PAGZ TEN ~TRI CANADiAN erTATESimAN.BowuANYILL THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1931 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBTTEEIAN CHURCH CELEBRATES (Continued fram page 1) audience. There were a couple of antes by the choir, a quartet comoed o! Messrs. O. Bragg, W. S. Bragg, S. Glanville and F. O. MIli- veen, which was very mucli apprec- iated and a fine solo by Mr. C. S. VISION IS THE KEYSTONE Haîlmati. TO HAPPINESS Col. L. T. McLaughlin. who made a very efficient chairmlan, introduc- wbat would 111e be wotli with- ed the speaker. Rev. Dr. Gibson of out sight? Nearly ail of aur Cooke's Presbyteriali Church, Tor- pieasaues - as wel as aur abil- onto, who witli bis very charmiug lty ta make a living - depend wife, liad corne down to Bownanviile upon our ability to see. to be with the congregation on this liappY occasion. Dr. Gibson spoke Yet many people neglect their in the very higliest terms of the es- eyes badlY, !ailing to give theni teemed pastar and his close frlend. the attention theY require. The Rev. W. J. Todd, whom lielias tinie ta stop troubles is whefl they known f rom early childliood. Dr. begin; delay only makes correct- Gibsoni spoke ln a general way o! ion more difficult. Presbytei'ianismn and the Cliurch and how she must look forward toaa Make Sure that TYour Eyes greater f uture, not backward ta the Are Rlght.1 past. - In his very kindly manfler, this r~ 1 1 genal Irishman congrutulatedth G. M . * osfli oldest couple in the congregation Iwho were sitting at the table wth ONPTOUSTIST hlm. Mn. and Mrs. David Keitli, and Office Over Flood'& Store lioped they would be spared max»' Port Hope Gibsan for lis klnd wishes and e torted ta lis dlaim of belng "an im- Offce R9ours: proved ScatohmTan" witli a stoi'y of WEDINESDAY each wee& an ý.irishinan «"wlo was a Scotchmlan .3a.M. te 9.30 P. DM ree hundred yeans ago.'b' 9.301 The regret of the congregation inl TorontoOMOfce: ail these services was that Mr. Todd, 2143 Danforth Ave. the pastor, who lias endeared liii- i self to all since lis comlng here, is __________________________quite ili and was unable ta be pres- en tthe services lie lad loaked f orward ta Sa eagenly. We pray for lis speedy recavery. A Glass of Milk a Day Brings Health to Stay BECAUSE thse Children's Realth is your most, important consider- ation, you should see tisat they Dot ouly get ailtise f ood they waut, but the best and most wholesomei. BECAUSE Good Milt supplies ail the essentials for isealthy teeth aud stroug bones, children should be encouraged te make the milt hbit as regular as their meals. BECAUSE Glen Rae Milk is fine MMl and the service regular anti courteeus. THAT 18 WHY you should have the Glen flac salesman eaU daily. GLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 408 R. R. STE VENS & SON rCan you buy as----- muck anywhere For the money? 1l Thnif t is a most cammentiable trait. The practice a! knowing whnt one gets fan one's îoney --anti gettlug it. Can you thluk o! anythlng tînt gives you mare value for your maney than ibis:.? 1 Notice that frlends of yours. on frientis of your frientis ar e. vstlng; lave visitors; are 111; bhave been bereaved; have rebuilt or remodeileti their home; bougît a new home; are officers in a socety; have been blessed wiib a new baby; thnt tbey have had au accident-, or been marnieti. In f aci, tle intmmate actiites o! the coimuflt f aîly 1f e are neflecied ln the pages of your local newspaper 52 weeks lu every ypar. 1 Besides. you rend o! youn council's - tawn, township or county - actlvitles: af the progress or retrogressioli af yaur district, anti literalI huntireds of otiier tenis. 1 The business people senti you eacl week mes- sages of savings, latest styles. patterns, anti weaves in weanables, anti tasty. ecnomial f ood stufs. 'You can stay indoars for weeits anti stilI be betten in- f ormeti o! vital coimuniy affairs than mnny whoa are contluually about anti trust ta liearsay for news. througli your local papen. 1j Do you honestiy believe that you get a bigger or betteIr two dollars' wortli nnywhcrc? if yau agree witl us that yoti do not, wili you try ta mate aur tast of teeplng aur subscriptlon list pali up. casier, by watdhiiig thc label on your Statesmiali anti pny- lng YOURS whcn it f ais due? Thanit you. Just ta be sure-turn ta Lhe first page now aud LOOK AT THE LABEL? *The NeN TI NEWCASTLE seedin bt arm rai n, a god soak sern or twar baiyneead ouk Mr r. woamFrguayn Trato se the wkerguwthsbTroto'r-ifl-l anhesier, Mr. and M rors.W.NB- anley. , r.W N uk MisAecaCmbelad ut large p a art mpbrends farmTorotoa with pthreeorfordcaoTrsSdyent wt tee Campbeouandcarth coaes.a temW.T.lockh arvthandtdauges- terss E.Th. Missar aret Wil- t, Ms hl, M.MisstOSh, wit te a- vent of Spring, have returned froin Toronto. The Committee of the Newcastle çommunity Hall have arranged to hold a Dance on Friday. May 1st, 1931. Tickets $1.00 a couple. Lin- ton's Orchestra. Dance 9 P. M. standard time. Refreshmfents a la carte. 17-2 We regret ta report the contlnued and very serlous illness of bth Mrs. John Rickard and Mrs. Thos. Coucli; ibut pleased to report that Miss Mar- Janie Clemence, Shaws. after pass- Sing through a citical llness, is now rapldly recover'ig. St. George's Cliurch-Rev. F. H. Mason, M. A., Rector. Sundlay, May 3rd, Fourth Sunday after Easter: r 9.45 a. m.-Youfg Men's Bible Class; il a. m.-Morring Prayer and Holî Communion; 2 p. m.-ýSund1ay Scliool; 7 p. m.-Eveflsafg. St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. Maso"'. M. A., Rector. Sunday, April 26th, Festival of St. Mark: 8 a. m.- Holy Communion; 9.45 a. m.-Youngi Men's Bible Class; il a. m.-Holy Communion and Sermon; 2 p. m.- Sunday Sehool; 7 p. m.-Evens0n8 Lake Shore Union Sunday School Anniversary will be held on Sunday, May 3rd, at 2 p. m. when R.ev. W. P. Rogers, B . A.. of the United Churcli, Newcastle, will conduet thE service and preacli. Special music wiil be provided. Everyofle welcan'i Principal Gea. A. Coyne and mem- bers of the Newcastle Hîigh Sehool Softbail Team are planning to paya return visit to the Boys' Trainingi Sehool of Bowmanville on Fiday ev- ening of this week and engage in o gaine of softball and some othei sports. Rev. W. J. H. Smythe, M. A., Wel- lington, preached anniversary ser- mons at Park Street Church, Ororu last Sunday and visited his cousis Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooke, here overnight. Mr. James Tliompson Manvers Station, is also visiting hi daughter, Mrs. Cooke. One of our local cîtizens and hi f amily lost control of their car on eveniug last week and flnally rai with it into the concrete railingc the bridge near the Hunter place an then into the south ditch. The ca was badly damaged but fortunatel no one outslde or inside the car wa hurt. United Cliurch-Rev. W. P. Roi ers, B. A., Pastar. Sunday, May 3rc Anniversary services o! the Youxi People's League. Rev. Mans< Doyle, B. A., Supt. of Young People Work of the United Cliurch of Car ada. will preacli at il a. m. and p. m. Regular session of the Sundi Scliool at 2.30 p. m. Te water in the laite Is Sa 10w ai the vlumeo! water flowing into f rom the creek at Newcastle-oli-th L_'Lake sa, small, that it is now possit I for the flrst turne since the hanb 1was origlnally built, or in the mr 1 ory of the oldest inhabitauts. walk rom the east side ta the pi on the west side, hitherto luacce ible except by boat or by swjmmti thatis in the summer time. It nearly alwxays possible ta walk drive across the marsh on the 1 i the wlnter tinie. FOR SALE-Complete set nri In urnes of encyciopedila "The World Bei eiaborately leather bound In art Cr E.very home where there are chl]u should have these wonderful books knowiedge, profuseiy iiiustrated. ' take $26 iess than original prie. Bo may be seen at The Stateamali amice 1write -J. R." Drawer B. flowmftf ROYAL .Anville. Phone 479. Vegetable Pilhs For Indigestion .'Havin been troubledl with Indigest- ion = JSick Headaches for several months, 1 waa recommended ta try Soui famnous Pilla. After the first dose was rmade aware oi theim verv real tonic value.'-M iss M. Croydon. Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pilla are no ordinarv laxative. £hey aie ailvegeabk aud have a verv definite. valuable tonic action u n the liver . .. exacti y what ~ u necd to end Constipation, Acidity, Irijousness, Headaches, Poor Complext- ion, etc. Ail druggists. 26c & 75c red pits J. HERMON .wants POULTRY and APPLES at Fair Prices Pbones: Bawmnanville--235 Toronto-Trlnity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 46-tf Gooci Company Any Day qcastle Independent f EIURSDAY, APRIll 23rd, L931 MISS ORCHARD'S NEW PUPILS "POLLYANNA" CLEVERLY - PEESENTED BT Lttle fol1k begi IrllflgltheinSsAWAoTAL-NT tic careen in Mis oraOrclard's SAATLN room o! the public scool smce Eas- Twoskyplats, father and son, ter are: John Aldread, Eileen Ai- sailing lu franfi the west like a whirl-I dred, Ruth Bonathan. Betty Bran-I wind in the latter's aenial chariot tan, Keith Branton, Pauline Deline, an lgtn nJh li' il Erisrank-bson. OlveMcM l, ust east o! the village green last a. Fr Mani,1311 Pudy-all en- Wednesday morning, lieralded the rolled in the beginners' or A class. coigf lyanadcstrm the formner's temple of worship in NEWCSTLEPUBIC SHOO the city o! Oshiawa ta the Newcastle NEWCSTLEPUBLC SCOOL Community Hall in the evening o! thle saine day. Elijal o! olti lad no- Easter Test Exaninatios in I- thîng on Irwin, the EIder o! North- temediate Room; exanied in aIl minster Church, Oshawa, for lie not 1subjects: nyge pi rithYogr' t Jr. II-Harry Brown 60, Charlotte wonl gesain chrit uthces oun Gray 53, Artie Toms and Nol Mid- whling aneairari, utcoe scdw dleton (absent).aan ateadal eacui *Sr. 11-Vivian Ducit 84, Relta andi descends and st.ays nat long Cooe 8, i! edGra 7, RssAflflaway frai the people o! the earth. 75, John Arych 74, Bruce VanDusenamdsaon andaout morplnghe *70, Nora Meredith '70, Stanley Cauclicmh onadotaots h 61, ickAndeson61,Gerald Hen- people with wom e once dwelt andi nin 9, Llc Adr 61. ta wliom lie once prophesieti, brisk Jr. III-Patricia Pearce 90, Mar- -n upsfl abne fhp galet Pearcej.84, Sam Cawan 83, Taom and gladiness. And Irwin the Young- Breretan 82, Helen Robison 75, er leapt skyward once more and sail- I Ethel Spencer 73, Harold HOSklfl 67, ed into the west with great wings o!I white, salutiug the villagers as lie Lillian Burley 59. asdo. owonder that underi H. A Maon, eacer.sucli auspiclous announdiiig, Polly- artists o! Northminster Chuncli y The Golden Rule Mission Band prveti sudh a popular and flancial met on Saturday atron e uccess. It should be noted too that a! ernon ndethîe Oshawa dramnatists didn't leave the superntendency o! Mrs. J. A. the preparation of the stage f or a Y Butler and Mrs. C. T. Batty. with few liurried last minutes, but that YPresdent Evelyn Allu in the chair. Mrs. Fiuiey. wth Evonne and the Ruth Honey acted as secretai'Y lu otlier ladies. including Mrs. A. W. the absence of Jean Rckard. Mar- Bell. directres o! the comedy. came jorie Lycett read the scnipture les-1 down the a!ternoan previaus and 1 son, and Marie Hcnning. Carl Fish- dessed the stage anti arrangeti the 9er and Margaret Pearde offered sen- poete nms ritcfsin tence prayers. An netingpo and moreover, the play was present- gramn consisted of a sang by Carl ed under the auspices o! Mrs. W. H. Fisher, accompanied by Gladys oi- Cooke's group of the Woman's As- lard; piano solo by Ruth HonY; re- sociation the ladies o! which made 1citation by Pauline Deline; and a every effort ta, intercst the public *talk on Japan by Mns. W. E. Beman adt e htnal vroi a who exhibited and explaiiied a numT- and oppe attnitY o! buyintet.a d ber of Japanese articles. New nier- an e runit wasfthat " bers jainiug thc Baud were: Betty The00 resnt and ev teroe was gladi " Branton. Emma Jean anti Lorna lie40 as teret adscerPonlysua anti cHarris, and June Gray. The spring lier assotee seed l he an-1n -thank-offc. riuig amountedti ta alittleie and bies nt ylier emating al ven $7.00. The croup leaders pro- iandfuslug gladne. eryoan n g vieof teto cnYa the closeng the stage seemed ta, be acting as neaI o! th meeing.part. He or she seemed natural as - - lie atididd no over-acting. The Avery success!ul Badminton Club' assemblagelliked tlem ahl or came ýr dance was held at the club roanis 1ta lie thcmn ail in the ed - Mrs. IFritiny evening, whcn a large num- CaIidy o! «The Ladies' Aid", spir- 1- ber turneti out for theevent. These ited, alitlesh ap tfMtaguearoof - dances have become a favorite di- gassiper-M5 a;Ms arlo ), version o! those who cane for tianc- "The Ladies' Aid", a conflrmed spin- s' ing and everyoue througliout the sten. systcxnatic anti businesslike- e, seatson lias been largcly attended. Mrs. R. Stevens; Mrs. Gregg of "The n, Snell's orchestra provided the music. Ladies' Aid." industniaus as lier f ci- ýis i 1ow workers. helping ta, pack a barrel A single British Columbia Sltka of wcarng material for the mission- ary and his changes, but somewliat is 1 spruce may contain 8.000 to 10.000 duiuo!tevleaisutiit e 1 feet board meastire of luniber. Luni- db0 f the rileleue dpuiaking- tn ber used lu building an ordiflary ors.tJ. L.tird;sNacy. Mis Pily's of jfiveorato5x-roomed franie bouse1a serant,.a ickleN andyaMscamfoni id iestîmateti at 15.000 teet. bence t.. stýat t iis. uur and cenrount srufofiZ0 Sthe bsrue.teswol -Mrs. W. Evaus; Miss Pally Han- ly sufc or tebue ringtan, Pollyanna's aunt, sevene. CrowdSestlmated a t 500,000 peo coid, with a represseti sarrow guaw- pewatched the Empresa or Brîtain ing at lier licant strings, transfonmeti 9_ salI dovil the Clyde f ran ber blrth- an h wrapyndlvbe ,d: place at ClydebankI to undergo Mrs. J. Staily; Pollyanna, glati for igi trai.Thes sip was escorteti by s0 many thinigs and binging glad- on1 iaius oic a adsx ncss to ail about lier. cute, clever. es airplanes. This $15.000.000 slip an iebeEoeFnly9yar -was built for a speeti of 24 '<nota of age; PollYauna five yenrs later, [ s nd bas aîready done 26 kuots lu grown up, radiant and altogether lay reliinar trIIS.adorable. nruby lips. velvety dheeks prelmifarltrils.and fas ing eyes-Mrs. Finay; nid 1 Ten minutes terminal stop at St.. Jimimy Beau, an orplian and resil e- it î gnace, Ont., and a chance greeting boy, befnientied by Pollynna-Jacit e- betweefl G. C. Hay andi William Ge'iad inyBn,5easlt Arel aainPcfeiehnc ter, a gentIemanly youthi, sincenely le Arel1ailf Pcfcrehu~ in lave with Po1nyanna-Oea. Pen- boon spanued 45 years of separation and tn;Jh edeoEq.bceo m-~ -silence betweefl Ardeli anid bis f arn- kna ntimt.cnln . ia otr to Ily. Tt appeared lu conversation indlover. d grotrdisMr. R. el ark that Hay was Ardell's nephew andtinBloeve, butien ta PendletR. pomp- ýss- the latter will now vit his famlly ekrbtrtoPnlopm- [ng, Inl Vancouver whom ho bas not ous. correct anti dignfled-Mr. Allan ,isi seen for nearly balf-a-cOltilry. Peiifoiuid; Dr. ChlItou. Pendleton's I - !riend. genial. philosophie, luclined .1 h a of Fundy steamer Pnin- ta o oo the bright side-Mr. Ina iecesse Helene wll have ber trt Gllette; anti Sadoni and Gommorali, suminer season thîs year aud wltk the woul5Y tig anti the fuzzy cat. - the opening lu .Tnne of the Lae- There was not a duli moment dur- okl.demuh. bew C. P R. tetafrl atlook- acts. the Geeral Motors' Male rart edfor tounisSait JohfreI ok- Quartet, Messrs. J. B. Ballarityne, a" th edfrthUtedSaltesoand from 6 C. A. Toaze. C. W. Lambert sud A. Ir 0htenîeiSae dCaa. W. Bell. entei'tained with southerui wil The Cornwallis Inn at Kentvllle hroisat oe og ncp *01®r ati i larePinftx of v ime tured their audience on this theizn r o atrdi lrg second visit ta Newcastle as tiey titi villeat St. George's Panish Hall on the occasion of their first visit. Every mo number was ecored. Proceetis about $ 90.00, anc thirti cdlta local W. A., *ta Community Hiall, aud ta, North- 911A I kinis .oflaundry work done promnpt- _ aiieOiyai iraoar rcs This Means You You are i»iVited ta Rovan 1 s New Store (Opposite Corbett's Confectionery Store) Where you wil1 get best values in: FOOT WEAR CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS MEN'S WORK CLOTHES Special Prices Featured THIS WEEK-END Rovan's Store KigS.E. Bowmanville F urniture for April This Bed, Spring and Mattress, as $165 showns, any size.................$ 65 A Dining Room Suite, Buffet, Table, China Cab- inet and six Diners, ifl fa Specially Priced for ................$10 .0 A three-piece Living Room Suite, .00f Settec, Rocker and Arm, for ........ $3 If you are requiring anyý Furnitturie it will pay you to buy now, as ail prices are extremely low. See our Mattress at ................$6.50 F. F. MORRIS CO. Furniture and Home Furnishings SAT. - MON. - TUES. - APIKIL5 2 - Zb RE LAUGHEDr HIS WAY IN AND OUT? 0F TROUBLE Happy-go-lucky, without a penny in his pocket. this debanair young society cavalier challenges the world on t'wo qiuld and gold cigarette case. A roillckiflg, frolicsotiie, infectious character you'll want ta meet, enjoy and delight in. Ronald Colman Introduces the modern day hero to the Ta.Iknt Screen In "«THIE DEVIL TO PAY" A United Artists Picture at the Royal Theatre. WED. - THURS. - FR1. - APRIL 29 - 30 - MAT 1 The scree1's greatest loyers in the year's greatest draina JANET GAYNOR and CHARLES FARRELL in "TH-E MAN WHO CAME BACK" A Fox Picture The son of a powerfuli financier, trained only for a 1f e o! luxurtaus idleness, slips f rom grace and skids to the very deptlis of depravity. There lie meets a girl,' but one step above him on the ladder of degradation. insplred by love and their f aith in each other. they retrace every step ini their downward path and regain socieW's recognition. Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. mn. There is nothlng qulte se temptiiig and deliclous as a brick of Ice (ream, especlafly If it is made of the cholceut crems, fruits and eggs. If you want the best Ice Cream, in any flavor, try a quart of Sllverwoods Ice Cream today. WA. 1F1. gcorbaett DAKERL AND CONFECTIONER BOWMdANvILE Rowmanville 1 Phone 10