Mis. W. H. Moore and .2oforbus, fMi. a r.Le iteCoat James Dudley Mi. and Mis. 110ow- Muriel spent a few days with friends ..........1lb. tin 3k Mi. W. H. Westlake's Master id idey Uni T.anviF.Paellen Gardon Scott, Sauthampton, is vis- Riicar prnssi.dMs . Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Steve 43c I ~ giadpiens, i. ndMis Rihars. Mr. C. D. Hodgson, Page, Enfleld ..Mis. H. J. Weiiy .............1 lb ti 43 itng bs gandarets, r. nd rs.Oshawa, vlsited bis grandfather Mi. R.C ctt Messrs. Wesley XTel- Jas. Hadgson, on Manday is pent a couple af days with iriends lowlees and Maurice Baker were inl Batsce IiL Oshawa ,Mr. W. G. Rabbins. SPECIALS PotHp as ek Msss .igatier igeaow, aous, is aoiday- Bowmanville, Nelson Rabbins, Hamp T. and John Baker visited Mi. A. r.Wia te swvs.i .Bglw jtn iited M.adMi.FnkRb .a ............39c Hillis, Taunton Mi. Harîy Phil-biM.WmLtteOsaavstc bins an Sunday Mi. Russell Gri- jar ipsandiamly.Tartît, vsitd a mather, Mis. Wm. Lttle, onl fin bas rented Mi. O. L. Byers' bouse .5pekMi. Chas. Shoîtridge's Miss Lil- Goapedin tîoidayMis Gac er mea on tbe lawer place and will mv I tin .............37c hian Hoar, Toranto, Mis. Wiightson is speaetngt .ebo d a brborne this week A number f rom bere Wight and Bemnice. Mi. Bill Haar. J a evtn M. and Mis . Wm.sCnn Sl attended the basket social at Hay- bottie .......2 for 25c- Providence. visited Mi. and Mis. E. emCanndand aMiss LyseCnn, Sa- don an Monday evening .Mi. H. ottie......... for 27c R. Taylor Mis. Sam C. Rundle.e' r.JmsSoe pn .Pitnsetteweeda r Miss Daîathy and Mi. Bill cm fws Mi. JMes.adey spentavidThos. McGill's A gaad cangrega- .............2 for 25c i Eberiezer, Miss Aura R Rundle. i He days with M. and Ms. Did ion was out Sunday evening. Rev. îî *ll, sted Mir ndler. J.oT.KHooraer, Orano M.andyM i D. ~M. Whyte gave anather excellent ýs, large tin....... 15c innvi, se ..and Mis. . .Ts- rasoer, BethsdaSunitaedwit. Eastei sermon. Tbe chair rendered Runde M. Ms. R E.~ br moher Mi. Wm Litle Mi.two selections and Mi. Win. Painten b. box ...........28c borne, Bowmanville. visited at Mi. and Mis. T. Findley. Ola and Bert, aoe ihacantsl bc I H. E. Tink's Masters Vein and Thoinhill, spent Easter with hiem fa- fvrdwt ontsl hc Jaie Brand ...23c lb. [ Dean McLaughlin, Toronto, are holi- ther, Mr. Edwaid Virtue Mr. and 'vas much appreciated Mi. and _____ daying with their grandparents, Mi. Mis' W. F .Park, Eva and Shirley. Mis. J. E. Virtue, Miss M. E. Virtue, Ijand Mis. A. L. Pascoe Mi. and are vsting fîiends araund Suttan. Toronto, visited their aunt. Mis. P. Mis. Gea. White visited at Mi. Will Mi. Levi Annis, Toronto, s hol- Mauntjoy Mis. Jas. Curtis and IWhite's, Hampton Miss Vera daying at the home a! bis f ather. Mis. Howard Cale visited Mis. J. MiALWinns MssEvaVi Pye on Gaad Friday Miss Myrtle L Mr.Bet ndMis Oivcere Tor- tueBowrnanville, spent Eastei holi- Brunt. Mr. Frank MGlTrno Mis. Fletcher Weîry, Misses Bernîce Virtue. Messrs. Haiiy and Frank parents, Mi. and Mis. Levi Brunt and Wilma and Mi. Harold Weiry, Hatberly, Dixie, spent theweekend Misses Barbara Wattcn and Luella Kedron, were recent callers at Mr i. th their parents, Mi. and Mis.R. Moore, Oshawa, Mi. Roy Webbeî. A. L. Pascoe's Mr. and Mis. Har- Hatbeîly Miss Mae C4meron To- Newcastle, Mi. Cyril Aveiy, Burke- old Ellacott, Misses Kathleen and jronto, spent the holiday and week- tan, visited at Mi. Win. Heîîing's ___Hilda. London, spent tbe weckend end witb ber parents, Mi. and Mis. Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto, Mr. Ira Taylor's Mi. and Mis. Harry A. W. Annis, Messrs. Levi and Laine witb their parents, Mi. and Mis. E. Grooms and iamily, Mis. S. Tbaifp- Annis, and Miss Adelaide Annis C. Ashton. Mis. Ashtan returned ta ' on, Toronto. Mi. Norman and Miss~ spent Goad Friday with Mi. and Toronto with themn for a few days Pe!gy Gleadan. Hamilton, Mr. and Mis. Allif Arrois, Oshawa Mis. Dr. and Mis. Fergusan. Allan Mis. J. G. Langmnaid. Mir. and Mis. Hlisey, Mrs. Osborne, Misses Beitha and Donald, spent Manday xith thel Sam Brooks and iamily, Mi. Anot and Mabel Virtue. Toronto, Mis. C. foic' aet, i n i.J r Van Nest, Oshawa, wpie' guests ai W. Slemon, Town, recently visited Fergusan, Uxbridge mi ss v Mi. and Mis, S. E. Werry M. in. Staîples On God Friday ~uhsetSna ihbrha orand Mrs. Ernrst Larmer. and fam- a horse sioe ýournament was heid ber, Mi. C. W. Souch. Hampton ily, Blackstock, Mi. and Mis. JohnbewnBwmvieadTyoet Misses Elva and Doris Griffin, Mi. Wheeleî. Mr. Claienr" Sand Mi s 'lyrone when a good time was en- Jack Heiod, Toronto, visitcd Mr. Pearl Wheeler. Mri. Marks, Midland, joyed. W.Gifn Lde'Admta visited Mi. 'W. T. Taylor Mi. ____ the home ai Mis. Thea Slemon on ,, othirer ommodty, 'Wallace Pare.e Brussels. sp)ent Sun- Wednesdas', April lst. An Easte' ~IN SE VIC 'in-i".r~~i Mi'~ T"~b'~'el'olea Iwr't, f, m-be-n'i tle naw'i bledick 78. Audrey Webber 68, Gai- ton,- ,i "E it- w -. t"k n hy M i. AI- of hbuman aid ,-) ielles'e lintIl anc dan Allin 63. on ~vinr-.1 nan lv Mr,; trial Is made cf i ttmeaikable m- 1 YrYllns'lre- 'r"'r Mi. A. T.nnretio)n. P-. J. D. Krloggs kt"mR Jr. I-Mabel Clemence 78, Dentzil I Wlson; 1 pi'in o n. Mi. O rr~Wpr- Rrmedy'. Thmn ml!cf rom- r,,ith a Anderson 64. _____ -- owanilc , 'y "nPr!nîrhprrwr givpn by msîILYie becon',swmtV1lving. Pr.-Donald Cox 86, Blle Webber Jayed and candy served. Meeting: to out. TaIse nn cubstitute Sara M. Armstrong, teacher.1 ie ;S ;t k ýY You Can Share Profits Swith these 28 PACEMAKERS 0F PROSPERITY SHARES represent an ownership Interest ln these 28 companies, the shares of whiCh are de. posited with an Inde. pendent trustes. IND USTRIA LS American Tobacco Amner. Rad. & Stand. Ban du Pont Eastmanl Kodak Ingersoll Rand InternationialHarveeter National Biscuit atia Elevator United Fruit United States Steel Woolwortli RAI LROADS Atchisofi, Top & SantaF* illinois Centrai Louisville & Nashville New York Centrai Pennaylvanla Raiiroad Southern Pacifie union Pacifie OILS Standard 011 of California Standard Oil of Indiana Standard ail (New Jer. sey) Standard 011 01 New York Texas C-orporation UTILITIES and QUASI.UTILITIES Amierican Tel. & Tel. Consolidated Gas of N.V. General Electric Westinghouse Electric Western Union Te'graph Moody's Composite Portfolio Rating "A" Price at the market. Fuil details on request. H. R. BAIN & CO., LTD. INVESTMENT BANKERS Knight's Insurance Office Phone 565 IBOWMDANVILE Paint Up CI ean Up Spring is just around the corner. Start the the dlean-up campaign right now. Our supplies for house-cleaning season are now complete. Your phone order will be appreciated and de- livered promptly. Dry Dust Mops ...........$1.00 to $1.45 Wax ................................... 39c IL Furniture Pohish .............25c and 50c Martin Senour Paint ...........$1.40 qt. Household Paint ..................8c qt. Varnish, per pint....................60c Muresco .............................60c pkg. Brooms .....................39c and 50e Sponges .................................. 25c Dustan's CASH Hardware WE SERVE YOU WELL BOWMANVILLE Power Farming Conference KEMP BROS GARAGE IBOW MA N V1L LE Friday, April lOtk Motion Pictures, Discussions and Mechanical Demonstrations conducted by Specialists of Ford Motor Co. of Canada Sessions: 10.30 - 12 noon; 2.00 - 3.30 p. in. Corne and learn how to reduce your Farrn costs and make farming more profitable. Lt can be done. Farmers mnust adjust themselves to modern methods if they are going to mnake farm- ing pay. Ford Tractor and a demonstrator wvill also be at Kemp Bros. Garage on Saturday-but corne Friday if you can. A Prize will be Given COX MOTOR SALES Bond Street Oshawa E. IL- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRM 9th, 1931 PAGE M American Tel. & Tel., U. S. Steel, Standard Oil, du Pont, General Elec- tîic-such companies as these are the pacemakers ai prospeity-sr- bals ai pragiess and prafits ta gener- atians ai Amnerican investois. Big taday-and giowing biggei. Pros- perous today - and grawlflg more prosperous. pling up eainings and surplus, paying continuous retuins ta boldeis ai their shares. SECURITY Plus GENEROUS RETURN An investment in Coiporate Trust Shares brings you the combined security ai 28 strang carporations whose assets total $23,000,000,000, whase suipluses aggregate $6.000.- 000),000. And with this dependable secumity yau abtain generaus cash retuin. Millions ai Caiporate Trust Shares are now in the hands ai investais wha are sharing in the profits ai these pacemakers ai Amnerican pros- perity, Ameica's greatest corpora- tians. May we show you how yau can share, toa? -Il- a - . 1. - -

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