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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1931, p. 8

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PA - TEE CANADIAN WtAI*N. DOWMANVU.LE. THCTR8DAY. APEIL 8Oth, 1531 DRESSING UP «-many years aga,"I writes W. D. Ailbrlght. of Beaverlodge, Aberta, "I uied ta pass a country home where both bouse and barn preaented a fine appearance f rom the hlghwaY. One day fram a wood lot, I got a rear vlew o! that sanie place and what a contrastIl" Ever since then, Mr. Al- bright, who la a fmIr beiever that thlere la poetry in achievement, even in the building a! a symmptrical ,oodpile. bas triai ta take as mach caSof Uic 'back' as the 'front.' Cam % £%ost o! creepers, .5brUbB, trocs, peremis»81 anid anuafl fiowers ,M aZr commahld, tbls shuuld not be such a d1acut task. Untidy wood- piles and other corners can easl be screened by annul or perennial ereper. In the vegetable garden, the main essential of neatacs lsaa Stnaight row, although we can also drees this up alang the edges and at thie corners by shrubberY, or rowa o! Miowers for catting purpases- In the ,Old CountI'y, the vegetable and fruit 4@xiiensa are almost as attractive wfth Iheir waMl and hedges as the ftower q@edens i front. of course, on the ftai or other basY Places we can bardly afford the time necesearY ta look aiter very elaborate grounds. bt by uslng permanent materials, guch as trees, shrubbe&Y. Perennial gowger gardens and here and there a touch o! annuals, we can have a bBck gardon o! wblch wo are not ashamai. After ail, as Mr. Aibriglit affl, back yards roally roveai une'a true charactel'. LAWN WORK This is the best time when thé earth 15 sot t and moist ta put the lawn inta shape. Dandelions, Plan- tain. and other persistent weeds corne out easilY naw, and in remav- lng tbem get out as mach o! the root as passible. Some of the many woedlng dovicos now on the market wilf save a lot o! stoPing. At this trne. too. a heavy roUler la usai ta *good eff oct, levlllng dawn blgh spots and firmlng sali about the roots o! the grass. Loosen ap bare Mpots wth a rake and re-aoed wth a goad lawa mlxture-cheap mix- tures are nover permanent and * somtimos are dangorouS. Pratect this new seedlng wth seme Poultry netting or brush se that aparrows willI not get at the seed. Top dress- ing wth wel-rotted manure or an application of a good commercial f ertilizer, hlgh in nitrogen, la advla- able. If manure la usai, be careful that it la weI-rotted and free tram weed seeds. The lawn shauld be cut every tour or five days, after growth geta well started. with a Sharp lawn mower. A daMl machine wM lPull out much o! the grass. Later on, when the weather turnis hot. less frequent cutting la advlsable. FLOWER8 FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES Even if aur flower garden la amall, or shaded, or contains poor sali, we should not be diacouraged. Af ter ail, there las smething that wlll fit in and do weil and it la this adapting of our garden ta meet aur own in- dividual conditions that adds se mach pleasure ta the hobbY. Ini permanently sbaded quarters, that la wbere there la shade f rom seme building or f ence the year round, tuberous rooted beg'onlas, panales, and wild fLowers wil do well. In tact. they prefer thla location ta anY other. i partial shade. clarkia, annual larkspar, lapine, nicotine, phlox, and verbena should be grown. on poor sili, portulaca la a favorite as well as alyssui, sweet-soented stocks, lium, calendulas, calliopsis, sun-fiowers achzanthus, salpiglowsl, marigoids, petunias. and many others. These wll alsa more sua0- ceaetully resist dry 'weather than muet othlçr, For cuttlng purposes. we have a very long last ta choose from but shoald inclade (baby's breath) use! ai for making up bouquets, salpiglosela, sweet Peas, zinnias, cosmos, asters, Marlgolds and scablosa. If we prise fragrance, we sbould inclade stocka, nicotine mignonette, alyssuni, sweet sultan, and verbenas. Ini the evenunga par- ticularW a tew of these wlli fl the whole garden wth a dellghtful odour. There are several hardy an- nuals whlch can be plcked wth long stemo just before the bloom oPena and drled for wlnter bouquets. These include the traw flower, statice, acrocliniuni rhodanthe and manY others. /",0i. télitN ek Sv 0F TREC GRANT FLEMING, M.P. . -AtOCIATEl SECRErARtY COMMUNICABLE DISEASES That la why It is unsaf e ta use common eathng or drinking uten- The communicable diseases are so sils, the common drnklng-cup nLamed because they have certain constltuting a very real danger. It cbaracteristics i commun. the most la also why dishea should be thor- outstanding and important being oughly washed after use and why tbat they are ail spread from one there are laws requlring the ster- person ta an ther. ilization of dishes i public eating- Communicable diseasea are caused Paces by living agents called bacteria, par- You may agree that such care is asites or disease gerrns. Each dis- reasonable, provlding some persan mme ba i t particular germ. Thc in the home la il and that it appears germ of dphtherla neyer causes any sensible ta be careful outside the disease except dlphtheria. and so It home, but you are apt ta feel, when la with others in the group. everyone in the home la apparently The germs are usually passed d- well, that no particular care ia ne- rectly train one persan to, another. cesary that it la qulte ail right fo Most af the communicable ciseases everyone ta use the common cup at fram which we suifer i this coun- the slnk when drinklng between try are spread ini this manner. Thie meals. germas leave the body in the secre- The reason why this la flot al tions of nase, throat and mouth. In rlght and why you need ta take care thbe acta of coughing. sneezing ex- at ail times is, f irst of ail, because pectorathng or loud talkring, these se- it la anly by remembering ta be care- crtons are thrown out into the sur- fui always, that you continue ta do' roumdlng air, into the faces of per- se when this is necessary. The second son who are nearby and receive the reason la that it is flot possible ta germa in thia way. tell which persans have disease It la obviaus that we should germns in their nases and throats. flot sneeze only into a handker- The germn is. of course. present in e , and that we should flot talk i those suffering tram the disease dlrectly into another person's face 'caused by that particular germ, but The saliva l, of course depositeâ gerrns may alsa be present in per- on ail drlnking and eating utensils Isans wha have recavered, and in the whlch are placed i the mouth or' case af some diseases, even when the wblch corne into contact wth the persan has nat been ill. lips. If these utenilis are used by an- The spread of the communicable other persan before they have been diseases may, ta some extent. be ar- cleansed. that persan takes into his rested by the control of coughs, mouth the f lrst lndlvldual's saliva, sneezes and expectoration. and by whch may contain the germns of di- the avaidance of comman eating and sase. drinkmng utensils. Hai.. J Adelard Codbont ge~'nt8 member of the gor- ernment a! the Province af Que- bac, Rou. J. Adelard Godbout holds the important portfolo of Miniatior et AgvleulbzRe ola lso chair- mmofth ett imeCommitie of the World% Grain Exhibition a"d'- BortaAt st. Ela, i1892. Mr. Godbout obtained B.A. and B.S.A. degroc from the Lsvai UniversitY and tact graduate 'work in animal - husbazidry at the Massachusetts Colege in 1918 ta 1920. 2Promn 1922 ta, 1926 he was countY agriculturist for L'Islet Caunty and was appainted professor of animal hSbandrY at thc agricultura1 achool of Ste. Anne de la Pocatiero ln 1918. In 1929 Mr. Godbout was elected ta the Legisiature af Quebec tor the L'iaet seat. go la a member of the Canadian Society o! Technical kgrficultflraliata. BOWMANVILLE GAS FRANCHISE BYLAW -ir'e)sore tht t w us ieans a, y. secsrc'ilta thse Grant.e hbereunder shah b. as- Ji thEat aein andagnd sirnesi y hi tICrantas le Ontario Shore Cas Join Esar i inisteiiiCanaa ad Company, Llmlted. and Ie such case tbe sald sold by ail stores that adil good medicines Ontario Shore Cas Company. lted, shall -A genercus tube for 60 cmet-'and execute and deliver te ic Town an rigdlyguaantecLagreement ansd undertakinw in thc verdis rigdl gurantedand figures as sel eut le schedule "S" tb such coul, 1themarne shah ra i 1f te, Ilt NOTICE lu herchi' siven that the follow- and dotermlnsd by a juins of theCounty ne Ing la a truc oeçr of a propoçil e hm-aw cf Court of thé United Counnuesci Nortuimbar- Tise Corporation of Uic Town of Bowman- land and Durham,,an soe arbitrator. coder villa.- 1h Ill besbmitteil toa avota of the ARBITRATIoN A C f the Province of lu 'iuiia«e.c.r cif the Town of Bow- Ontario. c manville ettheUic ime andplace and with (7)Ibo rants ai e t ail limes and 0 the diguty reuine officera herenafter flrouUUme ta Umne bereafter. saPP&i, the.hl §et forth:- Town and ite inhabitants wlthln mach limita 'T" ORPRATON F TU TO N O " asmY constitute the Tows frum iaUne te, 'TEECORPRATON 0 TE TOW 0Fture (subjecl as hereinafter provided). the BOWIMkNILLE" gas roQuiremente of the Town andilits in- BY-LAW NO. habitants et a proper and suffîclent pressureU ____for domestic. commer-cial. industrial and ail t A By-law te authorlae thse grantina of a other purpomis, ln such volume or quanity d franchise fer the suppli' of gaâ, ln th Te-n as miay b.e roqulred by lbe Town and lis cf Beumanvlfle. inhabtitants. and for that purposecshali t.V ______al l imes maistain it& plant and/or distri- ti WIIRREAS BEN E. TATE ham repreeent- butionl systeminin good condition and repair. ed ta the Counicil cf the Corporation cf tbe Theorates or charge for gas ta b.e suppled Tw ofBowmanvilllc that lhe proposes t to iceTown and ts inhabitanta shai lt cs esftabllah a agaz public utllity le thc Town edth olwg: cf Bcwmnanville; Service Charge 40c: net per monté; S AND VWHEI1EAS Uic said Bon jg, Tj ban Consumptîce Charge $1.60 per 1000 e. ft. D requesfted that a franchise b.e granted ta Per month. s hlm and i assigna for Uic operation of a Mii0 rm hrg.8eprrot ras genratng plant and/or a gals dis- Dsount if paid wlithn 10 daya frorn date0 tribution system ln the Town cf Bowman- cf bill, lOc par 10W0 eu. ft. of consumption S ville andilil la desirable that gaad requet b.e chargt. granted. AND) WHEREAS thc terme of an agree- PIIOVIDED TUÂT: s mient betues Uic aaid Ban E. Tata and the Corporation of the Town cf Bowmanville (a) When tbe consumption shahl equalfi provldins for thc grssting of said franchise 260000 cube ftet per day, said consumaption s uapon certain ternme and conditions as Uiere- charge shal sot exceed $1.60 par 1000 cE ln set out, have becs settled; fI. per usnth, wlit discount cf 10c par 1000 t NOW TFIETREFORE Uic Corporation of the cubic font cf consuimption charge on accounts v town cf Bowmanvllle by Its Councîl enacte paid wlithn 10 dais fron date of bill. as folous *.. (b> When the consumptlon sahal equal 1. THÂT Uic Corporation cf Uic Town 01 .000.000 cii. fI. par day. sad conauimption BwU ileN de.nTter autruc an agreement charge saolisot excead $1.06 par 1000 cuhlic wiBoNL TdAeTE rue clp cf whlch feet par manth, with discount tolc par t sal areeentlaatlchd cDY1000 cuhlc feet cf consumpticu charge onU uaicA aeet i la attcd hereto as schcd- accouant& pai*I wtliis10 day, fironsdate cf nie"A"to hisby-aw niforma part hereof. di 2. TRIAT after the final passlng ofths PRovmnr> that no charge ahaol b. made ti bylaw Uie Mayor ani Clerk b.e and Uie are by' Uic Grantee for any aupply pipa finrm Uic herehy auUiorlzed to executa Uic aald agree- InO taU i mt of the st8etln whih metaiC al h orporationa c thert. such main bas becs laid but tha Granteead Corortio tereo. saol (auhect ta Uic provisions ci paragraph0 8 Iereof) b.e entitlcd to malle a charge for SCEDLE"A i nstallation of Uic supply pipe f rom icee This la Schedule "«A" referrcd ta in Uic lise cf Uih treet in which Uic main baa u hi-law cf Uie Corporation cf Uic Town of been claid, et. Uic building, . ueorther Bowmianville. bins a by-law ta authorize erection ta w.hlic ras la ta b.e snpplicd. ai the grastinr of a franchise for Uic upply the Point wherc the Imaer of the Grante la e cf gaa ln Uic Town of Bowmanville. installed. s THIS AGREEMENT made (in duplicate) (8) If Uic neceaaary permit ia obtained F thisi Thlrleentb day of April. A.D. 1931. fromn the Dapartroant of Highwaya cf the I BEIWEEN- Province cf Ontario ta lay and constnuel a THE ORPOATIO OFTHE OWN gFam main or zas mains on Uic Provincial TUE CORPORAThrION0F TUEr TOWN 0FheHighwaya ta serve the Town. thse CranteeU BOWMANVILE. herenafler alled Ui ssal lhie cne icar from the date of the TOWN, of Uic FIRST PART. final execetion and deivery of this agre- Ib AND ment by Uic Town pipe ras ta and make tiheth BEN E. TATE, cf the Cty of Chicago, samne avallable for distribution ln Uic Towne s hereinafter called the CRANTES, of tb. upon the followlsr conditions:-' SUEODAR t.eGatehnrpeetd (a> Withln the areta deflned and described Iý WHEEAStheCralcehasrcpeseted inl the schedule annexcd ta and fermier part s the TOWn Uit ho proposes ta eutabliah a gas cf this agreement as schedule "A" heretoes public utilti in Uic Town of Bosemanville: the Grante sahol distribute gas upon the B, AND WHEREAS thc saidli rantes bas re. roquet cf any and ail customers who shahiT queeted that a franchise b.e granted tobihl enter into the custamary written contract and his assigna for the opralion cf a Kas wils the Grantee for Uic purchae.of gas geceratier plant, and/or a gels distribution for s period cf sot lese Uian cee year; c systema in the Town cf Bowmanvllle and lit la (b) Outside the &&id arcs as defined and V desirable Ibat aaid requt lb.granted - dascribed le said chedule. the Grsnite shahls NO(W THEREPORE TRIS AGREEMENT ditribute gas upon Uic requcat cf ani andB WITNESSET that in consîderation of bhe aIl cusftornera uho shall enter mb. sucb h premises and cf the mutual covenantsanmd cuetomary contract: PROVIDED that the c agreenments herinaiter expreased. ta b.e Grante ahalsot b.e required ta extend bhebc ntually ohservcd and parformed. the partiea said gaz distribution farlber tisse 160 feet t hereto covenant and litres, each witb the ta serve cach snch cuetomer. or for a dist- other as folîcua :- ance greater le fel thon 150 multiplied by (1) The Towe herchigrante ta thc the number cf customera; Crantes and hie assigna the exclusive rirbit, <c) Before Uic Grantea shaîl b. required permission, privilege ami franchise, for a ta extend the said distribution systern farther paiod cf thirti-five (36) years froin and than as provided le clause (b) hereof. bbc after Uic laI day cf June, 1931. subjcct cnlY Crantes may require (le addition ta sllch ta the laws cf the Province cf Ontario, and, cntamary contract) Uie deposit in cash cf or the Dominion of Canada nas fow ln force tise estlmaled cot cf such exces extension. or may hereafter b. le force, ami ta the If upon the completion cf isuch extension the conditions and limitations herelnaiter con- rost thereof shal b. greater or less tisse tained to supply and furnlah ras ta the le- such deposit. the excese or deficiency shallt habitants cf the Town and ta, erect. instal. b.i refumicd ta or peld by Uic customner ase' construet. rcconstruct, repair, own, oparate, the case na y b.. If any custerner or eus-t maintain. manage and control a ras generat- tomera jonlly ahail pay to icherante.theb A ing plant and/or gas distribution sîstem occcl of sucb extension as aféreiad. and if i consistinr cf maies, pipas, conduits. and witbin a paiod cf four years f romt the date. other fixture, sithin the limits cf the Towne of sucb paymenl ras shah b. suppiied ta an f as establlshed on the said date or as the additional ceaborner or additional customers d said limite mai b. extended durler the said lbrougb sncb extension, there shah b.lie e- period cf Ihirly-flre (35) icars eeceary. funded to the custamer or customeresewhoV convenient or propar for thse production. pald for the saine the original rost of each I transmission, distribution and delivery cf 15o feet for each snch additlonal custamer. s artificial and/or saturali ras for Ilirbt. beat (9) NOTWITHSTANDINC anytinr bers-S and poweer purpoae. ta Uic said Town and la rontainad. it la understcçd. and agrecd tbtile other municilihle and ta ite and tlhrirnl- the total consumption of gas produced f romst habitante, any sud ail sncb cokina plast or ras plant (2) The Town hereby rante tetthe as mai etahlishcd by the Crantas or by Crantee and hie assigneail rlrhte cf waY.I such company oseier and operatier the said le. under. over. aber and ecroasa th1hir- gas public uiliby or by any canipani if f111- waya, idesesîka. alîcys. bridges. and public, atcd vith or subidiary ta such company te grounda cf thse sad Tawn for tbc purPose supply the ras raquiremente cf the Town, cf rectier. installnr. contructier. recon-, sand of aey osher municipality. shal b. ther aructier. repalring. osenîna. operatier, main- I bais on which lhe charges for gasn shall b. I lainIer. managler ami controller Uie aaid flxed, no Uiat. If et aeyUlie Uic total coc- g as plant and/or saldt ras distribution systeni: sumption cf ras produccd froni any sncb PROVIDSD. Uiat bbc location of aIl mains, coking or ras plant shaîl equal 250.000 cubic pipe and wcika. le. under. over. aoe r ol fet par day. Uic consumrptlon charge shalI acrose aey auch ighways, sîdesealke. alîcys.I not excecd 81.50 par 1000 cubic feet par month.s bridges or public groundasaholb.ieubjcct tg' witb Uic discount as hereiebefore est out.1 the direction and approval cf Uic Towen. and If Uic total consumption from any sncb (3) Ienlise erection, Installation and coin- plant ar plants shalat any Urne equai 3000,.- struction cf the said gan plant and/or ras 000 cuble feet per daer. aucis conaumptîce distribution syterniUic Grantee shali eiploy charge shal ot exceed $1.05 par 1000 cubir residente cf tise Towenseben availabla. but fot par month. with lbe discount as hereîn- this clause shaîl not apphy ta superintendence b.fore set Out. or skilled workmansbip. (10) Tise bocks cf the Cranteeanmd cf ani (4) The rantes sahol indemnlfy and hold compaili that may b.e incorporated ami organ-i the Towe fies and harmlese cf and frons ized ta own and aperate tise said ras publiec eny and aIl labillty. damageo. actions. and utility am/or any and ail companieBsaub-1 causes cf actions causeil by or Uirough the sîdari ta or affiliated wilhsuscb comparus,1 Crante. le the erection. installation, con- shah aet ail limes b. open ta Inspection by I struction. reconstruction. repair. operation. the Toue or by ite anditoastoanscertain tise maintenance management, and control of lise consumaption cf gas produced hy such comp- said Ras plant and/or said ras distribution ani incorporated and orranlzed ta oivr and i systese. opes-te tise said «as public utility or suris <5)subidiry or affiliated ecompani. ta determine (5 Tise Crantes shail net. durleir the the mdaximum rates sehîcis may b.e cisared ereclion. Installation, construction. recors niri sitrurtion. repair. orperate and maintenanceof hy such compeer or by such suheldiari or said gas plant and/or Kas distribution systein. affilialed cemuany frmm lime ta lime. lne unneeessarily impedle public travel on thse acrac ihti iree highways, sidewalks. aleys. bridgs and public (11) NOTWITHSTANDING anrthinr here. grounds cf tise Town. and tise rantas shaîl in contained. if th. Crante.saholb.i unable lesve ail said hlghways. alicys. Ideseaiks te obtain trom Ut'eI)cpartmnent cf Hirbwaeys9 bridges and public grounds. sipon wbicb the of lise Province cf Ontario lthe necesaary rantas mai enter for thse purposes bereleinpermait or permission to la>' and contruct a authorizcd, le as good condition as Uiey smano r mains on h Provincial Hsrh- serre at the date cf sncb entri. to the catIs- t seys te thse Towe Ihen tise Crantaes sial faction cf the Town. and the Crantas saboli have the rigzht ta wlthd rase fron Ibis agres'- thereafter roçair and maintain an>' and ahi ment upon sritten notice ta, the Towen ni damagc or disturbance due te, subsidence or, surhisei intention no to do. and there- otberwise arisinr out cf the use b> 1h eI upOn this agreement and everythleir berein Crante. cf an>' cf lb. sald hlrhwaîs. alcys containcdl shall b. cf no fertiser force or sidesesîke. bridges or public grouinds for the cffect on ether cf the parties herete. The purpose cf the Crantee's gas plant and/or Crantee. however. %hahl use bis hest en- gcas distribution sîstem: PROVIDED that if deavers and with al diligence to obtain frors the rantas shail fail to effect an>' sncb re- the Department cf Higissesysof tise Province pair or te maintain ani and al sncb damage cf Otaneo the neceessar permit te lay a iras or distnrhance as aforesaid, the Towen may main or ras mains on the Provincial Hirh- rive sritten notice ta tise rante. oç.ci<y- vaîs as aforesald. sng such default and if the Crante. shail fail (12) Tise rante. cihah psy lise rea.gonabie to remedy the saine sithin a reasenable lime. and proper coite. charges and expens sof tise Towen may effeet such ipair or main- the Towen and cf its solicitor cf and ici- tenance and the reasonable ctt thereof dental te the, preparation and settlement cf shail b. due and payable hy tise GracIe. upon tiisaprmemrent. and cf the hi-lise te nutor. demassd. iree .samne. and cf tise submissîon thereof (6) If tise GracIes shah use cii cf tise Ifor the assent cf tise municipal eleetors nf bridges now or hereafter built in tise Tosen the Town. Scis r osts, charges and expcrss's ither as nese bridgres or te replace exîtler I au estImated hi lbe Clerk cf tbe Towin, @hahl bridges, ta carry the pipe lices or distri- Ib. deposited wlth the Ceik ulîhin five days hion system cf the Crante.. Uic Crantes after the first and second readinra cf aaid «hahcepnst th. Tosentforth.e_.tosIl. by-lase and the passinr cof tise by.Iaw te teke LIMITED Pres1deet. Sec retary. AN]) NOTICE IS FURTiIER CIVEN tUs tise vote cf tb. municipal electara cf tise Tosen cf Bosemanvilie shall b. taken on tise abuse hi-law os tise iinth day cf Mai. A.D. 1931, bebveen tise bonrs cf Tee o'chock le thc fornonandi Seven occlock le the aftereoon (Dayligbl Savier Time> at the folloseler places and vils tise fohloiosge deput>' retureler officersanad poil cherka: (1) POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 1. West WARD comprisier se mucb cf the West Ward as liensaouth, cf WellingtonI Street ami Second Concession Lins West ofi Scugor Street. and Wesley Perey shah OsDe depuli returnier officer and Thomas Hamil-I ton shail b. poil clark theral (2) POLLIING SUBDIVISION NO. 2, WEST WARD mompnisina so much cfth West Ward as hies North of Wellingtlon Street andi Second Concssilon Lieu Wt of Scugor Street; and Roi Jones shah b. deputi returnier officer and JohneMaison shall bu poil clerk Usereat. (3) POLLINC SUBDIVISION No. 1.1 NORTH WARD comprislng allcf thc North yard lier South of Wellington Street and West f Liberty Street; andi Fred Pattinson shall b. depuli returnier cf ficer and Almon Fletcher shah b. poil clark themet. NORTH WARD comprisIer aIl HartOs yard net included Inl poilerg subdivision No. 1 Sentis vas-s; andi Barri Humplireys a"aIîb. daputi relurnier affîcer and Fred C. Marais shahl b. pol clark Ushereat for tbat part on thc votes-s liaI on ta poiler asubdivision fromn A te, L (bath Inclusive). and R. M. Coalbe shail b. deputy returnisar office- andi Rt. Thompaon shah b. poi clerk tsereat fer that part of the votera LisI fromn M ta Z (bols inclusive). (5) POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 1. SOUJTH WARD comprisier Ibat pa-b cf Sonuhyard lhier North cf Albert aed Prince Street; and Herman Westavay shahl b. dopaI>' retnrning officer aed A. C. Fesester shaîl b. poil rlerk tisereat. (6) POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 2. SOUTE WARD comprismer tisaI part cfI Seuth yard lyler Sontis cf Ahbert ccd Prince' Streets: and James Nokes sisail b. deputy returnlng officer snd A. E. Reader sisaîlleb poil clerk thereat. AN!) NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tisat on lise 11h dai cf Mai 1931. aItIthe hon cf eleven o'clock in lise ferenoon (Dayhîrist Saeinr Tume) aI lise ouncil r mmletise Municipal Building in lb. Towne cf Boseman- ville bave becs> fixed as tise lime ced place for tise appoielmeel cf persoss te attend At tise pollinr places and cItishe final summinr uîs cf the votes by t~he Cherk. Ihat enthse Ilts day ef Mai. 1931.,aItlb.he ur cf cleven o'clock le tise foreecon IDaîhigisI Saviez Timel tle cîerk cf thisald muelcipaliti ssaîl attend at hie office ansi suni up lise votes givon for andi agaiest lise said proposc by- law: andi thisa flise o.ssent cf tise muni- ripai electers le obtained le tise sald pro- poisd bi-lase. il silI ho taken imb consider- sion hi tise municipal council cf lise Cor- poration cf lise Towen cf Bosemanvlle at a meeting thereof aller tise expiration cf ce mentis after tise date cf the firal publication cf tisis notice: ansi that sncb firet publication was madie on tise 1it day cf April. 1931. Ilatesi et Bosemaneilie thc 161b day cf Apnil. 1931. JOHN LYLE. Clerk, FARMER'S WIFE GElSSTRENGTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham' s Vegetable Compound Wiltan, Ont.-"1 amn tahring Lydia E. Pinkhans'a Vegetabie Compound th:rough the Change of Life. It heips me and I cannat praîse it taa highiy. 1 w as trouhied with heat ~ -<ê 5<limba were heavy so I could hardly farm work. I saw ini the newapapers aour ad about the 1 Vegetabie Com- 9 pound and thought R ta give it a triai. The frat bottie gave me relief and 1 have toid others what it doea for me. I amn willing for yoa to iune my letter if you chooee"-MII. D. B. Psrsae, Wiltan, OntarWa [GET RID OF CONSTIPATION a hn t dateId UttIaaro phin blp isan mdd mchaduwa INHVW M SWHEREOF lb. Crantai bas harsata atix ie corporate emmiand casad the sans, to b. signel hy ie piover officera ami Uic Crantes bbasas-sunta u bia band and seal. SCUEDULE«A» THiISs 8SCIIEDULE "A" refsrred ta le thse aareement bclwaen Thse Corporation cf tbe Towe cf Boumanvihle, ami BesE. T'ata, dalcd the 13th day cf April. 1931. ALL that part cf the Towa cf Bo-mas- ville, wbich la lncluded wulUle or abuta on the followina aftracte, roada amd i bîrbys- Scuror Street trcm Ring Street ta Con- cesion Road; Concession Roaâd f rom Scuror Street ta Liberty Street; Liberty Street from Concession Rond ta Nelsoa Street: Nelson Street frs-m Liberty Streeltat Duke Street'. Dsske Street from Noes Street ta Argyle Street; Argile Street from Duke Street ta Ontario Street; Ontario Street f rom Argile Street ta Qucen Street; Qucen Street from Ontario Street ta Scugor Street: Scisao Street from Queen Street ta King Street and to Uic place cf beainnina. The lande ami premises ahuttina on Scugor Street from Concession Road ta a point 300 faet North cf bbc Nortisorli unit of O'Dll Stret; O'DeIl Stroet froni Scugar 5Streetat ElileShtre;SEgin Street froni 0'Dell Street to SecomiStreet; King Street (or thc Por- vinclal Hlgbway) from Uic Wetely lmrit cf the Towe of Bowmanville o taScugo Street. SCREDULE "B" THIS 15 SCHEDIJLE -B" referred tu le tise agreement betveen tisa Corporation cf the Towa of Bowmasiville and Bon IL Tata iated Uic 13th çlay of April. A.). 1931. KNOW ALL MEN BL TUSSE PRESENTS that: WUREIAS hi an agreement la usitiuia label Uic 1815 day cf Apnil. A.D. 1931, Tise LCrporation af the Town of Bowmanvllle graned ta Bes E. Tate a franchise for Uic eipphy cf ras le the Towe cf Boumanvlle subjeclta tiste terme, conditions and cove- nants le Uic said agreement containcd: AND) WHEREAS il a ic hedesine ami In- tention af tUic ad parties ami cf the under- signed UsaI Uic sad areement and ail Uic rghta. properties privilegesand 'franchises iechudcd iserein shah b. vested le Uic under- signed and that lise endersigeed saol assume ail lb. convenants and otser obligations tberein enteird imbyh the said Bien B. Tata. AND) WHEREAS tise said agreement bas becs authorized hi tise municipal electara of the Towen cf Bosemanville le accordance wilb the Municipal Act; AND) WHEREAS Uic said Bien S. Taie bas by Instrument bearler evon date bcrcvitb, as- signed or caused ta b. assired tte c under- sirned tbe said areement between thc said Ben S. Tate and Tise Corporation of the T'owe cf Bowmanelhle; NOW THEREFORE Uic undersigned. in censidaration cf lbe premises and for allier valnable consideralion. berebi convenante and arreces its the Corporation cf the Towe cf Bowreanville te, assume, b. regponsibic for and ta perfcn. and lise uedersigncd does icrehi assumne aIl Uic terme, conditions and cnvenants in tiese aid armements set out tc, b. parfornsed hi Uic said Ban E. Tate le the same maeser and te the same extent as if tise nndarairned bad been nmed le Uic said agreement lenlise place ami stead of Ven, E. Taie. "KEEP OUT" 'o Ffre, Draughts, Rodents G YPROC Wallboard that does fot burn is the way cf loast oxpense whon you desire ta make altorations in your home, store, fac- tory or on the f arrn. Use it for ail wails, ceilinga and partitions. Gyproc is made from gypsum rock into sheets 4 ta 10 feet long, 4 feet wide aid % of an inch thick. It nails and cuts as easily as luanber with a minimum of waste or musa. Gyprac is fire -resistant, oasily and quickly erected, structurally strong and has insulatian value. It is draught and vermin-proof as woll as firo-saf e. Because it is ivory-coloured, it doco flot require decoration (when panelled) yet it is also a suit- able base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper. Cansuit your nearest dealer to-day. He will. gladly supply you with a direction sheet on Gyproc. Or write for the interesting, free bookiet, "Building and Remodelling with GYPROC". 373 For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - 's ""Spring fever means nothing to him . d »" "Notice how ho keeps going all day long wbile others jet duli and drowsy these sprint days P It'a because he ente riglit. 1 happen to know ho always eats Shredded Whest --and Shredded WAmt you know i. the ideal sprin# tonia. It's light, assy to digest and stili very nourishing. And it contains aIl the bran needed for a dlean system and a clear mind.Y Bowmanville, Ont. OMIPANY LTD. SHREDDED OSITMART é.,l tFaillTorote The funeral of the late Robert ralla. wbich wus held Tuesday f rom bis realdence, 69 Dixon Avenue, Tor- onto, waa canducted by Rev. H. E. Wellwood, aaslsted by Rev. B. W. Story. Mr. Falla. who waa in bis seventy- slxth year, was boni in Manvers and lived in Darlington Township, Durbani County, and Bowmanville before going ta Toronto. Formerly active in the Methodiat Church, he bad durlng bis declining years been a member of the Kingston Road United Church. Survlving are his wldow, Sarah Jane Fallas; one daughter, Mrs. B. W. Story; one son, Dr. L. 0. Falla, Superintendent o! Victoria Hospital, Landon, Ont.; five grandcbildren; and two brothers, E. J. Flla of To- ronta, and William FaIlla of St. Clair. Mich. Interment was in Scarbdro I*wn tJemetery. Uver Pia. ffaerey Vqnabfr Gende but e*ecgive. Ne b.d aftr eect. For 60 eagu they have iven qukk relief boa. Bllunm, 5ick Headaches, Indigeodo. Acidiy, Bd Coin. 25c & 75c r.d packages Ak yow éuîgit for URS M En.PILLS tching Ende Right AwMy ci b.d czamafatuomm-b angl maioe of 6ootba4-l - ed" mIé ichs V I h B W I M 1iun la DM W C m l n . " n sP m bA 1quckeît IknowD reliai W TEZ CAMADIM OrATMUM, BOIFILANMIjK TMMBDAT. APRM Uth, 1931 Gyproe Saga PAM zý 7'

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