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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1931, p. 1

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~be ~amb ati '4h With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanvile News Vol. î77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5e a Copy No. 17 NEW YORK SCHOOL M.J.H H . 1. * l J e reietDAYLIGHT SAVING TIME SUPERINTENDENT r.i H jry 1....ecieu rresmdentce.. PRAISES THE BT.S. O F Local W amen' '..anaaman CluDaylighfetav lnghTueo nes ÀiL . Jhnsn o N.Y. tat Inus-Sunday, April 26th. Ai church trial School Tells Impression o!f nnal *. services in Dovifan ville on Visit Here Ana meeting [edatS.WALKEB STORES Sunday vii lie on Standard Paul%. lecture room on EFFECT CHANGE Time ani speclal note shouid Mr. A. G. Johnson, supertatendent Mo1y-Cm adr IN STORE MANAGERS ho made ofthi.lit h as an- o! the State Agricultural and Indus- M na o mne .LalCabRpae r .B nounced that the service. a trial School a! New York State at W. G. Carr delivered ad- H yl rbiRpae r .B St. John's Church nert Sun- Industry, N. Y., vbo paid a visit ta I so ub aie a- Hurley as Manager of Local Store day would lie on Daylight Sav- the Boys' Training Schoal here tva dres. on Subbtmarine Warau- - veeks ago at the invitation o! Dr. G. 1 fare Mr. C. B. Hurley, stace Fcbruary lgtmebuthtasner E. Reaman, vrittag to the dactar.î 1929. manager of the Walkcr Stores ror and the sese vii llie says o! the school: int Bowmanville, bas been transfer- hed'nSt -dr Time. Do "1Just ta show boy one gets ideas Mrs. J. H. H. Jury vas electcd rcd ta a bigber position vltb the not forget te put Four cdocks on --this marnlng our assistant super- president o! the Women's Canadian company in charge o! the store tnan orbfr eiitSna intendant picked up one a! the big- Club at thc annual meeting in St. Owen Sound. It wifl be generally a erbfr ellgSna geat bird men ta the State vbo viii Paui's Sunday Scbool rooni on Mon- regretted by citizens and merchants nlght. came ta us next veek ta give a ster-11 day a!ternoon. Other afficers in- that Mr. Hurley bas been rcmoved, eopticon lecture on birds. I think i clude: Past Presldent-Mrs. George but they vil jota ta cangratulattag _______________ that vas a great tbing ta have Mr. Mason; lst Vice Presdnt-Mrs. M. him on bis nev appointinent and W. E. Saunders o! London out ta G. V. Gouid; 211d Vice President- extend ta hlm beat vishes in hiOBsQUES0 L T your scbaol that morning ta give his Mrs. W. H. Blrks, Hec. Sec'y.-Mrs. nev spbere. Mr. Htdrlcy camtag f romnO SQ IE FL T bird talk. D. R. Manrison; Cor. Sec'y.-Mrs. J. Brockville. bas Made a hast o! MR. W. B. COUCH Frankiy, there 13 not a t bing aboute O'Neill; Treas.-Mrs. V. H. Storey; friends bere. He bas idcntlfled hlm- your institution that I could criti-,i Executive Committee-Mrs. L. W' self witb sanie o! the organizations LARGELY ATTENDED cisc. The spirit is marvelous, the DIPPeli. Mrs. J. T. Fee, Mrs. P. 0.ofo the tovn advancing the commun- type o! building excellent, and the Mcllveen, Mrs. W. E. Beman, Mm:. ity velfare and vas on the Execu- Splendid Tributes PSiddte Lite of vork generally o! a very bigh qual- F.-Knox and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers. tive o! the Bawnianvillie Business Civic Warker and Business Man lty. I can honestly say that 1 have The treasurer's report sboved the Men's Association. He vas the chair- neyer been iu a stock barn vbere finances o! the club ta be sound, and man o! the committee vhlch so suc-, Witb practically every merchant conditions vere sa sanitary and a!ter ail expense paid a balance o! cessfully staged the Capacity Days Iadbsns a aBvavie sveet as ta your institution. Ta be $300 remains in the bank. The se- Sale last week. He bas been mosti as veil as many citizens f rom tovu able ta go into the piggery and f ccl retary's report, read by Mrs. D. R. cordially friendiy ta every business adcuty algtiue h like taking Up the plgs in one ,s armns Morrison, revieved the season just man vitb vham lbe bas cametinadtaourm a o ill imBrowninge like a cat or dog certainly speaks closed and revealed a most success-cottadbsgagvl ukey Coucb.agethatsuldt h veli for the cleanliness." f ul period in the bistory o! the club. f ct by groving nuxnbers o! patrons gr.pao! eat, er lditrestt Mr. Johnson cangratulated the During the season there had been 8 to bis store vba have ccn ta re- Bof anvilleeetryand trsdayn school, Dr. Reaman and bis staff on executive meetings and 7 general gai d bim as a gaod business man p il lb edmtrn sa Thurnoon the splendid school ve bave ta Boy- meetings, ail o! vhlcb had been and a good !rlcnd. I And evemng aWndrevstafthser-oo manville. He vas particularly lm- vdil atteuded. Tvo o! the general Mr. Hurlcy 13 succeedcd as man- 1 a vieni n rsdy as t hsran pressed by klnd bospltality durlng meetings bad been open meetings at ager here by Mr. H. Lyail Crabb vbo o! viceOnds asd acqa nteadyic esbsi bis visit bere. vhicb a large nuinber a! nan-mem- cornes !ram the Walker Stores et ofneasots and a mirnes bui-d ______ber atendd. he lubbaddont- lmce. r.Crabb bas been five Past the flower-banked casicet ta the __________________________ d as prizes several books ta botb the years assistant manager at SlrncoehoenCntetretavcbe i tPubllc and 1High scbools for Can- vhere bis father. Mr. Hn hoR.lie ornCeatSreyeal!a cntur. che U(R~I te sesonstao at89 bichvasan cmesta Bwmavli ery a -fine on vbo b fad dced ilte a *~ A u N ~v e adian History. The mcmbersbip for Crabb, 13 the manager. Mr. Crabb gazed for a moment on Uic stili form ~ ' 3 increase o! 4 over last year. Eigbt training ta retail merchandising. the betterment o! the tavu ta wbicb Io! the members are f rom Newcastle. For tva and a bal! yeam hle vas con- be had made bis homne and on one Seve unsualy ine peaershadnected with the Jcvellery trade, lat.. vbose passing leaves a tangible vac- Raiîvay tre tables change Sun- 1 ee nsal iesekr a er spendmng a year in Buffalo get- ant place ta the communlty lite. day, April 26tb. delivered addresses on varied topics ting eprec ntedprietlTefa nteHg eolvsa MissSadi VitueToroto is as 1 fola: PrCofCas . Oggo n Itl o! hand chain stores. His splendid busi- bal! mast froni the annauncement Mis Saie irte. aratovist- Toay" Co. Cas.R. cCuloubness abilties have made their mark o! hi death and bliuds vare dravn cd ber sister. Mrs. C. W. Sieman. If ounder o! the Canadian Clubs, on inl the eyes o! the Walker Stores and business suspended on King over the vaekend. "Holylr00d"; Mr. G. H. Sadgavick on management and bis promotion to Strett during the bour o! the f uncral 'The St. Lawrence Great Laites manager o! the Bovnianville store is service. Ilis absence f rani ail the Mr. W. J. Morrison, Inspector O!f Watarvay"; Mr. Dan McGovan On prOof o! their confidence t in O im potn fntas nt.tauv Public Scbools, Brantford, vas guestI "A Naturaiist ta the Canadian Rock- M.Cibmpoartd n bsa o b at nct or somethe ta camel o! M. ad Ms. . C Vastae v iles"; Mr. John Bird on "Canada. 21/ years nid. Mr. Crabb bas ýaI- n_ i eoint uyvlb in tavn last yack. Great Britain and the United readyr statcd bis intentions o! con- md ise y i patner d asoci-be Mr. Fred Kane bas resigned frini States"; Miss Lucy Doyle on "Lau- necttag binsel! vitb the Business amta tyh in of Couch Jand stani the operattag staff a! the Royal don Durlng the Imperial Confer- Men's Association and this organiz- M rye rnLmnof C Ta thns and Theatre and bas gone ta Detroit. ence"; Prof. Chester New on "Can- ation vili no doubt give hlm a bis fam ly tedympath o! Uic Mr. Royal Quinn returns ta bis aid ada 100 Years Ago"; and the final hearty velcome. vbie cmm ui th yzzitendf edt position o! operator. vbich be oc- meeting on Manday. Commander W; thoe Irreprltd. 'AxendI cupid fr sme imea fw yarsG. Carr on 'Submarlnc Warf are.'1terirprbel.,-- cnpedfo smetuea evyersSoie o! these addressea, as ta the OBITUABY Many expressions o! sympathy ago. c on Monday. vere ilustrated by were beard in lichai! o! Mr. j. H. Mrs. Thos. Tod bas returncd from, lantern slides, and ail vere ihost William Tardiff, Brookia Cryderman. business partner o! de- Hamilton vbere she bas spent Uic profitable and informative.- ceased for !orty-nlne years, and Mr. vinter vith ber daughter, Mrs. Ar- The address on Monday delivar- The deatb o! William Tordff o- C. A. Jabnston, another partner o! thur Wright. Miss Olga Ted 13 ex- cd by Commander Carrvas flot only curred at bis home at Brooklln on the firm. Who bas been assoclated pected home in a f ev days. Bath (Canttaued on page 8) Wecinesday, Apnil 15th, in bis 87tb vith the Company since Its taception, are feeling fine atter their sojourn year. Prior ta living there be vas a vbo vere both unable ta attend Uic in Hamlton.Pioneer a! Darllngtan tovnship stace funcral tbrougb iliness. ta Hmilan.1901 living on the farm nov occupied The service at the home vas con- Miss Edythe Clemens, Ontario OBITUARY by Mr. William Ashton on the 7th ducted by bis pastor, Rev. J. U. Robi- Ladies' Coilege. Wbitby, Mr. and concession, lot 25. He vas a very tas, o! Trlnlty United Church. as- Mrs. Oliver Hanna, Toronto, and James Redford, Toronto industriaus man, a gcod farmer, and sisted by Reva. Dr. D. W. Best o! St. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clemens, Ty~ - a neat varkman and a fine nelgh- Paul's and Oea. Mason. Dr. Beutt roue, spent Sunday vitb Mr. and James Bedford, promincait farmer bor. He nia ried Mary Jane McLar- read the 139tb psalm and a part a! Mrs. Harold Clemens. Hopland Cot- o! Reacb and Cartwright Townships, en, a daughter o! the late William Uic scripturcs, atter vhlch lie pald a1 tage, Queen Street. - passed avay in Scarbora early Tues- and Mrs. McLaren, a! the sainie set- gioving tnibute ta the vork o! Mr. Hsmn l red eepe-day, April 21st, in bis seventy-secand tiement. Coucb in the community stressing ti Risman od flens ereples-year, folavwing an illness o! tvo The rematas vere laid ta rest ta particular bis taterest ta educational cd ta sec and bear Rev. S. Gorley weaks' duration. The son O! an Graveside Cemnetery, Eroklin. Tue affairs and in cburcb activities. Het Brown a! Richmond, Que., vbo eariy pioncer of Raach, ha bad lived paîl bearers vere bis three sons and bad heîd the office o! Hanorary pracbe god eronsin t.Pau'svirtually bis vhoie lite in that dis- tbree grandsons. He attendcd the President o! the Men's Canadian Cburcb an Suuday. Whileie t ta trict. retiring ta Scarbora sanie tva United Cburcb at Brookita. Club for niany years and for more hae vas guest o! Mr. and Mrs. J. T. yeams ago. Ha leaves ta mourn is Ioss, bis (Canttaucd on page 8) F'ee. He also visited bis sister, Mrs. Deceased lived in Bovnianville vidov. three sons and anc daugbter, E. Stevens, Hamipton. soma years age. Ha vas married Levi resldlng at Myrtle, John andHEC U H S Creani o! Barley Camp bad its threc times, first ta Miss O'Bayle o! William at Barrie, and (Editb) Mms. THEC U C E firt bg ay ! he earonSunayRaglan. by vbom lha bad oane saon, Walter Armstrong o! Ann Arbor, fis i a ftey nSna!- J. R. Bedf ord o! Havelock: bis sec- Mlcb.Tnnt United Churcb-Rev. J. U.t lte o vacnltrghcoutth en te ond vite vas Miss Mary Emniemon Old friands attending the funeral Robins, pastar. Sunday services on teroo a are rov ejayd heo! Tyrone. by vbom he had tva sans f rom a distance vere: Mr. and Mrs. standard tume at ilL. ni. and 7 p. ni. grounds and conveuicuces. Tuere and three daugbtems, George o! Arthur. Ornilstan, Enfield. Mr. Nes- in charge a! the pastar. Sunday are many ncv features ta the camp Purpie Hil, Edgar o! Bomanville, bitt, Waodville; Mr. and mrs. Schaol at 2.30 p. nm.. this year, taciuding an eularged zoo. Mms. James Anderson o! Toronto, Mountjoy. Blackstock: and Mr. and Saivatian Army Sunday services and the cravd !ound pleuty ta amuse Mrs. M. Logari o! Stratfard. anid Mrs. Mrs. C. W. Soucb, Hampton. viii be conducted by the offIcers, tbem an Sunday. Oea. Bray o! Toronto. His third vite The funerai vas conducted by bis Captain Burscy and Lieut. Flett. The Klinau's Club o! Oshawa vas Mms. Martha Henry David, vho pastar, Rev. J. L. Juil. Marnlng at il a. ni.; Sunday Scbcol gave the taimates o! the Cblldreri's survives hlm. P. R. David o! Tor-- at 2.30 p. mi.; Evening at 7 P. i. Shalter ta that city an enjoyable auto is a stap-sori. Tue Young men's class of Maple St. Paul's Churcb - Rev. D. W. outing an Sunday mornlng vhan Thsa funoo htealt pa eti rv uiaySbo ae Beat, D. D., minister. il a. i.- thcy wcre brougbt by cars ta the jTusa, !auo xbitrin charge o! the service Sunday after- Mornlng Worsbip. 7 p. m.-Eveniag Creani o! Barlcy Camp wberc they at Bavmanville Cemetery. naon. Warshlp. Tue services vil be con-4 spant a !ew happy boums. Tucy vere -_ _____ ducted by Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A., o! treated ta chocolate bars and Ice 'Mapie, Ont. 2.30 P. m.-Sunday creani and the trip vas sa, success!ui cal that the Kinsmen are planning ta t ons nlia hrhRv Local Home and Sckoal Club were ~~~5Agia Ieette uig C. R. Spencer, Rector. Third Sun- Reeve W. H. Carruthers, Warden' U. ta LCi#NClb day a!tcr Raster: Holy Communion oea. Hootan o! Manvers. Messrs. Oea IHoFstS t ivM ary treeO snawa C u at 8 a. ni.; Morning Frayer and Ser- Oreer. J. Werecber and A. Fellovs. mon at il a. ni.; Suuday Scbool and anl road commlsslonars o! the United o! "Cauada's Place ta the Empire." Bible Class at 2.30 P. ni.; Evenlng Counties, tagether vltb Mr. J. Erpen Lawrence C. laon elve luI part Mr. Masori said: In 1867 Frayer at 7 p. m. o! Toronyto, vere the guests o! the whveu aur ovu Constitutionai Act, Tyrone Clrcut-Rev. J. R. Triim. Canada Camant Company of Mon- cd fine address on "Can- the British North Amarica Act, vas pour, pastar. Services on Sunday. treal on a trip ta New York recent- 9 passed by the Imperial Panliament, April 26tb: Tyrone, 10.30 a. ni., Mms. iy vieving the latcst deveiormerits ada a Place in the. Em- anid dcscibcd as a "great and grave A. W. Annis will ggî;e repart o! An- ta concrete road building lu Nevw a nertalcing vbîcb viii iiberate Can- ruai Convention o! Ontario Prahibi - York State. Wbiie lu New York they pire" - Visitors provide adtisntuldetnso! -tn Union. Haydon, 3 p. ni. Long ada t Itsnatual detinis ofself- tO stayed at the Commodore Hotel. program. relance and raturaI grovtb and cx- Sauît Cburch Scbool. 7 P. iM. Workmeu vere eugaged last yack pansion," the recitai a! the abject St. Andrev's P1resbyterian Cburcb in demolishlngz the aid frame build- Tue regular monthly meeting o! vitb vblcb the Statute vas passed1 -Rev. W. J. Todd. Minister. Sun- tag btvcen the Royal Theatre and the Home and Sebool club vas beld repeats again the sainie phrascology. day services at il a. ni. and 7 p. ni. the Jeffrey Block vblch bciongcd ta in St. Paui's lecture rooni on Wed- This bas became a part o! the Con- Sabbatb School at'2.30 p. ni. Mcmn- 4the Alan m. Willarmspestata. The uesday cvanlng April l5th vith a sýtitutIon o! Canada to-day. In part bers o! Florence Nghtingale Lodgc, vrckcs er Rzrcks ! outîelare ttudnc. heioalclb n- - rad a ..lîvs-"beva scba o O.F. N. 6,vii ttnddiin Dedication oF New Cemetery Gates PLMDWT And Decoration Day ta be Big Event CAPACITY DIAYS Mercbanta Report Increaned Buai- naasResuit of Co-operative SPRINGTIME AND EASTER i Committee in charge planiAvrllgCmag COCETAT ST. JOH'SUCE for huge procession of al- WAS loca IDEDnSUtioES8-Ev- Accord"ngta Bowm nlemer- ____loca orafliatios - chants Who partîcîpated In the Ca- Sunday Sohool Scholars an& Othera' cnt to be held on July 5th. paClty Days Sale last week, the oc- Presnt ine rogam Udercasion Proved an outstandlng suc- Presnt ine rogam Udercess. Mr. T. A. Dustan. president of Direction of Miss E. Peardon Sunday, July 5th is expected to be the Business Men's Association, o ne of the biggest days in the his- which organization sponsored the A mot sccesfulEaser nd'tory of Bowmanville. on that day event, stated on Monday that the Apringtm Ccert w as her ad te new McGiU Memorlal Gatesat aority ofmerchants who co-ope- Joh's arlh Hll ~ emeeryareta e for- ated In this big shopping occasion when a packed house greeted a fIne hoalinopena d te cutom0 were more than pleased wlth the re- ihligan alulDcoaio 3y suits and he consldered the united prograin under the personal direct-. revived. A commlttee o! members offrsfthmecaswflor- Ion o! Miss Edlth Peardon. teftoncrtcs hvebeethoeln m eL C BHan wIl Wt--- The foflowlng prograni was pre- tetw oni hv enwr gwie. M. C. B. urlechai a sentd: Slnglg o theLils, or-nflplans for the event and these are of the Publicity Commlttee, stated sened:Swigig o th Llle, Dr-now nearlng completion. The m i that he also was greatly pleaaed wlth othy Barton and Kathleen Blunt; Isters o! the town at a specla meet- the venture. Many stores reported piano solo, Lillilan Naylor; recitation, ing were wholly In favor of the Idea a much lmproved business, some go- Bobbie West; exercise, Flowers o! and have promlsed every co-oper- ing to the extent o! statlng that it Sprlng, by five littie girls; recitation, iation. wstebsetweedo 91 Mr. Dad, by Blle Tait; Lily Wand ja h uis weedo 91 Dril by several girls; exercise, How Coundillor T. H. Lockhart who 15 The Business Men's Association They Know, by boys and gils la-chairman of the commlttee in are ta be congratulated on their in- let, Ustag their Talents, by the aider charge o! the arrangements bas itiative in puttlng over such a suc- scholars and teachers; exercise. The stated that the plans when complet- cessful shopping carnlval. To. sue- Lazy Jonquils, 6 girls; recîtation, ed should attract hundreds of for- cessfully stage an event o! this nat- Jimmie Clarke; playlet, The Love mer citizens to the tawn for that~ ure entails considerable time and Flower, 10 girls and 1 boy; muia eekend. Ail local arganizations will work and the commlttee in whos monologue, Mrs. Wmn. Aamx be asked ta co-operate in the event. hands the arrangements were car- ercise, Happy Bauter, by 6 girls; re- The arrangements call for a huge ried out, lef t no stane unturned ta citation, Rachel Wright; exercise, parade to gather at the corner of make it a success. Apparently they The Dearest Bauter Token, by ï4 Scugog and Church streets on the were of the opinion that "a thing girls; readlng, Mrs. Adanms; reading,1 aiternoon 0f July 5th. Here the pro- Worth doing was worth dotag well," Doris Wright; playlet, The Easter', cession wlll f orm and headed by the and worirg on this principle they Lily Garden. Canadian Legion Band and the Fife Put their whole-hearted efforts be- Rev. C. R. Spencer at the conclus_ and Drum Band foilowed by Mason- hind the endeavour and the citizens ion o! the program thanked ail the lc, Oddfellows, Orange, Sons of Eng- resPonded ta a very gratlfylng meas- memerso! he unay chol ad'land, Loyal True Blues, Daughters ure to the merchants' appeal ta shop others who had helped make the ev- !teEpr.Ode fEsent owmanvlle. Be sure ta read the ening a succeas. He speclally thanlc- Star, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides local nierchants' advts. ta The ed the accompanist, Mrs. J. A. Gunnjand ail other organizations w1111 Statesmian every week. You wlllflnd Mrs. 3. Albert Cole and others. He march down Church Street ta Tem- it a thrllty and money-savlng habit. Pald tribute to the direction of MIS perance Street and turnlng south In The Statesman office, a loyal Peardon Who had worked wonders prcedta the cenotaph where a staff were requlred ta do two weeka' with the chlldren for this concert ahrt stop wlll be made while Mayor work in one. The number o! ad- The Proceeds were very satlsf actary. Elliott places a wreath on the Sol- j ertisers necessltated a two-sectlon dIers Memorlal. The procession will J aper with only the same amount of 1 then proceed ta the Post Office cor- tim nt whîch ta do the work. Prom Y. W. AUXIUARY ners and turning east march to the elght o'clock each mcàrning until past OFjDT CUEC Cemetery gates. midnight each night The Statesmn 0F RTNTY HIJCU Te actual program wl com- staff carrled on, determtaed that the HOU) THANK-OFFERMNG mence wlth the dedication, the plans paper should get ta press on tume for which have been let wlth the 1 and that the advertlsers be given the Fine Suprer Was Served at Gather- Ministerlal Association. The gates 1f ull benefit of their tbree days' sale. lng on Tuenday Nlght will be f ormally dedicated beforar This determination too. brought re- ____entrance ta the Cemetery la made.I suits and the paper was ta the mails A platform wHIl be erected for the on Thursday morning the same as it The Easter Thank-offering meet-' principle speakers inside the cern- la ta any normnal week. one feela ing of Trlnity Y. W. Auxiliary was etery gates. The bands wlll provl4e however, that the extra effort wua hcld ta the school room on Tuesday the muaic for what hymna are used worthwhlle. it brought much extra evenlng ta charge of Mrs. Melbourne for the occasion. The rlbbons vil businesa ta the local merchants and~ Wlghtand Miss Spargo's group. a tuen be cntby isoe prominent I~- 4mnta very ably ta WSe. very appetlzlng supiper was served at son and thd uagea declared eflialiy Duxmm ah" èeoppmr that buylng in 6.30 p. m., the tables belng very at- open. Foflowlng this ceremony thc Bowmmnvilfe la every bit as advan- tractive wlth flowers and other nice cemeterY viH be open for thc decor- tageous as shopping elaewhcre. The things. ation o! graves. It 15 some years value of The Statesman as an effect- A contest on mlsslonary workers since a Decoration Day bas been ob- ive advertislng medium for progres- was put on, atter wblch Mrs. Elton served ta Bowmanvllle. Ini other cen- sive merchants wus again proven be- Werry, president, took the chair and tres this annual event marks the yond a daubt. led thc worsblp perlod, Mrs. Smith homecomlng o! old boy6 and aId Ferguson presidlng at the piano. girls from ai parts of the contin- Mrs. Nalie Garbutt rendcred twa ent ta honor their dead. Mr. Lock- TftnnmY ANlD PORT HOPE fine piano numibers that were much hart confidently expects that anc o! CHUELCHES EXCEANGE CR0118 appreciated. the blggest crowds o! the year wlfl The chapter of the Study Book, gather at the cemetery on this day. BowmvMIfe halter Preachea at dealing with the social lite among The Decoration Day is an annua Port Hope Mmd Port Hope the women o! Japan, vas pI'esented event in both Oshawa and Orono, Mgislter He most interestingly by Mrs. C. A. the latter place increasing its pop-, Wight who outlined the different ulation for the day by three hun- Services ta Trtalty Unite-d Chureh phases of their home life. the l'e- dred percent. The day, July 5tb, 's on Sunday were well attcnded and strlcted liberties, and the lack of a happy cholce on the part o! the o! a very interesting character. The educational advantages. She also committe in charge. Being ta mld- morning service -was In chargeof told bow sanie o! these were belng summer one is practîcally certain Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor, who took gradually overcome tbrough the cf- o! good weather whlle te otfrbite"ehae thstear fors o th misinares nd hebeautifuî bloomis o! the year wll be in earthen vessels," 2 Cor. 4:7. God Christian Japanese.t avallable for the decoration o! the had put bis treasures ta earthen ves- Mrs. D. J. Chambers, acc bD -grves.sestprvnushikgmoe! led on the piano by Mrs. Ruby Dan-msl opeetustikn oeo lels. sang a solo. Rail was callcd byI As further plans are formnulated thc vessel than the treasure. Many Mrs. Irwln Bragg, and Mrs. Muriel thcy vil be publlsbed ta The States- instances wcre quoted o! men and Symons vas appointed treasurer a!f man.- Be! ore the day arrives sou- women little known. vham havlng the talent money. Next meeting in venir programs wlll be printed and recelved God's treasure. became charge o! Mms. T. B. Gllchrlst and dlstributed giving the full programa great, such as Amas thc prophet, Mms. W. R. Strlke's group. of evýents for the day. Citizensi Whltfield, PanA. Frances Havergal ________should already start to plan for the and others, and Uic speaker sald he COMIG EV NTS event. Arrangements should be made 13 wllling ta do thc sanie for you and COMIN EVEN S toentertain as many out of towv me. Mrs. Gea. E. Pritchard sang -relatives and former citizens as pas- nicely the solo, "Just for Today." W. C. T. U. wlll meet ta St. Paul's sible and the cemetery, which ta Uic At the Sunday School session School room on Thursday April 23rd. past bas been aomevhat neglected Miss Marlon -Hamley sang 'Jesus at 3 p.m. should be a shrlne ta whlch relatives Lover o! My Saul." Reserve Friday, May lat. for o! alI those who lay burled vithin The exchangc o! ministers and Home made Cooktag Sale and May Its confines shauld came ta honor chairs betwcen Trlnlty and PortDay Fete at St. Paul's. Ail wel- and decorate the graves o! the de- Hope vas a pleastag feature o! thc come at 25c. parted. evening service. Rev. 0. A. Sisco, ___________________________B. A., and a choir o! 45 volces. vltb their organist, Mr. T. W. Stanley, A I S had charge. Rev. Mr. Sisco based St. /'ndrew's brs yein C uc is sermon on the words: "Thus Presb terin '.urcnsalth the Lord, stand yc IthUic vay and sec, and asic for the aId paths, etc." Jer. 6:16. He reviewed Uic Celebrates Ninety Third Anniversary growing interest in rciigious woahip and a wcll-balanced quartet, Mrs. beauty o! the buildings had been cm- JR. Stutt. Miss L. Bragg. Mr. O. phaslzed, then the numberless de- Rev.Prof E. loydMorrw, rtgg and Mr. S. Lcggott. sang "'The nominations that had sprung up un- M. A., Ph. D., addressed City Four Square." til now the trend vas union in a&U The sermon by Dr. Morraw ta the church lite. Hc placed great emphaa- large congregations at ong was an character weavlng, is on the need o! sticking ta Uic old serice. the preacher taking bis text !rom truths whose foundation vas 0"d as sp4SCIAI evcs Isalah 38:12, "1 have cut off like a the varld today vil choose Uic * -weaver my lite." He compared the church that presents Uic lite ot The 93rd anniveraary of Presby- warp and woof ta veavtag wlth the Christ irrespective o! its name or terlanmm ta Bawmanvll wus cele- weaving a! character, showtag how the beauty o! its architecture. brated ta St. Andrewsa Church on the colours white, bîne and red sym- The choir gave a fine musical ser- Sunday. April 19th. vhen Rev. Dr. bolizlng purlty, truth and sacrifice vice rendertag the anthema "God Lloyd Morraw. Professar o! Apolo- f orm the warp. wblie the woc! con- is a spirit". and "Nearer MY Qed ta

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