2Late man With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOW.MANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 2lst, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy N o. 21 Vi sit DurIham County Orcuards un Blossom Wee< "Our Hospital' Topic oF Address By Chas. H. Mason at Rotary Club Officers and directors of Bowmanville Hosp i t a 1 Board honored as guests of the Rotary Club on Fni- day-History is reviewed Friday was Hospital Day at the Rotary Club, it being the nearest day to International Hospital Day which feUl on Tuesday, May 12th. President Hermie Brown welcomed the past presidents and directors o! tise Hos- pital who were guests o! the club to- gether with Mrs. Florence Smythe, superiniendani o! the isospital. Anong tise honored guests was Mr. J. W .Alexander, througis wiose gen- erosity the Bowmanville Hospital had its inception when he donated thse building and grounds about 18 years ago. Other past presidents who were aitishe lunciseon included, Mr. J.H.H.Jury, Dr. J. C. Devitt and tise Present president Mr. F. F. Morris. Rotarian Morris had charge o! thse program and introcluced the flrst president o! tise Hospital board Mr. Jury, Who gave some interesiing reminiscences o! tise early days o! tise iospital project. Thse feature o! tise meeting was a splendid lad- dress by Rotarian Chas. H. Mason. secretary o! the Hospital Board for tise past 12 Years, on tise history o! Isospitals and tise storY o! Bowman- ville Hospital in particular. History Surveyed To endeavour to completeîy survey tise istorY o!fisosPitals. would take sucis a long tirne tisat in tise few minutes ai my disposalI h is my in- tention to try to bring to you only tise itemns o! major importance. 1 trust tisai you will not become weary witi tise tisougisi that MY talk is ta be ancient hisiory when I stant by suggesting tisai hospitals are by no means a new institution, or even an institution o! tise middle ages, for wisen we come to recail their his- tory our mtads revert back ta tise famous Betbesda Pool o! scriptural renown, where either tise city o! je- ~rusaIem or somne benefactor estab- lshed five Porches or isospitals close ta tise pool. where tise hait, tise mainsec or tise blind awaiied tise Psycisological moment when they could enter thse Pool and be healed o! tiseir disease. But in these hospitals or Porcises it must have been nep- cessary for tise patient ta have pro- vided bis own bed, for we recaîl on one occasion isow a patient was or- dered to take up iis bed and walk.. (Coniinued on page 9) COMING EVENTS W. C. T. U. wiIl meet in St. Paul's scisool room on Thursday. May 28tis. at 3 p. m. Reserve Saiurday, June 6th, for Homemade Caoking Sale and Ater- noon Tea under auspices Rebekais. Tise Women's Guild o! St. Johsn's Cisurcis will isold a Home-Made Cooking Sale and Aternoon Tea in tise Parisis Hall on Saturday, May 3Oih, at 3.30 p. m. 21-2 St. John's A. Y. P. A. are holding a sale o!fisomemade cooking, bot dogs, cakes and candy on Saturday a!ternoon and evenlng ai their bootis Royal Bank corner. Homemade Cooking and Rummage Sale In St. Paul's Lecture Room on Saturday, May 23rd, ai 3 P. m. Came ta tise Japanese gardens and enjoy a cup a! tea for 15c. Rainbow Mssionary Tea. good pragram and missionary lunch ai STrinity scisool room on Tuesday, tMay 26th, from 4 ta 6 P. m., under ;uspices o! Alice Jackson Mission Band. Na. 1 Graup Women's Auxillary o! St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cisurcis wll isold an Afiernoon Tea and Sale a! Homemade Cooking and~ Aprons in tise scisool room an tise afiernoon o! Frlday, May 29tis. 21-2 Good program ai Trinity Young People's Society on Monday. June 1, ai 8 p. m. wisen recital will be given by pupils o! Mrs. E. Smiths Ferguson. A.T.C.M. Guest artisis: Mrs. F. H. Moody, Miss D. Plummer, Mr. Owen Nicholas. Silver collection in aid o! M. & M. Fund. Under tise auspices o! Si. John's Anglican Church, tise young people o! St. John's Churcis ai Pari Hope wilU present tiseir tisree-act comedy. «Tise Little Bridesmald," lu St. Johsn's Parîis Hall on Friday, May 29tb, at 8 p. m. Admission- Adulîs 25c; cbildren 15c. Tise regular meeting o! tise Music Study Club will be iseld in St. Paul's Lecture Room, Wednesday, May 27. ai 8 p. m. sharp. This belng tise ast meeting before tise summer bolldays a special program bas been arrang- ed. miss marie Cancillia. sololsi. and Mr. McElroy, accampanlst, a! TULIP DAYS IN BOWMANVILLE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY To impress citizens with the importance of the growing nursery business in Bowman- ville, and the part they will play in putting this town on the map as a horticultural cen- tre, Friday and Saturday of tis week will be Tulip Days. Through the generosity of the Kingsway Nurseries of which Mr. J. H. H. Jury is the pro- prietor, 1000 tulips will be dis- tributed free among Bowman- ville merchants for dlsplay in their stores bringing forcibly to the notice of citizens the growth and significance of this industry. With four nurseries in its midst, Bowmanville is fast taking the lead as the most prominent nursery town in eastern Ontario. CANVASS FOR THE BLIND WILL COMMENCE TUESDAY Women's Institute Have Undertaken the Ralslng o! Funds for one o! Domlnon's Most Worthy Institutes Commencing on Tuesday next, un- der the auspices of the Bowmanville Women's Institute, a house to house canvass will be undertaken on be- hall of the Canadian National In- stitute for the Blind. Thse Institute by this action are sponsoring one of the most worthy causes in the Do- minion. Thse Canadian National In- stitute has brought new hope ta hundreds of slghtless Ieple in this country and have worked constantly for thse prevention rather than the cure of blindness. Thse Institute has as its patron Ris Excellency thse Governor General of the Dominion besides an insposing list of officers composed of some of the most prom- mnent people from coast to coast. Evidence of thse work being done by the institute is seen right here in Bowmanville wllere they have patiently taught one blind man the art of basketmaking while another, «oing blind, they have placed in business in a cafeteria. Tise value of thse work tisey are doing cannot be over estimaied and it is sincere- ly hoped that the public wiil be generous in response to the appeal which will be made nexi week. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fishleigh, To- ronto, spent Sunday wth her sister. Mrs. John Grigg. RECTOR FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Rev. H. H. Corey o! HUa, HawaIl, Home on Furlougis, Addressed Congregation and Sunday Sehool Rev. H .H. Caney, Hila, Hawaiian Islands, was tise special speaker ai St. Johsn's Anglican Cisurcis on Sun- day. Mn. Corey is a brotise-n-law o! Rev. C. R. Spencer, tise rectan, and bas served in tise Mission Fields o! Japan and Hawaii for some yeara. An intenesting part o! Mis visit isene was bis ref erence ta, James Marriner Muin, an 01<1 Bowmianviile boy, who was a member o! is ves- try ai Nis churcis ai Hilo. Many 01<1- er cîtizens wili nemember Mr. Muin wisen he lived here witis bis moihen and ister tantise big brick residence on Churci stsieet now occupied by Mn. W. C. Cavenly. Mn. Muir lsaaLso a subscriben a! The Staiesman and is stilîl keenly interested lu bis old !riends. Before Mn. Corey isad de- cided ta come ta Bowmanvilie Mn. Muir had made isim promise tisai if he should isappen ta viait isere he would caîl and see isis homne and his !niends tantise tawn. Mr. Corey gave an exceedingly lu- tenesttag sermon on Sunday evening wisen he told o! tise example set by Hawaii in tise recognition a! equality o! tise races. He taok for bis texi tise wonds, "HIe bath made o! one blood ail nations o! men." True Chrisiianiy, ise said, would neyer succeed as long as tise white race considened isel! superlor ta other races. Ris texi told plaaiy tise Bible's stand on tisis question, tisai ail men were o! tise same blood and thus while some may be more cuIt- ured tisan otisers tisey were ta trutis not superior in race. In Hawaii, Japanese, Ciinese, Britlis, Ameni- cana, Hawailans, Koreans, and otiser nationaliuies. wisile foliowlng Chris- tian and heatisen religions, were ahl considered o! one bload. In bis own cisuncis Mr. Corey stated, men were servlng on tise Pariis Council o! al o! these races. while lu thse Women's Assoclations, Japahese, and Citese and Englisis and Konean it side by ide discussing tiseir work and work- ing togetiser witisout tise leasi tisougisi o! difference lu race. The world, ise said ta conclusion, could neyer be truly Christian unless tise witie mais necognizes that tise black and yelîow races are of tise same blood as tise white races. and tisai given tieseanme chances as tise white mais tbey would soon neacis a culi- uned civilization as isad tise white mans. Mn. Corey also preacised ai tise morning service on bis work lu Jap- an, aud is tise a! ternoon witis is ciildren un native Hawalian costume be spoke ta tise unday Scisool. Mn. Carey is a mrue example o! bis be- lie! conceruing race equality, for bis eldesi cild la an adopted Eskimo cisild. wiso speaks Englisis well and wiso bas lived witb tise family is Canada. inter gaing ta Japan and ta Hawaii. Teen Age Boys and Their Leaders Held Conclave at St. Paul's Church C. F. Plewman, Secretary of the Boys' Work Board of Ontario, was Aiain speaker - New softball schedule was drawn up Teen-age boys and leaders o! West Durhsam iseld a conclave ln St. Paul's Sunday Scisool Room, Friday evening, May 151h. Tise purpose o! tise meeting was to discuss tise 50!t- baUl League, tise Sumnmer Camp and tise time and place o! tise Faîl Con- fererîce. AI 1er Dr. D. W. Beat read tise Scripture reading, Rev. H. C. Waifraim gave a short prayer. John Jury, member o! Boys' Parliameut for West Durhsam wiso took charge o! tise meeting welcomed tise visit- ors and gave a !ew introductary re- marks. Wilfrid Carrutisers spoke on tise Fail Couference. He was o! tise opinion tisaitishe Couference sisould be held shorily !allowing tis re-org- anizalion o! tise Tuxis and Trail Ranger work for tise wiuter. A two or~ ibree day conference was lisougisi 10 be probable and beld lu eltiser Bowmanville, Orano or Newcastle. He appealed ta every persan preseut for bis support iu ibis endeavour. John James gave a short talk ou tise possibilities a! tise sofibaîl league for Ibis year. One scisedule bad aiready been drawn up but Newvcastle and St. Johsn's Cisurcis, Bawmanviîle isad since expressed a desire ta enter tise league. A new scisedule appears lu ibis issue. Mr. C. F. Plewman, Secretany o! tise Ontario Boys' Wark Board led the gaiisering lu a few lusty songs. Nexi number on thse prograru were moving pictures taken ai Lake Scug- og Camp lu 1929. Many boys preseni recognized familiar faces lu vlewlng tise routine o! camp 1f e. Tbree leaders were iben appoint- HOSPITAL DAY SPEAKER Chas. H .blaaon Secretary-treasurer o! tise Bowman- ville Hospital Board, wiso delivered a splendid address from tise Rotary Club at is Friday lunciseon, which took tise forni o! a Hospital Day meeting. Mr. Mason la one o! tise mosi public splrlted and prollllc workers inatis part o! tise country holding numerous -offices, many witbout salary. Apart !rom bis dut- les on tise Hospital Board, lie la sec- reiary-ireasurer o! West Durham Agrîcultural Society: secretary o! Trlniy United Cîýurcis Sunday Scisool; treasurer o! Rotary Club; a pasi secretary o! Rotary Club; treas- urer o! Durham Boys' Work Board; presideni, Bowmanvllle Boys' Work Board; secretary, West Durham Teacisers' Training Scisool; former secretary. Cisamber a! Commerce; member o! Men's Canadian Club and Bowmanville Business Men's Assoc- iation. It is interesling ta note tisatihe contrais 28 different bank accounts and la an auditor for several otiser organisations. Besides tisese activities lie fInds time ta conducit i enà,"rivate bus- iness, tisai o! insuràR o.nd real es- tate witis bis fatiser, Ex-Mayor J. J. Mason. This firns represenis some f orty insurance companies. covering every type o! tasurance, including fire. lite. auto and many other kinds. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER PAID OFFICIAL VISIT HERE Jerusalem Lodge Entertains Visitors From Many Lodges ln This District Tise official visit o! tise District Deputy Grand Master, Rt. Wor. Bro. A. G. Willoughby, was made ta, Jer- usalem Lodge A. F. & A. M., on Wed- nesday, May 13th. Over 100 breth- ren were present including visitors f rom Coîborne, Toronto, Newcastle, Cobourg, Oshawa and Michigan. A noted guest was Dr. P. W. Cry- derman o! Zion Lodge, Detroit, Micis. brother o! Mr. J. H. Cryderman o! Bownsanvillie, and one o! thse oldesi members o! Jerusalem Lodge, havlng Joined ibis lodge 50 years ago lasi Monday. Af ter tise degree work had been exemplified in an insplrtag marmer tise breibren adlourned io tise ban- quet hall wisere a splendid repast was provlded. Later tise usual toasts were isonored in whlcb tise follow- ing made speeches: W. Bro. W. Len. PlUet. .t- Wnr- Br.. UG. h(5 74llnbh by, Rt. Wor. Bro. W. F. Rickard. ed ta take charge of tise discussion Newcastle, War. Bro. W. J. Yeuden groups. Tbey reported tisaitishe Con- o! Cobourg, Wor. Bro. .1. M. 4. M ference wauld be held at Bowman- Donald o! Coîborne, Wor. Bro. T. ville on Nov. 20-21-22. Billets will Branion, and others. Bro. F. W. be arranged for visiiors. Camp will Cryderman, who was asked ta, speak, be held ai Lake Scugog June 27 to was given a great ovation and ta bis July 4tis. for senior campera and brie! address he recalled the 0W ld av July 5 ta 13 for junior campers. Alex wisen Jerusaleni was but an infant McGregor requested all present to lodge. wark and talk for tise camp and ta The toasts were intermingled witis be there witis as muai entisusiasm as communiy singing at wbicis Mr. tbey could muster. Bob Carbett preslded aitishe piano. Mr. Plewnsan spake on practical W. Bro. R. E. Logan, W. M., prealded. matiers. Ris address gave an outline o! conditions prevalling now in tise business, financial and Christian TYRONE ANNIVERSARY warld. Mr. Plewman presenied an en- Sunday, May 24th - Secretary of ligisiening address on "Living tise OnaiBosW Christian Way." Ris remarks bore Onal os ork Board oui tiese cripture in "but whosoever Speclal Speaker shal mite ihee on tby ighi cheek, turu ta hlm tise aiher also," and Annlversary ai Tyrone Sunday "wbasoever sisaîl compel ibee to go Scisool wilU be held on Sunday, May a mile, go wiih isim twaln." He cited 24ih, at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. tise Great War where men who were standard time. Sermions wll be goad living churcis membera became preached by Mr. C. F. Plewnsan, Sec- murderers overnight and tise con- retary o! Ontaria Boys' Work Board, gregations ai home prayed because Toronto. Music by tise scisool assisi- they were killllng more ihan iheir en ed by Newcastle MaIe Quantet. Col- emies and ihanked God because tisey lections and subacriptions in aid o! isad developed means wbereby iisey tise Scisool Fund. could destroy more tisan anotiser _____ country. He staied tisat tise country isad awakened ta the faci tisati Appolnted Enumeratoru was not Christian and would not be accepied as suchIs n years to come. Messro. Thos. Hamilton, E. J. He siated tisai business conditions Gibbs and Thos. Wright have been would not imprave ta any greai ex- appointed by Major Thorn o! Mili- tent until employers reallzed tisai brook, chie! census officer for Dur- workera were buman and tisatif1 iam, as enunserators for Bowman- they were more considerate o!fiisem ville. They will commence tiseir dut- tbey would accomphiiss f ar more, les about June lai. TRINITY CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL HELD ANNIVERSARY Rev. J. E. Griffith o! Humbercrest Church, Toronto, Was Preacher ai Special and Well Attende& services A May morning witis beautiful sunsisine, gardens blooming witb spring fiowers, lawns invltingly green, and everywisere nature daing ber besita show forth tise beauty o! tise earib, was tise day cisosen by Trtiiy Sunday Scisool as annivers- ary Sunday. Mn. Francis Suttan, organisi and choir leader, anticipating aucis an occasion, had left notising undone to rendier a gcod musical service. Tise morning congregation was greeted by about 50 C. G. I. T. girls ln their regular uniforms occupying tise choir la! t, while on tise nigisi and le! t side o! thse gailery tise Alice Jackson and Sparling Mission Bands ably sup- ported tisem. Tise regular choir and choral class were seated lu front o! thisesth ie gallery. These massed forces sang a number o! anniversary cisoruses with splendid effeci, une being a very appropriate annlversary selection composed by Mr. Suiton. The solo parts were weil taken by Mn. M. S. Dale, Mrs. T. W. Cawker and Mn. O. Nicisolas. The apeclal speaker for tise day was Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., pastor o! Humbencresi Cisurcis, Toronto, wbo gave an interesting and in- pressive ialk ta tise Young people on "Ligisis", basing bis remarks ont iisree selections: "I am tise Lîgisi , Ye are tise Ligis . Theref are let your Ligista lsine." He iold whai tise differeni colored ligiss indlcated ta traveliers, where it gatitls power from tise sun, and isow it revealed itself as stored iseat in coal, wood, radium. etc. As tise sun la tise cen- ire o! ligisi and power ta tise nat- ural wonld, so God is tise centre o! tise unîverse reveallng Ris power and love for mankind iisrougis Ris son Jesus Christ. As ligisi refiects, warns, guides and reveals tise power o! tise sun, sa Jesus Christ reveals t o us ta greater, degree thse power o! IOd. In concludtag Mn. Griffith asked tise Young folks ta jota wih bim in a verse o! "Jesus bida us Shine." Rev. J. U. Robins conducted tise service. Beautiful flowers and plants made tise front o! tise churcis very attractive and apringlike. In tise a! ternoon tise sciscol as- sembîed tantise cisurcis. Dr. J. C. Dev- iii. superiniendent, presided. Rev. Griffith off ered thse opening prayer and tiese cniptune lesson was nead by Mr. W. R. Stnike. The Primary Class sang two short sangs wich ail en- ioyed. Tise af!ering waa taken by tise youug men a! ter whlch Misa Helen Argue sang a solo very sweetly. The speaker for tise a! tennoon was Mrs. Griffith wbo had mucis exper- lence lu Young people's work. She told beautlfully and effectlvely tise story o! "The Face on tise Mauniain" whlch se was privlleged ta catch a gllmpse o! whsie on a motar trip lasi suummen, and o! "Ernest", one o! tise Hundreds Will Visit The Orchard District over Holiday Weelcend ONTARIO PREMIER IS COMING HERE MONDAY, JIJNE lut. Hon, George S. Henry, Prime Mmlister of Ontario, Hon. W. G. Martin, Minister of Public Welfare, and Hon. H. C. Schol- field, Minister without Port- folio. will visit Bowmanville of- ficially on Monday, June lst, to witness the Boys' Training School Cadet Inspection and Prize Day presentations. Dr. G. E .Reaman issues a cordial invitation to, the public to at- tend this event. The inspect- Ion will commence sharp at 2.30 P. m. and to avoid missing any part of this fine dlsplay those mntending to be present should be there right on time. This wll be the Premler's flrst official, visit to the Training School since he took over the reins of! Government f romn Hon G. Howard Ferguson. characters of the village who by constant looking at the face devel- oped the strong and lovable charac- ter portrayed in the face. She drew a helpful letgn for the youmg peo- ple showing that the books they read. the pictures they look on have a great influence on their lives and the great need for careful selection of same. At the evenlng service Rev. Mr. Griffith preached from the words "What shall I do." The congrega- tions were highly pleased with his messages for the day. The choir led the service of song and Mr. A. E. Hircock delighted ail wlth his weil rendered solo. The, offerlng for the day was not Up to expect4tonss but some amounts may- come in next Sunday. HORTICULTURAL CONVENTION COMING TO BOWMANVILLE Horticulturists fromn five counties. Durham, Northumberland, Peter- boro, Victoria and Haliburton. will gather for a convention in Bowman- viiletowards the latter end of June, the exact date depending on the time when roses are in full bloom. Hon. W. G. Martin, Minister o! Pub- lic Welfare, has kindly consented to the use o! the Boys' Training School for the convention. A huge flower show wli also be a f eature of the convention and Horticultural Soc- leties f rom ail over the province are invlted to, dlsplay their flowers at this show. A f eature o! thse conven- tion wlll be the inspection of local nurseries. Watch for f uller partlc- ulars. Business Men's Community Picnic Postponeci To Weclnesday July 8th Owing to June 3rd flot being a recognized holiday in the country giant picnic will flot be held on that date - May give car away. Bowmanville Business Men's As-1 sociation consmunity picnic, scised-t uled for June 3rd. bas been post- poned until, Wednesday, July 8tb.t Tise association made tisis decision( when tisey met aitishe Balmoral Ha-1 tel on Tuesday evening. Tisere weret eral contributîzsg reasous for tise os'poneuient, thse main one belng hx ail rural schc:,k do not close n thse Kiug's Birthday and it was 'houghitisai tise picnic would ual iýe a succeas unless au opportuuity was given every cisild in tise couutry and town, witi tiseir parents, 10 at- tend. Anotiser reason was tise short lime le! i to arrange for au under- takîng a! ibis magnitude. By reason o! tise delay tise picnic shauld be an autsianding success and every resident fnous Bowman- ville, Darlington, Cartwright, Clarke, Newcastle and Orono sisould plan1 now ta came aloug and spend au en- joyable afiernoon as tise guesta o! tise business men o! Bowmanville ai Creans o! Barley Camp. Scores o! sport events are being arranged for children and adults. Merchants wlll donate a grand ar- ray o! pnizes and a fuli pnogram will keep every minute o! tise afternoon f ull a! inieresi. A sofibail tourna- ment and isorse sboe piicing con- test wlll aitraci lots o! attention as will tise many other features belng arranged. Tise mammotis parade wiich wiltaritishe a! ternoon off wih a bang wil be iseaded by tise Canadian Legion Band. A commitee was appolnted ta, consider affering an auto as a grand prize aitishe plcnlc. Details o! tiss part a! tise program will be le! t un- til tise meeting Fniday eventag. Presideni T. A. Duatan appeals ta tise business men wiso are serving on committees ta present tiseir reports Fniday nigist so tisai full details o! tise picnic can be publiised ta next week's Siaiesman. PROHIBITION CONVENTION Ilon. E. C. Drury WiIî Be Speaker at County Meeting at Orono on Tuesday Tise convention o! tise Durhsam County Prohibition Union wlll be held at Orano Town Hall on Tues- day, May 26ib, ai 2 p. m. standard time. Hon. E. C. Drury, former Premier o! Ontario, wlll give tise ad- dress. Round table conference will be conducted by Rev. G. A. Sisco, Pari Hope. Let tisis be a raliy f or every Temperance worker in Dur- hsam County. H. G. Macklin. A. W. Annis. President. Secretary. Leglon Auxiary The Ladies' Legion Auxllary bas gruwn from 25 charter members to 41 members, wlth 5 new members to be lnltlated aitishe next meeting. Thse entertainnieni committee plans for a joint social eventag when thse Leglon Branch would be guestsis thcis S. 0. E. Hall. Eacis member a! tise auxil- lary is ibis week contilbuting a box o! cigarettes for tise men in Christie Street Hospital, Toronto. Follow the signs on Sunday or Monday and see unriv- alled scene as apple or- chards are in full bloom- Twenty mile drive map- ped out Tise Stalbesman wishes ta <1mw tise attention of its readers thse com- ing week ta "Apple Blossom Time in Durhsam County." Many of our cit- izens each year motoL Isundreds o! msiles ta Niagara Peninsula ta see thse peach blossoms in bloom, whereas right in their own back yard, so ta speak, in tis county may be wlt- nessed a panorama o! !asclnating rural scenery equal and ta many in- stances far superlor ta anythjng in thse Grimsby district or elsewhere in Ontario. The rustic landscape lg., Durham, back of the hisghway, su tai has not been marred by unslghtly bill boards, gasoline stations on ev- ery corner, road aide refresisment bootiss or other modern tendencles ta ietract tram the natural beauty of our rural district. It stili blossoms forth as nature lntende.d it should, To furtiser prove thse above state- nents thse editor this week made a tour in tise apple district around Bownsanvile wIsich embraces wel on to 1000 acres of apple orchards whicis should be tantfull bloom, the coming week. The !oilowtag story outlines the route covered and as a furtiser convenlence ta those flot familiar with thse concessions and ide roadS covered in this trip, the Publisisers o! Thse Statesman are lsavlng signs Put Up along the route to keep morists ta the stralght and narrow path. Thsermails are ta good condition ail tise way, permltting 35 miles an isour, but who wants ta go that !ast through sucIs beautjfug country? Just visualise thse glories o! ibis ,tp. Jump into the car on- a glor- bOus SPrlng day within thesexmt week, open ail the Windows ta get every fragrant breeze. and throwtag tise car Itt gear we are away. Drive along King Street. east and ai Liberty and King Bts. we seea big banner stretched acrosa ile igIsway tavittag us ta see Durhams County's orchards ta "Apple Blos- som Time."1 The thoughts of thse trip are far tao intrlgulng ta let thse OPPortunity pass, so we turn thse car northwards. Reachtag thse Nursery Corners our visit ta the apple grow- ing country commences. AUl around us is colon. On thse northern horizon the hills o! Dariton and Clarke stand out green againsitithe summer sky. Here and the?ýe ithe distance, nestling among thse blls and the trees one sees substantial farmhouseS and barns, a picture of comfort and Prosperity. Conttautag north on thse Manvers Road is Mayor M. J. El- liott's fine orchard in full bloom, (Conttaued on page 12) THE CHURCHES St. Paul's ChurcIs - Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister. 11 a. m.- Mornlng Worship "Opened Eyes"; 7 p. m.-Evening Worshlp, "Thse Foes o! Christlanity"; 2.30 p. ma- Sunday Sehool. St. John's Anglican Church-Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., rectar. Holy Communion, 8 a. M.; Morntag Pray- er, il a. m.; Sunday Sciscol and Bible Class 2.30 P. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. m. The Salvation Army-Capt. Bur- sey and Lieut F'lett. Meetings ai il a. m. and 7 p. m. conducted by Colonel Saunders, Training College Principal, and Mrs. Saunders. Harls- court Salvation Army Band ta at- tendance. Trlnlty United Church-Rev. J. U. Robins, pastar. Sunday Services: il a. m.-Rev. Gea. R. Turk, Tor- onto, representative o! thse Ontario Prohibition Union, wll give an ad- dress; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday ScIsool; 7 p. m.-Rev . W. Newell, B. A.. Blackstock. Si. Andrew's Presbyterian ChurcIs -Rev. W. J. Todd, minisier. Sun- day services: S. 0. E. church parade at il a. m., the minister wlll preach. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Even- ing service at 7 p. m.-Preacher, Rev. G. R. Turk, representing thse On- tario Prohibition Union. AUl Sunday Scisool workers in Bowmanvlle and Darlingion wlll be lnterested in the SVnday Schol Convention ihat is ta be held at Courice, afternoon and evening of Frlday, May 22nd. Ample time la ta be given to ail departments of Sun- day Scisool work for reports of pro- gress o! the work and discussion. Rev. E. O. Seymour, one of the best field workers of the Ontario Rellg- ious Education Coundil wll speak et bath sessions. Rev. H. C. Wolfralm, in an