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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 2lst, 1931 MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hockin. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimbie and daugh- ter Phylis, motored to Peterboro on Sunday and visited the iatter's dau- ghter Vers, at Normal, . Mrs. L. Twist, Miss Enid, and Mr. Ernest Twist, spent Sunday with the form- er's son Fred, Toronto Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foiey, Miss Hilda Foiey, Mr. Bert Colweil, Town, spent Sun- day with the former's brother, Mr. Milf ord Wilkins, Oshawa Misses Vers Power, Reva Preston. Mr. Tru- man Power, Mr. Smyth O'Brien, Town, motored to Cobourg Sunday and visited the former's sister. Mrs. Stuart Morton Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden and Miss May Freeman motored to St. Catharines andi spent the weekend with the latter's aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Free- man. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden This Combination For Only 98c If you haven't before enjoyed the jpriviieges o! a Camera, beres how we are going to help you enjoy tbe holiday with one. For Three Days Only May 21 - 22 - 23 We are giving ,FREE KODAK FILM To every man, woman and child making the purchase o! a No. 2 Hawkeye Camera in red, rreen, blue or black. Leave your films bere for d"velop- ing and prrnting - 8-hout 'service Jury & Lovel Whn Phone 78 and daughter Helen, Toronto, speni Sunday with their parents. Mrs Snowden and Helen remained fori few days. Mr. and Mrs. Will Han. na, Jean and Gordon, Newcastle visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs Ross Stevens, on Sunday Misý Reva Preston, Peterboro, spent thý weekend with Miss Vera Power.,, Mrs. Ray Snowden and daughte: Helen, and Miss Betty Stevens visit. ed the f ormer's sister-mn-law, Mrs Eber Snowden, Oshawa, Tuesday a!ý ternoon, and helped celebrate Mis Margaret Snowden's birthday Miss Ruth Armstrong, Grace Hospi tai Toronto, spent Sunday with he: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Armi strong, League meeting was open ed by the president, a! ter which Misý Edna Swallow. 2nd vice, took chargi o! the following program: Vocal solo Dora Eames; topic, Marion Snow. den; vocal duet. Rev. and Mrs. H. C Wolfraim: reading, Corsina Samis vocal solo. Leonard Jennings; read. ing, Clifford Swallow; a short con. test was enjoyed,.- Mr. and Mrs Earl Osborne, Providence, visited hei mother, Mrs. Truman Power, or Sunday. Miss Lillie Gilbert, Toronto. wa. in town calling on friends on Thurs- day. Miss Helen Baker and Miss Evelyr. Tink, Solina, spent the weekend witl. Miss Florence Ashton. I SEWING it a e 'S ss ie AIDS Bias Tape, al colors Elastie, black and white Coates Thread, 200-yd. spools Mercerized Daî'ning Cotton, new- est shades IDanning Wool Sewing Needies Machine Needies Knitting Pins Emnbroidery Ner dies Machine Oul Crochet Hooks Aiso a new line of Stamped Goods Firem-orks for May 24th. J. W. Jewell Phone 30 - King Street Bi~g 20 Bookstore Bowmanv Ille rGreat Destroyers--- «<MOTHS» Easy prevention accomplisheci by using LARVEX for Furriîrure. Woollens and ail ciothing. For furs use MOTH GAS dlean, convenient, sure. Larvex Si.00 - Moth Gas 65e KERSL AKE'S TE DEPENDABLE DRUO STORE DESTROY THE WEEDS The Ontario Weed Control Act States CLAUSE ;, - Every occupant of land, or if the land is unoccupied, he ownier. shail destroy al weeds ftesgnated fox- ions, by the regulatioîs 's often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the îîpening of iheir seeds. CLAUSE 6 - In the absence of any owner or' occupier or upon refusai after notice to compiy with the requirements o! the Weed Control Act, the Inspector may cause weeds coming under this Act to be rut down and destroyed and may charge the cost of such work against the property to be coliected in the saine manner as taxes. NOXIQUS WEEDS BIadder Campion Ox-eye Daisy Sow Thisties White Cockle Wild Qats Canada Thistie Blue Weed Chicory Ribgrass Docks Ragweed, common liawkweeds Burdocks Stinkweed Tumbling Mustard W~id Carrot Wuld Lettuces METHODS 0F CONTROL SOW CLEAN SEED. Practise a short rotation o! crops. Where Weeds are bad practise summer faliowing or grow such croips as Swî vet Choyer. Rape. Buckwheat or boed crops. Dry Cleaning or Early After Harvest Cultivation is the best method to control 'i'W -Thi. tic. Thorough cultiat ioni destî'oys weeds and irîcreases crop yieid.s. A knowledge of the' habits and maninrr o! growth ! ac bad weed will Soju in coînbating it. Keep ail fence r.slmes and yards free from weeds. It adds to the general ai1,pfarance and value of your farin. Pastures and V:OLid muwýt be kept sufficiently free froin weeds to prevent anS po ie contamnination o! nearby tillabie iand are a Public en.W'eed Control is a Public Problem. Co-operative Effort is Required. - Do Your Share. Write Publications Biaricl, Parlianient Buildings, Toronto. for fice bookiet on weeds. J. H. MITTON, Weed Inspector, Municipality o! Darlington. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bowman and fanîiiy. and Mr. Godfrey Bowman, recentiy visited at Mr. T. Bowman's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask and famiiy, Taunton, visited at Mr. F. Giibert's . Mrs. H. Stinson and !amily visited frlends at Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ormiston visited at Port Hope. Arbor Day was observed at the scbool Fniday and everytbing was made spic and span. On Sunday, May 3rd, Rev. J. M. Whyte baptized five babies a!- ter tbe sermon on Sunday afternoon. TYRONE Miss Florence Down. Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mms. -Theodore Down... Mr. and Mrs. S. Chas. Carruthers and Mrs. Ruther- >r ford, Bowmanville, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart...Mr. W. Hambly, Boys' Training Scbooi, Sundayed witb bis sister, Mrs. Laura Virtue...Mms. Clars Byam, Town, LS recently visited at Mr. F. L. Byam's. ..This community was shocked to hear o! the passmng o! one o! its old- n est residents in the person o! Mrs. h Laura Burgess. who passed away at ber home very suddeniy Sunday ev- - ening, May l7th. Sympathy is ex- tended to the sons, Messrs Robert and Herbert Burgess, also to ber sis- ter. Mrs. E. Woodley, ail o! this vil- lage. Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid met in the Community Hall on Tbursday witb the president, Mrs. L. Hooper. presiding. Miss Edna Cam- eron gave two splendid readings, and Mrs. L. J. Goodmian !avored witb a solo, whicb were much appreciated. Mrs. Hugh Bertram, the Department speaker, o! Stoney Creek, addressed the meeting, stressing tbe help we receive by meeting together as Insti- tute workers. the work done regard- ing beaitb, change o! women's work and opporunities, and related the early hisory o! the Institute and bow to carry it on. A bearty vote o! tbanks was given Mrs. Bertram. Re!resbnients were served and a soc- ial haif-hour enjoyed. Secretary- Treasurers report showed a mein- bersbip o! 38, with il meetings held, and il papers and addresses given during the year. The receipts werc $25692; expenditures $218-42; witb a balance on band o! $38.42. Dele- gates to District Convention at Or- ono are Mrs. Harold Skinner. Mns. Smith. Mrs. A. W. Annis and Mrs. A. W. Clemens. Newly elected oflie- ers are: Pnesident-Mrs. Harold Skinner; lst Vice-Mrs. McCoy; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Russel Virtue: Sec.- Treas.-Mrs. N. J. Woodley: Direc- tors-Mrs. McCoy. Mrs. R. Hodgson, Mrs. S. Hoaî' and Mî's. Jas. Dudley; T):'ti' Drecto Ms.Smith: Or- ganist-Mrs. L. Hooper; Com!ort Commiittee-~Mrs. Annîs. Mis. Hoop- er; Auditos-Mnrs. Hodgson. Mrs. 'Annis: Press Correspnndent-Miçs Laverne Burgess. HAMPTON Young.People's League meeting on Frida Y nt Wih commence at 8.15. in charge o! the social vice pî'esi- dent. Mr. Wallace Horn and Miss Eli' Sykesar'e assisting witb the Music. 1Mn. eGroat, who is always in- teresting to cvenybody, bas consent- cd to talk to the Young people. A social progî'am is bcîng prepared. Evcrybody corne and spend an even- ing at League Mr. and Mrs. Chaude Dunlop, Coidwster, recently vîsîted Mr. and Mrs. T. Salten. Mn. and Mrs. A. Trimble, Bowman- ville. speîît Sunday witb Mrs. Nid- drie Rex'. J. M. Wbyte, Enniskil- len, addî'essed our League on Pniday evening. His talk was immensehy in- structive and interesting. Mr. Wbyte aiways bas s wehcome at Hampton. Miss Betty Sargent, Bowman- ville, spent the weekend with Misses Manjonie and Editb Pascoe- Nat- ure is doing wonders in beautifying our village these spning days. Let eacb o! us lend a band in keeping it beautiful tbrougbout the sumrmer., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson and famnily, Columbus, visited bis mother, Mî's. J. Jebson Mrs. Edna Ruse is considcrably împroved since ber ne- cent operation Ligbtning struck the home o! Mn. and Mns. L. Hind- iman duning the ston on Saturday, burnng the curtaitis and tearîng out plaster Mr. and Mi's. Chas. Hast- ings, Frank and Grace Hastings, and Miss Lilian Jebson î'ecently visited lin Toronto Congratulations to i Mi'. and Mrs. Wiifred Greenaway inec Mrs. Alice Payne) on their ne- cent mariage Mr. Percy Cowl- ing, Toronto, spent Sunday witb bis Parents bere Mn. and Mrs. R. Wiibur. Toronto. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey SOIry to report Mi'. J. Burns seniously iii Mn. and Mrs. L. Truli and family î'e- centiy vîsited f riends in Peterboro. Mi'. Chas. Bunroxvs.coeit Sunday with Mrs. Goodman Miss Flor- ence Bur'ns bas retunned aften a plCasaîît two weeks' visit with Ton- onto frieîîds Mn. Ermin Triu l a iniprovjn,- the appearance o! hi., home by sa coat o! paint Mrý Chas. Hastings is working on hi, proPerty in BobesYgeon again Th- ail gain" sea:aon is in fihi, swing again. Our popular park wili ho in great demand from now on for pîcnics and gaines Our Young peopie ptton t(heirnpageant "The Challenge o! the Cr'oss" at Zion on Wednesday evening Mn. and Mrs. E. Ormistoiî visiteci with Mi'. anti Mm.,. T. Wiicox Mn,. John Pye, Enni.skillcn, spent Siindo.y with Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Soucb Mr. W. w. Foin and Wallace spent Monday in Tononto. Horn's Store can supply you with quarts o! good white general pur- pose Paint at 69c. In better quality Paint. we stock and necommend MOOî'(c'S high grade floor enamels, bouse colons. varnisb stains. etc.. at prices mucb less tban many 'p- sively adventised lines. Our Wall- paper values arc good and xviii bean coniparison wlth mail order Unes. No nced to buy froîn peddlens witb sain- pie books, as we have the stock. Also for bigber prlced Unes our room lot order book gives you tlhe finest range procurable. Don't forget Us for Mangel Seed and Turnip Seed. COURTICE Mrs. (Dr.) Kaiser, Oshawa, visit- ed Mrs. A. F. RundIe recently. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Soules, To- ronto, were recent visitors at her father's home, "Middle Green Villa." Friday afternoon the Sunday Scbool convention will be held in Ebenezer Church. Everybody wel- come. Monday evening our Courtice foot- ball team played the first game of the season with Zion the result be- ing 1-1. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot, Miss Bernice and Master Jack, Max- well's, visited at Mrs. Ehi Osborne's on Sunday. Mr. Otis Worden and Miss Patty and Mr. Bert Worden, Toronto, were Sunday visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundie. Do not forget the W. M. S. meet- ing at Mrs. Blake Oke's Tbursday afternoon when Mrs. Oke's group wili be in charge. ImProvements are going on in Courtice, Mrs. A. F. Rundle's store, bouse and barn are looking pretty siick with new paint. Mrs. Frank Hooper. littie Miss Ruth and Master Alwyn, Bowman- ville, are spendlng a week wth ber mother, Mrs. Jas. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rundle. Miss- es Mary and Anna, and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and Miss Margaret IHenderson, Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundie on Sunday. Sunday services were fine. Our Pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, preach-j ed a beautiful sermon ini the morn- ing on "Peace", presenting some very suggestive tboughts on the subject. SAT. - MON. - TUES. MAY 23 - 25 - 26i Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Monday at 3 p. m. Silverware Mon. and Tues. Nigbts 4 BIG DAYS WED. - THURS.- FRI. - SAT. MAY 27 - 28- 29 -30 Evenings at 8 and 10 p. mn. Saturday continuous froin 7 P. im. Aduits 35c, tax 2c - 37c. Chiidren 20c. Matinee lVednesday at 4 p. mn. Saturday at 2.30 p. mn. Adults 25c; Children 10c. Ail performances start on day- light having time. Owlng to the great length "Trader Horn" willl start promptly at the above times. ENNISKILLEN Mr. Paul Curtis, Tyrone, Miss Marjorie Acheson, Mr. Gordon Pros- ser and Mr. H. W. Poînten, Victoria University, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGill._ Mr. Jim Brown, Orono, and Miss Grace Bragg. Bownianville, were guests o! Mr. R. Ormiston and Mr. Wm. Stainton on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mms. Theo Siemon, Mrs. J. San- ders visited at Mr. Wm. Brock's, Bowmanville, on Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Preeborn visited friends in Toronto. Mr. J. Siemon spent Sunday with Dr. C. W. Siemon, Bow- manville.-. Mrs. Joe Ferguson, Ux- bridge, is visiting ber son. Dr. Fer- guson. Sorry to report Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson bave been botb confined to their beds for over a week. Mrs. J. Pye spent Sunday witb ber bro- ther, Mr. C. W. Souch, Hampton Montbiy meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home o! Mms. H. J. Werry, on May 13tb, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton taking the chair in the ab- sence o! our president, Mms. Fergu- son. Miss Nora Werry gave a taik on the work o! Miss Mayowna and ber experiences as a Ukranîan Mis- slonary both in ber own country and ini Canada. Readings were given by Mrs. R. Gilbert and Mrs. F. Gilbert. A solo was nicely sung by Mrs. R. Ormiston, "When Mother Prays." The study chapter was well given by Mrs. Edwin Ormiston. Meeting clos- ed by Mizpab benediction. Lunch was serveci by Mms. Gilbert's group at the close..-. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley visited at Mr. E. Bradley's, Haydon, on Sunday.. Mrs. G. Reid is confined to ber bed with lumbago. .1Service Sunday evening was weii attended. Our pastor preacbed a good sermon on "Trials." The choir sang one number, Mr. H. Stevens taking the solo part with humming accompaniment. A duet "Whisper- ing Hope" was nicely sung by Miss Reva McGill and Miss Annie Oke. S.Mms. F. Page bas purcbased the home wbere they now reside and bas started to remodel it. Sunday Schooi Anniversary will be beid on Sunday, May 24th, at 2 and 7.30 p. m. (s.t.). Rev. R. B. Cochrane, B. D., Home Mission Secretary o! the United Churcb, Toronto, will be the speaker. Singing by the school un- der leadlership o! Miss M. Orchard, assisted by Mms. D. J. Chambers o! Bowmanville at both services. on May 25th, there will be sports in the afternoon, consisting o! bail gaines and a league football game. Zion vs Enniskillen. Tes served !rom 4 p. m. In the evening the Community Club f rom Audley will present their play 'Wuld Ginger". Music wiii be fur- nisbed between sets. Admission: Tea and concert 50c. tes 35c. concert 25c; Chihdren, tes and concert 35c. tes or concert 25c. SALEM Pa.stor Rev. J. R. Trunîpour con- ductedl the usuai Suinday afternoon service Mr. and Mrs. Abert Wil- kins and famihy, Ebenezer, visited with Mrs. A. Wikins on Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Poliard is vîsiting at the home o! ber brother. Mr. F. L. Squair. Ghsd to know Mrs. Pollard is gaining in strengtb after ber re- cent illness Very sorry to iearn tbat Mn. Edward Dancb bas been under the doetor's care foi' the past week Mrs. R. Frances returned home on Ssturday mucb improved in heaitb after staying witb ber sis- ter. Mrs. L. Corden. in Bowmanvilie for sevenal weeks Mr. Kenneth Werry bas been in iii bealth for some littie turne psst but wass u- proving at the weekend which he spent witb bis parents Salemn friends wili be sorry to lesrn that Mr. H. Hocken, Toronto, is not as well as usuaL. He bas been wonder- fully bale and hearty for one o! bis age. If spared he will celebrate bis 92nd birtbday in July next Mi'. and Mrs. F. Fosten and cbildren visit cd bei' mother at Kendal on Sun- day Mr. and Mis. W. Fitze. Jan- etvilhe, were Sunday guests witb ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Cornisb. Mrs. C. M. Canruthers snd Mrs. Rutherford visited with Mrs. W. Mil- ler, Bethesda, on Saturday, it being the occasion o! ber mother's birth- day. Mrs. Robinson celebrated bei' 82nd bintbday Mr .and Mis. G. Cornisb celebrated their 40tb wed- ding annix'ersary on Wednesday. We congratîllate and wisb thein many happy return Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoopeî'. Mr. and Mrs. Awde and son. Oroîîo. were Sunday caliers at "The Mapies." HAYDON Mrs. James Hall, Mn. and Mrs. Lennox and Muriel, Bireheliffe, Mn. and Mms. Cain and famihy, Osbawa, xisited at Mn. D. Hall's Mn. L. Williamson, Pontypool. visited atUrM. J. Wright's Mrs. A. McNeil bas rûtîinned home a!ter xisitng ber mothen, Mrs. W. H. Creepen. Tor'on- !o. who is seiously iii Mn. and Mrs. Austin Larmer anîd babe, Bur'ke- ttn, xisited at Mi'. A. Bcech's fMm*.. A. Morgan, Oshawva, spent a few day.; witb ber ,,iter. Mns. E Bradley. hast week. Mns. Bradley u i itih her to Oshawva on *uiiday Mr. Milton Sheinon and sons visited at Mrs. C. Johns. Hamp- ton, on Sunday Mn. and Mî's. Wm. Ti'owin xisited nt Mns. W. Vin- tue's and Mn. W. Moore's, Hamp- ton Mn. and Mns. C. Avery visit- cd fniends at Little Britain and Lindsay rccently Miss Mets Asbý- ton, Toronto, visitcd at home Mn. A. Beecb and Ada Sundayed nt Mn. Alymer Beecb's. Enniskîien Mrs. W. MeLean, Jean and Wallace Me- Lean, Pontypool, Mn. and Mns. H. Bradley and Edna. Enniskilcn, Mn. L. Bradley, Clarence, VeIna and Mii- dred, Tyrone. Mn. and Mns. James Bradley, Enniskillen, Mn. and Mrs. C. Coulter, Oshawa, Mns. A. Bradley, Mns. A. Walker and babe. Mrs. W. Neil and Veina, Orono, were recent cahiers at Mn. E. Bradley's League meeting Tuesdsy evening in charge o! Miss Freda Bradley. Bible read- ing. Ada Beecli; topie was well given by Mns. R. Crossinan; piano instru- mental. Mabel Beecb; reading by Lonna Tbompson. Social nigbt next week in charge o! Miss Rema Brad- ley. It was declded to close League fron the second week in June until the flrst of August. A n Announcementl As announced in The Statesman of May l4th, the undersigned have disposed of their business to the Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Limited, of Toronto. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many loyal customers who have stayed with us during the fifty odd years we have endeavored to serve them, and give each one a square deal. We also most heartily recommend our successors to a continuation of your esteemed patronage and support with the firm conviction that you will re- ceive fully as good and possibly in some respects better service than the old firm have been able to give you. REQUESTED TO SETTLE ACCOUNTS Ail accounts due the old firm will require to be collected as promptly, as possible in order that the proceeds rnay be distributed to the former shareholders. We respectfully request that all those whose bis have not been paid will kindly caîl at the office and settle or make satisfactory arrangements with Mr. Jewell or Mr. Comstock at the earliest possible date. McCIeIIan &Co. Ltd. LIMITED Phone 15 Bowmanville WV otnive say good used cars, h melans e'ý.acýI;' that. These cars have been gonE. o'. r *i';eugiy .. neebanical parts he. ' "n rut in fir'.t class condition and rnt'st cf thein look lik1e hrand new. More important. theY' iun lilie new and the piùeF are terriflcally lois. Ju't drive thein! TUE!SE BAR(, UNS WON'T LAST L.ONG~ The liiýt of cars iiiclilde: Miodei A Fonds C'levrolets IlîmsonS Esse- .lodges Whippets Oldsmobiles Uies are irom $100 to as high as vou want to pay. Sec themn next to Skating Rinik King St. E. - Open day and niglit. wu J. CIuallis Dodge Dealer - Phones 290J or 290W. CARRUTHERS' RED INDIAN STATION Dodge Service - Phone 54 Stars u -7/2 ef e ic eý GOOD USED (ARS PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMM, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1931 - 1

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