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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1931, p. 1

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9-.rb Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE l8th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy N o. 25 CITZENS REQUESTED TO INVITE RELAT]IVES TO DECORATION DAY CEREMONY Mlnisters Aliotted Duties for Ded- ication of Gutes und Cematery Ceremony Citizans are again reminded o! the Decaration Day and Dedication cen- p emonies which take place at the Bowssanville Cemetery on Sunday, July 5th. It la hoped that as many citizans as possible are in touch, or will issmediately get in touch, with relatives and friands away f nom home and acquaint them o! the cen- emonies of the day so tliat they ssight attend. Arrangements as announced in The Statesman two weeks ago ne- main the same. The parade o! local sociaties and organIzations will leave from the public school grounds and will proceed along Wellngton St. ta Tamperance St. and south to the Cenotaph where Mayor M. J. Elliott on behalf o! the tawn will place a wreath on the Soldiers' Memorial. The Canadian Legion Band o! Bow- manville will head the parade. - At the cemetery the service will commence at 3 o'clack, daylight sav- ing tisse. Major A. H. Bounsail, builder o! the gates, will declare them completed and ready for op- ening, after which Mayor Elliott will forssally declare them open. The Procession will then mave inta the cemetery whera a platform is being erected. The ministers o! the tawn and reprasentatives o! the various lodges will take thair places at the Platformn and then the dedication will take Place with Rev. C. R. Spencer and Rev. W. J. Todd lead- ig. Immediately at the conclusion Of the dedication ceremony the dec- aration day ceremony will com- mence with Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Rev. A. S. Kerr, Rev. Gao. Mason and Capt. Bursey taklng part. The dacoration a! graves will pro- ceed immadiately ut the close a! this service. FLOWER SHOW NEXT WEEK TO BE BIG EVENT Coniplete Details o! Program for the Day Are Published Many horticultural enthusiasts frn out o! town points ana expect- cd ut the 8Bpys' Traininxg School next Wadnesday whien the Flowar Shwof District No. 4 wil ha helti ithe Rotary Gymnaluni. The prize ist comprisling flfty-two val- uable awands bas now been con- pletad and this alone should attract sasse o! the fiest amateur growers in the neanby counties. The pro- grass as outllied by the local soc- iety, is as !ollows: The entire program will ha on daylight saving turne and will open ut noon when thosa who have brought their lunches will hold a picnic ut the school. Arrangements have been made by the school auth- oities for tea and coffea ta ba 5cr- ved free. At two o'clock the district meet- ing wil ha formally opened by Mn. J. H. H. Jury, representativa for Dis- trict No. 4. Foliawing the apaning Dr. G. Elinore Reaman, superintend- ent a! the Boys' Training Schaal, w ill daliver an address o! welcoma ta the visitons. Judging will com- maence at 2.30 p. m. and all Bow-t imanville entries must ha staged by ,noon and outside entries by 2 o'clock. While the judging la in progress a conducted tour wiUl be hald to the local nurseries, five in ail, The Bnookdale, Kingsway, Jack- man's, Downham, and the Fletcher s' Rosa Gardens. At 4.30 the flower show will ha open for inspection by the visitarst and ut the saine hour the schooli buildings will also ha thrown opene for Inspection. These wlll no doubt3 prove a revlation ta many wbo1 have neyer ha! are seen them. 3 Î At 6.30 p. mn. a buffet luxicheon( wW beh senved in the school dlningE -,hall ut a nominal change o! 25c par ~ person. .The prograxu will oenu3uie ut 7.15 'Whxi M~J. Earle Cunnlhnghamn, p hysical directan o! the schoal, will put on a swlmming demonstrationi In tha Rotary Tank. and ut 7.30 the prise wnaers wiU hae anxiounced. Issmediately ut the conclusion o! this functian an lllustrated lecture should prove o! unusual marit. Admission ta the flowen show wifl ha f rea ta alI, and everybody wlll ha made wlcome. For those who hava no way ta get ta the Schoolc Mn. Garton's bus wll leave the busi station ut 2 and 3 p. m. A nturn1 f ane o! 25e will ha charged. .( The main prises ta ha givan utf Nurses' Graduation Exercises HeId In Opera House on Tuesclay Nigkt Mr. R. H. Cameron, past president of Ontario Hospital Association, says union wage of $6 day cause of unemployed nurses - Dorothy E. Lockhart and Lillian Holman grad<uate. The Opera Housa resouxided with the applause o! a large audience on Tuasday night when another nurses' graduation axercisas passed into history. Two graduates o! the Bow- manvillie Hospital Tnainig School for Nurses, Miss Dorothy E. Lock- hart, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lackhart, Bawssanvilla, and Miss Lillian Holman, daughter o! Reeve and Mrs. M. J. Holman a! Clarke, received their diplomas ut a colonful cenemony on that evening. It is lesa than 20 years since the first graduation exercises wera held in the Opera House and Tuesday night's affair dl!! ered very little froin the axercises o! the past, yet it still hads that fascination which marks the completion o! training for worthwhlle profession. Whan the Hospital Board, nurses, representatives o! the Women's Aux- iliary and guasts had gathared on the platfarss the prograss was open- ad with the playing o! a martial air by Miss Helen Argue. Dr. D. W. Best offerad prayer and Mn. W. Rass Stnike as chairman rapresanted President F. F. Marris. The Bragg Quartette, comprising four male voices, Messrs. Sam Glan- ville, W. S. Bragg, Otto Bragg and F. O. Mcflveen contributed a fine se- lection. The speaker o! the avening, Ex-Controller R. H. Cameron, Ton- onto, a Pat President o! the Ontar- la Hospital Association, was intro- ducad by Mn. Strike. In bis address Mn. Cameran spoke o! three professions for which a cal ssust coma hafare a persan la really f it ta join tham. Thesa professions. ana the minlstry, the mcdi- cul profession and nursing. Thesa tbrce professions, ha said, stand out pna-aminantly as prof es- sions o! service and service irrespec- tiva a! manetany raward. Monay o! course was consldanad and certainly played un important part in the lives o! those in thase professions but the main thama o! ail tbree was A Wurnlng Prom thse Police Chia! o! Police Vantan hu nacalv- cd saveral complaints o! people sbooting valuabla pigeons. The chic! issues a warning ta thosa rasponsible that an exumpla will ha made o! any parson cammitting tis offense. Schools Close June 26th Town public scbools will close for the summan bolidays on Friduy, June 26th. That day bas been long awaited by the 600 pupils attending these schools and will mark the op- ening of two manths o! cana frac holidays. The final exams ara on Wednasday, Thursday and Friday, June 24th, 25th and 26th. Are Tou in Arreurs? if you are in arrears ta The Statesman we would appreciate your prompt attention to tis littla mat- tan. ht is the custoin o! The States- man along with other weekly news- papers ta continut a subscribar's nama on aur list unlesa we ara ne- quested ta, discontinua the sasse. We desine ta retain aUl oun old subscrib- ers, but we do not wish ta send The Statesman ta anyona wbo does not want it. If your subscription bas expinad and you do not wish to con- tinue as a subscriben, kindly noti!y us pnossptîy and youn nasse will ha struck off . AUl we ask la, tbat if your subscriptlon bas aver-run, you will puy up your arrearages, and your nasse will ha promptly struck off . Wa halieve this ta ha fuir ta ahl cancarned. COMING EVENTS A lawn tea, andhiire made cook- ing'sale will ha hald on Frlday, June lOth. ut 3.30 p. m. ut Dundurn. the home o! Mrs. John Spencer, Conces- sion Street, under auspices o! the Woman's Guild o! St. John's Church. Musical progruin. Admis- sion 25c. The Women's Missionary Society a! St. Andraw's Preshytanian Church will serve a!ternoon tes, and sali homemade cooking ut The Manse, Queen Street, on Tuasday, June 23, !rom 3 ta 6 p. mn. The Mission Band will also saîl tes, towels and home- made candy. The Salvation Army Home Leugue and Band o! Love sale o! work wil ha held in the Salvation Army Hall on Thursday, June l8tb. Altarnoon ut 3 o'clock; evening ut 7.30. The sale will ha openad hy Mrs. (Dr.> Slemon. Coma and choase f nom the variaty o! articles that will ha of- f ered. WERRY PICNIC The annual ne-union of ail branches a! tue Werry Faxnuly wll take place ut Lieu Villa, tha home o! Mn. Juaz H. Wright (1 % miles west a! Bluckstock> on Saturduy, July 4. Relatives kindly accapt tuis Invita- tion ta attend and make the day a most anjoyable ane. 25-2 service, and it was the service entail- el in the professions that cailei people ta enter tham. The ministen ncceivas bis cail, and altar came! ul trainlig and much study he goes out to serve the Master, and ta halp up- lit mankid. The doctan, when ha naceives the cail doas not first considar how much money ha will make lu bis profession but what service ha can renden. O! course, sassa doctars make vast suins o! money in their profession, but it is their devotion ta duty that brings themin l this just newand. Thaeela no more self- denying profession, the speaker add- ed, than the medical profession. Rain, thundar, snow, heat, cold, day- light on dark doas not mnake any dif - farence to the doctor. At all tisses and undar ail circunistancas ha la ready and willing ta put his know- ladge ta the service whera it lassmost needed. Ha la alwuys using bis knaWladge as a praventîva o! sick- nass and lu the cause o! hettan liv- ing conditions. Ha la cantinually spending bis tisse in nesearch work an the body, lu medicina and lu surgery for the btterment o! man- kind. This Profession shows sarvice a! the truest kind. Tha sama appliad ta the nurse. If ana bas the true caîl, she la not considening the pay for the services she nenders. She tries and goes through an extensive course o! training ta fit hersaI! ta ha a neal balp in times a! distress and sick- ness. The nursing flald was tre- mandous for service that can ha nendered to the world. It ssight ha hard training but the suparintend- ents and superiors wene always ready ta give a helping hand ta fit thainselvas for the wida work in tha haspital and in the homes. The speaker dwelt particularly on the service that can ha rcndered in the home. Sa much good could ha done in thîs Phase o! the work that <Continued on paga 10) HOLSTEIN BREEDERS HELD PROFITABLE FIELD DAY AT ORONO AN!> HAMPTON Judging Competitions and Specti Speakers Were Features o! Splendid Duy's Outing A most successful Pild Day and Plcnic was held by the Durhamn County Holstein Breedans' Associa- tion Friday when more thun a hun- drad furmars and thair familles gathered ut Orano and later ut Hampton for the avent. At the farm o! A. J. Tamblyn ut Orona during the morning a judging competition was held. Dainy cattle wane tha sub-j ject o! the iudging and arouxid this avent centned much interesting dis- cussion whicb pnovad most profit- able. The Junior Farmers also took part in a .iudging comptition and acconding ta one prominent local breeder they acquittad themsalves much better thun the men. The winners were: lst, Lloyd Matcalf; 2nd, Ivison Tamblyn; 3rd, Carl Tamblyn. At the conclusion o! this intenest- ing session the breedars motored ta, Hampton whene lu the beautiful El- liott Massorlal Park thay made short work o! a deligbtful basket lunch. Close ta 125 ware presant ut Hamp- tan. Alter lunch instructive and valuable addresses wera given hy A. E. Summars, County Agicultural Represantativa; H. B. Faith, Braxit- ford, directar o! extension wonk for the Holstein Breeders; and Fred Lee Who conducteti the judging contest ut Onono. The rest o! the aftennoan was -spant in softball, horsehoe pîtchlng, and othen gaines, and the breeders la!t for home about five o'clock more than pleased with the nesult o! the gathering. So keen wene they, that it was practically declded tuereaund than to maka the outing and plcnlc an annual avent. Arrangements for last Fniday's avent ware in the bands o! Noble Metcal!, president, and J. H. Jose, secretary, o! the local association. HUSBAND 0F SOLINA LADY ELECTED PRESIDENT Onturio Association for the Dcaf At the 2lst annual convention a! the Ontario Association for the D-eaf held in Belleville thîs waek Humry Grooms, a! Toronto Post Office staff was re-alacted Prasidant o! the As- sociation for anothar two years. Mn. Grooms wl!c was !ormenly Miss E!! la Brooks, daughter a! the late Wesley Brooks, and sistar o! Mrs. S. E. Werry o! Sauina. LADIES' NIGHT FRIDAY F'nlday nigbt the prise ut the Soft- hall gaina wIll ha givan ta the lady holding the lucky ticket. Be sure ta brnxg the lady friand or wife ha- cause the prise wlll ha attractive and pleaslig. Get your tickets curly oni LADIES, NIOHT. MANY PROMINENT ORANGE OFFICIALS AT ORONO MEETING Many Lodges Kepresenteil ut Inter- esting Gatherlng and Banquet at Orone Town Hall Many hlighi Orange Lodge officiais were present at Orono on Frlday eveming when the Orono degree teain exemplifled the Ràyal Blue de- gree. Over 50 were present f rom Toronto and over 30 from lodges in the county. At the conclusion of the business meeting the brethren and their frlends adjourned ta the Town Hall where a sumptuous banquet, prepared by the ladies of Orona L. O. B. A., was held. When ail had done Justice ta the splendid repast, E. J. Hammi, County Master, taok charge of the proceedlngs and made a very capable and efficient toast master. Ater ail had risen ta the toast ta The King, W. J. Riddell pro- Posed the toast ta Our Country which was responde;1 ta by Fred W. Bowen, M.P. The tôast ta the Loyal Orange Association was proposed by C. Brown and responded ta by Cecil Armstrong of Toronto. Dr. Colville proposed the toast ta the Ladies and Mrs. F. W. Bowen ably respanded. O. Hooey expressed the welcome in a toast ta Our Visitors. Arnong others who spoke were Russell Nesbitt, K.C., M.P.P., County Master of Toronto; Controller J. Rabbins of Toronta; W. J. Shaw, Wor. Master of Armstrong Lodge, Toronto; and Mayor Milton J. El- liott of Bowmanville. Ater the toast ta the Ladies, Wor. Mistress A. G. Holiday of the Orono Lodge L. 0. B. A. wus presented with a huge bouquet of beautiful Ameni- can Beauty roses. Visitors were present f rom Toronto, Bowmanville, Blackstack, Kendal, Newtonville and Newcastle. Duncan Cowan, well known Tor- onto entartainer and a member o! the Orange order provided part of the entertainssent. and H. Lintan's orchestra also rendared saveral weil played numbens. Gicieons Present Bibles at B.T.S. Impressive dedication ser- vice held Ferguson Hall - Gideona speak in churches. The Bible stands, though the hUIs may cruinble, It will flrxly stand though the earth shail crurabla, I will plant my feet on its flrm foundation, For the Bible stands. This little verse, sung by a choir of 150 lusty lads at the Boys' Train- ing School on Sunday afternoon. demonstrated the spirit that per- meated the meeting at which the Gideons Association of Canada pre- sented over twenty bibles ta the various cottages for use among the boys of the school. The presenta- tion was made before a nuinber of visitons in Ferguson Hall. Dr. G. E. Reaman. the superintendent of* the school, opened the meeting and ex- plained who the Gideons are. They were an association, be stated, of Drummers or travelling salasmen, who had banded together ta sali somethlng else f rom what they sold every day. They were selling the right relationship between man and man and man and God. The Assoc- iation placed bibles in hotels. hospi- tais and schools. The Dominion President of Gid- eons, W. J. Anderson, then took charge of the meeting and tald a true stary of just one instance of what had been accornplished with a young l11e that was on the dawn- ward path, by the reading of a Gid- eon Bible in a hotel. He told o! a young man of good family who had came f nom eastern Canada ta Tor- onto and there had spent ail his money on drink. While in his hotel and under the inifuence of liquor this young man decided ta end it ail, but on picking Up a Gideon bib- le, he changed his mind and throw- lng off the grlp that liquor had on hlm, he, wlth the help o! the bible. gained himself a good position and is taday happily mnarried inta one of the best familles of Toronto. Mr. Auld and Mr. MeKenzie rend- ared a fine duet, which was followed by a bible reading by Mr. Bamboy. Mrs. W. J. Anderson braught greet- West Durham VVomen's Institutes Held Annual Convention at Orono Women Set as much out of $1.00 as men get out of $100 Institurte speaker dlaims - Mrs. J. R. Cooper re-elected president for third time. -Outstanding Addresses. Friday, June l2th, was an ideal and other subjects which wene le! t day for the gatbaring o! Women's over fan inter discussion. The change Institute workens o! West Durbamn wus ..,i, !ound advisabla. wbo assamblad lu Park Street Secnetary-Tnaasurer reported total Church, Orono, for tue district an- receipts o! the District ta ha $123,28; nual meeting. A splendid represan- expenditures $109,24; balance $14,04. tation a! delagates and members District and Branches: Receipts wene present ta report on the activ- $2207,51; axpenditures $1818.89; bal- ities o! the past year and ta plan ance $388.62. Total memharship 427. f or the wonk a! the coming year. Reports were pnesantad f nom the Meeting opened wlth commuxiity Branches as !ollows: singig lad by Mrs. R. H. Brown ut Nestleton-Mrs. R. W. Jackson; the organ, and rapeating the Lord's 43 members; 12 meetings; recaipts prayer, Mns. J. R. Cooper, President, $175.47; expenditura $142.90; bal- presiding. The rall cal nevaaled ance $32,57. that ail branches ware reprasentad, Tyrone--Mrs. N. J. Woodley; 38 Victanlan, Onono, Bowmunville, So- mambers; 10 meetings; total attend- lina, Hampton, Nestîcton, Tyrona, anca 363; receîpts $256.92; expendi- Newtonville, and the Darlinctton tura $218.50; balance $38.42. Junior Institute. Newtanvillc-Mrs. T. O. McGill; Mrs. A. A. Henry, President of the 17 membars; il meetings; attend- Onono Branch, extendaci a very cor- anca 123; neceipts $24.29; expandi- dial welcoma to the visitons wbicb ture $19,41; balance $4.88. was emphasized by the perfect Victanian - Mrs. A. Bailey; 71 weathar and the baauty o! nature mambars; 12 meetings; 559 attend- ail around. Orono was having a ance; neceipts $197.97; expanditures number o! conventions tis spring I$ 162.48; balance $35.49. but nana were more welcoma than Orono-Mrs. J. R. Cooper; 64 the Ixstituta wonkers. She trusted membans; 9 meetings; total attend- that the discussion o! problasss and ance 307; neccipts $153-91; axpendi- excbunge o! ideas mlght prove very turc $621.02; balance $75,20. beneficial ta ail. Bowmanvllla-Mrs. j. Thickson; Minutes a! lat annual meeting 64 meinhers; 12 meetings; attend- ware neud by the secnetary, Mrs. ance 454; nacaîpts $153,91; expandi- Percy VanCamp, and adapted. tura $141,56; halance $12,35. Mrs. A. Colvilla, Bowssunviile, Sohina-Miss Ednia Reynoids, 56 sang a very sweat solo, a! ter which mambars; 12 meetings; attenciance the prasident reviewed bria!ly the 442, receipts $250.96-, axpenditura work of the Past yean, thanking ail $186.99; balance $63.97. for the splendid co-oparation o! the Nestltan-Mns. R:t.W. Jackson; branches, al o! which she had heen 38 members; 10 meetings; attend- able ta visit during the year, sug- anca 363; receipts $256.92; expandi- gested sassa changes such as hiaving turc $218.50; balance $38.42. the delagates negister and Wear bad- Hamptan-Mrs. w. W. Horn, 52 ges during the day o! District meet- mainhars, 12 meetings: 723 attend- ing. She ulso spoka o! the coach- ance; raceipts $321.07; expenditure ing classes centres that had bean an- $216.09; balance $lo4.98. nunged fan Hamptan, Nestîcton, and Junior Instltute-mlss Mary R:un- Orano. and o! othars destring tuein. dia: 22 members, 7 meetings; ne- A discussion took place negarding caipts $7.42; expanditure 70c; bal- asking for change lu the Institute ance $6.72. year, date o! the Pull convention, (Continueci on page 3) ANNUAL GOODYEAR PICNIC Chic! or police Returna AT CBOUR ONBATUDAy Chia! o! Police and Mrs. S. Ven- Parade Throuth Town W m . d ton bave retumnaci f om the Police Leavlng of Picklckers for ChIefs Cbnvention held lu tue City CountY Town ut 9 a. m. o! Quehec. Their stay lu Caxiada's anclent clty was most enjoyable and The annual Goodyear Picnic w'ill many o! the slghts for which people ha held on Saturday naxt, June 2th, travel thausaxids o! miles ta sac wcra ut Cobourg. Arrangements for tuis sean by thani. They arrlveci home sumnmer spree o! the rubbar wonkens 011Suturday a!ter spending a day and thair friands and relatives bava in Mantreal. neached their final stages. H. m. Nanson, wha la lu Charge o! the WIE uD .H Plcnic, gives the fqllowing arrange- Wlite .P E ments: Tbase planning ta attend Word !rom the Dcpartment o! wil meet ut the Goodyear plant utPulcHgwyluTrnerat 9 a m.andf nm terawIl prceeiîng permission to, lay mains an tue u1P tawn whare a parade o! decorat- higbway batween Whlthy, Oshawa cd Cars wil ha held. The picnlc will adBwavlei i hti o thenProed o Cbour bybusandholding up the start o! construction automobiles. A gooci prIsa la being wr ntegsmisl amn affareci for the hast decorateci car.wville. thes mkaind tnhework o On arrivai ut Cobourg a softhalvillte. Tcug oRoa wantaetaci wofl tournassent will ha hald, the tîtithmae San apreablwe dlfartence t baing a gaina hatween the New To- thakenmarew ua emplossenet ronto Mechanilcal Goois SlsStf tha tbr ow oto.mpomn and the marriec men «aes tuloalf inthe_____ office. Alter lunch thara wfIl bhaa pnogrnm of races and sports open The dity vs. the Country in Jane ta ail and for which valuable prises are offcred. The picnic wil taka tue A visiton f nom the city tue othar farrn o! a basket plcnic and eveny- day said: "The escape f nom tue clty ana should taire tueir dixiner andi inta tue wide spaces and sweet odors supper along with thain. Thene will and the culineas o! the country ai- ha avery conveniance ut the park ways brings nat merely physical nest for making hot drinks. Swimming, and delight, but enlangement o! soul. dancing and a genenal good tisse will xIn the country Godc speakslu a vaice camplete the prograin. The picnick- wa do not heur assic the din o! the ans are axpccted ta return ta tawn city noises, and ha bas nooam thare shortly after dark. ta unrol hfone our eyes vast beau- tles winch the cramped corners o! LOCALLEGIN BRNCIIthe cîtias cannot contain." TO TAKE PART IN j DECORATION DAY PARADE THE CHURCHES FrAt Public Appearance o! Newly Trinlty Unitedi Church-Rav. J. U. Or-gan,.zcd Band Next Thursday Robins, pastar. Sunday Services: -~ Sermon and Bible School ut il a. m. RrLgular monthiy meeting o! the Pnaaching service 7 p. ms. Canadian Legian will ha held lu The Salvation Army - Cuptain Council Chamber on Frmday, June Bursey and Lieut. Plett. Services ut j9th, ut 8 p. mn. Mambars o! the I a. in. and 7 p. m. conducteci hy Poppy and Memanial Cammitteearue the officens; Sunduy School ut 2.30 asked ta ha on hand ta make un- p. m. rangements for an unnual Decora- tion Day. This year Decoration Day St. John Anglican Church-Third will be held on Sunday, July 5th. lu Suiday a!tar Tinlty: Rav. C. R. conjunction with Bowmanville Coin- Spencer, nectar; HOly Communion munity Decoratlon Day. The Leglon and Sermon, il a. ms.; Sunduy as a unit will taka part In the pro- School, 12.15 p. mn.; Evening Prayen, ceadings and will bave the Canadian 7 p. mn. Legian Brasa Band lu attendance. ~.Pu' hrh-Rv .W Mebes !t41lca- rac _o!BSt, . D., Minlaer. -;lpa. m.w E -~ % 00ýý With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmianville News 1 lqeq ENTRANCE CLASS SPEND PROFITABLE DAY IN CITY 0F TORONTO Viuit Made te Museum, SunnYuide, Star Building and Rivendale Zoo A new departure In practical cd- ucation received a successfuI tryout last week when Principal J. H. John- ston's entrance classaut the Publie School spent an enJoyable and ex- tremely interasting day in Toronto. The Party of 37 pupls, accompanled by their teacher, le! t Bowmanville ut 9o'clock on Friday mornlng by Gartan's bus. On their arrivai ln Toronto they went direct ta the On- tario Museum where they spent a couple of hours exploring umong the valuable exhibits there. A guide andi a lecturan, the latter Mr. Dlumond. accomPanied the pupils on their trip and lectures were dehvcered on various lnteresting subjects includ- lng armour, the evolution of spears, the origin and changes lin the makr- ing and wearing of shoas anxd slip- Pers. and in the zoology departinent lectures were given on snakes, heurs and othen subjects. At noon the party adjourned to High Park whene they bad lunch and later they laf t for Sunnyside where they saw the sights and spent a couple o! hours in play. At 2 o' dock the Party went ta the Tor- onto Star Building where they viaw- ed the modern marvals of newspaper Production. They were particularly interested lin the giant presses cap- able of turning out thousands of papers avary hour. Perbaps the moat Interesting part of thus trip was the vlewlng of the Creed Automatic Printers over which news froin aI parts o! the Warld la rcceived on a, machine sometimes onlY a few min- utes after it bas happened. The party also saw how the rotogravure section o! the Star Weekly was made and saw the procass used ln maklng cuts Or Pictures for newsPaper dis- play. The final stage of the trip was ta Riverdale Zoo whene the pupils sau' the many animais that have their home there. This was ana of the most kaenly enjoyed parts of the trip. Explaining the abjects of the trip M.- Jobnston sald that trips of thls kfld creatad a class spirit which wua s0 valuable in laten 11f e. The class Would froin this trip always remem- ber their final Fear in the public school and WoUld always, too, re- memben the classmates o! that year. Mr- Jobnston wuas aso anthusiastle regarciing Mr. Garton as an. ideal guide on a trip of thus nature. BUSINESS MEjN'S PICNIC PLANS ARE NOW COMPLIETEi) Whoe CimrysdeWIU Be Gste 0f ocalBus ~Men ut Cream o!Dunare7 (camp Practlcally the complete program for the Buiness Men's Community Picnic ut the Creuin Of Barley Camp hbas now been formulatei andi a glance over It assures evaryone whu attencis an afternoon and evenlng e! unstiXited entertqimet Wednx.. dLay, Juiy 8th., on whUch date the Pîcnic Wdi be held, should ha a day long remembered, by bath town andi country People. The plcnjc shoulti do much towards bringlng urban anid rural People into dloser relationship, each realizlng that to live ona muat have the co-operatian and sympathy of the othen. It should ha noted i rght framl the start thut "Everyone in Invite<j" to tis grand picnic. Everyone who cu POssibly attend should be lin 80w- manvle early on that day, 80 as not ta miss a thlng. Remainher alao that the antire prograin la on day- light saving tUme so get the chores donc early.anti as the aId saylng gaes. "Hey Ho cosse ta the Pair.- At 12.30 pam. the calithumplun Parade wlll f orI ut the Public SchGoo grounds. At ane o'clock sharp evaryone should be out on King St. ta see it go by. By 1.30 everOne should ha on the grounds ready to take Part lu the program of 52 sPorting andi ather events. prise lt Wll appear li next wcek's statea- esman. AUI races will ha starteti by the greatest o! ail runners, Alfred Shrubb. At 3 o'clock the softball tourna- ment opens. Promo 6 a'clock ta 6.30 the Canadian Leglon bund, which wlll bad the panade will rander a PrOgram O! music wbile averyone enjoys the plcnic supper they bave hnought along. Rememben ta brlng tesaus hot water wll ba supplied. There wSf be plenty o! tables and sata for sup- par but theme wlIn lots o! raom on the grass unyway. At 7 pin. Enniskillen andi Dow- manville, the olti saccer rivais, wlU meet in a schedule football game. Tis will certainly ha weil worth s e a i n g &. A ' l oknu t h n t i

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