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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1931, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry ands spent Sunday ith 'Mr. a:icl NI Melville Griffin 'Mis. Wm,. Nixc Mr. James Nixon. wif e and son He ry. spent Sunday with Mr. and M Frank Stinson Glad to repc that Mrs. Archer is able tog around with the aid of crutches On Friday afternoon the Victoriý Womens Institute joiried with NE tieton Institute for the regular su: mer meeting. Mrs. Hugh Bertra of Stoney Creek was the governme speaker. Mrs. Bertrarn gave a ve initeresting address which was grea ly en oyed. The remainder of t: progr. m was given by the Victorfi Institite The annual Wr. M. service on Sunday evening was targ lY attended. Mrs. Carscallen Whitby. who has spent twenty-oi years in West China, was the speci speaker. Her address was listeni to with very great interest and pr, fit. In the absence of Rev. F.1 Newell, Mrs. Newell presided duri. the service. A ladies' choir render( several fine selections The annu S. S. Anniversary services of Blaci stock United Church will be he Sunday, May 24th, at il a. m. ar 7 p. m. Rev. J. U. Robins, Bowmar ville, will take both services. C Monday afternoon. May 25th. a fir program of races and games will 1 held. Supper served from 5 p. ri At 8 p. m. the young people of Cer tre Street United Church. Oshaw will present their popular play Bethel S. S. anniversary services w be held on Sunday. May 3sat. Re, Dr. Bowles will preach at 2.30 p. r and Rev. F. W. Newell at 7 p. m. Annual meeting of the Victoria Womnen's Institute was held at th home of Mrs. Russell Mountjoy c May 6th. Mrs. Leslie Graham, pres ident, presided. Af ter the usual bus iness, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp took th chair. Offilcers elected are: Pres. dent-Mrs. Russell Mountjoy: 1: Vice-Mrs. Clarence Marlow: 2ni Vice-Mrs. Oscar Graham; Secre tary-Mrs. A. L. Bailey; Pianist- Mrs. Clarence Marlow; District Dir ector-Mrs. L. Byers; Fruit Commit tee-Mrs. T. Smith, Misses Florenc Phair and Esther Strong. Attend ance 40. Mrs. S. Swain's group wa in charge of the program: Reading were given by Mrs. W. W. VanCamr "Two Moons in the Sky" and Mis Margaret Swain. "May". A heart: vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Mountjoy for her hospitality Monthly meeting of the W. A. of St John's Church will be held oi Thursday. May 2lst, at the home c Mrs. M. Spinks A. Y. P. A. boy have organized a softball team, ali the boys of the Continuation School 1 Misses Susie VanCamp, France and Grace Mountjoy and Mr. 'f Smith were in Lindsay recently ar ranging for the purchase of "outflts for the girls' softball team ....M O. Edgerton and Miss E. Devitt visit ed ini Oshawa recently Sorry t, report that several are sick with flu Mr. S. Swain bemng one of the nurn Bowman ville Whole Milk Dairy TRY OUR RICH JERSEY MILK 10c a quart We have a wagon on every street every morning. Phone 446 or 703 W. H. BETTLES, Proprietor. THE CANADIAN STATESM&AN, BOWMANVILL, THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1931 ber Mrs. James Hall, Toronto, is visitirig relatives here Miss Marie Proutt, Nestleton. is visiting Mr. and on Mrs. Clarence Marlow Miss Dor- :rs. othy Stevens. Peterboro. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow Dri. Glad to report that Mrs. D. W. n- Bradburn is. now al to go for al * Th'e Newcastle Independent * THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1931 rs. drive every day, after beirigcofnd- ýort to her home for several months adteocad !L udt.W get Mr. anid Mrs. Wallace Marlow Mrs1 NEWCASTLE HUNDREDS WILL VISIT adteocad fL udt.W R. Mahood and Mrs. Archer were __ THE ORCHARD DISTRICTS. then come to Providence Church and I ititr oOsaalstwe.s cemetery wherein lies more of an îsior toOshwaIas wek.Miss Janie Singer. Toronto. is hol- I _a.Iirigton*s pioneen.. We are shock- es- idaying with Mrs. Earl Walton. (Continued from page 1) ed a little at the ap~parent dîsrcgard m- PURPLE HILL Mrs. Jos. Chapman, Orono, visited presenting a sight that rivaIs that for its upkeep, and are pained to see en her sister. Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick, last seen in the Niagara peninsula. its grave stones in ahl dir- 1 isRuby Toms has been ilI and weekend. There is no desire to exceed the ections, and its length and breadth ey eare glad to know that she is re- Mrwaa at- covering.. Luther Argaîl. Oshawa,.a speed limit with such rural beauty overgrown with weeds. bhe Miss Esther Strong spent last week Suniday guest 0f his sister-in-law, that is not surpassed in the entire The well ketît orchard o! W. J. Lan! wihhranMr.1Rbrsn Mrs. Richard Allin. province. Wes. Cawker's orchard Bragg, M.P.P., a Pioneer orchardist withheraun, Ms. S Roerton.appears on our le! t anid across the and exporter, is next on our left and ~ hre oe' nttt e t M.adMs a uly o-road Robt. Battle's orchard presents before we reach the end of the road Oe- thedhoes ofan Mrs. m.DAH.onbrn, Were udy get M. a pretty sight with its myriad blos-. we pass S. T. Dowson's orchard )ne Mrednesdy andiMrs.oHW. Dudle . somns denoting a record crop o! ap-I which is in bloom and truly a thmng nedal Lly ym Mlboo.vst Mrs. (Dr.) Arthur. Toronto, 's ples shouid weather continue favor- .,f oeatîty. Reaciiing the end of the aled recentlY at the home o! Mr. and spending the week at Dr. Walton- able. On the left again, Fred A. road we take a jog of a quarter mile edMrJo.-rhm al' arsLdg"ctae Foster's old and new orchards ap- south down the Clarke-D)arlington o M. and Mrs. Fred Toms and fami- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allin and pear and then Hubert Fosters fine town line, turnîng east agaîn anid W. ily m, i)red to Toronto on Friday. childreri visited Mr. and Mrs. Nor- showtng of apple blossoms. Rowland passing through a haif mile of de- mg Col. b.,ider paid his semi-annual man Downs, East Whitby, last week- Cale's home nestles in the midst of hightful woodlands. On the lef t is 7ed visit to our sehool during the past end. another of Durhams fine orchards. M. Pollard's orchard and further on 5a- Mr..JeSrn n r W. Vandusen le! t on Tuesday Here we leave the paved road and the right hand side we see that fine kI Msr. H and RJoesrogMands for Sudbury to w~ork at his trade of proceed north over a fine gravel road orchard of Henry C. Bowen's. Com- Id essr. Hg and Rs cfStoMacs bricklaying on a large apartment where one could easily drive at a ing to the next corner we turn south 2d er M. ad rs Jck toeac- house. greater speed if desired. Hoping to and run alorig with Mr. Bowens or- ,n- companied by Mr. Stone's mother :)n and Mrs. Ashton of Columbus were Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Cojaden. ac- miss nothing of the surrounding chard on our right. A lîttle way on nie Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. companied hy Mr. and Mrs. Harold beatîties we continue at a 20-mile Jonas Samis' orchard of 50 acres o! be anid Mrs. James Strong. Couch. visited friends in Belleville rate, breathing deep o! the fragrant wetl Prunied tiee, greets Our~ eye., and Mi. A number in this communitY have last Sunday. air and realizing that Durham below this another trout Streamn n-been suffering from severe colds. Principal Geo. A. Coyne has leas- County cari boast of incomparable winds it way through the green mea- 7a, mon thm beng r. nd rs e th hoe o thelat Mr. J scenic charmi. Near the C. N. R. dows and on to the broad expanse of a, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ amn1hmbigM. n r dtehmeo h aeMsohn tracks Cari uthers Bros.' orchard Lake Ontario. On our left is a fine il on Griffln and Mr. Fred Fergus- Rickard and will shortly be moving presents a dellghtful and pieturesque concrete bridge. We do flot cross this o..'1in with his family. ight. and on the le! t Miss Maijorie bridge but turn right up a hill anid A goodly number attended Bethel Misses Vida and Sybil Langmaid. Collacutt's orchard o! green leaves on past Russell Osborne's orchard i.Sunday School whose services are Oshawa. visited Mrs. Jonathan Awde. and pink petals reminds one o! how and then on our right the home of being held in the momning o h at her parents', Mr. and Mrs. Thos. that original garderi might hiave F. W. Bowen. M. P.. with its orchard heumr ots Couch. last Sunday. looked. the exquisite beauties of a crowrùng beauty o! color. )n, Dr. and Mrs. Carveth. and Mrs. which only Adam and Eve were priv- Then sv e reach s,)mething we have S- Austin Campbell and children. are ileged to see. been waiting for, the orchards o! W. s-HAJMPTON down from Toronto stayirig at the1 Leaving for a short time the or- H. Gibson, the APPle Kinig of Dur- le doctor's summer estate. Dam'ole. chards we drive through that at- ham County. Onie hundred acres o! S Monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- tractive haîf mile known localîy as beautifitly kept trees spread away stmet in the S. S. room on Tuesday. ers. B. A., Pastor. Sunday, May 24: Long Swamp. Emerging f rom the across the country. A little to the id May 12th. President Miss Reeve ~il a. m.-Morning Worship; 2.30 p. shadows of the woods we reach the north lies ariother broad expanse o! ethe chair. Mrs. c. j. Kerslake had m.-'Sunday School: 7 p. m.-Everi- Olsen orchards on both sîdes on the orchard. the domain of D. J. Gibson, charge of the devotional exercises ing Service. road. then on past the Wright or- another o! the county's foremnost and read 1 Peter 4:7-11. She chose Mî.nd rsErcPae.Cr- chards and Up that beautiful avenue growers. We then proceed o as the subject for her topie "Given Mran s.EiPec.Cle-o e to Hospitality." Miss Katerson pre- mont, visited his parents, Mr. and of stately maples to Brent's corniers. through a willow swamp to the towri sened heproram Nw oficrsMrs. W. H. Pearce. and Mr, and Mrs. This completes six miles o! the line agai where we .iog north, past iselected were: President-Miss L. Clarence Allun hast Thursday after- Journey. tefuthueadte etps ýsReeve;lst Vice-Miss m. J. Kater- noon and evening. Here we malie our flrst turn to the Geo. Lane's farm, over the tracks. Pl son; 2nd Vce-Mrs. Geo. Barron; Pleased to note the return to the east past Sid Hoars well laid ot O h etml tec ePs .,s Recording Secretary-Miss M. Pas- village o! Mr. anid Mrs. H. H. Ardagh farmn on the left and Bethesda the orchards o! J. F. Osborne, O. tcoe; Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. and Miss Lindsay and Mrs. Julia School, one o! the ohd red school Osborne. S. Chas AIlin and Fred C. A. Peters; Treasurer-Mrs. C. j. Metcalfe and Miss Wilmot who have houses f rom whîch have emanatedHar Wepuehefoasot Kerslake; Conveners o! Committees: been away since last fail. some o! Canada*s finest citizens. Up tM Har ge the triaat thcieir t, Evangelistic, Mrs. J. G. Burns; Law MranMs.ArdBonklwh a little grade and oni either side wc r orgv h Rtrasa hi .Enforcement and LeiMainrMs .buh atatd N. lfedcatlon-t he- see the newly sprayed orchards o! luncheon last faîl. Comîng down the DfL. Reynolds; Medal Contest. Mrs. T. Lake ast year, with the intention of grbo. aohrsucsf lapeSehool. At the first corner we turn Ys Salter; Scientific Temperance. Miss building a cottage on it, are spend- ii tisdieting weoe to Beth- to the right, which is north and pro- 30M. J. Katersori; Moral Education ing the weekends at Dr. Walton- ins dihrechind e me to ery t ceed along the sideroad to the gate and Motersmeeing. Ms .Be 'sBodan"ctae might be wise to pull up here for just beyond the new greenhouse. We esKO.The mnembers votedted Mr. Wm. Quîgg has resigned his.asotieadthn.sweok turn in here and admire the beauties shipfee $1000 if e Meber position which he has held with Mr. at the stones iii this historie bury- o! the chool. its fine buildings. shp ee $0,0 o heBuget Fund; W H. B. Chaplin, Maplehurst Fruit ing ground o! the pioncera o! the wPealther! ofceneriserocandi is and $5.00 to the World's Convention Farim. for the past three years. and county who lie aslccp within. Be-watofsery srckndis rin Toronto to help de!ray expenses. moved with his family into Mr. Wil- neath the green sod lay the men and gardens, and shrubbery and flowers t-Miss M. J. Katerson was appoînted liain Perrîn's cottage. Newcastle-on- womren whose fortitude and pioneri- along the winding drive to the main tasadelegate to the Worlds W.C.T. the-Lake. ing spirit made Durham one ! th Con RvntionR. in Torno MisJur. Mr. H. W. Dudley motored to banner counties o! the province. We From lhere we turri eas! again to Rs. I wRe .'J. . ick dalnd Mis. Belleville on Saturday evening with i honor them in our thoughts and pasa Chris Cox's sideroad runnirig a mile Reeve eeapothed aoernate. his son, Mr. L. Dudley, vho wvas one! on. and a quarter aouth t,) the highway. C. J. Kerslake in June.j of fi! ty members o! Bay o! Quinte Turning south and on both aides Onchari etri bloom.CoTuRîn .G weat _______dge. A. F. & A. M., Toronto. pay- Io! the road fielda o! green grainas t"he Arguelooeatturchard and iî.g a fraternal visit to their Belle- bring to our minda the words f rom , theArge eto B manve oCemtry n I CADMUSvilbrten the Book o! Genesis. -God wîll pro- -vee~eamr h e ci Members o! S. O. E. Lodges o! i vide." Frank Werrya aand Miller Mhemrial aiteswihe nwSunday Sericewashel a usal undy'West Durham, urider direction o! Bros.' orchards are the next we see July Sth nexte hthone dedae SevcIa ed suulSna Mr. Leslie Thompson. D.D.S.P.. Ty- and then arrosa our path runs a and a5thicht ret dedicatioe cso moring. rs. Carmsaln sp h oe irone. will hold annual Sunday par- babbling trout brook. where 5omieo odn nanulDcrto a theoinr etomii.The boys' ade ti Bowmanvihle next Sunday. might be tempted to stop and try ofhliga nulDcrto a cashoirsuphidaythe ui Leag May 24th. and attend divine worship their luck for a few minutes. W e, washed Tuisda eenig.Miss, at St. Andrew's Church. howevcr. keep on our way passing A littIe further west we reach J. Helen Fowler had charge o! the Everton White's on the right and L. Morden's unique Cream o! Barley meeting. Miss Earnshaw read the The ehm trees planted by the Harry Freear 's orchards in bloom. Tourist Camp and mrenagerie. On lesson and Miss Fowler gave the Parka Comnmittee o! the Municipal We have now reached the -Happy the green, in the shade o! the old bible study. Mr. W. D. Ferguson took Councîl early in April ahong the Valley" ideroad having completed apple trees. the Earlscourt Band of the copie anid a reading was given by north and west ides o! the new parkjut8mlsoordeihultp Toronto s'.ill be a special fecature Mn. Alfred Thornett Mr. and Mrs. area. Newcastle-on-the-Lake. have iWe pasils oMors. Aliflktinp. etSna ftronadeelg MerînMoutjy wrebusnes vs-leafed out nîcely and in course o! chard and then cross the C. N. R. Arriving at the corner o! King and Itors to Peterboro hast Thursday. time will provide abundance o! rom- track again and hcad for Geo. A. Liberty Street f rom whieh the en- Miss Lea McQuade and Miss Birdie i fortable shade for summer visitons, Stephens' sawmill and orchards. We chanrted trip started, we notice by Gibson visited at Mr. James McKee's campera and pieniekers. are now gazing down into an« en- the speedometer that the journey on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James' The Young People's Society o! chanting valley through which. be- has been exactly 21 miles. McKee called on Mr. and Mrs. Edgar' Newcastle Unitedl Church met in the tween vendant banka. a silver stiream Our trip completed, we realize, as Gibson Sunday evening Mn. and S. S. Room on Monday evening with hvns t aysh beauties this nyerivfor that urh Cute Mrs. A. E. McGill, Mr. and Mrs. E. the programn in charge o! the Citi- spot beekon us to linger. 50 we leave hsbate htrvltebate Sanderson and !amily spent Sundayj zenship Coînmittee and Rev. W. P.,l the car at the top o! the hihI and of any other part o! the Dominion. at Mn. Smith Ferguson's, Bowman-, Rogers presiding. Read.lngs were wander on private property dowln to W~e decide here and now that oftener ville, and attended the ariversary' given by Winnie Riekard and Minnie i Mr. Stephens' house where we ait we wvill take advantage of such a trip services in Trinity United Church i Pearce; vocal solos by Wilbur Bask- on his verandah and talk o! the within Dui-ham County and sec the Mn. and Mra. Norman Muirhead' erville and Winnie Rickard; and the, charming sunroundinga and enjoy grandeur o! our own district before spent Frîday evening at Mr. Mar- topir "How to Improve our Comn- eating some Spy apples. We have venturing outaide o! it to see thinga wood McKees Miss Gladys Cob- . munity" was given by Principal T. A. made tbjs caîl as it was at Mr o! lesser magnificence. bledick and Miss Helen Fowler have Rodger . Stephens' suggestion we make this If yotî dont rare to abide by this started to train the children for the 1 trip. route outlined above a aide trip toi arnntversary Mn. Norman Edger- Seven apruce trees. planted juat We continue south uritil we come the Provincial Reforest Station et ton made a business trip to Port inside the sidewalk In corner posi- otecneso odadcosn Orono or, to Newcastle's fineat Com- Perry on Friday Mr. and Mrs. W. tions, now adonn the grassy land-1lit we go through a gate into the niunity Hall in Canada inight add D. Fenguson and Mrs. E. Sanderson scape in front o! the Community property o! F. L. Sqtîaîr & Sons veniety and iritereat. apent Satunday in Oshawa. Hall. The trees wene secured from shr eaeama vroewt There arc mariy such charming the Ontario Govennment Forestry the beauty o! the variegated scene-y. and delightful tours ti Durham Farm. Orono. by the Parka caretak- Around a winding road. with a won- County off the crowded hlghWay, NESTELTON er. John Garrod. and planted by dei! tl orchard in full bloom on our and over good roaëls withîn a radius him. The long beds o! tulips. le! t we pass the Squair homestea fo 15 miles o! Bowmanville which A special meeting o! the Women's blooming ti a variety o! colons. and then on ta the Luxton aide=oad. re equally attractive. 1 Instîtute was held on Frîday. May planted by the Hoticultural Societyr We continue south again and pesa - 5th, in the C. O F. hall. with along the south face o! the hall, are1 John Luxton's fieochard and SLN Blackstock members as guests. nov; one o! the beautiful sights O!, daîîy f aimn and on past that o! bis S LN *Meeting was opened by Preaident, the village, son. On our right ta anothen beau,- Mr.s. M. Emerson. who extended a St. George's Church-Rev. F. H.' tifutl valley anid a! the end o! a Vrsi Tors:nMr.and Mr. e. a welcome to the speaker, Mrs. H. Mason. M. A.. Rector. Sunday. May windîng road is the home o! L. oot.a M.H .Tna Bertram o! Stoney Creek. The sec- 24th: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion': Wilcocks. We however have no tîme Mr. and Mrs. C. MeBride and son retary, Mrs. A. Bailey. Blarkstock 9.45 e. m.-Young Men's Bible Class: to explore this and we continue to Burton, Peterboro, et Mr. Geo. W. I., gave a summary o! the prev- Il e. m.-Morning Prayen; 2 p. m.-' the corner. seeing C. A. Wight's or- White's: Mn. and Mns. Everett Cry- ioua years wonk and the financiel Sunday Sebool: 7 p. m.-Evening: chard a bal! a mile south. We turn dcrmian and family, and Mr. WV. T. report. They have been doing Service. attended bv the Bowman- eat et this corner and continue fori Taylor vtaîted at Mr. E. Larmen's, splendid svork. Mrs. WV. Jackson, ville B'anch o! the Canadien Legiori 11 miles passing Providence achool1 Blackaiork; Mesý;rs. Frank and Chas. 'ccretary o! Netîcton Brancb, gave toget>îer with Comr. de., fio Oon Misses Vera and Phoebe Shortridge hier report. Mrs. Bertram gave a andNeasl and the ('ubs o! the spen! Stinday ,vitb Pickering friends: splendtid talk on "Values and Their lol( T rnoop o! Boy Scouits. Com - TOWLXNSHlrP 0n DRLNGO Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blanchard i n K, j Bo wmanville Baker y BOWMANVILLE PHONE 97 'v Sensational 3aIe Shoes- Men'ys Wear CONTINUES TO SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 23 With Greatest Bargains of the Year. Rovan s R EStore Opposite Corbett's Bakery Right on the corner of Division St. - Bowmanville Office over Flood's Store Port Hope Phone Numiber 248 Office Ilours: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 P. M. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. NEW STOCK is ready for the holiday WE HAVE JUST PLACED IN STOCK DOZENS 0F FRESH, CRISP, NEW SUMMER FROCKS - EVERY DRESS IS NEW - AND OH, SQ REASONABLY PRICED. THERE ARE DRESSES FOR ALL FIGURES-FOR THE MISS, THE LITTLE WOMAN, OR THE LARGER WOMAN, PRICED FROM $1.89 to $14.95. NEW FIGURED COTTON VOILE BLOUSES SPECIALLTY PRICED AT 98c. NICE ASSORTMENT 0F *SILK CREPE LINGERIE. SUPERSILK HOSIERY IN ALL NEW SHADES, CHIFFON AND) SERVICE WEIGHT. PULL FASH- IONED 0F COURSE- PRICE]) $1.00 and $1.50. HAND BAGS TO MATCH YOUR NEW SUMMER FROCK - REASONABLY PRICE]). Clarence S. Mason JjOne door west of P. F. Morris Co. Phone 161, Bowmanvlfle Let Lis Do Your Holiday Baking It will save you time and worr in this wa.rm weather. SATURDAY SPECIAL l 1 LAYER CAKE 1PIE 5 c I DOZEN BUNS HOLIDAY CANDIES Neilson's SpeciaUy Assorted Chocolates, just arrived - 35c lb. Rose Buds - 35c lb.

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