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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1931, p. 10

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PAGE TmNTECNDAqSAT8ABWAVL THURSDAY, JUNE 4th. 1931. PEP for play SWING into the rhythm of play with energy and vini. Eat Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes. Every spoonf ul is full of wonderful flavor - the fainous taste of PEP. And in every serv- ing you get two other important features. Whole wheat for nourishment. Extra bran for healthfulness. There's just enough added bulk to make Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes a mildly laxative dish. VI M for work Ail through the year Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes make a wonderful breakfast dish. There's a taste to theni that you neyer tire of. Children love theni and so will you. Enjoy tbem at lunch. Serve these better bran flakes ta the children after school and for their eve- ning meal. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Sold in the red-and-green package. PEP BRAN FLAKES PEP BRAN FLAKES L MeEroAau Miller's Worm Powders are sweet ening and stimulating medicine. cor- and palatable to clildren, who show recting the disorders of digestion no liesitancy in taklng tliem. They that the worms cause and imparting will oertainly bring ail wonn troub- a healthy tone to the system most les to an end. Tliey are a strength-1 beneficial to development. Mrs. Emma Stevens, Oshawa An oid resident of Darlington township in the persan of Emma Jane Gilbert, wife of William Thom- as Stevens, died at lier home, 116 Park Road South, on Monday even- ing, in her '78th year. For the past few years the late Mrs. Stevens lias been in poor liealth and has lived quietly at her home. She was a staunch member of the Methodist denomination until coming to Osh-i- awa f rom lier home i Enniskillen, a number of years ago, when she joined the Centre Street United Churcli, then known as the Chris- tian Cliurch. Besides lier husband. there sur- vives one daughter, Elise, living at home. and two sons, Carl of Hamil- ton, Ont., and Edgar, the eldest ofi the family, living at home. The funeral was held on Tliursday afternoon at Centre St. Unitedi Cliurch and was ini charge of Rev.1 Dr. W. P. Fletcher, the pastor, as-( sisted by Rev. C. E. Cragg. A priv-t ate service was held at the family residence previous to the service at the church. Interment was made at the Union Cemetery. Mrs. (Dr.) H. Ferguson, EnniskiUen One of Enniskilen's mas! beloved residents, Clara W. Silversides, be- loved wife of Dr. H. Ferguson, pass- ed away rather suddenly after a short illness on Saturday, May 23rd. Mrs. Ferguson was in her 36tli year and was bornia! Zephyr, near Ux- bridge, Ontario, in 1895, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mis. William Silversides. In 1921 she was married to Dr. H. Ferguson of Enniskillen, a native o! Uxbrldge, and moved to that village witl i hm where lie had taken over the practice of Dr. C. W. Siemon the year before. Mrs. Ferg- uson was a member o! Enniskillen United Churcli and was one of the most actve members of the Women's organizations. Her presence in the Women's Missionary Society and the Women's Association will be sadly missed. Apart f rom lier cliurch work she was a loving. mother ta lier two sons who are now le!! motherless at an early age. Mrs. Ferguson is survived by her sorrowing liusband and her two chiîdren, Alan aged 74 and Donald aged 5, also lier father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sil- versides of Zephyr and four broth- ers, three in Western Canada and one in Ontario. The funeral was held from the famnily residence at Eflniskillen on Wednesday the service being con- ducted by lier pastor. Rev. J. M. Whyte. The obsequies were largely attended by friends and acquaint- ances of the deceased and the floral tributes were many and very beaut- iful paying a sulent but deeply im- pressive tibute to lier sterling qual- ities. Interment was made in Hamp- ton Cemetery. Those present at the funenal in- cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Silversides and son Oscar, Zephyr; Mr. Howard Su-_ versides, Winnipeg, Man,; Mn. arid FOR HOU SES moWALL BUI1LDINKGS .~ À.YN. , ior PutIt on wth LED - HED NAILS Mustr*tionshowsPreston Led. liedNMail. Note how iead on head cf Led-Hed Nail seala nail.hole, making It completely weatherproof. Note generoas overlap o! Rib-Roll. Preston LedHed Nais are colored to match the roofing. We ua muIe: Galvani ed Rlb-Roil and Cor- rugated Sheets Preston Led-Hed Nailh Preston Steel Trusa Barns Garages and Starage Buildings Preston Galvanlzed Tanks Majestic Vertl-Foid Garage Doors Colored Ridge Colored lashig Colared Gutter Colored Eave Tnaugh Conductor Pipe 10( Finials Ventilators Prg Build for beauty with utility, Colored Rib-Roll beauti- fies and saves. Ta the durability of galvanized iran Colored Rib-Roll adds the beauty and appeal of color, as applied by aur own special process. It cannot warp, shrink, peel, crack, curi or bulge. It is permanent. Properly grounded according to the Ontario Lightnixsg Rod Act, Colored Rib-Roll gives complet,- lightning protection. It is positively firepraof. Flying fire-brancls hur therneelves out harinlessly on this fire-proof roof. Can be laid easily and speedily over old shingles. The saving of tinie and labor maires it tees costly than other roafings. Eiuiph "St., Fau m.w, b ho at "ton, Out. Toronto and Montresi COLORED RI1B-ROLL ROOFING Write today for sampie of ColoredRib-Rol, suggested color acheme8a ayuseful roofing boohi et. Mrs. F. Jack and daugliter Gladys, Mr. D. Jack, Miss J. Martin, Tor- onto; Mr. R. Silversides and Mrs. Hoover, Zephyr; Mrs. A. McKee, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. M. Arnod, Mr. and Mrs. P. Arnod, Zephyr; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brent, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmott Brent and Eva, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gibson, Mrs. J. Card, Mr. L. Card, Mrs. Wm. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. LJac. Hackner, Mrs. 0. Kennedy, Mrs. Jas. Mustard and family, Ux- bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stain- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johinson, Mrs. C. Usher, Miss Clara Brown, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ferguson. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pilkey,, Clierrywood; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman, Picton; and others f rom Oshawa, Bowmanville and sur- rounding villages. Mrs. WV. T. Greenaway, Port Hope After an il]ness of some months Mrs. W. T. Greenaway passed qiuiet- ly away at her home Friday morn- ing, May 22nd. Mrs. Greenaway was formerly Edith Stephens and was born in Whitby Township. In 1883 she mar- ried William T. Greenaway, of The Guide. Her interest was centred ilà the United Churcli and her home. Besides her husband and three daughters. Edith, Dorothy (Mrs. R. Melville), and Greta, she is sur- vived by three brothers, J. H. Steph- ens and W. D. Stephens of Port Hope, and Arthur Stephens of Los Angeles. California, and one sister. Mrs. W. J. Crowhurst of Toronto. The funeral was held privately from the famlly residence on Sun- day afternoon. Aniong those attending the f un- eral from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. LaBelle. Mrs. John Brima- combe and Mr. Hlarry Brimacombe, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyons. Toronto. Chas. Alfred Honey, Vancouver, B.C. A former resident of Salem, Dar- lington township, passed away on May l8th, a! Vancouver General Hospital, in lis 68th year. He was boni in Nottawasaga, Siuncoe coun- ty, being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Honey. For several years lie resided with lis grand- Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Honey, Salem, where lie attended scliool. Over forty years ago lie went West living in Seattle ,Washington, and other western cities for same years. For the past few years lielias re- sided in Vancouver. The funeral, whicli was private, took Pace on May 2th, from T. Ed- wards Company's dliapel, lOth and Granville Sts., service being con- ducted by Rev. G. O. Fallis. The interment tooli place in Ocean View Burial Park. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. W. P. Goard, Vancouver, B. C.; Mrs. W. G. Statt, Edmonton, Alta.; and Mrs. Geo. B. Bickle, Bowmanville; and one brother, Mr. Arthur J. Hon- ey, Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. W. H. Creeper, Haydon There passed .ay in Toronto, on Friday, May 2 , after about five weeks' illness, Jennie Brown, wvidow of the late W. H. Creeper, Haydon. i lier 76th year. Deceased was a daughter o! the late George Brown and Ann Cross, and was born at Newcastle where she lived until her manniage with her late liusband about 52 years ago. After their marriage they llved for a short timne in Flesherton, moving to, Haydon in 1882 where Mr. Creepen kep! a blacksmith shop and general store for many years. Mr. Creeper died ini 1918, but Mrs. Creeper continued ta live ini Haydon until November 1929, wlien owing ta failing health she went ta, reside with lier daugli- ter, Mrs. A. Grant, 95 Ritchie Ave., Toronto, wliere the end came very peacef ully. The f uneral was lield on Sunday, May 24th, a service being held in Toronto previaus to interment in Bowmnanville Cemetery beside lier husband. Tlie service at tlie grave was taken by Rev. J. R. Trumpour, pastor of Tyrone circuit. The pail- bearers were lier three sons-i-law and three old neiglibors, Messrs. A. Grant, A. McNeil, Herber! Stainton. Rd. Hoskln, William Trewln and W. J. S. Rundie. She leaves ta moura lier passlng tliree daugliters, Mrs. Alex. Grant, Toronto, Mrs. A. McNeil, Haydon, Mrs. Herbert Stainton, Hampton; and one son, Mr. Gea. Creeper, Buffalo, N. Y. Two sisters, Mrs. John Douglas, Newcastle, and Mrs. Ed. Brittain, Toronto; and four bro- thons, Robert Brown, Taranto, Rodd in the United States, Thomas o! Newcastle, and John in Toronto, al- sa survive. Many aId friends and neiglibors f nom. Haydon and viclnity attended the funeral liavlng known and re- spected the deceased durlng thei many years elie reslded in the neigliborliood. Mrs. Joseph Burgess, Tyrone One o! this district's aides! pion- eers passed quietly away on Sunday, May l7tli, i the persan o! Mrs. Josephi Burgess, in lier 8tli year. Her malden name was Laura Pen- rose and sie was borninli Maripasa township, Victoria County, on May lst, 1852. In 1872 she married Jos- cph Burgcss and resided in Clarke township for several years, the las! farty years living near and in Ty- rone. Her liusband predeceased lier in 1925, aiso tliree sons. William, Joseph and James. She is survlved by two sons. Rober! and Herber!, and thrce granddhildren, Harold. Leverne and neen, ail o! Tyrone. Four sisters aiso survive, Mrs. Win. Connar, Toronto; Mrs. George Mar- tindale, Lindsay; Mrs. Richard Woodiey. Tyrone; and Miss Annie Penrose, Oakwood; ail o! whom werc present et lier funeral whidh was heid at lier residence on May 20th. Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Tyrone, the highiy esteemed pastor o! the de- ceased, conducted the service. In- terment was made a! Bethesda Ccmetery. The pali bearers were six nephews, Messrs. Emmerson and Orvil Connor, Toronte.Wm. Moore, Reeboro. James Burgess and Jamesj Wannan, Clarke, and Clarence Woodley, Tyrone. The foral off ermngs included wreatlis f rom the Family, Mrs. W. Connor and family; sprays f rom Miss Leverne and Mr. Harold Burg- ess, Mr. and Mrs. James Burgess, Mrs. R. Woodley and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton. The friends wlio attended from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Martindale, Miss Carnie Moore, Lindsay; Miss Annie Penrose, Oak- wood; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, Raeboro; Mrs. W. Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Connor, Mrs. Raîpli Baker, and Mr. Orvil Connor, Tor- onto; Mr. James Burgess and Miss Lizzie Burgess, Mr. Robt. Burgess, Miss M. Burgess, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. James Wannan. Mr. James Burgess, Miss Mary Burgess, Mn, and Mrs. George Henderson, Mrs. R. Ord. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. Otto Coattam, Clarke. 0f ail the many blessings, That our Heavenly Father sends, We tliank Him most of al For a loyal lieanted friend, Our Mother; In eveny act o! service, There is something sweet anîd fine. Anid motlipn was s0 happy To be serving ail the time. CARD 0F THANKS Messrs. Robt. and Herbert Burgess wisli to acknowledge with grateful appreciation the kind expressions of synipatliy and beautiful floral trib- utes received at the death of their mother. PURPLE HILL Mr. Alfred Goslen spent the holi- day at Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Edwi Ormiston and Elaine and Walter o! Enfleld, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gra- ham's. Mr. Dugald MeDougall of Toronto visited aId friends in this vlcinlty necentiy. Mr. and Mrs. Wlbur Toms and Eileen spent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D'Arcy. Miss Marlon Johinson and Mr. Walter Larnier vlslted with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vance on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms attend- ed the f uneral o! the twin daugliter o! Mr. andl Mrs. Talmadge Taylor of Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and Hector, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and son, spcn! Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. George Samelîs o! Scugog, Mr. and Mrs. Williams o! Caesarea, Mr. Wm. Steele and his mother were Sunday visitors et the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Bethel Sunday Sdliool lield its an- niversary services on Sunday. In the afternoon Dr. Bowles ,ex-chiancellor o! Victoria University, pneadhed an lnspiring sermon in lis own inim- itable manner. Music was funnish- ed by a local choir. In the evening Rev. F. W. Newell, B. A., of Black- stock took charge of the service. Seagrave choir added bath volume and harmony ta the music witli their choir o! twenty-four voices. NO MORE DISAPPOINTMENTS "Gaing home!" sang Lau ta lier- self, "golng home!"' ehoed the rails as she sped alang. Oh. liow grate- f ul she was for that last-minute telephane cali whicli made this trip passible! Long Distance so aften saved lier f rom missing liappy times. The Man Wltli Asthma aImas! longs for death ta end is suffering. He sees ahead only years of endies tonment witli intervais a! nes! whldh are theniselves frauglit wltli never ceaslng fear a! renewed at!acks. Le! hlm tuni ta Dr. J. D. Keiiogg's As- thma Remedy and know what com- plete relief it can give. Le!tliim but use It !althfuiiy and lie wIll find his asthma a thlng of the past. PA1 N Pio after eating 10 WHIAT many cail "indigestion" is very often nothing but exces acid in the stomacli. The stomadli nerves have been over-stimulated, and f ood saurs. The corrective is an alkali, whlcli neutralizes aclds ins!antly. The bes! alkaft known ta medical science le Philliips' Mllk o! Magnesia. 1! lias remain- ed thc standard antl-acid wlth physicians in the 50 years since its ivention. One spoonful o! this liarmiess, tasteiess aikali wili neutralize in- stantiy many times as mudli acid. It will Prevent Ulcerated Tliroat. -At the fins! symptams af cane tliroat, whlch presages ulcenatian and Inflammation. take a spoonful o! Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc 011. Add a littie sugan ta it ta make 1! palat- able. It will aliay the irritation and prevent the ulceration and swelling that are s0 paiful. Thase who wene peniodlcaliy subject to qulnsy have thus made tliemseives Immun t attack. and the symptoms disappear a! once. You wili neyer use crude metliods when once you iearn the efficiency o! this more pleasant way. A small bottie is sumfclent to show its menit. Be sure to get genuine Phillllps' Mllk o! Magnesia prescribed by physicians for more than 50 years ln correcting excess acid. 50c a battie; any drugstore. Compiete directions for its many uses are enciosed with every bottie. Look for the Philips' naine on bottle. Perslan Balm qulckly relleves cliapplng, wlndburn and ail rougli- ness caused by weather conditions. Keeps the complexion clear and loveiy. Comple!ely absorbed by gen- tle rubblng. Nover leaves undesir- able sticklness. Stimulates the skin. Makes It caf!, cmooth and !lawless. Preserves and enhances n atural beauty. Soothes, refreshes and In- vigarates. Makes hands so! t a4- fiawlessly white. Imparts that sub- tle charn 50 essentiai ta true ele- gance. NO INCREASE IN THE PRICE 0F SALADA TEA DESPITE THE NEW DUTY and INCREASE IN SALES TAX. To The Public: Cii'na la rkgest selling tea wvill not cost the consumer more despite the new taxation. Do not pay more than the price shown on the package. WE PAY THE DUTY AND TAX- TO GROCERS: You will find no sales tax or duty item added to your invoices. We will pay these ourselves in order that you may serve the public without extra charge and keep the same profit as before. SALADA TEA COMPANY 0F CANADA Limited An Announcementl As announced in The Statesman of May l4th, the undersigned have disposed of their business to the Sheppard & GuI Lumber Co. Limited, of Toronto. We wish to express our sincere thanks to, the many loyal customers who have stayed with us during the fifty odd years we have endeavored to serve them, and give each one a square deal. We also most heartily recommend our successors to a continuation of your esteemed patronage and support with the flrm conviction that you will re- ceive fully as good and possibly in some respects better service than, the oId firm have been able to give you. REQUESTED TO SETTLE ACCOUNTS Ail accounts due the old firm will require to, be collected as promptly as possible in order that the proceeds may be distributed to, the former shareholders. We respectfully request that ail those whose bis have not been paid will kindly caîl at the office and settie or make satisfactory arrangements with Mr. JewelI or Mr. Comstock at the earliest posible date. MAcCIeIIan &Co. Ltdu LIMITED Phone 15 Bowmanville Made lu Canada ME CANADIAN STATESMM, BOWMANVME, E f d e IE E

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