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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1931, p. 4

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'J.kL~ CiLNADIAÂ'4 ~TATES~Aa4, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 2lst. 1931 This Week Beds and Bedding After a record sale during end of April in Beds and Bedding, we are again stocked up in ail sizes and at ail prices. Again we quote: Walnut-finished Steel Bed, w-ith panel, a good mattress and spring, any size,...................................... $1 6.50 A better Bed, Sagless Spring and an al felt Mattress, for ........................$21.00 A good felt Mattress, 313, 4'0 or 4'6...$ 6.50 Way Sagless Spring, with cotton cover to proteet your mattress ...........$11.50 Ail regular grades of Marshall Spring Filled Mattresses. F. F. Morris Co. FURNITURE Bow'xanville I ------ q with a DURANT 198Cdl OUPwEebaego tires; price, $250 PONTIAC COACH CHEVROLET 1929 model, n e w 1/2 TON TRUCK tires, e x t r a fine Closed body, 1928 condition e v e r y model, f our wheel way. Price, brakes. Price, $515 $260 ESSEX SEDAN 1927 model in good running or d er, Price,_ $160 McLAUGHLIN 4-PASS. COUPE 1927 m o d e 1, splendid condition eveny way. Pnice, $395 fl. Coufflent of Us.d Car Qtalbi> Trust the General Motors Dealer Ontario Motor Sales WIIITBY OSHIAWA BOIVMANV'ILLE be Conldent of Used Car Qtàalitv - Trustî the GeneraI Motor,. Dealer DR. CARL'S DISCOVERY an BOTH tupper and loxver bowel and reniaves aid pausons yau would S TOPS CAS, never belîc've were' un ,a system. CONSTIPATION, Stops GAS bloating in 10 minutes!l Itelueves chranie constipation In 2, In his prlvate practice, Dr. Carl hours! Let Adierika give your stom-, Weschcke first perfected the simple ach and howels a REAL cleaning mixture now known as Adierika. and sec how good you feel! It wUI. Unlike mosi remedies, Adlerika acta surprise you! Jury & Loveil, Drugr1 C. S. E. T. AND C. G. 1. T. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT NEWCASTLE Last week marked the closing of the winter and spring activities of the C.S.E.T. and C.G.I.T. groups and the discontinuance of week-night meetings until after the school holi- days are over; although the Trail Rangers in due time may possibly arrange for their annual picnic and field day. as they had no part in the closing party of the other and older groups at the Community Hall on Saturday evening, May 2nd. The United Church services on Sunday, May 3rd, were plannd by the pastor and Mrs. Rogers as a fit- ting conclusion to the termn's work and carried out In the Interests of the members of the two boys' groups and the girls' graup. The pastor, Rev. W. P. Rogers, preached in the morning, basing bis sermon on Pilate's answer to the chief priests of the Jews in respect of the title he had written on the cross of Jesus .' What I have written I have written." Although not spec- ifically mentioning the character building work being carried on with the 'teen age boys and girls through the C.S.E.T. and C.G.I.T. programs,1 yet by means of the text quoted1 abao e. the preacher drew and riveted the attention of the congregation ta the fact that things done in early life, especially if they are done more than once. soon become a habit, and habits crystalize into character and character in turn determines habits or ways of lie. It was commendable in Pilate in one way to stick ta what hie had said and done. In this he was not a wobbler or waverer. Oni the other hand if one makes a mis- take or does something that will de- velop into an hurtful or evil habit, it is better to own up and stant afresh; but better stili neyer te make the wrong move. "What I have written I bave written" may be right; on the other hand it may be wrong. It required no stretch of the imagination for those in the pews to see the great value of the helpful, encouraging, upbuildùing work being carried on by Mr. and Mrs. Rogers with the boys and girls of 'teen age in their growing and formative period of 11f e. What they learn to write now, they will prob- ably continue ta write for if e. either for good or evil, and if for lack of care and attention youth be- gins to write what is wrong, inglor- ious, discreditable, vain, injurious, only One, Who is both willing and able, can erase what is written and give the writer another opportunity. Rev. Frank Langford, B. A., M. A., M. R. E., Gen. Secretary of Religious Education, preached at the evening service when the members of the three training groups marched in in arder from the vestibule of the church and sat in their respective groups in the front rows of pews, Mrs. Rogers with the C. G. I. T., and Mr. Rogers. while Mr. Langford was preaching. with the C.S.E.T. groups. Mr. Langfard took for his text, Jesus' invitation to the Young fisher- man and athers whom he asked to accampany Him and help Him as he went about doing good, Follow Thou Me. and a companian text, "I have called you friends." Jesus' words to bis disciples near the close of bis ministry. With eloquent an- guage he held the rapt attention of bis hearers as hie drew graphic word pictures of what it meant to those early disciples to be followers of Jesus, and what it means to be a followed of Jesus, a real Christian, naw; and like the Master Teacher, Lord and Saviour whom he so earn- estly commended to bis younger hearers, he spoke of things of whieh all have some knowledge, to illus- trate bis teaching. Followers of Jesus-friends of .Tsus; and one friend neyer lets another friend down but stays with him under all circumstances, though the way may not be easy nor the burden light or seemingly so. The Young person, bowever, who admits Jesus into bis if e and takes His yoke upon him will find every burden immeasurably easier to bear. At. the beginning of the service Rev. W. P. Rogers made reference ta the Square's bond selllng campalgn and made mention of the fact that Edwin Hancock and Fred Cowan bad sold most of the $33 worth of Citi- zenship Bonds so kindly purchased by aduits of the congregation. Mr. Rogers also exphained the system of credits folowed in the Square and Camp. one for church attendance in the morning, another for evening, one for Sunday Sehool, and one for attendance and punctuality at week- night meetings. Out of a possible 52, Edwin Hancock had %Von 49, with Fred Cowan close on bis heels with 48, in the Square. Jack Toms made a high score of 51 in the Camp, with Joe Hockin the runner-up. Mn. Rogers then presented a prize book to each high man, A Garden of BeautfiflStoýrles, tA EwnadAÀ eg:YK I LL the LICE witli Have Your Eyes Examined Consult aur Registered Optometrist iratý liceR. M. MITCHELL ~I(Î 1er- La test Methods - PXile ymress.'yPte - Modern Instruments Licu Kille r, andisoetuilrovement. R .N ce L30 Pratts Pou!t,-y Book FREEM. ithl&Co Pratt Food Co., of Canada, Lsd. Druggists - Optometrists 328 Cerlaw Ave. Torouto, sn Phone 92 Guelph, Ont. _______________ I LEGION NEWSJ There was a splendid attendance at the regular meeting of Bowman- ville Branch of the Canadian Legion in Council Room on Friday evening. May 15th. The Council Room was filled to capacity. Comrades from Orono, Tyrone. Newcastle, Hampton, Enniskillen and Burketon were pres- ent. The Branch has increased its memnbership during the campaign by over twenty-five per cent. Eleven new memnbers were impressively in- itiated and renewed their oaths of allegiance to His Mai esty, the Brit- ish Empire, and accepted the aims and abjects of the Canadian Legion B. E. S. L. Arrangements for the Legion Church parade in Newcastle on Sun- day, May 24th. were completed and are as follows: Parade Faîl In in front of the Town Hall, Bowmanville ait 7 p. m. daylight saving time; decoration of the Cenotapli and Last Post immediately after the F'all In; parade headed by the Legion Band and Colour Party will march to the bus station where bus and cars will be available for transport to New- castle. March in same order in N~ewcastle f rom Park to Community Hall where a brief ceremony of dec- orating the Memorial Tablet and Last Post will be held. At this por- tion of the ceremony Comrades f rom Newcastle, Orono and district and the Cubs of the Newcastle Boy Scouts will participate. March off in same order wiil be made to St. George's Anglican Church. The re- ception of the colours and service will be in charge of Comrade Rev. F. H .Mason. The return to Bow- manville will be in the samne order. Parade will march from the bus sta- tion to Cenotaph headed by the Leg- ion Band and dismissed. Ani invitation f rom the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion to, attend a social evening on Friday, June 5th, was accepted. A strongly worded resolution pro- testing the action and instructions of the Chief Pensions Counsel in re- gard to application of the amend- ments of the Pension Act of 1930, in particular ta the ignoring of sec- tion 73 was unanimously passed, and copies forwarded to the Provincial Command for transmission to the Dominion Command, The Prime Minister. and The Mmnister of Pen- sions and National Health. On May 25th, the Oshawa Branch are holding a Community Field Day at Lake View Park and a cordial in- vitation to be present and to partie- ipate in the sports was extended to the Branch. In the evening draw- ing will take place for the car of- f ered by the Legion Convention Club. Other valuable prizes will also be drawn for. EXECUTORS' NOTICE ALL PIRS(>NS having any eiimi agctnst iiii, FEg9iB of the ate WILLIAM ItRoWNINI(, OUC11, who (lied on or about th, tIti day of April, 1931, at th,ý Town of flowmatnville. in th, County of D)urham, are required to file the sanie with l)roof thereof with thcý undersignoed or their Solicitor flot liter than the .lth day of June, 1931, after which date the Estate wiIl be distrlbuted and ail dlaims of whieh the Executors have flot re- c'-ived notice ivili bc barréd as against t hùm. DATED at Bowmanville this Ilth day of May, 1931. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Toronto, Ontario, and CLARENCE W. E. MEATH, 300 Cooper Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Executors William Browning Couch Estate. By M. G. V. GOULD, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, 30-8 their Soliltor. 41..d pBye and ail the littie files They can't get awny, once they tauch Aeroxon. There's something in it that has an irresistible attraction for these m household pests. A wider and longer ribbon provides a greater area, and thc glue does not dry-good for 3 weeks' service. At druig. wyxcery & hardware etores. Solo Al.nts: NEWTON A. HIML 56 Front St. E. - Toronto FOR YOUR PICNIC BASKET CHEESE AUSTRALIAN-GROWN PEA&CHESwrvff VELVEETA CREAM AND CHAIMAU CREAM OR PIMENTO Sliced or Halvea 2 HALF-LU.31 PKGS. 1 No NO d5 TIS'S J OUJR OWN ENCORE BRAND SANDWICH SPREAD 9-oz. Jav 19e GOLD ARROW BRAND Pot Up in Attractive 13-Ounce PEANUT BUTTER Glass Barrels 2 o 5 TO TET GURDUS ONCE IS TO USE GURUIS ALWAYS-SUY A CARTON TODAY 3cUAD '5S AOTE ACHAR EETANTE 12 AND 19 OZSIZESRESPCTlTELY 6 VIICTORY BRAND SWEET bM ,-P-4ICKLES r'resh Pork Shoulders . b 13C - Shoulcier Roast Beef. .. ..l. I1Oc SWEET BRIAR 3UG.SR-CURtED Smoked Hams Hait o IL 22c Lean Butt Roast of Pork.. lb. I17c Short Rib Roast of Beef .. lb. 13c Blade Roast of Beef...... lb. 12c Brisket Boil Beef........ lb. 7c SMOKED PICNIC HAuàMS 30-oz.C- Jar e e FISK VIIESH CAUGIIT LAKE NIPtOON c;(ined and 5'repared for N'oîr Table at No Extra Cost. 3leCORMý%ICK'S SODAS ........... 2 lbs. 21c .MeCORM1ICK'S GINGER SNAPS .... 2 lbs. l:e ATLANTIC PASTRY FLOUR-98-1b. .a...................... ...... Bag S2.19 ETNA BRELAD FLOUR-98-lb Bag.. Bag $2.29 de- lb BOILEDRAM Thinly SlIced Mb. 370 Only the finest Ingredients go into the niaklng of OUR OWÎN ANN PAGE BIREAD 6 Full 24-0m. Loal 6 TRY A LOAF T0DAY CONFRT 1Eight o'Clockîb.29o "IIiOD DM,%ELLOW SOAP FOR TIE 1 I-UNR ]Lt B3133 Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williams. I WeDlvrEtaCharge l oc. Phone No. 83I King Street BOWMANVILLE rTv GR~ATATLANTIC? & §ACWJc T1RA 'O. LÏMITED, 01- CANADA_________ No Longer Bilioug-Thaflks Vegetable Pulls --j suffered wîth Bilionaness for daYs at & time. Every medicine 1 tried faiie to bring relief .. . thse frst dlose aOfy Ur wonderful Carters Little Liver Pill gave mse great relief."-Mr. C., Leigh. Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pilla are nO ordiary laxative. They are ALL VEGETABL1E and have a very delin- ite, valuable tonie action upon the liver. Theyend Canstipation, Indigest- ion, Addity, Headliches, Paor Complex- ion. Au drugglsts. 25c & 75c red pârgs. Wool Wanted Bring sn your wool and gct HIGHEST CASH PRICE Don't %ei i aur mwool tll iyou get our price. MARTYN'S BOWLING ALLEY W. J. MARTYN. Phone 36 Bowmanvllle Get ric i ofyour crcad ai pain afteî' eating. Eat withatît fear ai ,*indigestion.' saur stomach. dis- agreeable cas aor headaches. Whén your food ferments, " dis- agrees," lies like a luînp iîn your stoniach. it's a sign of too întîchi arici. 7ot need not rpsort la ertîde ý-'-.os-take lsct an anti- ( I.hat will C.nft he condli- tion. Phillips' Mîlk of Magnesia. A spoonfil ai this pleasant- tatsting. soathing iluid netîtral- îzes many times its volume in acid. It restores the proper alka- line balance ta an acid-soaked stomach and bawels.-assists these argaris ta unnction as they should. Phillips' Milk ai Magnesia iS what you need when a bad bneath. coated tangue, headaches. nausea tir biliotîsness indicates an over- acid condition. Take a spoonful tb(vaid fol' several days and schow it sweetens the system. Yau won't lie nearly so lhable to colds or sickness. Ail drugstores un t he Dominion sell it in 50c hottIps. Loak far the name Pilp the bottle. ehlipO Made in Canadà Phone 10 The Coffee Trio You are assured of COFFEE SATISFACTION at A & P. Fresh coffce, correctiy roasted, delivered datly and GROUND EXACTLY AS YOU WANT IT AT TIME OF PURCHASE, ts the coffee service offered you by A & P. New Lrow Regula,. A &'P Coffee Priees Red Cîrcle lb. 330 Balar - -lb. 34)c - NUST. AROllT lO'MATIC' ANI)V ACI D aFter meals A Tonme for RutnoDown Purses Ifyo uz pcketbook is thin and in down, or tot su fring from thal tfwdfeig, the chances are It' S not gettiflg the right food. For Ijurses, UIChamas, oon waste away on the wrong diet. There's no tonlc ln the world for overwoiited. delicate pocketbool<s llke an -IMM A & P diet. Trry buylng your food excluively at an A & P store for a while and watch vour purse start to p*rk op. Within a week It will be gl In eght, and by the end of the month It will be so fat yon wlU Lmm u prmmaliy he to start redurlng It on some extra silk stockings or some- thing. Millions of pimes are heaithier becauee their owners trade Ir A & P stores. OURE OWN FINEST SELVERBROOK BRAND CREA'MERY BUTTERM.2c SUNNYFIELD Pasteurized Creamery .. .. ...2 Ibs. 47e 'I'liL Ch-NADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1931

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