PAGE F'iv THE CANADIAN 8TATESMAN, BOWMAIIVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1931 A PRE-HOLIDAY OFF-ERING That Presents Big Saving on Seasonable MÀerchandise Nelson's Merchandise will give you better value for your Money and help you Economize on your Budget because it presents THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE QUALITY at the Lowest Possible Price GLOVE Specials For the Holiday 25 doz. Chamoisette Gloves, values to 79c,39 for.....................39 15 doz. Fine Silk Gloves, regular 98c value, 79 per pair ............. 9 6 doz. Ladies' Kid Gloves, fine imported *$. grade, per pair ....$ 19 Ladies' Ascot Scarves A 1lo vel1y assortment to choose from, in ail the new- est color combina- tions, priced ea. .. $1.95b Holiday Hose at Saving Prices 20 doz. Silk & Rayon Hose, all 29 sizes and colora, per pair ........... 9 15 doz. Silk & Rayon Hose, al ..39c sizes and colora, per pair............ 25 doz. Silva Silk Hose, a fine 59 wearing quality, per pair ............59 15 doz. Full Fashioned Hose, 98 Orient make, per pair ................9 , Misses andi Children's Hase 25 doz. Chlldren'a Sox, knee length, aiso Ankie Soz,29 per pair . ...... 9 20 dos. Rlbbed Golf Hase, for girls. in plain colora,1 e per pair.19 15 doz. Girls' Silk and Wool Golf Hase, worth 79c pair, for pair1 39 15 dos. Silk and Lisle Hose. a splen- did wearer, per pair39 12 doz. Misses' Silk flose. aIl sizes and colors,39 per pair.39 15 doz. Boys' Golf Hase, a fine wear- ing quality,39 per pair39 25 doz. Boys' Worsted Golf Hose, in a big color range,59 per pair59 Th'e Dress Sale of the Year $ is the sensational price of these New Frocks Fine Fiat Crepes New York styles - The very newest thing in sunimer frocks, Iovely pastel colora, all guaranteed fast; not just a f ew, but over 200 to choose from; an almost endless choice; expert tailoring and perfect fit; sizes 14 to 20. ...TOMQRROW I Greatest Event of 1931 As our answer to the spirit of the times - we purchased these stunning new sunimer frocks to inake this the greatest value- giving event in the history of this store. What a scoop for us- and what a chance for you to get several dresses at a phenomenal saving. JUST PURCHASED - JUST RECEIVED A Sensational Dress Event ! Don't Miss It ! Don't Be Late! Special Selling 10 dozen Porch and Afternoon ýFrocks - Voiles, Dimities, etc., purchased at a big saving and priced* 29 for this sale ...........................................e.2 New Summer Hats FOR THE HOLIDAY New pastel colora in al the new shapes and styles, finest showing in town. You can dresa up for the holiday at littie cost if you buy your new hat here. BOYS' Silk and Wool PULLOVERS extra special 10 doz. fine summer weight pullovers, for boys, real smart styles and$14 colors, 26 to 34, e$14 Boys' Jerseys EXTRA SPECIAL 6 doz. Fine Knit Balbriggan Jersey Pullovers, a haif- price special, 22 t0 9 32, only, ec ...... 9 NELSON'S STORE WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT BOWMANVILLE FOR BIGGER AND1 BETTER BARGAYNâ Mr. Man Dress Up at littie cost 6 doz. Soid Leather Blta in boys' and men's size........ 29c 10 doz. Men's Fine Fur Feit Bats, aa big savlng$17 each . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 10 doz. Boys' Tweed Caps, each .. ... . . .. 79C 10 dom. Men's Tweed 8 Caps, each .ý........ 8 15 do%. Men's Babriggan Vests and Drawers, prlced ,&OC 10 dos. Men's Si&k Vests and Shorts, speclaliy priced, * 8 per set . .. ... .. 8 6 doz. Men's Slk Combin- ations, aU i me, pair ... 79c WHITE Silk and Wool PULLO VERS Cornes in misses' and wom- en's sizes; just the thing for holiday wear: Misses' ~ 1 sizes ..............$1 9 Women's $ 4 sizes ............. 14 Big Lingerie Specials 20dom. Non-Kun Sl loes extra speclal value4c 10 dom. Chlldren'aslBlk Vente and Bloomers, 29c to 39c 15 doz. Non-Run SilIk Ve Af to match bloomers, eacb 9 10 dos. Non-Rira Stepins, C ln ail colora and sises .... 9 6 doz. Non-Run Silk Slips, aIl colora and aises.....$12 Mi