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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1931, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILE, THURSDAY, JUNE llth, 1931 a~auvS - Vita-wid 'p FIrst-MARATHON "BLUE"Y Then-the Neiv-Improved CYCL NOW- a Perfected RED INDIAS MOTOR OIL FOR THE MOTORS 0F TO-DA) The Perfected RED INDIAN OILS besides having the highest lubricating qualities, have the following special advantages :- 1. MINIMUM CARBON DEPOSIT Preventing loss of Power through accumulation of carbon in the cylindera. 2. FREEDOM FROM WAX Keeping valves from stlcklng and oil aystem from cbogging. 3. HEAT RESISTING FILM Does flot break down or use up under high speeds. 4. LOW POUR TEST Withstanding cllmatic temperature changes effectively. RED INDIAN Iubricants have been developed in our Research Laboratories from selected crudes and are warranted to give you flot oniy PERFECT lubrication, but BETTER Travel via the C&B Uine to Clevelani points West and Southwest New Low Fares and e...uto 'Rates .. ........ Berween BUFFALO and CLEVELAND, May lst ta Nov. ist Icaving, cach way at 9:00 p. mi., atrrving 7:30 a. nm. (E.S.T. $4.50 one way . $7.50 round trip Autos ca,,ied ta lune i5rh and! aftc, Sebrt.,çh, $5.00 anvosite a. Summer raes, only $6 ya nid S7.50 Betwccn PORT STANLEY, CANADA, and CLEVELAND DER5IAM You can acquis-e auntan without SUNBURN. This lavely new toilet creation 9oothes, heals t is flot sidcy. 13ALM IMPROVE YO( Feeling Indifféent io foc of sorts? Depressed? S& Vous- digestive tract wi Çaster's lUttleILives- Pli tveg«etable. Gentle but thc They'll get s-Id of body r ticause Indigestion, et., and give you a tu terest infoodi. 25C & 715C e ripeck Aà ~Yom drugglt TRUPI ORONO IOBITUARY News For The (oo The News June 4th. William Caldwell, Tako, Sask. r x'sitars at lier father*s, Mr T. Smith. An old and highly etee ei Busy r armfer Mr. Howard Walsh is out around dent of Tako. Sask., in the person af again after sorne four weeks' illness. Wm. Caldwell, passed to rest, Wed- __________________________ Miss Shirley Porter is visiting licr nesday. April 22nd, 1931, aged sev- grandmother, Mrs. Oliver, Bobcay- ent.y-eighit years. Farmers' Week t 0. AX C. geon. prepas-ations are practicaily com- Rev. George Mason conducted Deceased was born near Enniskil- plet attheOntrio griultralCommunion services at Centre St. len, Ontario, and at an early age college, Guelphi, for the reception of church an Sunday. moved to Orono, and seven yeass thousands of guest fus-mers during Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph and in- later with this parents, made bis Farmers' Week, June 15th to 19th. f ant daughter spent Sunday with home at Pîcasant Point, Mariposa, Oneofth fnet nsttuios ! tsfs-icn<s at Brighton. wherc lie resided until 1899, seven kind on the continent, a wealtb of Mr. M. H. Staples is lay delegate ara!trhedth fhswic information is available there for for Os-ana Circuit to United Church Annie~ Sabra, daughter o! Amos 249 the f armesof Ontarito and no f arm.- Con! erence at Belleville. Mallary, Bowmanville. At this time er an ffrd a msstheoportun- Ms-s. Eldon Gamsby and sister, lie moved ta, Saskatchewan, where ity nfof vistm i the OflgPP ii and friend Mrs. Jolinstan, Toronto, he and 1115 tw05sons settled at Tako, _______time. Qest in tu wth our oca l hs pent Tuesday at Ms-s. A. A. Rolpb's. the place of residence ut bis death, agricultural represealtative for fur- A pleasant medicine for chllds-en bigtepoer fti e on thes- information segarding your is Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- t17. cut a tthe college. atar, and it is excellent for drlving TwsoCh-lsAanF-nkL touny da atWorms fs-rn the systein. w tsnse daugles Md rn .I.C The Bactes-iolgy Department ex- Misses V. Dofahough and T. So- LOUck5, 0! Gas-ugh sk, M s-s.C bibit at O. A. C. durlng Pas-mers' Ool oubs 110 n s.JmD.W. Nattrass o! Manyberries, AI- Week will feature legume inocula- Reynolds, Cleveland, were visitass lita and Ms-s. N. C. Moston of tion, plant and animal diseuses and over the weeltend witb Ms-. George Seattle, Wash., as-e lef t ta mourn bis the bacteria of dairY produce, and Armstrong. passing; alsa twa brothers, E. B. information will be made available Miss Margaret Dlckson spent the Caldwell o! Toronto, and M. J. Cald- as 110w best ta deal wlth the various weekend wlth bier sister, Miss Mar- well of Radville, Sask.; besides two dsae.ion Dlckson, of the CampbellfordsitsM-.Rn Brc0fPt disass.H. S. staff, wbo bas been re-engaged sPsers, adMs-s. W. Br.cDosoro The Field Husbandry Museum at Mornnothetyea. O. A. C. will provide interesting li- Excavation wark for the founda- Mnhse- formation for visitas-s duning P'arm- tion and cellar of the fine new resi- The funes-al was. largely attended es-s' Week, June lStb ta l9th. The dence ta be built on the southwest by fs-tends, amongst whom wes-e rcslts0f nuibe ofvaslet tetscornes- Main and Concession Streets, many o! the early settlers. Trhe *m oves- a pesiod a! five years with the south ward, is under way. mediate members af the family were rnaos-ty ! gain grwn xi >ntrio Word bas been received here that ail present ta pay thels- last respects will lie on vriwstgethswiOt a-o u former esteemed townsrnan, Ms-. ta a devoted and faithIul fathes-. formatio on vete eld o! grin-e John L. Rowe, now a resident of Interment was made at the Unity fracre, the yghier usof, rape Okotoks, Alla., bas not been enjoy- Cemetes-y a! tes- an inipressive ser- peacre, era eighprbt andlentb ing the best of healtb o! late. vice at the United Church, Unity, ofterc o vrng e aigtyafor eacb Ms-.and Ms-s. Percy Laws-ie and Rev. Ms-. Davis offlclatlng. oftmet cm t atrtyfr ahYoung son Hars-y, Windsor, spent_____________ variety te5ted. Monday wlth Miss Augusta Thsorn- - ton and athes- fs-ends, and le! t for recitations, vocal solos and cboruses, A Pas-m Water Supply Exrhibit at Kingston ta visit bier sistes-, Ms-s. ocupied practîcally the complete ail.C. typ Frmrs es u itl.service bous-, and the speaker o!-the 15t toigh, illshw abypeauO- Ms-. J. H. Walmsley, Mldland day, Rev. A. M. Irwln, B.A., B.D., 10 f!arm pumps, water systerns hda brancb of the Canadian Bank o! Oshawa, accordingly spoke ves-y ranfixture and septc ankmoels Commerce, bas been appointed ta briefly. In bis mntsoductos-y rernarks Prmfite indmati tonkthe varia succeed Ms-. Thomas Lytle, telles- at 11e corplimented the scbool, culogiz- subjees iforemati ablte vriu the Os-ana brancb for the past 41/2 ing the splendid orchestra and pas-- charge. Instructors wlll be presentyess ticularly their leader, Ms-. A. J. ta nswr qestonsandta ssist Dr. and Ms-s. Perecy Ross and farn- Knox, on the wondes-ful wark 11e was to aswerquesionsand o a ily, Eleanor and Hubert, Detroait, doing in giving the Young peoplea ail thase wha, may bie especîally in- Micb., spent a couple a! days at bier musical educatian. Ms-. Thas. Smith, tes-ested la equipping their bornes sister's Ms-s. Henr-y Junkes-, Lake- treasurer, presented the annual witb modes-n convenlences. field, and matoring back spent a f ew statement, asking for $250 ta finance bous-s wlth relatives and fs-lends the school for the curs-ent yeas-. The 0. A. c. Poultry Exhibit bere. amaunt placed an the plates, 110w- The paultry Depastment 0. A. C. Rev. William Sterling, popular ever, fell sornewhat short of the de- wili stage a special exhibit dusing pastas- af Pas-k Street Chus-ch, has. sis-ed arnaunt. At the evening ses-- Farmiers' Week, June lSth ta 19t11 been suffering with a painful attack vice the sermon by Rev. Ms-. Is-wm ta demonstrate the value of borne- o! erysipelas the past wcek. Rev. was again rnuch enjayed, also the rnixed rations. Visîting farmers wml Sterling is repos-ted iniproving and singing by the chois- and the ves-y lie shown 110w cbick starters, grs-J we hope to sec hlm about again in1 fine ducts at both services. ing rations, and rations may the course of a few days. Good-BeAtm.Prossf be built up la a suitably balanced Os-ana Lodge, A. F. & A. M. have -y shn. Prass! way s-ar hom-grwn farm ro-elected offices-s as follows: P.W.M.- fes-is-g fs-arn that extremely trying ducts. A campas-son a! the sesults Bs-o. Adolph Henry; W.M.-Bs-o. H.tobekona shi nwwa A. Millson; S.W.-Bro. O. W. Rolph; it is ta long wtb all their heas-ts for of fecding different rations ta five W-saE..Pte-onCap escape as f rom a tys-ant. Neyes- do ffocks o! thsee-nionths-old live birds JW--Bo .E atro:Ca-te nwwe natc a will be dernonsts-ated in striking lain - Bs-a. Ands-ew MacLachlan; cm n they know hn nat t ck may fashion. Each flack wiil cantain 25 Tseasus-cs-W. Bs-o. T. Smnith; Sec- cae uand ey vano wthtDta st.-Dg birds and thcy will lie gsouped as setary-W. Bs-o. Dr. Neil Colville; elgle u adshaRv yai. t h a .D. f ollows: Flock No. 1, will have s-e- Tyler-Bra. Capt. J. C. Gamey. Koellogg's Astbm ayemedye t nd ccived cas-n only: No. 2 wheat only; Ms-. John T. Allen, who owned and theis- ens~ey an n slayga-byet No. 3 oats only; No. 4 liaslcy nly; wos-ked the Jackson farn at Leskas-d nay lifeagain.e. and No. 5 all fous- combined. This a few yeas-s ago, later residing in ep a ne tsting Toronto, ns again back ta the land, --___ is only one o! the niany nrs-ee g having baught the Griffith fanm at exhibits planned for Farmers' Wek Starkville. known to old residents as Yous- agricultus-al representative can give you any fus-thes- information. the Fes-guson place whicb bas been NEURÂLGIA tenantcd the past year os- two by A ton applcatio of Min- Ms-. J. J. Stringes- who was-ks the 51 azd's,.ucording todrctos Cutworm Contrai farn in connection witb bis own. justits t he spot". You'il Cutwas-ms as-e doing considerable Ruli it in for Lame Back.-A brisk find sSii you damage in many districts ta cas-n, rulibing with Dr. Thomas' Eclects-ic 2?1 e odrflrle cabbage, tomatoes, tabacco and somne Oil wiil relieve lame back. The skin other crops this season. They work will immediately alisorli the ail and at night and hide liy day just lie- it will penets-ate the tissues and r neath the susface a! the soil os- un- bsing speedy relief. Ts-y it and be der- rubliish os- any good cavesing. convinced. As the liniment sinks in, "IGO AN They are stout, smooth cates-plars the pain cornes out and there as-eKIG0 PAN and when at sest as-e usually curled ample grounds for saying that it is up inta a circle. O. A. C. authar- an excellent article. ities advise conts-olling tbemn by use A very psetty wedding took place ino! a poison bait, with the follawing on Wednesday at 4.30 p. mi. when a es formula: Bran 35 llis, Paris green os- papulas- Osono Young lady. Ettie ry fine white arsenic 1 lb., cheap nia- Pearl, daugbter of Ms-. and Ms-s. R lasses 1 qt., wates- enough ta maist- George Seymour-, became the bride en, about 3 gais. o! Ms-. George W. Suggitt o! Tor- t Mix the bran and Paris green onto. The wedding ceremony was thorougbly until the green can lie salemnizcd by Rev. Ms-. Suggitt, bs-o- seen eves-ywhes-e througb the bs-an. thes- of the groom. The happy Add the molasses ta the wates-, stis-, couple le! t saine evcning on their hp l n then pour the sweetened liquid oves- honcymoon tous- ths-augh western 66C the poisoned bran and mix until ahl Ontario. is moistencd and wili fall aimost Sunday School anniversas-y at l ike sawdust thraugb the linges-s. Park Street Chus-ch on Sunday was v c t o If the plants have been set out as usual an intes-esting event. not S and arc lilg attacked, drop a smal only ta scholars of the school but -3 quantity of the bait--one-quas-teraof ta the members o! the congregation a hu irry a esonu aln ahpat as wcll. In the mos-ning the ves-y n- Do this late in the evening so that tcresting psogram liy the scholars. w¶ i t will lie fresh wben the cutworms___________ 1 begin to feed. If the plants bave- -_____ nt yet been set out and cutworms the inclusion o! bs-an or a fecd o! are known ta leie n the soil, prepare ai! alfa, or alfalfa and timothy hay, ýéthe gsound weil and then an cvening will prevent any o! the undesirable or two before setting out the plants. results att-iliuted to this grain. scatter the liait thinly, as one wouid When well boiled. with the unali- do in sowing grain, oves- the plat or sos-bcd liquid taken up with bran. fild. The cutworms will feed upon with the addition o! a cup or sOo! this and be killcd before they car molasses and a pinch of rom mon do any damage. sait, or a tablespoon of Glbubcr,: One application Is usually su1111 SaIts. barley fos onc (o. thi b->' ient to control any ordinary out- condlitionin't !eeds for a horse. fer, break. twvo or ths-ee nights weekly, os- even ciCaution: Do not inhale the dust cach night for a period. Bas-ley is f-ro te oion-hc1- xig-Andete------ da ahssnfp~di Bas-bey for Hos-ses à md - ub ob1 f. Ia~ o RflBas-bey can lie economlcally used Nouu......... ot for fecding borses in grain mixtures Adew ........................ , up ta twenty-five per- cent. It gives LA~ best sesults wlth bas-ses at wos-k and 3 REASONS why It pays to buy Gum-Dipped cord construction gives 25%y-40% greater tire Uife. Bi-Speed tires cost no more than ordinary tires. Buy your set today. SSe the nearest Firestone Dealer. Be serves you better and Baves you money. FATHER GElS UP FIRST Tells How He Keops the Family Fit 1I have a family of six-four boys, two girls-ranging from 23 to 12 years of age, and a delicate wife, and four years ago it was owing to a sickly household that 1 took mnatters in my own hands. Their foods were flot relished, and to talce medicine was like administering punishment. For four years nowI have reguarly used Kruschen Salts about fu or five times a week, Unknown to any of my family or wife to this day. I get up fisst always, and I. put haif a teaspoonful of Krus. chen ini the teapot or cofféeepot, and they ail have their first cup therefrom. So what was a sickly household four yesrs ago, 1 amn glad to sec now a beslthy and robust family. " They are always ready for and clear up their meals. Always alert, quick, Kruschen keeps the systeme i and active, and neyer seem tired, al its most important daily duty. l due to my secret way of usmng about gentie aperient action enaures 3per hall a teaspoonful of Kruschen Saits activity of the liver and kidue so in the momning tea or coffee."-C. D. that these organs of e 'ton If only more parents were as careful cleanse the inside of al clogging, ate about their children's internai cleanli- matter. Kruschen thus ensures iear Regs as about their external cleanlunesa, b!ood-stream, carrying healthg and there would be fewer sick beadaches, vigour to the whole body and -, &mwer finicky appetites, fewer its of Kruschen Saits is obtainable aul the auUmk and fewer salbow faces. Drug Stores at 45e and After seven odcock that evening (wheu evening rates oves Long Distance were in force) she cailed her oid school churn Helen ta ask ber suggestion as ta the best place to go. -Wonderful", said the happy voice at the ailier end of the lime afte- she had cxplained everything. We are ail galng to Seabeach for two weeks tomorrow. Now you wiil bc able ta corne with us." And so Rita spent the most enjoyable vacation she ever had, thanks ta her cail ove- Long Distance. And the cost of that cail was less than the tip, she gave to the colorcd porter. PI' V-i f I ~ ot PAGE EIGHT

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