PAGE TEN TEECANDIA ATT~TIA1T nuWsAM1~? U! '1.IiarP-SDAY' MAY218t 193 In -%Ob yoDII te, 238 2fI t BLU 1FOK.YOUPdS VACATION IQWTOURISTENE NATMiOAL. IPARK COAST ,~4 AILASKàA Mdia u-mer take the trip to vou can follow your favourfte the Coast you'v a ways sport right acrossathe continent promisedl yourself. Stop off for Sec hundreds of miles of sky. a ifew days of golf at beautiful pierclng mountains. Follow Minalti, in the Lake of the the ruahig, tumblingi Fraser Woods District. Sec the Prairies River toVancouver. VitVn Bat their beat. torts.. Plan atrip Imperathiole t Obtain full information re toAlaka* nurk andeoyal ares, reservations, et,., Full information the healthy, to VANCOUVER, regard ng routes, happy recrea. VICTORIA, SEATTIE tares' etc., tram tionauueiLodge, TACOMA, PORTLAND afyan Ntonalt. provideoSifl6ct and JASPER NATIONAL Radian ati, PARK lrom your ab.arest 1 Ag nt-.T-20 Rev. CA'ADmAN NTIONAL lui LWAYS W0 'S PHOSPHODI1NE. >M- D; fb i rent Enguish Prrparatiein oSka Regulating Comipound ToDnes and In.gora tes the whol. ciervous System. makes new Blooci A lafe. (eliobl . saan, in old Veins. U.1d for Nerî'ou, ' meiae of dj jM Debility, Mental and Brain Wrry '. $, o 3tl i-o. thcHaraiiL eo rgv, Palpitation 1.,1nf i ;Rýâý o n P prie.eemr. rie2peoxi 1L1ti s od hy ail druggits. or mailed iau ir mi) lr. ecjt. I S: p&g.onreceiplotf pnec. Ne,.pamPhlit malted 'TH4E COOK MEDICINE Co. Iret.Tt!lr YIOCO M55DICiliiECOJTor0147o.()No ¶ot'ITO.GNT. ' 1,principal of the Public Scbool, Nap- anee; Russell and Miss Annlie at hIborne. Two brothers, John and Thornas Trenouth, in England, and one sister, Mrs. Jane Fordbamn, Harnilton, also survive; besides five rndcbildren, Ernest Trenoutb In California, Alex Trenouth, Mrs. Viola William Staples, Orono Staples, Mrs. Evelyn Mosher and Miss Rhea Sheridan, B. A., Toronto. Williarn Staples. widely known There are also four great grand- farmur and live stock dealer, died at cbldren, two in California and two the borne of bis son, J. B. E. Staples, in Toronto, who enjoyed a visit wit h in Toronto, on Monday. May 4th, their grandfatber last sumrnmer. following a week's illness. Tbe funeral took place on Satur- He was born and lived in the day fromn the farnily residunce, townsbip of Clarke al bis life. and Queen Street, service being conduct- was in the 73rd year of bis age. He ed by bis pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins. retired frorn the farm and carne to The bearers wure Messrs. Wrn. reside in Orono about twenty years Brock, Dr. J. C. Devitt, A. M. Hardy, ago. T. S. Holgate, J. J. Mason and John Surviving are bis wife, Mary L. Snowden. Many beautiful floral tri- Staplus; daugbter and son, miss butes* decorated tbe casket as ex- Agatha Staples. residing in New pressions af sympathy frorn relatives York, and J. B. Elmo Staples, in To- and friends wbo attendud the fun- ronto. ural frorn town and country. The The burial took place on Wednes- remnains weru laid to rust beside bis day. May 6th. ta Orono Cernetery, wifu in Bowmanville Cernetery. conducted by Ruv. Win. Sterling at the bouse, and under the auspices of the Masonic Order of which deceas- ONE NEEDN'T LOSE THEM ed was onu af the oldur mumbers hure. The funural was îargeîy at- . Friendsbips for salc"-that is the tundud: busides niembers af the sign People virtuall3' bang out who family, relatives and lifelong friends shlow tbernselvus ta get out of touch wure prusent f rom Toronto, Hamil- with thuir friunds. Partings-dis- ton, London and rnany other centres. tancu-neudn't niattur. Nc,-'aay'., it's a simple thing to retain fiînds. near or far. By using Long Distance Mrs. Nancy Pope, Bowmnanville tbe old intirnacy is neyer lost. An aged lady in tbe Persan of Mrs. Nancy Pope, widow of the late Fred- erick Pope of Newcastle, passud ta H rust on Tbursday, May l4tb, in ber H FAT MEN 93rd year. Deceased was born in Luxilliani a Cornwall, England, and carne f0 this country witb ber parents. the late STA i[FAT Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grose, and lived in Newcastle wbere sbe was . The trouble with nme, and 1 guess rnarried and wbere ber huslband died this applies to 99 out of every 100 men over thirty years aga. For tbe past Who are putting on weight, 1 didn't eigbt years she bas resided with ber have the energy or "pep" to keep it off. sister, Mrs. W. HI. Osborne, King St. Lost ahl interest inany heaJthy activity whure she bas buen well cared for and just lazed around accumulating during ber declining years. the old pounds, until I got that Tbe funeral took place Saturday " Kruscber, feeling." a.!ternoon, service ben conducted tStart takrng Kruschen Saits-that's byhr atrRv.C pnerngte common-9ense wa>' ta reducu-but by er opaSt.r ev .R.Sece,&n't taire them witb the idea that recoro! t.Jobn's Churcb. The they pos9es reducing qualities in 2all bearers were six nepbews: themmseae. Mressrs. Cecil and Fred Osborne, This is whiit they dIo-they cienn out Chas. Blow, Roy Mann, H. Pope and the ixnpunities in yiour blood by keeping L.loyd Crago. Tbe interment took the boweLs, kidneys and liver in spien. place in Bond Head Cernetery, New- did working shapeý. and fl] you with castle. . gor and tireless energy. Among the relatives and friends As a restait, instcad o! planting presenit were: Mrs. William Pope and 3'ourseIf in an easy chair everv frue wo daughters. Mrs. Camplin, Mr, moment and Ietting fh1bby fat aceumui- Horton Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo late, you fuel an urge for aetivity that Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Os- keeps you moving arotînd doing tlic borne. Mrs. Ernily Osborne, Toronto; things you*ve always w:mntcd to do and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blow, Mr. and needed ta do ta keelp roi in good Mrs. Roy Mann, Mr. and Mrs.,Orval condition. Blow, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Blow, Kruschea Saits arc the îîp-to-dtc Mr. and Mrs. Morley Blow, Mr. and Formntain of Youth. Talek e-ý Mrs. Norman Weddup, Osbawa. tCtispoon in a gls, f tint watcr to-morrow mamring and cvery morning -bu cairefji orf e fonds vou ittfaku regialar mndcrate exercise-tiacia *atch Robert Hicks, Bowma.nville the pounds side off. Tbe aId residents o! Bowrnanville iru gradually passing on. Last week's Icord shows threu citizuns, aIl near- ng or over tbe ninety milestone. On Tuesday. May l2th. aftur sev- ýal months' illness, thuru pass ud ta est Robert Hicks in bis 85th yuar. uecuasud was barnoan the sixth linu. larku, nuar Orana, being a son a! hu latu Daniel and Catherinu Hicks. e iarrnud for rnany years, buing nployed with thu Beith farnily an hu town line and afterwards an bis en account. For rnany years now C ER À te bas Iivud and labarud in Bow- 'anvillu where hu vas vll-known The funeral taok place on Thurs- aY afternoan f rom bis latu rusi- encu. Hunt Streut, service buing p r nducted by Ruv. J. U. Robins, pas- )r af Trinity United Church. In- rrnent taok place in Bowmanvillu 'netery. Ovur sixty yuars ago bu was united cu ls E4viiktd 1marriage witb Charlotte Jewell 'o survives bim. The paîl bearers were six nephews:q u r ç ' W., J. W. and Robert Jewell, Geo. £ cks, Heber Soucb, and Sarn Con- Among tbe relatives present f rom OU can depend t a! town were: Mr. and Mrs. H. J.a e rlEec uch. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill, Mr. aGnrlEet d Mrs. Sîlas Souch, Orono; Mr. which wiJl soon iN d Mrs. Sid. Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. savinge whieh Wli ,ea. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. S. Conlin, years to comm. r. Bd. Soucb, Mr. Robt. Jewell, .ss Minnie Jewell, Oshawa. Cons ider the moneý Richard Trenouth, Bowmanviile Richard Trenouth, a well known contractor, bricilayer and mason, and one Who bas rnany brick resi- dences and other buildings to bis credit in this town, passed ta, the reward of a long and industrious 111e on Tbursday, May l4th, in bis 89th year. He was born in Tamerton, Corn- wall, England, and in 1855 was mar- ried there ta Miss Elizabeth Martin and wbere three of their children were born. He came ta, Canada in 1872, settling in Hampton where they lived until 1882, comlng ta Bowrnanvllle wbere he resided until bis death. During the past few years he bas not been in the best of bealtb though able ta, corne Up town and get bis mail and see a few old friends. For the past twelve weeks he has been confined ta bis bed. He was a member of Court Pride of Ontario, No. 6000, A.O.F., and o! Trinity United Churcb and a faitb- fui attendant until deafness and failing eyeslght made enjoyrnent of the services impossible. His wl! e passed away some years ago. Survivlng are four children: Edward of Toronto; William J., J. HERMON wants POULTRY. and WOOL at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanville-235 Toronto-Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave,, Toronto. 46-tf 84N& - Whitby Grants Franchise Rotary at Cobourg Ratepayers o! Witby voted even On Wednesday, May 27th, the eavier in favor of their gas fran- Bowranville Rotary Club will at- chise bylaw last Saturday than rate- tend an inter-city gathering at C- bourg. Rev. Canon T. Stannage Payers a! Bowrnanville did. By 13 Boyle, a member o! the county town votes to 1 the bylaw carried, the club, extended a personal invitation total vote being 855 for and 50 at last week's meeting to the local raah, eczama ,tch lake magie. AU drnggi atm. against. club. I I UCKESTflME KNOWM Sotha-Sava" heal sors;bra os ""WHATEVER WILL 1 DO?" jimniy had been a'1j'ig for a couple of days . .. but she didn'ctbink it was seniaus - tili this afternoon ..she called the docrar . .. hospital tamarrow. Whatever wauld she do? She mut be witb Jimmny ..but there was the baby toa. If inother were anly Eevenlng rates on IlAny- one" (si ation.îo-station) calis begin ai 7 p.m. Nigbt raies begin ai 8.30 P.m. Just give "Long Distance" the numbler you wan - at speeds a> the service. Then she thaught of the telephone. In two minutes she was speaking ta ber mother. Yes, she could catch the evening train - would be there ar 8 in the morning. What a relief! Now she could go about ber prepara- dions for the morrow. The telephor.e had made everything easy. And the cast of the cal] had heen less than a dallar. -I ANALYZE THE VALUE OF the New OLDSMO3ILE PRKCED FROM $1085 AT FACTORY, OSHAWA THE new Oldsmobie offers the igliest value irn Oldsmobile history, judged from every motoir car investment standpoint. If, for instance, you demtaad individuality of appearance, Oldisrrobile's new design is attracting favorable comment everywhere. If performance is your creed, suffice to say that a more powerFul motor, witFh Down-draft Carburation and other advanced features bring swifter pick-up, and hi:gker speeds. Should your choice be sovemned by flexibilIity, Syincro- Mesh Transmission contributes a new tind of controi that makes you master of every drivinq situ3tion. Then, too, dependabi lity and economy, so famous in previaus Oldsmobiles, are more narked than ever in this latest model. Judge its value from ariy or all of these angles, as you inspect and drive Oldsmobile at our invitation. Leamn how easy it is to own an Oldsmobile through the G MA C . .. how completely your investment is pro- tected by the General Motors Owner Service Policy. Il ~ie SYNCRO)-MESH TRANSMISSION NEW EASY STARTNG DOWN-DRAFT CARBURETION INSULATED FISHER BODIES NEW QUIET SECOND GEAR NEW LOW PRICES OLDP)SMOBI LE A GE N ER A L MOTORS VALUE ROGER L. CORBETT Athol Street Oshawa TUNE IN FRIDAY NIGHT ON"CANADA ON P#ARADE« on savings wlth rie Refrigerator--savinge ,pay your invesment- 1continue for countlem Refrigerator wdll lave you in prevention of food spoilage alome. Uns criop, dlean cold keeps mMl, fruits, meats and vegetables fresh and palatable fer days. Left-overs are made into appetizing, inexpensive dishes. TiMen, too, a Genteral Electric enables you te lIuy foode in quantities - at saving prices. Your menu-planning in simplified and made more economical. The health of your family ia safeguarded by a Geaeral Electric Refrigerator. No malter how bot the weather, food is kepi lafe and whole., nmre, weli below the S-degree danger lino. Viuit the nearest dealier today and let hu. «-.plain the advantages of the Monitor Top, the îhree zones of cold, the easily accessible frec2dng regulator, the porcelain.on.steel cou- gikuction, ard the maximum opace for food storage. 3 YEAR GUARANTEE G.ENERAL )ELECTRZIC REFRIGERATOR THE HYDRO SHOP CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRTC Co. aL ELECTRIC" or itself- (q cc0s ts ~ %'%_g ami/y healthi4 top% a Mo% àt*& . àmý - 1 . . . - - T'm cANADiAN ErrATumuN. BowmANvmip-