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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1931, p. 7

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.5.- .. . TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWVMANVILLE, PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, JUNE lltb. 1931 LOCAL and OTHERWISE Miss Margaret Pollock has gone on a trip to visit friends in Ireland. t Irs E. Belman has been visiting !elativýes aLt Toronto, Guelph and MStratford. Mits Edith O'dell. R.N., Baltimore, Md.. is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. B. Mitchell. Mrs. Geo. Reaman, Richmond Hill, spent Sunday with her son. Dr. G. E. Reaman. Mr. Raymond W. Cole, Windsor,1 recently spent a weekend with bis f ather, Mr. W. C. Cale. Principal and Mrs. J. H. Johnstofl, Bert and Eleanor, spent the weekend with bis brother at Listowel. Misses Sadie and Laura Virtue, Torornto, spent the weekend with their sister, Mrs .C. W. Sleman. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Young and son, Toronto, spent the weekend wth Mrs. F. H. Marris, Elgin St. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hefkey, Dray- tan, have been visiting their son, Mr. 1. G. Hefkey, Manager Royal Bank. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Bickeil and family, Oshawa, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Hobbs. Miss Ethel Osborne, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber brother, Mr. Everett L. Osborne, Welington Street. Mr. Robt. Worthington and Miss Vemna Miles, Lindsay, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster. Mr. G. E. Lewis, wbo preacbed in Trinity United Church on Sunday, was guest o! Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alun and fam- ily, and Miss McMullen, Toronto, ý,pnt Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Wm. Habbs. ËMr. and Mrs. W. G. Rabbins and Mrs. Ueo. Calan have returned from spending a week with relatives in Rochester, N. Y. Miss Reta T. Bennett and Miss Betty Tamblyn spent the weekend in Toronto with the former's sister, Mrs. S. H. French., Mrs. I. Tabb attended the funeral o! her brother, Mr. William Ashby, Warsaw, New York, wha passed away an May l9th. Chie! of Police Sydney Ventan and Mrs. Venton are in Quebec Clty thL- week attending the convention o! the Chief Constables Association of tanada being beld at the Cbateau Frqnenac. ~rs. T. E. Higginbotham. Nelson, B.t ., who was a delegate ta the Do- milion Board of Missions of the W. M...S. of the United Cburch recently helf in Toronto. is visiting her sis- ter Mrs. F. M. Cryderman, and old frit ds bere. WILLIAMS$ ICE announces NEW DAILY TRUCK DELIVERY B0wmanville AND Newcastle PHONE 716 BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL TEACHING STAFF Mr. L. W. Dippeil, B. A., Principal and Teacher of Science (5), Miss H. Bail, Teacher of Physical Tra in- ing and Lower School Subjects (8>; Miss I. Clement, Teacher of Commercial Subjects (1), Mr. B. Ingham, M. A., LL. B., Teacher of French and German (6); Mr. T. A. Miller, B. A.. Teacher o! Physical Training and Lower School Subjects (4); Miss C. I. Ogden, B. A.. Teacher of History (7); Miss I. K. Smith, B. A.. Teacher of English and Art (3); Miss E. M. Stedman, B. A.. Teacher of Latin and Greek (9); Mr. G. L. Wagar, M. A.. Tcrher of Mathematics (2). Congratulations to Miss M. A. agar, daughter o! Mr. and Mrb. L. Wagar. on ber tieîng for first lace in second honors at the U. o! exams for English and History. Mrs. F .M. Tamblyn and Mr. and frs. M. W. Taniblyn attended the redding o! the !ormer's niece, Miss 'athîcen MeMurtry and Mr. Leslie ;Parker in Eglinton United Church 'ranta, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ashton, fydon, Ont.. announce the engage- ,nt o! their only daughter, Meta Iara. to Mr. Arthur F. Read, eider on o! Mr. Robert and tbe late Mrs. Lead o! Haydon, the marriage ta .ke place the latter part o! June. Among the Toronto passengers aving last week for Winnipeg via 1N. R. was Mrs. Ellen Romilly, other o! Mrs. R. H. Coilacutt. &rs. Romilly bas gane West to re- ide with anather daugbter, Mrs. A. Hluett, wif e o! the Town Con- able, o! Shoal Lake, Man. The Williams' Ice Ca. blossomed orth Wednesday with a brand new notar truck to inaugurate its im- Soved delivery service in Bowman- 11le and Newcastle. Under new anagement patrons o! Ibis flrm are ssured o! a prompt daily dellvery ýevce of ice by phonlng 716. Mr. Douglas Fraser o! Hollywood, lai!., son o! the late Rev. R. D. Praser, a former minister o! St. 3aui's Cburch. was in town Thurs- ly calling on old acquaintances and -newing the scenes of bis youth bile on bis way to, spend the sum- ner in Georgian Bay district. He vas guest o! Editor and Mrs. Ueo. V. James. Mrs. A. H. Bounsaîl was a recent gi,- st of ber parents, Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Bedell, Bloonmfield. Mr. Boun- sa!! notored down on Saturday, Mrs. Bounsali returning borne with bim. Mr. Art Lobb, who has been in Toronto Western Hospital since lasu November sufcring !rom spinal meningitis, is rccuperatîng at the home o! bis brother, Mr. Arnold Lobb. Aniang the degrees to lie confer- red by the University o! Toronto on Thursday, June 111h. is that o! Doc- tar o! Pedagogy on Mr. E. F . Wil- loughby a! the Kelvin Teccnical Scliool Staff a! Winnipeg, Man. Dactor Wilaoughby is well known in andl around Bowmanville, as at anc lime be was a student at Bowman- ville High Schaol and later taught at Sehoal Section Na. 3, Darling- ton. H-is wif e is a daugbter o! Mr. Ueo. VanDyke, Soutb Darlinglon. Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. Greenfteld and daughter Joan, and ber mother, Mrs. J. T. Bragg, left on Tucsday for Port McNicoil wbcrc tbey will take up residence. Mr. Grcenfleid was appointed station master at McMillan on the Canadian National Railway sanie weeks ago. Before leaving town a number o! Mrs. Greenficld's friends met at the home o! Mrs. W .A. Edger wbere a pleas- ant evening was spent and she was made the recipient o! a table lamp. A number of !riends o! Mrs. Bragg presented her before leavlng wtb a new United Church Hymnary and a bedroom dlock. The best wisbes o! aIl citizens !ollow Mr. and Mrs. Grecnfild and Mrs. Bragg to their new home. WEDDING Crowe--Hmmilton A very pretty wedding was sole.- nized in St. Andrew's Preshyterian Churcb. Bowmaniville. on Sat. June 6th when Eleanor Marion Murray, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton, Elgin Street, became the bride o! Francis Charles Crowe, son o! Mrs, R. J. Cairnduff , o! Bob- caygeon and the late Mr. Chas Crowe. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. J. Todd assisted by Rev. George Mason. The church was tastefully decorated wiîh huge sprays of lilac and bridai reath. To the aIrains o! the Wedding Mardi, played by Miss Leta L, Bragg, thse bride entered the church on thse arm of ber father. Lcading down the aisle were the nsaid of honor, Miss Caroline Hamîi- ton, sister of the bride, and Miss Marion Leggett and Miss Olive Jones, the bridesmaids. The bride looked charming in full length gown of eggsbel crepe with accessories to match. She wore a veil of Chantilly lace caught up with a wreath of orange blossoni. The niaid of honor wore an ankie length gown o! pale yellow crepe with bat and shaca to match. Tbe bridesmaids were attired in like gowns but in con- trasting colora o! pink and orchid. Mr. Ernest Purdy was best man and Mr. Bruce Cameron and Mr. Max Tuerk were ushers. Durlng the alan- ing of the register Miss Bragg piayed organ muuic. Following thse ceremony a reception was held for relatives and close friendsata the home of the bride on f gin street wbere a buffet luncheon wa.aer-ved. Later tbe happy couple lefI for Lindsay and points North. The bride's ,going away costume was a green ensemble suit. On tbeir re- turn Mr. snd Mrs. Crowe wiil reside an George Street. Previous to ber marriage thse bride was thse recipient of eev=rl "sbowers" la which se re- ceived a number of ueful gifta. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Mr. G. E. Lewis of Emmanuel Col- lege, Toronto, wbo supplied the pul- pit of Trinity United Church an Sunday, based bis maorning theme on Fsalm 73 in which the, prasperity of the wicked and the suifferings o! the righteous are depicted-a pict- ure true in modern Ide and one which bas puzzled many foilowers o! Christ. He drew some very helpful lessons. His cvening discaurse was based on the wards of Paul, "I caunt not myself . . . forgettmng those things which are behind . .. I press toward the mark, etc." He discus- sed the present depression. the most alarming condition that has ever faced the warld. He painted out its effects on the Christian Church and the attitude that should be assumed to meet the conditions. Paul's aim should be the aim o! ail, keeplng oui eyes on the goal and pressing toward the mark of aur high callng in Christ Jesus. Ini addition to the an- thems by the choir, a quartet. Mrs. R. Tbompson. Mrs. H. M. Poster, Miss Helen Argue and Mrs. J. E. An- derson, sang "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" at the mornlng service, and Miss Alic Medd sang a solo at the evening service. LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinde of laundry work donc prompt- Y, satlsfactoriy and at reasonable price. WVrite Post Office Box 12, or cali Mms W. Marjoram, KCing Street Eaat, Bow- ,nanvIlle. Phone 47&. RAILWAY TIMl TABLE CaMadia National Ralway (Standard Time> wEBT SOUND EAST SOUND 8.50 a. mn. 9.28 a. m. 7.22 p. nm. 6.00 P. nM. o 9.38 p. mi. 11.23 p. mi. 11.59 P. nM. 9-Dally exoept Sunday; o--Dally except Saturday. CanadianPaclflc Railway (Standard Time) WEST BOUND EAST SOUND t15.17 a. ni. D 9.42 a. ni. 06.15 a. mi.* 2.47 p. ni. D 2.47 p. ni. D 11.27 p. ni. - 7.16 p. mi. t 12.20 P. ni. D.-Daily; *-Daily except Sunday; o-Daily for passengers ta Toronto; Y-Daily for points west of Toronto. Canadian National Railway Tyrone Station Effective Sunday, April 28th. Insteafi o! Monday, Wednesday and Frlday, trains go Tuesday, Tiuraday and Saturday. Golng We8t - About 11.45 a. ni. Gong East -6.45 p.m. UMBREL LAS A representatii e froni the Qu een City tmbrella Co. s in 13 ilin- ville 10 repsAir and recover your umn breilas at posltively mihe lowest prie- es, una&U tihe nia erila Suse A are made in our own factory. KAndly have unihrellaa rea4y as lie will caîl at your home any tinie and, will do tlie work In your.'own home. UMIBRELLA M". CO 577 Bathur4 St. - Toronto i _____________________________________________________________ BIRTHS SMYTI-E - To Mr. and M.%rs. John Sillytlie, N, wton ville, Ont., on May 24th, '4 sun. HUSACK - In Toronto, April 9ti, to .Mr. andi lre .*10o11nIl 11usaclk, Sliws, 1ýarji ngton, a Iauglhter. DEATHS Sa UCH-In l3owmanville, on Wednes- day, June lth, 1931, Jane. widowv of the late J ohn Souch, in her 89th year. Funeral private from the residence of her son-in-law. Mr. Smyth O'Brien, Queen St., on Friday, June 12th, at 2.30 p. m. to Bowzanville Cemetery. SKELDING-1n Clarke, June 2nd, 1931 Russel S. Skelding, aged 40 years and 4 mon ths. 00W N-Jo Bowmanville, on Saturday, June 6th, 1931, Caroline, widow of the late Robert H. Down. HUGH-In Port Hope, on May 3t, 1931, Mande C. Jex, beloved wife of Mr. Fred Hugh, in her 30th year. JACKSON-Sui3denly at Port Perry, on Tuesday. Juno bnd, 1931, George Jackson, beloved husband of Zula Ton- kin, in his 69th year. DOBSON-At Stratford, aithle home of her daugiter, 14rs. Charles Dingman, Mary Jane Maguire, wldow of the late William Dobson, formerly of Orono. PAGE - In Enniskillen, on Monday, June 8th, 1931, Jean Isabel, youngest daughter of Sirs. Page and the late Stanley Floyd Page, aged Il montis, 14 days. HOCKIN--On Wednesday, June 101h, 1931, at 801A St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto, Sarah Ann Mathewson, wlfe of the late Richard Hodkin, In ber 87th year. In- terred at Orono. SMITH-At Wlllowdale, on Monday, June Sth, 1931, Nelle Axford, beloved ivife of Athaniel Smth, aged 76 years. Sister of Charles Axford, Maple Grove. Int«eiment at Bowmanville Cemetery. Floral Design& PArsI clans work for ail occasions, Wreaths, Sprays, Pillows, Brides' Bou- quets, etc. Alec, permanent Wreaths for Aie cenietery n beauliful floral effet KINGSWAY NURSERIES On Hlghway 2 etreets east of Liberty St. Phone 144 Bowmanvlile Wauted Hemotitichirsg and picot-edglng work done promptly. Send or phone order to Mrs. Hobbs, Liberty St., Bownianville. P'hone 561. 24-4 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED and ce- covered; closed car tops and inside trini- ming. J. A. Fry. Scugog St., Bownian- ville. Phone 636. 10-tfl1 WORK WANTED-By the day on and after June 16th, waahing, cooking or cleaning. Apply Mrs. Ed. Clapp, over Mijîlers Barber Shop, King St., Bow- manville. 24-1* WANTED -- Teacher for Enniskillen public school, duties t0 commence n September. 1931; Protestant; lot or 2nd class certlylcate. Apply Adami Sharpe, Sec.-Treas. R. R. 2, Burketon. 23-2 WANTED - Experienced teacher for Maple Grove Sohool, S. S. No. 6, Dar- lington; duties 10 commence Sept. let; personal applications preferred. Apply te Noble Metcalf, Sec.-Treas., R. R. 2, Bowmanville. Phone 477r3l. 24-tf Articles For Sale FOR SALE - Re-cleaneel Sesed Buck- wheat, at Tyrone Miii. Apply L. J. Goodman. Phone 181r22. 24-2 FOR SALE-Buckwheat, 5Oe per bus- hel. Bert Rce, Tyrone, Lot 5, Con. 9, Darlington, north of Sault Church. 23-3 COTTAGE TO RENT-At the Lake,. eazt side. Apply Mrs. A. Bingham, Queen St., Bownianville. Phone 159. 24-2w BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE - 50c per busisel; alan a limitefi quantity of pola- tues at 75e per bag. Âpply to S. Chas. Allin, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 136rl2. 24-2- FOR SALE-20 young Yorkshire pige; 2 young purebred Hostein eows, regis- tered and tested, to renew Inimediately. Apply R. L. 'Worden, R. R. 3, Bowman- ville. Phone l50r2l. 24-2e FOR SALE--Cordwood, sold n cord- wood lengli or cult In stove length: de- llvered on short notice. P. Foley, nexî house west of Cream of Barley Camp. Bowmanvllle. Phone 717. 22-tf FOR SALE-Coniplete set ot 10 vol- umes o! encyclopedia "The World Book", elaborately leather bound n art craft. Every home where there are oilîdren should have tiese wonderful booksofo knowledge, profusely Illustrated. WIII take $25 leas than original prie. Books may be seen at The Statesman Office or write "J. R." Drawer B. Bowmanville. TO Let GARAGE TO RENT-Apply to J. J. Mutton, King St., Bownianville. 24-1* HOUSE TO RENT - In Hampton, 5 rooma. Âpply te Mrs. Jas. Jebson, Hampton. 23-3* TO RENT-3.ro0nied apartnient and garage. Apply to T. Bennett, Scugog St., Bownianville. Phone 297. 24-1* HOUSE TO RENT-On George Street, rent reasonable, water and conveniences. Apply te F. Foiey, west of Cream o! Barley Camp, Bowmanville. 22-tf FOR RENT - Brick 8-rOoani emi- bungalow; modern convenisoces; good garden; possession April lot. J. R. Philp, Scugog St., Bowrnanvllle. 10-tf SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - AI Williams Point. Lake Scugog. For fur- ther information applY to A. W. PAkard. King St. ,Bownianville. Phione 185. 3t Real Estate For Sale FOR SAL.E-6-roomed brick bouse on Queen St., near Liberty; moderate con- veniences; good garden; garage and hen house. For particulars apply te C. L. H-ooper, Box 485. Bowmanville. 23-1P FOR SALE-Frame house, containing 6 roonis, li.ght and water, also 1 acre of land on which are apple and other fruit trees; bargain for quick sale. Apply Mrs. G. Somerscales. Duke Street, Bow- manville. 23-1w FARM FOR SALE-SO acres, being lot 22' con. 5, Darlington, on which are brick 8-roonied bouse with moderncounyon- iences; liard ansd soft water; outbuiid- ,ne In good repair; 3 acres orciard. Frparticulars apply on the premises te E. Haggith. Hampton, Ont. 24-tf TAKE NOTICE! Owlng t0 the death of Our senior part- fier, Mr. W. B. Couch. Couch, Johoston & Cryderman Co. Ltd., have been asked t0 collect ail of thelr customers accounts by June 8Qth, n order t0 make a cettle- ment with hie estate. On and after the above date accounts wAll be placed ln the.hanlde of M. O. V. (lould. the sollcitor.for the Toronto Gen- eral Trust Co. and Capt. C. W. ID. M.oath who are the «oecutor. AT LAST The Hot Weather Is Here We are ail glad that the sumimer is really witb us again, but we realige, the diffculty a! keeping f ood in bot weatber. The only satisfadtor# method is in a Refrigerator. Get one now and save money by eliminating waste. HERE ARE THREE ESPECIALLY PRICIED FOR QIJIOR SALE No, 1-S. M. P. White Enamel, large ie, trlmmed ec~f w mhnckle, very fine construction....... P45 No. 2-Monarch Grey Enamnel, medium sixe, a âine d1 n refrigerator at 10w cost ..................$1 O No. 3-Pearl Grey Enamel, large mize, a refrlgerator you wlIl be prond to own, and 10w ln cost to., e Speia Pice .................... $2.. p 1.50 Keep Out tFliMs with Scre Dooms sud Windows We bave a large stock of these doors and windows in various sizes and at prices that will suit the leanest purse. Drop lI and see them. COMIE TO THE BUSINESS MEN'S PIICNEC JMLY Sth. DUSTAN'S cash HARDWARE WE SERVE TOU WELL BOWMANVELLM $1.00 VALUE FORI One regular 5oc box Day Dream Face Powder, and yosa selection o!fany 50c Day Dream article BOTH FOR 59c. ThsEppRtny SLAron ek' Ths ppRtii S for onESek THE OEPENDABISg DRUG StORE AT The Smnart Shop June Sale ol DRESS Es GROUP NO. 1 Printed Silk Suits and one piece dreem ini plain and figured patterns; delightful styles and right up to the minute; reg- ular to $12,95 - June Sale Price ... $6.9 GROUP NO. 2 Smart Celanese Silk Dresses in a nice assort.. ment of shades; a w&zn weather drew, sleeveless and dainty;$4 9 June Sale Price ...................$49 GROUP NO. 3 Very Special - More coeservative styled dresses for the matrion; in dark colors and al new for this sale; sizes 381/2 to 46y2; these are exceptionally low priced , . at ......................................$69 GROUP NO. 4ý Bainty poreh and street dressèes of Peter Pan materialsý washiab1e and fast colors; you'i .Jie aý'nd especially 80 at this 19 ~î4~i~~ June Sale Price ...... 19 The Smnart Shop OOWAN BX W GEO. IL MASON, Mmnago. 4' -'I il If's Mighty Good Beef THAT'S WHAT THE CUSTOMERS ARE TELLING US The eattle we bought from the Boys' Training Sehool is now on sale to our eus- tomeî's in Choice Roasts and Tender Steaks. We are already getting a lot of favorable comments about this beef, as wve expected. It's certainly great beef-and youare missing a good thing if you don't try it. Our' prices favorably with any beef when quality is considered. Put us We are willing to abide by to the test. your decision, C. M.CawIcer & Son Bowmanville Purveyors 4~oe64 --a

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