NAGM a OIMAEY Xmi.Sarah J. Greenaway, Oshawa An aid and highly respected resi dent of North Darlington and Bow. maanville, i the persan of Saral Jane Brimacambe, wxdaw of the lafÀ mia Greenaway, passed away ir Oshawa an Tuesday. April 21st. ir her 85th year. The funeral tocl place on flday, April 24th, tram th( risidence af her niece, Mrs. A. o heen, 222 Athal St. East, Oshawa Interment taak place in BowmanviH Cemetery by the side af her husban< better f1 a vo r TASTE the full deliciousnesa of bran flakes. Eat Keilogg's PEP Bran Flakes. They're packed with the niatchiesa flavor of PEP. That's wbat makes theni better brio fiakes. And thcy're better for yau because they combine whole- wheat naurislument with just enouqgh bran ta be mildly laxative. In the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London. Ontario. PEP BRAIt FLAKES Creained Soups! Cycamed Cery. Onion. Aaçnague end Z2I mrmyother oeamed soupatoehrwh fui -cd ore deacrnbed in cur new FIED coee&book. -The Good P v ,id t d«a. cribec hoyw flavor in improved and how ~omie disheacon be mad& with- ST.CHARLES MILK *Q 9FC..Lixni e Ci 2 * 115 Georgre St,. Toreto * Sn me a fre copy o; your ne. cook book. .....~t................... Sommer COLOS Most people today know how Aspirin tablaes break a cold-but why not pravant il? Take a tablai or !wa whan you first feal the cold coin- ing an. Spare yourself the discamfort of a summer cold. Raad tha pravari directions in avery package for haad- aches, pain, etc. Take Long Walks Fat Menare Tord How cao yoti walk off your fat if you haver't any etîergy Lut Ioi it ? You can lake off fat with K rîsclien Salts if yîu will take one-' al teiLspoon in hot water every rntrning befître b)reakfLs t, modify your diet and exercise regtlarly. 'lhIere are'8ix different salts ini Kriis.wIàen that your lxidy tîrgatrs mijat have if you are Lu crjoy gotal health. WIîiIe yoil are losing- fat you wil ho gaitsing in vigor, eiergy, vitality and power of endurance. TIsai metLns tiiai 5010 you will ho, able to walk many miles wiilîout fatigue and enjîy every stcp) you svilk. l)rug Stores ail over Canada Sei Kru-scliers SaIt.,, anti a jar tris but 75 ýent-it'a a roald blessing ta fat hStandard Remedy for Headache ZUTOO TABLETS are an efficiet and harmiess remedy for headache. Mr. Gea. Legge, Eliir af Granby LeaJer-Mail, wrtes: '«Your ZUTOO TABLETS deserve ta be known wîdely as a remedy that wiI stop tieadache.' A bûx of these harmiesa Witle tablets in the office, home or packet, are assuranco against aches and pains. They stop them. 8 Il b, THE CANADIAI< STATEMANf. bOWMBANVTLLE. THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1931 Answere in mm. co. camthsem iDownianvWe The Municipal World Man in )k Mather of several prominent loa Officers' Questions - PI iemen holding municipal and civic affi- Other Municipal Rej Dces, and member af weil known Nor- a. thumberland pioneer i amily, miza- at mg le beth Russell, widow of the late Oea._______ d. M. Carruthers, passed away at the home of lier son, Mr. J. D. Carruth- Recently Mr. K. W. McKay, editor ers, Queen Street, on Tuesday, April of The Municipal World, at a meet. 2lst. ing of municipal officers of Essex Elizabeth Russell was the eldest county at Sandwich, answereda daugliter af William Russell and tiumber oi questions. Here are some Helen Dawson, and was born at of the answers the speaker gave as Olenbogle Farm, near Cobourg, Juily reported la The Ansherstburg Echo. 27th ,1848. The fasmilles af bath lier The questions can easily be inferred parents were among the Scottiali from the subiect mattar af the an- pineswha came to this cauntry swer piuones re ersao A tenant, af a British subject, car abou on hunredyoe~ ~>hold municipal office, but lie must on June 2th, 1872, she was mar- reside la the municipality. An own. rled taoeorge M .Carruthiers by Rev. er may reside f Ive miles from it. William McWilam ai Bethesda. Yes, a wl e lias municipal fran- They reslded near Castletan in the chise, but it la nat ta be counted faor Townshilp of Haldimand, and later thxe purpose af electing a deputy- liver near Coiborne until 1907, wlsen reeve af a munlcipality, that la fox the f amilY moved ta Bowmanvlle. County Caundil purposes. Mr. Carruthers died twenty A.l wives are not Joint owners ar ago. For the past six years Mrs. joint tenants, mhis was not antici- Carruthers lived at the homne o!flier pated in the Municipal Act. Wlxere son, J. D. Carruthers, Queeni Stet,1 a man Ownls property, his wlfe is Bowmanville. entitled ta a municipal franchise, Mrs. Carruthers was a faithful but is N.G. for purpose ai a deputy- member and attendant af St. Paul's reeve. Church and a 111e member ai the Assesin Property Woma's MsslnarySoclty.Speculative or sentimental value The f unerai service was lield on should not be counted for asseas- Thursday, April 23rd, from lier late ment purposes, especiaily along the residence. mhe service was conduct- Detroit river. A man may pay twice ed by lier minister, Rev. D. W. Best, the amount a bouse and lot are D. D., ai St. PaulYs United Churcli, worth Iust because they have a sen- assisted by Rev. George Masan. The tinental value for hlm. The ques- funeral was largely attended by tion of actual value lias ta be con- friends tram Bownsanviile and from sidered la ail cases. The assessor the neiglibourhaad oi Salemi, and by must under ail circurnstances con- many relatives and f riends tram a sider this la Placing lots on the roll. distance. Interment took pla.ce in A very grave responsibillty is plac- Bowmanville Cemetery. The pail- ed on assessors ta make careful val- bearers were the three sans and nation af praperty before placlng it three grandsons, Wilfrid Carruthers, on the rail. Da nat put a number af Alex McOregor and Douglas Car- lots tagether with an aggregate val- ruthers. ue, but put a value opposite each lot Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. that is flot la exces of the value af Thas. Buttars, Pembroke, Mrs. Wm. the block. Babcack, Vancouver, Mrs. Philip Mc- Subdividing a farm does not in- Kenzie and Mrs. J. S. Maxwell, crease the value ai the property one Brandon; and three brothers, Rev. iota. W. D.* Russell, Las Angeles, James A gas station and pump bears the Russell, Oreenwood City, B. C., and same relation ta the property as any J. F. Russeil, Vancouver. The chlld- other building on It. You cansider ren, al af whom are residents ai by how mucli the value af the pro- Bowmanviile, are, tliree daugliters, perty is lacreased by reason Of the Mrs. D. S. McOregor, Helen and gas station and the punsp. Mary; and three sons, William, In many cases municipalities want James and Charles. There are seven the money when selling land for grandchildren. taxes. They desire a definite asset Friends and relatives îram a dis rather than a speculative ana. If tance wha were present at the f un -_______________ eral: Mr. Raîpli H. Carruthers, New York City; Mrs. Thas. Buttars, Pem- ai Cartwright United Churcli, assist- broke; Mrs. J. E. Drurnm and Mas- ed by Rev. J. U. Robins, pastar af ter Phxhip, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Trinity United Churcli, Bowmanviile, Wm. Broornfield, Miss Mary Braam- both Paying beautiful tributes to thse field, Miss Jean Mclntosh, Mr. A. V. cliristian cliaracter af deceased. The Rabsan, Vernonville; Mr. and Mrs. interment took Place in Pontypool Frank Clapperton, Mrs. Peter New- Cemetery beside lier husband who tan. Mrs. Robt. Carruthers, Balti- predeceased lier in 1908. more; Mr. and Mrs. J. Carruthers, The paîl bearers were Mr. O. M. Cold Springs; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Littleton and san Raîpli, A. McGee, Skinner, Mr. and Misa Russell, Co- J. G. Hailigan, Farter Powles, Fen- bourg; Mr. and Mrs. W. McGregor, elan Falls; George Argue, Manvers. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy, Mr. and Beautiful floral tributes included: Mrs. Arthur Rutherford and Master Gates Ajar, i rom the Family; a Douglas. Messrs. M. Rutherford, J. wreath from grancisons, Winnipeg; McGregor. G. Rutherford, W. Haig, wreath, Mrs. W. H. Argue and Helen, O. Peebles, J. McCarl, Coîborne; Mr. Bowmanville, an anchor from mhe and Mrs. N. McDougall, Mr. and Mrs. Powles Famiiy; spray, Mrs. Dedman B. Rutherford, Miss Jennie Nichol, and sister, Midiand; spray, Misses Lakeport; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sadie and Laura Virtue, Toronto. French,. Mr. A. Crammand, Mimico; Amang the iriends and relatives Miss Crammond, Messrs. S. P. Seed, pre.sent were: Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Chas. Harrington, J. H. Kemnaglian, Argue, Winnipeg, Man.; Mrs. James Jas. McDaugalI, Mrs. M. Leake, Miss Powles and family, Fenelon Falls; Grace Haig, Toronto; Mrs. Thos. Mrs. James Preston. Miss Sadie Vir- Henderson, Miss J. Keddie, Mr. and tue. Toronto; Mrs. M. Dedinan, Mrs. W. Bradd, Mr. D. Rutherford, niece. Midiand; Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Oshawa. Bawmanville. Floral off erings: Basket af 82 Rases f rom sans and Daugliters. Grandchildren, Mrs. Thos. Buttars, UnS. Annie Pethick Mrs. J. S. Maxwell, Mrs. Philip Mc- Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. :Drumm, On Wednesday, April 22nd, 1931. Rev. A. S. Roas, D. D., and Mrs. there passed quite suddenly ta lier Ross, Mr. and Mrs. W. Buttars, W. "haven ai rest" Mrs. Annie Mack, M. S. ai St. Paui's United Churcli. beloved wife ai the late Mr. James Junior Missionary Society ai St. Pethick, formerly of Bowmanville. Paul's, St. Andrew's Presbyterian The deceased was born at Purdy's Churcli, Mayor and Cauncil ai Bow- Mill, near Lindsay, 71 years aga and manville, Public Lbrary Board, Sal- irom the tume af their marriage liv- em Telephone Association, Jury & ed in Tarante. She was a womnan ai Lavel Staff, Vanstane MilI Staff, sterling cliaracter. a devated wiie, a McColl-Frontenac Service Station t aithful mather and a kind loving Staff and Mr. W. J. Challs, Mr. an d itiend ta everyone with wham she Mrs. H. W. Cale, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. came in conat. Mrs. Pethick wo Henderson, Miss Jean Mlntosh, The! a lie mesnber ai the Baptist Home Misses B. and P. Galbraith, Miss M. Mission Board and a regular attend- Crammand. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Har- ant ai First Ave. Church, Toronto. rington, Mrs. and Miss Mason, Mr. She leaves ta mourn her liss ser and Mrs. E. H. Frenchi and family, en chidren: W. Josephi Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. M. Leake. Mr. and John H. Pethick, George A. Pethick. Mrs. Frank Williams and iamily 'Mr-S. R. Carriey, Mrs. R. J. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Murdoif, Mr. anmi Mrs. N. Caldwell and Miss Meda Mrs. F. C. Varstone, Mr. and Mrs. Pethick. ail of Toronto; and fourteen J. H. H. Jury, Mrs. and Miss Downs grandchildren: besides two sisters. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dudley, Miss M Mrs. D. Browne of Toronto, and Mrs Hume, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Morrison. R. M. Fee af Detroit; also two bro- Mr. and Mrs. J. Hately, Mr. and Mrs thers. Josephi Mack and James Mack. J. Iniantine, -Mr. nd iiMrs. T.rcboth ai Detroit. the late Robert and Elizabeth Argue.- - She came ta Canada with her par- Isaac Il. Brown, Toronto enta in Jonc ai 1848, scttling in Manvers. In 1868 she was unitcd in i Services were conducied hv ,?v marriage with George Argue and to A. J. Langiord ai 46 Rnh1ýinaAs"" them were born five children. Mr. Toronto. Sunday. Amril 2"ýth f T. A. Argue, Winnipeg, Man.; the Isaac I. Brrîwn. biîildeî, i, late Robert Argue, who died if 1896: tractor, and iormerlv a wi n John W. Argue, Benson. Sask.: Mrs. business man of Blvth in Jîîo. McKee, Cartwright; and the Caunty. Monday mornino f' late W. H. Argue. Bowmanville, with mains were taken 10 Biyth fs.r ln Whom she rosided uritil his dcath terment. 1h" ,irr -~l' - about a year ago, when she went to irom the United Churcli, Blyth. P reside wth hier daughter, Mrs. Me- native ai the Townshîî) of Kee, and f rom whose home she Pass- wright. Diirham ('olIity. 1- - cd away aiter a short illnes.s. to Huron Coîînty in thoe arIv Besides her iamily. who mourn ties. Aitr ariming for s-,i the loss of a dovoted mother. she in the county he mrîv'd in'-~ leaves one sister, Mrs. James Posvles and carried on a sîieeoo'sfuil Fenelon Falls; and a large circle of ovaporahino n'ffanf Tlie-- ' t friond.s. onto ton ycars ago, and had Mis. Argue was a lufe-long Mth- hem fultp5ttteinl JT.. odist- beinff a sistor of Rev. Thos. Boys' Assorintirîn. H(, -i Arguc. nof Winnipeg who was Callefi wifc and on ,daughter i -'-i to rrst, frin mhis labors ini 1902. Brown. 1, r f'm -nabrot "r TVhe fuerai took îlaceeon Saturî- fre . i 'r.,Iin' hîp1,n day aftiernou)n, service being con- sister. Mrs. Mary Newcomhe. W :,îî(u d by Re-v. P. W. Newell, pastoi Batieford, Sask. A Questions ad by World Editor iGives Answers to Municipal bointers i Assessnient and cgulations Deait With leeting )r a te rmunicipalities think that the proper- .ty is being sald belaw its value, it is ctheir duty ta take proceedinga ta tpurchase the praperty themselves. The assessor may determina the value ai tse land assessed. maere are threa classes of value, actual, senti- 1mental and speculative. The circuns- stances inla cl case must be befare the individual assessor before put- ting a value an ut. At an adjourned tax sale the treasurer puts up a lot for sale. Wlien it reaches thse amount ai the taxes due and the costs, the treasur- er la net authorized ta take more than thse amount due. mhe amaunt of praparty lie senls is reducad. There is no actual cash, there is mast change o! asset in taking over the praperty at a tax sale. Ins other wards, the Council goes into the real estate business. Bef are the munlcipality can buy praparty, the treasurer must publish a notice in Use local paper af the appointment of sauxeone te purchase this ProPerty. There la no chance ta get the property back af ter ut la once sold. The matter o! publlslsing tise audi- tors' abstract la a newspapar la for the munidlPailty ta decide. The treasurer's statement on the 15th af December contains statemant o! as- sets and liabilities. Be must have not lesa than one hundred copies of this Printed for distribution. A township council shah appoint as manY assessors as may be deemed necessary. Mr. McKay's next statement cre- ated qulte a flurry and a ganaral laugli. Ha said: "I do net know ai one municipality la the Province ai Ontario that la assessed praperly."1 Cantinuing lie said that if three assessors are appomnted, they shouid anl certify ta the rail. Distributing Charity The next question ai the distribu- tion ai charity which municipalities have ta cantend with a good deal at this time. was brauglit ta lis atten- tion. "A iamily," rsaid lie, "may clairs charity la a municipality any time after coming into it. Public opinion wifl nftat low people ta be destitute or neglected. The liead ai the f amily sliauld get just what la required. A certain amount per week. If a man refuses ta work when it la off ered hi, he can be prosecuted under the Vagrants Act."~ There la fia provision in the Act for wards la townships. This has been abolished for soie time. A Board of Health us supreme in ts own field. Anything tliey do. or any expense tliey may incur, must be paid by the treasurer af the muni- cipality when praperly certîfled. A tenant can vote in a municipal- ity if he lias llved thera a month be- for the election. A motion la lost wlien two mem- bers vote for it and two members vote against it. Where a question is a tue, the motion is negatived. A municipallty cannot accept a couple of years taxes to redeem pro- pei Lies wluch it lias bought. A purcliaser af lands and buildings in a tax sale lias noa daim for ref und u. builaings are destroyed by fire. Tci put a policy for insurance on this property,' said Mr. McKay. Taxes on a collectar's roill ot paid are uncollectable taxes. Af ter they are returned to the treasurer they become arrears and the treasurer oniy has the riglit ta coilect. AUl municipal officers hold office durig the pleasure of the Council. The Council has the option af dis- charging them, but before a caileet- or is discharged, however, his raill should be audited and the security given by the collecter shauld not be given up until the rail is flnally re- ceived. The Cauncil lias a perfect riglit if they so wish ta discharge a collector and appoint another ane. He dispased of this by saying: "If the coilecter died you wauld appoint another one, wauldn't you?" The liability af a municipality for f ees or liaspital expenses for an in- digent is limited ta $1.75 per day. This includes operations. The pro- per way is ta send indigent patients ta a hospital witli arders ta charge the bill ta the county or municipal- ity. He rather thought that Toronta could cailect tram Windsor its hos- pital bull for taking care af the ban- dit Brakenshire, wha la alleged te have shot dawn la cald blood a Tor- anto policeman. Revertlng again ta the Assessment Act lie said it anly provides for the assessment of land. If one man owns the land and anather the buildings, thse latter la a tenant, but the owner la liable for ail the taxes in that case. A miner la entitied ta be a separ- ate school supporter, but lie cannot vote until he la twenty-ane years of age. Taxes on Tenant's Pýroperty AUl candidates for Counclsisnl towns and cities must have their taxes paid an nomination day and praduce certiflcates te that effect. This also appies te public Scheel trustees when elected by ballot the sanie as the Coundils. This aise ap- plies te tenants. The taxes on the property upon which they quallf y must be pald by nomination day. A very important announcement ,was made by Mfr. McKay at this point when lie said that regarding the collection af taxes the Act per- mits a municipality te authorize the treasurer te accept suins on account of taxes in advance, and those pay- ing taxes in advance receive five per cent on the moneys so advanced. This enables many Councils ta carry on without borrawing and la a gaod way of givlng men who have their money in the bank at three per cent an extra two per cent interest. The Mysteriaus Mr. Beeclinut paid another visit ta BRowmanville an Monday and escaped withaut any persan recognizing hlm, aithougli hlaf the town la on the lookout for hlm. Be stated in lis broadcast the same evening that lie called at the Post Office and saw Harry Allin get lis mail and also saw soîebody get the Bowmanville Foundry mai] whicli no doubt was Fred Cryder- man. He then paid a visit ta the Creai aif Barley Camp where Al. Slirubb sliowed him around and then lie journeyed east. The genial Cor- ner Grocer and Fred and Alf were nat aware haw near they came to getting $25 and yet how far away they were. Salada Orange Pekoe luaa blead et fresh young leaves 11. 'Jf &Fiesh frui thre gaalmue WE SELL Hamilton p.,!uc;oke An absolutely Canadian product made foar Canadians b>- Canadian warkmen. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. Ask the Man Who Burns It. WEALSO SELL LEHIGH 'VALLEY ANTII RACITE The Cb-ý ~*~~fe Burnt by millons af consumers. The use af tliz Caal la your home wlll denionstrate to, you its superlarity. Theso prices ane now effeetive: Steve Coal . . . . . .... .. ... . . 16.50 Egg . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . 16.00 Chestnut...............................316.00 P ea ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .. 13.50 Buckwheat............................. $11M5 Cake .................................. $13.00 A discount af $1.00 per ton for cash will be allawed f rom above prices. Je A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville LY4OVELY7 DÂNRUFF I » "' ýV E' ed.Fallnc Hair, use Mn liA IfN - rd' a cstlyas You would ' f~"ILJ ny hair to. c Do this 4 14AN Dfrimes . ,eek and the rejult jBusy lhands-at hard taskb IClea n lsyHi jday in and day out. Persiai'coHa ndGO: If iBairs keeps the skin soft andà Remnoves rc-,ness and relieves hirtanor-. At YouT 0,-- FPAN P ?f lA'aKII AIN -~ AtMLA .aok's Regulacing L.ompoî,r.t~ Wr WIP.NlC tir. 1.le . 2S:1.SNo.. p ., bol Si..i It ii îîgctor 'se Er,' pamphlet . .1 <d r-, TI"E COOK %EDICINELCa. loi JiT.ON'. " , - kid WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE. Th Gh (reat Fngtish Prepara tine 4 .. ones andt.')gorates lthe uhole ?e %tivi,. sytew .makes new Blood o.. n 0pli Veuns. L's.d for Nervou, I11t. Mental and Drain Wcirr ~1ernnIerc v, ILaof t-ýnen'v. Pailpittion -1. Hi tri. L1 Memoiy. firîe $2 pe. box., 'tt .JlI rug:.,ts. or maîled tiplain fi ,ri..c Ne.apa.mphlcl nsotea -- h 1 WE WILL BUY a YOUR OLD WASHER On'y a Few DaysMvoreAet Prom pty on This Ojfer- for your OId Washev MAKE -ANY SIZE! E *Sg -AN YAG Et UlLU O.V0Ie. ITHE HYRO' BOWMANVII LE