THE CNADIA BTATnMANEWDWMNV1T..U TTT4RnV doua, Cluil AGE001 LOCAL and OTHERWISL Mns. Annie Brown and sons Geo. and Fred, Toronto, are vlsiting tbe formen's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- kils Mayer. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Gilcbrist and sons Tom and Ron, and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Olsen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Olsen, Barrie. Mrs. Delbert Burd and daugbter Grace o! the High School of Com- merce, Toronto, were in tawn for tbe weekend and gave tbe senior editar a cali.. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rice, Ross, Jack and Jean, Mr. D. W. Dawney, Miss Giadys Downey; Miss Mabel Sills, Toronto, and Mn. Robent Sim, Pontypool, spent Sunday witb fiends in Belleville and Corbyville. Mr. and Mrs. HarrY Wakely, Pont Hope, announce the engagement o! t.heir daugbten, Hazel L. B. ta Fred- erick Morris Joness, son a! Mn. and Mns. F. H. Joneso! Bowrnanvlle, the marniage ta take place quietly In July. Mn. W. H. Beeties, the new pro- pietan af tbe Bowrnanville Dairy, bas two speedy and veny attractive auto delivery trucks now wblcb are a credit ta bis business. Tbey are palnted white with the name Baw- manville Dalny la black and on each doon the bead o! a Jersey cow. One Cent Sale OF SSTATIONERY Regulax 15e Tablet 2 for 16c Regular 25e Tablet 2 for 26c Regular 30e Tablet 2 for 31c Reg. 15e pkg. Envelopes 2 for 16c Core to Busness Meu's Pienle july th. J. W. Jewell Phone 30 - King Street Big 2o Bookatore Bowrnunville Mrs. Chas. McClung, New Toronto. Is spending a few days with Mrs. P.' M. Soucb, King Street. e Mrs. H. Edgerton, Oshawa, bas re- turned home after a few days' visit with ber daugbter, Mrs. J. Living. Mr. Bert Fenneil and son Elwood, iNew Toronto, spent Sunday witb Mr. 1Neil Muttan and 9ther relatives here. Mrs. Leona Soucb, Orono, and Miss Beatrice Suh,-Mane Qrole were guests o!Mr. Gnt bGain on Monday afternoon. Capt. Tbos. Morgan, Moosejaw, Sask., and bis sister, Miss Minnie Morgan, R. N., Detroit, Micb., were recent caUlers on aid f riends bere. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cole, Newtonville, spent a rnost enjoyable trne at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. R. McCul- lougb, Cobourg, on Saturday, wbo celebrated their uilver Wedding an- niversary. Tbey received a varietY of use! ul glfts. mrs. W. D. Bragg, Newcastle, an- nounces the engagement of Elsie Grace, yotrngest daughter af the late Wesley D. Bragg, ta James TamblYn Brown, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Brown, Orono. The mar- riage wil take place quietlY in JulY. Fred Cale was tbe winner of the 5-pouiid bax of chocalates that was given away by the Business Mens5 Association ta the bolder of the luc- ky ticket at tbe bail game on Friday nligbt. As this was ladies' nigbt Freddy na doubt, banded the prize over ta bis lady f niend. A very successful lawn tea and homne-made caaking sale was beld at the beautiful borne Of Dr. and Mrs. John spencer, Dundurn, on Friday a! ternoon under the auspices o! tbe Women's Guild of St. John's Church. A goad musical prograrn was a f eat- ure a! the afternoofl, and neceipts were neported ta be very satisfactary. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Denison are rnotoring an July flrst ta spend tbe sulmnen at thein bungalow in Digby, Nova Scotia. Mr. T. M. Fýairbalrn O! Tlabuallo, Mexico, brother of Mrs. Denisan, is their guest, and sals on June 30 wltb bis niece, Miss Mar- garet Falrbairn, o! Winnipeg, ta spend two rnantbs in England and on the Continent. Bowrnanville citizens turned Out in goocly numbers ta patronize the Oshawa Rotary Fair on WednesdaY and Tbursday. Oshawa Rotarails apparently neyer do thlngs by balves and thein 1931 fair was one of tbe best yet. Norman McBride of Port H-ope was the wlnner of the Cbev- rolet DeLuxe Roadster, and Miss Aimee Willes o! 247 Celina Street, Oshawa, won the radio. Tbe owner o! the third ticket, No. 13356, bas flot as yet sbown up, and reserve number 14726 bas been drawn. Miss Martba Bye, wbose crippled legs bave been greatly irnproved tbnough the generosity of the Osbawa Rotary Club, drew tbe winning tickets. Among the Bowrnanville people as- sisting in the bootbs gt the f air were E. E. C. Soutbey and L. Roenlgk. where you always SAV IEZY SPECIAL VALUES FOR JUNE Zth, 26th anal 27th. CHERRY JAM, special 40 oz. Mosaion r..........35o FRESH PRUNES, medium size ............. 2 lbn. 17o 10 BARS 0F COMFORT SOAP anal 6 GLASSES, special ...89e Handy Ammona ............................ ... 2 pks. 18e Clank's Cbicken Soup, wtb Rice ...........2 for 23o Kellogg's Corn Flakes...... .......... 2 for 19o Red & White SANDWICH SPREAD ............ 25c FANCY BISCUITS, speclal Red & White Assorted 1-lb, package . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . Princess Soap Flakes, wtb 1 package Super Suds Fiee for ..23o POST'S BRAN FLAKES, per package ............10e KOLONA COFFEE, 1 lb. bag ................29o Orange Mormolade, Gold Medal, large jar .........29o Westan's Pineapple Sandwich Biscuits, per lb ........25o FInest Bulk Soap Flakes ...............2 lbn. 19a Eagle Mllk (for that Salad Dressng) ...........21c Falcon Corn, No. 2 tin ............... 2 for 23e Falcon Tomatoca, large tin ............. 2 for 23o Falcon Peas, size 4 ......................... ..... 3 for 25o REDPATH SUGAR . ................5 lbo.,23a (Special Pruce by the Bog) HORSESHOE SALMON, la tal ....... .....310 W. C. CAVERLY We Ilelven Phone 62 Bowmanvllle 1' k! --- - lt's Sensible To Dine Out In Hot Weather Wonnylng aven a bot stove in a bat kitchen in summer time 18 an old-fashloned thlng ta do. Hene. at tbe Olympia Cafe, Is the place ta came for deliclous meals, and beoutl!ully served meols thot wlll lrnpress you as Just the rlght tbing ail througb the summer. IT'S THE MODERN WAY TO DO. Lèjýi . Fuil Course Sprlng Chioken Dinner ....Oc.... 0 Visit the Boothi for Drinks and Ice Cneam OLYMPIA CAFEL King Street Eaat Phono 886 Bowmanvlfl Miss Buttalpb o! Aberdeen, S. D., ta vlslting ber cousin, Mis. G. L. Wagon. Mn. and Mis. Leiond Edgen, Ton- onto, spent Sunday with bis mother, Mrs. Wm. Edgen. Mr. and Mis. W. A. Beacock, Se- attle, Wash., are visiting bis sisters, Mrs. W. C. Ferguson and Mns. A. W. Pickand. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cheney and daugbter Mildred, and Mis. W. C. Brent, Toronto, are guests o! Mn. Orrn Ganisby, Orono. Dr. and Mns. L. T. GUI, Gibson- burg, Ohio, Mrs. L. Gill, Exeter, were recent guests o! their cousins, Mn. and Mis. W. D. Short, and other friends. Mn. and Mis. Elmer Wood and Miss Vera Wood spent a !ew days wltb Mis. Wood's sister, Mrs. Robt. Kuhe, Detroit, Mich. Vers also vis- ited friends la Maidstone and Wind- sor. Miss Marjonle Moore a! Victoria University, daugbter o! Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Moore, Oshawa, was guest o! Miss Marlon Wagon over the weekend. Manjonie la receivlag con- gratulations on passlng ber fiast year exams. Alderman Reg. Joncs, Town Treasuner Alec Lyle, Division Court Clerk Rager Bird and Mr. Ted Bird were on a f1sbing trip over the week- end ta Bob Lake, nean Minden. Reg. reports a wonder!ul catch but the rest o! the Party wcre just out o! luck. The Music Study Club o! this tawn ta glving a prise ta the girl and boy living la Bowmanvifle wbo ob- tain the blghest marks la the necent June Elementany Pianofonte Exam- inations o! the Toronto Conservatony o! Music. Each pnize ta valued at flve dollars. Mis. H. C. Honnis and Mis. Pl. J. Spny bave returned f rom attending Rebekah Assembly at St. Catherines. Wblle there tbey enjoyed the boat trip up thc new Welland Canal from. Port Dalhousie ta Thorold. Over 1000 Odd!ellows and Rebekaha en- Joyed the trip. Mn. R. H. Collacutt, Concession St. ta tbis week celebnotlag bis 75tb birtbday. With courageous energy be is still carnylng on bis cool busi- ness and also giving greot cane ta the opple orchard on bis bomestead. Ris many frlends convey ta hlm thein bearty congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Wagon received their M. A. degrees at the necent exams at Columbia Univers- ity, New York City. Mn. Wagon ta a son o! Mr. G. L. Wagar, mathernat- icai master la Bowrnanvllle 111gh Scbool. Mr. and Mrs. Wagon Jr. have gone on a holiday trip ta, Eur- ope. Chomben o! Commerce executive, witb six members la attendance, met at C. A. Cawker's office on Monday nigbt. The only business discussed was the erection o! a piat! orm ot the cemetery for the Dedication and Decoration Day cenemonies on July 5th. mhe platform will be erected next week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Word and youngest daugbter Nataie, Oshawa, ie!t Friday monning for Liverpool, England, and !nom thene wUll tnavei tbrough England and the continent, until August 23rd. Misses Brenda and Ollwen Word are spending July and August at their summer borne on Lake Scugog. Home League and Band o! Love o! the Salvation Army beid a very suc- cessf ni sale o! borne-mode articles la the Citadel last Tbursday. The sale was opened by Mns. C. W. Siernon and was attended by a large number o! citizens. Afternoon tea was scr- ved and Mis. J. Tait and Miss Ina Burns preslded oven this part o! the sale. Pnoceeds exceeded $35. Tbrougb the klndness o! Ernest Passant, market gardener, King St. East, the editan and bis f amfly were treated ta a !eed o! Ontario grown vegetables on Monday. Mr. Passant brougbt ta the office the finest speci- mens o! Bowmanvllle grown vege- tables we bave seen this year wblcb inciuded large Irish Cobbler pota- toes and biood ned beets planted on APril 17th. Mr. Passant also stated that be was plcking new green peas. Rev. J. U. Robins occupled bis1 own pulpit at bath services la Tnin- ity Church last Sunday, taking for his monning subJeet Uie Sundayi school lesson whlcb was on Tempen- anoe. The subi ect was !farly ond effectlvely dealt wltb and wos rnucb appreclated by ail wbo beord bis message. The choir, assisted by the Junion choir o! boys and girls, rend- ered a good musical service, In the1 evening Mn. Robins gave an excel- lent discourse on "The Spirits Re- vealing Power." Mis. J. E. Anderson sang sPlendidly "Rock o! Ages" as o slo. FINAL PLANS FOR COMMUNITY PICNIC Mermber's o! ic h--W-hltby Chambher of Commence Who were present la- eluded. W. A. Holliday, vice-presi- dent; A. E. Kcanney, secretany; D. WilIson, A. E. Stanllck, W. A. D)ew- and, P. J. McIntyne, and Jas. H. O)r- nl*,on. editon of the Whltby oaz- ettc and Chronicle. Mns. Henry Carpenter bas been vlsitlng friends st Valentia. Miss Betty Hermon, Toronto, is vlslting Miss Margaret Wigbtman. Mr. Ciernens Percy, Bank o! Com- mnerce, Kingston, spent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith Fergusan and daugbten Collette, spent tbe weekend witb f nlends in Bannie. Miss G. Bartan is borne for two weeks' holiday ,vsting ber parents. Sbe alsa vlsited !nlends in Toronto. Congratulations ta Mr. Ray J. Dilling on passing bis intermediate exaniinations la cbantered account- ancy. Mn. and Mis. W. P. Corbett and Bob, and Mn. and Mis. J. H. John- ston, Bert and Eleanon, rnotaned ta Onilla on Sunday. Miss Molly Hossard, teacben ot Dryden, and Miss Norma HalloweIl, Orono, le!t on Tueaday for a motar trip ta the Pacific Coast, via Sault Ste Marie. Mr. G. W. Taylor o! Bobcaygeon visited bis daugbten-la-law, Mrs. R. I. Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Purdy, Cburch Street, and attende the Flowen Show. Mrs. Norman Taylor and boys took in the G3oodyear Excursion ta Cobourg, and Mn. Taylor wbo is at Cobourg now returned borne wlth them for the weekend. Mr. and Mns. Mervin Gnaham and Roy, Blackstock, Mr. and Mns. Bd. Harris and baby Jean, Cartwright, spent Sunday wth their parents, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. E. Flett. Miss Kate McNeil, Toronto, who wos hene on Saturday attendlng the funeral o! ber aunt, tbe late Mrs. Wm. Haoey, wos guest of ber sister, Mrs. Marlon Moore, Church St. Mr. and Mis. J. B. Saunders and Misses Grace, Myrtle and Loura, Lindsay, were Sunday visitons o! ber sister and bnother-in-law, Mn. and Mis. Gea. Webster, Elgin Street. Mrs. Agnes Wnenn. Mis. Ireland, and Mrs. Barton, repnesentlng the T. 0. D. B. Silven Cross Chapter, at- tended the Toronto Harbour Com- missioners Inspection o! Waterfront Developrnent on Wednesdoy. Venenable Arcbdeacon Davidson o! Peterboro poid bis official visit ta St. John's Parisb on Monday. He beld a meeting la the vestny o! the cburch wlth the Rectar and church wardens. He expressed complote satisfaction wltb tbe affairs o! the paris. . St. Pauls W. M. S. beld tbe reg- ulan meeting on Tbursday evening with a splendid attendance. Rev. Dr. Best occupied the chair and in- tnoduced tbe speaker, Rev. Dr. Scott, o! the United Cburcb Hospital at Wakaw, Sask.. Dr. Scott wbo found- ed this bospital 30 yeors ago review- cd in a very interesting manner bis experlences durlng ail those years. The stary contalaed many patbetic, amusing and encounoging features whlch everyone greatly enjoyed.. Musical numbers were furnisbed by a group o! C. G. I. T. girls and tbe Young men's quantet, Messrs. A. Me- Gregor, D. Williams, Eric Coombes and Wilfrid Carruthens.' A social time was enJoyed at tbe close.. Dr. Scott was guest o! Mrs. Jean mc- Gregon whlle la tawn. W. M. S. LIFE GERTIFICATE PRESENTED TO JARS. TODD A rnost enjoyable a! ternoon was spent at tbe manse on Tuesday last, under the auspices o! the Womens Mlssionany Society and Mission Bond o! St. Andrew's Pnesbyterian Church, wben a sale o! borne-mode cooklng, towels, and candy took place and aftennoon tea was senved. Mis. Todd received on behal! o! the society, and mode evenybody f eel quite at bomne. One a! those pres- ent was Mis. David Keitb, Hon. President, the oldest lady member o! St. Andrew's. Miss Flore, Galbraitb, president o! the W. M. S., and Mis. J. R. Sjutt, seretany, wene ably supportedr by the otber members a! tbe Auxillany, while Mis. F. O. Mclllveen and Mis. D. F. Henry, wbo were la charge o! the arrangements, were _Much en- couraged wth tbe nesult o! the com- blned effort. Mis. Coyle, Mis. Ken- nedy, Mis. Camreon, Mrs. Hately, Miss I. K. Smilth, Miss Marion Leg- gott, Miss Caroline Homnilton, Miss Elleen Hotely and Miss Eileen Todd wene active workeis. An intenestlng Item o! tbe after- noon was the presentation o! a "Lif e Membershlp Cetlflcatell ta Mis. Todd !rom the W. M. S. Miss Gai- braith speaklng in appreclative terms o! the services rendened ta the auxillary by Mis. Todd since ber coming. ta Bowrnonvllle, and the loy they !elt la bavlng wlth tbem tbat afternoan, Miss Mamie Todd, a daugbter o! tbe Manse, who is a Deaconess In Winnipeg under the W. M. S. o! the Prcsbyterian Cbuncb in Canada. Mrs. Todd who was taken by sur- DA NCE KEN. MORRIS and hbi BEACH COMBERS Opening Night, July lot, E~stB.aA L BIRTHS I DUDLEY--%At Bowmanville Hospital, on June lOth, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dudley (flac Reta R. Cole) a son (Ray Colemnan). OLSON-In San Francisco, California. on Saturday. June l3th, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Oison (fiee Greta Morris), a son (Ronald Warren). MARRIAGES READ-ASHTON-At the residence of the bride's parents, Haydon, on Satur- day, June 2Oth, 1931, by Rev. J. R. Trumpour. Tyront, assisted by Rev. J. M. Whbyte, Enniskillen, Meta Clara Ash- ton, only daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Ashton, and Arthur F. BRend, eider son of Mr. Robt. .and the late Mms. Read, Haydon. DON EVAN-EMSLEV-On June 1Sth, 1931, ln Bloar Street United Churcb, To- ronto, by Dr. G. C. Pidgean, Lydia Evangeline, daughter of Mrs. W. H. Emsley, Oshawa- and the laie Lieut.- Col. Rev. W. H.' Emaley, formerly of Plaon, ta Dr. Frederick James Donevan, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Danevan, (Jananoque. ]DEATHS 1100EY-l Darlington, on Thuraday, June lSth, 1931, Isabel MeNeil, widow of the late William Hooey, aged 90 years JARDINE-At Sioux Lookout, Ont., on June 11th, 1931. William Wilson Jardine, B. A., ln bis 9th yoar. Intermont Sioux Lookout.' ROBERTSON-In Vorulamn, June 17t.h. 1931, Harriot CraS Beacock, widow of the late Thomas Robertson, ln bhW Srd Year. Interment at Dunsaford Cemetery. NEWELL-In Detriot, Mich., JUse 11, 1931, Robert James Newell. agod 71 YearO. Beloved fathor of Rev. P. W. Newell. Blacstock, Miss Gladys A. New- elU and Mrs. Gea. A. Wells, Detroit. In- terred at Sarnia, IN MEMORIAM In loving momnory af William Bdger wha departed tbis Ilie June 27th, 18. The rolling straa of lite paas on, But et111 the vacant chair Rocalsa the smlle, the love, the voice, Of one who once ss.t there. Three little wairds, forgot-mne-not, ehy dont Boom much. but mean a lot. T a momary, fond and true, Ta. show, dear husband and dad, we think af you. SadUy miffled by Wife and Famlly. In loving momory of aur dear baby, Shirley Marie Corden, who passed away Juno 23rd, 1929, age 8 montha, 14 days. We often sit and think of you When we are ail alone, For memnory la the only friond That grief can call s awn. Thse flowers we place upon your grave MaY withor and decay, But the lave for our baby who sleeps beneath, Wlil never fade away. Lovingly remoembered, Mother and Daddy Floral Designa FIiat Clama work for aIl ocasions, Wreaths, Sprays, Pillows, Brides' Bou- quets, etc. Also permanent Wreaths for the cemetery ln beautiful floral effect. KINGSWAY NURSERIES On Nighway 2 street a st of Liberty St. Ph one 144 Bowmuanville To Let FOR RENT-Three apartmnents. Ap- ply W. F. Ward, Barrister, Bowman.. ville. Phono 102. 25-t! COTTAGE TO RENT-At the Lake, oasa aide. Apply Mrs. A. Bingham, Queen St., Bowmanville. Phone 159. 24-2w I-bUSE TO RENT-On Ontaria Street, 7-roomed, brick, modern convonlences, hardwaad floors dawnstairs, garage and gaad garden. Phone 389. 26-tf FOR RENT - Brick 8-room semi- bungalow; modemn convenienoos; good gardon; possession April let. J. R. Phlp, Scugog St., Bowmanville. 10-tf SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - At Williams Point, Lake Scugog. For f ur- ther information apply to A. w. pickard, King St. ,Bownianville. Phone 185. 23-tf TO LET-3-roomed aparmemnt ln Cow- an Block, nmodern conveniences, eloctric stave; possession July lStb. Apply ta Mms. Percy Cowan, BowmanviUle. Phone 270. 25-tf Articleâl For Sale. FOR SALE-Fonce posta, 26o eacb. Apply P. Foley, Bowmaaville. 2-t! FOR SALE - Oldemobile touring car, will sell cheap. Apply MartynsB Bowl- ing Alley. 26-1w MUSH-ROOMS FOR SALE-Delivored. Apply to, SelbY Grant, Scugot Road. Phono 691. 25-t! FOR SALE-Buckwheat, 60c par bus- bel. Bert Rie, Tyrone, Lot 6, Con. 9, Damlingtan, nortb of Sault Church. 23-5 FOR SALE-UsOd loctric radio, con- sole madel, aise unod battery set, table madel, bath in firBt-lasa shape. Terme If desired. Phone 258 Bawmanville. 24-2w FOR SALE-10 yaung Yarkshire pige, about 5 weeks aId; aiso 15 acres stand- ing mixod boy te ho sald or lot out on shares, ready ta eut. F. W. Smith, En- niskillen. Phone 197r6. 26-1 FOR SALE-One aak extension dlning table, 4 oak chairs, 1 oak writing desk, 1 Cadillac Swoeper Vac, 1 Singer sew- ing mnachine, 1 single Iron bod, 1 ro- frigoratar. Phane 230. 25-2w LAUNDET WAI<TED *Il kIids of laundry work dons prompt- myutiuaotortly ana t reasonable prIca. krite Poil Orneot là, or oal bMn. W. Mtargort2m. Kiýtroitlmaut. Bow- munvIll. Phos e THE THIN PURSE a a à That'. a oc"udtion we acmqt ana mccl. Tba*s wby we've adjusteul te sellint priceS «m our dress et suit the thiner pusse.,à%& us. CLARE NCE S. MASONtS Little Skoppe with The Large New Stock Om eMM.,wut et Ir. F. IMorbsC. WatcI2.Our Wlndow WhereYo u, AreNver We Chane Il Olten Urgcd teBMW RADIO TUBES hUa is cfor db Tub« "a tla o MWlunePriem - Oaly Brnswiclk MdlTepl Rame u~.Vvmu1Tomm FRED. J. MITCHELL Phene105 Summer Savings for thrifty Home Beautifiers Thme severest budget wlf comm-end these wonderffl pnices on gardener's equlp- ment. It's your chance to A~> make your garden beauti- f ul at a 2*eUonIab cost.- .~~~ ~Every articelioistr --Is lncluded ln this remank- -- able clearance. 14-incb Lawnmower, 3 blade, neg. $8.25, on saûe.. 51 16-lach I*wnmowen, 3 blade, reg. $8.45, on sale ....... $5.95 14-lacb, bail bearlng, seif-adjuat- ing, 4-blade Lawnmo ý,,er, reg. $11.25, on sale ....... 795 16-inch, bail bearlng, self-adjust- lng, 4-blade Lawnmowen, reg. $12.25, on sale ...... 8.715 One only. Waodyatt Lawrnower, bail bearlng, regular $11.25, on sale...................S8.715 HOT PLATES 2-Burner Eiectric Rot Plate $$,85 I -Burner Hot Plate .... ...u * Appliance Cords, regular 55c, on These Suer Values on DiUy tl Our Wla&dwa Be at the Business Meu's0Com- nunlY Pionk JUIF 8ah.. DUSTAN'S cash HARDWARE Modernize Your Plumbing Now Dld you kn.w ltat plumblng ham kept step wlth modem Improvements? Many plumblng fixture. whlch you may thlnk tco advanced are now avaUable te you. Tisat you'U enjoy their use ls certain. Il but irMaimn n for youta oeil and sec"lte masuy test- ,jzlflrimoe arehiteots cail standard. Wo have them aU ! MAdprices. ane attheir iowest. Estinates given wlthout cent. W. Len ElIiott PLUMBKR Phone: 8h09 348; Homme 3938 BowmaavUe .,t. u E 't s THE CANADIAN ErrATESB&AN. BOWIL«VnL& TEMP.SDAY. juNz 2sth. losi Bowmanvine DAMIR mmww