PAG. Fm THE C ANAflTAN RTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1931 CORRECTION Dr. J. C. Devitt, Dr. 0l. E. Rea- man, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike and The followlng is the -correct per Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stutt were ln cent obtalned in the recent High Buffalo, N. y., from Sunday to School examination report: Mldred Tuesday attending the International Snowden 68.3%; Mervyn Cryder- Rotary Club Convention of the 27th -&n 57 %. District held at H-otel Statler. House- Cleaning Specials For the Clean-Up, Paint-Up Caznpaign YOu will be needing many of these things during the next week. Why flot get in your stock at these at- tractive prices: The Big 5 Cleanser, tin...............S P. & G. Naptha Soap ...........6 for 25c Castie Wax, per lb ....................30c Old Dutch Cleansez .............3 for 35c Star Ammonia ..................4 for 25c 3 Cakes Infants Delight and 1 Cake Skintonic Toilet Soap ..............25c Five-String Brooms ...............40c up Mop Sticks ..................................20C Steel 'Wool .................................. Sc Brasso and Silvo Silver Polish ........25c With $1.00 purchase of any hous-cleaning requisites, we will give free one 13c pkg. of Tox Washing Compound. Orono Sausage ..............................23c Orono Creamery Butter ...............3c Hampton Creaxney Butter ............30c 7 lbs. Cooking Beans ..................25c Seeds - Fresh Fish - Poultry Feeds HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOVIA4VIL SelF Denial Effort 0F THE SALVATION ARMY SERVICE TO HUMANITY EvMlgell5ts Hospitals Bescue Homes Shelters Work Shops Maternlty Homes Hostels Labour Bureaux Prison Wor Relief Work Children's Homes cuinlca Police Court Work Thousands of homeless men and womnen in Canada Eust, alone, are being fed and sheltered daily; cbildren cared for and families helped. The demanda belng made upon the Armny are gr-eater than ever before. WILL YOU BE GENEROUS ? On your decision resta the future of some one less for- tunate than yourself. Though you, homes can be brightened, lives reclaimed. If your generosity fails tbey will continue to be hopeless and uncared for. Day a! ter day The Salvation Armny is giving heart, hand and money. Won't you, too, durlng this Sel-Denial Effort, help out in this great work? Salvation Army Donations may be sent to Capt. Leonard Burfoy. BOX 135, Bowmanvî1le LOCAL and OTHERWISE Miss Frankie M. Jewell bas been visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Leland Berry, teller of the Royal Bank, Picton, has been holi- daying at home. Mr. Clarence L. Osborne of!The Statesman staff is bolidaylng with friends at Simcoe. Mms. John Miners. Exeter, bas been visting Mrs. H. S. Freemanand other old friends here. Mr. and Mrs. O. Aldread, Doris and Mary, visited at the home of her brother. Mr. Allan Peters, Canton. Miss Alice and Mr. John Anderson, St. Marys, were recent guests of Mrs. John Wight and otber relatives bere. Mr. C. R. Pickard and Mr. H. A. Pickard, Windsor, spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pick- ard. miss Mildred Annis, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Annis. Lindsay. arrived home f rom Kingston Wed- nesday evenlng, having completed ber year's course at Queen's Univer- sity, Kingston.-Post. Five members were raised to the arch degree at the Arch meeting of the L. 0. L. last week. Thirty-flve members were present froma Ennis- killen besides a delegation f rom Or- ono headed by County Master E. Hamm. Aniong the speakers were Mayor M. J. Elliott and Fred W. Bowen, M. P. Regular meeting of Trlnity Young People wus held Monday, April 27th, in charge of Miss Helen Argue. Scrlpture lesson wus read b>' Miss Aice Medd; readlng, Miss Selnia Bartlett; vocal solo, Miss Beatrice Cryderman; piano solo, Miss Phyllis Challis; Mr. Wm. Lycett told in a very interestlng manner "Hia Ex- periences wbile la Northern On- tario." The prise winners in the L. O. L. euchre beld in the S. O. E. Hall on April llth, were: Gents-lst, Harold Gibson, 2nd Stanley Cowllng, con- solation, L. Parnell; Ladies-lst Mrs. A. Fletcher, 2nd Mrs. Harry Smith, consolation Mrs. Thos. Gould. The hall was packed for the euchie and at its conclusion refreshnients were served. Mayor M. J. Elllott made the draw for the lucky ticket wbicb claimed a 100 pound bag of sugar for a prize. The wlnner was Mr. E. O. (Micky) Roach. The Tuxis Square and C. G. I. T. of Tyrone were guests of the Swas- tika Tuxis Square and the Tiflicurn C. 0. I. T. of St. Paul's Church on Wednesday evening, April 22nd. The meeting opened with the Tuxis Cere- mony followed by a scripture read- ing. The Tyrone groups then gave a fine program consisting of musical numbers, recitations, and a reading. Bernice Stainton thon took charge of some games. Lunch was served. The meeting closed by joining hands and singlng Auld Lang Syne. During the past few weekst, be- tween the hours of 3.30 p. m. and 4.30 P. m. each school day, an>' per- son walking near the High Scbcol would hear the raucous commands o! the cadet offIcers putting the troops tbrough their annual training ini preparation of their annual in- spection which is scbeduled ta take place on May' 29th. Mr. T. A. Miller is in charge of the cadets this year and Morley Vanstone is captain of the company. Besides the three pla- taons of cadets there is a platoon of signallers who ar recelilng their training under the guidance of Principal L. W. Dippeil. Wellngton Boy Scout Troop of Prince Edward Count>' are paylng a fraternal visit to the Bowmanville Troop this weekend and will camp at the Cream of Barley Camp. The local troop is enthusiasticaîlly pre- paring to welcome and entertair their guesta. The two troops are planning to attend a church parade at Trinit>' United Church on Sun- day mornlng wben the pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins, formerly of Wellington, wrill preacb. The visitlng troop hs expected ta arrive in town on Friday and will lmmediately erect theiz tenta and kitchens at the camp wbere the>' wlll be vlsited and aide< b>' the local boys. C&arance TOP -COATS 10 ONLY Handsonie Coats You'l Find Contfort- able for Wear Now and Next Fail. REG. VALUES TO $30.00 $19,e95 ameDo grest that you wlU readil>' ueo the wladam of buylng for future needa. AUl types of top- moata Included . . box beoka, raglans, double bresteds and quarter bot modela- The coat you want la hero. MEN'S SUITS 25 ONLY Snappy New Styles and Fabries at a Price Far Below Actual Worth. REG. VALUES TO $27.50 $19,095 mon Who value a savlng Win bu>' theso aulta in a hurry. The>' are weil tallored of qualit> fabrica. In an as- sortaient of plain shades and ixtures. ..KUaises. IU >ou nood a suit you can- Dot Eind more for your dol- lars than horo. These Suits Cannot Last Long, So Hurry Share of Savings Off ered. Directly Opposite Bank of Montroal to Get Your Tu B. Gilckrist Phone 61 Bowmanville mrs. Anna Elford 15 vlslting ber son, Mr. A. A. Elford, Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Catherine Booth, Toronto, was weekend gueat of Miss Mildred Lawrie. Mrs. W. E. Tille>' is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. A. N. Mitchell, and other relatives la Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Comstoclc and Audrey' spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. I. Snell at Foxboro. Mrs. W. H. Half acre bas purchased the cottage of Miss McClellan, cor-i ner Church and George Streeta. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Paisley, Cooks- ville, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. H. Bickell, King St. Miss Alixe Spencer, Toronto, and Mr. and Mis. Ivan Gray' of Mill- brook were weekend guests at the Rector>'.1 Resulta o! Bownlanville Juvenile9 Pigeon Club race f rom Wbitby. beld1 Saturda>' are: P. Tomnlinson il pointa, I. Hobbs 10, D. McKngbt 9, B. Hunt 8, J. Purd>' 7, C. Jackmani 6, King & DiUling 5, Barne>' Dilling 4. Next race will be Saturda>' after- noon f rom Leaside. Total pointa de- cide wlnner of Rotary' Club cup. DEATHS JOHNS-In Hamptoir, on Wedneaday, April 29th, 1931. Lavinia Guly, beloved wife of John Lewis Johns5, ln her 72nd year. Funeral on Saturday, May' Snd. at 2.30 X.m. (standard time). Interment In Hampton Com.t0t7. DROCK-At Eout Whitby, Âpril 21at, 19a1, Bertha Ma>' Bradley', beloved wlfe of Francis Brock, in ber 42nd year. JACOSI-SiddOiii3' ln Oebaws., on Sat- urday. April 26tb, 1931. BUsa Jane Rob- Inson. widow o! the late William Jacobi, In ber 73rd year. ABHMORE - In Lindsay. on Frida>'. April 24th. 1931, John G. Aahmore. ln his 85th year. Intermêent Mllerslth CemeterT, North Emily. HOLII.NGSWYORTM - la Clark. on Frida>', April 242hi, 1931, LîllIan Beatrice, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Holllngawortb, ln her l3th year. In- terred et Orona. GREENAWAV-Ifl Oshawa, on Tues- day, April 2lat, 1931, SarahJaoue Brima- combe. widow of tho late Blas Green- ,away, ln ber 85th year. Interred ln Bowmianvllle Cemeter>'. PETIICK-Àt ber late resldence, 910 Gerrard St. S., Toronto, on Wedneoday, Aprîl 22nd. 1931, An&le 3gock, wlfe of the late James Pethlck. aged 71 yeara. Interred at BowmaisvilWO RICHARDSON-At 'Whitby, April 22, 1931, Rate H. Richardson, second daugb- ter o!thie lete Joobua and Susan Rich- 1ardson, and sister of W. J. H. Richard- saon f Wbltby. ai eS 1yeas IN MEMORIAM NICHOLS-ln loving meinor>' of ur dear son Clarence, who pessed away .four years ago Ioda>'. April 271h, 1927, oui>' son of Mr. and Mns. Leslie Nichais. 1Time a. s heel our boken hearts. .Tisa. ma>' malte the waund legs sare. But it neyer stops the longng For aur Clarence gone before. -SBadi>' mlaaed by Mother. Fatiier and Sinter. Cbeiahlng ver>' tender and lovlng 1mmere@ of William Herbert Argue, .who "passed on" before us a lIttIe whlle 1April 30th, 1930. Wf n agtr i Scarce had be ueed ta dof the dm05. > o! earth * 1Even au he w;alked tbat day wlth God, r 5s walked h. from bis bini- LuI kindlneas and gentleness; In honai and dlean mlrth.11 In lavlng memary of aur dear matb-er, rMro. Samuel H-eari, beloved wife of tbe late Mr. Samuel Houri, wha 41.4 May -lot, 1912. ESweet la the remembrance r As these few Unes will show; rYau wlll neyer be fargotten In the years tbat came and go. fTbaugh ber emile la gone forever. 1 And hem hand we cannot tauch, We shall always bave sweet memoriee B 0O the anc w. loved so much. tDo nat ask us If we miessher, B Nonqi can 111 ber vacant place; -W can ue'er forget ber footateps. 1 Or ber dear famIliar face. e -Sadly mlused by Daughters and Sons. Floral Design& INI tclau work for ail occalona. Wreathe. Sprays, PUllowa, Brideàs Bau- quota, etc. Also permanent Wreaths far the comtory lu beautiful floral effoct. KINGBWAV NURSERIES On Mighway 2 etreets «et of Lilberty St. Phone 144 Bawmanville B To Lot TO LET--GOOd paturq for 18 bond of young cattle. Âpply W. T. Perrett. Hasapton. Phono 57îr84. 17-2 STORli TO RENT-1 door weat of Bg 20;govod localltyr; posesion on May lot. Apply J. J. Maman & Son. Bowsuanville. 16-tf I-bUSE TO RENT - Frame bou» Ou Duke St., 6 mrnem, garage, go0d aIse garden. Apply A. V. Dilling. Crosa of Barley Camp. Phone 665. 13-tf FOR RENT - Brick 5-rooa s mm- bungaow; modern oonvonlenooo; good garden; poaaealofl April lot. J. R. Philp, Sougog St., Bownianisvll. 10-tf PASTURE FARM TO RENT-160 acres firt-casaature, 1 mile west of En- fild, properi>' O! T. E. Hardy, Batate. AppI>' ta A. M. Hardy, Bawnianville. Phone 389. 17-tf FARM TO RENT-120 acres, two miles easl o! Bowmaflviile, an lalto mhors, good buildings, Ai land; possession it once. Apply ta Jas. McConnachic, Bowmanville. 16-3w Real Estate For Sale H-OUSE FOR SALE - N. B. Corner King and Liberty' Sta ,Bawmanillie; 6 rooms; modern convetenaes. Apply Chas. M. Dean, Buketasi Junctin.182 Baby Chicks For Sale Baby Chioke and Eggs for HatchlngI fram bred-to-lay Barmed Rocks and S. C. White Leghorus. Price fram Ma>' 11h: White Logharni Chicks, $15 Per 100; Barmed Rock Chlteks, $18 per 100. W. H. Carruthers. Scugog Road. Bowmanvîlle. Phono 88. Il-tf HELP GIVEN To refined women in Ontario wha are anxiaus to help theniselves or huabande during this period o! deproumion. No experl-etce necenar>'. jusa "pleasing personality'", and a large cirole o! triendp and relatives that appreclate good silk tookIngs and undorwear, who would, &Il thîngo belng equat - "Quality" "'Prtce", "Service"~, etc., etc., Plue aur M-K guaranît&c - place orders for sanie wlth them. Ta auch ladies, we will auppi>' a ecmpete et o! amples wlth shade carde and ail necesear>' In- structions wthout cost. le fact, practi- cal!>' start thesa le business, iraer. onces upplsed are astisfactor>' te us. Good moue>' con be made quite easily b>' thoue with the necessar>' qualifications and wiant ta wvork. Apply at once for Spring Season. The M-K B11k Hosler>' Ca. Llmited, (Fornierly of Murray-3Ca>' Co.), 818 Tango Street, Toronto. 18-1' LOS tme pi or let C. Re BOA veuler Loven FU F covere ming. ville. Lost or Found *T-Cast Iron Lawn Rolier. WIU irson wfla tock it return mee samne the undersigniwd know where it la, ehder, Wellington St., Bowmanville. 16-tf Wanted ARDERS WANTED-Modern con- nces. Apply ta Mgrs. C. Gatchell, rs Lane, Bowmanvlle. Phone 445. 18-1' RNITURE UPH-OLSTERED and ne- ,ed; cloaed car tops and Inside trim- J. A. Fry', Scugog St., Bowman- Phono 636. l0-tfl1 lan muro$26soforeuyor ekllr or shedglustomed ookuset for ee. anao- lais Musbraom C ., Toronto 10, Ont. 1 - WANTED-RO)bert Pawson le prepared ta repeir boots. shoes and rubbers; neat job; moderate prlcea. Leave at Sidney Morris', Wellingtoni Street, Bawmanvlle. Phone 424. 17-4' WANTED - Caisadiais and Amoricm Postage Stampe, prior ta 1900, preferabiy an original envelopes. Stamp collectiona bough tfor cash . Write partîculars of what you bave ta M. C., Drawer B., Bowmanvlfle. 16-3 Articles For Sale COW FOR SALE - Pure bred Jersey caw wtb cal! at foot. AppI>' ta Jaoob Branch, R. R. 5, Bowmanivlle. Phono 139r22. 18-1e COWS FOR SAL.E-HolsteOM 00d85 helfers, freaheniag thîs apring and lssa- mer; aima one good yaung buILl.Ak.Ak Gîbson, Orano. 1.-i. CAR FOR BALE-Studebak'er Coach, 6 cylinder, 1926 model, in excellent con- dition. APPlY Mns. HarrY Rîce. COuces- aien St., Bownianvllle. 18I-tf LEGHORN lIENS FOR SALE-Bred- to-lay White Logborn'yearling Hon. for sale; Walter Rose Stockt. EH.B. Czeop- er, Horsoy St., BOWsaaillO. 18-tf a PUBLIC MEETIN FOR DISCUSSION 0F THE GAS FRANCHISE BYLAW WILL BE HELD IN THE OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY, AT 8 P.M. MAY 5 SPEAKERS: CHAIRMAN - MAYOR M. J. ELLJIT Everyone Welcome - Ladies Specially Invited. COMMITTEE ROOMS will be opened by the council gas committee on Monday next ut MARTYN'S BOWLING ALLEY King Street TELEPHONE 36 For information regarding the by- law, voters' lists and voting places, and for cars to carry voters to the polis. WHEN AND WHERE TO VOIT Voting on the Gas Franchise By- Law will take place on SATURDAY, MAY 9&L From 10 a. m. to 7 m.i. (Daylight Saving Tnne) POLLING PLACES: West Ward: Council Room. North Ward: Pump House, Church Street. South Ward: Public School, Vic- toria Street.. * ~WORK AND VOTE FOR THE CAS FRANCHISE BYLAW G GAS FRANCHISE, BYLAW BOW MAN VILLE ON tllàjàdl,£'l 9J JL , -- - - - - 1 - - . -- -- - - - --" For Sale or Rent LAUNDICT WANTED Ail kinde of Iaundry work do»e Pvoflt- FOR RENT OR SAL.E-Houee with ail ly, uatinfactorly and at reasonafble pa4010 conveniences o-n Manvers Road, with Write Pont Offie Box 19, or Cafl NU& Vh acres land. Apply to Mdrs. J. W. W. Marjoram King Street Emt8, 110w- Alexander, Bowms.nvllle. Phone 78. 18tf manville. Phono 471L BOWMANVJLLE DAIRY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Try our rich Jersey MiIk snd Crem Our Motto Purity and Service On and after May Ist, siume-time prices w0 be 10c. a quart W. H9. BETrLESPwopiote. Phone 446; Residence 703& .ý» 1 BEN. E. TATE, President Ontario Shore GCm Co. Limited EUGEN LANG, Engineer, Utilitis Power sud i4ht Corporat"o T. A. DUSTAN, President Business Men's Association J. D. CARRUTHERS, President Chamber of Commnerce ROSS STRIKE, Bowmanville FRANK L MASON, Oshawa And Others.