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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1931, p. 4

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flAu MURTECNDA SAEMN ~WANL.E HRLAY UE4 91 B. T. S. CADET INSPECTION HO ING PIGEON CLUB lengthy obituary for a beloved re- then, about the tm o hn ei aetco ubfiu o fa a I WAST e BRw aLLIANT FUNCTPig onN ative . N yr rc m e d te p pr h bto send the bill, or af ter lhe as know fl as the Kingston Road f or IN THe EBowmOnviO le HomiflgT Pigeon ltoive od. v Whe men you tse a p f e t i hl l oe i e, p tti a y y~ s u aoil Jlyfo I N T H R A L 0 S O R I( C o n t i n u e d f r m p g ) C l u b f l e w t h e i r f o u r t h o l d b i r d c l u b a l w a y s s a y , " Ye s w e h a v e a f U tt p a p e r a k n t e o f fi c e s, r k e d " r h e - p r e s e n t pear u a n c s o l d e y o r FRN TETES]IA eam a race on Saturday, May 3Oth, from sheet but it don't amount to much." fused." aPProPriate. rnewolb m A t F e r g ust i t ll n go n th ea Uu T h a m e s fo rd , O n t., 1 3 0 m ile s a ir lin e . K e e p th is u p fo r a y e a r o r tw o a n d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ F R O N T S TR E E T E A S L o nts t is t U n g o h e s u A t fo u r o 'clo c k th e g u es ts a sse m b - O n c e a g a in th e b ird s ra n in t o, ra in y y o u w ill a v e a d e a d n e w sp a p e r a n d T e r o f S . J h ' a i h H T heN S F R O M ifi G I S C H O O Lstdents. led in F erg u son all w h ere a recep t- w eath er, b u t n ev erth eless m ad e very a d ead set o f m erc an ts, an d a d ead S everal n wmao i e station s h ave w bich as b een b ad ly in n eed 0 Stu en t B w t th T ne f 2 t 9 asthe chord btte d ad ity ion w as he id. D r. and M is. 0 . E l- good t rne. Follow in g is t e resu it: tow n -Profitab le A dvertising. been opened in the past few w eeks repair, is to be re-roofed im m ediat e Stud nts ow o th Tun ai20 t 9 Ws t e thrd teymor Reaman were host and hostess, W . J. Martyn 3 iirs, 39 mins, 55 ec might also take the paper out of Yoew en O h wa a d Bo m n le y. A parish cou ncil meeting dec ld were a-' make a score.The fist untl 0w one c anot drive a mile e o d hs w r i h w Y bfr~ two inn ngs pased ith ut m a wh le M rs. W . . M artin and M rs. . Bottre l 3 hrs, 49 mins, 45 sec. Post office regularly for s ixL or eigh t eding ne.o e ore sOs repairslarew recuire d la Gane Lat Thusday twin nin sased i ut & m nFrase G an f Toronto acted as . Bottreil 3 hrs 51 mins. 2 sec. mont s, or per aps a ye ar r w; i nshou n o igb Y ma o nd hmore M. WsJiene a te c ntat I t d i d n o t t a k e v e r y m u c h e f f o r t g t i g o a e r t h e i r t w o s r r n tg i n g ' ith o u t e n c o u i t e ru d m r r _ W . C l e h s t e c n r c on the part of the Front Street soft runs in the third they added 1 i tea hostesses during the tea lieur. Pete Woolner 3 hrs. 59 mins. 8 sec. bail flnds to ear aft the stmia theU, 2 in the 8th, and 4 in tbe At the east end of the hall was a I. Hobbs.- 4 hrs. 1 mins, 16 sec. Of te Hgh chol sudens 9h, akig atota Of9. ron log table laid with beautiful silver Len. Richards 4 brs, 10 mins, 13 sec. onhutrday hastedwhenhbyia scorer0f inand decorated with numferous early Wm. Wallace and R. Dilling nosre 20 theHi9 Front sudnt o Street ergdasth t stateddgtin witn three 'n summer flowers where the tea host- Port. Victrs. he ame ithe lt tan, ain 4h t,ithe 3desses served. Mrs W. H. Hill, Mrs. 20 ~ ~ ~ ~ a farFr n S r e em rd ea y , 4 in th tt h e Stbd ta tbe E. P . B radt and M rs. P. L. B eckett- itrs.tinnhe amewam.s fr om t, a h 8h ad4 the 9th, wire assistant tea bostesses. KIING A NEWSPAPER anykid ! tyealthougb the Hawley and Cole were the home ru atttnopse fMr . (Smlths Falls Record News) M ain Street boys played a m ch kings for the Front Street, and Ken Neai c h e alo, Miss Elaie R amB.H r ae soe.ey c betrgi ebie Cfield k-suen otions for killing a newspaper: Just e studments. Herbie u o gintha dd sborne was Te l tent to e:violin, Mr. F. C. Smith, viola. ancid tyorsb t h r e , a i in t h e n d C o l me. r n i w a k - g i n i bs c o o r . T UC t a i s e r e: F . M r . G . L . D a v id g e , p ia n o , r e n d e r e d l t Y u r s b c r ip tio n g o . I t's o n ly a ed~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~clen ixenad nysrckot HgSch;l- .CmrDp. two fine numbers, and Mr. Davidge dollar or two-the publisher doesn't reor ailfor te 2ninn ingwa s. t' clen c W illiams, lb;, H. gv a s ledid baritone solo. A need it. If lie asks you for t, gt rb teord f o th winnrswas juthee on 2;ieldbone 3; E. Bag- feature of this part of the prograin ju s as ad syo cn, ndt ihi abterasta it was the flan ft eldni s;Wsanelu ; Hc- was the tap dancing by three of to stop the Paper-you neyer read it merheasint is t tre fste sum- n Stcf;tW. I.ramt, p.boys. Edaare .~îrrsnacanyhow. Then go and borrow your UT Frot Sret -I.Smihp: ce- A. Mc0onald. These boys were en- neighbor's. When the reporter comes er c F jmisnlb Cle 2;cered and eatdhirpfon for news, aiways be busy. Maire hlm ________b;_______ss;_____rf;S._____ feel as if hie were intruding-tbat Candie. f;Cuey1nd f. At4.30 the finals in the orsiacY1? our time is worth $100 a minute. THREE MORE DAYS 0F U m ir s C a er n a n S d s. c nî t c e h l . V L 1 1- . W h en th e a d v ert;,tn g a n d job an O N r . J . - Schofie l as cairr ar. . ,c :mes tell hirn you don't need to ad- M N W GR ER U THA N EE EDDY ~~~~~~timo. president of the BT.S. Liter- vertise-everybody knows you: that O GRA E TH N V R POEO HIGH SCHOOL DEFEATED ary i3ciety. wccomed the ue-ý. ' ýYou willý try and get along without WHIZ ON TUESDAY NIGHT beha c h es n . any printed statio-eytsooxt AT THESE REDUCTIONS - 7ý, î ~vocal quartette cq.inro .do f i,' ::cnl ive; nat business is slack. and Studeats rua up big score la first rison. E. LaBarrc. L. B3ast'r, and R you mus' economize. Never drop inSoplni vsterpne in ings to win 11to 8 Muiligan. renlered a fine -number. to sce the editor unless you want a oast w eendd for the s 1nsi The judges, A. M. Overhoit, M. .free complimentarv notice, or a latwe-n o5hs plenid O O Keeping the Vhiz Grease Makers LL. D. Principal of Brantford Col -_______________si aus htw r gî the High Scbool students ame i Oshawa Collegiate. and L. W. Dig- giving these prices for this trouble in defeating them by a score pel. principal of Bowmanvillc High TusaFia n audy School. placed the contestant. st. I If nee Frday ana uit n 0. Of il to 8 on Tuesday. The students HretSeesn nWlim~*py. t managed to just Uit tUe bahl where Smith; 3rd. John Caris. Ii ilsîl o QU L T S OUR te to say about it. Whiz fleding At five o'clock the distribution of S E DE R tîS FOR10 1Obuv or ilsut at our s oe. o QUAIT bad, and their batting althougb medals and prizes took place. PuroiAsing AENt, I iearmellotebvyu uta ,soe some better was not up to standard. Among those who spoke during this lic W'orkas, OtAaent, Dertnint f i EEY SI G A A T WATCHWORDThe tam jsi semed o bae anfunction were Hon. W. G. Martin, h~ fi ni- 2 'Clock rion(daylîgl off night while tUe High ScUool lad Hon. H. C. Scboifie]d, Mrs. Gea. S. saving), Monclay, June 8, 1931 tor itorm1 weeciPI fcoal for th, Domniîîon Blut! I ercertainly right on. Henry and Pat Henry. ings thr uFîuîlimerorne f iFormierly Frei W ell hoieee Ud and Splaer Wbizopened the batting and scor- PrizesAwardd tario, închiuding the iCity of tnt t, i .$5 eonadHg colcm akFormns of ter witft$35.0c0¶$25.00 $-30.00 S h eb i G a li e w e s hI w ll pl a e on e , a n d H ig h S c ih sica e b ac k S u p e rin te n d e n t's M ed a i fo r b es it n(ilcon iition s att ,iei ietl ca n I 01) t~ inN wN o yo y t iani.t tahe frfan earyla. it i ~ ail rud student-Walter Caris from G: . fl rawsovt. Pîîrciastng Art,Ne tîtNo intU frs fam.Tbey added 3 S eatnR.WnlrofDPubic Wor h uttawa.-...- QAIYMTROL more in the fourtb, and 2 more in Harry Price Goid Medai for most taîn Winti-of Ditit, soidentt'w.,. sc svnt.iic boxer-Wm. Simicoe. tc. i-1vitoria i SIr$17 75Toi otit QUALIY MOOR OL th sevntb.Whiz were beld score- sciernhtfo citenî i,9!!! no t h. coeitir $li7. You wiil also find quality i U less in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th innin Kngs to c iwais rp anuai rck o eont ots 'P)ti 13tt ) scowred 4blin the U te 6th. but meet.--Kiwanis Lodge. iartntent rro n i traewith t!- fllog l Motpl or Ols whch we wee n oale in the tree re anî Dr. V. H. Storey Gold M edai for purtni util pevjictii.rstnl cnditions. T H E M E N 'S S T O R E W I I I l - u k rp p l -ye d lR c a r s i i g o h i g o i g L o y a t n .T i t i r i g â t t o ( 1 d i t n . f r o i t h e s îc c r. s s gldy o: n i gs t a d a ot e. o in - i yd B stn.ful nd-rer a iviinst. rnt -xcoe(iiii ch l a s. te bsnar for t e i h Canadian Hisory Prize presented ier c unt of th, anount tof t e ! rIý* 1 o i e? o e 6 CStreU - Quaer State- Veedl Sbwsth taro!te evening by Bowmanville Men's Canadian 10 setter Ithe iroîorfiillfitiit of lii,, îei PBS orP n .was certainly on forn and P. Pcr orileraem n. O po it 1 0 0 M t o r ~ n . is b e s t o ! th e s e a s o n . pin l y e d O r a to r ic a l P r iz e s p r e s e n te d b y D r . N. d e S JR D I S 1 l a f o t r ao w mn v l6 1 G o o d y e a r T ir e s a r e fa m o u s fo r s u p p o r te d b y t e te a m . e d B G .2 C . B S m i at 3 , . r S t e v e stn ;N . D, M a y 1B nk3o 1931 22u-B.2 J -I their quality. Caîl and see these ilelI in short, and Bill Bagneil in left , SrthCouse.O.J. p ., Guepb. retofiuIc ok fedwere about tUe besi of tUe rest. $100 scholarship presented by Mr. hlgb rade iresUmpires - Bert Colwell and S. C. L. Burton, president Robi .Simp- - BARTLEIT~C son Co.-Henry Sih John E. Willniot Memnoriai Prize- X RUBBR ME SWAýS pBIC Wm. Smith. RURBR ME SWMP PBIC Mrs. Piumptre's Prize for boy with ~ z.7I7©SOHOOL IN SOFTBAJJ, GAME besi personal appearance - Earh PHON 110KING5T. ASTBrash. PHO E 10 I GSTEA5ç~ School fights hard but heavy htting Senator J. McDonald's Prizes foi, BOWMN VLLE oodearteamtoamuchforth~boys showing mosi marked improve- Goodeartea tO rnch or hemmeni-Abie Edson, Joe Bianco, Wal- Abddubn a addotter Stoutley, Sam Saisbery, Henry f14e __________-- ~~~byQoodyear to Publie School on frPark3er.~Ž?~ 3 E ~ B O ~ A ad dsrubbining whane uiPre of bot ~~PAY SPUD COP YL ;EE te m s b in up rb oo y ar fel h i J .4t c a se - ra k M iddlem iss 0.tAGLAsRutriirI1RM OF 114 pre-nd"PES WEE NPEAA" %qeew -I .RbisDeputy 6ETS l114 E AY! VJAI--.T140w! w as ust ike bttin g th e aill in t o M n te r o H spiMEr e B eeks . S r nBIEUaI FATAS M E a barrel, so sure were they o! their lod eofW. SPteartW.Scoq N6045IDASL o!atc ne. nnlngs. QSE:CAL!!D . cace.The Public Schooh et ..aor .Cris. W Eugene n, ýM1 ar u ejened every innings to stant a scor -K.JbuWCai ge Hrs oning aly n secre untn oi Besi Cadet on Parade, presented to Cp tl it ntefrs nig by Mr. Harry Alin-Sgt. Major D. In he hri inins Ernie" Roacb Campbell. scored on a sacrifice by James, but Hg cohMteaisPie- e mihthe bougseceaed * MurphymaetetidotsCl ghSolMteaisPrz madetUethid oi 5 Co- presented by Mr. A. M. Hardy-Wm. Hang up Acroxoçi-the fly welwas le! t on ibird. The School Smith. catcher with the Push pin end also scored in their half, 'o'Se eea rfcec rs nJn lco n rsiderib o mn oinmtethnos.No runs in ior scbooh presented by Mr. T. A. Aecroxthegn u isfrarto f escodfrteGoodyear, ah- Dustan -Hvhc ihlo.W becaue tUeglue fragant iough Sixnmons reacbed third base. Perdue, Reg. Qulgley. wnMceh s-d seet sud wil ot dy- The studenis ran wld w1tU Mttn Sor S oryPie-. Nichol-W godfr3 ~- and McLcod romping home over the son; 2, Harold Mec-,nEgbt. ol - phan ooaitr uhbra wswhr te Poetry Prize, presented by Mrs. L. Zizim~iIll A té . o e y s dwuT Stor .. , , G o o year had i eir big m om en t. M . D en sem - , C . T aylo r; 2, A . P er- t B ,M I I A C D r L < A NEWTON A HILL Nine batters faced the scbool pich- u:3,B rmtog.fqfl* ~ --MIIpg erbfoe"Dv"Osborne couhd Recitation Prize-l JhMCrreMAoug 5 6 F o n t t E a t T o O n t ob r i n g t h e m t o t u r e , a n d s e v e n r u n s 2 . O w e n H a e s - 1 , J o lii > & *'A ~ ~ M 1 ' ad been credited to the rubber men. Deb a g is e r se t d y is à4eIJe ER O X O N r thsea bougt naohe.alyFora Galbraith-1, Rayfield Ennis: > J fortheschol.The fourth innings 2, Wm.Fegsn was also bad for the scholars, with PrFergncy in-Atu e F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ te L odrcount ng 3 more, while nike: Proficiency in Violin-V. Mt ±8 thC ly evtThe fi! lb show- chell. Mt ~tll 5~;el ed no scores for Goodyear with ah- Art Sketcing-Joe Bianco; De- most air tigbt hall. Eric Colwehl be- signJmsLws 'i-_ ing the only one to bit. JckMa - Jenmans i s .GrdsChs tYn brought in tUe customary run Platten: Sr. r Grades. .hrdu . for bis team. Again Art Hardy's, lee adScenc . e. mnen drove tUe pilîl mb tUe farihesiMr.P. Sc ence-. Wm sntimo:v Ash eadHyFyr Places aind 4 more players made tUe 2. -LBekt1.WnSaiio QUICKY RILIE nd Goodyter too 2 in 8th. Highest Standing in Entrance Ex- BYTH OK RELIEVan5UnthM9b making tUe grand amination. 193-P. Adams. EYiEOAiELuI. ttal Goeswrarc. HghSchool 7. Proflciency in Christian Doctrine. UmpOsbo ere Jc Cole and AI- iresented bv Rev. P P. Buter-Pet- TL IO o lin Munavish. i John Willmnot Prize for Proflclency Ii W -TL OXC in Compoition-WmKSantimo e-î-tC e a-- ce . .ate .Pt -Mcih od . q-g-i _ i liu l n ntramenls * Re c M. Mitchell & Co. -' Drgiss - Cptflmetrists O C Phoine 92 THURSDA-Î, ý;UNE 4tli, 1931. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, IbOWILALNVILI£- pAnir. phliTITZ

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