4 k'<4; ~ 1~ Mr. and Mrs. Rtpepi herd- Mîss-l'ionary' Program n OnSunday cliulng years. and affer therlri.,- atternoon was il'echarge 0f Mrs. S. cease msklniz her homie wltbhpbr E. Werry. Mr.E. R. Taylor zave a daughter. Mns. C. Billings, Orono. I s'ry lnterestlng Vlk on the UnitedM where the fiineral service was hp.IdI Chureli sehools and colIeRes sand on F'rlday. wlth a very large gather- Misses Jessie sud Normna Yellowlees lJig o! aornnwinoe !nlends from far snd Master Jim Smale gave s vocal apid near. The beauttful floral of- trio. TEE CANAIAN STA4zw<. tWAMV1931 PAGE SIX HAYDONferings showed the hlgh esteem and ______ love for one who le! t many a friend to feel the loss of a real and true Miss Verna Trewln, Oshawa, spent friendship, and much sympathy the weekend at her home. from our neighborhood goes out to Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton visited at her daughter, Mrs. Billings, and Mr. Cyrus Ashton's. Cartwright. family in their sad bereavement. Mr. Frank Groomsbridge, Bow- manville, visited Mr. E. Philps re- cently. HAMPTON Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read on their recent mar- Mrs. (Dr.) Reynolds, Mlfsburg, la riage. visiting Miss Edna Rey*plb Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy and Rev. T .McReynolds, 'oronto, vis- family visited friends in Lindsay en ited his sister, Mrs. W. H. Gay. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bunrows, To- Several from here attended anni- ronto, are guests of Mr. Lewis Pas- versary services at Long Sault last coe. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalfe, Base Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant and Mrs. Line, vsited Mr. and Mrs. A. Tre- P. Publo, Toronto, vsited at Mr. A. nouth. McNleil's. Dr. and Mrs. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lander and G. Edgar, Oshawa, spent Sunday at daughter, Harmony, Sundayed at Mr. H. Wilcox's. Mr. J. Crossman's. Mfr. Bert Rice and Miss Violet Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright have re- Rice, Long Sault, vislted with Mr. t.urned home after spending a week and Mrs. S. Kersey recently. at Mr. L. Dlaney's. Oshawa. The Park is an iuvitlng spot these Mn. and Mrs. R. McNell attended beautiful days. Several picnlc ga- services at Long Sault and vlsited at therings have been held there so Mr. Wmn. Hooe's on Sunday. far and we hope to have more dur- Mrs. Milton Siemnon, Mrs C. Johns, ing the sumnier. Hampton, Miss Kathleen Thaw, Misses Laura Virtue and Miss A. Oshawa, Sundayed at Mr. Milton McDonald, Messrs. Harry and Percy Blemon's. Cowling, and Mr. W. Snudden, ail Mr. Eugene Beech, Toronto, spent of Toronto, and Miss B. Sargent, a few days at home bel ore gong to Bowmanvlile, spent Slinday with Jackson's Point, near Orillia, to Mrs. J. Covrling. spend the sumnmer months. Our Young People enioyed a very Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beech and pleasant evening at the home of Mn. famfly, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Wilfred Gireenaway on Austin Lamer and babe, Burketon, Friday, when they surprised the re- Miss Nora Kerslake, Hamipton, vis- cently married couple and presented ited at Mr. A. Beech's on Sunday. them wth an electric floor lainp and * Mr. and Mrs. Richard Avery, Miss an armn chair. Mn. snd Mrs. Green- Carnie Avery, Mr. and Mrn. WiUl away thanked their friends in a Wickett. Little Britain, Mr. and Mns. pleasing manner aud opened thein Xomn Welsh and sons, Toronto, home to the Young People and the Mr. Wm. Hans ord, Toronto, sPent evenlng was peasantly spent in Sunday at Mr. C. Avery's., games and refreshinents served. Anniversary services of Haydon Several members of the Young Bunday Sohool wlll be held as fol- PenpesLau e oehraon Jows OnSundy, une28th se- acamp fine in Mn. W. Greenaway's mons wll be preached at 2.30 p. m. field by the bush, for the closing by Rev. P. L. Juil, Brooklin, and at 7.30 p. m. by Rev. J. H. Stainton, meeting Of the League for the sum- Picknln. Mulc y acool mer. Al ioined li slnging several ultenon.sicbneercholin the hymuns and Rev. J. R. Bick led in evenlng. On Wednesday, .ulyist prayer. Rev. W. J. Todd, Bowman- tes Wn ble senved at 4 P. m. At 6 ville, addnessed the meeting, glvlng p. m. a league football game wil bemay helpful suggestions and we played, imlskillen vs Courtice. At wilook forwand to havlng hlm wth P. m. a good concert willbe ve us again. Meeting closed by slng.. by Jmmy eidScotish ivten ing and prayer. by lmm Red, cotishflhn5tel We welcome to our village Mn. of Raide faine; Mr. Bert Hermon, and Mrs. Roy Davidson, Mr. and English comedian; Mn. A. G. Mauro, Mrs. dadM.adMs ils Piano accordianist; Miss Betty Rob- Piedwardslon and Mrs. Gilles-n etson, versatile entertainer; Mms pieavd Colonl udrs eachxinanOur Pearl Carter, elocutlonist; and Miss wholae dtake paeîdncelofuh Martha Hogg, accompanist. Admis- vilage dunlng thome pvnge fthe sion: Aduits, tea and concert 60c, ra hc st omnea ne teaorconer 40; hilre, ta nd The monthly meeting o! the W. te rconcert 40c;idn, tes serd2c.M. S. was held on Tuesday, June concrt 0cteaor cncet 2c. 6th, at the home O! Mrs. Richard Avery. The president, Mrs. J. Col- ENNISKILLEN will, opefled the meeting with a hymn, followed by short prayers, af- er which the seripture lesson was Mrs. G. Reid is confined to her read by Mrs. E. H. Cole. Bsns bed aain.being completed, Mrs. Salter took Mr. John Slemon spent Sunday charge of the Program. Mrs. wiî- with friends in Nestieton. liams gave a reading on "Missiouary Mr. W. Herrmng is stilI conflned to Education"; Miss Reeves, the devo- his bed. Mrs. Watchorn is nursing tional leaflet; Mrs. Salter, Mrs. Ker- bum. slake and Mrs. ColwiIl gave readings Mrs. J. Sedgewiclc and daughter on Boarding Schools and Home Mary, Lindsay, visited her nephew, Schools. Meeting closed with the Mr. L. Lamb. iphbndco. Miss Reva McGill and Miss Ella Mza eeîto Tamblyn spent the weekend at Mr. R. J. Ormistou's.1 HAMPTON ANNIVERSA11y No service here next Sunday. Our'- pastor Rev. J. m. Whyte is preaching Sunday, June 28tb, and Wednesday annîversary services at Scugog Is- juily lut land. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamb visited Services on Sunday, June 28th, at the latten's sister, Mrs. Holden. Osh- 10.30 a. rn. and 7 p. m. Preacher.. awa, On Sunday, and Miss Maggie Rev. J. R. R. Cooper, Ph. D., Column- Virtue at Oshawa. bus. Mr .and Mn .Theo Slemon, Mr. Wednesday, JuIy lst. John Siemon, Mrs. J. Sanders and Supper - Sports - Entertaininent Mrs. Hugh Annis visited friends at Supper served on church lawn from Brooklini and Greenwood. 4.30 to 8 P. im. S. T. Mr. aud Mrs. J. A. Stainton and Sports in Hampton Park Clifford, Toronto, spent the weekeud Girls' Softball at 3 p. m. here, bringing Mrs. Pye home a! er Boys' Softball at 4 p. m. spending three weeks in Toronto. Maple Grove and Hampton. :On Saturday, June 20th, Mr. and League Football Match, Zion and Mrs. E. C. Ashton and famlly at- Solina. at 6.30 p. m. tended a very happy "At Home" giv- Concert and Entertaînment 8 p. sm. en by Mr. aud Mrs. Stewart Rod- A play "The Rebellion o! Youth" mian (nee Rets Ashton), Port Perry, presented bY members o! the Don- li honor o! the flfth anniverssry of lands JUited Church. Toronto. This their wedding. The afternoon was drarna is highly recommended. spent lu f un sud social conversation, Music - Solos - Etc. after which a fowl dinner was ser- Admission: ved which everybody did ample jus- Adults: Supper and Concert 50c; tice to. Rev. J. H. Stainton, Plcker- Supper or Concert 35c. ing, uncle o! the bride, on behalf Of Childreu: Supper sud Concert 35c; the compsny, preseuted Mr. and SuPper or Concert 20c. Mns. Rodman wth some very useful Ail eveuts on standard turne. presents sccompanied bY smme hum- Theo. Salter, Rev. J. R. Blck, orous suggestions and poetry. Ev- Superintendent. Pastor. erybodY joined in singing "For they are jolly good fellows,"' and wished them mnany happy returus o! the ENFIELD day. Mrs. C. Qodfrey Bowmau o! Brus- SALEMsels, Ont., desires Vo thank her Eu- SALEMfield friends for the lovely address aud generous purse le! t at her home Mns. Hall, Who has been very ill, during her absence at the turne of fs some better we are glad Vo know. liher marrnage Thel iudy1t- ug1 1.-Boys, 8 yeans sud under, 40 yards- l4.-Three-Legged Race, boys, 15 yrs anc lst, Ruuning Shoes (Claude Ives); under, 40 yards-lst, Neckties; 2nd 2nd, Garden Tools; 3rd, Eversharp Flsshlights. Pencîl. I5.-Three-Legged Race, girls, 18 yeark 2.--Girls, 8 yeasnud under, 40 yards- sud under, 40 Yards-lst, Prises do- lst, Manicure Set; 2ud, Evershanp nated by Dr. Birka; 2nd, 1-lb. box Pencil; 3rd, Bail. Chocoîstes (Fred Mitchell), sud 1-lb, box Chocoîstes (Fred Bateman). 3.-Boys, 10 years sud unden, 60 yards- lst, Mouthorgan; 2nd, Evesharp 16.-Three-Legged Race, boys, 18 years Pencil, 3rd, Bail, sud under, 40 yards-lst, Evensharp Peucils; 2nd, Neckties. 4.--Girls, 10 years sud under, 60 yards- lst, Box Chocolates $1.00 (Mrs. Edith 17.-Three-Legged Race, girls, open, 40J Scobeil); 2nd, Chocolates 50c; 3rd, yards-lst sud 2nd prizes. Manîcure Set. 18.-Three-Legged Race, boys, open, 40 5.-Boys, 12 yeans sud under, 60 yards- yards-lst prizes donated by L. W. lst. Watch 75c (W. Msjoram); 2nd, Dippeil; 2ud pnizes douated by A. H. Beît 50c; 3rd, Jacknife. Bounssll. 6.--Girls, 12 years and under, 60 yards- 19-Balloon Race, girls-îst and 2ud lst, Bathlug Suit 75c; 2ud, Choco- prizes. lates 50c; 3rd, Manicure Set. 20.-Balloon Race, boys-lst, Book o! Bus 7.-Boys, 15 years sud under, 100 yds.- Tickets (T. Gsrtou); 2ud prize. 15V, Steel Flshing Rod (Rire & Co.); 2nd, Camera 75e; 3rd, Flashllght. 21.-Wheelbarrow Race, boys, 15 yeans and under, 40 yards-lst, Basebal 8.-Girls, 15 yesrs sud under, 100 yds.- Bats; Zud, Jacknlves. lat, 5-lb, box Chocolates (Peter Lam- brase); 2nd, Beau Browule Camera 22.-Wheelbarrow Race, opeu, 40 yards, (Jury & LovelI); 3rd, Value Vo $2.00 (boys)-lst ,Evesharp Pencils; 2ud, lu store <Gea. Mason). Suspender Braces. 9.-Boys, 18 years and under, 100 yd.- 23.-Married Men, under 30 years, 60 yds. lst, Sweater Coat (J. E. Mller); 2nd, -lst, Smoked Ham (Alex Edmond- Universal Varuli suad Brush (J. H. stone); 2nd, Thermatie Jar (F. Ker- Abernethy: 3rd, 1 gal. Mator Oul slake); 3rd, 1-lb, box Tes (Harry AI- (C. A. Bartlett). lin). 10.-Girls, 18 years sud under, 100 yds.- 24.-Married Ladies, under 30 years, 60 Ist. Tennis Racket (Mason & Dale); yards-lsV, Carving Set (T. A. Dus- 2nd, Boudoir Larnp $3.50 (Gus Boun- tan; 2ud, 1 dos. Aylmer Pesa (Cecil sallU; 3rd, Hat (Diugman & Edmond- Osborne); 3rd, 4 lbs. Rosat Beef (W. atone). J. Dudley). 1.-Boys, open, 100 yards-lst, $5,00 ai- 25.-Marnied Men, over 30 years. 60 yards lowance on purchase o! Suit of -sV, %4-ton Coal (H1. Lathrope; Clothes (R. Scott, 2ud, Auto Hon 2nd. Auto Repair Kit (Kemp Bras.): or Lamp (H. Clemeus>; 3rd, 25 lba. 3rd. Smoked Hlarn(T. W. Cawker'. Flour (R. Hahunes). 26.-Married Ladies, over 30 years, 60 yds. 12.--Ginls, Open. 100 yards-lst, Leather -lst, Copper Bolier $6.00 (R. E. Lo- Bag sud Kid Gloves (Walker Stores); gan); 2ud, Veranda Basket $2.50 2nd, S11k Hase (Clarenee Mason); <Geo. Humpage: 3rd, 2 lbs. Royal 3rd, 1-1b. box Chocolates (J. Infan- Tea(F. Coulter). tine. 27-Fat Men's Race, 50 yards-lsV, 500 13.-Three-Legged Raee, 15 years sud un- Ibs. Coal (Sheppard & Cill); 2nd, der, 40 yards-lst, Ststloneny (W. J.' Fltiug Plumbiug or Stove Pipe Work Berry): 2nd, Manicure Sets,. value Vo $3.00 (W. Clark); 3rd, Lock COME AND HAVE A REAL GOOD TIME- COMMUNIT As Guests of the Bowmanvulle Busine. MAen's Associatior at the Cream oF Barley Cam VVednesday, JuIl IROgc:Rlm 12.30 p. m.-CALITHUMPIAN PARADE. Parade will form at the Publie Sehoo grounds and will leave at 1 o'clock sharp. Rout;e-Welington to Scugog, to King, and east to Cream of 1arley Camp. Parade headed by Canadian Legion Band, floats, decorated cars, bicycles, clowns, girls' fancy costumes. Valuable prizes. 1.30 p. m.-PROGRAM 0F SPORTS, Races and Contests. Open to everyone, young and old. Prizes will be awarded at the end of each riace. Races started by Alfred Shrubb, famous runner. 2 p. m.-HORSESHOE PJTCHING CONTEST. Valuable prizes. Entries close with Herb Jamieson, Saturday, July 4. 3 p. m.-SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT. Entries close June 3th, with Frank Williams. Winning team presented with $5.00 sweaters. ( Daylight Saving Time ) 6 to 6.30 p. m.--SUPPER HOUR BAND CONCERT by the Bowmanville Canadian Legion Band. Hot water provided for making tea. Plenty of tables and seats. Bring your supper with you. 7 p. ni-LEAGUE FOOTBALL GAME. Regular league game, Bowmanville vs Enniskillen. 9 P. m.-STREET DANCE on King Street, between Temper- ance and Division, Streets. Scotty's 9-piece orchestra and a fine time assured. Round and Square Dancing. 10.30 p. m.-PRESENTATION 0F PRIZES by T. A. Dustan, president of the Association. First presentation will be the Plymouth Sedan, followed by the Radio, Walnut Cedar Chest, and other prizes. Li,-t cf Events aind Priýzcà,. su ad Chaiu for spare tire (Russel 40.-Business Meu's Wives Race-îst prise Il Smith). onlY: Wall paper SUPPlied for raom 12x12, donsted by Geo. Pritchard, 28.-Fat Women's Race, 50 yards-îst, labar lu puttiug this Paper on don- s Jaspe Linoleum Rug, value $9. (L. W. ated by W. J. Richards. Nelson); 2ud, Fruit BowI sud Cookie x Jar $5.00 (J. W. Jewell); 3rd, Milk 4l-Odest Man Ou Grounds-.Clair do- Tickets $2.00 (Glen Rae Dairy). nated by F. F. Morris Ca. 29.-iggley Race, open, 20 yards-lst 42-Odest Woman on Grounds-.ploor sud 2nd prises. Lamp dousted by Northcutt & Smith. 43.-Tug-of-War...o0 Cigars Vo wlnning 30.-Broad Jump, under 15 years-lst, tesmn.- Particulars next week. Watch 75c (J. Rowe); 2nd, Flash- liglit; 3rd prise. 44.-Special Prize danated by Wm. Bag- nell, Radio Table, value $7.50, to the 31.-Broad Jump, 15 years sud over-lst, wiuuer o! the radio lu the lucky draw Fountain Peu (J. Moore); 2nd, Polo contest. Shirt value $1.50, 3rd, Suspeuder Garters. Parada Piues 32-Hp-Step-Jup, under 15 years-lst, 45.-Mauiacturer's loat - jet, snild C. H Dudley Pize, value $2.00; 2d, doIated by Bank o! Montreal, value Gym Shirt; 3rd, Belt. $5.00; 2nd sd 3rd pries. 33.-Hop-Step-Jumnp, 15 years sd oven- 46-Rural Float-lt Shield dousated by st, Sweater Coat $5.00 (Hoar's Caadian Bank Commerce, value $5; Transport C.); 2nd sd 3rd pries. 2d, 5 gaI Cas (T. Carton); 3rd pize. 34.-Softball Tourament, open to Dar- 47-Ploat, open-lt, Silver Cup, value hungto, Cartwright, Clarke, Newcas- $10-00, doated by Dominion Stores; t.le, Bowmanville - Sweater Coats, 2nd sud 3rd prises. value $5,00 escli, for eveny manu0on 48.-Best Decorsted Auto-lat, 2nd sud the winulng teani. 3rd pries. 35.-Horseshoe Pitching Tourament, op- 9 Ba F u y Dese a î en o residents o! Drligton, New- 49-etFnYDrse a 5s, 2nd castle, Cartwright, Clarke, Bawman- sud 3rd prizes. ville-Prise given by CrYderinan & 50.-Best Comie Clown-lst, Box Cigars Marrow o! 2 pair pltchiug horneshoes, (P. Cawan; 2ud, Shirt (Coucli, value $3.50. to wiuniug teain; partie- Johuston & Cryderman); 3rd, Cigar- ulsrs o! other pnizes in next week'a ette Case (J. E. Hablis). paper. A special prise o! an muer tube giv- 5l.-Best Decated Bicycle, by boys un- en by Herli. Jamieson ta the mn der 16 yrs.-lst, Geut's'Bathiug Suit. making the most ingens durlng value $5,00 (T .B. Gilchrist); 2nd sud horseshae pitching cantest. 3rd prises. 36.-Faotball Gaine (League)-Enniskil- 52.-OGirls' Beat FancY Dress, under 18 len vs. Bowmauvile. years-îst, $2.00 Theatre Tickets 37.-Largest Fainilies on Ground-lst, CT.Rs)2nad3rprz. $10 ln Croceries <A. & P. Stores); 53.-0ldest Antique Vehicle lu parade- 2ud, $2.50 valu.e lu nursery stock Firat prize. (Braokdale Nurseries). 54.-Bet Fancy Dressed Chld lu Parde, 38.-Capture a! MYstery Woman-$5.00 10 Vo 14 yers-lst, 2nd sud 3rd lu Bread Tickets (Corbett's Bskery. prizes. Particulars next week. 55.-Three Mile Race, open o Darliugton, 39.-Catching Greasy Pig-Pig Vo become Clarke, Cartwright, NewcasteBw pnoperty o! the one Who catches lBw saie, value $10.00, donted by Orono naville...st, 2d sd 3rd prizes. IF It Rains JuIy 8th Picnic wiII bc HeId JuIy I 5t1i T. A. Dustan. Lawrence Mason PRESIDENT. SECRETARY. dd Y J~f. Everyone is Invited to the I -t 'j. ~1 k e Y' PýiCNiC 1 '.1 AN INVITATION To Residents of Bowmanville, Darllngton, Cartwright, Clarke and Newcastle: Bowmanvllle Business Meurs Association cordilly invites every nesideut o! the aboya municlpalitles to lie their guesta at a huge Communlty Plcnlc at the Cream o! Barley Camp, Bow- manville, on Wednesday afternoon, July 8th. The Association is taklng this opportunlty of furtherlng that spirit of goodwlll sud co-openation whlch exists between the rural and urban nesidents sud between the marchants of Bowtanvlle and the buylng public. Iu isslng this invitation, it la the object o! the Assoc- iation to provide an a! ternoon's entertalument that wl» excaed any prevlous attempt in this district. We want you to corne, feeling that you are free to enjoy eveny Item on the lengtby prograin. The pnognam appanng below provides enjoymeut for eveny memben o! the commuuity, both young sud old, sud we hope that every memben o! your f amlly will be our guests for that alternoon. We want you to enter whole-heartadly -into tht spirit o! the occasion, sud to feel, as our guests, that you can enter the fmi sud frolic wlth perfect freedoin. As ail avents are ou daylight savmng time, may we sug- gest that you arrive lu Bowmanville In plenty o! time to sea the big parade whlch will precede the plculc. This commences uptown between 12.30 sud 1 o'clock. Bring your plculc basket with you sud we wiil assure you a splendid aftarnoon's en- tertalument. At the Cream o! Barley Camp thera wl»lia av- erY couveulence for plcnickers. Corne evenyoua, sud enjoy an altarnoon o! usai feflowahip with the Business Men o! Bowmauvifle, sud make it a genuine re-union o! Durham Boys sud Girls. You are cordlly welcome. T. A. DUSTAN, Premlaent BowinanvilJe Business Men's Assoelatlcu. I Fm;,ý,-ý--"- , T 1 fflm TEM CAJUDIM IBTW.r£M"N. IOWMANVMLE. TRUP.SnAv- TrTur. gAf.-is loqi