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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1931, p. 7

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"Nne" w i FAON - TEM C"MAI&N BTATMN, BoWMANvHLE. THuFIBDAY, JUTNE 4th, 1931. LOCAL and OTHERWISE LC Rev. Dr. Best la attending Toronto M Conference of the United Cirurcir. ter Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Cuimmings, awa Ottawa, are visiting their sister-in- M îaw, Mis. Clara Byam, Churcir st. turi WiII the members o! Trinity mot 'éhoral Class piease note that the CitY meetings have been discontinued for M thre season. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Russell Willams, L.1 Niagara Falls, N. Y., recently vlsited Mo iis mother, Mis. E. Willamrs cu- "Du gog Street, and other friends hore. moi Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lyle, Bowman- the ville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson N and f amily, Oshawa, vlsited Mr. and mer. Mrs. Willion Lyle, Orillila, recently. citi2 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. M. Down and e Mr. and Mis. Frank N. DOWn, De tie trait, Midi., are here called by thre p serlous ilness of tireir mother, Robt. on.datt Mis. S. M. Tole attended the wed- B ding of Mr. Bruce Honeywoll and wer Miss K. M. Rossi Toronto on Sat- chu urday and is visiting her sister-in- Chu law, Mis. W. R. Clemens. ei Mis. J. U. Robins, accompanied pea: by Miss Marianoe Robins who bas Hoi completed her term at Toronto Uni- smi versity, have gono to their cottage at thre Wellngton to eniay a few weeks' 1Re' rest. Ser Sparling Mission Band of Trinlty A United Chuicir concluded thre seas- ChE on's meetings on Monday alternoon 249 when the leaders, Mis. B. M. Warni- VlcE ca and Mis. C. J. Smale, servod re- on f resirmonts ta the boys at thre close col o! the meeting. mei Mr. and Mis. Jesse Yeo, Clarke Mr, Union, Mr. and Mis. Jack Lyle and rea Misses Helen and Irma Lyle, and the Mr. Woods, Minilco, Mr. and Mis. a r Jack Thompson andi !amily, Osir- ma awa, were Sunday visitais of Mr. sen and Mis. Fred Lyle.3 .A record conaldeied unique i the IriE istory of country scirools exists at the Dale scirool house, two mles nartir ha of Pot Hope. Out of twenty-five Ho pupils attending the school, tirore Eg are foui pairs a! twlns accauntlng Cal foi eigit af the total attendance. vtsi Mis. Wlnnlfred Meldrum is tire Mr teacirer. ani ani * ma Du WATCH REPAIRING Fm six ii makes o! watchos, dlocks anc jewellery. Goods called for and deliveied. ai. ity For tire correct time cal 463. Mo hi J. R. MOORE Mi Thre Jeweler af * .in de JC Household L a pi lei EconomyM Tirore are so many bar- N gains in aur drug store tirat it is N impossible ta advertise tirem ail, pi but here are a f ew N irl SPECIALS Io For the Cblldrn J ac Ciild's Tootir Brusir and h Inffated Rubber Animnais 19C pi F For thre Baby W 15c Wasir Clotir c 30e Tiny Tot Sap ai Both for 29c c For thre Ladies S 50c Shari Perfume c: $1.00 Shari Face Powdeî Both for $1.00 Q n For the Men 35c Shaving Creani 25c Tooth Paste Both for 3Uc attire Jury & Lovel When we test cycu It in doue ' Propely t> n ai Ca o z y, n 5., Ca O o No Freak MadelS Na Sensa- )CAL and OTHERWIS L(L dns. Cora MacMaster and daugh- 1 Betty, spent a f ew daya in Osir- we awitir hon sistor, Mis. Gamble. 1 [iss Marianoe Hutchison iras ne- fat med f rom a very plessant manth's St. oi trip in and around New Yark ;y.mie %las Dorothy M. James, town, T. s. A. G. Nartirway and Misa Mary Noitirway, Toronto, sailed f ram re< utreal Fniday by tire C. P. R. la îciress. o! Athol" 11ta spend two ritirs tauing tire Britishr Islea and si cContinent. mi [embois o! tire Bowmanviile Wo- .n'a Institute desire ta tirank all toi izens for tire klndly reception giv- oe them dux-lng tire canvass last ek for tire Canadian Institute for eBlind. If any were overlooked PE nse irand yaur donation ta any of ais emembers tuia week. Proceeds ta e are about $132. dia Boys' Training Sciroal cadets, who > re lnspoctod an Monday, attended h urci parade at St. Paul's Unitedi iurcb Sunday morning and pie- Bi ated an exceptionslly amant ap- M .iance when on tire marcir.ire >aded by tiroir bugle band and irtly dressed in kiraki thoy won tir eadmiration o! ail wiro aaw tirem. in ,v Dr. Best preached an eloquent 3 rmon foi tire occasion. A~bout 50 menibers of Palostine nc iapter, Royal Arcir Masons, No. C( 9, G. R. C., attended divine ser- mî ce at St. John's Anglican Chuncir Sunday morning in charge of!Ex- fi )mp. John Baker. Two o! tire m mirs, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle and hi F. red C. Hoar, of tire Cirapter, ad thre passages of scrnpture, and S Lroctor, Rev. C. R. Spencer,:asoM ruember of tire cia! t, preached a ] ost apprapniate and enlightening rmon on Masonry. M(r. and Mia. Frank Ailum and C is, a! London, England, wiro are on :iei last lap o! a world tour wirich as taken theso tlrough France, olland, Italy, Spain, Holy Land, ai gypt, New Zealsnd, Australla and (L. anada, have been in tis district A Jlting relatives, lncludlng Mn. and [rs. W. Chapmnan, Hanmpton, Mi. oî d Mis. T. H Gibbrs, Tyrone, Mi. la id Mia. Geo. Gibbs, Oshrawa, aud vw r. sud Mis. B. H. Mortlock, Bow- kauville. Tirey leave by tire S. S. uchesa o! Bedford for England onC rmday morning, after an absence o! i ýx months. FAREWELL TO MES. ROBINS I. e On Tuesday sîternoon, June 2nd, 1 Itire Misslonary Societies a! Trin- 0 ;y UnitedCh iurci met ta tire achool om to bld fareweil ta Mis. (Rev.) è Lbins, wira wlU soon be leavig for 1~ [ei new fieldi a! labor in Listowel. a nrs. F. A. Foster, president, opened r LO meeting witir a suitable hymu, Iter whici r Ms. T. G. Mason led nprayer. After tire business and [votional exorcises and rail call, a plendid prograso was presided aven )y Mis. F. H. Marris. Mis. J. H. iohnston gave a paper on "Ideal ,iving"; MiLs. D. J. Cirambers sang Lsolo, with Mrs. Ruby Daniels as Lanist; readifig, Mis. C. A. Bart-r ett; a trio, Mis. Chambers, Mis. H.t 4. Poster, and Mis. Anderson as Lanist; Mis. Nole Garbutt rendor- id a pretty selectian; piano solo,i ,sa A. Pnoutt; reading, Mia. F. H. Uoody; solo, Mis. T. W. Cawker, ýianist, Ciras. Cawker; piano duet, [nrs. Smith Fergusan and Miss Paul- ne Wagar, Mis. Robins was tien ,alleC ta tire plat! orm wirere Mis. W. C. Ives, president of tire Alice ackson Bandi, made a veîy fltting ddresa, speaklag a! tire wouderful ielp rendered by Mis. Robins ta irer Ln holping carry on tire woîk. In nroper timo, littie Misa Dorotiry Richards presented Mis. Robins witir a beautiful bouquet. Mia. Chas. A. Wight thon read a veX7 fine addness i boirai!o! Missionary Sa- lieties, apeaking a! tire very great help Mis. Robins irad been in tire W. M. S. work, being president for o giany yoars. Tire five piesidonts of t he different societies at tis time uresented Mis. Robins witb a codai chest, wltir walnut finish, and a wal- nut ffoor lamP. Mis. Robins, al- thougir almost avercomo, madle a very feeling repli' tianking ail wiro had been sa kind, remindtag ail o! her endearment ta Trnnty cirurch and ita people. LUnchean waasone- ved by tire ladies sud a social irour spout, claaing by ail singlng "«Blest be tire tie tiat binda." MOTRER FINDS OUT "-There are so many places one can go! " signed Joan, as tire famlly helCi its annual vacation argument. "If one only knew more about them " ,i wonder." suggested Motirer, ,if it wouldn't ire a good plan ta telepirone some o! them? Mis. Smitir always does!" Tire up- shat o! It was Motion did telepirane. and tire famly decided on a place So we ".drseed" oui organisa- tion to meet thre obanred conditions. No sactliceoOf quality or style-flot a bit- but more efficient merchandis- ing aud btter pices, because we know that'u what oui cas- touIons waat. Tire Little Shoppe Wltir tire large Fresi r î9cI of New Frocks Vocal solos were ploasingly re ered by Mis. F. H. Moody and M:Nicholas; 'vocal duet, Mis. Ma and Mi. Nicholas; and a readlni Min. Moady. Thre prap-am was greatly enis sud President Feigusn and Young people are greatly indebtei ail who no kindly ssisted ln futra lng tulle excellent program. )CAL and OTHERWISE Mris. Jennie Giahan isl spendlng a ek at her home in Newtonville. Mr!. and Mis. F. G. Pundy and miy necently vlsited irer sister at t. Marys. Mis. G. W. Grant Toronto, is mnding a week wlth Mi. and Mis. .C. Jewell. Mr!. Walter Nalsir was in Toronto ýently for a serious operation but recovorlng niceiy. Mr!. and Mis. Geo. Bail, Toronto, ont Sunday with irer sistera, tire ss Allen, Beecir Ave. Dr. and Mis. S. G. Clemence, Vic- ia, B. C., are visiting tiroir num- roua relatives in tis vlcinity. Mi. and Mis. Wilbei't J. Hancoci, tteibara, spent Sunday with bis ster, Mis. J. T. Fee, Division St. Mr. and Mis. Alan Luxton and augirter Frances, Buffalo, N. Y., »nt the weekend with relatives us. Mr. and Mis. Hairy Rose, Soutir îay, spent Sunday wltir ier aunt, lass Lizzio Spiy, and other finonda ere. Mis. W. A. Bunner la attendlng e Woîld's W. C. T. U. convention iToronta whlcir extends f rom June to 12., Miss Irene Stewart and Mr. Ver- Ln Clark, Toronto, vislted Mis. A. olwell, Carlisle Ave., over tire rekend. Dr. R. W. Clark iras iecovered rnm iris recent sickness in Bow- anville Hospital and iras resuniod s practice. Capt. and Mis. M. Isbester, King- on, and Mn. and Mis. H. D. Wighrt- an spent tire weekend witi r irends n Toronto. Mr. and Mis. A. J. Honey, Van- îuvor, B. C., aie visiting hon sister, Ens. J. W. Bunner, and iris siater, rs. Geo. B. Blckle. Mi. and Mis. Clarence Woodloy mid two cirildien, Tyrane, were Sun- laY guests o! Mi. and Mis. J. H. Udread, Mapie Grove. Mr. and Mis. W. Matirews, Toi- )to, and Mi. and Mis. A. Mathews uotored to London and spent tire week with Mis. Milton Marnow. Mr. J. T. Hooper la ropnosenting Bowmanviile Council No .17, C. O. F. . at Grand Council meeting be- Ig held i Hamilton tis week. Congratulations ta Misa Dorothý M. James who iras successfufly pasa- ed irer f ourtir year examliations ir Medicine at tire University o! Tar- onto. Mi. and Mis. Ciras. Bartiott anc daugirter Semis, and Mis. John Gay T®ronto, weie recont visitais a! Mr and Mis. Clintan Gay, Sprlngbraok nesi Stirling. Miss Doiotiry Foster, A.T.C.M. Rock Mills, Miss Mary Filay, Mis Mfarion G. B. Warder, Messrs. Rus seil Hudson snd Elgin Mullin, Foyer ,iram, spent tire weekend w1th Mi tnd Mis. R. H . Waîder. Rev. and Mis. S. J. Allia an, daugirter, Mis. Turner, Torantc were recent guests o! tire former' sistors, Mis. Anna Elford and Mr. EKate Wigirt. They also vislted tir Atpple Blossom district and oni oye tire besuties o! nature in tire goo old county of Durhasm. Wiren Wes. Cawker sees a gaa buncir of cattle ire csn't leave thire until ireiras them. bought. Tirat whathirppened wiren ire sot iris eyî on a sextette o! Young steers boin fattened at tire Boys' Trainin Scirool faim. They were toa goo ta ire ailpped sway SO, Mr. Cawki coralleil theni for iris custamors. SE photas o! these fine steers i C. Iý Cawken & Son's window. Mis. Ciras. Phillipa, Maidatan writlng ta bier aister, Mis. Jas. Wigl of Bawmsnville, sondair er a newt paper clipping fîom a Windsor pal or wiricir gives a photo a! four nou( genarians o! Essex County: Thami Phillips, Maidstane township, 1 yeaîs aid on May lotir; Lewis 1 Tarrant, 93 yeais old ou Octaber 2 1930; John MUlne, 92 on Octaber and Sam Iler o! Essex, 92 on Mi iStir. A Party waa ireld at tire la tei's home wirere tirea s a birti day cake witir 92 pink candles. 0 Darlingtan residonts wll remomir Thromas Phillips and his brotir 1William who occupied tire farn nortireast o! Tynane, now occupi by Mr. Donald Davey. Thre wiit o! tire letter montions that Mr. Ph lips la qulte brigirt and cbooiY, b that Mis. Philipa is a veiy gre sufferer. r Lswnmowers sirpened, satisfa tion guaianteed. D. R. Aldrei jblacksmitir. Khqg Street. WEDDING Honeywcil-Ross IN MEMORIAM HAMLEY - In lovig MemarY Of my dear wtfe, Bella Hanna H-amley, who paseed away June 4th, 1928. W. A. Hamley. SHARP-In loving memaory of Sergt. James Sharp kilIed at Zillebeke, June 2, 1916, son ko! Mrs. Andrew Sharp aldthe late Mr. Andrew Sharp, Enniskillen. Onie by one life'. ties are broken; One by one they are linkeil above; Some day there will be a sweet reunion, Once agaiwlth thoue w.n love. Mother, Brother ad Sîsters. HALFACRE - In lavig memomy of William H. Halfacre, who passeil away onm June 6th, 1930. In silence he suffereil, In patience he bore, Until Goil calied hlm home To sufer no mare. Wlfe and Grandson Ted. BRANTON-In loving memory o! my dear father, J. IL Branton, who passed away June 2nd, 1919. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps hie memory ever dear; Christ will llk the bMken chain, Clamer wien w. meet agaîn. Ever remembered by Cella and Dicli Floral Desigus Firet clama work for ail occa.sions Wreathrn, Sprays, Pillova, Brides' Bau Quels. etc. Also permanent Wreatha fo the cemetery ini beauliful floral efect. KINOSWAV NURSERIES On Hlghway 2 streets east of Liberty SI Phono 144 Bowmanvilll NOTICE Vanstane's Mil wil Wodnoaday sfternuons July and Auguast. ire closed or durlng June 22-, NOTICE Mr. W. F. Ward, barrister, wisir to announce tirat ho iras retuinedb take up iris practice and wil eire his office on King Street at tire us ual hours. COLLACUTT CêIMC9ILUNES TIME TABLE Leave Bowmanvllle Leave Bowmanvil (Westbound) <Eautbound) 8.10 a. m. 9.20 a, m. 10.50 a. nm. 11.50 a. m. 1.50 P. M. 3.05 P. M. 5.20 p. m. 5.05 P. M. 8.50 P. M. 7.05 p. m. 12.20 a. m, (midnight) 9.45 P. M. Oayight Saving Tîme Arrangements have been made with Q proprietar o! ther Balmoral Hotel f( waiting room conveniences. For al Ir formation regardlng arrivaI and dVi ure o! aur coaches Phone 322. CAfflS 0F THANKS Mis. J. A. Fry and son, Praspei iStreet, wlsh ta tirank tiroir mar, frlends and nelgirbois foi flawer fruit and inquiries at time o! hi accident. Mis. Arthrur Jones, Prospect S wishes to tirank Dr. Storey, also tl matron and nuises, foi care and e 1ceodlng klindnoss during irer open rtion at Bowmanvlllo Hospital,,ai r er many klnd fInonda and neig] s borsofoi visitsanmd figwex'a sent. 1 AUCTION SALE Houfehold Fumuture & Furalehimg Saturday, lun e th. I bave been instuucted to soU by public auction, Saturday, June 6tir, 1931, on tire promises on Ontario Street, Bowmanville, noit door soutir o! H. J. Babcock, a quantity o! houseirold fuinituro and f urnisir- inga, includlng; 1 oak extension din- ing roorn table, with chairs, 1 f un- ed aak buffet, nearly new; 1 player piano wltir stool sud nolls; chester- field sud twa chairs; 5 rockers; 2 straigit chiar; S3m-&D tabWe; combined bock case and wrlting desk; bed, spring and mattres;2 dressons; waudiobo; 1 extension kit- chou table and chairs; 1 setteo wltir chairs ta match; library table; oak rocklng chairs; ideboaud; dosk; 3- burner gas stovo; swinglng iran- mock; refrlgerator; bigir chair; car- pots; books, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. standard tinie. Torna Cash. If you have ani' furulture arouud your homo you would liko ta dispose of! at thia tue ktadly natif y Mr. C. Hl. Mason sa that you may dispose o! same itis sale. C. H. ma»on, Wm, Chala, Sec'y.-Treas. Auctioneer. LAWN.M~OWERS Brlng in youî lawn mowors and have thom sirarpened and adjust- ed at reasonable prices. Also ail kinda of waod-work. Cryderman & Morrow m1v.'Sho - lwavle BIRTHS WOOD-In Orona, on May 19th, 1931, ta Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wood, a son- Keith Egertan. BUNNER - At the Prince of Wales College, Achimota, Gold Coast, Afrîca, on May 30th, 1931, ta Mr. and Mrs. Kel- vin Bunner, a son (David New~ton). DEATHS UNDERHIILL - At Bowmanville, on Monday, June lat, 1931, John Herbert, dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Maur- ice J. Underhifl, aged 10 years, 1 month. Funeral from St. John's Anglican Ohurch, Bowmanville, on Thuraday, June 4th, at 2.30 P. nm. Interment in Bowmanville Cemeteiry. MASON - In Bowmanville, on Satur- day, May '30th, 1931, Samibel W. Maman, aged 81 years. HENRY - In Burketon, an Monday, May 25th, 1931, Jeremiah Henry, aged 75 years. Interred at Cadmus. GRAHAM-In Laramie, Wyoming, on Sunday, May Siat, 1931, Jenle Chapple, beloved wlfe of John T. Graham, aged 62 yeara. Only sister o! Mua. F. M. Sauch, Bowmnanville. MITCHELL-At her home in Aliston, Maas., on Tuesday, June 2nd, 1931, Miss Minnie Mitchell, daughter of the late Anthony Mitchell o!fZMon, Darlîngtan. Twin Blter of Mim.AI!. Vanflyke, Ked- on. FOUI ai Staie LOST. 728,.e Pleesei manvit FU RN covere<; Mig. ville. WAN' public Sepleir clase c Sec. -Trg shiré,4 FOR 2 week High i FOR hel.1 Darlig FOR on top clame iÀ Mrs. manvill FOR Woodh livered hanse Bowma FOR Ume@. elabora Svery should knowle taire $ may bt write HOU roomea Hampt GAIý yon CJ d Mtche HOU 7-rooz hardw4 goadg *rent r Apply Barley FOR ~bungu -garder rPhilp, ÏOther i )n F0F L, Queen 2 venue house 6 roji eslandl treei, ta Mrm. in mac'; Ls- Ow ner, UIl ta Co * byJi ment On will1 Ganl eral who fr In- U' writ rmis ect- nrs. he ex- ýra- tid gh- Lost or Fouad ID-Lady's fountain pen. Âpply esman Office. 22-tf r-Automobile license plate, FMt- *tween Bownianville and iiaydon. Snotify Bd. Phiilip, R. R. 6, Bow- le. Phone 320r23. 23-1* Wanted NITURE UPMOLSTERED and re- 1; closed car tope and Inuide trlm- J. A. Fry, Scugog St., Bowmsil Phone 536. 10-tf-i. ITED - Teacher for EnnisklUen Sschool, duties te comnence ln mber, 1931; Protestant; lut or 2nd certificats. Apply Adam Sharpe, reas. &. R. 2, Burketon. 23-21 Aricesi For Sale VFOR SALE-Jersey and Ayre- 4 years old, just renewed. T. W. r, Bowmianville. 23-1 1SALE-Purebred Jersey bull cal!, sit old. Apply to Geo. Mason, St., Bowrnanvllle. Phone 451. Z2-1 qSALE-Buckwheat, 50e per bus- Bert Rice, 1'yrone, Lot 5, Con. 9. iton, north of Sauit Church. 23-3 1SAL.E-Electric stove, 3 burners )p with oven underneath, ln flrst condition; will seUl cheap. Apply C.Robinson, Prospect St., Bow- lle. 22-2* FSALE--Cordwood, sold ln cord- length or cut ln stove length; de- I on short notice. F. Foley, next Swest of Cream of Earley Camp, nanville. Phone 717. 22-tf RSALE-Complete et ot 10 vol- of encyciopedia "The World Book, rately leather bound ln art crs.ft rhome where tbere are cldren dhave thes wond.rful books of ledge, prof ueely iUustrated. Wili $25 leun thon original pries. Books je seen at The Statesman Office or 113. R." Drawer B. Bowmanvllle. To LAt JSE TO RENT - Ini Hampton, 5 a,Âpply te Mis. Jas. Jebsan, ýRAGE TO RENT--Centraiy located liurch St. Âpply ta Mfr. J. B. el. Phone 4. 22-tf ÎUSE TO7 RENT-On Ontario Street, ned, brick, modern convenlences, wood floors downstairs, garage and garden. Phone 389. 20-tf USE TO RENT--On George Street, reasonable, water and convenienoes. [y to F. Foley, west of Cream o! ey Camp, Bowmnanville. 22-t! M RENT - Brick 8-room sei- ;alow; modern conveniecoes; good en; possesorion Âpril lot. J. R. PScugog St., Bowmanvllle. 10-tf )MMER COTTAGE TO RENT - At lms Point, Lake Scugog. For fur- information apply ta A. W. Pickard. gSt. ,Bowmanville. Phone 185. 23-tf Real Estate For Sale DR SALE-6-roomed brick house on en St, near Liberty; moderate con- ices; good garden; garage and hen e. For particulars apply ta C. L. er, Box 485. Bowmanviile. 23-1* OR SALE-Prame hause, containing ome, light and water, aise 1 acre o! 1on whIch are apple and other fruit s; bargai for quick sale. Apply i.O. Somnerscales, Duke Street, Bow- mville. 23-1w TAKE NOTICE! ving ta the death o! aur senior part- ,Mr. W. B. Cbuch, Couch, Johnston Crydermian Co. Ltd., have been asked collect ail o! their cuetomere accounts rune 3Qth, ln order ta make a settle- t with hlm estate. jn and a!ter the above date accounts be placed i the hande o! M. G. V. id. thme solicitor for the Toronto Gen- ,Trust Co. and Capt. C. W. B. Meath oare the exeutors. LAUMDET WAI<TE dl kinds af laundry work done prompt- satisfactorily and at reasonable pricea te Pont Office Box 12, or con Mri Marioram, Kig Street Beat, Bow- avine. Phone 47L Now a Part of Bowmanville The electors of Bownianville have given us a splendid welcome to their community. We appreciate this Wonderfui expression of your confidence in ou» company. It is our aim to give Bo'wmanville, as woon as possible, a service that will be an asset to the community, that 'will help in its industrial development, and will make it ua better town ini whiCh to liVe. Only as we give you service that will satisfy you, can we make you our friends, can We hope Wo develop as an important part of Bowmanville, and as -a large factor in promoting your piiosperity. It is our aim Wo help build Up Bowmanville's future by seeking to live up tW our motto, WE PROSPER AS WE SERVE LET US GROW WITH YOU Ontario Shore Gas Co. Ltd. J. T. Milner, Vice-PTesiJ nsd General Manager ml ' T of' i'll "t. -' ~ r M ~ 2 Il i I"Change" SAID THE BAROMETER Clarence S. Mason Oý-0e doo11 Vet Oif P . F.orris Co. pwmioe B oum»VIf i s I Six Choice Steers. PURCHASED FROM BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL, BOWMANVILLE Always on the lookout for choice young well fed cattie we purchased this week six very choice 2 year old past steers in the pink of condition. We haven't seen any bet±er ini the township fdg¶ some time. This choice beef will be available for our customera the first of the week. So phone ini your order for a roast or steak of this delicious juicy and tender beef. According Wo quality you will find that our meat competes with any on the market f031 econ- omy and best value. C. M. Cawlcer & Son- Phone 64 Purveyors Bowmanvile - Rmum Il--- 1 -- 1 Summer Furniture More Especiaily for the Warm Summer Days With which you may enjoy more fully the warm days of Summen relax and rest Summer Chairs Veranda Chairs snd Couches Hammo Couches, with or without canopy Veranda Shades, green or brovwn Cushions Lawn Settees Ail at very low prices& Corne anid see these goods at F. F. Morris Co. Phone 10 FURNITURE Bowmanvilk

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