PAG FURTUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAIqVILLE, THlURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1931 fi p i L.'pjuUgJlas, Egyptian Liniment i tem o! history the-y may know. And I handy. A sure, apeedy rcmedy for ifyu have old relies convenient for Men rpes yIladn buins, sprins, felons, blood poison-bign a hoetn lllyo ing sot cmawarta, acald feet.bin hm and tell us the hlstory Invaluable for Inflammation and O! elch. It la Grandmothers' Day ' muscular rheumatisM. and o! course every gramdmother unL- -- -- .1 } s __ , PROVIDENCE SALEM Promotion bast for S. S. No. 5, Dar- Mir. and Mrs. L. Savery andci lngton: ily, Newtonvllle, are visiting bier1 Sir. III to Jr. IV--Joan Hall 85, ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh. Dereli Barnett 71, Marion Crago 65. Miss Gadys Carn,. Toronto, Gordon Barrie 64, Jack Crago 61. Ewart Pollard. Toronto, and Jr. III to Sr. III-Douglas Wight Kenneth Werr3', Antioch. areh '12, Henry Shemilt 68. daying at their respective homes Sr. II to Jr. III-Coulson Woolner Mr. J. Cator and f riend, Mi, 82, Ewart Bragg 77, Viola Ruiter 63. Grove. Sundayed with his pare Jr. Il to Sr. II-Catherine Wight Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator. and acc( 82 1Helen Luxton 73, Pearl Sheniilt panied by his mother and father Fis71 Jr IGac l8. sister attended the Haydon anni% Sir. JI -Esthe Hallett84,sary evening service. Sr. r. o 1Esthr Bmet 84 Sunday service here was wi Madeline Crago 84, Ross Bragg 77: drawn in favour of anniversaryi Helen Wight 76, Irene Wight 76, vices at Haydon and a goodly nu Murray Cain 74. ber of our citizens attended and Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.-Howard Quinney port a good day, while others fi 81, Mary Wight 80. our community attended Hamp Nuinbers indicate percentage; 60 anniversary and also enjoyed spl a pass; 75 honours. isevc. ____.____t tacer A few from our community en, ed last Friday eve&ing at the DARLINGTON Paul's Strawberry Social and presg tation held on the beautiful groui Report of S. S. No. 3 fer Ju 0 f Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carruti- The weather was favorable, and w Sr'. IV-Harold Forsythe 72, Annie abundance of strawberries and Kush 69, Alyiu 69. many good things accompanyi Jr. IV-*Grace Troul 80. and a splendid program after luns Sr'. III-*May Storms 79, Hazel eon, and with such a cordial w Flint 66, Mlie Flint 63. corne from host and hosteas,c Jr. III-Hazel Truil 71, Berniece, could flot fail to have a very enji Roberts 69, Louise Foley 67, Maurice able evening. MorPhy 66, Helen Rundie 65, tHazel Roberts 53, tSammy VanCamp 52,EN IKL N tVera Gibson 46. N SKLE Sr. II-Eddie F'orsythe 73, Arthur Forsythe 70. Mr. and Mirs. Freeborn visit Jr. III-*Jean Metcalf 89, *peggy friends In Kendal. Sr.Innigan 81. so 93 Miss M -Dalton has gone to i Si' I-Evejn~Gibon 8-Marie home in East Templeton, Quebec. Roberts 85, *Vola Roberts and Miss Muriel Newton, Woodstoc G(Ordon TrUil 83, *Mlton Stornis visited at Dr. Ferguson's. 80. Sr. r-*Mdelie Mecalfand Congratulations to Mr'. Harx S*G.ordon aen Metcalf a,-lnn Brunt and bride on their rece Metcalf, *Louise Forsythe. maririage. Jr- r_*Ike onk*Kenéth Miss0. Abbot, Fenelon, miss »L Powe r and*Mlvk e Bonk, ennalth Lamb, Bowmanviile, visited at lm Power ad *A1 Metalf equl>.orne Lamb's. FiguresdMente ercet;f.o Mrs. Levi Brunt and Miss Cla or;tfagure eoeprcn;*h. Page are spending a few days wi RubY M. Bragg, teacher. friends in Rochester. _______A number from here attended ai COLLACOTT FAMILy PICNIC miversary services at Haydon ar The Colaeott Farnlly Plcnlc wIl Hampton on Sunday. be hld a Hamtonmemoial ark Mr. Jas. Gordon, Miss Jennie ai be hld t Hmptn Mmoral arkMir. Douglas Gordon, Nestleton, vi o"n Saturday, eJuIy l8th' at 1 P. m. itec Mir. W. H. Moore. standard ete Aitmebe rsenfthe Mr. and Mrs. D. Burgmaster a clan re epectd to e p 7-ent visiting f riends in Buffalo and othq 2-WPlaces across the border. Mr. and Mrs. W. VanCamp, Blacl stock, visited theur daughter, Mr Francis Werry, on Sunday. Mr. and Mira. Clarence Fergusoi Toronto, spent Sunday with the fci mer's brother, Dr. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm an family spent Sunday with her pal ents, Mr. and Mra. F. W. Smith. Master Allan Ferguson had i tonsils removed in Bowmanvilie Hoç - '. pital on Saturday and is cloing icE l.Mir. and Mrs. Stewart Rodmai Port Perry, Miss Maud Ashton, Tor onto, Mr. Ira Travail, Oshawa, visit ed Mr. and Mira. E. C. Ashton. Mir. Eugene Beech bas been en F or Your Picnic gaged as teacher for public scbc afte misumerand Miss Dalto bhas been engaged for another yea frcontinuation school. -Sandwiches fCoongratulations to Miss Murii Moore on corning out third in be Sandwich breais of ail kinds commercial course and receivin for your picnic sandwiches. three diplomas on accountanc3 They are made of the best stehograpby and typing. Mr. and Mira. H. Skinner an, flour, the flnest ingrédients, Lloyd, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Snud and are baked in a modern, den, Mr. and Mrs. Michael, Mr. ari up-to-date bakery. Mrs. A. Hemrng and Bobbie, Mir. ai Mira. Win. Wotten and family, visit SPECIALS FOR PICNIC eri Mr. Wm. Herring. WholeWheatA social af ternoon was held at ti Sandwich ead 1c chool on Friday when tbe contin Sandich readuation school joined in with the pub. Nut lic scbool. Miss McGill treated themr Bread 1 2C to ice cream and cake and the publi( school presEonted Miss McGill withu White Sandwich lovely purse as sbe bas accepteda Bread, large 16C position in the Silvertborn School Toronto. Raisin Sunday School and League bead Bread 12 c tbe annual picnic at the Cream of Barley Camp on Saturday, June 27. le Weatber was ideal and everyone en- joydd viewing the different animals B ow m anvill and birds and at 5 p. m. about 110 sat to tables ladeki wlth ail klnds of good things. A ter al eests B a.kerV lfled tbey went to the balild h races were heRd for everyhody anc _____________________ail had a pleasant time. Let the Heat Wave Corne You'll Be Comfortable in One of These i Te B. GILCHRIST IDirectly Opposite Phone 61 Rank of Montreal Bowmanville PAGE POUR I SOLINA HAMPTONI the community is expected tobeOn heSc dEv igofC ain fam- Miss Lottie Northcote of Oshawa Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mirs. C. bers wbo are not grandmotbers. par- visited Miss Margaret McKessock. A. Johnston, Bowrnanviile, Mir. and huaq er Agoodly number attendeci Hamp- Mrs. R. S. Virtue and Dorothy, Osh- Mr tn nivrsrysrvce n unayaaatMs.R.Kaeso'sMir. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and visited f riends. and Mrs. M. Munday Jr., Mr. and holi- Miss Iva Everson, Oshawa, Mira i Mrs. Ivison Munday and f arily, Sunday Scbool anniversaîy on s. L. C. Snowden, Maple Grove, isited Maple Grove, Miss Ruby Parkier, So-StnaanMndyJue2san apeat Mr. Thos. Baker's. lina, at Mir. T. H. Clayton's .Mirs. 22nd, was atLenaied by large crowds. -enta, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds, Mr. W. J. Clemens, Bowmanvillc, Mr. C. Sunday the congregations heard two om- Russell Reynolds, Mr. and Mra. Jîrn H. Burrows, Oshawa, with Mrs. M. excellent addresses frorn Mr. C. F. and Reynolds, Toronto, visited Miss Mary Goodman Mr. and Mirs. J. H. Wil- viemmali, executive secretary of tbe ver- Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe. liains, Oshawa, Mr. and Mirs. Howard Boys' W~ ork Board, Toronto. In the Remember the Institute mneeting Wonnacott, Solina, at Mrs. A. Pet- afteinoon tbe speaker iin bis own in- ith- next Thursday afternoon, July 9th, ers' Mr. and Mira. Geo. Davey terestîng manneir anaweîed the ques- ser- at the borne of Mira. Fred Robbins. and Miss Dorotby, Port Perry, at Mir. tion, "Why do I go to Sunday ium- Roll caîl: 'Famous Mothers." Qood T. Salter's .Mir. and Mis. Wilbur Scbool?" giving some very practical41'. ý ,j re- Program, so everyone corne. Burnett, Stouffville, Mira. H. j. and helpful suggestions to both old From Mr. Percy Westlake underwent an Hoidge, Lindsay, Mrs. Percy Hill, and Young in regard to tis very imn-% pton operation on bais nose in Bowrnan- Toronto, witb their f riends bere portant part of the church's work. Ien- ville Hospital last week, the resuit Mir. and Mrs. Russell Robbins, Mir. In the evening be beld the large of an injury received in a motor ac- M. Robbins, Mion, with Mira. Levi audience fairly spellbound as he joy- cident a short tume ago. His mother Robbins. .Mr. Wickett and Miss spoke on "Our Obligation to the St. accompanied him. Greta Wicloett, Bowmanviile, Miss Youth" ini a very rnasterly and com- sen- Master William James, Bowman- Annie Oke, Enniskillen, with Mis. prehenaive manner. The singing by nda ville, is enjoying that great thrill Bessie Robbins. Mr. David Dur- tbe school under the very able lead- ers. and adventure o! a town boy in dis- ward, Gaît ,at Mir. L. D. Sykes'. .ership of Mir. A. Laird, with Miss Ed- with covering the many interesting things Misses Jean and Frances Durward, na Swailow as pianist, was very suit- 1 so0 in animal 111e and nature on the Gaît, Misses Ida Stevens and Greta able for the occasion and exceilently ing, farm as guest o! Master Weslpy Munday, Maple Grove, Misa Gladys rendered. At tbe evenlng service the ch- Werry at "Roselandvale." Cann, Salem, andi Misa Ruby Dew- Holden Quartette o! Oshawa sang wel- Regulair Division meeting was held en, Solina, at Mir. C. J. Keeslake's two selections to the delight o! the one Friday evening in thd Sons' Hall Mir. and Mrs. Lloyd Williams and congregation. Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, loy- witb a good attendance. The newly family, Solina, Mir. and Mirs. A. E. pastor, and Rev. S. P. Boyce, an ex- elected o omceirs were Inztalled: W.P. Jennlngs, Oshawa, Mira. C. T. Lang-. pastor, very ably asaisteci at both -Ruth McKessock; W.A.-Wesley maid, Enniskillen, at Mir. S. Wil- services. On Monday fine weather Yellowleea; R.S.-Evelyn Tlnk; Ae. liams' ...Mir. Bert Rice and Miss again favoreci Maple Grove folk as S.-George Millson; Treas.-Mr. B. Rice, Long Sault, at Mrs. J. Burns'. they catered to the needs of the in- G. Stevens; P.S.-Bruce Tink; A.C.. Misses Sadie and Laura Virtue, ner man wlth another very excellent ted -Doris Millson; Con.-Bill Nicol; Miss Isabel Campbell, Toronto, Miss supper for which they have a repu- Chap.-Mr. A. L. Pascoe; ..-fleen Betty Sargent, Bowmanville,' with tation, a very large number taking....... ber Balson; 0.5.-Dennia Pickard, P.W. Mrm. J. Curtis ... Mir. andi Mrs. Roy supper. The chilldren enjoyed a P.-Mr. John Baker, Org.-Muriel Metcalf and family, Mr. and Mira. numbeir o! races, etc., and those who * Baker. At the close o! the meeting Jno. Snowden, Maple Grove, at Mr. attended were entertained wlth a DeBro. A. L. Pascoe treateci the mem- A. Trenoutb's.. Miss Nancy Johns, lea.gue softbail game, Hampton vs bers ta, a bountiful supply of straw- Toronto, with ber mother, Mr. C. Maple Grove; aiso a league game o! rolci beiT'res and creani whlch wua much Johns ... Mir. and Mms. R. Widdi- football, Solina vs Orono; Maple ent enioyed. combe, BowmanvIlle, wlth Mms. S. G. Grove and Salina being returned the Niddery.... Mr'. and Mms. R. H. War- winlfei's. In the evening the Young [ay der and Miss Marion Wai'deir, Bow- people o! Uxblidge put on their Mr. ~~TYRONE manville, wlth Mi'. and Mrs. J. R. splendid Play "Mother O' Mine"la nOa"1 MNAM àu.OZV Knox.... Mr. and Mms. P'ranik Cry a manner that was a credit ta, ail ara The Women's Institute andi Ladies' derman, Mina Beatrice and Mir. Bar.- andi belci the attention of the vast ith Aid held their June meeting in the ry Cryderman, Bowmanville, Mira. T. numbeir present which ffieci the VMLHALMUR MTFANSSON Sunday school room, with an at- E. Higginbotharn, Nelson, B. C., Mr. large shedi and wblch brought ta a sInSon isom the abmuidity of "facts" we have taken for gran an- tendance o! 62. The program whlch and Mira. C. Clemence and daughter close one o! the most successfui Sun- tel mod was given by the Bowmanville lad-. Mildred, Oshawa, a! Mr'. H. E. Cole'a day School anniveirmares ever held. abutth a»i orth sand tesus = hav Wrbhe ies, was as foilows: Solos wei'e .ng .... Mira. Wallace Stainton andi El- Proceecis about $350.00. thbSu ahhough they ane et mand nover bave true. ind by Mrs. G. E. Pritcar, Mira. Ander- eanor, Toronto, a! Mir. Herb. Stin Misses Vera Power, Susie andi An- rison and Miss Alice Meddc; piano ton's ..Mi'. and Mrs. W. Ranton, nie Laird, Ruby M. Bragg, B. E. AT BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA solos, Mira. H. D. Clemens; Mrs. j. Trenuton, Mr'. and Mrs. L. Rabbins Souch, andi Nellie Snowden,' teach-, ar Thickson gave a very inteiresting andi and daughter, Leakard, wlth Mira. W. ers, aire spendlng the saummeir hoi-' THURSDAY ýEVENING,4 JULY l6&h. âeir instructive paper on Famous Can- Virtue ... MrS. Frank Thompson, days at their respective homes .... adian Men. At the close o! the pro- Solina, with Miss E. Reeve.... . iMr. Mir. and Mrs. Ivan Law visiteci with ,k. rmMr.R .Hdsnra andi Mm. Chas. Stainton, Oshawa, t er father, Mr. Gates, at Cherry- irs. nicely worded acidress and Mms. Har- Mr. A. Martyn's ... Mir. and Mira. W. wood on Sunday .... CongratuationsILS old Skinner Presented Mms. oeev.) J. Cann, Salem, at Mr. J. Colwilll's to Mir. Arthur Lyneir on bis recentDe- On. J. R. Trumpour with a white gold Sir..Mrs. Braund. Osbawa, with marrlage ta, Miss Vera Colwell, town. e lo i g-F L S -P nt g r- wrist wateh on behalf of the Wo- ber daughter, Mira. C. Colwlll... Mra.. Miss Vera Trixnble, Peterboro TO DEVELOP: P i tn ren's Institute and Women's Mi- owler, Toronto, witb Mr. W. H. Normal, is holidaying at home .... 6 exposure film ........U0 nd sionary Society for the splendid help Gay.. Mir. and Mira. E. Remion, Mir. Sunday Scbool next Sunday at 10 10 or 12 exposure film ....15e ir- she bas given during the Past four and Mira. James Gregory, Mr. and a. mn. standard tume. No service in Film Packs.......25 bsyears. Mira. Trumpour made a very Mira. Ed. Goodman and daugbter, the afternoon on account o! Dedica- RNIG ufltting reply. Mr. L. J. Goodman Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Gaud- tion o! Bowmanville Cemetery ates. RTG2e S- extended a bearty vote o! thanks to ln Stettler, Alta., Mis. Bessie Jones,.. Quite a number !rom here visit- 21/ x 3 %V with ait border Ae ,e- the Bowrnanviile ladies and a social Wbitby, Mir. and Mira. J. Abert Cole, ed friends at Hampton and Haydon 2%Y x 41/ with art border 5c bal! hour was then enjoyed. Bowmanviîîe, Mir. and Mirs. Albert on Sunday and attended anniversary 31/ x 41/4 witb art border 5c iShoReotStainton and son, Toronto, Mira, services.. Miss Laura Wickett, 31/4 x 51/2 wltb art border A c i June Promotion Report o! S. S. Laura Pye, Ennikillen, at M . C. W. Osawa, M ms. A. L. Pascoe, Saina,Fo sai acoy icu s brn yurfl st t- 1, Dalingon:Soucb's. .Mr. and Mis. W. J. Cry- visited their cousin, Mir. T. J. Cole, 18 r Inton.: -Bbi Creo derman and Allan, Mir. and Mira. H. on Sunday, who continues quite E S A KS Jrn-t i.IVBbi aeo Pascoe, Solina, Mir. and Mra. Chas. pooily..- Miss Ivà Everson, Oah- THE DEPENABLE DRUG STORE )179 (Hon), Donald Thompson 60, Vel- Smith and family, Enniakillen, at awa, visitec Mira. L. C. Snowden on onna Bradley 55 (Rec), Florence Mi. F. J. Groat's Mir. and Mis. C. Thursday. Tbey also visiteci the Car.pIIIl 53 rec)-Sui hoPo S. Wood and famlly, Orono, at Mir. latteras sister, Miss Vera Baker, So- Si. I on JMlr IVBradleyTh7 pso J. L. Johns'. Mir. and Mis. E. Or- lina . Little Miss Kathleen Tink ______________________________ il~(o) ide rde 0 miston and Mis. F. Densem Bow- gave a birthday party ta a !ew o! ber ' Ler Jr. MI to Si. III-.Jean Trumpour manville, with Mir. and Mis. T. WiI- frienda Saturday a!temnoon wben al ng72, Grenfell Trumpour 51 (Rec). cox. Messrs. Harry and Percy had a jolly good tme .. Mir. Leslie -, Sir. Il to Jr. III-Ivy Tabb 82ColgornowibM.adMr. Stevens, Toronto, is visiting bis un- y,(Hon), Doreen CwByamornt, 78 (Hon)s ceM. . .Stves id Noinan Tompso 73, va oe 64 . Cowling ,Mir. Ivan Stephens, ce i.J .Sees nd Joycen Tmpor60, Roa Mob- i64 Toronto, witb bais mother, Mira. G. A goodly nuinbei o! frienda gath- d- oyc Trmpor 0, ossMeRb-Stephens Mir. and Mra. H. Jebson ered at the borne o! Mi. and Mira. id . erta 5 r. 1MraT 8 and !amily, Columbus, with Mrs. J.Wrn. Lyrner on Wednesday evening id JrIltSiIIMra Tbb8 Jebson... Mr. and Mira. W. Hoakin, to do honour ta Arthur Lyrner and t(Hon), Lillian McRobeits 71, Ho(w- Columnbus, witb Mir. and Mira. H. E. Miss Vera Colwell, prior to their ard Bradley 69, Iva Campbell 56. Runcile .Mir. and Mira. D. Flintoif, marriage. Wben aIl weîe assernbled jeI to Jr. II-Cjladys Bradley 83 Base Line, Miss Allie Wood, Orono, Mi. Sam Snowden called for order (Hn)-Vin 7 Hon), at Mi. and Mirsa . Armour'a....Mr. and i a few words explained the Arb- hmpo 1 and Mirs. G. Wilkinson and son, To- reason for tbe gatheiring and called 'A. m Pr. - Alleen Bradley, Winnie ronto, with ber father, Mir. E. Truil. on the bride and groom to be ta take Le Broosstnf.. Mi. and Mira. R. Metcalfe, Maple their places beneatb a large white a Fgrssadfr percent. Grove, witb Mir. and Mira. A. Tre- bell bung in one corner o! the room. a Graee MaeKay, teacher. noutb Misa Muriel Moore, Ennis- He also expiressed th'e gratitude o! 1, killen, witb Miss G. Hastings. Mir. ailtW Mira. Lymeir for opening ber PURLE ILLand Mira. F. Pascoe, Mr. H. G. pas- home. Bobby and Margaret Snow- Id P RPLEHILLcoc and daugbters, Zion, Mira. R. j. den, miniature bride andi groom, and )fMcKessock and famlly, Solina, with dressed for the occasion, brought in(. . Mi. and Mis. Fred Gibson and Mra. T. Pascoe...Mir. and Mira. A. a gift-laden wagon draped in white.- -family motored ta Oshawa, on Sun- Nortbcutt and !amily, Bowmanville, These paîccîs when opened reveal- [S day to sce Mi. Clarence Graham Who at Mr. L .T. Pascoe's..Mir. Morley ed many use!ul and beautiful pieces 0> is ill. Mira. Clarence Grahamn re- Hastings, Toronto, a! home.. Mir. for the new home. Both reciplenta [s turned with them. and Mira. J. Chala, Miss Mabel made sultable replies. The company - Mr'. and Mra. Courtney Graham, Chaflis, Bowmanville, Dr. and Mira, sang "For tbey are joily good fel- ,e Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grahamn motoreci Davies, Osawa, Mr. and Mrs. . lows"; a social hour was spent andM o d r i e Yu d ta Mlllbrook On Friday to attend a Edgar, Harmony, wlth Mir. anid Mms. a beautiful lunch serveci by Mirs. Ly- Md r i e Yu garden Party a!tbe home o! Mir. J. H. Wilcox ...Mr. and Mrs. A. mer. We ail wlsh Art and Vera good and Mira. J. Byam. Mms. R. J. Stll Wakely and f amily, Oshawa, wlth luck and Goci apeed. well returneri with them. Mr. and Mms. J. Wakely. P ub n o The Young People a! Bethel Sun- The annivemsary services on Sun- BRADLE'Y'S SCHOOL day sehool presented their play day were largely attended, the wea- P ub n o "Amy from Arizona" a! Scugog Cen- ther was idefl, and botb services Pollowing is the report o! the iyo outh pmbglmktse wh tire United Church on Friday nlght. were filled wltb inspiration and Promotion Examinations o! Brad- Ddyuko htpuMgbskp tpwt They were cordially welcorned by the help!ulness. The speaker, Dr. Coop- ley'a School, S. S. No. 14, Darling- modem h y o emtnte adanced are nwavfilae Scugog People. Af tdr the play lunch er o! Columbus, was exceptionally ton; names in order o! menit: whe yn TathulI uJothirdvuelareert ailItbut was served whlcb was much enjoyed fine and bis messaget, botb mornlng Sir. V-Jeasle Yellowlees. t Ou ha Ou Jta hair smi et mal'febut by all. and evenlng, were laden witb goc>d EnirnceCfse-rmSmaes By ,o aStandarm e haetm Sunday School services were helci thlnga and were lnterestlng ta both ion Nesbitt, Norma Yeilowlees. u! Anmderceartec a t andaore. Etinte i as usual on Sunday moring a! old and Young. The music rendereti Si. M to Jr. IV-Neil Yellowlees allt!hnut c. atter oet Etmte ie lessons forch.Thertew ofthe~ by the sehool under the leadership o! (hon).1 ihtco. lesonsforth qurte ws bth n-Mi. T. Salter, superintendent, and Jr. III to Si. III-Harold Hep- teresting and instructive.Ter- the solo by Mr. Wallace Horn, aIl buin, Russel Hardy. view was conducted by several o! the vcadd to the elfulneo!e cr- SrII taJr. m--oiae Yellowleea. Young men o! the Sunday Scbool vie7adws1ley edrc.Ito Jr. Il-Donald Yellowlees W e li e including MPPss.robeit CaipenterJ. Clatwortby and daughteî uslHpun<o)rul L M E