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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1931, p. 5

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01MANVLLtZ, THURSlDAY, JUNE 4th, 1931. .**IhdbiI*4 i maumu A I RuRosE1Bi '~224oDHi <~'~ TI4E CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMP.MY, LTD. SHREDDED WIHAWHEAT HA WIHAL THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLEWHA Here are a few of the uses of Gyproe G YPROC fireproof wallboard is manu- ~factured from gypsuni rock. It cornes in sheets that are 4 to 10 feet long, 4 f eet wide and 3/s of an inch thick. It costs littie, nails and cuts like lumber, has structural strength and insulation value. It is Canada's premier material for lining all interior wvalls, ceilings and partitions. Ask your deaàler for a Gyproc direction sheet, it gives full details. Store ceilings Basements Warehouses Bains Attic rooma Fruit cellaîs Makng old roomna new Store windows Dressing rooms Reut roazus Offices Partitions Garages Under cornice Dairies Sumnmer cottages Factoricu Kitchens Poultry houses Faim aoffices Harneasmrnem Sheathing Ceilings Walls Sun porches Covering aid plaster Picture theatres Approved by Fire Chiefs * Approved by Building Inspectors 372 GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontari %7eNEW flm'©m For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son- Bowinanville, Ont. PHOSPKODIN.1 ~~ Man drin Dm.Wory, desnaCYLoof EnWL, PtatiPLon 0 TOI 41Sod4 ildgg r omiled ltu plain on rceip e rpu n.ieupaIUpAII f "Wr n W0 BU ~1~- :ook's R.gulating compound~ 0 A Wu.,rodhable vgs" im loommedcin. "od luthrevd - Seuo bssbN ,i . 283 N. . 5 'etboa se r u gistie, o fseui M on eôlec ra pamphlet. Addrm. 1141 COOK MEDICINECM.. WHEN A BOY WANTS BIS MOTHER Aboy may have chums and a boy may have pals, And have boy-friends and girl- friends in dozens, Have relatives too, lovely uncles and aunts, Nice sisters, fond dad and nice cousins. rhey ail may adore him, and stick tobim toa, Yes, stick to hlm close as a brother But when he is sick and a long way f rom home, Wby. that's when a boy wants his mother. le may rise ta great power and fame in this world, Be the head of same great insti- tution, Become a rich banker. famed lawyer or head 0f some wonderful world revolu- tion; He may rise ta be statesmnf of ero- inent note, in fact not surpassed by another, But wben be is slck and a long way from. home, Wby, that's when a boy wants his mother. He may travel afar and encîrcle the globe, Flndlng wonderful thrills moat ex- citing, Clever tblngs of the past, clever things of today, Witb the anclent and modern unltlng. le may travel in lands where great cities abound, And where cîties deepa sands now do smother, But when he is slck and a long way from home, why, tbat's when a boy wants bis mother. N4o touc i la 80 tender, no voice half s0 sweet ' The love la her eye's lne no other ro hlm, when be's slck and a long way from home, Sa that's why a boy wants bis mother. R.alpli Gordon. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. ORONO (Prom The News May 28th.) County W. C. T. U. convention will be beld la Orono June lSth. Mrs. Limbert, Toronto, la vislting her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Brown. Mr. George Fairbairn and bride, Lakefield, were guests of Mrs. Rena Fairbairn. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Poster and daughtex', Mount Hope, visited at bis father's over Sunday. Mis. Earl Grady and two chlldren of Hamilton vlsited ber mother, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Miss Catharine Hall and girl friend were home at her f ather's, Mr. Madison Hall, over the weekend. Mr. Alex McNeil, Ottawa, spent the holiday witb bis f ather here. and sister, Mis. Gordon Martin, New- castle. miss Margaret Dickson returned home last week f rom Toronto, hav- ing completed her terni at Torontc University. Mis. Will Irwin of Toronto sPent Sunday at her f atber's, Mr. Isaac Winter;,,also bis sister. Mrs. Aston, Toronto. Mr. Isaac Cobbledick bas bright- ened bis residence with a coat of paint, and men with long exper- jence at that work are congratulat- ing Isaac, who on MondaY next will have reached the 8lst year of bis age, on the splendid job done. At the close of S. S. orchestra practîce Park Street Church, Tues- day evening, the members returnec ta, the Sunday Sohoal. îoom and dur- ing the lunch hour informally pre- sented their leader and directar, Mr, A. J. Knox, wxth a handsome gold fountain pen. The S. S. orchestra was flrst organlzed in 1894 and has steadily grown not only la populai favor but la membership which no'w numbers nearly f orty. Mrs. NeUl Porter la visitlng bel parents at Peterboro. Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, spent the holiday at her father's Mr. George Cowan. Mrs. S. T. Dawsan and son Alviix of Providence motored to JanetvllE Friday and vlslted the f ormer's sis- ter, Mrs. Stinson. and in the after- noon drove to Kirkfleld, Mrs. Stin- son accompanying them. mis. Mabel returned home with them foi the holiday. S. A. BAND AT NEWCASTLE Newcastle music loyers and banÉ enthuslasts were fortunate in beini privileged to hear such an aggrega- tion of talented musicians as tbt Earlscourt Salvation Army Band Toronto, la the Community Hall, or the evening of Empire Day, May 23 The Band has fllty members, eacl one of whom pilayed his part witi welcome. No chIld sbould be aflowed ta suf fer an hour from worms wbe prompt relief can be got ln a simpl but strong remedy-Mother Grave Worm Exterminator. MI I ~IA1~ 's.. o lb.r~~L~I mjCIjuui~ ~tWKE~ 'PI. j 0F THE CRIANT FLEMING. U.V. ASsOIATIr sECNEYrARY HAND TO OT 0f ail the diseases whlcb affllct manklnd, by far the largest percent- age are due ta bacterie, or disease germ-aur invisible f oea. They are invisible ta the naked eye, but are revealed by the micro- scope. They bave been studied, and the habits and characteristics o! same a! thQm are well kno'wn. Tbey bave their individual pecullarlties wbereby they differ one f rom the other; some go singly, others la pairs; same are aval, others are rod- sbaped; one likes one klnd aof food better tban others do; and so the lilt migbt go on ta a great lengtb. Whîle disease germa differ one from the other, tbey bave points o! slmflarlty. For instance, they must get inta the body if they are ta cause disease. and mont of them find their way la thraugli the mouth. Another Paint wbich they have In common la .tbat they are unable to wtbstand drying and sunabine. As a matter o!f fact, they die off f alrly qulckly outslde o! the body. Ta exiat, they need mois- ture, warmth and darkneaa. It la obvious, then, that it la de- sirable ta keep disease germa f rom pasglng between aur lips into the dark, warm, moist interior o! the bady where they bave every appar- tunlty ta cause miche!. one frequent way for this ta hap- pen la when the germa we bave pick- ed up an our fingers and banda get inta aur mautha because o! the habit we bave of tauchlng aur lips, o! Put- tlng the fingers into the moutb, or of touchlng f ood with unwasbed' DAELINGTON JUNIOR FARMEES Darllngton Junior Farmers held their meeting la the Assembly Hall o! the Boys' Training Scbcol on Tuesday, *May l9th. Maurice Baker, presldent. pssided. E. P. Bradt, Dlrectar o! Agriculture of B. T. S., spoke on the f orming of a Plow- 1men's Association. E. A. Summers, jDept. Agriculture for Durham, gave a list and the dates o! several o! the icoming events. The president gave an account o! the Junior Faimers' Section at Oshawa Fail Fair. Fol- ilowing thla the boys joined the Jun- ior Institute when Mi. Bradt show- ed slides on ".How ta Beautif y the H -ome." Lunch was served and e 1vote of thanks moved by Laverne -Clemens snd seconded by Clare AI- lin was accorded the officiais o! the B.T.S. Meeting closed wlth a dance. hands. A considerable amount of disease la a hand-to-mouth affair. As we go about our daily routine, aur banda are certain ta become solled. We shake banda wth a persan who lias Just caughed or sneezed beblnd bis hand, or who bas used bis bandker- chie! that la soiled with seceretions. We touch numerous articles wblch have been touched by other people wlth bandasailed by their body sec- retions. As our banda are usually warm and molat, these conditions favour the existence of the germa. It does not matter If germa are on the banda as long as they stay there. The unbroken skin la a barrier ta germa. The danger lies la introduc- lng any germs wbicb may be on the banda inta the mouth or nase. This danger can be avolded If we make It a point neyer ta put your unwash- ed hands ta our faces, exoepting when using a handkerchief, and nev- er ta toucb food utileas we bave thor- ougbly wasbed aur banda. No matter how clea.n they look, the banda should always be given a thoraugh washlng befare meala or before preparlng f oad, and tbey sbould be wped on the peraon's awn towel only. It la quite as dangerous ta use a common towel as It la not ta wash at afl. Persian Bialm. Cool and refreali- ing. Sootbing and protective. The perfect aid ta beauty. Unrlvalled la its softening and beautifying effect an the skin. Imparts a freali and fragrant charm ta the lovelicat com- plexion. Banlabes rougbness caus- ed by weatber conditions. Safe- guards the skln and keeps It smaath, sof t and flawless. Use it for the handa and face. Always reaults la the hlgbest expression of beauty. SSPRAINS R ub Minad'alently. Sa alisys minamuii. ooo.. " 17Pub you on yor ffl I Wkerever You Live.. ý"EMCO"'ý Bathroom No matter where you live-town, villageIr cauntry-an EMCO Bathroom can b. instaln your home. For a smail down payment and 118.00 per month you can have a BATHROOM-pedestal basin, lavatory, tiilet and shower, with ail neces.ary fittinga. If your home is in the country or in a locallty without running water, an Empire Duro Presue Water System solves tht problem if you are withln reach of a power-lmne. The Empire Dura, Pressure Water System in also purchasable on an easy plan. The Hydro Eglectrie Commission will bill you praportionaltely bu your power bila over a long period. s~.. Our Dealer will ladly discs your uieeds, or write us. Fer Babe BY R. E. LOGAN Plumber - Tinsmith - Heatirg Phone 264W or 264J King St. E. Bowmanville EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. London, Canada Toronto Wkuiipeg Vancouver Douglas' Egyptian Liniment re- throat and qulnaY. Keep a botWe lieves toothache and neuralgia. Ini- bandy. valuable in cases of croup, sore Now. ..a R >YEAR 0GUARANTE E on the General Electric Ref rigerator . a 0 UT of an unrivaled record of expense-free performance cornes an unqualified 3-Year Guarantee on the Gencral Electric Rdrigerator. In hundreds of thousands of homes the Generai Electrie Refrigerator bas perforrned faullesly- economically-wiIhout care, ateution or service ex pense on the part of any user. The secret of tis renaarkable record is found in the Monitor Top which contains ail the mechanism-permanently oiled-and hernxetically sealed agiast air, dfrt and moisture. This Monitor Top makes possible thse 3-Year Guarantee on thse General Electric Refrigerator- a warranty 'which guards you against any upkeep expense for three full years. Inspect the General Electric Refrigerator and know the facto about ils 3 zones of temperatue... the AIi-Steel cabinet .. . the quiet, economical opera. lion. And renember-for a smali down payrnent von can have any uiodel delivered to, your borne at once. ER- 231C GENERAL * ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Foi Sale by- THE HYDRO SHOP CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Ç 'r- w- - THE CNADIN STTESBN, B PAGE FmB . - 1

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