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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1931, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR8ffDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1931 PAGE IGET Mas. . B . H. JURY 18 gine room was half full of water and funeral was one of the largest seen NE~W PKESfl)ENT 0F ail lgit iad failed. He isowever in Bowmanviile for some time. WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB gradually worked hiiiself out and~ Those attending thse funeral from flnaily rose ta the surf ace of thse sea out of tawn were: Captain and Mrs. where a destroyer picked him up. C. W. E. Meath of Ottawa; Mr. A. B3. (Continued from page 1) His flrst thought wben taken aboard Browning, Wiitby; Mrs. E. A. Hy- unusual but was perisaps the mfost was the salvage of the submarine land, Mrs. Alex. Wolf e, Mrs. W. A. exciting of ail that were heard dur- and he explained ta the officer his Quibel, Mr. Jack Meatis, Mr. E. ing thse year. Mrs. George Mason, as whereabouts and conditions and of- Sandham, Mr. Charlie Mcçullough. retlring president, introduced the ferd suggestions as ta thse best way Mrs. Sandisam Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. speaker, who in is early remnarks, of ralsing it. Cîsyton, and Mr. Philip Nind, ail of told of bis life since thse day whnMany otiser starles of a like nat- 'Toronto; Mr. M. S. Sisiels, Montreal; lie was 14 and ran away ta sea. isJr were tald by Commander Carr Mr. R. B. Tisompson and Mr. B. fatiser belng a sea captain adts and each case lie showed on the Thompson, Port Hope; Mr. W. J. fact tisat lie was born rlght yts screen thse pictures of these men. Morrison. Brantford: Mr. Bruce sea, was no doubt the cause of bis At the conclusion of thse address Tbompson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Denton, early love o! It Ris flrst trip took Mrs. J. H. H. Jury expressed on bie- Mrs. W. Thompson. Miss H. Thomp- hlm ta China where tise plague was balf of the club tbe appreclation Of son, al 0of Cobourg; Miss Rutb ravaglng and where one o! thse per- Mr. Carr's fine talk. She saw itbe Gardner, Toronto; Mr. W. E. Davey, lodical revolutions was in course o! repeating of tise dangers of war and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan and Mn. Its short but bloody existence. At the horrors through wilch the mens I0. A. Ganisby. Orono: Mr. and Mrs. 19 he jolned tise Britishs Navy where went an urge toa ai members ta do D. M .Todd, Oshawa; and family he inmedlately took an Ierest itiseir beat in the cause of a lasting relatives from Montreal, mncluding thse submarlne section. and world wlde peace. Mrs. Sietrim Harvey and Mr. Dixon He told a thrlhlng story Of manyl The meeting closed with tise sing- Coucis. cf thse epic battles of the war and o!fIing 0f 0 Canada. Floral offerings wene sent by tise the deeds done by members of the Higis Scisool Board, Hligis Scisool submarine section of tise navy f0 MR. W. B. COUCH Staff, Higis Scisool Students, Public wiich he sbortly becaine attached wth tise rank o! commander. His IS LAID) TO REST Scisool Board, Business Men's Assoc- description o! the break tisrougisthe lation, Bowmanville Men's Canadian Dardeneiles Info the Sea of Mar- (Continued f romn page 1) Club, Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A. M., mora was as thrilling an adventure Itisan hall a century hee bad been a tise staff of Coucis, Jolinstan & Cry- sfory as one could wisis ta iear. member of thse Higi Scbool Board dran;d rss Eentians, Toronto Hene i mne-lnfested and net- functioning as its Chairman for Dnobug Mr. and Mrs. Hetnan isa.- sfrewn waters the Britishs fought more tban 25 years. It was i theseol Denton, borg; M.R. and MsHn- their way througis os nur ph stisat ewudbth great- Miss Helen Tbompson, Miss Bird mountable barriers. Despite thse est missed. Dr. Best stated. Tflompson, M~r. Bruce Thompson, f act tisat f or a stretcis 0f several Rv e.Msnldi ryradM.adMs .B hmsn r miles 0f water, oniy one mile wlde teReGeason lbed infpaer ad rand Mrs. . BTompson, Mr. L and lned by forts and tarpedo sta- a thente gre asttribute o a e h s and Mrs. B . ompon Mrs G. L fions every f ew hundred yards, tise dpad a tis 1ead cractr o!binse isomp.on. Mfrs . iMrendLese submarines flnaily broke tisrougis o dwee arbtis as nthe. Mr Rbis rs.W HWalar, r ndM* play isavoc witi tise Turkish shsip- .vl atclnyo iecsrce J. Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Caw- pin tatie Sa o Mrmoa. ote man as expressed by tise ker; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCullougis. pin in th îcisof erer. on words whicis came f rom bis own Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Paint- voys o! troops whî er eng moutis on frequent occasions. His on: Mr. and Mrs. James Scobell o! nusised ta Europe f rom Turkey iqoain rmmn sore onOtw;M.AS.Bk;MsF . Asia ta fIglit against tise allies were qutionhes frommany ourhes nOtas wa; Mr .S aker Ms prevented f rom landing and thus tise wtris oflibs fed many o!tediner Fage, Swtzerland; Mss arie aosa situation on tise Western Front wastraitso!bis111ewere rpeatoned by Coucais, Mr.and Mrs.A.Ec Mose aided materlly.sMr. Rtobnthowinandtise woderp-uleyand family, .aMs. A. E.Dud-is Commander Carr explained .u sins hicit outse nan bitsdere-Mr.yandfmilyC. .MssEhel Mrrisd isow a submarine works, how theise lytoulit out endeavomu t serve Sner Mr. and Mrs. C.E eidr rad torpedoes are stored afid discisarged a etiecudbscmuiy m .Secr n n r.Fe and isow tise boat is made ta sub- Following tise service bis fellow C. Vanstone, Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Mr. merge and ta rise. It was a fallacy members o! Jerusalem Lodge fled and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, M. A. James he stated that oxygen was stored on past tise casket, foUlowed by teacisers & Sons. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Mason. tise boats for breathlng purposes. and students o! tise Higis Scisool Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scott, Mr. and This was not se. Thse air witis wiicis wbicis he se loved. Tisey acted as Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan, Mr. and Mrs. M. tise boat was equlpped wisen it sub- flower bearers togetiser witb tise A. Neal. Mrs. S. S. Edsall, Miss Bd- menged was used until tise boat Masons and a double column o! sali, Mrs. H. Fisiser, Mr. and Mrs. agai rose ta tise surface. Triey are flowers flanked tise pati o! tise bier W. P. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. equlpped witis deisal engines and f rom tise bouse ta tise iearse. In ail Cawker. Mrs. Seitrlm Harvey, Mr. motars, tise latter being used for there must bave been close ta a isun- Dixon Coucli, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell, surf ace running and cisarging tise dred wreaths. sprays and pillows, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Virtue, Col. and batteries wici supply tise ligbts for visibly testifying to tise esteem o!f Mrs. Beltan, Mrs. Clarkie and f am- tise ship. An auxilary ligiting set Mr. Couch in tise community. His ily, Mr. and Mrs. Roenigk; Caulfleld, was used in case o! a failure o! tise pal-bearers were F. C. Vanstone, Burns & Gibson. Toronto, Mr. and main set. Dr. J. C. Devtt, A. L. Nicisoils, Dr. Mrs. Cecil Dudley; Mr. and Mrs. One of bis tales of a submarmne G. C. Bonnycastle, Fred Cryderman Win. Prower. Chatsworth; Mr. John man who won tise V. C. was partic- and Gea. W. James. Honorary paîl- Lye and famlly. Dr. and Mrs. Ken- ularly good. A Lieut. Brown was on bearers were L. S. Caverly, L. Cry- netis A. McLaren, The Bridge Club, a submarine wicb isad been tor- derman. J. H. H. Jury, Dr. D. W. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Sisiels, Mr. and pedoed and ta wisose aid anotiser Best, Chas. Mason and J. J. Gil- Mrs. H. A. Bowie, Mr. and Mrs. boat isad come. Lieut. Brown was fillan. A procession of cars over a John Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. tise last man ta come up tise ladder quarter o! a mile long !ollowed tise Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Clayton, and as lie reacised tise conning tower isearse to the cemetery wliere tise Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meatis, Col and tise Captain isad asked if any men remains were laid ta rest in tise Mrs. Henry Brock and Miss Mildred were below. Lieut. Brown mistaking beautiful surroundings o! tise kind Brock, Mr. E. Sandisam. Mrs. E. S. tise question for an order to see if o! a spring day in wiich Mr. Coucis Meatis, Mrs. Nelson Marr, Mrs. N. S. any more were inside again entered rejoiced. At tise graveside Rev. Mr. B. James and 'family, Mr. J. H. Cry- tise ship and was inside wben it div- Robins and Dr. Best read tise comn- derman, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryder- ed ta tise bottam o! tise Norths Sea. inittal prayers after wbici tise Ma- man, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cryderman. Trapped more than 200 feet below sonic Lodge paid tiseir tribute in Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Joisnston; Dir- tise ocean lie lmmedlately set about tiseir comnittal service. It was an ectors and Staff o! W. R. Brock Co., ta escape. He sealed ahI watertight impressive siglit to see tise members Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis. doors ta tise engine room and worked file slowly past tise open grave. drop Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morrison and feverlisly for some hours in an en- in tiseir cedar twigs and bidding children. Mrs. Alan Williams, Mrs. deavour ta f ree iiseif. The en- tiseir brother farewell. pass on. Tise C. A. Cawker, Mrs. A. Bingham. LOCAL BARlUSTER SPEARS TO HOME AND) SCHOOL CLUB (Contlnued fromi page 1) Thse f ull control of our internai ail airs granted in 1867 let naturaliY andci evitably to thse realization ofi thse importance of external afiairs and ta, the taklng of an ever increas- ing share in the conduct of relations with countries outslde our borders. Prior to thse war a factor which contributed greatly ta our national development was our participation in Imperial Conlerences . T he Domn- ions were cailed into the counicils of the Empire on terms of equaiity as partners. Our CanaWain Premiers at tisese Coliferences, f rom Sir Wil- fred Laurier onward, and Irrespect- ive of political affiliations, have re- solutely maintained an mndepenclent attitude and strongly insisted upon thse rlght of thse Canadian Pra ment ta determine for our coutry what our course shall be and Eng- lish Representatives have freely re- cognized the justice of thse position so unllormly taken by Canadian leaders. Durlng thse war this new Canadian nationality developed stiil furtiser. I have na desire ta comxnend war- fare. Yet no nation in the world played a more credible part than dld Canada ini the great spectacle of 1914-18. Canada came out of thse war witis a new status and with greater respect in the eyes of the world. She signed the treaty of peace on thse samne footing as the otiser nations of thse world and has taken her seat in thse Councils of thse League of Nations, an institution that is doing much ta aid us on ta- ward the goal of world peace. Other great strides were made at Imperial Conferences since thse war. We are tilnking and speaking in ternis of Canada more tban we ever did before. In the formula agreed upon at thse Conference of 1926 it is provided that Great Britain and the Dominions while united by a coin- mon ailegiance ta thse crown are i no way subordinated one ta the otiser in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs. In thse Empire Canada is a nation. Great Britain bas agreed tbat she wiil not exercise the sovereign pow- ers which sise legaily possesses ex- cept with the concurrence or upon the request of Canada. The door bas betin opened for an increase in' Canadian Autonomy.1 But that status, that f reedom un- der the Crown, brings responsibilities as well as rights, and thse bearing o! those responsibilities and the exer- cise of those rlghts, for the ultimnate benefit, not of a part but of the whole of our country is a problem wiich wfll recauire ahl our political ingenuity. At the conclusion of thse address the cbairman tendered a hearty vote of tbanks ta the speaker and tho)se wbo assisted hIthse program. Re- f resisments were served by the groupi leaders and a social bal.! hour spent. 1 The meeting closed witis the singing of God Save the King.1 A Special for Scturday Following a very successful sale last week-end of this saine nature, we are offering another variety for 50c, 1 dozen Buns ALL FOR 1 Apple or Raisin Pie 1 Layer Cake ' c Many extra specials ini Candy for, the week-end that wilI be worth your while to partake of. Ice Cream Parlour now open. Delicious Sundaes and Sodas for the warnn weather. Bo wmanville Bakery ...end a Bank Money Order! F OR safety and convenience in sending money by mail anywhere in Canada, the United States or the British Isies, use Royal Bank Money Orders. They may be obtained at any brandi of this Bank and are issued payable in either dollars or pounds. Buy your Money Orders at the Royal A yiM The Ropyal Bank of Canada. Bowmanville Branch- L G. Hefkey, Manager 1544 Tou WANT POWIE - TOU WAI<T MILEAGE Thon Une Super Sheli Anti-Knock GASOLINE and finFl our crankesaswlth or hlgh grade Ouas: Sheil, Castrol, Quaker State, Penzoil, or MobiloiL urne Sunlight Coal Oil for your Incubator. If your dernier cannot supply Yeu wth this grade we wiil be glad to do ao. PIIONE 110 KING ST. EAT-Kf' BOWMANVI LLE CABTING AND TBUCKINO AU klnds of CaflIng. Trutnganad Movng; local and long d1.tao.. H. BOMBARD Phon. 1"0 Qusen St., BownanvUU Have Your Eyes Exaniined Consult our Reglstered Optometrlst B. M. MITCHELL -- Latest Methods - -Modern Instruments - R.M. Mitchell & Co. Draggists - Optometrieta J Phone 92 A Modern Necessity For Industrial For Bo wmanvill11e Development Modern Idustries which( In indu compel manuf a Are '. deinanding and using gas for heating purposes cann i4 as economically served by other types of fuel. usty ;i -st be remembered gas does not replace n'or te wâh , -tric power, but gives oppv rtunities for lines of actunrfn iich cannot be handled i hout it. No Mode rn Community Bowmanville's Opportunity Bowrnanville needs a gas supply to r-und out its facilities as an industrial community. The gas franchise bylaw provides f or Bowxnanville its great opportunity for completing its indus- trial equipment, on terins under which the Lown has everything to gain and nothing t lot.. FoIIow This Lead l8 eîqi: unless it has a'ý industries. industries, r handicappet' this lack onP. ed to attract industrial grv) 4rh and developmenil adequate supply of gas te> offPer to prospecti v-1 manville is handicapped Mn efforts to secure new he preselit industries of l,( wmanville have bec"' cause of the lack of gas suppdy. You can remed.y Ir 9th. The gas franchise has been endoised and approved by Mayor M. J. Elliott and the Council of th(i Town of Bowmnan- ville, after careful and exhaustive study. You know and trust these nien-your representatives. FoIIow lise leadeship they are giving you, and support the gai franchise on May 9th. Work an:k-- Vote for the Gas Franchise Bylaw Because It is Good Business FOR BOWM ANVILL Ti S ADVERTISEMENT 15 PUBLISHED WITH THE APPROVAL 0F THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL 0F BOWMIA ýVILLE e 1

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