TH ANDANSATSA, OMAVLL. THRDYMY lt,13 n * r~< flflhYCI rzi'.z~ ... 'v The Editor TaIIcs1 I have spent over 50 years in busi- ness with a fair measure of sucress 1 caîl it. notwitbstandiflg the good Dr. James W. McLaughlifl's opinion so bluntly expressed to me at the start as recorded in a previous Talk. One writer says this truth about business: lit is like clinchig rivets; one sbould strike when the iron is bot." If I were asked ta define Busi- ness I sbould have to think a bit, for it is a large question, but like many questions whicb seem to have niost obvious and easy answers. we find it really difficult to define in a few words satisfactorily. Reader, bas it ever occurred ta you what a vast field is covered in the one word -Busiess? If we turn to the dic- tionary we find it brie! ly deflned employment. trade, rigbt of action, somethig to, be done, oniels calling or profession or duty. It. therefore, follows that every man has some oc- cupation or business however rîch or bigbborn bie may be, because the de- finition cannot be narrowed down to the niere learning of a trade or pur- suit of gain. Ail must do business of some sort and tbough it may not be personal, it will at any rate, be for personal advantage or pleasure. Truly the custom of some snobs among the well to do to sneer at business more frequently in the old countries than in this one is absurd; for business requires as high a sense o! duty and as high character or re- putation as the rigorously exactig and most exclusive social positions. We have noticed when in England that some folk in business look down upon trades f olks as beneath those who make pretenses as to be consd- ered wefl bred. We think it is rem- iniscent of the earliest times when mien frst took to accumulating and excbanglng things. There is an old saying that "Man might be defined as an animal that makes exchanges.' That is wbere man diflers f rom the animal. There are some animals that have the instinct to lay up stores o! food but no animal bas the least idea o! exchanging somnethig it possesses for something possessed by another o! its kind. Ini the olden times, the man who gained wealth was regarded with envy and hatred by those who did not exhibit the sanie thrifty spirit, yet we ask why should there be 111 feelings or pre- judice agalnst trade? one must un! ortunately admit that there is much that has been done in the name o! business that bas been reprehiensible and repuls- ive ta a reffined nature. With the fierceness o! competitian the meth- ods by which success is attained are less and less severely criticised. Real strong mlnded and honorable busi- ness men wil raise their voices in protest against the ignoble methads sanie men practice, and plead for a more honorable and truthful com- mercial life. Business men, taa. are seeing that the failures in if e are mainly due ta the want o! business habits, to incapacity ta, manage, ta want a! methad and lack o! thor- aughness in the knowledge o! the 'sork in band. Better book-keepig, better system and better arganiza- tion in general are necessary. aîîd success in any business demands a wlde-awake overslght ta, make it a *success. No business can succeed if lacking the care and thorough sys- teni we have mentianed. Ta achieve any real and endurig success, busi- ness i these days needs mare con- centration, so as ta, obtain greater accuracy. Time must not be wasted in correcting daily errors and lasses. It is far better ta take precautions and avoid theni. In the keen cam- petitian a! trade today profits are toc flnely cut ta, allow a! men mud- dling along by rule-of-thumb meth- ods until they find the correct meth- cd. We have faund that pausing and calculating plays a large part in business. with tact, push and prin- ciple as capital aids. Sa much do these tbings counit in business that with them success can aimast be predicted wbere formerly men anly trusted ta chance. We can declare that these are the essentials a! business success and the man wbo possesses such gaod qual- ities bas aUl that is required ta en- able him ta wait the fioadtide which wil carry him on ta fortune. It may not be given ta, every man ta attai the prizes o! business life. but the opportunity cames toalal and it is only thase who fail ta see and grasp it who lose the advantage af- fered ta them and wich prabably neyer cames again. Luck has been austed f ro is pedestal as a God ta, be worshipped: by this wauld be successful man o! business and in its place appears a plain shield graven with thoethe imnpe wards named "TactPsan MOST DESIRABLE INVESTMENT Bowmanville and Durhami Caunty bond-balders gave a demanstratian of tbeir faith in Canada and the world's recovery last week when they turned over hundreds of thousands o! dollars a! their bonds for the new conversion boan. This is a guarantee that residents o! this district will have hundreds o! thousands o! dol- lars of bonds for many years ta came. Guessing at people's wealtb is one o! the greatest games that if e af- fards. It is so easy ta guess and s0 difficult ta guess correctly; it is 50 easy ta misjudge circunistances and draw wrong conclusions. Thase wbo deligbt in this pastixne have now a fine opportunity to guess at the wealth o! Bowmanville residents. If tbey do and guess near the mark they will have a high opinion a! the caunty's stability, for the wealth a! this county must be great. The present brings a lesson ta many as ta saving. Many go through 111 e with no consistent plan ta put maney away for the inevitable bard places in 11e; sanie save, then spend rasbly or speculate wildly; thers make little pretence at saving, leav- ing the future ta take care a! itself, for the future looks sa far away and the needs o! the future s0 thin. A consistent saving policy bas built up many a tidy little fortune. which stands the people in gaod stead at a tume wben the govern- ment is affering bonds witb a good rate o! interest. The man wbo saves is alsoaa friend o! his country. He can be called upon in tumes o! stress and turmoil. Canada has many of these f olk on whom she was able ta cal last week and this and during the war and many o! them reside in and around Bowmanville. Tbose wbo were able ta go into their safety deposit boxes or private vaulta and bring forth the bonds needed for the convefhion boan aught ta be looked upon in much the same mariner as the wise virgins wbo brougbt their lamps filled with oi1. Tao many people neyer keep the 011 they get, or neyer bave any ail ta carry. Government bonds are the best of securities, tbey fluctuate little. If they do fluctuate, then conditions are simply worse in other securities. Many o! the ricbest men take n.o stock in speculation or buying of stocks but advise their !riends ta tuck away the nice little government bonds as one o! the most desirable f oms o! wealth ta possess. Al this goes ta show that government bonds are most desirable and certain. RESPECTING THE RIGHTS 0F OTHERS At this tume o! the year, when the countryside is dressed in verdant glory, many are prone ta forget the rights o! others in a more pranounc- ed fashion than at any tume in the year. At tbis time wben the sylvan glen is "a tbing o! beauty and a joy forever" beauty spots are ravaged and property rights are ignored by town and city folk just as if they did not exist. We are referring spec- ially ta those who wantonly dese- crate beautiful woads and gardens in their desire ta funish their own homes or gardens with natures de- lights at the expense o! other people. Comnion decency sbould forbid us to enter the woods owned by an- other and help ourselves witbaut permission ta fiowers and plants and young trees. Tbe owners have some rgtand tbese should be respected. Theliertesthat are taken with peoples gardens and woads brings ta md a few other liberties taken that sbould be stopped before tbey flot only become a menace but be- fore they become so natural that they soon become considered rigbts. Wbat right have people ta walk into a grocery or canfectionery store. ev-en if we deal theî'e, and help our- selves ta candies, beri'ie.s. and cakes *that bappen ta be wtbin easy reach? Wbat rigbt have we ta use HOG FEEDING CONTEST 1 other peoples pî'aperty foi' aur ow..n TheOntrioGovrrient th Pe- 1use and theiî' drîveways as public erbora Exhibition Board and Cana-1 tesTs qsiosbngo dian Packing Company are sponsor- aur minds facts that are flot in ony ing a Hog Feeding Contest i which' way ta bie candaned but yet are forty boys o! Durbam, Victoria, Pet- commonîy peactised. erbomo and Northumberland Counties, Wbile childien are offendeis iii have enteeed. Bath the Federal and Provincial governments aid in fiun- many o! tbese things, and o!tcn came ancing the contest. Tbe agricultural littbt' for the ri ýhtf; o! athers. grown representatives are very mnuch alive 111 people are. mosita blame for *1hi ta the value o! this cantest and aexml hystWenou ps aiding the good wark veî'y materîally eam)e hy'e. he'oul 1se D. Lionel Stevenson, Pralessai'ofa dulîts stol) outside sonie orchldrd Zoology, O. A. C., Guelph, %as pre.- and climbin(z the' fente lhelp thein- cnt at the meetingý when the' pigs selves of the' fruit o! other.s, youthl were distîibuted. and a governoiielit natuî'ally believes that it. tao. bias photographer was also present and toak some pietures. Sncb contests: the' right. Wh'ýn yauth secs its eld- stirnulate intt'rest in the' brec-diîîp ers borrow wthout the, least inten- and caî'e o! hogs hy Junior Formrs if rtuni or desucrate somne and O 1(1 the boys ta become ' mors' )toîlii fti spot. il ineans tot hing tb succes4ful farmiers than t hev iwis-ifIe du'h-;am haps (eOulld otherw ise' becoime.h ,I. ifht'd th'ai' The' boys in the' competition t: dis li Durhaîn County are Allan OughII A ic sois hs are bis pricele-s- George McKnigbt, Mervin Smith, n ne ocrscc-i Stewart Gray, Lloyd Fallis, R. Da 5t'SSriia' udrnocn>d'a son, Gerald Lainier', Gordon Smith, lion shouli the-se rights or liberties Archie Muir and Robert Courtice. i)C spui'ied ai'cisdained. YOU OWE A DUTY TO VOUR HOSPITAL Tuesday. May 12th. was Internat- ional Hospital Day. a day o! remeni- brance for that heraic character a! tbe nursing world. Florence Nigtin- gale. the Lady o! the Lamp, and alsa, a reminder o! the duty a! every member o! a community in which a hospital is situated. The fallowing paragraph. quoted by Rotarian C. H.j Mason in bis address at Rotary Club on Friday, from, an address given at the Ontario Hospital Association Convention. by Dr. Malcolmi T. Mac- Eachern, o! Chicago, is warthy o! close perusal and study. "The very existence o! a bospital and the camying on o! its ecogniz- ed work implies definite obligations ta the conimunity. Tbe bospital is the indispensable bumanitamian util- ity because its purpase is the con- servation a! human 11e. As such it memits the interest and concern o! evemy persan. And because it serves not itself but the public. the bospital must be watcbful in meeting it sob- ligations ta the comnunity. The primary obligation a! any hospital is tbat o! getting sick people well as thorougbly and as quickly as pos- sible. It cannat be content nierely ta render ordinary or perfunctory care; it bias a duty ta furnisb the most scientific and efficient service available and bence must be well equipped, well staff ed and well or- ganized." Citizens o! Durham County recag- nize that Bowmanville Hospital measures up ta these standards and daing s0 the conimunity becames naturally under obligation ta its bas- pital. Human 111e cannot be valued too higb and the returns for money invested in belping a hospital re- present higber dividends than money expended in any other way. With a modern bospital staffed by exper- ienced nurses and dostors Bawman- ville owes a strong allegiance ta tbis institution. OUR GREAT WEALTH Few people realize thl'e great wealtb a! the community in which we are living. for baw mucb o! it is sup- plied by Dame Nature, but ta a cee- tan extent it is indicated as follows: Every bird bas a bill. Every !lower lias a scent. Every cbimney bas a draft. Every horse bridle bias a check. Every blade o! grass bias a green back. The telephone girls give us lots of ear rings. The moon gives us four quarters every manth. There are no bears ta depreciate the market. The weather gives us plenty o! change evemy day. Diamonds are mere playthings for many o! tbe women. Rawdon creek has two substantial banks with thriving branches on ev- ery tree. IN THE DIM and DISTANT PASTJ 50 YEARS AGO From The Statesman, May l3th, 1881 Servant girls are scarce in town. We were surprised to see a Young bachelor refuse to tie a ladys horse at the cemetery on Friday when ask- ed by the undertaker. A married man vlunteered his services. Sig- nificant eh! Bertie Wilson, Minnie Jennings, Albert Bellman and James Medland received the higbest number o! marks for good conduct i the sen- ior class, and Josepb Knigbt in jun- ior class last month in Miss Sin- clair's division union scboal. Dr. Robert Young met with a pec- uliar accident on Saturday. He was riding in a buggy leading a colt. The colt became frightened and made a sudden jump. giving Mr. Young a twist, which ruptured a ligament near the liver. He bas been conflned to his bed since. Af ter a lingering illness, Annie Hill, better known as Annie Power, adopted daughter of Mr. Wilson Power, passed away on Wednesday. One of our respectable farmers was1 last week nearly duped by one o! those pedars wbo persuaded him to sign a paper. The man thinking it was his post office address that was required did so, and found a f ew days later that hie had signed a note for $200. and w-as the proprietor of hayforks enough to do the f amily for the next generation. Enniskillen: Messrs. T. McLaugh- lin and A. Hayes have purchased the celebrated trotting stallion, Toronto Chief. and brought hini into this locality. 25 YEARS AGO From The Statesman, May 16. 1906 Building operations are brisker than for some years in town. Chie! Jarvis' fine bed of tulips on the town hall lawn is much admired. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cully. Belfast. Ireland, arrived here Sunday after- noon. having corne by the steamer S. S. Canada and are at present the guests of her mother. Mrs. Crossey. Mr. Culley is a brick-layer. Among the new townships to be surveyed and named in New Ontario one is ta be called Devitt in honor of Mr. J. H. Devitt, M.P.P. Mr. C. M. Cawker. delegate to the Methodist District Meeting at Osh- awa, drove local ministers to that meeting on Tuesday. They enjoyed the ride behind his gay carniage horse. The home o! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oke, 7th concession. Darlington, was the scene of a very pleasant event on Wednesday, May 2nd, it being the occasion of the marriage o! Grace Harris. youngest daughter of the late John Harris of Clarke, to Mr. Henry W. Avery -of Ingersoîl. Newcastle: Mr. A. A. Colwill ship- ped Monday to the experimental farmn at Ottawa one very fine speci- men of a purebred Tamworth hog Mrs. W. H. Jackson and daughter Gladys have been released f roma quarantine iOshawa. Solina: Mr. R. C. Scott was in To- ronto recently and bas received ap- pointment as fire ranger in New On- tario f rom the Whitney Go; ernment. Mr. F. Hockaday took down his old barn Saturday and moved a shed. He is building a new 80 by 40 barn. + Business Directory* LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD. B.A., LL.D. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary MIoney to loan on Farm and Town property. Royal Bank Building, niowmanviIle. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary %oI1citor for Bank of Montreal :.oney to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanvi.lle, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Hamrster, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Loans - Investments Bowmanvllle - Next to Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; House 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate ini Dentistry, Toron- to University. Graduate of the Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanviile. Office Phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Ecuipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Oraduate of Royal Dental Coliege, Orano: The people o! this vicinity ÈEnniskillen:- Congratulations T oronto. Oice: Street East bave been pestered o! latebya Mr. and Mirs. \Vni. Stainton on the Bowmanville. Office bours 9 a. ra. itinerant pill vendor or quack doctor, birth a!f2a baby girl. ta 6 p. mi. daily except Sunday. who professes ta cure everything, es- Phone 90. Hause Phone 283. pecially large necks and woî'ms in1 Enfleld: Mr. George Cochrane bas X-Ray Equipment in Office. the face. Give hinm a wide berth. purchased a new rubber tired car- ________________ niage Our football teamn is or- Betbesda: We hear that owing ta ganized for the season with Mr. Sîlas MEDICAL inability ta obtain workmen. the pro-I Werry as captain and Mr. C. %ICUI- posed improvements of the church. 1bough as seceetary. - whicb it se much requires. may net be done till f aIl. Hampton: Mr. Henry Eliatt. aur J. CLARK BELL postmaster. and Mes. Jane Clarke. m. o., Ch. B.. F. R. C. S. <Edin.), D. P. H. Eniniskillen: Mr. Robert Hutchin- widnw of the hate Robert Clarke.j (Successor te Dr. A. S. ThIIey) son bas had the roof o! bis store were quietly married at the resîdence! Hans- Graduate i Medicie, Aber- aised twa feet wbicb will net only a! bis daughter. Mrs. C. J. Keeslake.î deen 'University; Fellaw o! the Royal improve the general appearance but on May 9th Congratulations ta iCailege o! Surgeons, Ediburgh. will add materially ta the cam!art Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Aluin on the ar- fiead eiec:.ue tet o! the inniates. rival o! a boy. Bowmnanvýille. Phone 89. Here is a novel advertisement Tyrone: Me. B. F. Carscadden aofIl eHus O4P m.6t .0i.Ti which appeared in this issue. entitl- Saleni peeached here an Sunday ed "A Business Man's Experience: nigbt Farmees in this vicinit U TIN E Once on a time there was a man, are nearly all theough seeding. A C IN E Who did not advertise, and hie tried ail sorts o! dodges, Here are sarne interesting fieures, Cobourg being the county toxvn and1 Ta catch the peaples eyes. consîderably more aristocratic ta THEO M. SLEMON He bung bis goods outside the door. Port Hope or Bowmanville. it is ta Auctioneer He bowed ta passersby. be expected that bighee salaries'arm and House Sales a Specialty. He smiled. shook hand. it wouldnt do wauld be paid town a.¶iciahs. Heme is Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. O. The People still !ought shy. the staff and the reinuneratian paid: Phone 383r3. 1-tf And then bie tried aIl sorts o! signs.' Gea. H. Field, M. D.. medical bealth ta get folks ta bis store, officer. $50: Wm. Roueke, sanitary Sometimes it was a gilded bear. or police, $600. ta include cost o! uni- CHIROPRACTIC P-ND DRUGLESS mule above bis door. isetr 5;J .Rscifo HRP He hung outtags o! eveey kind. with inetre;W. $50; J. C. RusechemoaTERP Union Jacks or plain. $fan:5.Wm. Rue. ngowt bniomn, DURWIN E. STECKLEY At asthe id dmi tht al teseThos. Wark. caretaker o! the tawn Honor graduate a! Toronta College dodges were inl vain. hall. $150; Gea. D. Wood, street in o! Chiropractics will be in the Bow- Now lI roud te cunty. her manville office Tuesday. Thursday butalittle nde countherd, see pector, $600; David Stott, teanister, and Saturday evenlngs. Phone 141J. butey tkte p aes egarad $450; Albert Stott. second teanister, Residential cails made during fort- T eead okthe p eer wrd- a, nd$35 month; D. Rooney. harbor mas-non Even ta the advertisenients. yes-te,$0._________________ they read each ine witb care. - me. I'11 do my trading theme. 1 next door ta Messrs. McClung. And wben the market day camne There you'll flnd a stock o! groceries, round. and peaple thranged the1 varied, good and 10w in price, street. 1 And everything exactly as the papers You cauld bear such enquiries !î'om1 advertise. many you would meet. And the people fiocked in numbers, "Say !iend. can you direct me tai and bought what they required, Beith's cheap grocery. The best o! goads. the prices ight, For I see by all the papers that he and aIl as they desired, selîs the cbeapest tea." And tbey went away contented, for And the answer came so peomptly. tbis is wbat they told, "Oh you cannot go far wrong. Hereaf tee we'll trade at Beith's On the sunny side o! King Street, wheee cbeap groceries are sold. r,.' Acxyder Miir, has it Its' 'tuo monuments For.'\'.r". The' other is this h 'atîtiful monument in bï xhich h.' %vilI ruer hc remeinb'(r,,fI)vh.î-e people Mount li.'ssnt Crnctery, Toronto. erected la his o Canitclit. The greater of these is the' far 1 ous Empire memory by' the' Grand Orange Ladge of British Amnerica sang of which he was the authocr- 'Tht' Maplc Leaf of which Assocation the late Mr. Muir was a member. F. F. MORRIS CO. Horse Equipment. AUl cahls promptly attended ta. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phone: 10 and 34. Banch Stores: Orono & Newcastle. v NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS Successors ta Alan M. WUhiams Klndness - Courtesy - Service Private Ambulance Phone: Office 58; Residence 523 or 58 CAETING AND TRUCKING Ail kinds of Carting, Trucklng &no M*ovlng; local and long di.ance. H. BOMBARO Phon- 630 Queen St., bowmanville, ACCOUNTANT 01 R. M. COTTON Auditing - Accounting Books wrltten Up daily, weekly or monthly. Montlily and annual statement and Income Tax Returns prepared. P. 0. Drawer B. Phones 611 & 32. AUTO PAINT SHOP Automobile Painting J. H. NEEDHAM Sosies and Slicers Ref[nlshed. Delivery wagons palnted. Duco Work - Sign Painting General Enamelllng. Phone 441 - Rear of HYdro ShoP BEAUTY PARLOUR Rose Marie Beauty Parlour MADAME CALLUJM Expert in ail classes of beauty culture Shampooing - Marcelling - Singeing Manicuring - Facials Finger Waving a SPecialtY Permanent Wavimg. DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Sun worthy Wall Paper at speclal priceS. Get your orders in early. Estimates given f ree. Geo. Pritchard Phone 489 Over Statesman Office . GARAGES Garage and Service Station Battleries Charged - Towlng and General Repairs on ail maktes of cars. Acetylene Weldlng Supertest Cas and Oils - Accessorles BROOKHAM and McMULLEN Phone 285 King St. W. Bowmanville INSURANCE Fire Lif e C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liabii4~ PLUMBER Sanltary Plumbing and Heatlng Country Work our Specialty BILL CLARKE When in Need of a Plumber CALL 665 Estimates Qladly Given Without Obligation. SIGN PAINTING H. COULDERY S ign s Tin - Wood - Brick - Cotton Windaw Signs - Price Tickets - Sale Bills - Trucks Lettered and Striped Landscape and Seascape Decorations Lessons given i 011 and Water Paintings Phone 135 Queen St. Bowmnanvlle WATCH REPAIRING Geo. Richards Expert Watch and Clock Repairer King St. E. - Knight's Taxi Block We Want the Public to Know 1 That we seil ail forma of AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE In addition to the Standard Tai-f Policies of the large experienceci comI)anies. WE HAVE The Cheapet Cut Rate Policies The Merit Rating Policies The Bonus Addition Policies and will 1)C glafi to sup1)ly just what you may desiî'e. Cail ini the office and talk it, over. Don't dr-ive wîthnut insur-ance. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanvile ýl THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1931 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, IbOWMANVMLE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR