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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1931, p. 1

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j (tantan. With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 7 7 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 27 Corne to tIhe Community Picnic Next Wednesday Bowmanville Public Sckools Annual Midsummer Exaimination Resuits Me--,y receive promotion on years standing - Large number awarded honours in June examinations at Central and South Ward schools. To Senior Fourth Honours - Mary Birks, Madge Moses, Jean Coyne, Bille McFeeters, Greta Raby, Florence Hooper, Grace Childs, Frank Tiglie. Pass-Fred Neal, Kathleen Laph- en, Andrew Lambros. Edward Nick- erson, Dorothy Goode, Nancy Sbrubb, Thelma Little, Dorothy Young, Alfred Millson, Lilan Mor- den, Jack Parker, James Hayman, Jean Sutton; Bert Johnston (il at time of exam). To Junior Fourth Honours-Marion Scott, Dorotby Bartan, Ruth Ives, Margaret Wood, Dorothy Bradt, Marion Hamnm, Ger- trude Wagar, Betty Edgar, Dorothy Jones, Jean McMullen, Walter Hall, Helen MordEn, Eric Swindelis, Char- lie Spencer, Betty Pingle, Jack Dunn, Tommy Gatchell, Clair Wakelin, Helen Poster, Ruth Logan, Donald Cameron, Frances Hearl, Helen Glanville. Elleen Hailman, James Martin, Ross Rice, Verna Lenhardt, Gardon Martin, Pansy Hooper, Wil- liam Couldery. Pass-Keith Wilson, Doris Con- nors, Arthur Fortier, Mary McAlis- ter, Earl Clark, Marie Gilhooly. Don- othy Knox, Florence Shotter, Evelyn Roberts. Greta Tomlinson, Mary Brown, James Fowler. Laura Purdy, Ila Sutton, Joey Caverly, Jack Rice, Kathleen Robinson, Irene Brook- ham. Thelma Harris. Harold Bsn- nett, Bruce Yeo, Ernie Reader, Dor- othy Tapson, Dorothy White. John Cowle, Lewis Deweil, Jean Rundle, John Taylor, Alice Bennett, Irens Jones, Grace Sellers, Abert West- nutt, John Westnutt. Ross Hennlngs, Silian Naylor, Bernice Mutton. La- erne Kinble. Irene Purdy, Edith Rowe, Ruth Hennings, John Welsb, Arthur Lewis, Mary Lyle, Edith Lyle, Ernest Taylor, Donald Mason. Lloyd ]Brooklng. TO Sîior Third Honours on year's work - Ruth Cryderman, Benjamin Rase, Charles Churchill, Edward Hooper, Theodore Lambros, Kathleen Blunt, William James, Fred Lapben and Paul Sy- mons and Helen~ Virtue equal, Olive Ward, Marion Martin and Ronald Richards equal, Helen Cotton and Jack Clough equal, Veda Purdy and Rachel Wright equal, Jack Fisber, Donald Fowlen, Helen Williams, Charles Mcllveen, Edward Pugh. Leonard Somerscales, Ethel Graham, Russell Short, Ethelda Seymnour, [Ternence Dustan, Jack Colville, Lionel Parker and Patricia Wilson equal, LeRoy Short, Arthur Living and Lawrence Cennors equal, James Crombie, Leslie Phillips, Marion Davies, Charles Somerscales, Jack Honeyman, Dorothy Harnden and Philip Latimer equal, Lucy Lyle. Pass on Examinations-Marie AI- lison, Margery Henderson, Rhae Drew, Kathleen Sisson, William Fewster, George Morris and Richard Bathgate equal, Bill Tait, Bruce Mutton, Helen Brooking, Jack Rowe and Dorothy Nickersen equal, Louise Hobbs, Kenneth Nurcombe, Leon Connors. June Drew, Ralph Cole, Beulah McQuarrle, Edlth Richards, Mary Irwin, Louis Lyle. Velma Woodward, John Graham, Edna Sheehan, Ford Jackman, Milford McDonald, Isobel Davidson, Charles Welsh. To Junior Third Honours on year's work-Byron Crawford, Jean Logan, Alan Tam- blyn, Charles HIoarý Kay O'Neill, Llian Karen, Blain Elliott, Tommy Reiider, Kitty Storey, Carol Mai- tyn, Hayward Moady, Lloyd Yeo, Doris Moses, Ruth Virtue, John Mathew, Norma Searle. Charles Cartwright, Elva Potter, Jeanne Ad- ams,' Kenneth Sumersfoîd, Mary Childs, Doris Virtue, Dorothy Smale. Audrey Comnstock. Leslie Darch, Mary Lemon, Marlon MacDonald, Roy Swlndeils, Ernest Ward, Ronald (Contlnued on page 10) McGilI Memorial Cemetery Gates To Be Formally Opened Sunday Impressive ceremony will be conducted by prominent citizens and ministers of ail protestant churches. Witb Bovmanvilie Cemetery neyer looking better than it is today pre- parations are ail compietsd fer the Dedication o! the McGili Memoial Gates on Deceration Day, Sunday next, July th. Alderman T. H. Lockhart who has been la charge o! tas arrangements requests that al organisations taking part in thi po cession be ready te start f jo h Public Schooi grounds sharp at 2 o'clock. Imniediately after the pro- cession leaves Garton Busses will be on hand at the scbool grounds ta carry passengers ta the cemetery. Canadian Legion Band will lead the parade along Wellington ta, Temperance ta the Soldiens' Mern- anial at the Town Hall where Mayor M. J. Elliott vil place a wreath and a silence o! two minutes wiil be ob- çerved. The procession wiil then rove on ta the cemetery. ,The proceedings at the cemnetery Wil commence when Major A. H. 13ounsall, builden a! the gates, viii say, "The McGill Memoril Gates are fuliy completed and are ready ton formai opening." Mayor Ellott vill then dedlans the gates open and Town Clerk John Lyle wili cut the ribbon across the gates. It la ex- pected that Mn. M. A. James, senior editan o! The Statesman. wbo was Mayor o! Bovmanviile when James McGIII bequeathed the Wasbington Property ta the tavn and vlth whom Mr. McGil made arrangements be- tons bis death for the bequest, wiil turn the iatcb on the centre gate and open it. The Dedication cenemony il be conductsd by Rev. C. R. Spencer. rectar of St. John's Cburch, and 11ev. W. J. Tadd, minister o! St. Andrew's Chunch. Citizens vil be able ta f o110w the service f rom the souvenir progra whicb yull be dis- trlbuted frnee. They are condlally lnvited ta jain la the varions ne- sponses and the singlng o! the liyns whlch wili be accompanisd by the band. Immediately atter the Dedication Cerernany, the Decoratian Day cer- mony viii commence. This vili be canducted by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastar o! Trinlty United Cburch, Rev. A. S. Kerr, pastan of St. Paul's United Cbuncb, Capt. L. Bunsey o! tb Salvation Army, sud Rev. Gep. I» .Ater the blesslng sud the sqigo! the National Anthem the decoration of the graves viii proceed. PASTOR HONORED 11ev. J. U. Robins Pastor o! Trinity United Cburch fan past seven years, who bas been bon- ored at a nuxnben o! gatberings and presentation duning the part week previaus ta bis ieaving on Tuesday for bis new charge at Listovel. He la succeeded bers by Rev. E. F. Armn- stnong o! Listavel. THE CHURCHES St. Paui's United Churcb-Rev. A. S. Kerr, pastor. Sunday services at il a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sunday Scbool at 12 noon. Induction service Fnl- day, Juiy 3rd. at 8 p. m. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb -Rev. W. J. Todd, Ministen. Morn- lng Worship Il a. m.; Sunday Schaal 12.15 P. m.; Evening Woisblp 7 p. m. The Minister vill preach. The Salvation Army-Capt. Bur- sey and Lieut. Poultan. Sunday ser- vices at il a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sun- day Scbooi 2.30 P. m. Services ta be conducted by Envoy Pilcher tram Toronta. St. John's Anglican Churcb-Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rectar. Fltth Sunday a!ter Trnnty: Holy Communion sud Sermon at il a. mn.; Sunday Scbool 12.15 p. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. m. Rev. P. B. de Lom a! Cobourg vili canduct ail servicew during Juiy. Trnity United Cburcb-Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastan, viiipneach at il a. m. sud 7 p. m. Sunday School durlng the mornlng service. Recep- tion service ta 11ev. Mn. Armstrong and family an Thursday at 8 P. m. ta, whlch aili ths cngregation are cordially lnvited. SACRED TO THE MEMORY 0F JAMES H. McGILL The McGilI Memorial Gates, at- Bowmanville. Cernetery Which will be forrnally opened on Decoration Day, Sljnday next, July 5th, at 3 p. in. (D.S.T.) Major A. H. Bounsail, builder of the gates, will hand themn over tomplete t o Mayor M. J. Eiott, who Winl formally declare then open, John Lyle, veteran Town Clerk, wil] erfci m the ceremony of cuttlng th& rlbbon, and Ex-Mayor M. A. James will perforiTi the duty of openlng the gates. TRINITY CHURCH OFFICIAL BOARD FAREWELLS PASTOR Rev. and Mms Robins Reciplents of Gi! ts of Godwll Trinity United Chunch Stewards and members o! the Official Board held the concluding meetings during Rev. J. U. Robins' pastorate on Fri- day evening when a goodly number were present. At the close Mr. W. R. Stnike in the absence o! the Re- cording Steward, Mn. F. C. Vanstane, read the following address: Dean Mn. Robins: This la aur last oppartunlty ta, be with you as chairman o! aur OffIcial Board and uppermost in oui minds la fLrst, the loas we are about ta, sus- tain in losing whom most o! us feel a close personal !niend and a Christian gentleman, and second, the seven years o! !aîthful con- secrated effort you have given ta our congregation. We appreciate ths fact that the waîk o! a Christian minister is nev- en an easy task and more especially la this true in connectian with aur congregation with its large member- ship and adherents rnaking a con- stant demand upon the services and energies o! its minister. 'You have ministsred ta this con- gregation f nom the pulpit as a dis- tinguished preacher o! ths Gospel and in the other departments o! chuîch activities you have taken youn f ull share o! leadership and given unceasingly o! your tims and talents. You have aiso found tiras ta make distinctive contributions ta the work o! the church at largo and as a private citizen in our own com- munity. For these aîduous years o! service in aur midst we pay you tributs, we recognize you have given a! yoursel! ta the cause you love se dearly at the cost o! your own stnength and heaith and can oniy hope that you wlll take away with you as a corn- fort and a pleasant and abiding rnemory the thank!ulness and grat- itude e! aur cengregatien. May the blessings o! aur Fathen continus ta f ollow you and your family in your Christian minlstry and may you long be spaned ta serve Hlm as a dis- tlnguished and brimlant gitted dis- ciple and wbo willi not forget ta look in as frequsntly as possible on bis many f nlsnds in Bowrnanville. We ask you ta, accept this small gitt f nom tbis Board as being o! some assistance ta youn getting home ta meals on time but more especlally that in observing it you wlii recail the gratitude a! this con- gregatian for the distinguished min- istry you have given It fon 'Îeven years. On behal! of the Bord-F. C. Vanstane, Recording Steward. Mn. J. E. Eiliott af the OMfiary o! the cbunch, presented Mn. Robins with a goid wnlst watch, sultably en- graved, and bracelet. In acknowledging the gltt Mn. Robins tbanked ail for the gltt, their good wlshes and ca-aperation, and wlsbed for Trnnty Church and con- gregation contlnued success in ail their work. Dr. J. C. Devltt, Superintendent o! the Sunday Scbaol, aiso took the OPPortunlty ta express his tbanks ta Mr. Robins for the assistance and inteneet be had taken in the work o! the Sunday School. EfflUCTION AT ST. PAUL'S The induction o! Rev. A. S. Ker will take place in St. Paul's United Cbunch an Priday evening, July 3rd, at 8 o'clock. The chairman o! Osh- awa Presbytery, Rev. j. M. Wbyte, wlll preside and Induct. Rev. D)r. Hugh Kerr o! Plttsburg, U. a., vii conduct the service and preach. ReV. P. L. Jull, secretary of Pneg- bytery, vil address the congregation and minuster. A cordial invitation is ertendsd ta everyane. JAMES H. XcGILL Life Histo yOF Jas. H. McGiIl Town Benelactor Bowmanville boy made good as architect i Washington, D. C.-Left huge bequest to native town on death. James H. McGlll, who on bis death in 1908 le! t ta the town o! Bowrnan- ville property ta the value o! $300,- 000.00, yull on Sunday be remember- ed by ths citizens o! the tawn when the McGil Memenial Gates at the Cemstery are f ormally opened by Mayor Milton J. Eliiott. Mr. Mc-i Gil's lite story is o! interest at this time. James H. McGili was the eld- est son o! William and Lydia Muir McGili and was born on August 24th, 1847, in Bowmanville in the bouse now occupied by Mn. Fred J. Mitch- ell, nean Scugog Street. He received bis education at the Union and Higb Scbaol on Wellington Street, and a!- ter working for bis father, who was a carpenter and contracton, for a f ew months, he decided ta lsarn architecture as bis vocation and In bis l7th or l8th year he le! t Bow- manville for Rochester, N. Y., ta study under Henry R. Searle, a lead- ing architect o! that clty. Upon Mr.i. Searie's nemovlng to Washing ton, D. C. in 1865. Mr. McGiil continued wlth hlm and afterwards became a partnen in the business. On Mr. Searles death he practlsed bis profession alane for many years and under bis supervision there vas erected rnany business buildings, churches, and private dwellngs. He was the architect for 75 or more resdences In LeDroit Park, a new section o! Washington added ta the clty la 1877. In 1875 he was the architect for the Northern Liberty Market covsning the entire weat end o! the square bounded by K. Flttb and L. Streeta at Washington. In the early nineties be built the McGll1 Building, camposed o! stores and office suites and whlch la now 59% owned by the tawn o! Boy- manvilie. It was on the compietion o! this building that be retired from active wark un bis profession and tcok lite mare leisursly. He spent moet a! bis summen montbs at the Kavartha Lakes wbere be built a Palatial Hause Boat bavlng ail mod- ern canveniences, includlng electric- ity fan iighting. bathnoom, vaten tanks, verandaba in fnont and be- hind, a kitchen, lange living room wth lounges bullt la acrosa eacb end and a stalrway leading ta four bed- rooms upstalrs. The Statesman in August 1906 carnled a fins picture a! this bouse boat and a stony of its fine equipment. In connectio'i vith Le Droit Park an illustrated booklet wau lesued and (Coatlnued onPmae 1) DR. AND MRS. BEST ARE HONORED BY CONGREGATION Beloved Ministers of St. PauI's sud Wl! e Receive Many Presentations Mns. D. W. Best bas been gener- ously and gratefuily remernbered by the congregation and societies o! St. Paul's United Church. On Monday evsning, June 22nd, the Junior Missionary Society as- sernbled at the home o! Mrs. Alan Williamns when after the busines was canducted, Miss Ida Stephens read a very klndly worded address and Miss R. Percy pres0nted Mrs. Best with a lovely cof se percalatar. On Saturday, June 2th, St. Paul's Sunday School held its annual1 pic- nic at the Cream o! Barley Camp and Mr. J. R. Pbilp, suporintendent, made a very pleaslng and congrat- ulatory address, and Violet McAflls- ter and Mary Lernon presented Mis. Best wlth a silver crdain and sugar tray. Master Murray Mitchell pre- sented Miss Elizabeth Best with a $5 gold piece; and Master Eric Swln- dells pnesented Rev. D. W. Best witb a $10 gold plece. On Tuesday afternoon. June 23rd, the ladies o! the cangregation held an aftennoon tea in the Lecture Room, tables being very prettily dec- arated with flowers and kood things ta eat. A short pragram was pre- paned by Mis. M. A. Neal, consisting of solos by Mrs. R. J. Gi and Mrs. Geo. L. Hall, and netations by Mrs. W. Adams and Mrs. F. H. Maody. Mms Adams offered a few kindly ne- marksvalcing the regret f sît by the congregation, a! ter whicb, she called on Mis. A. L. Nicholls ta relad the following addness: Dean Mis. Best: The years o! pleasant intercourse and campanion- ship which we have enioyed tageth- er make us very loathe ta sever the bond that bas held us in bappy co- openation. Perbaps it was because we were busy togethen that we scar- cely took tinw ta tell you baw rnuch you helped us and how grateful1we were. At any rate, befone YOU go, we want to assure you o! aur f nmsl even if we cannot adequately=ocrs our appreciation. Much is expected o! a minlster's wife, but you have gone fan beyond and above the routine o! pnescnibed duties and sa cheerfully used ail your many talents and social abil- ities amongst us as friends. This personal frlendshlp with whlch yau have touched each lite. this buman lntenest wlth whlch you bave served in each and ail of aur organizations, have tauched us closely and dnawn ~us together in a f riendly circle about yeu. In ail the vanled phases o! a long pastorate your devoted courage and indomitable energy have neyer failed. Youî courage and ethusiasrn h'ave raliled wonkers and lod the way in service. Always your tiras and talents have been at the service o! eveny organization o! aur cburch, neyer unwllling non fonmally, but as oe equally anxlaus for the success a! the cause. How mucb lave and courage have tbrlled oui bearts as we listened ta .yaur singlng ws can- not tell. Hope and cheen bave been made ta shine througb many a dark place In each lite. In aur social intencourse your part bas been equally graclous and tbls attitude bas been lived by you in the many town activities whlch you have as- sisted. St. Paul's bas been praud a! you in them aIl. Througbout these years youn unseltisb service bas borne the imprint of a Uts e arly dedlcated te Christ, and Your loftY devatian ta tbe cause bas callsd ta us tram the bslgbt af its Joyfui self- sacrifice. We trust ws may be able ta pay you the sincere compliment of attempted emulation a! yaur un- selflsb exaxnple. At what oot ta yaurself bas beemi this zealous ser- vice we cannat say-you have flot mentianed it nar caunted any effort too great If t mlght by any means help anyone. Let us Just say we are (Oontlnued on Mae 10) Rotary Club Activities are Inherent Force in Bowmanville Community Life Review of past years work demonstrates value of Club to town - Blind, crippled, Scouts and needy are helped. "Thy modesty's a candie to tby menit." Thus said Fielding in one of bis plays. This quatatian cornes vividly before a person, who, not a member of the Rotary Club, is per- mitted to attend the meetings of the club and follow its activities. How- ever, throughout the year, the ex- ecutive carnies an and authorizes work which the casual observer knows practically nothing about. It is only just once in each year, and that at the final meeting before the change of officers, that one reafly finds out what Rotary bas accom- plished ini the precedlng twelve months. That is when the observer realizes what Rotary means to a community and it is then that bis mind wanders to the above quota- tion. Surely the modesty of the Ro- tary Club in ail its good works is a candie ta its menit. It was retirlng President Hermie Brown who related to the club at its luncheon on Friday the activities of tbe past year as shown in the finan- cial report presented by Rotanlan Charlie Mason. As is usual the club continued its good work among the crîppled child- nen and has had the satisfaction o! knowing that at least one of its proteges is again walking after many years of crlppled lnactivity. A new depanture featured some of their work this year in as much as a blind child was caned for, received an op- eration, and is stili unden the cars and supervision of a specialist for which the club is responsibls. The work among the boys of the town is also worthy of speclal men- tion. Having sponsorsd the forma- tion af a Scout Troop in Bowman- ville and later a pack af Cubs, they have contlnusd ta hslp and encour- age the boys in their activities and have given generously flot only of their funds but of their time In this work. Then thers was the skating rlnk that was bufit on the Public School grounds last wnter and for which some 500 or 600 cbildren have been very grateful. The club wIU liksly continue tbis activity nsxt winter. A continuation -0f theïr boys' work is seen in the sponsoring of a local boys at the Boys' Training School. This branch o! the boys' work is being watched wlth interest. The Rotary room at Bowmanville Hospital bas also been given cars during the year and is today one of the finest wards in the building. Anothen new departure and ane that in years to corne wlll be ap- preciated as much as anytblng the club bas ever done, was the purchase of the park lands at the foot of Tempenance Street, almost in the centre of the town, being only ans block from the Post Office corner. Considerable work bas been dans on the Park and it is hoped that nsxt year a formai opening wilI be made. Their Christian work was continu- ed at the Public Schools where a number of cblldren, whose parents are unable ta supply them wlth rnik, have been Provlded wlth tbls sus- taining food at the expense o! the Rotary Club. A great many familles have also the Club to tbank for Christmas Cheen. A considerable sum had also been spent an relief work. The work of transporting the chlldren and parents comlng tram Toronto, ta and froma the Fresh Air Camp west o! Bowmanffie an Lak Ontario, durlng'the suner, is also taken cars of by the club. While the Rotarlans, in modesty do flot braadcast the splendid work they accomplish, their light sines f orth ahead of themn and the generAl public are aware and appreclats their good works. President Hermis Brown Ined- lately bef are the installation of the new president expressed bis keun aPPreclation a! the splendidi co-op- (Cantinued on page 5) Plans C m pie te For Great Community Gatkering at Cream of Barley Camp ACCORDED HONOR Ex-Mayor M. A. James Senior Editon o! The Canadian Stateisman who vil pertorm the oer- ernony a! turning the iatcb and op- ening the new McGili Memarial Gates on Sunday. Mr. James is glv- en the credit for interesting James McGil sufflciently la bis native tavn ta viii bis estate ta Bowmanville. Mn. James wbo was Mayor at the time that tbe bequest vas made vas !ully conversant wlth Mn. McGill's intentions mome years bd!are bis de- cease. The viii vas made la 1904 when Mn. James vas Mayor and vas made public on Mn. McGll's deatb la 1906. The will read la part: "'I give, devilse and bequeatb ta my vite, Jane I. McGili, the use ofa! i rny real estate ta be used and enjoy- ed by ber durlng tas tdIrm a! ber natunal lits, and I bequsatha al my neal estate ta the Corporation a! Bawrnanville, Ontario, Canada, but this bequest is not ta be efective until after decease of my vile, Jane Mns. McGfl vas la perfect accrd vita tas vishes a! ber busband as thé thise cbiidren a! tas union bad died. She bad Intended aiso ta leave considerable ta the tavn but ber deata occurned just tva years later sud beïr estate vent ta tas churcb. In aur effort ta get The Stateaman ta press Tuesday evenlng, an accaunt of tas holidlay, sevenai budgets of neya are held aven tubnext veek. Thv Include Newcastle, Q>ufloe, Haydan, Cadmua, ZMon correspond- ence, tva veddlng reports. Ploy; Show, and several athen anialliItems. Citizens are urged to attend great picnic sponsored by Bowmianville Busin e a a Men on JuIy 8th. For the past four veeks The Statesman bas been enumeratIng the aimost Innumerable evebte whicb are ta take place at the Busi- ness Men's Community Plcmce at the Cream o! Barley Camp on Wednes- day, JuIy 8tb. By this tiras every- one shauld be vell acquainted with the details, but If are not Just turn to page 6 vhj*e you vill flnd the full particulars. Ail that Is necessary nov la ta further urge everybody ta attend and ta tell tbern tbat; they vill miss ans o! tas finest outings in their Young or old lives if they miss the Cornmunity Plcnlc. Do not f orget ta be la tawn early ta see ths parade. Fallov ut to the Camp and enter any event la yaur classansd vin a band- some prize. Ses ths sottbafl tourna- ment; bear the Canadian Leglon Band; watcb the bors shas experts put on tas ingers; ses ths tltanic football struggle between Bovinan- ville and Enniskillen; have your sup- per on the spacious greens, la the shade a! the aid apple trees, if you vish; attend tas street dance up- tavn at nlght and "trip tas light !antastlc" on Bowmanvhfle's main street. Last but not lest do not cal It a day until you bave purchas- ed a f sv tickets on tae draw for the lucky ticket for the Plymouth Sed- an, the Rogers' Radio, and the beau- tiful walnut cedar chest. DECORATE THE TOWN Menchants and citizens on King Street are urged ta decorate their bornes sud stores vith buntlng for the Community Pieicoan Wednes- day July Sth. Everyons who la In possession of fflag or othen decora- tions are asked ta use thera fan this day so as ta make It a gala occas- ion. Merchants on King Street be- tveen Tempenance sud ]Division Streets are partlcularly unged ta make a good decorative shovlng fon that day as the dance at nlgbt viii be heldhI tbat block. It viii fot only add ta ths funi of the day-but vill prove a goad advertlasmemit for the tawn ta those passlng tbrough. Tva large bannera are nov spread acroas the street announcing the pienlo. Miss Helen Darch of Oshava 1Hou- piai staff, la holidaylng hors. ~i~J .~ ~br -~ L , il 1

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