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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1931, p. 1

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e anatanma With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANILLE, ONTARIO, THIURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 23 Gas Franchise Bylaw Recieved Final Reading by Council Monday Final barrier to start of work of laying gas mains removed Monday niglt- Hydro purchase consider- ed. The third and final reading of the bylaws granting the Ontario Shore Oas Company a 35-year franchise ta distribute gas witliin the town of Bowmanville was passed at the reg- ular monthly coundil meeting on Monday, thus removing the final barrier that separates the franchise vote and the comniencement of the work. With ail details now complet- ed lîttie time is expected ta be lost in getting ta work on a job which will last between 3 and 4 months and provide considerable employ- ment. Other items of business conduct- ed at the council meeting were: W. F. Ward, Police Magistrate, notifled the council that lie lad re- turned ta tawn ta resunre Ms duties. Ratepayers of Concession, Horsey, Elgin and Ontario Streets petitioned council for the laying of calcium chloride as a dust layer and peti- tions were granted, provision being made for the ratepayers ta pay 80% and the town 20 %. R. A. Colville asked council for Permission ta cut down a tree on bis premises. ReX erred ta Roads and Streets Committee. E. C. C. Southey applied for a new crossing in front of hMs residence on Elgin Street. Referred to Roads and Streets Comnittee wth power ta act. Bowmanville Business Men's As- sociation asked coundil ta, proclaim a half holiday on July 8th, the date of the Conimunity Picnxc sud also for permission to use King Street froin Temperance ta Division for a street dance. Permission was grant- ed for the dance but not the holiday. Council dfecided to, issue an invita- tion to the taurists travelling on the "Know Mississippi Better Train" ta, be the guests of the town for one day, September 4th. Arrangements wIll be made ta show them the sights of the town and vicinlty. Maple Leaf Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. forwarded a check for $25 ta coundil for services rendered by the lire brigade at the John Pound fIre at Courtice. This suni, Sbeing the second of the saine de- nomination, was handed over ta the flremen. Finance Comnittee presented se- counts totalling $1129.39, Water- works Department accounts for $237.45, al of which were ordered paid. Relief for the past month amounted to $308.75. Couneillor W. R. Strike. chairman of finance committee. presented tihe auditors' report which was ordered fled. The Cemetery Committee applied HON. E. C. DRURY CHIEF SPEAKER AT ORONO MEETING Former Premier Gave Brillant Adireas at Prohibition Union Gatherlng Hon. E. C. Drury, former premier of Ontario, was the chief speaker at a largely-attended and enthusiastic temperance rally held in the town hall, Orono, on Tuesday, May 26th, delivering a stirring address, the oc- casion being the annual convention of the Durham County Prohibition Union. Ex-premier Drury was mntroduced by the president, H. G. Macklin of Tyrone, at one time secretary-treas- urer of the Provincial U. P. O. As- sociation, who stated that the coun- ty organization delighted to lionor the speaker of the day "chiefly as the strongest temperance premier it bas ever been our privilege to have in the seats of the mighty at Queen's Park, Toronto," and the former gov- erninent leader was received with prolonged applause and the spon- taneous rising of the large audience to its f eet. Dealing with some of the tactics of the opponents of the temperance cause, Mr. Drury mentioned pro- claiming prohibition a failure be- cause the Iaw could not be enf orced, "Just as they are doing now in the United States; we. yielded, and are now being lield up'as an example to the people south of the Uine. I won- der if we realize the strength of the forces that are arrayed against us? If you notice the leading Anricani magazines every story has drinklng i it, and exaggerates thre bootlegger. When they talked in the last elec- tion of $35,000,000 having been spent i Ontario for bootieg whiskey I wonder where they got their figures? I am f airly familiar with statistics of this province and I have yet to learn where bootleggers, sales have been listed." (Continued on page 3) and were granted $50 ta carry out the plans made for the Dedication of Memorial Gates and Decoration Day on Sunday, JuIy 5th. A motion of utmost importance was that which was carrled author- izing the coundil ta, investigate the purchasing price of the local Hydro Distribution System. It is known that the members of the 1931 coun- cil are in f avor of this action. When citizens have seen what other mun- icipalities have gained by having a municipally owned systemn they, too, will probably vote strongly ini favor of this question when the vote takes place later in the year. w S4 bi T ir ti si ti ai Pl T CI ai w CI eE ti T c VI m tr SE c is 91 m 01 w ei hi ia C A w m a] la le ti ci st ti Pl m bi p ai c m M (À ly ti fi iÉ d IV T b s m Community Park Development Is Advocated 6y Toronto Speaker Interesing illustrated lect- here ht staod. He advocated tiec ure was given Rotarians leaving o! htiire sud tie passmnga around it of tic psuh. by prominent Toronto He gave Mis heamera an ides o! what Bowmanville could accomplisi parks expert f or Itsecf if it took came o! Its park lands now for tic future. To illus- Mr. E. J. Colins, General Super- traie Mis remarks lic gave factesudc iendent o! Parks for tiecity o! figures ta show what Tarant. lad f Toronto, sud one o! tic foemosi accoinplislied itic pasi 30 years.j autiorities on Park developinent During ihat period tiec iiy lad in-F sud conservation in Ontario, was vested i park properties a sum i1 tic speaker ai Fiday's lundheon o! cxcess o! $2,237,000. O! tic vasi the Rotary Club. sum tiere lad been Uitile or no cmi- Rotarian Cliarlie Masan lutroduc- Icisin lecause tic people lad come j cd the local nurserymen who were ta, know tic eal value o! parks sudq guets o! tic club on thic occasion, lad found tiat tiey gai marc thanj including S. J. Jackman sud Roy ticir money's wonili oui o! tie parks Jsckman o! tic Jackmsu Nurseries, in joy, coin!ort sud pleasure. bE. J. Wood sud son o! tic Brook- People, he said, wio enjoy tic dale Nurseries, Jas. Larmour o! tic outdoor life muet lie provlded with Kingsway Nursery, sud Mr. Bartiol- some place in wlicî to enjoy IL. emew o! tic Downhaxn Nursery, sud It was ail very wdil ta say go oui A. S. Baker, local landscape ardui- Inta tic country but anc soinetirnes teci. Rotarian Rev. A. G. Emnicit f argets tiaitich land itic country o! Port Hope. was tic only guet Is ail pivately owned and ihat ciiy Rotarian. sud town folk cannot wandcm ai willl Rotarian Emie Relder intmoduc- across I. Don't create a park. lie cd other guesis iudiuding F. C. Con- added, thai evcryone cannot cuJoy. lcy, Relit. McLeod sud Ned Reider Do not go iu for too muci decorative o! tle Boy Scout Troop who at- work, which will constauily requime teuded ta express ticir appreciation notices to kcep off tic grass and ta ithe Rotary Club for tic fine i0li- keep off tic gardens.r day given tic troop ai Welington Iu tle seieccion of land suitalile sud Trenton lasi weck wlien Bow- for pamks lie advocated woodcd land, manville was awarded a silver cup preferably with a river or crcek run- for the besi dressed iroop ou parade ning tirougl i sud its lieauty must sud the best couducied tmoop lunlie natural. Once a park lad liecu camp. estallisied lic urged tic laylng oui Mr. Collins was Iutroduced by Ro- o! bail fi elds. tennis courts, bowling tarlan J. H. H. Jury, wio lias known greens sud other faciliuies s0 thai tic speaker f or s great number o!filie citizens wil lic cager in ticir yeams. Mm. Collins tressed tic greai enjoymcui o! these faciliuis to add benefit dcrived liy a commuuiiy sud speud furtier on thedr parks. froin having witiin its conflues pubi- Mm. Colins showed a number o! lic parks. He aw i parks not only lautemu slides depicting spots lu To- a greai recreational value to thc oto tiat iad becu tumued frain tawn but a business getter as weil. aId liickyards sud unsightly spots Saine, lie etated, have a wrong ta beautiful parks whici are used Ides about parks. Ih is an eniely sud apprediated by tic people. wroug piniple ta, purciase a beau- Others showed mistakes tirai iad tiful piece o! land sud lay out gar- been made lu some places lu tic way dens sud decorations wiiiout figur- o! beautification liy Way of a guide lug firet on lettiug tic natural land- to the Rotarians I làyIng oui their scape emain. This should neyer lie park. Tue address was most lu- toucied unless alierations arc need- structive sud will give tic sponsors ed for saine defluite purpose such aseo! tic new park muci valuable i- tic laylng o! a bail diamoud or a formation on which ta wark. tennis court. He saw no reasan for Rotarian Fvred Cryderman cx- Itaking down au old chum ec which pressed tic thauke o! tic Club ta ">iad taken 150 years ta, grow lie- Mr. Colins very fIttingly aitich cause tic pati was required ta pass close o! tic addmess. 'lEST CADET DANCE AND ORCHESTRA DEBUT WAS GRAND SUCCESS lllgh Sehool Cadets Entertain FrIends at Informai Dance in Sehool Auditorium Witft the Assembly Hall crowded with animated youtli, the Higli School dance orchestra miade its de- but at the flrst annual Cadet Dance. Thle dance took place Priday even- ing and lias been long awaited by lie pupils. The orchestra was splendid and shows great promise, the time being perfect for dancing and everyone present was more than pleased with their fine performance. Tbis is the first year a school or- chestra bas really worked liard ta attain sucli perfection. The Cadet Dance or Military Bail was held mainly toa sHow the or- chestra ta demonstrate their prow- ess and ta introduce themselves ta lie scliool as an operating body. ['le orchestra is coinposed of Bob Corbett, piano; Oscar Jamieson, violin; Bill Ingrani, traps; Ken. Morris, trombone; Chas. Cawker, trunipet; Dick Widdlcombe, alto saxaphone; Hal. Hartley, alto and Cmelody saxophone. Great credit is due Robt. Scott <Scotty) who or- ganized the orchestra, and ta Ken. M!orris wlio leads the group. The orcliestra was relieved at intervals wb1le pianists played for the danc- ers. The school is also fortunate in îaving several accomplislied, music- ians in Misses Helen Argue and lsie Carruthers and Mr. Charles Cawker. A.n added feature ta the prograxn was the vocal talent whicli rendered nany fine selections witli solos and alsa iharmony. Students flocked ta, this event lu large numbers. Each pupil was ai- lowed ta invite one persan outside lie school. so the assembly hall was crowded almost ta capacity. When the time came ta leave tihe sttudents lef t reluctantly. but with ;he memory of the flrst Cadet Dance pleasantly beaming i their mlnds. BOYS' WORK CONFERENCE Met To Establish New County Boys' Work Board A gathering of those interested lu boys' work met May 29th lu St. :>aul's Le-cture Room. to discuss the advisabilîty of amalgamating the County aud Bowmanville Boys' Work Boards. After considering the natter thoroly it was decided ta continue as separate orzanizatioeia, but ta elect a new County Board as the present one was practically de- funct. The election was i charge of Gordon Lapp of Ontario Work- Board and resulted as follows: Pres- ident-Alex MoGregor; Vice Presi- dent-Rev. W. P. Rogers; Secretar -John M. James; Treasurer-C. H. i(ason. The airus of the new Board are: ro stinrulate interest i boys' work by holding f requent meetings and dilscussing their problems; Extend- ing thre interest in camps at Lake Scugog and i Leadership Camps at Beausoleil; interest boys in the Standard Training School; and to promote spiritual consciousness among the boys. Next meeting will be held June 8, at 8 p. m. (D.S.T.) i St. Paul's Lec- ture Room ta form committees. The question was raised whetlier centres not active i boys' work should be represented on board. Il was decided that until sucli centres became interested it would be of no avail ta have representatives. Any centre however may apply for mem- bership when interested. Representatives on Board are: Courtice Circuit-Rev. H. C. Wol- f raim. Cecil Pound; Hampton-Rev. J. R. Bick, A. E. Staintan; Tyrone- Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Bill Phiilips; NewCastle-Rev. W. P. Rogers, Mur- ray Butler; St. Paul's, Bowmanville -Dr. D. W. Best, Alex Moregor; Member of Parliament-Jolin jury; Trlnlty, Bowmanville-C. H. Mason, John M. James; St. John's, Bow- manville-Rev. C. R. Spencer, Selby Spencer. THE CHURCHES St. Paul's Church - Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister. Il a. m.- Morning Worship; 7 P. m.-Evenins Worship; 2.30 P. m.--Sunday School, St. John's Anglican Church-R:ev. C. R. Spencer, M. A.. Rectar. Holy Communion and Mornlng Prayer at 11 a. m.; SundaY Scliool at 2.30 p M.; Evening Prayer at 7 p. M. Trinity United Church-Rev. J. U Robins, pastar. Sunday, June 7th services will be taken by Mr. Lewi, of Emmanuel College, Toronto Churcli and Sunday School at il a , ~, Sc ugog Paving M OO CMN B.T.S. Cadet Inspection and Prize NEAR TIEAI GSOHOOL Contraét Is Let Motorlat Turir Into Ditch to Avold Giving Monday a Brilliant Function Raynor Construction Com. LeaPed for Safety pany' and Warren Bitum- A gl. . m ast oerth Cadet CAR WILL BE Distinguish<ed guests take inos o. etsevn ile Ispctin nd rie Dy ctiitesGRAND PRIZE part in annual prize giv- mouC. gettheveoymilerain Day ctivmo-ATBGitiI eg -CatM.sbe each. ~~~day afternoon when it became A I INC ig -Cp.M aetr known about 4 o'clock that Jack M.CofKnstnn Contracts for the pavng f 14 Underhil, 10 year aid son of Mir.Plymouth Car, Rogers Radio and .C, fKnstn i mils o Paemet btwen Bw-and Mrs. M. J. Undcrhill of the Walnut Chest Wiil Be Given Away spected cadets. maile anof pavemetock hae eew-scliol staff, was almost instantly leanve Wand Carrmthers, chair- killed on the blghway just opposite Some one i West ]Dramin In a brillant June sunshine and metn ofeeve te CW. H. oa the sehool f arm. going ta be the proud owner of a before s dlstingulahed company of marn f theo n ited Coun ties R owd The accident occurred when Dr. New Plymouth car, the latest model guests the annual Cadet Inspection Commeissino a nned t w V. H. Storey bad stapped ta pick Up being shown at dealers for the f irst sud Prize Day was hcld at the Baya' Coe di on onaymilsit. o the Underhill lad. A car driven by time this current week. This car is Training School on Monday. 5ev- The fniehaeen let nothe0fB. H. Mortlock 0f The Statesman ta be the grand prize at thse Bus- eral liundred citizens f rom town sud Raynr Cnstucton C. 0 Bele-staff was f olowing saine distance i mess Men's Comniunity Pienie O n many from outside points attendied villea ntrusctonCosevfnBmile- the rear sud when Mortlock saw the July th sud it will be awarded t te inspection which was perbaps thle, Warnd ituecnsvmilesCo. car ahesd stop lie turned ta the lef t the holder of the lucky ticket. Th'Iis the most picturesque ever seen at o!e Torrn t e out 0f the, pass, but seeing saine women and is not the only prize as twa other the school. To say that the cadets of Trono. he St f te frstchildreh on the pavement coming i valuable prizes are included i the cxcelled theinselves would be putting seven miles is expected ta be lu the Mis direction sud directly in front of list, the second prize a brand new it mild for i their wholc performn- neighborhood of $109,000, and the lui, lie turued baok behind Dr. Rogers' Radioansd the tliird prize, a suce which lasted well over an hour second half about $99,000, the diff.. Storey's car. To avoid any chance wainut cedar chest. hardly a ffaw could be seezi. I erence lu price being according to 0f a collision lie turned quickly ta The tickets for these prises will spoke great hnsfrLiu.J aî the different depi tirte pavement the riglit heading into the diteli on go on sale very shortly and there Cun ing, foer iet. J.andlen will be laid. The wholc 14-mile the sauth side of the road. The will lie no lunit as ta the number (truiiriii.glaterdrca u steteli wil l e of ail black base. boy cviclently became alarmed at that can be pbrcased. stharriafteofiii at This particular brand of perman- the approacli of the car f rom the W. P. Corbett, chairman of the O h ria !teofca at ent road known as black base con- rear and Jumpcd intotheltch sud commiteein hare0f the luk car froin Toronto which iciuded HOn. sists of 5 indhes af braken stone Up directly i front of Mortlock's car arrangements, states that the new W. G. Martin, Minister of Public to inhe lusiz a a asenu ebing fatally struck by the left Plymouth is one of the best buys of 0ofie,u MrnsMr wtnHon. N.rt with asphalt, with a 21/2 indh top fender. Dr. Storcy rendered medical thre present day. The new car w c hol ield Miniter ithoutPrt-s rolled ta 2 inclies o! asphaît and attention but death occurred i a bave the recently acquired novely flo sduhe r.Fae stone, stane not ta exceed 1/2 hidh few -miue. Chief S. Venton and of the automobile world the free- Grant, and Mxs. Oea. S. Henry, wlfe i size. The tender for such a pave- Provincial.* Constable W. E. Smith wheeling device, besides being a rad- o! the Prime Min'ster, sud Pst Hen- ment is based on a tannage bas.ic.nvestigated the accident. Mortlock Ically modern car in every respect. ry, the premier's 18 year oid son, Similar pavement to the above was lias ~ bre vt asu l. anoe thtsd with the arrival o! Capt. M. là- laid ta the BOYS' Training SChool grievous bily harm sud ha been the Bomanvile Brandi 0f the besiteryM District Cad3 tet Officer, and at the north end of Mauvers released on bail of $2000 ta appear Csuadlan Legion have agreed to co- lta itionect . 3.tcipe- Road and Scugog Street'. in court June ath. A coroner's i- operate with the Business Men ~in cecd Reeve Carruthers etates that these quest will be held to-niait <Thurs- putting tic giant picnic acrass. If The inspection opened witi the prices will come well within tie day) at 7.30 o'clock. these two organizations' cambined general salute, followed by the amount granted for thc purpose by The funeral of tic un! ortunate efforts wili not provide a great day mardi Past i Une, columu Of Plat- tic counties and that the deficit on lad takes place f rom St. John's An- for resideuts of West Durhiam then 00ns, and columu o! route. Alter last year's pavement wlll be taken glican Church ttMs afternoon, burial there are no other bodies that can these movements were completed care of and tien leave a surplus. being i Bowmsuville Cemctery. Make yuuir arrangements now the platoons scparated for squad The nitd Contis, h aded, Mr. and Mrs. Underhill who Plan ta attend the picnic at Crearn riansd company movemente under have been able ta aut the work donc came here f rom Guelphi about thre of Barley Camp with every member their respective officers, Capt. E. at a very low cost. years ago, have tic sympathy of the of your family. Take part i the Brash, iAeut. C. Ray sud Lieut. A.. A stipulation had been made I community in their sudden bereave- sports sud good times provided sud Smith. Squad Dril with arma un- letting the contract that as mucli ment, do nat f arget ta takc a chance or der thc direction a! Lieut. A. Haneel local labar as is tossible is ta be two on the Plymouth Car followed and then the cxtcnded or- employed and as muany local trucks _____der movements commsuded by Lieut wlll also lie used. Word is expected MUSIC STUDY CLUB R. Bla5ak. ta start very siortly. Caldsprings correspondence in thc The titbit af the whole Inspection Ontario Bridge Ca. lias already Fine Program Presented ai Season's Cobourg World lias the !oilowing toansd tic anc which received thc most widened two bridges along tis road 'Cioslng Meeting say of thrce well known Bowman- applause was thc physical traning at a cost o! $3100 aud are now en- ville articts: "Empire Day was fit- exercices and gaines with Sergkw- gaked widenlng culvert.s. The price Regular meeting of the music tingly cclebrated here wien the lad- Major D. Campbell dlrccting. This of this work addcd ta the price of Study Club was lield in st. paul's ies of St. Paul's Churcli cheer!ully was an extra fine piece o! work sud the paviug still leaves thc Road lecture roam Wcdnesday, May 27th. providcd a most excellent supper i one whlch wae more than approec- Commission under the amount ai- Thre meeting opcncd with singing thc Sunday Sehool Hall. This was iated by the audience. Tue company iawed for the work tis year. "O Canada", Mrs. Albert Cole at the follawed lii an excellent concert un- tien marched around the parade piano, after which the gencral b i- der the leadership o! Mr. Owen ground hcadcd by the fine bugle ness was transpcted including %,e Nicholas o! Bcwm8nvillc. Mr. Nich- band,,. wbich, lncidentally. .were MANY ~ ~â'electian o! officiers for the coming Gas, through Yie Previouà iie-etandb M.D omcnS. u AGAIN SE DURH M year, . H.udersdnt now famiar ta Coldsprings audi- drew Up iu Une In front of the salut- AG I SEDU FMrs. C .Ddepeiet n ences. Be was assicted lu thc pro- ig base whcre three cheers for tie APPLE ORCHARDS troduced the guest artists for the grain by Mrs. F. H. Moody, reader, King, tihe B.T.S. Ydils sud the dlsý evening's entertainnment. Mise Mar- and Miss D. Pluminer, accampanist. miss limugit that part of the pro- ie Cancilla, soprano solaict, thor- Tue trio deserve the thanks o! tic grain ta a close. Second Week of Biossoms Are oughly delighted the audience with music and literary -lover i Cold- (Contiuued an page 4) Inspected by Mtoriass ler exccllcntly well rendered select- springs and community for tMis ____ ions and sweet manner in whMch they treat. The niglit will flot soan be wcre presented. Mrs. N. Gaxbutt forgotten by tiose wio wcre fortun- Lirs. W. J .Ainslie and nieces, the Many more motorists vlsited the gave two very fine piano solos whidi ate enougl ta lie present for it is Misses Ainsle, of Windsor, mis ][- apple growing districts o! Durhami werc mucii appreciated. Mr. Arthur flot every week nor ideed cvcry sea- abel McNiven, Tomanto, sud Mr. IL last week ta sce the display o! boe- McElroy, a very flue pianist sud ac- son when such a feast of good tings E. Nichols, Winnipeg, were gueste of sains. The unfavorable weathcr o! coinpanist for Miss Cancilla, gave comes aur way."1 Rev. and Mrs. Gea. Mason. the week previous held back bIos- two piano solos whici wcre fault -_ ___________________________ soins considerably so tiat tis past lessly rendcred with much skill. weck tic blossoins wcre even better Tipoga wss!los:Vc than the week previaus. al solos-Trees, Rasbacli; Elegy, Theortof airy tar, tr Massenet; sud Just for Today, Plans Practically Completed For the ouresyof he resden Mr J.BlacheSeaber, by Miss Marie Can- E. Atkinson, an old Durhami Boy, cilla; Piano solos-Melody, Chare pbihda map 0f tic route pre- 0. Dawes; and iEspagnote, Godard, Dedication and Decoration Day psmed by Tue Statesman iFrlday , by Mrs. N. Garbutt; Vocal solos-______________ issue o! tic Star and guided my iYts L'Ultina Canzone, Tosti; Who - Larenme olwdtcrue Knaws, Ernest Bail; by Miss Marie Huge parade of fratirnal parted. Dr. D. W. Best, chairman t Needlcas ta say tic Durham orci- Cancilla; Piano salas-Polonaise A I fteMnseilCmiteo h Sardists are greatly plcased witi tic Major. Chopin; and Impromptu A orgarnzations will c0m» po ticMinasenal omitte e on ti number tiat have visited tic orci- Plat Major, Schubert; by Mr. Arthur rgabssbutdavr p ards. Mr. W .J. Bragg, M.P.P., lias McEIroy. mence at Public School prapriate ceremonial ta take Place suggestcd that a like tour be ar- Attccnlso o i xeln rom the platfarm wiici is ta lie rauged durng tic aset week o! Aug- prograni, Mrs. Dudley tendcrcd a ons uy rce ytc hme !Cm ust or the first wcek i September l'earty vote of tianke on blcai! o! merde inside tic gates. whcn thc fall apples ripe on tic tic club membrs t icritehwho Tue ccremn proceeding tic of- trees are a sigit wortli secing. By lad assisied h skn tcevn ter numerous meetings, ai which ficial apenlug o! tic gates Winlutas tic tour tic motorisi would sec ings entertainnient sucli a succees, tic Dedication o! tic McGill 1mem- about 20 minutes alter which Mr. Wliat liad happened ta iliase bios- fiter widl a social and !riendly oral Gaies at Bowmanville Cem- John Lyle, J. P., vetersu tawn clerk, soin-laden trees itic few months hall hour was spent. ctery snd the revival af Decoation wlll lut tic riblion sud declare tic between their visits. They wlll not Officers clceted are: Hanomary Day on JulY 5Su were fufly discuss- gaies open. eonly sec tic fall varieties ripe on PeietLr. .H od;P esi d. arrangements have been pract- On lichai! of tic commlttee, Mr. trees, and beig picked sud Pack- Prdent-Mrs. . H. u dy; e i- ically completed for tis event. Lockhart urges evcry citizen af tic cd but will sec wliat wluter apples Mme. J. Albert Cole; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Coundillor T. H. Lackhart. tirougi omnt h is eaie trs willlbelic ke and how well the orci- C .Cwc;Rc.Sc u r5.wiose initiative these ceremonies Itic Bowmsunvllle Ceeiemey ta lic ards have been camed for durmng tieC -. . P. r; C re. Sec.-es wl lie hcid. has been a îireless present sud secure If possible thc summer. It would no doulit be a rev- Mrs. D. J. Chambers; Executive- womker since tic subJectwa îprsneo find su rltvs elatian to many city people ta sec Min. H. M. Foster, Lirs. L. Binglisi, liroadhcd, and as chairman in from aIl over tic Dominion and tic the apple barvest i actual oper- Mrs. G. E. Reaman. Mrs. J. H. Bate- charge leie l able tic weck ta an- United States. nounce tic order o! events f or tic For tiose wio cannai lic present, man________._al, su Sit ad for readers o! Tue Statesman Ferguson. Mrs. F. 0. McflIveen, Min. memorabie day. out of tawn arrangements have been HIGH SCHOOL CADETS D. A. Fortier, Miss H. Yellowlees-, Tue coomittee reports first that made whcreby tic decoration o! tic WER INPETEDBY Pianist-Miss Helen Morris. tiey liave secured the iearty do- graes o! their relatives may lic WERE NSPECED BYTue member:% or tic Club very operation o! aUl fraternal organiza- made i heir absence. Donations 9 CAPTAIN M. ISBESTER mucli regret Miss Margaret Alliu's tions in tic town sud tiat these or- for this pumpose may be sent ta Mr. 1. resignation as ecording secretary ganizations wlll le representcd in T. H. Lockhart, Bowmianvillc, wio rLocal Corps Showed Marked in- -'nd treasumer wiich office sic lias tic parade to tic cemciery. Tue will use tic money as dlrccted sud Y provement Over Parade of Last --~ed faithfully for four COnlsecu- Boy Scouts, Higli and Public School will sec tirat whatevcr is ordemed wlf t Year-Slgnai Corps Do Weil tive years. Cadets and Legion Band will alic b placcd on tic graves. rtake part in tic procecdings. Con- Wbilc !ew, if a"y, changes hItic Showng cnsidrabe imroveenttramy ta tic original arrangements program are contemplated siould 1. owigcosdealeipreou erteHg oveen COMING EVENTS whcreby tic parade was ta bave any occur full notice wlll be given lu 1Cadets wcre inspected by Capt. M. formed at tic corner a! Churci and Tue Statesman liefore tic date of [s Isbcstcr, Cadt Officr, at tic'-lItai Bownanville Chautauqua dates are Scugog Streets, arrangements now tic event. Scicol grounds Mouday -in -11--A - omning. July 15, 16, 17. 18. 20. cail for the lodges to meet sud !orm Citisens are requesied ta atart now

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